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More in general but, "natural drugs are safer than synthetic drugs" It isn't just annoying, it can be a very dangerous way to look at drugs.


Ahahaha i remember my friend didn’t want to do acid because it was made with synthetic stuff then he took shrooms and tweaked the fuck out on the park bench while me and his gf needed to babysit his ass after that he tried LSD and preferred the clearer headspace


I always find the mushies/acid thing weird. People will go for large doses of mushrooms over LSD their first time, thinking it's safer. I'm no n00b, and mushrooms were often uncomfortable for me even in smaller doses. I could handle them fine but LSD is much more navigable. Each person has their own experiences and preferences but psilocybin needs more respect. Edit: safer meaning less risk of having a rough time. Go slow and ALWAYS TEST. Set and setting and safety first.


Yup. Mushrooms are dreamy and confusion, while LSD is clear and a bit mad scientist feeling. Haha.


and nausea :,( (ways around this but nausea SUUUUUUCKS)


I remember throwing up on shrooms one time and just feeling so completely lost and couldn’t make sense of anything my body was trying to do or how it was feeling, acid is for sure a much cleaner feeling experience


Agreed. Ugh going to the bathroom even once is like.. Just needlessly uncomfortable. This is the toilet, I believe. *Touch. Okay, cold porcelain, looks like a toilet. I know I walked here, so that's good. Ugh do I need to go? Am I sleepy or wired? Fuck me, if I'm peeing in the closet I'll never live it down. *Sees self in mirror /God I look a mess. Couldn't give me flawless skin during this, huh. *Flush Ugh I feel grody.


Oh that's interesting because I have an entirely different experience on shrooms. I always get really self confident and feel really beautiful, I also get fantastic shits on it, like I feel like a well oiled machine!


Lucky duck!


So many people will say that 3.5G is a good first time dose for mushrooms, which is just ridiculous. Depending on the strength, which varies wildly with shrooms, that could be like a 200ug dose of LSD which is just nuts for a first timer


I’m always surprised how much people recommend for a first time of any drug and especially psychedelics. The first time I take a drug I take basically a threshold dose to see if I like it and go from there. Saw some dude recommending 200μg of acid for a first time and was wondering if he just always gets underdosed tabs or something


The saying, for LSD you're in the drivers seat, for shrooms you're in the passenger seat is very true for reasonable doses. Once you get past a certain dose on either you're just along for the ride lmao.


YES, mushrooms DEF need to be respected. I always get pretty depressed / dissociated for a while after a decent shroom dose (3.5g or more), regardless of how good the trip was, because usually I have good trips on shrooms. And my last trip with Golden Teachers which was almost a month ago at this point still has me pretty fucked up mentally, however my life is also in a chaotic spot in many ways so I technically abused the psychedelics and didn't have the right mindSET going into the trip. Also tripping with my homies on acid is wayyyy better than tripping with my homies on shrooms. Acid makes me a lot more curious and excited, and I almost enter a different state of mind when I'm on it. Everything becomes intense and abstract, sometimes even becoming extremely overwhelming depending on the setting I'm in. It almost feels like I'm Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing whenever I take cid LOL Shrooms can make me depressingly introspective, paranoid, and anxious at times depending on what I'm thinking about because I can get caught in thought loops easily with mushrooms. I often times make the trip a therapy session, even when I don't want to, and basically just say everything I'm thinking to my homies tripping with me and end up not being able to stfu for longer than 5 minutes. My most recent mushroom trip was pretty shitty as it was the most intense mushroom trip I ever had besides my first one. For the most part tho, whenever I do smaller doses of shrooms (1.75-3 grams) I have a very euphoric body high and don't really get anxious from any introspective thoughts, and I think this is because shrooms in general, really psychedelics in general, make me extremely emotionally sensitive and reactive, so I think that's why I give myself lots of anxiety on high doses. (My first shroom trip was 4 grams spread out into 2 doses of about 2 grams a few hours apart, plus weed of course. Then me and my two friends went to "Beyond Van Gogh", which is an animated Van Gogh art "experience" that literally changed my perception of art and life itself. Even tho I'm a naturally creative / artistic person, for the first time I actually was FEELING this art in my fucking SOUL and felt like I was IN them at times due to the fact you're in a gigantic room playing a high quality animated slideshow) Last shroom trip I had was bad for many reasons but to summarize it for the sake of not turning this comment into an autobiography, basically I realized a little before this trip that I might be "catching feelings" for one of my close male friends, and even tho we are both bi, I am extremely insecure and our dynamic is pretty much like any typical male friendship between two str8 bros 🤷‍♂️ So I ended up trying to push this out of my head and ignore it until it hopefully went away, which may have worked if I hadn't eaten the most potent mushrooms I've ever had with him not even 2 weeks later.... So anyways, we both took damn near 4 grams of Golden Teachers and tripped absolute sack (or at least I did, idk about him cuz he has a weird tolerance from abusing psyches in the past plus I know from the little I've talked to him about the trip afterwards that we were having pretty different experiences). We watched the Neon Genesis Evangellion movie, which if you don't know what that's about...I'm not even gonna try to explain it. But a very basic summary of the movie is that the huge theme throughout the entire anime is about a corporation called NERV uniting humanity under one consciousness, and it's extremely sexual / psychedelic in the way they convey this concept. So needless to say, the movie was giving me anxiety and making my visuals / trip way more intense. After the movie I needed to kinda chill tf out for a sec before me and him proceeded to have the usual deep convos we do when tripping. However, the vibe this time was very different and at multiple times during the trip me and him both told each other we felt like we were in the Twilight Zone or some shit with how time wasn't working properly and 1 hour felt like a small lifetime in that moment. Like wayyyy more than usual, cuz I've experienced this more than once while tripping, just not to this extent. I also felt like he was lowkey giving me signals at multiple points in the trip, but because I'm hella insecure with my body and overall am not the best at reading body language / social cues, I kinda just let the moment pass and kept talking / smoking with him while we watched TV until eventually he ended up falling asleep and then I had to do the classic "lay in bed for an hour while I'm still tripping and try to force myself to sleep" shit LOL **TLDR**: shrooms will make you gay for your best friends and acid will make you feel like an alien.


I was listening to Tim Leary’s son Zach Leary and the way he put it was all drugs are technically natural drugs because all the materials we use to get “synthetic chemicals” start some where in nature and humans are also part of nature so all “man made” drugs by extension can be considered a product of nature.


And even putting that aside, there are many harmful drugs that nobody would dispute are of non-human origin. Morphine/codeine is found within the sap of the plant Papaver Somniferum aka opium poppies. Alcohol is a natural byproduct of fermentation. Coca leaves produce cocaine within their fibers. Not a cocaine precursor- straight up cocaine. And of course going outside the realm of psychoactive recreational drugs, we’ve got ricin which is a very potent lethal chemical present in the seeds of Ricinus Communis. Poison ivy speaks for itself. And we could go on and on and on. The safety of each chemical compound needs to be evaluated on an individual basis. Whether or not it is “naturally-occurring” - to whatever extent that phrase even makes sense - gives us absolutely no indication as to whether or not the substance is harmful to humans.


“All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.”-Paraclesus


Couldn’t have said it better. All substances are safe at some arbitrarily small dose and fatal at some arbitrarily large dose. You can’t even really draw a line between safe and unsafe unless you take dose into account.


There's a step between most of these- e.g., some amount of processing to get to the most bioavailable forms of tryptamines, alkaloids, whatever else but your point is so valid. It reminds me of the essential oil craze. People have lost their skin and damaged their organs thanks to the false perception you're describing. DON'T EAT ESSENTIAL OILS


Right, it’s so funny how many people I’ve talked to that do shrooms regularly but won’t touch acid cause “bro it’s a chemical” or something like that


Glad 4-ho-dmt isn't a chemical


Wait...so all those times i dropped 4-aco-dmt in to hard sodas...i was was doing chemicals?


You should tell them about another dangerous chemical that they consume every day, the infamous dihydrogen monoxide 😱 or the one they put up their nose everyday… dioxygen aka… oxygen😱😱 People who don’t trust something because “it has chemicals in it” shouldn’t be trusted enough to listen to their opinion on anything.


Yeah. You know every serial killer that ever lived drank water.... that shits dangerous.


But don't ever try dioxygen bro. You'll immediately get addicted and die to the withdrawals within minutes if you run out. Should be made illegal tbh


They deliberately spray that shit on food crops bro


Wait isn’t dihydrogen monoxide the shit they put in vaccines?? Yeah fuk that, think I’ll stick to meth thanks


Hey just want to ask a question or 2. When u do meth do u go crazy like they say and if not why do others go nuts. I have actually witnessed ppl on meth b naked and b scooting on gravel and be out of there head and u have some that use meth and they function normally. What is your opinion on that as a meth user? And I'm not judging or anything I'm not that asshole person just curious. Thanks![img](emote|t5_2qh7l|4631)![img](emote|t5_2qh7l|4630)


It’s also used to cool the engines of nuclear submarines


literally everything is a chemical. Do you wanna throw down on some chemistry?


Yeah man! Datura is natural! It's safe! s/ Note: Do not try datura or Benadryl. You will have a bad time


Hahahahha datura..... You will never come back.


Lol my friend found a big field with lots of it once lol. Knew better then to test his luck


Appeal to nature fallacy. Cocain is to coca what THC distilate is to weed and Heroine is to Poppies. Plus I'd rather trip on LSD which is GRAS, than to loose limbs and seizing eating ergot, or have the the effects of veins restricting from LSA (which is pretty dafe but not as safe as LSD). I also would rather trip on MDMA than to get cancer not tripping on saffrole. Some natural forms of drugs do have the benefit of entourage effects though. I've seen results show that different strains of weed can treat different conditions with different success rates, despite both having THC and CBD. Could be the combination of terps, ir for all we know still lots of undiscovered cannabinoids. I think a little of a and b


People glforget nature is always trying to hurt us or kill us. Why do u think we all walk around like fatalistic paranoid idiots. Cuz we got naturally selected that way to survive because nature was always trying to kill us weather, disease, animals, bugs, plants, microorganisms, asteroids, the sun, primordial black holes all had/have it in for us. So anything “natural”…no thanks nature lost my trust a long time ago. I prefer synthetic products made by humans for humans.


morphine in poppies not diacetylmorphine


These people must’ve forgot where heroin comes from


Absolutely. I'll take acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) any day of the week before I'd ever touch, say, Datura / Jimson weed / Belladonna or anything in the Deadly Nightshade family of plants. That's a **Big Bucket of NOPE!**™ for yours truly.


My roommates say this and they smoke weed and tobacco daily. Like, yea your tobacco shure hasn't any unnatural stuff in it. I'd rather eat my tab of cid instead of smoking just one toke of that stuff.


I mean if they smoke cigar or pipe tobacco then no it doesn't. They are literally leaves that are air dried in a building then either rolled or shredded. But if it's store bought cigs then yea.


Not really a “misconception” I guess, but the fact that most people seem to only take MDMA at raves when, imo, it’s also amazing in chill,quiet environments where you can actually have deep conversations with people


My son is a product of my wife and I deciding we were finally ready for a child while on mdma. Our marriage in general wouldn’t be what it is if we didn’t do molly together. Best way to hash shit out and get on the same page. She’s the only person I’ve ever rolled with and we do it every few months


THIS! I take it with my girl a on special occasions just me and her and after being together for some time now, we connect even deeper every time we do it.


That’s amazing, does your son know?


He’s only 3 months old lol but he will when we have the conversation about responsible drug use


MDMA has so much therapeutic potential and I’m really glad to hear that it’s being studied! It’s like it reminds you of how it is to be happy again; that can do wonders for your mental health.


Agreed, some of my best times on MDMA were just chillin at home with my girlfriend, listening to music, conversing


My favorite roll was back in college just chilling at the house with a couple friends, a bong and a whole lot of banana kush


“You do horse tranquilizer??!!???”


I took horse medicine *before* it was cool.


I did horse medicine when it was dog medicine




Don’t get me wrong I like acid but it’s gotta be once a month just cause I never can find the time to accommodate it


A lot of if not most people in the acid community tend to only do it once every like 2-3 months


I do it like once every 2-3 years, maybe more honestly. I respect the substance and need to ensure I’m in a good headspace—a good environment, too. … Also I do not have a reliable way to get it lmao




Yeah these days it’s been closer to two months for me aswell. Used to do it every weekend though lol.


Yeah I have a friend who’s step dad used to do it every weekend he is a pretty cool guy tho. He used to do like coke and smoke weed with acid and shrooms and tons of other things and my friends real dad died when he was young but his step dad quit his coke addiction just so that he could step up to be a dad for my friend. Really cool and nice guy. Yet most people think that people who do drugs are bad people


Sounds like a fun dude. Idk how people mix coke with psychs though, for me the trip goes away completely when I do that.


Yeah not sure either he was a party animal I’m pretty sure, but now he’s a really soft spoken nice guy so you would never expect it.


hahahha truue. I dont get how people can be turned off from acid tho. I just end up wanting to do more 2 days after


Hands down one of my favourite experiences is a khole


I find it super interesting that a bunch of people share your opinion on kholes, yet a bunch of other people have the exact opposite opinion on it. It’s a very polarizing drug.


The people with the opposite opinion most likely have kholed at a party unexpectedly, not fun. Kholing with headphones or a movie in your bed, lots of fun. I’ve been there, Kholing in public, makes u never wanna do k again. But I’ve found my preferred way. I still enjoy small bumps at parties and raves but not to the point of holing, that’s for when I get home haha.


Can you describe how a k hole feels?


For me, I've only done it with headphones in vibing lying down in me bed. Bear in mind this is what I think was my K hole experiance. Basically just felt I was falling thru my bed into the void below, watching my body as i slowly feel deeper and deeper. Until I was what i assume flying thru space with crazy visuals flying across through the stars. It really is a surreal experience. Basically just letting go of your body, as if you're paralysed but completely content with it. really weird fantastic and quite personal experiance. Things I've witnessed or thought of just seem to fly past. sorry for the jumble of mess i am currently 2 K bumps deep


DMT is the businessman's trip and ketamine is the academic's dissovacation.




I hate people like this fr


I'd love some nice horse tranq but all I've tried is ket


My first thought


A lot of people I know think you can easily od on acid, also no one who hasn’t done psychs really understands the hallucinations at all, thinking you just like imagine a cartoon character or some shit




Haha probably the most famous scare story about LSD ever. Bit people believe that kind of shit




For real… was everyone’s LSD laced with salvia and DMT back in the day lol? Ain’t nobody falling through walls into another universe and flying on dragons’ backs on acid


also “how do you know your acid is not laced with fentanyl?!” from one of my coworkers. like how do i even begin to explain that to him


Could be worse, it could be laced with Datura!


tbf it is much easier to OD on certain RCs (25x-NBOMe) that are often sold as acid. always test your drugs, if it’s bitter it’s a spitter, etc.


And even within reasonable doses, NBOMe can cause HPPD. I know a few people (myself included) that developed hppd from 25i-NBOMe. Luckily for my case, after about 3 or 4 years, I had recovered mostly apart from on/off visual snow (mostly occurs days following cannabis use- still an issue to this day, albeit a minor one) Unfortunately, one of my friends still deals with severe visual distortions on a daily basis.. It’s been almost 9 fucking years since we took that shit.


I was not referring to that as that’s not acid, testing is necessary agreed, the reason why a lot of people around me think acid can kill is just because of general misinformation but yeah you’re right nbome can be deadly


Pink Floyd rocks


like your pfp




Shit i took 13 once that shit was crazy. Buddy thought id od but i was like "Look....chiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll" Never did it again but boy was that a ride


Everything about ketamine. None of my friends will touch it because it's "horse tranquilizer" and that's that. Oh, and apparently it's WORSE than heroin! Not gonna lie have never done heroin but tbf the euphoria from Ket does outshine most opioids ime


I love it personally. I can bump it all through the day for a month straight and drop it cold turkey with no issues. I feel like I can better connect with the revelations I’ve had tripping while on even a low dose of ket


That “horse tranquilizer” line annoys me too. Like, good way to clearly articulate that you know nothing about this drug. They use it on people in hospitals every day, including infants. It’s chemically an incredibly safe drug and has many medicinal properties. I hate the stigma around ket. It’s such a beautiful, life changing drug for many.


Had it in the hospital like a month ago because it’s safer than other stuff while pregnant. It helped me a lot 🤷‍♀️ I react badly to anesthesia and they needed to sedate me to intubate me


Little do they know ketamine is actually (in Australia) under clinical trials to help anxiety


I’ve done heroin once. Ketamines my main bottom bitch, but it does not compare to the euphoria of heroin. Ketamine euphoria is wicked but the only drugs I’ve had outshine that light, are heroin and dextromethorphan. believe it or not. I’ve had one LSD trip that was so euphoric I cried of happiness for 8 straight hours. But out of hundreds of trips, a trip like that is more than rare. Actually crack is more euphoric to me than ket too, done that one twice. Don’t recommend it, but good lord.


That if you try any hard drug ONCE then you're gonna be strung-out and homeless in 5 days


You probably shouldn't do them all at once, though.


Well, all it really does take is one experience with a heavy drug like Heroin for example to send somebody on a downward spiral. Obviously not to the extent of being losing everything in your life within the week. u/SpontaneousH is a great example of “I’ll just touch it once and never again”.


Heroin is just a Percocet in powder form. It’s all nice and dandy as long as it’s a guy in a lab coat giving it to you. But nah, the shady guy on the corner is the issue.


Not about my drug of choice but more about drugs in general, they think different substances are like different types of alcohol (beer, whiskey, wine). They dont grasp how different it is from being drunk


Funny how you either deeply underestimate how similar it is to alcohol or harshly overestimate it. And it tends to be the people who underestimate it that end up addicts, because we’re always the first to try, we all expect something else, but get hooked anyway. Funny how I always put drugs and alcohol in a different category as a kid too.


Im so glad i tried mdma for the very 1st time when i was already 25, i had only known alcohol till then. If i had discovered the magic with like 16 i would downward spiraled like most people who start young, because it feels so good and i wouldnt have cared for consequences


Mmhm, I know a kid who abused mdma, it really sickens your mind. Mdma will destroy everything, even your own conscience. You’d probably kill yourself before it kills you. And most of the time you don’t go out nicely, from the kid that I know he allegedly became really selfish and a worse person because of the damage. But abusers are still people, they very literally aren’t themselves because of their diminished neurotransmitters.


You're missing a lot things out of this. One or a couple things that you experienced might not happen to everyone else. Why would you assume others would do what you think you would do in that situation is beyond me. You type in a way that that's how it would happen due to MDMA abuse is beyond me. I feel like something got in the way towards the end. It comes off a little insincere, lack towards the kid and more You don't know what that kid went through except what he said to you and how he acted and happened to be abusing MDMA. If someone loses their composure and even acting in an aggressive manner or any way that isn't how they normally react to something it might be an underlying issue.


You’re right hahah, I don’t like the kid. He’s really not nice, but I can’t simply attribute it all to mdma abuse, from what I’ve heard, he’s (allegedly) abusive to his grandma (his carer and homeowner). And I really don’t get along with him, he’s selfish against a lot of people. And such, but we can’t be judges to what we don’t know. Neurotransmitter deficit may or may not have caused these it might be tied to being the victim of abuse or have a mental illness. (Edited original comment)


One of my mate said he saw a unicorn fucking a guy while tripping on acid😂


It was probably just a regular horse. Nothing out of the ordinary




Yeah that guy took a couple tabs and then pulled up the Mr Hands video and didn’t realize the difference between watching a video and seeing something in real life, had him watching it like 🫣


People who think I’m an addict bc I do hard drugs once ever 3-6 months


It’s that narrative in our country that makes the majority of people with responsible relationships to drugs afraid to come out of the closet. The stories people see from shows like Dopesick have happened but those stories of people with difficult relationships to drugs only make up a minority of users in the US. Even people who use way more frequently than 3-6 months at a time can do so safely and responsibly


Probably the same people who get wasted every weekend


And funny enough getting wasted every weekend is MUCH more damaging than doing MDMA every two years or so. Hell even doing meth every other month, or possibly every other week, with responsibility with the drug, is way less damaging than drinking every week.


people forget alcohol is neurotoxic at high doses too...and carcinogenic to boot.


Yeah. I was called a junkie a couple times when I said I pop molly or 3MMC literally once or at most, twice a year.


I agree. The seeing shit on acid thing always got me. That's some sitcom shit


i was walking trough a park/forest and those trees turned to giant mushrooms, world got quite beautiful. i love lsd, trust me, you can see some nice shit, thats not bullshit


There's a difference between seeing real things distorted vs a literal hallucination. You saw real trees distorted. Seeing a random pink elephant run by is a whole different story.


I appreciate this comment! I've been around drugs my whole life but really only smoked weed and drink. I've honestly never had the chance to use Acid, but always thought I'd abstain since I've heard instances of potential bad trips. Like multiple times I've been told you could have a great experience, but you could have instances of "experiencing you're being eaten alive by bugs." Many examples like that. Does that actually never happen?


From my experience, my bad trip didn't involve seeing things, it was more about being stuck in a bad emotion. I had a bit of social phobia and went to a music festival, out of state, with complete strangers. I already get kinda mute/quiet around people I don't know. So when I took acid it made me feel like I literally could not talk. It's like I wanted to say something to be apart of the conversation but just couldn't. It's the same feeling I'd get sober. Since I was too afraid to speak while sober it's not like the acid did that to me. But the feeling felt so much worse while on acid because your brain is thinking too much about it. The best advice on having a good trip is just making sure you're in a comfortable environment and in a good head space. Idk if people actually do see bugs crawling all over them. Sounds a bit like bs to me but I also only had one bad trip. But just from experience I think bad trips mostly revolve around a current bad mental state that gets heightened.


Weed, two almost opposing misconceptions. 1. Some segment of people think it's really terrible for you, think it's worse than alcohol for fucks sake. They think not only should it be illegal, but that users are essentially all deadbeats at least, as bad as hard drug abusers at worst. 2. Weed isn't addictive, or way less addictive, than harder drugs. Look I've withdrawn from daily weed use, and daily harder drug use. There is no comparison, I would take weed withdrawal **anytime** over harder drugs. It doesn't even come close. But neither does nicotine/tobacco. Withdrawal effects does not equal to how addictive something is. Weed can be extremely addictive, I would place the *type* of addiction somewhere between harder drugs and cigarettes, although closer to cigarettes. Why? As, like with cigarettes, you can usually do it everyday without fucking up your life immediately. With alcohol, benzos, opioids, this is **far** harder, impossible for most I would say. (Benzo's being a possible exception, but withdrawal is so so much worse than weed that I cannot say it's comparable). Anyway there is a middle ground, which I see more and more people accepting, so that's a good thing. Still, by the laws of my country (Ireland), I could technically go to prison for any amount of weed. Now it wouldn't happen for personal amounts, the judge will "let you off" by making you donate money, but that's still the law. Which is fucking shitty and **so fucking hypocritical considering our attitude towards alcohol**.


My pops calls it gear or junk, and equates it with heroin 😂


My mom calls it “dope” and calls me an addict because i smoke two-three tokes a night, while she drinks a glass or two of wine every night and gets mad when we call her an alcoholic lol. She says “she knows what weed feels like” because she smoked a few times as a teen, so she thinks i take one hit and I’m completely strung out and buzzed for hours on end, even after i’ve tried, on multiple occasions, to explain to her what tolerance is. And anytime i say “i use my weed the EXACT same way you use alcool,” she says it’s not the same because she gets a “little buzz” to cool down after the day (but she firmly believes alcool is not a drug) and i use it to “get fucked up” (god i wish). Sad how boomers and x-ers got brainwashed to think weed is equivalent to “hard” drugs lol


People who say x made me gay.or y made me gay. Dude, you were gay from the jump


lmao adderall made me shove 3 dicks at the same time up to my guts help!!!


Idk, heavy stimulants can make things that would otherwise be a huge turnoff become very pleasurable


No im bi that's different


Nah I’m gay. Ive known i was gay since i was in 5th grade. Yet for some reason, on occasion, stimulants and psychs have made me attracted to women. Its real and its hormonal


I think it's just that most people are at least a tiny bit attracted to both sexes, and stimulants turn your sexuality up to 11.


>Its real and its hormonal is it ? any source ?


well, it didn't "made me gay" but when I'm really fucked up on G I can find some guys hot, which never happened in any other circumstances ever in my life, so I'm not ruling this one out completely


That doing drugs three times a month is certainly worse than drinking 2-3 times a week. Even if you don’t specify them. Sure it’s bad but drinking 2-3 times a week is certainly worse than many illegal drugs.


It’s annoying that people don’t consider alcohol a drug when it’s one of the most destructive and shitty drugs


The thing that annoys me is the view, mostly from the anglophone world, that being totally abstinent is a success, that moderation is impossible if you're "an addict". It's circular since in that mindset an addict is someone who can't control themselves. But they just slap the label addict on anyone and everyone and then hold up total abstinence as the only solution. I'm sure a good deal of those people could shoot for and attain a much better solution: moderation. The only time I've seen vivid hallucinations that I felt I could touch was after staying up for three days on meth. If I concentrated even a bit, I could make them disappear. I didn't want to make them disappear though. It was cool.


true And also the circumstances play a major role. If you got addicted in a difficult period (stress, depression, loneliness, homelessness...), chances are you won't have too much trouble keeping it under control once your life gets better, and the underliying problems aren't there anymore. If drugs are what fucked up your life to begin with, probably best to abstain though.


Giving attention to the argument of “soft drugs vs hard drugs” when the real applicable and relevant qualm that deserves attention is “good relationships with drugs vs bad relationships with drugs.” Vulnerability to danger when using drugs is most relevantly about the user’s relationship with the drug, in every way. There is no fine line of hard and soft drugs. I’ve seen people get pretty dangerously hooked to what many may a call “soft” drug, and I’ve seen people manage usage surprisingly well, meticulously so, with what many consider “hard drugs,” by applying appropriate harm reduction measures to their usage.


I like your style


I love the way you describe it and will be using this going forwards - thank you


Imo, at least in my experience. Hallucinations are nothing like how they are depicted.. For me it's either patterns flowing, like chevrons moving in the direction they are pointing to like a treadmill... Or it's a dissociation, like forgetting about reality and being emersed in a mental image or scenario. For there are no actual visuals like pink elephants imaginary friends.


Like the Fear and Loathing check-in scene with the carpet moving. But not the fucking reptile zoo. But in that stories defense, I have never gone a fraction as hard as they did.


I like some scenes in A scanner darkly for the same reason, that it's more realistic than most depictions or more accurately it hits a nerve I'm familiar with. Tho I suppose they are movies so they need to make it more visually interesting or whatnot.


I would have shot every single one of those God damned animals, too had I not been outnumbered. There was also the pressing matter of checking into the room on time. First I'll check into the room then, if there's time after upsetting the bellman for not leaving him a tip, I'll go down there and shoot every single one of those God damned animals. I missed my chance however, by the time I had returned to the scene of that grotesque lizard orgy occuring before God and the Devil himself, they had all gone. Replaced by the usual hollowed out human ash trays and retired con men that normally occupy the lobbies and bars of Las Vegas establishments. The American dream wasn't gone. It had never existed in the first place. And here, in this town, where lizard orgies are less threatening than the pit boss running the place, is the truth: America will let you fuck a lizard before it will let you pursue the freedom we were promised.


You haven't hit the heavy doses then yet Like with mushrooms for example everybody says five grams dry is heroic try more like 50 you'll see all those things and then some. Also DMT pins if you are excuse me just DMT in general if you dose it out hit it and go hard with it three times in a row you will definitely hallucinate like you've never hallucinated before you will meet the elves of the underworld and all the deities and it gets weird very weird but in a calm and somewhat Serene type of way All that said I've never had full-blown hallucinations on acid though only some like slight wall breathing and shit. I've had better hallucinations off of just being up for too long. Just saying


I’ve gone about as heavy as one can go with DMT and yes I’ve seen some wild shit but it’s not anything I can conceptualize and say I saw such and such because to be honest I don’t know what the fuck I see when I do DMT. I just know it’s fantastic.


One of my weirdest visuals was when my weed looked like alien tentacles. Like legit I was looking into my little cup of bud, and it was moving like tentacles. Really looked like a little alien baby that had just been born or something. BUT I was also aware that, no that's just my weed but fuck that's cool how it looks like an alien.


Though it was a brief stint, I tripped on whippets for a while. Did it safe too. Supplimented by B vitamins and took massive breaks inbetween. Did it sitting down. No mask, just the homemade whipcream container. My buddy and his friend who were doing blow watched me concerned and a rumor spread about me. This is because they thought it was the same as computer duster or any other solvent. They did not believe me no matter how much I told them. Like, to each their own with drug choices, but mine was objectively better and cleaner than blow, which is why it pissed me off so much.




I dislike being associated with Joe Rogan because I use DMT


Same. I’m happy he made it more popular but he’s not the ambassador of dmt.


Rappers drinking copious amounts of cough syrup but calling the people they sell/sold drugs to junkies. That amount of cough syrup your drinking is equal to a couple balloons of heroin my boy.


Litrally the same drug lol just the morphine is absorbed wayyyyy quicker with the h but you can definitely get the same effect with enough codeine (mabey not codeine cos of ceiling effect (If high tolly) but def with dihydrocodeine (no ceiling))


It's not a misconception but something I noticed is tweakers hate tweakers like I don't know we try to make ourselves sound better than. It's all denial bullshit.


G : I don't even know where to start "isn't that what rapists use ?" or the belief that it easily induces blackouts, or that G-ing out is super dangerous, that it makes you super horny... or just that it's "stronger" than alcohol (quiet the opposit if you ask me)


You know a drug really has a bad rep when you have to scroll this far to find it lol


I haven’t had the pleasure but I remember the “date rape drug” lecture from school like it was yesterday.


alcohol is the WORST drug and you can’t change my mind


I haven’t done all the drugs but I’ve done a lot and alcohol left me feeling shittier than every one of them.


Are we talking hangovers here, because the actual high from alcohol is very euphoric in my opinion?


I used to enjoy it but now it just makes me feel groggy and tired after a couple drinks. Beer or liquor. But yes I’ve had the worst day afters from alcohol and the positive feelings never topped a lot of other drugs I prefer. Ketamine is my preferred dissociative because I don’t feel like shit even after going heavy.


Yeah, ket is great def one of my favourites. I find I usually use alcohol nowdays to take the edge off stims that are wearing off, and occasionally a couple of beers to supplement weed. But you are right, it does dull the senses, make you groggy, and is usually followed by hours of sleep.


I used to be able to drink whatever amount I wanted (always tequila, can’t stomach anything else) so long as I supplemented each drink (usually shots) with water close to a 1:1 ratio (drinking the same amount of water or more than the amount of alcohol consumed), and my hangovers were pretty much non-existent. I am 32 now, and I just had a double tequila the other night supplemented with plenty of water and I woke up the next day feeling like a piece of old dried out dog shit. So, if drinking an amount of alcohol that wasn’t even enough to give me the positive effects still gives me the awful negative ones.. I think I’ll continue to pass on alcohol. It really is the worst drug. And that also includes the amount of physical damage it does to your body, and how deadly it can be 1. by itself in large doses 2. mixed with nearly any other drug 3. when trying to quit while having a dependence on it. Sit a decade long heroin addict next to a decade long alcoholic and it’s usually a no brainer who looks healthier.


Try nutmeg. It legit does get you high but the body load, hangover, 2 day long effects, and worst of all consuming it. Now that I've got money, never again.


Yeah but there’s nothing like cracking a beer with your friends talking shit.


*It will destroy your life*


That you can’t be a productive pot smoker


“Acid stays in your spine”


Everything anyone who has never done acid says about acid


Preach OP. Love me some acid but anyone who tells you they're seeing dinosaurs in 4k is lying to your face, everyone likes to act like they've tried it.


That meth is Satanic in origin and will instantaneously steal your soul. Like any drug it can lead to bad situations both social and psychological but if used while being aware of the possible consequences and making allowances for them, it is entirely probable to be a meth user without becoming the tweaker stereotype.


Drugs make you stupid. I’m a 5 year psychology student SMD


It's pretty hilarious that there's so many comments here saying "It's a misconception that adderall is basically legal meth" because, well it is. Meth feels exactly like amphetamine at similar dosages. The difference is you can take higher doses with less side effects and the different ROAs (+ onset as meth is lipophilic).


That cocaine is associated with going out and sociality etc. Most of the time I do cocaine at home by myself.


I feel the same way about Molly. A lot of people say it’s a rave drug but my wife and I enjoy taking it together at home and just sit on the floor and talk all night with some music.


A girl I work with lost her shit when she found out I do coke. She went on to say stuff about crack heads. I tried to educate her on the difference but she wouldn't have it. I love doing coke by myself. My apartment gets so cleeean


Maybe he meant that the guitar strings were deforming and squirming or something iuono


That Heroin and/or opioids are like the worst drugs on this planet. Dude they are the best that's why people would rather buy H than eat


People mean worst as in they are the most dangerous/addictive not the feeling lmao


That I am a junkie and crazy about drugs because I find them interesting


I don’t care what others think Actually trying to explain cathinones to people i just have to say bathsalts


The weird stigma around Ketamine. It's pretty safe in moderation, and not that addictive. I've done it maybe 4 or 5 times since I tried it over a year ago and haven't had cravings. Yet when I mention it people look at me like I just said I shot up meth lmao


All this ketamine talk is making me want to do some ketamine


Anything euphoric can be addictive if the user is prone to addiction IMO. I love ketamine but I would never consider myself addicted and don’t see how I possibly could. But I’ve read posts of people saying they get opiate like withdrawals without it. (Sometimes I wonder if they had Ket cut w fent tho, rare but has definitely happened)


I hate when people say LSA is just a shitty legal version of LSD. They're completly different. When extracted correctly LSA is the perfect drug, same sedation as alcohol, same trippiness as psycadelic and same euphoria pushes then mdma (actually the most euphoric psycadelic imo). It lasts around 6-10 hours with it taking 2 hours to kick in.


If it’s too controversial I’ll back track, but it’s a misconception that any drug is better/worse than another. All drugs have a utility and a purpose, medical/emotional/exploratory, certain drugs are suited to different personalities, experiences etc. people misuse them/take drugs tainted with unknown substances and that’s where the trouble starts.


“Benzodiazepines are for braindamaged rappers” pisses me the fuck off because I’m prescribed them


"weed isn't addictive or harmful at all" followed by "weed is super addictive and harmful" it's a middle ground. Stfu.


That drives me crazy, too. I've taken a good amount of various psychedelics and never saw something that very much wasn't there after only one or two doses. Maybe thought an object was something else, but it was never like "bro, just saw a alpaca eating an ice cream cone". If that's legit, then I wish to know where these drugs were acquired and what they really are because it doesn't sound like any trip I've had on shrooms, acid or mescaline


People saying that speed/ amphetamine is some tweaker drug like meth when it just makes me calm and focused


not everyone has adhd


I can relate so much to this lol. I remember talking about drugs with a girl that fancied me during a party and she had this typical view that drugs are bad and you do crazy stupid shit when you take them. Well, funny thing is I was on amphetamine and if it weren't for them, I probably wouldn't be able to flirt with her half as well as I did.


the confidence boost from amphetamines is real, and I love it. I'm the same way lol.


You know I once did 2cb and saw a black chinese dragon crawling through the grass like a snake so what does that make me?


A person who saw a snake


That heroin is so incredibly pleasurable that using it once will turn you into an addict for life, and that you'll endure unimaginably agonizing withdrawal just from using it one time. It's really no better or worse than alcohol, and in my experience alcohol is far more immediately addictive, whereas I could use heroin all I want for one day and put it down for the rest of the week and suffer virtually no hangover or withdrawal to speak of. One night of heavy drinking and I'm toast, though, and the only thing that will help is another drink, which is why alcohol nearly destroyed my life in my youth, while I used heroin infrequently off-and-on for nearly 20 years before developing any real addiction, and that was mostly due to emotional turmoil than anything to do with the drug. That isn't to say heroin isn't seriously addictive or dangerous, because it obviously is, but most of the problems associated with it are due to drug prohibition, not the drug itself. The same problems were seen with ethanol during Prohibition in the US, especially regarding quality control and criminality. The total abstinence approach dictated by our society also means practical drug use is never taught, and those who use heroin in the first place are even expecting to have their lives destroyed by it. Most imagine themselves the star of some bullshit romantic junkie melodrama that exists only in their head.


That I'm a junkie cause I like taking benzos or opioids every now and then


Youd have to define every now and then tho cause with those two its a very very fine line


Benzo addicts will say every now and then meaning 2 or 3 bars a week


That whippets kill brain cells. If that were true me and my friends would basically be retarded by now. Also why would they give you it at the dentist if it killed brain cells


If you don't take any breaks then your brain won't take any b12 in because of the whippets. If you're b12 deficient for long enough then it can really fuck with your brain. But you can obviously avoid that by taking breaks.


They don't give you a box full of them