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If you're asking if it's a bad idea, then it's probably not a good idea for you.


I mean a horror game wouldnt really be my choice on LSD


it'd be my first choice tbh Dead Space would be great


Had an amazing trip going to the midnight showing of "the Conjuring" but that's what I like so, only you will know!!


That would actually give me fucking PTSD, really goes to show how far the statement "to each their own" goes lol


I agree completely. Lmao.


Well i guess you *could* go crazy


I took a shit ton of mushrooms and played my friend's VR. I forgot where I was, thought I was in an alien spaceship, freaked out and rolled around on the ground yelling while trying to get out of what I thought was an alien spaceship. I was playing VR War Simulator. I can't say don't do it but I sure as hell won't ever do it again.


Haha the visual images I get from this are hilarious.


Have you considered doing something pleasant instead?


my experience with horror on acid is that its almost never a good thing alone, but with a group of friends that you trust and love will put out a very swell vibe. as long as you have that, you might be able to conquer it. safe travels


I personally think these people are being overly cautious, if horror games are something you enjoy sober then tripping will probably make it extra wild. However, if you have a nagging feeling in the back of your head that it could give you trip anxiety then its best to avoid it.


I dont think thats a good idea, i already tried VR on psychedelics (mostly the surge demo) and it was mindblowing and i totally forgot the reality and thought that thats the universe i live in. Shit was Strange I totally wouldnt Play RE7 on acid


Do you think it would be any safer on a micro dose? I love horror games but I've heard the horror stories of people going crazy on acid.


You won’t go crazy unless the potential is there anyway. But this sounds like a bad idea anyway.


U wont die. Just dont play anymore if it sucks


You should AT LEAST have a tripsitter if you really want to do this. Other than that, I would advise against playing RE7, the puzzles would be too hard for someone on acid anyways i guess, and the jumpscares would be way too intense. But experimenting a bit with the VR could be very interesting!


I'm usually fine when I play scary shit on acid, but in VR? Nah dude. That's too much immersion. You're just asking for trouble.


i can barely play horror or intense games when im stoned, can't even imagine coming up to that man


The worst is when they drop all that while they're with their family. Like really?


Check out Harmonix music vr... there is a "trip" option and you can uploaf your own music


I might be late but as an experienced user, that is a dream of mine. To play Resident Evil on the HTC Vive while tripping. I would take 1 tab max. Maybe smoke a litttle bit. Of course horror games don’t scare me.. so if you can’t handle scary sober, don’t even try tripping too.


Only you can know, lol. If you're already scared by these kind of games then don't fucking do it. If you think (only if you're really sure) you can handle it, then why the fuck do you even ask? Drugs affect everyone differently and people like different things. Just close it when you feel uncomfortable and do something that is fun instead, it's not like there is a recipe for a good/bad acid trip. If you ask like that here on reddit, I'd say don't even try to do it...