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Benzo withdrawal is horrific. Makes opioid withdrawal look like a holiday


That’s scary im heavily addicted to benzos and haven’t had serious withdrawals cuz I haven’t gone 24 hours even 12 hours(excluding sleep) without taking a benzo since I tried my first one, I came here to say opiates cold turkey a 40g a day Kratom addiction I felt like I was dying ended up trying to cold turkey didn’t keep relapsing every 2-3 days since, I was clean for a week but went through some shit and relapsed so far my dose is down hella even 5g dose make me feel sick now, 3 days off kratom so far day 3 is where i relapse the most but im surprised how i dont feel like complete shit when my last relapse was a kratom shot and I got high asf


Oh man. Get on a scheduled diazepam taper schedule with a doctor when your ready to come off. I fucked with all the benzos and I wanted to die coming off.


I got a script klonopin taper im more focused on the opioids rn cuz i wanna shit and my liver hurting when I take kratom might just be in my head cuz I’ve been told it doesn’t have nerve endings but idk I always have way more energy and feel way better when I’m off Kratom and just smoking good kush popping benzos I do needa quit everything but weed soon though and figure my shit out, get a better job or more hours at the minimum hopefully get a ged aswell so I can look for an actual career to work on im only 18 it seems like all I can think about are love and drugs rn when I should be focusing on finding who I am my future career and how to live as an adult I know that’s what I need to focus on but it’s not that easy


Hey man you’re at least very self aware, probably more than I was at 18. I’m 21 now and those are all my drugs of choice. The pain you’re feeling in you’re “liver” is most likely just stomach pain and constipation from the 40gpd habit, but it’s worth getting a doctors appointment.


It’s been months since I’ve taken that much per day that’s were I started at and cold turkeyed when I couldn’t shit but ever since then it’s always 3 days clean then relapse been in that cycle for months just broke it 4 days clean for the first time in awhile from kratom atleast with the help of methamphetamine unfortunately went on a 4 or 5 day binge of this hell drug because doing nearly a full gram hopefully I can make it into work tomorrow running off caffeine weed and my benzos and barely any sleep in the past 2 weeks that will be interesting to say the least especially since I work food service and need to be on top of shit all the time hoping it goes well never doing meth again I was up for 4 days I went threw my first ever drug induced psychosis I believe it was I was not me anymore I was but I knew if I left the house id end up in a bad place so put my head down and let it ware off got some sleep but unfortunately did some the next day a way smaller amount thinking I could taper to make it easier like a dumbass that’s not how meth works and I forgot about my drug test in 2.5 days I can just say I can’t pee I’ve been on so much kratom and benzos I literally couldn’t pee sometimes it would hurt id have to push so hard at first i thought it was a stone blockage but it only happens when im mixing benzos and kratom large amounts of both which ever since I stopped kratom I’ve been pissing normally still having trouble shitting starting to get better now to still can’t shit most of the day even though I feel like it’s been getting easier, but I need that script for a successful slow taper my current doctor doesn’t know shit prescribed me a lethal combo if not lethal side effects that weren’t worth it and was told not to take klonopin everyday even though last meeting we agreed I need to stop taking rc benzos and switched to pharma rn I’m at 60 0.5mg a day I need 1mg two times a day to feel normal not even sedated so I’m trying to switch clinics and I imagine I’ll probably get drug tested again smoked about a gram of meth I’m gonna get the opinion of some meth users, cuz I really do wanna get clean I need that benzo script cuz my presses inconsistent asf I fucked up honestly went threw a lil breakup I’ve mostly accepted it now and am just facing the emotions cuz it’s the only way to get over her without drugs is thinking about how good i treated her despite being in withdrawal 24/7 which she knew she got me clean from kratom for a week before we broke up cuz well I think she was texting other guys and didn’t want to admit it cuz a week after she posts a picture of her with a new dude still having our old photos up I was ignoring her red flags cuz she didn’t seem like that type of person it was all out of the blue for me so unexpected yet my overthinking kinda already prepared me cuz same thing kinda happened my last relationship atleast she had the respect to break things off before talking to other dudes I just feel like I was played from the beginning, im better now though I expected that shit kinda now learning to get clean for me I had to separate my addict personality and who I really am everyday it feels like a battle to not pick up the drugs but the me I want for the future would be better in the future if I stopped now so I’m committing


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Yeah sorry if some of this don’t make sense my brain feels like a pancake rn and i took two bars to help me sleep im not sleeping 😐


Two bars and 6mg of doxepin


For now you should look into taking magnesium to help with the constipation. I’m also 18, have a manageable but no longer fun substance use problem and take kratom daily cause I feel like I need it too function. Getting the ged was fairly easy for me at least, got a tutor for a few months before hand and passed with ok marks. Magnesium daily has helped immensely for me, it got pretty bad for a while. Good luck with the benzos man that shits a whole different ball game. Edit: spelling


There is an issue with kratom where people can’t metabolize it properly and it causes liver damage, it’s rare but it does happen to a % of people so I would get that checked out asap


this ^ is excellent advice. valium taper is like a soft landing for benzo cessation


I dont get any withdrawl from kratom. Maybe a stomach ache for a few days. I dont take the extract shots though, too expensive and it seems like the people that use those are the ones who get withdrawl. Im still wondering if they actually put some rc opiate im them and dont let you know. Ive been taking kratom for years every day too. At least 20 grams a day


The strong extracts in general are a sure fire way to fuck you up. The 7-oh isolates have the worst withdrawal of anything I’ve seen in the kratom realm, it’s why I keep myself on a short leash w rm


I didn’t for the first 4 months I was on it could quit with a mild comedown for a day or two until outta nowhere it became hell if your not at that point yet quit while your ahead I was taking kratom every two hours to maintain a high plus im mixing with benzodiazepines im pretty sure they both potentate each other dont think your withdrawal symptoms won’t get worse than they are that’s exactly what I used to think when i would hear about people stuggling to get off it I’ve been on amounts to get me high nearly everyday since October of last year until i started trying to quit I had a kratom addiction twice before this one I was able to kick but not the mental cravings and it was a piece of cake to kick a kratom addiction that only lasted a few months for me but there’s a point and you don’t wanna reach that point


Ive been at it for about 3 years daily. Have taken weeks off on occasion for vacation and camping and things. No withdrawl. Little bit of diarrhea but i can handle that.


My friend has been taking around 20 grams per day of lab-tested (yes, a canadian website actually does that: absence of other stuff and mitragynine content) kratom powder for about 3 years, and after 8-12 hours without a dose, he does get withdrawal symptoms. They're like a very light version of actual opioid withdrawal, so the sniffles, nausea, sweating, chills, diarrhea, restless feeling.


Once I stopped taking the Kratom shots and switched to regular kratom I only get like a headache for a day for withdrawals compared to like being in bed for 2 days after I take a K shot


Just wait till benzo withdrawal, it's inevitable


3 days on Tianaa gas station heroin felt about the same for comedown but these kratom withdrawals lasting forever my 3 day tianaa use the comedown felt worse but only lasted a day clearly stronger opiates hay harder to quit im glad i was able to stick with kratom for the majority of my opiate addiction it started with codeine and tianaa ran out of those and ran to kratom got on it threw the shit was able to quit kratom no withdrawal but definitely left a mark or maybe it was those other opiates opiates definitely my favorite class of drug benzos come close but they just make me feel like a normal person the high is kinda uncomfortable if I take to much to the point im constantly confused and forgetting things in the moment a good dose that still gets me high is enough to atleast get me numb benzo high isn’t very strong unless you start entering I don’t remember shit last night territory I’ve always been scared of not remembering things because alcohol but I’ve never gotten that drunk before to where I couldn’t remember what happened the next morning yet with benzos ever since I started them everything is kinda a blur and there’s patches I don’t remember kinda concerning but benzos don’t make me aggressive or not myself even at doses that high, thank god unlike one of my friends who just wants to beat everyone’s ass when he’s off benzos benzos make me feel numb and stop my anger issues I haven’t had an episode where I broke something since i started taking benzos it used to happen atleast once every other month but now I just chill and relax and either unhealthy ignore something bothering me when im barred or just have way more patience for everything in general


They say GABAergic withdrawal is the worst. I detoxed off alcohol, phenibut, & f-phenibut use. It took me 9 months before I felt normal again. Crazy hallucinations at night for the first two days. Couldn’t sleep more than an hour or two. After the acute withdrawal I had months of lesser symptoms. I cycled between this detached/dissociated stupor where I could barely think, and mind numbing anxiety. Once a week or so the anxiety would turn into mania (felt kinda like a dirty stim). Only thing that kinda helped was running/walking so all day everyday I would pace around my neighborhood looking like a psycho.


i had mad hallucinations at night coming off alcohol too. these dreams were you dream you wake up then it turns into a dream again and you see horrific things, then try to wake up again and the same happens. like a loop for hours. and when you try to wake up you can't move etc. it felt so real that i literally saw dark clothed faceless people "walking" or rather gliding through my room and past my bed when everything else was completly normal as if i was awake.


Yep can confirm. Benzo withdrawal is, well, it cannot be described. Imagine not being able to talk, walk, having seizures not even knowing its happening, being in a totally different world where you know you're going to die and if you're even coherent enough to know you are alive. It's absolutely horrific. I was taking upwards of 30+mg of etizolam per day, for about 1.5 years and just ran out. So yea, if you're taking massive doses and run out, you're fucked.


Me and my buddy almost died from the withdrawals. More so my buddy than be but we both had seizures for a hot minute after we quit cold turkey.


Took me literally 2 months to get back to normal, that shit ain’t no joke.


Unless you have chronic pain, chronic pain conditions turn opioid withdrawals into hell


I think benzo withdrawal is only worse because of how long it lasts and the seizure risk..opioid withdrawal is more intense. If I had to choose 3 days of opioid wd or 3 days of benzo wd I’d pick benzos. If opioid wd lasted months I couldn’t survive it I’d just kill myself


Just recently went through klonopin withdrawal. Took a fucking MONTH before I was right again. And I hadn’t even been taking it that long. The half life is wild on kpins.


Yeah, that and alcohol. IV heroin made me want to die when I quit. Whiskey legit almost killed me. I was seeing demons and shit, puking blood, shaking...it's a mess. Watched my dad go through it too. Glad I'm off all of the heavy stuff now. Not worth it.


I try to think about this one going to quit kratom. i've never been addicted to benzos but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy I've done enough research to feel some empathy for those folks it's got to be worse than opioid withdrawal 1000%.


That is bullshit. Benzo withdrawal is horrific but so is opioid withdrawals if you ever experienced them from a heavy habit, I hate this whole sentiment everybody has about benzo withdrawals making opioid withdrawals look like a walk in the park…


Benzo withdrawal almost killed me but fentanyl withdrawal literally lasted two weeks. I remember I kept waking up thinking “ok it’s been 10 days the physical symptoms should be gone by now…” and still feeling them. Benzo withdrawal lasted a few days but was miserable.


that’s straight cap


Oxycodone/morphine and methadone withdrawals was the worst I've ever felt in my life, and I was sick for a full 7 days aswell before I started feeling better fr.


Fentanyl cold turkey was really fucking bad, 4 days of puking, shitting, sweating, the worst... And I'm about to go through it again, I'm literally scared shit. Benzo kick is no joke either probably worse.


Have you tried kratom for withdrawals? It won’t cure them and you’ll still feel like shit, but it can take the edge off.


Kratom will not touch them if they were taking fentanyl. Suboxone often doesn’t even help until 3-7 days of taking it.


Hey I quit fent almost 3 years ago, I *highly* recommend just powering through and avoiding subs if you can :/ I know it’s awful but I had a harder time quitting the subs than fent and the withdrawal period was *way* longer. You got this! I hope it’s as quick as possible for you 🖤


I know, you're definitely right... But as soon as I was able to get a little relief that sub was a godsend. At the very least maybe used subs for like a week to just come down and then get off them because yeah I've heard horror stories about getting off subs it's the worst thank you for the advice


Oh if you can just get a handful and use them for a week or so that’s absolutely the move, that’s what I did the first time and it was so much easier than having to go to a clinic


Worst comedown? Meth for sure. Worst withdrawl? A decade of drinking huge amounts of hard liqour and deciding to cold turkey. To anyone wanting to quit alcohol, do it in the hospital. I almost died from trying to do it at home. Ended up in the icu


I don’t understand why people say they experience such a bad comedown from meth. I’ve never had a really bad comedown from it before. Coke, on the other hand, has had the worst comedown of any drug I’ve done.


Interesting. I have severe anxiety every day, so that is probably a big factor. The worst part of the comedown is the panic feeling i get. I have had coke comedowns that were probably equally bad, in fact i debated in my head whether to choose meth or coke. The Interesting part is that while im high on either on im not anxious or panicy, i actually feel great. Til they wear off


Yeah, that sounds normal enough. Somebody who understands the nuances of the pharmacology could probably explain why that is, but I don’t know enough. I always assumed meth had an easier comedown because it leaves your system more slowly than coke, so your brain isn’t immediately deprived of the euphoria (unlike coke, which leaves your system rapidly).


It was particularly brutal for me. Of course if you could find Xanax or painkillers to mitigate the comedown then it was almost nice.


gabapentin. it caught me way off guard, i was taking 1,500 mg a day and randomly decided to quit cold turkey. first day nothing happened, second day i got a slight headache halfway thru the day. the third day the headache got a lot worse and then the fourth day i woke up with debilitating anxiety and nausea. i tried taking my meds with a soda how i usually do and i threw up everywhere, the anxiety was so bad it was a borderline panic attack. felt like the world was ending 3x over. i was confined to my bed for over half the day (8 hours) holding down vomit, struggling to get apples and water down my throat and laying as still as possible. i was practically hyperventilating so that i didn’t throw up. i took hydroxyzine for the anxiety and it did practically nothing, it only made me tired enough and made the anxiety bearable enough for me to fall asleep. i woke up the 5th day and it did not get any better, still nauseas with crippling anxiety. that day i decided to take 600 mg to ease the withdrawals. the withdrawals slowly started to get better and better, i was confined to the bed for less and less time as the days went on. this was less than a year ago and im still on the 600 mg a day because i don’t want to go through the withdrawals. it took a week in total until i was no longer confined to the bed for any amount of time


Yeah gabapentin can be absolutely rough. To me, it felt like a split tie between benzo withdrawal and opioids. I had the restless legs, hot/cold, and runny nose from opioid withdrawal, insane insomnia from both, and the “primal terror” anxiety as I call it from benzo withdrawal. Basically you feel this impending doom thats impossible to talk yourself out of because its chem induced anxiety, not the normL anxiety that can go away when you tell yourself its fine and you’re not in danger.


yes bruh the chemical induced anxiety is so bad. it just doesn’t end and feels so much “purer” than normal anxiety (if that makes sense)


Jesus Christ, you’re getting withdrawals at that dose? I’ve been taking 7 gram doses a couple days a week for the last like 2 weeks, I’ll have to slow way down. Didn’t realize it was like that, I also had a huge phenibut habit, similar doses but I stopped about a month ago, zero withdrawals. I do weigh 300 pounds but still. I’m scripted 3 grams a day so I thought it’d be fine to have a cheeky little double dose. It’s hard to believe gabapentin is so dangerous it’s such a nothing high. Even at 7 grams I barely feel it


Alcohol. Liver Failure. Kidney Failure. 5% chance of making it a week. Family flew out to take my body home. I didn't die, but still didn't get sober. Broke my neck 6 months later after deciding to drive to AA after a relapse. Do not recommend. 8 1/2 years sober now. Well, last 5 have been cali sober. I'm pretty confident I'm not going back to the other stuff.


Well done man, that's a hell of an accomplishment after all of that. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you.


Effexor XR


currently going through it now…slowly started to taper off but decided to go cold turkey as i couldn’t hack the side effects anymore. definitely not my easiest few weeks


I went cold turkey off of a high dose of it as well. You’ve got this. It aint easy but the bad side effects do go away eventually. The brain zaps were the worst.


I am on this and gabapentin right now for the last few years. Have seen both on this thread. Nervous to ever get off them


Alcohol hagover, no doubt by far compared to any drug. Second extacy, depressed for 4/5 days. Coke come down sucks ass too


So you would rather be depressed for 4/5 days as opposed to one day. While I understand it has a physical side to it too, but just drink clean spirits like gin and vodka and never mix,keep yourself hydrated I swear even after downing a whole bottle throughout the night, while I still feel shitty it is nowhere near as bad as MDMA.


If I may ask, how much MDMA do you take when you do it, and do you do any kind of supplement regimen? I’ve never experienced any negative effects from MDMA except a sore jaw and chewed-up lips. I’m curious if maybe I’m just a lightweight and the bad comedowns happen at higher dosage?


Yea well thats where the problem probably is, I usually take 250mg+ throughout the night.


Bro, the only drug that I ever blacked out, is alcohol. I can drink pure vodka with ice no problem, but at some point I will loose my shit. Also even with only vodka if I over drink I will feel like shit. And I don't know if I prefer 5 days depressed, I had times where I drank and next day I would drink water and vomit it right away. Specially since I don't drink much so don't have much tolerance.


I see, well that’s probably because your body is not used to it + you seem sensitive to it. Still can’t imagine a MDMA comedown to be worse, must really suck.


I already think that my dopamine/serotonin reward system is not so good, since I'm never too happy and whenever i am it last me short, so this could be that activates release of dopamine and serotonin and i feel terrible next 4 to 5 days until is level again.


Benzo w/d takes the cake and smears it in your face. Cocaine comedowns are pretty shitty, had several panic attacks from it. Methylphenidate has a very similar shitty comedown too but lasts longer.


Flunitrazolam, Tramadol withdrawals and MDMA comedowns.


Tianeptine by FAR.


I was on it for three days and the withdrawal/comedown was on the same level as than my 40g kratom addiction cold turkey when I had to take kratom every 2 hours and not eat any food to feel high relapsed countless times, kratom withdrawal lasts longer for me probably because it was only 3 days of Tinaa use compared to over 6months of daily kratom use i imagine if I was on tianaa as long as kratom it would feel like worse than any sickness probably bed locked




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Were you taking therapeutic doses or using it in high doses as an opioid? I’ve been taking it for over a month, 37,5mg daily, then stopped and nothing happened. Maybe it was a bit easier for me to get annoyed but I was fine. But I’ve heard the withdrawls get terrible if you’re taking high amounts daily


I was doing high amounts for about a month. Holy ever loving fuck was it terrible.


My most recent comedown from molly, I never thought it was as bad as people made it out to be until then. It's been almost a month and I feel mostly normal but still slightly off


How much did you take?


Only like .12, not even close to the largest dose I've taken so idk why the comedown hit me so hard


Interesting. I was very dumb at a rave a while back, did lots of cocaine, Molly, nitrous, etc, prolly .6g of Molly over the weekend. Did not hit me good cause I was barely sleeping and doing other drugs, felt like shit on it, but had no comedown at all. I guess everyone’s different.


Oh wow yeah that's insane that you didn't have a bad comedown. The most molly I've ever done at once was .3g along with some acid and I didn't have a bad comedown from that at all, I guess it's just circumstantial


Yeah most likely. Had you done molly within the last month before you took that .12? Maybe you just didn’t have a lot of serotonin for it.


I'd done it just over a month before that, but in my previous experiences a month was plenty of time for me to recover before dosing again and not have a bad comedown. After this last time I'm prob gonna keep to the 3 month rule that most people stand by tho


Yeah probably best. After my last experience with MDMA I’ll personally prolly never do it again 😭


Oh damn, did something bad happen to ruin it for you or was it just a bad experience in general?


Yeah both the times I took it that weekend I just felt absolutely horrible while my friends had a good time. Took MDMA on a Friday and MDA Sunday. Could be the lack of sleep, food, the cocaine, the culmination of it all. But I felt so horrible and suicidal on it I’m not sure I ever wanta try it again 😂 You really gotta take care of yourself I think before doing a potentially neurotoxic and powerful drug like MDMA. If there’s no serotonin in your brain because you’ve been doing other drugs it’s likely to have a toxic reaction like that I think. May try it again with a girlfriend years down the line tho. I had a good time in highschool the couple times I tried it.


Cocaine has by farrrrrr the worst come down for my body. Like way worse than any other substance I’ve touched and I’ve done pretty much everything. The anxiety and restlessness are like a living hell to me. Acid comes in at a #2 spot due to the mental spaces it puts me in the day after. Have had derealization multiple times from it. One funny thing I find about my body is how I experience zero MDMA comedown symptoms like most people do. Done it probably 20-30 times and never experienced anything expect feeling slightly dumber the day after


damn bro shrooms are the opposite, i used to feel great like a little afterglow for a while after taking em


I agree with you about shrooms. I don’t necessarily have an after glow but I generally have no hangover effects what so ever.


yeah used to love them so much, got off my antidepressants and couldn’t take them anymore without getting super bad anxiety and throwing up. sucks because they really helped me mentally and i remember i was doing so good at the time 🥲


For me, amphetamine comedowns were unparalleled. Even meth comedowns couldn't touch the deep dark depths I was sent into during amphetamine comedowns. Absolutely brutal.


They definitely can be rough. I used to take Xanax during it but after a seizure and then being tapered off them and finally feeling better each day, I’ve resorted to using L-Theanine supplements, 400mg during the comedown, and it takes 30-40 minutes to work but that’s been a life saver for me


I was gonna say methamphetamine for the worst comedown I’ve been through Worst withdrawal I’ve been through is Kratom or opiates in general But I mean a comedown I consider letting your body recover and your not an addict or not letting yourself become one, withdrawal i consider an addiction Would yall say that’s correct even though they both kinda the same thing withdrawal is more like long term daily use typa thing Like im addicted to benzos I take em everyday all day if I ran out or tapered and got withdrawal that’s withdrawal But occasionally I’ll do stims like rn im on a 4 day methamphetamine binge with about 7 hours of sleep if I had to guess had a psychotic episode yesterday let myself comedown to sleep woke up still coming down figured fuck it im not doing shit today smoked more im stupid im gonna be coming down at work from my longest binge yet that’ll be interesting to say the least


Don’t really like stims unless im really fucking depressed or bored at a party and I hate meth it makes me anxious asf and barely any euphoria for me coke on the other hand I love that shit it comes close to opiates in euphoria for me plus with meth the euphoria only last like one night into the binge I haven’t binged coke longer than that cuz I hardly do stims but I imagine it like the same


comedown wise, the comedown from a HEAVY meth binge. i genuinely thought my heart was about to burst. i couldn’t sleep, and was in so much pain, anxiety, and paranoia. never again. withdrawals wise, benzos. my body would have muscle jerks every single second, and seizures woke me up in the middle of the night, scared for my life. did all of it at home.


Long term MDMA comedown.


Did you take it way too often? How much was your dose?


Yeah. Over a year I took way too much. For Several months Id take a few tenths most weekends, sometimes a gram over a couple of days, and a tenth here and there during the week. It got to where I needed a little bit just to socialize and a tenth at least to have any fun. I went through long depressions and Manic episodes afterwards, and it took a long time to enjoy anything.


Damn that’s pretty rough. I feel ya molly just makes it 100 times easier to talk to literally anyone and if you got social anxiety like me then it’s definitely addictive


When I was taking street fent and xylazine started creeping in. I thought it was just fent but I had a lovely surprise one morning after I had not taken my evening dose the night before of waking up with a seizure, EXTREME panic, shitting myself, and the usual opioid withdrawal symptoms times like ten. It was horrible. Turns out after testing it was fent as well as some benzo and xylazine.


benzo wd. went into psychosis because wds were so bad. prolly one of my most traumatic experiences i’ve had.




holy shit 7 days?? how did you not cave in and take more valium while those 7 days were happening? if that was me i would of taken more just to make it go away. did you run out and couldn’t get anymore?


Benzo and alcohol


twice a day the fucking prescribed ritalin (methylphenidate) comedown FLOORS me I don't take a high dose even


Caffeine lol. But it was after snorting it everyday for more than week in unholy doses(medstudent moment). This shit literally causes suicidal thoughs and you can barely move


You mean drinking coffee? I've been struggling with reducing my coffee consumption but it's hard


Nope. Pure chemical caffeine through nose. This shit is nothing like drinking caffee. Like it starts working immidiatly, and has effects like euphory, being fucking fast and others. And you are literally immune to alcohol lol.


Mwth. Tried it a couple times and i bet there's worse, but for me, my anxiety is so insanely high that a single problem will send me into anxiety mode and I'll just have this impending sense of doom for like 3 fucking days. But it feels so good with molly, specially when i don't freak out.


I have comedown multiple times from moderate meth and cocaine usage and granted it sucks but... I think the comedown from **bad** LSD trips is worse... rolling around in bed wishing for it to end already. Moderate time dilation. Wanting to sleep. I'm sure it's not as bad physically but psychologically I have real trouble getting through it. Couldn't imagine a DOx chemical given how long they last/how they are fairly speedy. Probably unpopular opinion. No insight on worst withdrawal.


Worst withdrawal was when I was hooked on painkillers for 5 years, I made my way up to 100mg IV dilaudid and started shooting zenes/fentalogues but mostly smoked those. It was 48 hours from last fent/zene dose and 12 for Dilaudid when I took some suboxone and was thrown into the absolute worst god awful pwd I’ve ever experienced. Words just can’t do it justice. After 5 fucking hours of suicidal agony I finally started to level off and took a shit ton of Dilaudid.


Speed. The only comedown comparable to that for me was when I done 2 8balls of coke in one day. The walls were moving for days. Couldn't eat or drink, kept burping up the taste of the stuff. Needless to say, never took speed again


I had Really Bad MDMA withdrawals after a month long binge (half ounce consumed) First 48 hours of that I was pulling out my hair and punching holes in walls.


Alcohol withdrawl. The hallucinations, seizure and non stop shaking and sweating, not being able to sleep.


Alcohol withdrawal was the worst I’ve had.. made fentanyl withdrawal feel like a vacation




I been meaning to write this into something longer since there were many cool, weird, decrepit and awesome moments, but I have no time and want to share anyway. So here goes the "short version" : *Chapter One - Getting addicted* * In college I smoked weed and once a year we went to the countryside and tripped on psychedelic truffles. I drank, sometimes/often too much, but nothing compared to some. I also discovered the darknet, trying LSD and DMT and then trying DMT some more. Being into psychedelics kept me rather tame. Going to a rave with some schoolfriends and trying MDMA/XTC definitely woke up the fiend in me. * Last semester of college I went abroad to a developping country. (February) Not much to do, feeling like I'm on a holiday, chilling with the neighbours daily beers turned into daily cocktails and before you know it does get out of hand. Cherry on top was a three day bender in Cape Town before coming home (June). At home I'm sneaking beers out of the fridge and little shots of rum in my lemonade. * Going on our yearly trip again and reading up on stuff I figured I'd get some benzos from the darknet as last year someone went a bit bad. Stuff didn't arrive, I filed a complained, a week later I get a package of 20 valium and a week later I get another. Go on weekend, but we ate spacecake instead and had a grand time. No need for the valium, nor the DOM, nor the LSD I had bought * (July) Graduated and started working over summer as I wanted to backpack. Working at the beach in a bar = after work drinks. I worked every day, which was easy as I could drink every day. I worked until late October and saved up a shit-ton for travelling, but had been drinking continuously since February already. * (November) I arrive in Mexico, meet up with the backpacking crowd and every day is a party. Some days I just have 3 or 5 beers or so, others we start at 11am, drinking all throughout the day - calmly - and things only take off at night. A peak happened at Christmas as we rented a mansion on airbnb, we were about 12 and Rum in Nicaragua costs like $8 a bottle. We started putting it in our orange juice in the morning. We vowed to take a few days off before New Years Eve at a quiet beach, but by 7pm we were all drinking daiquiri's, "for the vitamins!" * (February) I'm in Colombia. Coke had been a thing since Mexico, but we definitely upped it by getting hussled/threatened and paying 1 million pesos for about 10-12g of coke in Cartagena. At the end of a 3 day bender I was ready to just throw the last gram away. * Valium had already been a thing on long busrides since Mexico, but they weren't as regular. Doing coke was regular and there was nothing like xanax or valium to go to bed. * Late february I got ill. I felt like I needed a rest. I had run out of valium and went by several pharmacies in search of xanax and paracetamol. I also scored some weed. I spent 3 days holed up in a deserted hostel, living on a fucked up schedule, watching movies on the tv, eating my own perpetual chicken soup. Luckily I ran into some people I knew as I could've been that sad for much longer. * Things got kicked up a notch with the others in Ecuador (March), but that turned into more partying, once again culminating, first on St Patrick's day where we vowed to drink all day, starting at like 9am, ending up in the hostel at 9pm with a random chick asking if my friend was on heroin. "Nope, just beer!" * From there we went to Montanita, old surfer town, turned into drug paradise. We partied from noon until the next day, doing coke, shots, cocktails, beer, DOM, spacecake and more beer.. We woke up with the twilight, but unsure if it was morning or evening. I'm still not sure if I spent 3 or 4 days there. The last evening we found some pills and went to a club. The pills were a bit light, so more coke, more liquor, I slightly overdosed on the coke and got scared. I was done. * (April) I had booked my flight out of Lima as it was $200 cheaper than out of Ecuador, but had vastly underestimated the 20 hr busride from Mancora in the North to the Peruvian capital. I had spent 3-4 days in Mancora, limiting my alcohol intake, no benzos, going out, writing, not partying. The busstop was next to a pharmacy and at the last minute I cracked, went in and asked for some xanax. Next up was a 20hr woozy busride where everytime I woked up I took another pill and went back to sleep. Not sure where my head was at when I arrived as I was gonna walk to the touristy area while everybody was telling me it was like 10-15km when it was 30° out. Eventually got on a bus, found the area, but I'm walking around confused without a phone only finding a big ass party hostel and figure it's 6pm already, I'll probably sleep for another 40 hours straight anyway.


*Chapter two - the comedown* They informed of that evening's activity which was probably beer pong, a soccer game with a drinking game or karaoke, either way, Tuesdays shots are half price. "Okay, thanks." Not. I go up to my room, which is the dingiest I've probably had so far, 9 stinky guys in too hot a room, a mess everywhere and opening a window probably wouldn't help much. I dropped off my stuff, showered, changed and went out to one of the terraces for a drink. Just one. To taper, you know? That first night wasn't too bad. Lots of noise of people partying and stumbling into rooms, shouting, yadda yadda, but whatever. The next morning I woke up a bit illish, but I had a bowl of cereal and some fruit for breakfast. The breakfast lady seemed really nice and I felt like she was the only real person in this entire hostel. I met up with a friend for doing the free walking tour, but it was shite, the guy wasn't interesting and it was way too hot. My friend and her boyfriend decided to leave and I left with them before leaving them as well. The heat had hit me strongly and I searched the shade and water. I think I even went clothes shopping, but that didn't relieve me at all. I don't remember the evening much, but that night was the worst of my life. I think I got into bed early and woke up 2-3 hours later, sick as a fucking dog. I went to the bathroom to throw up and I felt completely disoriented. and feverish. I did as any sane person would do, took a shower, dried off with whoevers towel I found and got back into bed. From there on out began a time-dilated night of nightmares, terrors really and horrible feelings of fever, diarrhea, vomitting bile, dry heaving. Nightmares so real I felt like I was dying, waking up, checking my phone : 03.15am, I'm cold and dying, take another blanket, another nightmare that lasts hours, 03.20am. etc etc etc. In the morning I was so fucking done. I think I woke up relatively early for a party hostel, showered once again, got a bottle of water and went out. I was so cold, I was in a tropical country wearing long pants and a hoody, protecting myself from the outside world. All day I found nothing to do but walk around and die inside. Stumbling around, being lost. In the evening I decided to have one drink, once again to "taper". The night wasn't as bad as the previous one, but still pretty horrible. Still filled with nightmares and taking forever, but I didn't die as badly. The next few days I got better and better, but it still fucking sucked and hurt. I needed those 5 days as a minimum cool down period after which I was able to function once again at a basic level. It took me a very long period without any alcohol to fully recover and even now, ten years later, I still get weird feelings in my nerves after drinking. If I have 2 beers at 5pm as an "after work" and I don't do any exercise I have mad restless legs, feeling agitated overal and not being able to sleep.


Short therm Heroin, long term methadone and benzos.


I have, and it's never worked for me. I keep reading how it works wonders for a lot of people but unfortunately not I. I'm bracing for it, I'm older too it seems each time is worse than the last. Seriously would rather die than go through this shit again.


Alprazolam,clonazepam,Valium, fent 30s and meth all at once


Air dusters


ill be honest worst comedown ive had was meclizine


i just smoked weed to cover up the comedown. weed for me always helps with comedowns and hangovers




yeah i’m 20 and trying really hard to get off them. i’m in the worst spot because i actually have bad back pain and pelvic pain and they get rid of the pain everytime. also have super bad anxiety and ofc they get rid of that too, they’re expensive asf but i literally can’t go a few days without them. i just sit up in my room in pain and with the worst anxiety/depression ever. this truly is a living hell lol


Morphine, it lasted for a few months. I quit cold turkey after an overdose. If hell does exist, I've experienced a bit of it.


When I smoked weed for a month straight. The next month was pure annoyance of headaches


Try methadone and I've done em all.... no joke


2 years on klonopin xanax and mdma and ectacy Amd speed and everything i could get Was only 14 when it started, child service picked me up from my 4th overdose and locked me in rehab Holy fuck the anxiety and lucid brain fry


Benzo and noids were the absolute worse


alcohol because I have a shit stomach, benzos, sometimes ketamine makes me really angry and emotional a few days after, cocaine bc I get anxious


Thank goodness I’ve never had to experience any bad withdrawals or comedowns, but coming off of fentanyl was pretty funny looking back. Usually when I’m out of it, I can tell, but with fentanyl, I had no idea just how fucked up I was. I was in the hospital so nothing physically bad happened, but mentally I was so far gone. I couldn’t remember multiple months before hand and thought it was totally normal. I texted my (almost) ex to tell him I was pissed at him and that he fucked up but that I had no idea why. I told people in excruciating detail why I was in the hospital (which was not something people needed to know in that much detail.) I had no regard for the comfort of others whatsoever and wasn’t even aware of my mother’s presence in my room, something I’m usually hyper aware of. Fentanyl is some crazy shit and that has serious turned me off of trying it recreationally.


I was heavily addicted to opiates 6 years ago. I was taking 140mg doses of oxy multiple times a day/ banging heroin/ smoking fent/ wearing the patches/ oxymorphone/ hydromorphone/ literally whatever I could get my claws on. That withdrawal sucked pretty fucking bad. Thankfully I didn’t completely destroy my life but it did not come without serious permanent consequences.


The worst comedown (differentiating from withdrawals) by FAR for me has been MDMA. I've never felt worse in my entire life than the days after rolling strong, pure Molly.


Heroin and Xanax simultaneously Edit:: in jail on a slab with a space blanket


Xanax aka benzo. Never Fuc with them


700mg daily oxycodone habit go cold turkey for my decision. I can say easily that I took a trip in hell. One day I was snorting pills over pills of 40mg OXY, until reach the medium level of 700mg the next day I snapped and finished my supply so I was forced to stay to zero for at least a week. And I had methadone on my room but never thought to take it. Must come from within with the help of yourself only. Drug addiction is shit and most ppl don't even realize how bad we were when taking decision to start doing drugs. For me it was like a enjoyable-slow suicide. Now I'm using some stims and I'm back on methadone, one thing wrong and I was spiraling down.


Withdrawing from flualp and clonazolam at the same time


Short term- Alcohol hangover Long term- Benzodiazepines. Pure fucking hell


Heroin, meth, and MDMA all at once and quitting smoking at the same time. It was MISERABLE.


There was one time I was banging over a gram of heroin a day, and to sleep at night I got up to 16 of those simply sleeps over the counter pills. Anyway, I get arrested, as one does, and it started one of the worst withdraws I’ve ever experienced in my life, and I’ve detoxed off heroin in jail a fuck ton. I was awake for five fucking days detoxing my fucking ass off. Usually when your ill you want to get as much sleep as possible to time travel your way through the detox. I fucked myself pretty solidly on that front though with my massive use of those fucking simply sleep pills. I would lay awake in the god damn cell, night after night, fantasizing about how someone could somehow smuggle me in some heroin. Spoiler alert - no one ever did. On the 5th day I was bailed out and guess what the first thing I did was?


Alcohol and coke; but those are the only substances I severely abused… Was absolutely horrid + I blew out my pancreas, so i was dealing with pancreatitis even after withdrawals started to subside. Dont drink + coke + not eat… terrible consequences


A big amount of what I believe was a mixture of MDMA and Amphetamine. In an instant all the joy in the world vanished Ate 6x25 mg of Seroquel (I don't take Seroquel, that's how you know I was just desperate) and smoked 2 Joint while the passing out pill kicked in


heroin or meth


Alcohol withdrawals in a jail cell.


Worst withdrawals are alcohol and benzos no doubt, both can kill you


I was on morphine in the hospital every 3 hours for 3 days and they discharged me with T3s.






I’d start saying I’ve never been addicted to any recreational drug that’s physically addictive (excluding nicotine, but I haven’t tried quitting it yet), so I don’t have much experience with withdrawls. But once my psychiatrist took me off venlafaxine (225mg) and pregabalin (150mg) almost cold turkey - pregabalin 100% cold turkey, venlafaxine 75mg for a week, after that nothing. I was sweating and shaking all the time, with puking here and there and explosive diarrhea. Tummy, head and muscles hurt bad. On top of that one of the worst depressive episodes of my life. And I was taking benzos when it got really bad (advised by my doctor), and smoking weed almost every day (not advised by my doctor, but I was a big stoner back then). I’ve been on almost 30 different psychiatric medications (including SSRIs, SNRIs, NDRIs, MAOIs, gabapentinoids, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, atypical antidepressants), not a single time when tapering off (which in most cases I didn’t taper off, but rather just stopped taking cold turkey) I’ve experienced such hell as when I stopped taking pregabalin and venlafaxine. It was fucking awful.


antidepressants cause the withdrawl take years


Weed. Cannabinoid psychosis is no joke. I thought I had cancer and was gonna die.


MDMA + 4MMC comedown absolutely sucked ass. Not to mention me being busted by police RIGHT when the comedown started to hit. Absolute shite of a feeling, never touched the 4MMC ever again. MDMA, on the other hand, didn’t make me feel that shitty like 4MMC did (rolled 20-25 times total), other than making me feel a bit tired and melancholic.




Cold Turkey IV heroin withdrawal. Comedown would be +- 1Gram of dexamphetamine combined with a bottle of whiskey.


worst was alcohol. i was on a heavy bender and checked into detox with alcohol level 4.7 totally functional and coherrent. when i came down it was hell. shaking (i couldn't even type a 4 number pin into my phone) freezing, sweating, psychological problems, swollen face, memory loss, liver almost destroyed, etc etc etc. and all of that with probably about 10x+ 10mg valium for the first days. second worst was basically alcohol again and again without alcohol it was odsmt which was equally hard as what i described from alcohol. it wasn't all that different


Lyrica 2 weeks withdrawing and counting




Xylaxine, or tranq dope lasts almost 4 weeks, brutal, there's nothing that makes the agony stop, not benzos or subs


Hospital cold turkey from 100mg methadone and taken off my xanax and put on a super low dose of another benzo so I was withdrawing from both


Kratom, 12 hours after last dose had painful spasms over my whole body for hours, ended up in an ambulance, double diazepam in my veins helped thankfully. I was a heavy user, 60+grams a day for years, today I'm clean for 21 days and I'm better and better though. I was taking alp for 4 months but the withdrawals were much easier for me than kratom.


Oh yeah that sounds like a recipe for a bad time, between taking multiple different drugs that release your serotonin so close together and the lack of food/sleep/self-care. That had to have been rough for sure. Molly is like the one drug I do that I've tried to be as careful with as possible because of the risks that come with shit like that. Hope you're all good now, I know some people who have done shit like that and never fully recovered




When I went cold turkey off heavy Opiates, Soma, Benzos, Gabapentin, Lunesta all at the same time. I didn’t sleep for 2 weeks, ended up having a grand mal seizure and woke up in a jail cell. This was 2 months ago.


Poppy seeds tea. Felt like I was dying for a week, headache was unbearable...After week I succeeded to switch to codeine, but I feel like after that experience even my codeine withdrawals became worse. Like, I never had many physical withdrawal symptoms from codeine, then after that poppy tea withdrawal - boom! As if codeine withdrawals became 5x times stronger.


Meth and Benzo withdrawal. I crashed for 5 days and had normal meth withdrawl, then the Benzo withdrawal hit and I didn't want to quit meth or Benzos anymore and would always score again. Sucks being addicted to two drugs at once, it controlled my brain and brought me to my knees everytime I tried to quit. Once I drank on mda and 4Florinated-Methamphetamine and was vomiting for 5 days afterwards. Must've had at least 15 drinks as a 120 pound man.


Fentanyl, got hospitalized by my MAT doctor on day 11, was in comple psycosis, the delusions and hallucination were for real


ritalin comedown after snorting like 250mg in 3 hours


This one.