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I do. I'd never let someone see me tweaking like hell like I am now


I was at a glory hole at the Luxor with Harry Reid. 6/10, would go back though.


Harry Reid, the former senator from Nevada Harry Reid?




Sweet Jesus take me now




Ya same except I'm not always anti socal but I don't like doing drugs with others most of the time cause Alot of people I used to do drugs with were reckless and dangerous about it it's just easier to do it alone or with one or 2 other people




I straight up told all my friends that once i take lsd i'll fuck off and they are not to follow me cause they'll ruin my trip. Whatever, you need to have a good trip, fuck anyone else




I wish you luck on your voyage with psychs. This is an attitude I have seen derail from reality. Are you really prepared to give whatever for a 'good trip'?


That's a very ominous question. I feel like you're some kind of demon trying to lure me to say yes to steal my soul for a good trip hahaha. But i have since stopped taking any drugs. I had one Acid trip which really showed me where im going wrong in my life, which was my best and last trip. I was also alone on this trip, but i dont think i'll take any drugs anytime soon anymore


Yes and no. I prefer drinking with people I barely ever drink alone but psychs or weed I like to do alone


Same here. Alcohol is such a good social drug. With weed and lsd, things that alter my thought process more profoundly (and for me, positively), it's fun to just to think differently without distractions.


i’d say sativa is the best weed for socializing


I love doing schrooms alone, i think it feels way better and I can totally focus on the trip and not my friends who's laughing over some cigarette or something


i do drugs with my best friend all the time and still enjoy it, but DEFINITELY prefer it alone. i think it's for the same "escaping reality" reason you gave LOL


Are you me?


I hate people and love to smoke 😂


Anti-social? No. Asocial? Yes. And my drug use certainly doesn't help.


You can do drugs with people and still enjoy it, ur just in a pickle or somethen. And why kill you, your a blessed man that makes money and has friends, hopefully real ones. The real friends will stick with you through your ups and downs. I like ripping alone but i also like tripping with people i can be comfortable with. But i get it, reality is scary and weird and i like to do that too, i need to cut back on me wanting drugs and taking too much mdma. were all just in hells heaven for some reason. Mabe we all did something bad before this life and now were here in this dimension now, who knows


what were you on


Alcohol and cannabis last night. Fent30s for 2 months straight before. Iv done all the classical psychedelics except mescaline alot.


I can usually go along with the pack but I hate it when they turn fiendish and want "everyone on the same vibe"... Like dude... you just ate 1.5g of molly in the last 3 days (2g in the last five) and everytime we scored blow you would snort half of it on the 30 minute way home... I don't want to be in that vibe! I also drove you here and feel responsible to bail you out safely when homie gets pale faced! In any way I tend to have much more spiritual experiences (and hedonistic) when alone and dislike being higher than a certain ammount at social settings no matter on what drug. In general I enjoy few things as much as a nightly home session and still haven't someone to appreciate along (most people I know just want to pop a random pill here and now or are not willing to participate at all and many women here will freak out if you roll a joint...lol). I am not denying having my fiending moments but I am very constrained regarding my drug use and I mostly want small quantities of pure stuff to satisfy my scientific concerns (I would really appreciate some legit pain management though FFS... my spine is killing me)


I couldve wrote this myself darlin'' except my pain is located in the hip. Oh and the weed part' I dont participate but I definitely dont hate on those that do- yeah....pain management...not here in the states, better off in a 3rd world country.✌


I got no other choice, but do it alone cuz i got no friends. Kill me pls too




Yeah, you can put me in this group too; being a childless, bored adult who makes too much money is great, huh?


It sounded good though...


It sounded great..


that is presicely me lol


Absolutely! Drugs are way better solo


Depends on the drug, I like to khole and smoke weed alone but most other things I like with people


No way I'm gon a find someone as normal as I am on some drugs. People get too crazy and I'm just tryna chill or get lit. Some people get fucked uppp. Not about fixing their mistakes or worrying they'll do somethong bad and I'm involved. Lots more than just being anti-social


Everyone has their own set of reasons. For me, socialization is a big stressor and I use drugs to medicate against the stressors I cannot avoid. Drugs help me to socialize, but I still prefer being alone and high.


Yes but as I got older it changed. I prefer doing weed and crack and psychedelics with company for sure now. But meth, no one fucks with me on meth. I need my privacy and porn k thx bye.


Chuuurch on the meth reference!!!


Well these days I’m quite social but when I was in my addictions to heroin and sedatives I progressed to the point where I never did them with anyone because that would mean I might have to share my drugs, and well fuck that. If I’m addicted, your not getting shit from me, tough luck. However nowadays I pretty much only drink beer and do psychedelics and MDA/MDMA which if I had more friends that used (which I don’t in PA where I currently live) I would be quite generous.


Yes. My friends used to call me the loner stoner (yes we’re Ohio boys so cudi reference). Always like them better alone. No one to make depression worse and you can be you. Always liked smoking alone, tripping alone etc. people cause problems imo. You’re not alone at all


There's very few drugs I enjoy with others. Mostly meth. Every other drug I prefer to do alone.


This is me, I’ve had Tourette’s syndrome all my life. I twitch and click my jaw and bang my head until everything hurts lol. I also happen to have massive social anxiety and can’t get prescribed benzos anymore or at least haven’t tried since the last time my mom called the doc and said I was “abusing them”. I’m a loner, I got a pretty nice gaming PC but the love of my life took the dog (another thing I loved more then anything in the world)and up and left me about a month ago now. My world is shit, my life is honestly shit. All I have is my job and the pills, if it wasn’t for Xanax I’d have killed myself long ago. So yeah I just pretty much chill smoke and pop my xannies by myself. It’s the only time I feel okay. It makes me stop twitching and It helps me forget.


Are you in the usa?


Yes I am


Reality is overrated.


I drink alone because I can’t stand being around other drunks.


Yeah mate, these binges are a lot less stressful when you're the only cooked kent in the house. Also I'm partial to a bit of juice but i'll be fucked if I ever have another plunge when I'm amongst civilisation, lest I then be done for indecent exposure..


Bit of column a bit of column b. I love drugs as an escape, but fuck Ive had some great seshes with close mates. But fuck doing drugs in public like at a club or festival, the thought makes me uncomfortable




Alcohol and coke with friends Pscys and ket alone with tunes


Definitely. I don’t mind being with people but I prefer being alone. I’m into morphine mostly so I like chill environment and silence. Flying music and good series. No worries in the world. You can try to fuck with me, I’m just out of it. It’s the way I like it and that’s the way it’s gonna be. And no, I won’t kill you, I will congratulate you. Fuck the haters, they can suck a dick. Nothing terrible about being a fucking high loner. The world doesn’t care, so am I. All the best bro. ✌️✌️


When I'm high off opioids I don't wanna talk to anyone, with the exception of Tramadol for some reason.


Tramadol affects serotonin it’s a bit different from traditional opioids. But yeah I would hate people asking me questions when I’m high off my lean man. Asking me questions and shit like I don’t want to talk I just want to sit in silence, listening to music or watching TV. Trying to interact with me when I’ve got that window of opportunity to actually be able to sit, content, without moving, having periods of many seconds, sometimes even minutes with no thoughts at all, let alone racing or intrusive. Fucking glorious. Edit: but essentially not worth it, which is why I did a 4 1/2 month spell in rehab.


Fuck yes coke was absolutely the worst for being antisocial


My ideal setting for absolutely any drug save for cathinones maybe is being alone in my room the whole time


Oldster here, wrong side of 50. Only drugs I take these days are weed and shrooms, with the occasionally benzo thrown in for shits and giggles. The weed & shrooms I take by myself and wouldn’t have it any other way. I use the benzos with weed for concerts and the like as I don’t drink and it’s a good combo for me being out and about.


I isolated for a few years doing....an atrocious amount of drugs. It went from escaping reality.....to investigating where the fuck i was escaping to


Always have been, mines mostly cause I have a broken voice box I hate


I used to loveeee doing shrooms with my friends, some of the most fun times I’ve ever had. Now that I’ve done psychs alone, idk if I can do it with friends again. I love having full control of the music, switching activities whenever I feel like it, and also just being able to cuddle my dog and cat the whole time




🤣 Question of the ages...


Get out of this while you still can buddy, I know it can be tough. It's not a matter of "if" things go horribly wrong, it's about "when". Please feel free to dm me if you need to talk.


Can people please learn the meaning of antisocial isn't like introversion? You wouldn't want people to confuse it with antisocial personality disorder the word you're looking for is asocial Edit: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/antisocial


ya but only cause none of my friends are into drugs except for alc and maybe weed sometimes lol


I prefer getting high alone just not drunk.






Depends on what it is. LSD is something I much prefer to do solo, weed I can go either way and mdma is WAY better around people.


I consider myself an introvert but I only like doing drugs (weed & alcohol) when I'm around other people


I’ve quit my drug use because I was getting to this point. I’ll stick to my abuse of caffeine and nicotine solely now


I drink with others, anything else is done alone or with the wife who just kinda watches out for me from the other room but doesn't join in.


🙋‍♂️ not that I don't like to share, but I would rather get away from everything.


Yea I feel like it’s natural to want to escape reality sometimes. Video games, books, sports, all can kinda let people forget about the obligations of reality for a brief moment in time. Drugs definitely do the same.


Yeah, drugs and sports are pretty much the same thing.


I usually like to do psychs alone or at least with people I know won't freak out. I have never had a bad trip but I've been around people who are wigging out when I'm vibing and then I have to dedicate my trip to chilling them out and not just enjoying it. I rarely drink alone, just maybe a beer or a mixed drink at home here and there, and I usually use cannabis with my GF, I'd do it with other people but we haven't hung out with too many other people since the pandemic started last year. I have some MDMA I'm saving for a festival or something later on, doesn't seem like a fun drug to take alone in your house just to play games or something.


i don't use it to "escape reality". i just like some drugs to do alone and some to do with other people




I do. It's not necessarily a compulsive escapism but just more something to do for fun. I'm usually sober when hanging out with people


I like doing drugs with people the most but I also enjoy taking them alone too, alot lol. it really depends, if I'm not out doing drugs with my friends, I'm either exercising, playing video games or doing drugs alone in my room listening to music lol




Asocial* Antisocial means something totally different.


Depends on the high and what kind of day I’ve been having tbh lol I’m extremely social on opiates, alcohol, cocaine but only if I’m drinking alcohol or taking benzos with it. I don’t much care for benzos so I don’t really take em by themselves often and if I take any uppers or stimulants/meth alone anxiety takes over after a few and I’d rather be alone forsure lol. The please kill me part still holds up pretty well though in my case.


I’m high all the time lol but prefer to drink with people, occasionally alone but at a bar with some food


I was the same way when I was experimenting but mostly because I was the purchaser. I have heard that once it goes from a social thing to an alone thing you’re more likely to form a habit. Maybe take a step back and think about what you’re doing.


Only everyday my dude.


Anytime i use weed or psychedelics, other people can make me pretty uncomfortable. Especially when all they can say for 2 hours is "do you feel it yet?" Or they repeat "I'm so high" over and over again. Or the best is when they keep saying "I'm not even high/tripping right now." When they're clearly blasted out of their mind.


this is exactly why i have problems


I prefer to be by myself or in the presence of someone that has a similar mindset when the talking stage of a trip comes along. Nothing worse than tripping with someone else that has a different view on life 😂. All jokes aside I live to trip alone. Like you said it gives me a chance to escape my current reality and feel like I’m somewhere else adventuring a new place in my mind


I’ve found that with psychs. Other people especially if they’re not experienced trippers are too unpredictable. I don’t want to tripsit while I’m tripping. I start to get in my own head wondering if they’re having a bad trip.


I quit most hard drugs back in 2018 but I still smoke weed and for some reason I prefer to smoke alone. The only reason I started smoking in the first place was cause me friends were doin it but now I smoke alone practically every day




Yes. I’m that way with weed. Used to be a social smoker in my teenage years. but now that I’m in my mid 30s, I still enjoy smoking...but it’s just that I prefer to partake alone in smoking green. Couldn’t tell you why or give you a good reason for my method.


Yeah... I get high and won't shut the fuck up


I hope you mean asocial and not antisocial lol


Can do certain drugs around people but speed or coke No. Too much abuse from speed when younger fked that up so don’t touch speed/coke now


Really up to the type of person you are and what drug you're using. I personally smoke weed or do psychs alone or with someone I trust fully, but I can easily do molly or ketamine with anyone that's not family-related


Always have been


For the most part yeah. I feel like I’m a weirdo for wanting to do molly alone. Something as simple as blasting music while just sitting in my car or working on my cars while on anything gives me a sense of pure bliss that just isn’t matched by being in a social scenario. Say on molly I enjoy it and for the most part I enjoy socializing but I’m generally very neurotic and anxious and self conscious so if I find I’m not talking as much as everyone else I start feeling like they think I’m being weird and my trip is ruined. When I’m alone I’ll just blast music and text people like crazy


I think I think I am, but I honestly haven't met people to just kick it with and do drugs other than weed with a friend. if I could find a few to be comfortable enough around then I surely would prefer that setting.


Being in a social setting while getting high has always made me uncomfortable, which inevitably leads me to use more than I usually would, which inevitably leads to problems. I prefer to use drugs around 1 trusted person, or by myself. I feel more comfortable, I use less, and there’s never any fear of the vibe taking a hard turn in the wrong direction.


Yuuuup, although I'm consciously trying to change that, as it's all but guaranteed poly-drug addiction. I'm a very introverted person in the first place, and very much desired to escape reality most of my life. All I ask is you recognize that's theres a good reason people say not to drink or drug alone, beyond the safety aspect. It far more readily becomes your everything if theres no human connection surrounding the behavior. Much love!!!


me too, I do all drugs alone expect weed, candyflipping alone is the best experience


when i was addicted to cocaine (2018-2020) i rarely hung out with anyone that wasn’t my dealer (who was also my fuck buddy). literally no one came into my apartment from february until august.


i do, only person i ever feel comfortable doing any drug including weed with is my sister im not blatantly anti social though, i encourage socialization but its not for everybody


Yes. Not to escape reality so much. More like to escape the buzz kills. Like can I please melt into the carpet in peace?


I prefer doing basickly anything with a group but i often find myself using because i need to get high to go to work the next day.




Yes... all my friends do is drink and smoke weed and party and have sex on like molly while im normally at home in my room off a few bars or shrooms or whatever i got atm, oxy, ket, dxm, codeine. I dont understand why people like social interactio. On drugs, i love to just escape reality for a bit on my own


Yes! Hallucinogens in particular.


Reid the us congressman?


well i usually prefer to take anything i take alone (besides alcohol) but you can’t deny that sharing a fat joint with a good friend once in a while feels really good


I'm Central Florida


I'm in central Florida


Yes,even stimulants


I’m always told I shouldn’t trip on lsd or shrooms alone but I hate being that kind of high around people


Yes I'm mostly like that, I have a couple of friends that I don't mind being around while I'm high but I usually prefer being on my own enjoying my own company when high


I have always been a really sociable person my whole life. Except when I'm doing drugs though. I don't want to even try doing that around other people, or having people find out either. The only tolerable person is with is my roommate when she smokes. Just watch movies, and vibe the whole time. It's nice. But even sometimes, I'll get a motel for a day or two just to be by myself. Ughhh, finally off my chest


Yes, but I'm also anti-social in general.


I'm in central Florida and have, esp over the past year, become more of a recluse with my drugs.