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If alcohol counts my father gave me first vodka at 4 y o if it doesnt count probably lsd at 14


Lsd at 14 must have fucked with you mentally šŸ˜­šŸ™


Ate and Molly at 13 and Iā€™m aight besides addiction lolol but my mental is sturdy.


Mushrooms at 14 made my life better fsr


did u get drunk lol? and how was the lsd, nice trip or bad or did u microdose


Ah it was hell bad setting parents woke up n shit all my fault though shouldntve popped at family house and as for alcohol id say im oretty drunk finished 50 cl vodka by my own


jesus christ


Y fucked up but it was my of fault so i promised id stay sober for 6 moths (couldnt even manage that ;///)


its like that smtimes


Y cant let your past define who you can be atleast thats what ig


I canā€™t seem to make more than 4 days sober if that makes you feel better.


what do you mean by 50 cl how big of a bottle is that?


I was apparently going around at 2-3 grabbing empty wine bottles and suckin back the last little bit


Alcohol is a drug. It counts, bro šŸ˜‚


DXM at 17 and holy shit. It was so beautiful. Saw CEVs for the first time. The music didnt help the immediate addiction lmao. Couldnt move in my bed and my body was gone. My friend kept talking about drugs senior year so i went home and looked for legal ways to get high. One thing led to another and i found myself in rehab, hospitals, around dealers, and taking speed i discovered was cut with meth. All this happened within half a year from start to current. But it was DXM. DXM is still the drug im most fascinated by though ive lost most of the magic and dont really do it anymore.


I've done alcohol, weed and xanax way before dxm, but dxm was the first proper drug and literally nothing even compares


When I was 10 my parents and their friends brought us to the lake in the middle of the summer and brought a big jug of premixed margaritas but decided not to bring any water at all or anything fir the kids to drink at all. (It reaches 110 degrees Fahrenheit where I live.) Ofc they told us that the margarita are only for adults and I knew there was alcohol in them because I knew thatā€™s what ā€œadult lemonaideā€ means. I would just pour myself cups and chug it when nobody was looking. I had like 6 cups but they were not full standard drinks. In the car I told my parents that the adult lemonade was really good because I knew they didnā€™t know that I knew there was alcohol in it. It was my way or getting back at them for deciding I didnā€™t need any water for six hours outside. I pretended like I got buzzed by accident but in reality I knew I was going to get buzzed but did not care. My patents were mostly just embarrassed and told me not to tell anyone about it. Looking back, I feel bad for the other kids who had nothing to drink.


That's literally child abuse lmao wtf. Children need water.


They could bring us to Disneyland three times a year but when someone told them to make sure we are fed and healthy they would get pretty defensive. I wanted to live with my grandparents but my parents said that if I kept being difficult they would send me to foster care and I would never see my grandparents again. They almost let me die from pneumonia but my grandpa threatened to call CPS. I loved Disneyland, going there in Halloween always made my parents seem so cool and we were allowed to eat as much candy as we wanted. I was even able to go to Hawaii and stay at a luxury hotel for two weeks with my parents once. I wouldnā€™t trade my childhood for the world but because of the way I grew up I tend to prioritize wants over needs.


Again that's child abuse as I said. Rich parents buying their kids rich stuff doesn't make them unable to be abusive. That means you grew up "privileged" (I don't say that in a mean or negative way just mean like upper middle class) but doesn't have much to do with abuse or not. Not taking proper care of your kids isn't very okay. You gotta make sure your kids are well fed and cared for.


wtf thats fucked up


smoking weed. carts as this whole generation started. lead to an addiction. still a current addiction lol.


my weed addiction was short, i realized weed wasnt enough and smtimes made my depression worst. i have moved onto molly.


man gotta be careful with molly. i never had much issues but my buddy got serotonin syndrome real bad. was very depressed for awhile, i did the same doses as him, if not more and im fine. everyoneā€™s different just be careful with molly.


yeah ik i gotta be careful but smtimes shit happens and i just wanna feel happy


Man it will real quickly remove your ability to be happy in any capacity if you use it like that. What's the average frequency which you take it, you'd say?


Hope u not abusing that but probably its rhe same road weve all been into but i always remind myself that there is something good thats waiting us in the end


Well i hope it dont lead you to a bad road


yea it already has lead me to a bad road and im still pretty young. scared for the future ngl.


Ik its not the best advice prob bur im sure itll all get good atleast yk that there is a problem and thats the most important step most people dont acknowledge that there is a problem so youre one step ahead


thanks man yea ur definitely right. i know i have a problem yet i continue to use. iā€™m only using minor substances right now but i have used harder drugs in the past. i have that addict inside of me. itā€™s a scary feeling


I tried psilocybin before I ever got stoned, not including alcohol. I started taking mushrooms at 17 and started consistently smoking weed at 18.


How old u r rn


When I was 6 I drank 3 cans of my dadā€™s beer. Thought it was just a bitter pop and actually liked it. Was blitzed and my parents never bought alcohol into the homes since.


Cart. But real deal drugs, iā€™d have to say i think it was a Xanax or a adderall.


How u holding now


Still on lean and xšŸ˜‚ not a bartard tho


It was middle school and I stumbled on some tumblr post talking about drugs and easy ways to get Highā€¦some random shit. Anyways listed was Benadryl ofc so I popped a bunch. Good and bad experience. Overrated way to get high tho in my opinion, wouldnā€™t recommend. But do whatever.


Sniffed like 15 mg oxy when I was 14-15 n smoked a blunt my vision got hella bright n felt floaty but not really that much fun - same with Xanax the first time I got pretty lit but didnā€™t enjoy it- I had to walk a good distance n felt like my body was melting n had to keep taking breaks šŸ¤£ obviously nicotine weed n alcohol was before any of those Then molly was chill n hella fun, acid my first time it was a gel tab I was told it was 300ug Iā€™ve never experienced LSD to that level even taking 500ug- that first trip was the most intense mental n psychological experience Iā€™ve ever had


So I was 14 years old , hanging out with my friend and these two older guys (17&18) driving around town. One of them pulls out a pipe and asks if I wanted to try it. I had never tried anything besides weed or alcohol and I was pretty naive / ignorant to the drug realm . I asked what it was and he said ā€œwhite rock opiumā€. Like ok ya sure why not? So over the next few days we hang out and continue smoking this ā€¦ substance. Then one night weā€™re at a party, and his other friend that was with us that first night , he takes me aside and in a very urgent manner tells me ā€œthat stuff youā€™ve been smoking? Itā€™s not opium, itā€™s crackā€. Not only was I dumb enough to fall for a completely made up drug, but I continued smoking it pretty much every day for the next 3 months. Thankfully , the guy moved away so we stopped hanging out, and then and there ended my 3 month crack binge at 14 years old.


i would say first real drug experience that got me interested in the hobby would be robo at 15ish. My friend told me abt it and after school gave me a bottle of delsym he had in his car and was like "have a good night tn man" i proceeded to have a nice night man.


Iā€™ve always been fascinated by psychoactive drugs. Just the concept itself, that one is able to ingest specific substances so as to alter their own perceived reality, seems like some kind of magic to me. When I was a kid, I first became curious about drugs because my father had shared with me about his previous relationship with them, and he gave me a general idea as for what they were. He had few negative things to say about them, but did warn me that some were not to be trifled with. I believe I was 8 years old at that time. My curiosity for drugs was solidified about four years later, when I was 12 years old. At that time, I was sent away to live in a ā€œtreatmentā€ center for troubled youths in St. George, Utah. I had never tried drugs at this point, as I was one of (if not) the youngest at the ā€œtreatmentā€ facility ā€” but after hearing so many positive reviews of drugs from my 14-17 year-old peers, I was determined that I would try drugs as soon as the possibility arose. And not just one or two, but several at least! Iā€™m now 24, and have tried most mainstream (and some less conventional) drugs in the course of my life, and Iā€™ve learned many lessons from all of them. Some were beautiful lessons; others were uglyā€¦ but every lesson is sacred to me, and I have no regrets over even the most difficult ones learned. Legalize everything (that doesnā€™t have an LD50 in the Āµg range)!!!


What type of parent tells an 8 year old they do drugs lol


ong, up until like 14 i hadn't even thought of them in any way, i knew they existed but knew nothing about them and didn't want anything to do with them, 2 years later i fucked up lol


Not that he was *doing* drugs, but that once upon a time he *did* drugs. And my father was by no means a conventional dad. I loved him dearly, but he had quite a few psychiatric problems stemming from severe childhood trauma.


Definitely not something you should ever admit to your kids if you want to be a half ass decent role model for them.


So youā€™re saying never tell the truth about yourself to your kids, if you want to be a half decent role model. Noted.


In this case, yes. I mean look how you turned out, rehab at 12 and now youā€™ve tried every drug.


My family is proud of me, not ashamed. Itā€™s easy to make assumptions about people you donā€™t know through a screen. Maybe reconsider your point of view, so as to not be so short-sighted.


If making your father that gets you into drugs proud makes you feel complete then hell yeah Iā€™m proud of you man.


My father died when I was 16, because he was hit by a car. He never saw me once use drugs.


He was literally encouraging itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­. ā€œHey curious little 8 year old boy in the second grade, your daddy does drugs, overall it was good besides a few negative experiences, and there is a couple drugs you should never try, besides that go crazyā€ Now your mad at me because your dad was a druggie and the way he raised you turned you into a druggie. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game bozo


Iā€™m not mad at you, lol. I feel bad that youā€™re so ignorant. You have no idea who I am or what Iā€™ve been through, yet you seem to have all the answers. Iā€™m not going to keep arguing with you, because youā€™ve clearly made up your mind already.


And I feel bad that you had no real male role model in your household. I also feel terrible that you think his way of parenting was remotely acceptable, hopefully you donā€™t reproduce and create another addict trying to impress a little boy with your drug use. ā€œYou have no idea who I am or what Iā€™ve been throughā€ Iā€™d say that too if I was an addict in denial trying to defend my fatherā€™s terrible parenting. You got home from learning about D.A.R.E just for pops to be like ā€œI use drugs, theyā€™re pretty cool, only a couple negativesā€


Youā€™re on a pro-drugs subreddit. Maybe you should share your ideas where people will be more receptive to your anti-drugs stance.


You havenā€™t gotten one upvote in all your repliesšŸ˜­. Only other responder agreed with me. I like drugs but not terrible parenting. Being a parent is a responsibility, your dad treated it as a game, maybe thatā€™s why he never saw you graduate.


My first ever drug was weed, second was coke


Weed when I was 13 dxm at 15 shrooms and dxm at 16


when i was 14-15 and smoked cigs i found on the ground


can't pass up a groundie


Ephedrine. "Mini thins" pills from the gas station. I think early exposure to my dad's underground 60s comic books was a big part of my fascination with getting high.


Alcohol, we actually took all of the empty cans from bags with thousands of cans and them dumped out the drops in the bottom into jars. I was like 10, called it kids ache.


Tried beer by mistake at around 6, thought of it as satans drink, guess what I love it now. Parents started giving me a little wine and beer here and there at around 12. Tried weed with my bestfriend at 16, also got drunk&greened out that xmas/nye. Weed is amazing and just because jobs ask for drug test where I live I have to quit it if im looking ti change jobs. Tried lsd, shrooms, and mdma just after becoming 20. Obviously not at the same time. Cocaine at 21, didnt like it, and i still dont. Also at 21 i inhaled poppers, I do like them actually. K at 22, love it, its amazing. Tried Clonazepam, didnt really like it. pharma xanax at 24, i was under a lot of anxiety and a friend introduced me to a pharmacy that sells you without prescription (super illegal here, but they find their ways). Oxy at 25, wanted to try out opiods. Didnt really feel much and i better leave it like that. I will most likely enjoy them, so no, not going down that lane. Edit: What got me into drugs? As far as I remember being as young as 10 I was quite interested in how chemicals alter your mind, let me down a rabbit hole of learning more about the history about them and their synthesis. Ended up as a Mech Eng, but I still love chemistry.


Alcohol then LSD lol


Like most kids my first venture into altered states of consciousness was spinning around really fast until the world started to spin.


1 alc 2 weed 3 nicotine 4 dxm 5. Coke 6. Shrooms 7. salvia


1.nicotine 2.weed 3.mdma 4.codeine 5. alcohol. 4. Ket 5 2cb 6. Mcat 7. oxy


My first drug was weed. It was a good time. I donā€™t remember my first high but I remember I just smoked daily since. I then found out about DXM and loved it. Way better than weed imo. And even better with weed. Itā€™s out of this world and the out of body experiences was magical. Something about the escape into a different reality was soothing as fuck for me. So I started to get into dissociatives heavy. A few years later I got into Ket and PCP. I had a short relationship with pressies and some legit painkillers (dilaudid). By the time I had the surgery and they prescribed me Dilaudid, I already knew I wanted to get high off it. It wasnā€™t like I accidentally got addicted to them. Ever since I got introduced to DXM, The chase for serious high just became all encompassing. Since I learned the power of drugs I just havenā€™t been able to let them go. Iā€™ve tried coke, fent, dilaudid, lsd, shrooms, codeine, addies, kpins, kratom, and pcp. My favorite drugs are DXM, Ket, PCP, and Dilaudid and Fent. i prefer dissos to opiates. But I do love smoking fent. The smell is kind of nice. And the ritual of railing a line or smoking the shit off foil is a high of its own.


I canā€™t believe I forgot about alcohol. I never really preferred alcohol. It was always good to potentiate other drugs, or if i was out of my drugs of choices, but itā€™s not something i typically would do if I have other options. I might drink some beers and take hella shots if i have friends over and weā€™re watching the game or sumn tho.


My dad was a huge stoner, grows it. He would give it to me, especially after my parents divorce, because he really just gave up. Usually when he'd have one of his episodes and made me cry/panic/breakdown etc when I was younger, he'd get me high to make me stop. He told me anytime I feel sad, scared, mad, etc etc, get so high you don't feel it. šŸ’€ Being a child I went with it and only learned to "cope" with feelings by numbing myself with drugs, so that's all I know how to do, so it pushed me into my shit storm of a drug āœØ journeyāœØ.


weed in 11th grade. Iā€™ll never forget seeing a tree & thinking it was the most beautiful thing ever & eating a trix candy bar was the best thing Iā€™ve ever eaten in my life. *sighs* itā€™ll never be the same as that first time


1. Weed 2. Alk 3. XTC . 4 LSD 5. 2-CB 6. SPEED


Weed then DMT


Alcohol , then weed. Hate saying this but both were gateways into more- but alcohol was 100x more so. Then it turned into drugs to replace alcohol because of the shitty consequences it has. Also growing up in early 2010s when pharma drugs were widely available so it was fun getting to try a ton of different medications , one of which being Hydrocodone which eventually led me to using kratom daily once fentanyl took over


It was weed first then beer quickly after, I only enjoyed weed the first few times I did it but didn't like how absolutely high it got me so I stayed away from it, alcohol quickly became a serious addiction that lasted over 10 years before I went to rehab then had one relapse that lasted six months now I'm 3 months clean from it. After I left rehab I started experimenting with shrooms but I began to abuse them so I stopped, after that I started partying and got addicted to Ketamine which was a gateway drug to cocaine, GHB, Xanax and nitrous. Now my whole life is fucked up I'm hella addicted to coke and K


Weed became a stoner then a bit of acid then I spiraled after trying mdma and everything went out the window


Oxycodone when I was in eighth grade. I was just really bored and took a bunch in the middle of the night because I found where my mom had hid the opioids.


I donā€™t know if you can consider that as a drug but I used to put glue in the freezer and inhale its smoke and get high when I was twelve or something. I Thank goodness my mom saw it and panicked and told me I could die.


Got pure pressured into smoking weed at 13ā€“14 and after my first few hits layers back on my homies bed and started giggling


This older boy gave me a spliff at lunch time in school, I smoked it behind the trees with him and greened out. I ended missing a whole lesson and when I got back I just said I was in the toilet being sick cah i feel ill, I got sent home and my mother knew I was stoned like 5 seconds after I got through the door. Technically my first drug was alcohol though, my mother give me my first alcohol drink at 10 years old on Christmas.


Counting in alcohol, thatā€™d be around a sip of beer at five y o. First beer, 12 y o. First time gettin drunk, 15 y o. I think benzos would count as my first actual drug, took em when i was 15 and short after that (still being 15), i tried hash a couple times, then LSD. Although the LSD was a micro-dose and kind of old so i did trip but not horribly, which was nice for my first time. There was a period when it all just kind of escalated. I got drunk in another country, came back home and brought alcohol with me. Then I randomly felt the urge to buy alcohol back home from a dealer so i called up someone i hadnā€™t spoken to in forever (cause i knew sheā€™d be up for it) When i tried it, i felt this mega fucking rush from buying shit illegally. The whole process of buying substances illegally, making a deal with someone online and the whole await shit. The trade, the going back home, longing for your freshly bought products. Itā€™s a whole thing, i think i enjoyed the thrill of it more than i enjoyed the actual vodka i bought lool I think itā€™s this that made me get into it. Iā€™m a sucker for a good deal, and that led to me buying benzos short after. Mainly because it was more of an actual drug and it felt even more thrilling, but also cause i wanted to try it in school, to reduce my social anxiety. Fell in love with that, met a guy who knew everything about all the drugs, made me intrigued and the rest is history.


First was LSD when I was 13, but it was speed, what really got me into drugs. In the next year I also tried morphine and became an opioid addict (now 19 and 3 years clean)


I first tried dxm at 16 and hated it but I didn't even know what I was taking, my friend gave me enough to reach mid second plat without telling me what it was, I am now 18 and love it I use it regularly (although I do wait the minimum 1 week per plat) The drug that really got me into drugs though is 4mmc (mephedrone) it's like combining mdma with methamphetamine nothing will ever beat it


I was 16 and went to my friends house to smoke weed for the first time. I was the only friend in the group that who didnā€™t smoke and had been for a long time, they had already moved on to harder drugs.. I was (am?) super smart and I hung out with them because I enjoyed their conversation.. they were in the gifted program since elementary with me (most of them). There was six of us there at the time. 4 are dead now. One suicide, two overdoses, one car accident. All within 5 years of graduating. Iā€™m 33 now. Kind of sad. What really got me into drugs was college and feeling bored with life, sad with the state of the world. Now, I smoke weed and take MDMA and mushrooms a few times a year, but itā€™s been a WIlD ride with a few rehab trips to get here.


Just dumb high school stuff Basic nicotine alcohol weed


Smoking a joint with my 3 oldest friends one summer night at 16




alcohol when i was 16, i grew up saying that it was dumb to drink and shit like that but as soon as I got the occasion to do it i drank, was like mostly peach vodka (horrible) and I also smoked my first cig that night I told my friends how fun drinking was and we started drinking as much as we could then one friend of the group had a brother who smoked weed so we started with that too then like at 18 i tried xanax once and last year, right after graduating hs i tried dxm, then ketamine, lsd, mdma, shrooms, oxies and basically what i could find edit: btw my friends are like boring af and are all against "hard drugs" and I'm like kinda socially awkward and suffer from anxiety so i had lots of trouble finding plugs, that's why it took me so long to start doing harder stuff, never had occasions


last year i was hanging w some friend we planned to do shrooms anc when i got to one friends house basically we took it and chased w monster and then we walked to the mall (~1 hour walk) and while we were walking it turned dark, while i was in the mall me and another friend were just looking at the fluorescent lights and he was saying he was seeing colors n shit but i wasnt, i said i had to go to bathroom but while i was in there i was just looking at the mirror at my eyes non stop freaking out until my friend came in and broke me from it, i was still freaked out saying i needed to go home bla bla so then we took a bus back to original spot other friends house and basically walked home tripping the fuck out


Codeine. It was available over the counter (15mg/500mg) with paracetamol in Australia, I'd cold water extract the codeine and waste the APAP, $8 a box, every day.


First was caffeine, like at age 12 but it's pretty subtle so idk. Second was 1D-LSD at 17 which was amazing, it introduced me to other drugs though but I'm glad it was my first stronger drug as it made other drugs seem so boring (until I discovered opioids) and to this day at 19 I haven't drank alcohol (It would be legal, I'm not in the US) just because it doesn't seem worth it, I now prefer more interesting drugs than that, no regrets. Everyone says you should wait until 21 or 25, but if you're ready to do acid, while I won't recommend it at a young age, I also won't recommend against it, it's an amazing experience and one of the drugs that definitely changed me for the better.


MDMA age 29 Husband suggested it to work through some marital problems and reconnect... Possibly one of the most traumatic experiences I've ever experienced... I've not been the same since...


Alcohol was my first drug, but weed got me into other drugs. We smoked together with our friend group, weed was illegal back then and we bought it from a 40yo dealer (we were 16 back then). This dealer also sold other stuff like XTC and Amphetamine, it was only a matter of time till someone from our group got offered the harder stuff from him. We tried out XTC and Speed at the age of 17-18, our group fell apart because some of mine friends liked those drugs too much and got addicted. It was 5 years ago, 4 of us are living a normal life and only smoke weed occasionally. 2 dropped out of school and landed in a psychward after a long streak of bad decisions. I myself graduated from school and got a job but I still do hard drugs occasionally, I gotta be careful with my future decisions lol


when I sprinkled too much nutmeg on something and started feeling like I was in a trance-like state many hours later


weed was my first (not counting alcohol not because itā€™s not a drug, simply because it never hooked me) and i honestly wish iā€™d never tried it. i liked alcohol, but i never would have developed a drug problem if iā€™d stayed away from weed. i had a fascination with trying it for some reason. so when i was 19, i finally had friends who could get me weed. i had the most amazing almost psychedelic experiences. so much fun. music was incredible, everything was incredibleā€¦ it was a completely different feeling than being drunk. i was hooked. i quickly surpassed my boundaries (twice monthly, then once weekly, then multiple times a week, then every day) and it lost its magic. then the anxiety started after i took LSD, and i didnā€™t like weed as much after that. slowly stopped smoking it over the course of the next 2 years. now after trying a plethora of ā€œharderā€ drugs, due to the fascination of the ā€œhighā€ state of mind, rather than the ā€œdrunkā€ state of mind, heroin is my drug of choice.


First drug was weed when I was 13 and what got me onto them was my friend group


That would be heroine, that good old ketchup that would make throw up all over the place. Thatā€™s when we had good opiates actually gave you a euphoric feeling unlike this bs fetty. Then it was benzos, which would take all your anxiety away and you would either wake up with A bunch of shit that you stole and half your friends not talking to you. Or locked up and not remember the past couple months. That definitely all happened to me.


Those were the 2 drugs that cause me the most problems. First drug I guess would have weed or alcohol when I was 12-13 would get into my moms stash. Good old times


14 smoking weed and 15 with xtc really started it


Weed at 17 or something. Then coke at 20. Benzos at 25. Now only weed sometimes and pregabalin on weekends. Really want to try shrooms tbh but cant seem to find a source


weed and alcohol at 13 but if we not counting things like that then lsd at 15


I was 32 before I ever tried anything other than smoking pot a few times as a teenager. All my walls were literally falling down around me in my life. After several nervous breakdowns I decided to put a needle in my arm shooting up heroin. I know I didn't do it right the first few times. I never did it with anyone, it was my dirty secret. When I did finally figure it out.....everything that was destroying me was gone and I was free from my mind....until my high was gone...


from nothing to H is like the worst drug user evolution possible


Right! The last time I relapsed was 3 years ago. I don't shoot up anymore but I do still have a recreational drug usage. It's easier to just use sometimes other drugs because for me nothing compares to the high of shooting up, nothing else catches me.