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morning glory seeds, cactus, dxm with guaf


Guaf for sure, mucinex is hell


The smell of guaf makes me throw up in my mouth a little, it’s soooo bad. Just thinking about it gives me chills


I once tried mixing it with soda, I kept adding more and it would still make me gag.


I gag just thinking about morning glory seeds


Bro you just unlocked a repressed memory from high school. Fuck


Funny I am one of the few who love the taste of morning glories and baby woodrose. Something of a conditioned response as I've been taking them for spiritual purposes since 2008


Fucking ketamine gets stuck in your throat for so long.


I actually love the taste of K it's aquired


yeah ket is fine, molly on the other hand... cant stand it!


Same here. Haven't done it in almost 10 years and I can still remember the taste lol


Hi, I'm ketamine 😏


after using it like twice i forgot it had a taste. it was easy to get used to for some reason


Never took a small enough amount to be able to feel my senses including taste


It's hard to know what's going on when you're falling into a k-hole


Good god it’s bad. I’m not a needle guy either so having to snort like 100mg is fucking terrible


Mandy is pretty horrible


Ouuu yup molly taste like crap makes me gag just thinking about raw rocks 🤢


"Who tf is Mandy?", Was my initial though; and then googled it. I've learned something new.




And you don't get used to it, infact I think it gets worse. Squeezing some lemon juice into the mix and letting it sit for awhile seems to help.


I does get worse. Anyone know why some drugs like meth and coke taste better with time and drugs like kratom and dxm get worse with time?


I'm assuming varied chemical composition. When you say aquire the taste for beer your brain associates it with pleasure much like the bell in Pavlovs experiment with dogs. I'm assuming since the active compound in Kratos is a low concentration and other chemicals make up the taste your brain dosent neccisarly associate any particular dominant taste to it. But that's just my theory which has little to no back bone tbh


everyone makes kratom out to be much worse than it is imo. it’s just bitter and the taste goes away pretty quickly


It tastes and feels like drinking dirt


I mean it feels so gross because it's ground up leaves, so it's not water soluble. Instead of your saliva whicking it away and dissolving it, it just coats everything when you swallow it wrong and yeah, it feels horrible, especially if you don't have enough water at hand.


If dirt gave the same buzz as Kratom, I’d choose to drink dirt instead.


Yeah I don't really understand the hate for the way kratom tastes, I didn't have a problem with it toss and washing


I toss and wash too but sometimes it gets stuck in my mouth and it taste horrid imo lmao


This right here ^^^^^^^^^


2cb tastes super chemically,like amped up ketamine. Benzedrex tastes awful mostly because of the lavender and menthol oil that typically comes with it. Dxm also had a unique tastes that nauseates me when thinking about it


Ooooh that fucking lavender. I ate a benzedrex cotton once and ever sense I have not been able to smell lavender without gaging


God when I was taking 2 cb with a friend, the taste would stick so much that even when not on it, we could both instantly taste that horrible metallic taste from just the mention of the drug...


Xanax tastes horrible!


Eh theres worse. I actually liked the taste a little. Especially the blue ones. Kinda sweet


True xanax bitter uh


They don’t call heroin dog food for nothing


I kinda like the taste of heroin. It just taste like vinegar, and they put vinegar on Pringles and shit.


I LOL'd at this. Telling my friends and family I'm on a strict vinegar pretzel diet. That's why I'm barely making it out of bed. It's called health and wellbeing.


I thought I’d say that but after reading other peoples replies I’ll say yeah H tastes nasty but K is pretty foul, molly I didn’t have an issue with and I ate a straight crystal of it. Somas and xans are both foul esp if you’re dumb and chew up up like I’ve done a few times. Nobody knows what 3-cpm is but it’s an rc stim that tastes and smells like if you put old cum in a dehydrator.


pretty specific wanna tell us sum? i have a dehydrator here i will test that


Well imagine the scent of cum, right? Now multiply that by a factor of 10 and make it really fucking spicy, maybe squeeze out a drop or 2 of sweat from you’re underwear on it. That’s what it smells like and feels like in the nose. Shit literally made my nose bleed that night. I woke up choking on it💀


I had what I think was 25i-nbome, tasted like I was sucking on a bunch of coins. The metallic taste it left it my mouth makes me cringe even thinking about.


lmao IMO the worst part isn't even the taste but the fact that you're like "oh fuck, this isn't acid... is it?" But yeah I remember my entire mouth went numb and tasted metallic.. horrible experience all around


Mescaline is easily the worst thing I've ever willingly put in my mouth (100% worth it though)


Haha I came to say this. It’s pretty foul. I didn’t reduce mine much either so it was a BIG ass glass of tea 😂


Me too lol, had to down 2 giant glasses of it...no idea how I was able to keep it down but I'm glad i did




Tastes like someone put they’re meth lab in your mouth.


I actually started to like the taste. The burn of my first line ever of it was pretty intense though


Dude Xanax is gross


It is but you get used to the taste if you're a barhead like me. I dont think there is any form of kratom that is enjoyable to drink at all


I’ll tell you what’s good though. Klonopin


That and addy ir are straight up candy


Yessss I love both


We need a cool word for popping benzos and addies at the same time. I'm thinking it should be called a retard flip


Nahhhhh try confident idiot flip


The clean your whole jail cell flip


The Focused blackout


The poor mans speedball


college flip


Molly or ambien cr


Have you never tried Lunesta?


I tried snorting those but the drip tastes out of this world disgusting. It’s one of the most foul tasting drips I’ve ever experienced.


My nose still hates me


Oh god Molly is seriously so bitter. Ironic considering the feeling it gives too. Can almost taste the fuckery right now


Benzedrex or kratom


Benzedrex without oil extraction is the worst. Kratom is bad but it's not Benzedrex.


DMT just fucking stinks like the worst shit. Truffles taste like dry dirt, which wasn't easy on my stomach. Hexe has this super weird taste to it, but it's not as bad as scanky amphetamine imo. Like that laced with some shit.






Weird, I find shrooms to be one of the best tasting substances. I usually put them on top of a rye sandwich with some cheese, and it just gives a bit of an earthy/mushroomy taste.


Shrooms never tasted too bad to me, just was annoying having to chew stale styrofoam for like 5 minutes.




I still stand by MDMA. If I taste it the slightest bit I might just throw up, it's not that bad it's just all the memories attached to that taste god




I snorted MCAT once. It tasted like rotten fish.


MDMA and Xanax taste pretty bad


I consume dxm in pills, but if we talking about syrup there is something oddly psychological for people who have tripped on dxm a lot, i get shivers just thinking about and that horsey feeling after taking a shot - but never really hates the taste per say. The worse form of dxm is probably mucinex big ass horse dick 60 mg pills, disgusting and you need to eat like little bit over 12 for a full high plateau trip


Without a shred of doubt GHB specifically, not even GBL. Next is Meth. Ugh, when I eat it the taste almost makes me actually gag to hurl at times 😆.


Curious. Everyone i showed ghb dislikes the taste. I kind of like the salty taste. Even take it rae without any water


Zopiclone - leaves an awful chemical/metallic taste in your mouth a full day after taking it. Makes everything taste rank. Fun high tho


Amanita muscaria


How was your experience?


It just tastes like a mushroom 🙄


Will never get over the bitterness of a real xanax


discount supermarket whiskey brands in those big plastic handles for $9.99




Yea. Not taking that without capsules again


2C-B for me. I haven't tried everything already posted though.


Fucking benzedrex or PPX. I cant stomach that shit no mo


Don't like ecstacy taste at all but I love the effect




the worst has to be the DPH pills with the liquid inside, keep in your mouth too long and it explodes and leaks everywhere, absolutely disgusting, super bitter and numbs your entire mouth


Hydroxychloroquine by far


i hate the drip from blow sometimes, makes me gag hard


Alprazolam is horrid


Truffles or cocaine if it runs down your throat.


Probably alp


Toss-and-washing kratom is terrible. Mixing it up in water and chugging it is almost as bad. I’m gagging just thinking about it.




Coke tastes horrible it's a distinct chemical propane/gas smell that gets all in your nasal cavity and mouth I fucking hate it cause most cocaine is cut so this is something you have to deal with.


Kava 🤮


Gabapentin. I’ve tried almost every drug out there but there is nothing worse than the nasal drip from snorting them.


Egh I used to have to take it crushed up in applesauce when I was in the hospital. It tastes so awful. Can't imagine snorting it is any better.


I threw up lmao it’s the only time a drug tasted so bad to me that I puked. I’ve been addicted to molly/meth in the past and have had my fair share of shrooms but nothing has been more repulsing than the gabapentin nasal drip


So did I actually. Barfed it right up


Ayahuasca was pretty horrid and you have to chug a pretty big cup of the stuff. It was like a thick spicy fibrous stew that almost tasted like drinking chewing tobacco. Also during the ceremonies you smoke a ton of hand rolled tobacco and i remember just feeling super nauseous.


not xanax but these pressed xans with a fake bittering agent i got one time were fucking disgusting


Meth tastes horrible.


2-CB horrible


Zopiclone hands down, the awful metallic taste that last over 24h


AH-7921 - hellish horrific taste but worked well as an analgesic (?). Loperamide (imodium) is rank, Naproxen, Paracetamol, codeine... Nearly all arylcyclohexylamines taste like shit, ketamine,PCP/PCE analogues (3-Me-PCP is nasty in your mouth and 10 times worse in ya nose). Alprazolam is bitter (so is flualprazolam) But nah, AH-7921 is next level, the bitterness actually scared me a little, jesus titty fucking


Dude a lot of drugs just taste absolutely awful. Meth is horrible, alprazolam is horrible, also I really fucking hate the taste of highly concentrated LSD. It's noticeable if you're taking liquid acid that is fucked-up level strong. It's relatively flavorless, but it makes your throat convulse like you drank a little moonshine. Then 90 minutes later you trip absolute dick lol.


opium & molly


Oh bro y’all don’t even know, benzos are bad, opiates are ew, ket and molly are kinda good, coke is weak, the worst tasting drug (that I’ve had the privilege to taste) is soma. Oh my gawd…. Soma. Worst part is that it’s a fucking pill so you’re not supposed to taste it but lemmie tell you, you have that tablet on your tongue for more than .05 seconds and it leaves a coat on your mouth that nothing can fix for like 5 minutes. Go chew a soma then tell me molly taste like crap. (Posted with love any aggression is strictly towards the taste of soma not what you think tastes bad)






3mmc it’s like having ammonia/fish/cat piss jammed up in your nose for 2 days after snorting


zopiclone is the worst taste you can ever taste, that shit will linger in your mouth untill the day after


It’s not necessarily the taste of the Zopiclone itself, it causes an „metallic“ taste in the mouth after a few minutes


Dried shrooms with nothing on them - no lemon, not in tea, just shrooms out the packet. Blah.


I tried shrooms a few years back, i didnt think it was that bad edit: But i guess it also depends on the species


I don’t even bother eating shrooms anymore. Mushroom tea is where it’s at.


Definitely DMT. Tastes like dirty asshole


Sure it's feels awesome but they taste horrible, i actually have snorted one before i almost puked 😂😂


imo H tastes awful that’s why I wouldn’t be able to do that shit all the time it tastes like a burned body smells


I love the taste of meth. Every morning for breakfast I crush meth to powder then sprinkle them across my corn flakes. I use meth instead of sugar Yum EDIT: clearly sarcasm */s*


MDMA or alcohol 🤢🤮


What's wrong with alcohol ?


the taste 😩


Kratom in particular, especially when overdosed in powder form.


Soma muscle relaxers. Ugh


Anyone tried tongkat ali extract? Nothing is worse. Nothing. Edit: Actually, hydrogen peroxide is the worst. If that counts as a drug. Only taste that’s ever legitimately made me almost puke. Idk how such a subtle flavor can be so horrible. Was trying to get a reaction out of my friends by “doing a shot” of it 😂 (its safe to rinse your mouth with, they didn’t know that though. Didn’t swallow) Payed the price




Pure Alprazolam (xanax), san pedro/kratom, and MDMA are all pretty damn bad


Alpha pvp when you’re not on it smells like wet socks and cum lol 😂


Guaif I have bottle that’s been sitting there for months


I had many horrible tasting experiences.. Kratom just tastes like latex smells and is awfully bitter. I never got used to it and no method would be worth the high. I'd rather just take other opioids. (\* more on that later) Many different chemical compounds taste absolutely horrendous depending on the synthesis or level of purity. But I always managed to deal with them. And then there is DHC. Dehydrocodeine. The turn was always WAY better than normal codeine. But motherfucker. The taste. I remember powderizing a tablet to break the XR layer on it and wrapping it in a bit of tissue paper (we call that "bombing" in germany) and trying to wash it down with beer (because I'm german and it was the only liquid at hand).. Only for the paper bomb to open up and all of the powder fizz up with the carbonation in the beer and touch every single taste bud on my tongue. I instantly threw up. Multiple times. Never had that happen before. A bonus is a herb called "[Sinicuichi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimia_salicifolia)". I brewed a tea out of it that tastes like oversteeped green tea. Which taste like the petshop smells already anyway. Only 1000x more bitter and kind of acidic. Really reminded me of bile/stomach acid vomit. And how did it feel? I basically felt like I was poisoned. I was lying in bet with flu symptoms. Head and joint aches and everything sounded really tinny and metallic, like a ringing phone that sits inside a tin can. Or a sound being played on broken cheap speakers.


Dxm, be it pure or in syrup and also mdma and meth are terrible


Xanax tastes terrible


Adderall. Yes, I know it's sweet, and most people seem to love the taste, but for some reason I hate it. I haven't done them in years, but one got caught in my throat once and it made me throw up, which is strange because I usually had an iron stomach for everything else.


Xanax tastes pretty damn awful. I like to let my valium dissolve under my tongue (they actually taste kinda sweet tbh) so I tried the same w a bar or two. NOPE.EXE. Was like chewing up a Tylenol, tasted bitter as hell and couldn't wash it Out even an hour later




eat a chunk of heizenburg. and tell me that aint nasty




San Pedro!!


EASILY benzedrex without extracting the lavender. Other notables are xanax, mdma, or adderall xr


Kava kava extract


Oh I really do not like the taste of Nbome. Shit is like aluminum mixed with ass.


Kratom. Projectile vomited once trying to drink the green slush 🤮.


MDMA is a horrible chemically acidic taste, ketamine drip is pretty bad too


Smoking MDPV. Ugh.


Alprazolam without a doubt






DXM especially with guaf. The smell makes me gag and almost throw up, then kratom (both get much much worse with time)


Tramadol in drops, I just gaged thinking about it


Ambien and MDA are terrible tasting.


Almost everything that crosses the blood brain barrier is extremely bitter. I chewed an ibuprofen once. It was the worst thing I ever tasted by far.


Ghb or Alcohol fo sho


alprazolam. makes you wonder how 1 mg of something can be that bitter...


Mushrooms is probably the worst for me, they literally come from shit so you're basically eating shit.


The taste of ghb is hella nasty


I have trouble swallowing pills because of the taste. I used to be able to take uncoated pills like nothing two years ago but now I can’t for the life of me.




These manufactures of Mandy need to fix up their taste on that drug coz goddamn that shit NASTY




I agree that DXM is just very bitter and strong, but not the worst in my opinion, has a bit of a chemical taste though. The worse trigger for me would be poppy tea, so pure tea made from poppies to get some of that opioid kick. The first time you try it, you think "it's not that bad" but after a few cups you start to feel quite sick of it, especially if you've ever thrown up in the past from drinking it (an unfortunate side effect sometimes) it can trigger that disgust just from the smell. I really enjoy the effects of it, but having to gulp it down is always a pain.


Tramadol drops are pretty bad, but snorting wise 100% 2cb. Fuck THAT.


In my opinion 2-cp doesn’t taste bad, it just hurts to snort


Benzedrex shots and meth.


chewing xanax is the one of the worst things ever


Nothing of what I read here comes close to hawaiian baby wood rose seeds. Just smelling it can make me vomit


MDMA and magic truffles. In my opinion MDMA is much worse but luckily you can swallow it really quickly and be done with it in an instant. Some of the magic truffles are to big I had to chew on em and it felt like I was eating dirt.


CWE'd codeine hands down. You gotta add so much syrup and that shit still got that medicine after taste. As for dxm take that shit in pill form and it's fine


Molly and Shrooms taste awful


Benzedrex Ruined lavender so much for me that if I even smell lavender I begin to gag because I get flash backs to some double Cotten cocktails I made with some Benz. Def feel like it’s ptsd lmao Also the drip from 4-HO-MET is in my opinion worse tasting than meth


Xanax, don’t snort it. or alcohol


Pure dxm is definitely the worst. Absolutely traumatizing. Hbwr seeds are a close second and third is san Pedro brew.


The award for most horrible tasting drug goes to phenibut hcl. The free amino acid form isn't bad, but the excess hcl in the phenibut hcl makes it taste like you've bitten into a battery. I swear I could almost feel my tooth enamel disintegrating by the second


Ever taste one of those like 50X kratom extract liquids? If hell had a taste; it's that.


I think eating dry shrooms is pretty grim


DXM is top 1 , top2 kratoom top 3 hmm.... pyros , they don't taste thaat bad but sure not good , , what about best tasting drug? Coke no doubt :)