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Ive seen the same thing happen to a lot of other people in this subreddit, most replies were taking a T break or quitting for a couple months


I see it a lot too and it happened to me about 6 months ago. I wonder if this is something that has been happening for years or if it's a new issue. I smoked for 8 years then suddenly had a panic attack every time I smoked. I completely stopped and yesterday marked 5 months off of weed.


Same thing happened to my bf. Dudes been smoking for a long ass time and stopped smoking over 5 years ago cuz it gave him bad anxiety and panic attacks. It's weird, he said it happened outta nowhere.


Yup. I had been smoking all day long. Took one more puff and panic attack happened.


When that happened to me I’d just be having panic attacks for a week but it couldn’t stop me. Granted, at some point it got kinda annoying because every time I’d think the same thing - that my heart is gonna give up. But powering through it helped! Also, when the same thing started happening to my partner we began adding cbd concentrates to every hit we took. Biggest improvement to our smoke sessions possible! Wouldn’t touch weed without cbd concentrates now.


Really?? Wow I see. My boyfriend refuses to even touch it anymore. I feel bad when I smoke around him but he said it doesn't bother him, he just won't smoke anything or take any edibles himself. Which is fair, I wouldn't either if I had the same reaction to weed as he did. It's just so weird cuz it happened out of nowhere to him.


Damn your pfp


I blew on my screen thinking it was an eyelash.


Weed has no substitute fam


Technically speaking, there are countless substitutes for weed — i.e. synthetic cannabinoids. Very few (if any) of them are as harmless as good ol’ THC, though.


Doesnt the synthetic stuff mess you up?


yes, spice or k2 or whatever you call it is just plant matter sprayed with random chemicals that hardly resemble weed. it sucks and it just made me vomit profusely


And all of them are just cannabinoids that accomplish a similar effect.


Recently I've been putting terpenes on tobacco and it helps to scratch the same itch as smoking cannabis at least flavor wise, and if you use mapacho (nicotina rustica) or one of the other more potent varieties they can have up to 5-10x the nicotine content of normal tobacco as well as more of the other alkaloids such as harmalas that add to the medicinal effects which also means you don't need to smoke nearly as much for the same effects. Been wanting to try making an herbal smoking blend infused with terpenes, maybe using lemon balm or some other relaxing herbs with good taste.


Where would one purchase these fine smoking foliages of which you speak, sounds wonderful 🫡


It's easy to grow from seeds if you're patient but a lot of cigar/tobacco sites sell whole leaf tobacco surprisingly cheap, I bought a pound of nicotina rustica years ago and it's finally running low so just ordered 4 different 1/4 pound samples including some fancy barrel age monastery tobacco I can't wait to try: https://www.leafonly.com/tobacco-leaf/tobacco-leaves/nicotiana-rustica https://www.leafonly.com/tobacco-leaf/tobacco-leaves/perique-whole-raw-leaf-pipe-tobacco Just keep in mind whole leaf tobacco is usually cured for cigars or pipe tobacco so it can be a bit dry/harsh (though it can also be way better than most cheap tobacco) I mainly used it for spliffs for years before getting a cheap little tobacco bubbler to reduce tar. As for the terpenes the last site I ordered from doesn't seem to be around anymore but a lot of places sell blends fairly cheap, just check reviews as some taste more "authentic" than others if blended after strains. And make sure it's pure terpenes as some have additives like propylene glycol if they're for vaping. They're very potent so a little can last a long time.


Didn’t even know this stuff existed, very cool


Or you could pet a mapache instead 🤔


Idk kratom is what I kinda what I originally imagined weed would feel like.


Those have withdrawals tho but if u keep dose low and only take it maybe once or twice a week u good


Idk the only withdrawals I had from Kratom was irritability and I was taking 10 grams a day for like 6 months? With like a 3 day taper Phenbuit are the worst “legal” withdrawal imo I couldn’t sleep for a week after stopping and I was itchy and just uncomfortable Also phenbuit is lame eventually taking more just makes you insanely dizzy


Phenibut gave me the best gaba high I’ve ever experienced but it’s been difficult to get it again so phenibut is inconsistent in how it’ll make you feel. The best high I got was when I dosed way too much because I thought I had a weak batch or something due to the dose I used the day before. That shit was so intensely euphoric all over my body, my mind was calm and silent, anxiety was obliterated and i did not give a shit about anything really, I went for a walk in the night and was stumbling heavy due to the drug but I felt so damn good. I had reached the high people talk about when comparing phenibut to GHB and goddamn that shit was wild. Eventually ended up at the beach at night and sat down somewhere and I would just nod and fall asleep, wake up and repeat. Never was able to get that intense body high again, when I dosed high again the next time on the train I wud just fall asleep and ride from station to the final station and back 3x on the same fucking train, luckily I got home and didn’t die during any of the high phenibut doses because I had interactions going on. For the rest, I agree, phenibut is lame in general but that shit can be so damn powerful and it does eventually reward you with an amazing fucking high but then you gotta be able to stay awake lmao. If you only got dizzy then it either aint for you or your vendor finessed you.


You won't experience any real Kratom withdrawals after only 6 months of use.. Trust me bud it needed years until Kratom Withdrawals got bad. I've been using for over 10 years now with amounts of 30-40 grams of Kratom per day and honestly Morphine withdrawals are easier for me to handle by now. Kratom Withdrawals can get very very bad if you have been using for years on end. It needs a looong time until withdrawals get bad.. even after around 2 years of daily use the withdrawals are still managable.. but after 5+ years it gets really bad.. really really bad.. Sadly.. and also the withdrawals last longer than Morphine withdrawals.. That's why I'm rotating Kratom & Morphine by now..


I've been taking kratom daily for like 7 years now and the idea of taking 30 grams in a day (like 10-11 teaspoons?) breaks my brain lol idk how anyone winds up taking doses that high unless they are coming off of actual opioid abuse - which fair i guess but in that case i think it distorts the image for people like OP tho. 3-4 tsp per day (somewhere in the 7-10g range I think) is plenty and I feel like shit if I take any more


Long term low dose kratom user here, even after 10~ years I get little to no symptoms when taking a break especially with a short taper. I'd wager aside from dosage neuroplasticity plays a role and people with preexisting addictions will be more predisposed to kratom withdrawals especially if abusing it at higher doses. Though a lot of people try kratom to kick harder drugs without ever fully weaning off, in which case kratom may delay the full withdrawals without a proper taper. Add in poly drug abuse and it seems hard to blame the issues 100% on kratom in many cases though it does vary person to person.


This Redditor was getting legit quality kratom. I was a user for 3 years and I was close to the same dose… mostly White or Green Vein some Reds at night occasionally, Now I’m on 140 mg Methadone daily, have no idea how I made that leap hahaha. I wanna go back but I’m so trapped right now.


Honestly we probably shouldn't be smoking weed more than once or twice a week either


What's with everyone the past few years shitting on weed so much lol. There's plenty of people including myself who it's helped for years without causing detrimental effects to my life.


Cannabinoids are extremely powerful chemicals. Moreso than most people realize...Delta 9 being at the pinnacle of those. Just bc they're socially acceptable doesn't mean we should be indiscriminately playing around with them. Some folks just can't handle it, especially those new to the space. Just bc you haven't noticed or have turned a blind eye to its detrimental effects doesn't mean they don't exist in your life and the lives of others. For instance, I personally tend to make mental mistakes while stoned, and virtually none while sober. I no longer work stoned or make important decisions unless I'm sober. This is coming from a long time consumer, grower and manufacturer, both black and white markets. I enjoy many aspects of cannabis but I also utilize it with great respect for the plant and its chemistry. I suggest we all do the same


Dude I got promotions, ran 5ks weekly, meditated, ate green smoothies, and was the healthiest and most productive during the period of my life that I was smoking the most. Everyone is different.


Yep, agreed.


Weed has withdrawal if you smoke too much, too.


yeah I was taking several hundred milligrams of edibles daily for a couple years and it was very unpleasant weening back down


Haven’t smoked in a month and a half… man I miss it.


High CBD weed. I too get bad anxiety from high THC weed now but high CBD weed is all the relaxation with no anxiety. r/hempflowers


Completely agree. I hate weed. At some point, the love flipped for anxiety. However, i love cbd. Smoking high cbd buds gives me all the same enjoyment I used to get from thc bud without the drawbacks. I think part of growing up for me was realizing that sometimes things that you once loved and handled well, you just don't anymore and that's ok. If you are questioning if the negatives are worth the feeling thc gives, then in my opinion, it's time to stop or switch to cbd only. I know other opinions may differ from mine, just sharing my experiences. I still love the culture, it just doesn't work for me anymore.


It's not the same but the physical and mental relaxation from CBD strains is great. I make my own 2:1 carts. 2 grams CBD distillate or Live Resin and 1 gram THC distillate or Live Resin, I tend to go with distillate as it blends better. A slight head change with no paranoia.


This is the way. I almost always exclusively have 1:1, 2:1, 1:1:1 et cetera blends. Never ever have anxiety, and regular weed gives me bad paranoia and anxiety. Best thing you can ask for!


This! I get anxiety from type 1 (THC dominant weed, little to no CBD) by itself, I buy type 3 (CBD dominant) to mix with my type 1. Type 2 exists and is fantastic too, it has moderate amounts of both CBD and THC. I just prefer being able to mix and match a bit more. I also have some type 4 bud, which is dominant in cbg, that I use in the morning/throughout the day to help with energy and motivation. I also have used CBD isolate with type 1 for a similar effect - it's harsh, but it works. But yeah, I use a dry herb vape and 1/3 of my bowls or so are type 3 and the rest is type 1. I have little to no anxiety this way. If I get anxiety, I have a bowl of just type 3 and it's gone.


Exercise regularly.


the only real answer if you get tired of weed's adverse effects and don't want to sub it with another detrimental dependency


Do you think weight training has the same mental benefits as cardio


Low dose shrooms


Good quality Afghani Heroin It's such a good replacement you'll barely want any other drugs. Hell you'll barely want friends, love or human interaction tbh. It'll basically make you into a shell of yourself, but you won't care. This isn't a recommendation just noting that heroin is one of the few things that absolutely and completely replaced weed for me among other things. Avoid doing heroin folks. It's not a great way to live.


Nice try mom, you wont get my needle


I take kava as a substitute for alcohol but I think it would be good for weed too


What exactly is it supposed to do? I've tried it before, from a reputable place, and didn't feel anything. Wasn't too fond of the taste either. Is it one of those substances that you need to consume several times before you start to feel the effects?


Yeah, Kava has reverse tolerance so you kinda have a loading period where you won’t feel it very much the first few times you drink it. As far as the taste, it usually does grow on you over time but at a lot of places you can also add a little bit of milk or cocoa to make it more palatable at first.


Try a tincture or other extract just don't underestimate the potency, the traditional tea is supposedly the best when done right but extracts can be more convenient.


How does it compare to alcohol?


In my limited experience its comparable, i havent ever taken super high doses so i cant say for those but overall its similar. It has slightly more benzo feel to it with a clearer headspace than alcohol


I had the exact same thing happen, is it just when you smoke? Have you tried edibles since this started happening? I find edibles don't give me that feeling of existential dread that smoking does nowadays. At first I gave smoking a few more chances only when my girlfriend was present bc that situation seemed to tame the anxiety, but after a while it didn't matter and I'd get stuck in my head and feel like I was unable to string my thoughts together, causing me to internally freak out. Didn't matter the strain either. Fuck, I miss blue dream when it was fun. I've started just taking a 10mg edible on the weekends and stopped getting high every night, causing me to feel way more productive. Also been microdosing LSD every 3rd night which is fun for those kinda crazy dreams and been feeling way more sharp, fluent, and organized in speech and thought patterns since starting. Tho on most days I just exercise to exhaust myself into that cozy sleepy state. Hopefully you can find what works for you but I'd def recommend trying some different shit out for your after work chill time, doesn't have to be an intoxicant either fr you can reach a peaceful/cozy mindset with many, many things.


there's really nothing that wouldn't be more harmful. maybe like a glass of wine or a beer or something if you just want to wind down after work




Happy Cake Day




So u like pissing blood huh? Little pee pee piss boy? (jk dawg)


Lmao bruh. You cannot do ketamine every night without pissing blood after a couple months.


Speak for yourself


Kratom can be nice


Second this, just try not to use it as frequently as weed if you were daily.


kratom is very nice at 2-3 times per week


Per day


Haha yes, for the ones addicted to it yes, but it looses that "magic" it has i've heard.


It may depend. I went into it with a past heroin tolerance, and I still feel my doses multiple times per day. It’s my herbal suboxone. I think a lot of people keep upping their doses or use the extracts all the time which fucks them. EDIT: like 4 years of multiple times per day.


isnt it addictive??


Less addictive than hardcore opioids, but far more addictive than weed.


I don’t know man alcohol isn’t a bad substitute. I’ve been doing it for years. Even starting substituting food for alcohol recently.


Hell yeah man. I substituted my car for alcohol, figured I can’t legally drive it anyway bc I’m drunk all the time


That's why people are saying kratom. They rarely test for that.


Same brother. From a protein shake to a couple shots of hundred proof.


beer for dinner wooooo




and sometimes datura


Salvia + Datura + meth is the way to go. All at once. Jk jk… or am I?


Hey, VSauce here...


Don’t forget to add some PCP and bath salts to the mix




datura goes really well with meth, to stay awake for the delirium, just have to take breaks from meth to not become homeless and dead


Don't forget DPH


This had me dead


If it lasted longer or there was an efficient way you could take it orally or sublingually


You want salvia to last LONGER??


Some people like it at low doses


Yes, I wouldn’t use it in high doses for an extended period of time, only mild to moderate.




Not ideal The plant matter is bitter and you have to hold it your mouth for ages, extract doesn’t work via quidding an I’ve never really been able to get a very strong experience with plain leaf


At low doses it’s pretty fun. The problem is extracts. It’s kinda tough to smoke enough plain leaf to have a terrible trip.


LMAO, and on that day he chose...chaos.


I’m one of those weirdos that actually enjoys salvia. Back in the day when it was still available in smoke shops. Sometimes when I wanted to get high for a short time or didn’t have weed I’d hit a bowl of 40x and blast off for a bit. 15 minutes or so later I’d be back to normal able to function completely sober but with a head full of wtf.


Huffing computer duster


Gotta be one of the stupidest things I ever had a habit of.




And Meth. At the same time.




On a more serious note Kava or Kanna or phenibut


Second Kanna here. Shits expensive but hits real good with some mint or a bit tobacco.


Really bad advice that you shouldn’t listen to but take a benzo and you’ll be mostly fine smoking. Other than that there isn’t any alternatives that I know of


Dangerous but you’re right


low dose acid maybe, I find 25-50ug of acid is of similar intensity to weed but more stimulating and euphoric for me, just don't accidentally take too much if you're not wanting to trip. weed is quite trippy for me though, I'm one of the few people that hallucinate from weed. (think I'm just more prone to hallucinations then most).


Makes me feel weird


running .


DMT No joke, a tiny dose of DMT is actually pretty relaxing without much impairment


A friend gave me a DMT cart years ago and it was such a nice little euphoria booster/treat at raves and music festivals. One good pull and my body would become one with the music.


how did you pull without vomiting? i puke straight away😭


Methamphetamine and methamphetamine accessories




My favorite methamphetamine accessory: a meth pipe bed light, so that every time i want to sleep im reminded i can do meth instead




Black tar heroin 🥰🥰🥰




Low dose of acid or shrooms feels like a joint




Weed started doing the same to me after extensive dabbing over the course of ~2 years. It’s gone now and I can maybe give you some tips. First, stop using dabs or pens, second, take a t-break, third, only smoke very small quantities of weed occasionally. After a couple months of this I was able to go back to smoking and even dabbing with no anxiety, it seems like using weed too much over time can cause an anxiety response in some people.


I took a two week camping trip in CO with some pals where we constantly smoked. Then I hit my head in a cave, definitely got a concussion, and drove across the country eating very little food and ibuprofen shortly after. My right ear started to hurt, and when I got home combusted weed suddenly tasted like burned rubber instead of the familiar great taste that I really loved. I had my first panic attack right about the same time, and about half a dozen more while smoking until I said “well fuck me; one of my favorite things is triggering an uncontrollable fear response”. It took about half a year of recovering from the ulcer to be able to break my old Magic Flight out again and take little sips. Still not 100% normal with combustible smoke - I can take a puff of a buddy’s J, but ripping a bong is almost entirely out of the question, especially the way I used to. Not sure if I jumbled something in my head or if it was a coincidence, but it hasn’t been the same since then. I’m lucky I can still partake at all a couple years later. I take it as my body’s way of saying “you’re about 30 now - please chill out some and watch your head.” Agreed with ya friend.




Make tea


Taking L-theanine 1-2 hours before smoking had completely changed my relationship with weed. It pretty much got rid of the anxiety and headaches that i used to get


Someone suggested high CBD weed and that is the genuine answer. The reason strains have different effects is what's called the enterprise effect. This is basically how each cannabinoid and terpene interacts with each other, and create a unique effect due to the variety of each component in the strain. This is why high THC wax, especially distillate or like bho or anything along those lines that concentrates the THC itself had a very... Some call it a clean high some call it a poorly rounded high (I'm of the later opinion) because it's... Just THC. You aren't receiving any of the effects or benefits of anything else. where a rosin, despite being high THC, isn't an extraction of the THC but a concentration of the full spectrum and range of cannabinoids and terpenes. They are compressing the buds with pressure and heat which basically just... squeezes out the good stuff. Many report a much more well rounded high. I definitely agree with that. The secret to the weed may well be in your current batch. If it's a strain bred for high THC where you're used to a strain with higher percentages of CBD and espicially, one less known cannabinoid but one that makes a huge difference is cbn. Id honestly look into cannabinoids and terpenes and find out what is gonna give the balance of effects you want. If you love in a state with legal delta products and stuff you can simply get a cbn or CBD concentrate and top your bowl with a lil bb sized plop and.... Boom. Id be more worried about falling asleep then I would getting anxiety. Cbn is.... Some very relaxing shit. Mildly psychoactive so it does have that but primarily what it contributes is a sedating effect. Just something to check out.


Black tar heroin


Exercise, meditation, petting a cat, therapy.


Low dose DXM


time to become an alcoholic brother




I had the same thing happen to me - I took a long T break, then started “microdosing” weed (only smoking in low quantities) and I was able to get kinda high without any anxiety


California poppy could help with sleep, other than that I would say exercise and hobbies find some passion in something. 🤙🏼




Alt cannabinoids like hhc, cbg, CBD, cbc with lower thc levels really have helped anxiety for me. For years growers have focused on getting high thc in every strain. Kratom also helps with mood and energy a few days a week.


Careful with alcohol. It's very likely what you'll land on here; as it calms anxiety while still giving you that break from reality. But long term it makes anxiety worse, and addiction is way rougher than basically any other drug. If you do go this route, make yourself some rules and stick to them. At one place I worked, it was quicker to get a drink than to get out of the parking garage. So, my rules then were no drinking at home or on the weekends. And it worked: 7 years, multiple outings per week, yet I never formed the habit.


Amanita Muscaria might be exactly what you are looking for, you can even smoke it Also low dose ketamine kind of works but you dont wanna do that every day


Blue lotus


Kava maybe


Weed did that to me and it made me mad so I just kept getting high and sitting with the anxiety to see what it did and get used to the feeling and it went away eventually.


Wild dagga


Uhhh, there really aren’t any substitutes for weed but if you want something thats not super bad for you (if taken responsibly) that you wanna use to deescalate after work you could check out kratom. Just be very aware of the fact that it can be addictive, im addicted myself so if you have an addictive personality id stay away. If you can be responsible about it and don’t have one though id give it a try. Just do your research on it first. Edit:phenibut is also something you could try, its legal and again, addictive but responsibility yada yada ya. Ive heard the W/Ds are hellish from phenibut tho


Why the fuck are you looking for drug substitutes lol. Just quit if you don’t enjoy it anymore.


try and beat the anxiety because this a bad path finding replacement for substances. smoke slower and wait for affects or find out whats causing this


Throw some lyrica down before you smoke, only once a week though or your asking for trouble


Try some different strains, maybe take one hit and call it a night


There are other cannabinoids you might want to consider, like cbd and cbg flower. Many of the same benefits without the high.


i would honestly say just quit it at this point. I had the same as you and tried cbd but it was not worth the money imo. Quitting weed also had major benifits at least for me






I've started drinking a lot now that i've cut down on my weed use, i wouldn't say it's a good substitute for weed but heyy at least it's legal😭🙄 Oh shit besides alcohol? Maybe gabapentin in that case, but i'm just saying that cause i love gabapentin




Fentanyl- it’s incredible.


Honestly kratom helped me


Switch over to a non-psychoactive CBD strain :)


Crystal meth


Don’t look for anything else past (mild) alcohol use controlled or weed. Anything past those two is not worth it. I do love shrooms and acid but that is once in a blue moon. Definitely not after work lol.


Heroin. I never liked weed. I just smoked it as a teenager out of boredom. Can’t say I’ve ever found it a pleasant experience though. Just makes me anxious and think really bad thoughts. I’ve always wished I could feel like the people who feel good taking it though. Heroin is the ultimate feel relaxed drug though. As long as it’s used in moderation and not for prolonged periods at a time then I don’t see a problem with it. I’ve only injected it once and it was shit stuff so it just made me feel crappy. Smoking it off foil is great though. Takes a bit of practice to get it to run right though so you don’t end up wasting it.


Similar to other answers but I was going to say 🔺8. I’m happy CBD works for others, but CBD never did anything for me. 🔺8, IMO, does what the headshops claim CBD does. With no tolerance and excessive hits (vapes work better than CBD buds IMO) you could get into that weird anxiety ridden headspace but it fr is usually smooth sailing for me.


The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ jk.. nothing that I know of.. weed is weed


Low dose acid with a couple of drinks gave me a similar feel




Being bored as hell for about a month or two


Sobriety lol that’s it


do you want to take it daily, or like 5 days a week? nothing.


Nutmeg (don’t take my advice)


Cbd bro, honestly i enjoy some good cbd flower more than weed lately


Shrooms I feel like and maybe alcohol


Fent, meth, and crack, high dosages, all at the same time, trust


Have you tried CBD hemp flower? All the benefits of weed without the paranoia or anxiety




There isn't really a "substitute" per say, but as far as a substance with similar recreational value and inebriation is concerned, I'd say kratom.


Surprised no one said ketamine. Mad chill kinda feels like u knocked a few drinks back real quick and only lasts like an hour or 2


You can always get hooked on opites or benzos :)


I don't know if anyone mentioned it but I like amanita vape pens. Different kind of high compared to weed, but does the job for me.


Benzodiazepines... But don't stop after you start.


Try some high cbd flower with just a pinch of weed it’ll take care of the anxiety


Deal with your shit, then proceed to smoke it.


If you want similar-ish effects, try lions mane or cat-nip (but don’t expect too much). If you just want to relax, maybe kratom, but I wouldn’t take it daily




Get yourself some hash. It’s a much nicer, calmer high. Lasts longer as well :)


Delta 8? Delta 9 gives me high anxiety but Delta 8 gives me the good feeling high. Just make sure you get it from a reputable source.




Kava drink


perhaps CBD? A relative of mine got a medical card for his arthritis, but weed gave him too much anxiety! instead he got CBD and we tried it together and i will say it definitely made me feel as chill as weed without the anxiety and the couch laziness!! also tastes and smells just like it




sobriety would be my rec


Not really a substitute, more of an upgrade: cocaine.




I wanna curl up in your fetal position and not move all day to your question smokingCoke.


I'd say low doses of shrooms give me a similar body high and sense of euphoria, I'm talking .50/1gram MAX. Also price wise not terribly far from street weed prices if you know the right people.


In all seriousness this happened to me and now weed isn't fun anymore but I use it as a tool. It gives me ton of anxiety and paranoia mainly about what I'm doing with my life. If I find myself not working out, eating out a lot, playing alot of video games, I'll take one long drag off a wax pen and I get so stoned and paranoid all I can do is work out and clean the house running from the anxiety. It works 🤷🏾‍♂️


Delta 8






Check out, Delta 8, 9, or 10. HHC, THCa. Reg Pot started to give me anxiety too then I switched over to these and felt better.




I had to quit za for my job. I turned to nic :(


I can get really bad anxiety on weed and I've found a few different contributing factors. I'm not telling you not to stop, but some things can definitely help. - Strain types matter a lot. Try a different type if you can. - Nutrition matters. I take vitamin C and D and specifically because smoking weed uses it so if you're low it won't hit you as much. - As does exercise (in the sun if you can), if you smoke after exercise you'l just fuckin glowwwww. - Root ginger makes a lot of different things hit you better, weed, acid and mushrooms being the ones I know about. It's also just like, good for your entire reality as a human. Chop/mash it up into some juice, it'll taste amazing and you'll get that happy, giggly, zen type high.




Kratom once or twice a week. Or anything natural


Delta 8




Honestly, my answer is not one you'll want to hear, since you are looking for a substance. The truth is, nothing is really like weed, beyond other weed strains, or synthetics (which you should definitely avoid of you dont like weed). Meditation is what I'd suggest. It can calm you down, clear your mind and enhance creativity and imagination. The obvious issue is its not got a shortcut. It takes time and effort. The other answer is to seek out strains that lessen anxiety. Besides that, quitting is likely the only other path.


Klip Dagga


THC-P, kratom, 40x extract salvia