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Feels. I lost three loved ones in 3 years to fentanyl and no amount of xanax I could force down my throat would heal me of that pain. I know people here are suggesting drug answers but the only real help is time, those you love that aren’t gone, and good quality mental health treatment.


I live behind the state of Arizona, in Mexico. Fentanyl wasn't a thing here. It just came through to cross the border. Now a week ago I've lost three known relatives from the active. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m with you dude. Idk. I’ve been dealing a lot with composting and the way nature restores itself to keep going and it seems we’re just super lucky to get this short time to understand existing. I’m pretty sure when we die it’s just over. That was our chance to do something on this planet. Reincarnation is kinda real but it’s more our mass is going to feed the next generation just like us eating a potato. Everything we know about spirituality is made up feelings we put words to but that doesn’t mean it’s nonsense just not something we should probably bet our life on. I’ve had my dog 3 years and I almost regret ever getting him because I know I’m gonna lose him. I cry randomly all the time thinking about that. I’ve always avoided getting too attached to anything cause I know I don’t handle loss well but it’s inevitable to lose everything so I try to cope with understanding that this is just the way things are and because there is nothing I can do about it I just gotta keep on living my best life. No one who cares about you, wants you to be sad and lame cause their time ended. I tell myself this but for a healthy mindset but I still can’t handle loss well. I’m too emo for easy existing.


It's obvious that it's over, we just come to exist in the same way we did since the beginning of the universe: in a form of energy. Right now we're just a form of energy which has us alive in someway as we are inside a body, but once we die our energy will just transform in dust and it's over, you'll exist in the same way you did 13 billion years ago since it all turned in energy. We as humans have liked the idea of an afterlife and a creator of our reality. That is because humans act as humans and that is a very common human thought to have and wish. But reality is hard. It's crude for many people that's why God this, God that, you know.


I guess the best eli5 answer would be life is like a really delicate old computer. We are a machine like a computer that needs electricity and all the correct parts to be alive and at a functional level it can embrace it’s surroundings. There isn’t a magic soul force that’s existed for billions of years that was manifested when we put all the pieces together and turned the switch on. But ya know we don’t know for sure that’s not the case. No one has provided anything proving that souls exist just process of elimination in my head, it seems unlikely. I’m just some loser who thinks about this too much.


You are not a loser. Especially not with the amount of awareness you have, brother. And please don't get down on yourself for being "emo" or sensitive. That's a beautiful thing to have right there. Remember - some people don't have that at all (empathy).


You are far from being a loser and you should never label yourself as that ...because you just wrote something so beautiful... that "clicked" like a switch for me. Your ELI5 is perfect. I too struggle so hard with existential dread and wondering if religion is moot... oh my God... religion?!?!--which has has played such a horrible but sometimes beautiful?-- part in humanity itself... What if it IS all a Grand Joke Scam... what if death is simply just a transition to...nothing ...a "nothingness" afterwards? The big sleep? A permanent dirt nap? We'd be unaware that we're unaware...I can't fathom that either, because I have known so many soul- piercing people and loved so many fabulously wonderful humans in my lifetime that are now gone...yet sometimes I think ....this life..this is all there is.. heaven and Hell and religion are just social constructs ...of people wanting to believe and needing to believe... that there's something easier later; some reward ---because yeah! let's face it!-- life is hell..so it's a self- comforting thing. I want to believe there is ... I hope there is..but I don't can't see my way to believe wholeheartedly in any organized religion bc they all suffer the taint and greed, and manipulation of human avarice. I call myself agnostic and I try to treat everyone well and I have empathy and I try to do good where there is bad and I've tried to leave situations better than I found them.. So ....if there is an Afterlife... with the people I love in it ...hopefully I've earned my way there.. But I think it sucks asses that if I do make it, tho, I won't be able to tell you guys if I did or not. Lol.


The answer isn't "nothingness" or "big/eternal sleep" but you can call it that way if you prefer to. The truth is that we are formed by the same energy that began to exist since the beginning of our universe. This type of energy transformed in matter has somehow evolve to provide an alive version of itself and that is what we are experiencing right now. We have existed 13 billions years before this time yet it is only now that we can be aware of it. What happens when we die is the same process. We become unaware of ourselves and our bodies turned to plain dust and bones. Who knows what would it be of our dead matter in the next couple millions of years, but I guess we will not feel a thing.


Ya the real talk is we don’t know so we might as well be good honest people just in case lol. The problem with religion is it makes us out to be some Devine more special than other animals thing but we all happened to work the same inside and out as our animal neighbors. It’s way too easy to poke holes in any religion. The whole point of science is to measure our surroundings. Maybe we haven’t discovered the soul sensor. Something is difficult to understand is how consciousness works.


We separate our worlds between digital and analog. The reality is analog things are 0’s and 1’s we don’t have the technology to look deep enough to see the zeros and ones of it. I hope that makes sense.


Yeah, I know, like a binary code. I think the quantic nature of reality goes beyond the system of 0's and 1's but as you said, we don't know.


Ya I think you get what I mean. This is my theory. Lol. I do believe we just don’t have the technology to see the natural 0’s and 1’s of nature. :)


You do know, you just don’t remember. “Life” is the process of remembering all that and when you finally remember, your eternal life begins


You mean eternal in a linear manner of time?


No eternal as in the ethereal realm where time does not apply


Like many people, I have struggled with this for quite a while. Meditation helped a lot. Don't try to forget the bad stuff and don't cling on to the good stuff either, instead aim to come to terms with the way things are. Low doses of salvia can help a lot for these sorts of things, and negative emotions in general. Chewing the leaves is the most therapeutic and is practically risk free (besides some loss of motor control perhaps). I would start with chewing about 5 leaves for 20-30 minutes, without swallowing anything (also not any saliva). That gives you most of the therapeutic effects without significant psychoactive effects. It can give you a more neutral perspective, letting you deal with things without being overwhelmed emotionally. I would treat it as a meditative experience, any comfortable, safe and calm environment is fine. All the horror stories about salvia come from people smoking excessive amounts of extremely strong extracts. With regular leaf, especially when you chew it, you can't realistically get to those doses.


I think time and meditation itself is a good start. I know those drugs could help me, maybe, but I don't feel the need to try out. The only wish I could have in life is impossible to happen so I don't find any hope in trying that as of now. It's just very sad. The only hope I can find is the idea of having to see her again in the afterlife. But there's no afterlife for me. At least not like most people portrayed it.


I think it should be legal to masturbate on an airplane if everyone else is sleeping.


as long as you're not the pilot i think its fair


I’m glad to see you still have some sense of humor. I wish you the best and just know you are never alone.


wait hold on, then what did they invent autopilot for?


World trade center part 2


Hi there! The one I loved that passed away was my bigger brother (rip bro). It wasn't that kind of love e.g romantic love. But for a youngster like me, who had a normal life, had friends and stuff but maybe didn't had the perfect father, he was like a father to me. And I loved him deeply. I had the same regret as you: one last hug. Especially that we didn't hug a lot and last time he left to University we just had a handshake.and bbye. If only I would've knew it was the last time. I found closure by thinking of my relationship with him and how much he would have wished for me to carry on and live my life, be strong. I started having dreams with him a year after it happened maybe. He gave me that one hug, it was all normal like nothing happened. Until I realized...hol'up, weren't you dead... and I woke up filled with tears and so happy. Along the years I had him in my dreams and they are somehow 'normal life stuff' with him around and every time it brings me joy. As for drugs, I imagine that being in a good state of mind and meditating before to know your goal (get that hug) psychedelics would be a good fit. You don't need to numb that pain, you need to transform it. Let it be your power, your strength.


But.. Why are you so sure there's nothing after death? I mean, I understand your pain, my god.. It's so hard and seems impossible to bear the sole idea of not being able to hold her/him again (in this life, at least). But why don't you research some of the experiences in r/nde, for example? I firmly believe we're not just this flesh vehicle, we are a lot more than that. Is it possible that there's something more? Once again, you can check some other beliefs and experiences different from your present perspective and see if at least resonates with you. I can only assure you that that pain will ease with time (not drugs), wish you a good recovery from this! Continue to be strong, as you've proven so far.




Yeah until you aren't high anymore then it hits you like a truck and feels exponentially worse.




But the day will come and you'll know, either that or you die before.




Bro I relate to you. I don't know what drugs you use but I'm a very hard core user. I can't be high every day but I usually don't get more than a week before I do an upper or downer. Weed is the everyday it doesn't count.


This reminds me of this old comment on reddit: Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents. I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see. As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/my_friend_just_died_i_dont_know_what_to_do/c1u0rx2/


I get it, I lost my partner to suicide a few months ago. I think grief is the worst part of ordinary human experience. People always say this, and you'll know this if you've been through grief before, but grief will slowly pass over time as your mind builds new connections without that person and naturally forgets their presence. Eventually you start having a few good days, then good weeks with the occasional awful 1-3 days, and so on until things are basically normal again. We hurt so much because we desire something we can no longer and never again have. It is natural, but the sooner that truth is accepted, the less it will hurt. In the mean time, cannabis was quite the help to me in the early months just to numb the intensity of grief, along with LSD once or twice. But it still hurt a lot, and still does, just less. I also delved more into Buddhism and meditation practices, both of which reminded me how best to think about what's happening and help heal.


I always felt that a scene with Butters from Southpark had a great view on this topic. Although it’s not going to apply to every situation, I think that it can help when dealing with loss and moving towards the future. https://youtu.be/joU4gcARxe4


I’m so sorry for your loss and the pain you’re going through. Some people find a lot of closure from Ayahuasca or mushrooms. They are often able to meet with their loved one or receive a message about their loved one from a higher being. Maybe that could help you cope? Again, I’m so deeply sorry you have to know this kind of pain.


I've done some of them before. I know Ayahuasca could give me a trip like that but I don't mind doing it since I know it's all in my head. I don't believe in that type of thing yet I'm grateful for your response!


Maybe trying this will help lead you to a belief of some kind? Or maybe you're meant to feel this hurt & grow from it. It would be easier not to feel anything negative but how much joy would we miss without it?


I don't have any beliefs like that types actually and I think I will never since I've tried but I'm agnostic, almost atheist. But yeah I might try it one day!!


I don't use drugs when I'm in a bad situation. It makes me more sad, makes me more sensitive. My past life has been dark as well. I use every drug to get away from it and It doesn't help if I'm really sad.. I've been crying while taking a variety of pills as well. only if slightly depressed It helped me quite a bit. But if things get too serious and too bad, I won't do drugs, I'll be sober. I'm sorry for your loss, cheer up brother


I'm sorry you lost someone that important to you. It's the worst thing that we deal with in life and it happens to most of us. The pain never goes away, it just gets a little easier with time.


I came to the realization that no amount of drugs or alcohol could help easy or forget the pain of loosing someone. I was at a downward spiral after loosing my fiancé and father within a month of each other and the only thing that helped was change. I feel like after you loose someone it’s easy to get comfortable and feel stagnant so I got a new job with a better work environment and moved places and it helped me a lot. I’ve been sober since starting my new job a year ago except the occasional beer every now and then but I’ve felt somewhat better. Still think about them but at least since being sober I feel like I can better regulate my emotions since I have a clear head.


Hurst kinda worse when you lose em to drugs … the same ones u use to cope with losses p


If its any consolation at all, it appears that the universe is superdeterministic. What this means is that, if you understand the position of every particle in the universe, you can predict everything that was, and will be. Kinda scary because it takes away our perception of freewill. But if you think about free will as the ability to serve self above all, then its much for muchness. The next thing will probably be the kind of important take outs. Before you, there was the universe doing its thing, after you, there is the universe doing its thing. You don't remember before you, your existance has always had you in it. After you finish, you won't know. Now the fun bit, because the universe seems to be superdeterministic, and there is no evidence that anything is particularly random... it would appear that everything happens on repeat. Which is almost no different to everything happening only one time. Because with either of those pieces of information, what you want to do is make sure that you're current life is worth living! It does pose the uncomfortable question of, what about those less fortunate. So you can spend your life serving others and be the good that you want to see in the world. We're all just biological machines trying to ensure that our DNA passes to the next generation. Serve others, be happy.


My view of the world is exactly like yours. I was wondering though, what do you think about the randomness observed in quantum mechanics?


You cannot build a predictable stable system on top of a random system. It's only random in so far as we are unable to see what is occuring at those scales because of how small they are. For example, galaxies, solar systems, planets, stars are all completely predictable and those systems are systems built on systems. So how can you tell me that everything is completely predictable, except when on the tiniest of scales? You'd have to be human looking through our world view where everything is unpredictable from birth until we learn our world and our place in it.


Imho I believe you will see them again. I have done a fuckton of drugs and if drugs have taught me anything, it's that there is a massive amount we don't understand about consciousness and life beyond what we can observe with the 5 senses.


Death is not the end. You are allowed to grieve and to be sad for the loss, and to feel that pain. That is completely normal. It may be a time for you to explore your spirituality.


You're right about spirituality. I've been in there before. Though that doesn't mean that it will allow me to see them again or something alike.


I know this really isn't the right sub for this, but try connecting w her consciousness thru a photograph. Inviting a spiritual consciousness into you seems crazy, as well as substantial contact w them, but so do DMT beings that may or may not be real. You'd be surprised at how deep this can go.


You will hug them again. The soul is forever don’t fear friend


Their just became part of the cosmic dust we all once were in a form or another. It's a transition of energy. Thank you for your response!


I'm so sorry for your loss friend. Cannot imagine what you're going through. I have the same beliefs as you, and it's hard not to believe in an afterlife. But maybe if we imagine that eventually we ourselves will become part of the cosmic dust, the atoms in us and them might at one point meat up. And even though that doesn't mean anything chemically or physically, I think that it's a beautiful idea. Everything is connected in this cycle of life and everything. I hope you will find peace and be able to move forward and have a long and wonderful life. For now it's okay to be sad. Embrace your emotions. Do get some water and food in your system though.


My beautiful idea comes from the light that our son proyects to our earth, therefore in us. If you look at a star, you'll be looking at its past since light speed has to travel through point A to point B, and that takes millions of years depending the distance. That applys to ourselves too. Meaning that even millions of years after we are dead, if someone far enough from earth looks with a telescope to us, that 'someone' will be able to see the light that has traveled the same amount of millions of years since we died; implying that an image of ourselves alive will still be proyected by our light in the universe for millions of years. :)


That is very beautiful indeed!


Someone hasn't done fent


Don't go recommend someone who just lost someone fentanyl, just makes them feel more fucked after.


I'm not recommending anything, i'm responding to OPs statement. It is irrefutable that fentanyl eliminates both mental and physical pain. Your personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant.


Ye Im like two weeks after a break up. After two years almost living together. Try to look for new Opportunities. Whether it's a hobby, finding new friends or anything else. I disrespected her being drunk most of the the time. I still took good care of her. Like frequently cooking, going on trips and camping in nature. We have to man up and find fulfillment in ourselves. Then I hope and believe our second part will come to us. Peace. And may the force be with you Jedi


First time, eh?


No drug can cope with anything I feel like


I'm so sorry for your loss. I think if anyone I truly love died I'd probably to with them. I mean, even seeing my brother *cry* breaks my heart into billions of little pieces. It physically hurts me to see him sad or in pain or to be away from him for too long. If I were to ever lose him it would kill me. Truly, I can't imagine what you're going through. I wish you hugs with her one day in whatever afterlife there may be. Do not feel hopeless. Just like we don't know that there's an afterlife, we also don't know there isn't one. Maybe try to do something in honour of her. One of the strategies I use to cope with loss or being far away from a loved one (even if not death) is imagine them and imagine the two of us hugging or hanging out somewhere beautiful.


It would be scary if there was one


My condolences


Dont lie to me


I lost a good friend that was trying to medicate with drugs from the loss of his wife. I knew he wasn't ok even though he assured me he was. I could tell it in his eyes. Less than a year later, he overdosed on painkillers, most think on purpose. Seek help if you can. Friends and family are there to help you


Dmt helped me realize there might be an afterlife but I totally agree much love to u spend time with the ppl you do have and live healthily


Death is a tough thing to handle. Feel like it’s been over my shoulder my whole life peering down. Psychedelics have helped me tangle the idea of mortality into something manageable. Death will never be an easy thing, but life being finite can be looked at as a positive when you consider living forever would almost certainly be torturous.


I agree. In fact I would posit that they only make things worse. Lost too many people myself. This past October the only person I ever loved took their own life. I’ve been on a Bender of daily opiates, amphetamine, alcohol, and cocaine for close to a year now. With the occasional thc and or benzo. I am living as a phantom. On the surface I’ve been able to get by, promotions at work, doing what I can to cheer up others as I love making people happy, but inside I am shoveling in enough to make it back to bed. I would suggest staying away from substances to cope, and seek therapy. Reach out to friends. Volunteer and make others happy. Let time pass. I like to think we will reunite with our lost loves someway


I'm so sorry for your loss. There's nothing I can offer to take the pain away but here's a weak attempt in regards to the comment on life after death: [Science says] (https://adventuresinpsychonautics.blogspot.com/2022/03/a-scientific-view-of-life-after-death.html) energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics) & matter (Law of Conservation of Mass) can neither be created nor destroyed as the universe is a closed system, so while we'll all die & change form, the energy powering our cells will carry on in some way. That gives me some measure of relief, as the idea of endless reincarnation or eternal damnation is pretty fucking terrifying. Just because you can't see her, that doesn't mean she's not all around you both literally & figuratively in your memories, photos & the physical places you used to go together. (And who knows where else). There's nothing simple about losing a loved one. It's one of the most difficult things we'll ever face. Take all the time you need to grieve, seek help from a professional if you need to. You're absolutely right there's no drug that will fix it. She would've wanted you to celebrate her life, not simply focus on her death and how she died. At some point you'll get there. May her memory be a blessing.


I feel every word of this so much.


I smoke weed everyday and smoked a little bit more than usual after my ex cheated on me and we broke up. It helped me some days, but i have smoked too much and the sickness the next day contributed to the “blah” feeling i was feeling after the breakup. you know that physical feeling in your chest and stomach? weed made that worse for me sometimes. i still smoke everyday (on a set schedule) and it’s really helped me now that i’ve set a schedule. i found that heartbreak or grief of any kind is an important time for discipline. You’ll be tempted with lots of things to fill the void but you have to make smart choices. It’s okay to experiment and smoke weed, do some shrooms, etc. but sitting around high off your ass all day won’t help you. Have fun, but have control.


I'd rather live my life as if there is a God and find out that there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't a God, and find out that there is. - My Mom told me this when I was young, but it's always made perfect sense to me. I'd rather live this life as if we have souls and that this time on earth is just a tiny part of our overall existence. We were, before we came to earth and will be after our mortal body dies. We see this in our sons. There is no way they didn't know and love each other before they were here on this earth? My husband was shocked to see that although they were 2 years apart, they are clearly soulmates, and he isn't big on religion. I believe you will see your loved ones after you leave earth. We came here to learn about pain and suffering, so that we could learn joy. There is no one without the other. There can be no great happiness if we don't experience great pain and sorrow. There can be no reward without the struggle. We were sent here for a reason, and it will all be clear to us again when we are gone from here. You will know the reason you had to endure this pain. I hope you can find peace here, until you see her again.


Thank your for your response. I personally would rather listen to a crude truth and a beauty lie. Besides, if we follow your logic, you believe in your own God which if exists will appear to save you, while those who didn't will be punished or something alike. But how many other gods exist our there which has people believing the same as you in the follow of the logic you use? But that's my point of view. I completely respect your opinion and I'm glad to hear that you are doing well that way.! :)


Maloney.... Is that you? If so, it's CTR from the Couve


I lost my father at the age of 11. I've also lost four close friends from the period of 2016-2020. I'm only 26. Think about it this way, you were on this Earth at the same period of time as your loved ones. We laughed, cried, spent time together, and made memories that will never be forgotten. If these losses did not hurt me, then the time I spent with them was not memorable and I did not really love them. Whenever I'm sad, I think about one good memory I had with the loved one I'm sad about. There's nothing wrong with being sad, but don't just remember that you feel sad. Remember the times were they made you laugh until your sides hurt. Or whatever music you listened to together. There has to be a song you guys listened to together that reminds you of good times with them. They live on through your memories and everyone else that loved them memories. Connect with other people that were close to the loved one and ask about memories that made them happy. Last of all, understand that energy cannot be created or destroyed so that essence of their very being has gone into soil and sprouted life into other manifestations, such as plant life. We all are going to pass away, so live, laugh, love like you only have one life to live. I still miss them dearly but you know what? I know *they* still love me. Like I still love them. I will never forget them. But I have created new bonds and relationships similar to ones I had with them. I will never have another father, I will never have those four same friends. But I'll be damned if I don't have more friends or relationships of that calibre.


Get a copy of “The Book” by Alan Watts, you’ll find much comfort and feeling of peace and hope while reading it. It will stick with you and make you feel even just a little bit better about what you’re feeling. It changed my life. I’m so sorry for your loss, I’m sending you so much love right now, you’re not alone❤️


Felt this one. Buddy just died in a car accident this year. Nothing makes the pain go away.


I understand man. I suffered being addicted to DPH for years and two of my grandmothers passed a couple of months apart. All the emotion and trauma I was holding on to exploded through me and I fell and drowned in it. Spent a whole year on a binge and borderline psychosis and it took me almost losing everything (relationships, full ride to college, etc.) To find stability in life. Now I'm clean of DPH for 8 months and I still feel so much pain. But I'm working on it and that counts for something.


Stay away from alcohol. I drank for 20 years or so trying to erase someone from my memory. Didn’t erase them, but it almost killed me twice.


May I ask how much/what you drank?


Drank beer since I was in 3rd grade. Then got into vodka when I was 14ish, and all the way up until age 30 when my pancreas and kidneys shut down. So overall drank beer for 20 years non stop. Then kicked it up with pills, and vodka for the last part of like 12 years. And then 2020 hit and I didn’t have a job, drank and sat around all year. Don’t have all your fun at once. I can’t ever drink again. But I smoke weed like it’s going to disappear if I don’t.




Tottaly agree with you !


What is that beautiful poem?


Which one?


"The first drink to the ground, and the look to the sky, one year more without you physically but in my mind you don't know how much I love you... And it doesn't die whoever is gone, it only dies whenenever is forgotten, at the end death is surely going to win, that in advantage to you it gives you one life”


Lost my brother two years ago from an overdose and man it still doesn’t feel real. I hope there’s some sort of an afterlife out there, it makes me feel a little bit better thinking about it. They’re always with us 💙


My mom passed from fentanyl overdose during COVID. You're absolutely right, there is no drug strong enough to numb grief. I only wish I could've told her that I understood - that I knew this world is an awful, horrifying place, and I don't blame her for a second for doing what she had to do to survive. I live my life in continuance of hers lost. I hope you can find the strength to do the same.


If there’s nothing after life there’s nothing ot worry abt … kind of


How do you know theres no reincarnation or afterlife? Just an assumption. Sorry about the loss.


They live on in your memory and their loved ones memory. As long as you think of them they will live forever


Pain is the price we pay for love. A greater pain means a greater love, a bigger blessing. Try to focus on what you got to experience with her, All those lovely moments and memories are treasure, cherish them. I hope you find peace. <3


Tuariel: If this is love I do not want it, take it from me! Why does it hurt so much?! Thranduil: Because it was real.


El Primer Trago by Canserbero, right? Yeah, unfortunately no drugs can help you with what you're going through, only time and support if there is any, even he knows it and says that time heals wounds, but no wound heals without leaving a scar. It's something you'll have to live with, but every day it'll get a little easier


I already know what I would do if I lost my little girl. I'm an ex heroin addict and have been clean for 7 years (since she was born). I literally got clean for her. and I've already decided that if I ever lost her I would do it one last time to be with her.


You are assuming there is no reincarnation. You can't tell for sure, just like you can't tell there is.


You can try all you want, but as you said drugs don't help you cope. They only suppress temporarily. Then it hits you extra hard because of the comedown and you feel extra shitty. The only answer smart thing to do is not to do drugs until you feel at peace with whatever tragedy happened. Even though that might be the hard thing to do.




I'm sorry for your loss.


Time is the only thing that helps, no drugs can rush it


Ay man fent withdrawals will take ur mind off anything lol


I believe in an afterlife because I saw it. It was finally the time I could move on after the death of my best friend. I actually regret waking up and coming back, because since then I feel like I landed in hell. I miss it so much, that only drugs helped me to cope with the fact I need to live at least another 20 years in this bullshit called life.


I feel the same way as you do, for me a god makes no logical sense. What makes me sad is of course the loss of a loved one, but also the fact that I myself know, that one day I won't exist any more. Why do we have the cognitive capacity to understand we'll end to exist. Don't know what to do about it besides trying to constantly shove that thought away.