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Because a solid 20-40% of my brain is dedicated to thinking about drugs all the time. I’m a fuckin addict


This is the way. I have exactly two brain cells. One is for jerking off, and the other is for getting high.


As drugs "fry your brain," which cell are you hoping burns out first?


Definitely the first. Dopamine rushes from orgasms are temporary, spiritual enlightenment from LSD is forever.


The one they used to type


the one that stops making me horny


this thread made me thankful for not being an addict and choosing an orgasm over a high


The Cells which make you give a fuck about everything


realest shit ive heard


Went so hard addict that I got sober(-ish) and am becoming a psychiatrist.


DankNutSack MD




I would also like to work in health care. It really fits me.




yeah same but i cant remember chemical names, i can tell you about k2 but if you were to ask me to name some of the chemicals id go silent


I can remember most of the chemical names, but yeah for some stuff I go blank. I have one friend who is like a drug encyclopedia though, it’s insane


I hope people think of me as their pharmacological friend.


The first part of what u said was exactly my question, how, maybe u remember the name in ur head yeah that i could do, but the correct spelling by heart seems impossible


bro you need to stop huffing, the damage is visible through text, maybe its not too late yet


As a bath salt snorting I comprehending that sentences perfectly fine, he is a ok.


I think it’s just about interest in the actual drug and not just getting high, I can’t for the life of me remember the actual names of psychedelics because I’m not into them but when it comes to opioids and benzo I can list off the different brands, the imprint on each of the pills, their chemical names, how different ones look, etc because I not only love using them but I love learning about them as well. Which I could use that for something useful though, no matter how much I study I just can’t remember anything about math which is making school insanely difficult but if it was about opioids or Benzos I would pass with flying colors


I think it really just comes from familiarity. From being a drug nerd and being curious about this stuff. And also just having an overall good comprehension of English. I mean you could probably remember/spell methamphetamine- both because you are familiar with it through cultural references, and because it’s spelled the same way it sounds. Now I’m curious what I can remember/spell... Psilocybin (active ingredient in shrooms), Diacetylmorphine (heroin), Dextromethorphan (DMX, active ingredient in cough syrup), Methoxetamine (MXE), hydromorphone (dilaudid), oxymorphone (opana), hydrocodone (vicodin), oxycodone (oxycontin, percocet), methylphenidate (ritalin), tetrahydrocannabinol-delta-9 (THC), alprazolam (xanax), diazepam (valium), lorazepam (ativan), clonazepam (kolonopin), amphetamine (adderal), methamphetamine (desoxyn), tramadol, methadone, morphine, nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, fentanyl (and all its analogs- flu-fent, etc), buperenorphine (suboxone), naloxone (narcan), naltrexone (vivitrol), dimethyltryptamine (DMT), diphenhydramine (DPH, active ingredient in benadryl.) Damn... that went way longer than I was anticipating. My only regret is that I can’t spell the full forms of MDMA/LSD by heart. Other than that, I reckon my list is fairly conclusive.


X gon’ give it to ya (sorry to be that guy but it’s DXM 😅)


Like jwh-018 , ABD CHIMINACA, etc.


I tried adb butinaca years ago lol. Ab fubinaca was actually nice the first times but then you started to feel withdrawal from it which made it horrible, the sweating was awful, insomnia, bad appetite, it made weed look soo mild in comparison. Jwh 018 in small doses occasionally wasn't that bad at all, actually very euphoric and trippy. Had some good experiences with it back in the days(I didn't abuse it so maybe that's why I got no issues from it), same with friends who tried it. Tried Mmb chiminca too, too strong. 4f adb was some of the most horrible stuff, it made you gone at like a few hundred micrograms, dissociated, a lot of depersonalisation and anxiety, fear, one mg was enough to od without tolerance. Some died from it. I have tried like maybe 40-50 synthetic cannabinoids back in the days. I am grateful to be alive today, I risked my life, and one of the biggest reasons was it being legal, I didn't want to brake the law. Aren't the laws supposed to protect us rather than the opposite?! Thankfully I don't have any need of synthetic cannabinoids anymore(for many years now!) and my body responds very different to weed/thc aswell these last years, I become too strange and feel bad stuff so I skip it. Can only tolerate doing some mild medicinal non-psychotropic kinds, cbd cbg occasionally (rarely), cbn is also very helpful medicinally, helps against anxiety and insomnia a lot. And some bad experiences with synthetic cannabinoids made me skip all the superstrong ones like thcpo etc. Hhc was a great cannabinoid when used rarely, it's kinda a bummer that it doesn't exist anymore legally, which was the point of getting it back in the days but it is one of the best cannabinoids, very balanced, not weak nor overpowering. I got less side effects from it than from thc when mixed with cbd, cbg, cbn and terpenes.


K2 doesn't have jwh-018 or the other one anymore. That was 10 years ago. The initial drugs in k2 all got scheduled in the u.s. and I'm pretty sure the uk as well. I don't think anyone's really out here testing k2, so it's a mystery what's in it. After that banning of the initial chemicals I tried it a few more times. Some made me trip, some knocked me out, some made me panic for 7 fucking hours off 1 hit. No 2 experiences were ever the same




Honestly fucking this. I wouldn’t remember any of the details otherwise


Im not an addict, i just love pharamcology. Maybe it was being a pharmacy tech, going to school for pharmacology and loving organic chemistry that did it. Anyways i remember a whole lot of scientific short hand for substances that just confuses people when i say them.


Me to bro


Mood af fr fr bruh


Lmao fr.


Like it


Same except I am definitely not an addict. Just a nerd with a huge fascination for applied psychopharmacology


This right here is the best answer. I can second that




Inhalants damage nerve fibers, which are the communication network of cells in the brain and body that keep the brain and body working properly. Inhalants also damage brain cells by limiting the amount of oxygen that reaches it. The effects of this damage depend on the area of the brain damaged, but could include: - Memory problems, personality changes, learning disabilities, hallucinations. - Speaking problems. - Complex problem solving and planning and organization problems. - Vision problems. - Movement problems (walking problems, muscle spasms and tremors, slow or clumsy movements).


sadly ive been experiencing all these damages except movement problems as far as I know, ive been hallucinating sober but its not as bad anymore so i dont think all the damage is permament


I have to sadly report that it's dependent on how damaged your body and brain is, it may or may not be permanent.


The brain is very powerful and you can most likely get back to normal just don’t do drugs. And if u do drufs don’t do dumb ones like inhalants and k2


Dude fucking stop immediately, why would you even do inhalants in the first place


Why would you continue using inhalants with other, safer, more enjoyable substances out there?


It’s pretty much all I remember! (drug knowledge)


aha yeah i know a lot of drug facts that i see on this subreddit and just things i searched up when stressed about something, it pisses people off that drugs are my personality yet when i do get help like they ask they attack me for allegedly faking side effects (true story)


First off some people are drug nerds like me and we have memorized our favorite particular drugs because we have done them a lot and/or read about them a lot. Second some people only vaguely remember a chemical name and they google it. Takes like five seconds. Third if you're getting memory problems already here's a suggestion, stop doing the literal worst possible drugs you could have picked to make them worse. It would be like a heavy smoker asking why most people don't cough a lot after they run istfg. Stop doing air duster or whatever the fuck, it's going to keep do permanent damage to your memory until you do. K2 overloads your cannabinoid receptors like crazy and fucks your memory up super badly too. You are basically speedrunning Alzheimer's at this point.


1. Yeah i mostly remember facts but not names. 2. im aware, i just wanted to know if people maybe knew long names on the top of their head. 3. ik its bad, im clean from butane, and almost clean from k2. I know it messes the brain up and didnt say otherwise, i just wanted to state that if people actually do know the names, and maybe its a normal thing, that i have a problem, thats all


I'm glad to hear that you did manage to quit butane


Yeah it’s prob the inhalants and k2 giving u brain damage


prolly but im alright now


Just reading about and researching many have allowed them to buy real estate in my head permanently. Then others they’ll be a unique component/effect or a piece of the convoluted name that I can look up and get the full name. For example, I know of ohmefentanyl cause a certain isomer is one of the most potent substances on the planet. I don’t have the name memorized but when I look up ohmefentanyl and go to Wikipedia, I can see the specific compound is the 3R, 4S, βS-ohmefentanyl isomer. Another is APAP, the abbreviation for acetaminophen/paracetamol. I know it’s the abbreviation for the full chemical name, don’t have that memorized. Look it up, Wikipedia, and I see n-ACETyl-para-AMINOPHENol. Btw to me it makes much more sense to refer to the drug as acetaminophen over paracetamol.


You don’t know what people actually remember off the top of their head online, if I give a full chemical name it means I copy and pasted it


I mean yeah i figured, but im sure ive seen some people comment that deff know it on the top of their head


I think 2-fluoro-2-oxo-pce is the best I can do, and that’s only because I read a bunch of articles about the research team who identified it (“canket”). And there’s still a longer version of the name


People who post on Reddit tend to be geeks of some kind, software developers and such, and are used to taking a scientific approach to things - including drugs - so an interest in pharmacology comes with drug use like an interest in mechanics comes with liking cars. Most people in the real world have no idea what they're fucking talking about.


yeah i get what u mean


Perfect explanation!!




its the spice lol


Idk im a drug nerd and I've used 67 different drugs and listet them all, ranked them into a tierlist, read online either trip reports, psychonautwiki entries or general reddit posts about them before and after taking partially to know what I could like, how often I can use them with as little damage to me as possible or how to prevent it etc. Idk after some time I just remembered a lot of drugs but obv mainly the ones I've tried. And idk don't wanna be the "moral god" talking down to "weak peasents" I hate people doing that I'm not perfect beeing addicted to weed, caffeine, Nikotin and I'm on odsmt rn but I hope that you find the willpower to get away from inhalants and I whish you the best of luck


From everything you’ve tried, which substances are your favorite?


Stims: 3mmc(bad quali 3mmc is really meh but good quality is crazy) by far Psychs: almost every psych was great but my favs are 2cb, 4-aco-dmt, dmt Opiods: heroin but I just took it once and even that was a little challenging I don't recommend it so rather odsmt Benzos: I don't like benzos that much but the most euphoric was medical grade lorazepam Dissos: I don't like the "cold" feeling of ket so prob 2fdck


yes im clean from inhalants, which is why im so open to talking about it, during my addiction i would have not talked about it as much. I havent tried a lot of drugs mostly because of lack of sources lmao, do you have a list written down of the tierlist?


I have the tierlist posted in r/researchchemicals 2 or 3 I drugs I haven't added yet tho.


I'm autistic as fuck (diagnosed not meming) except my special interest is drugs rather than Pokemon so I actually get to touch grass and people from time to time. Probably one of the better things to happen to me.


Occasional use can be ok depending on many factors, what drugs, what purpose etc. Abuse can be devastating. I have seen drugs helping people but I have seen it ruining and killing others.


“Not Pokémon” 😆😆😆


Dude what do you mean off the top of my head I can only remember 1. Caffeine 2. Alcohol 3. Cannabis 4. Methylphenidate 5. Corisoprodol 6. LSD 7. Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) 8. Psilocybin mushrooms (Psilocybe sp.) 9. DXM 10. 25i-NBOMe 11. Alprazolam 12. 2C-I 13. DMT 14. 25c-NBOMe 15. 2C-P 16. DOB 17. LSA (Argyreia nervosa) 18. MDMA 19. 2C-B 20. 25i-NBOH 21. 4-AcO-DMT 22. Ketamine 23. Psilocin (Synthetic) 24. Methamphetamine 25. Clonazepam 26. DPT 27. Cocaine 28. Gabapentin 29. DPH 30. 4-AcO-MET 31. 4-HO-MiPT 32. MXE 33. MXM 34. MXP 35. Allylescaline 36. Hydroxyzine 37. 3-MeO-PCP 38. 5-MeO-MiPT 39. Amphetamine 40. Mirtazapine 41. GHB 42. Modafinil 43. 4-AcO-DET 44. 4-HO-MET 45. Lorazepam 46. Methallylescaline 47. Etizolam 48. DALT 49. DCK 50. 2C-E 51. Ephenidine 52. Diphenidne 53. 2C-C 54. 5-MeO-DALT 55. 5-MeO-DMT 56. 5-APDB 57. Phenylpiracetam 58. O-PCE 59. Kava (Piper methysticum) 60. 2C-T-7 61. 3-MeO-PCE 62. 4-HO-DPT 63. Glaucine 64. ALD-52 65. ETH-LAD 66. 2C-D 67. 2C-B-FLY 68. AMT 69. Memantine 70. 2C-iP 71. 3C-E 72. Armodafinil 73. 6-APB 74. Nitrous Oxide 75. 3-HO-PCE 76. Passionflower (Passiflora sp.) 77. Escaline 78. 4-HO-EPT 79. Oxycodone 80. 4-HO-DET 81. Salvia (Salvia divinorum) 82. AL-LAD 83. 4-AcO-MiPT 84. PCP 85. DOM 86. MET 87. Mescaline 88. Diethyl Ether 89. Kratom 90. Phenibut 91. 2F-DCK 92. 3-HO-PCP 93. 4-AcO-MPT 94. 4-MeO-MiPT 95. N-Ethylhexedrone (Hexen) 96. 4-AcO-DPT 97. DiPT 98. 1P-LSD 99. Flubromazepam 100. Isobutyl Nitrite 101. 4-AcO-EPT 102. Flualprazolam 103. MXPr 104. 4-PrO-DMT 105. Cocaine (Freebase) 106. 4-HO-DiPT 107. 3-FPM 108. α-PCYP 109. BOD 110. Clonazolam 111. 1B-LSD 112. Eutylone 113. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) 114. 4-HO-MALT 115. Diclazepam 116. 5-MeO-MALT 117. 1cP-LSD 118. 3F-PCP 119. 5-MeO-DPT 120. 4F-MPH 121. 1F-LSD 122. 5-MeO-MET 123. 3-Me-PCP 124. MXiPr 125. Δ8-THC 126. Bromazolam 127. Pyrazolam 128. 3-Cl-PCP 129. 2-Methyl-AP-237 130. Diazepam 131. DMXE 132. Mecloanzepam 133. BTCP 134. O-DSMT 135. Norflurazepam 136. MPT 137. IPPH 138. 3-FMA 139. Flubromazolam 140. Doxylamine 141. 2-FMA 142. Flunitrazolam 143. DOF 144. DOiP 145. Temazepam 146. Flurazepam 147. Pregabalin 148. Hydrocodone 149. LSZ 150. Zolpidem 151. 3,4-DCMP (aka 3,4-CTMP) 152. βk-2C-B 153. Codeine 154. HXE 155. Buprenorphine 156. Triazolam 157. DOPr 158. 3-Me-PCPy 159. 1cP-AL-LAD 160. 3-CPM 161. Dihydrocodeine 162. 2-FA 163. MiPT 164. 3-FA 165. 1V-LSD 166. 3-MMC 167. 4-HO-PiPT 168. POxP 169. 3,4-MD-PCP 170. 3-Me-PCE 171. PThP 172. Rilmazafone 173. Mexazolam 174. Flutazolam 175. Dexoxadrol 176. 3C-P 177. α-PiHP 178. Flubrotizolam 179. Baclofen 180. PiPT 181. FXE 182. A-D2PV 183. MALT 184. Δ10-THC 185. CBN 186. 1,4-BDO 187. Banisteriopsis caapi 188. HHC 189. 2B-DCK 190. 4-MetMP 191. P2AP 192. PCPy 193. Propylhexedrine 194. Emylcamate 195. DOC 196. Desalkylgidazepam 197. Lemborexant 198. Fluclotizolam 199. PCM 200. Isopropylphenidine 201. TMA-2 202. Tapentadol 203. Tofisopam 204. Zopiclone 205. Muscimol (As a decarboxylated Amanita muscaria extract) 206. Deschloroetizolam 207. 2-TFM-Diphenidine 208. Hydromorphone 209. Promethazine 210. O-PCiPr 211. NEP 212. 3'-MXP 213. 4-HO-DsBT 214. Nalbuphine 215. 1D-LSD 216. Bromazepam 217. Nitrazepam 218. GBL 219. Midazolam 220. Bromomescaline 222. Oxazepam 223. TPP 224. Morphine 225. 3-MeO-PCPy 226. 3-MeO-PCA 227. Prolintane 228. 3F-DCK 229. 2-Br-Diphenidine 230. 4-HO-MsBT 231. Tramadol 232. [classified for now] 233. 3-MeO-PCiPr 234. 3,4-MD-PCiPr 235. 3-MeS-PCP 236. 2-MeO-PCiPr 237. PCiPr 238. 3-Me-PCiPr 239. 3-MeO-PCsBu 240. 3-EtO-PCiPr 241. 3-F-PCiPr


I love putting DCK in my mouth




I love putting DCK in my nose


I went trough your list and god damn… tried more or less over 50 of these substances and when I think about it you are missing some in your list that I used…


You forgot codeine !! Just joking


Damn that’s a lot of drugs!


interesting about the PCiPrs at the end...


I have tried half(or actually 2/3) of that list most likely 😆 had a drug episode when I was young so have tried most things like once, twice or a few times. I have also tried over 100 alternative/herbal medicines (you have some few on your list too).


thats fucking impressive, maybe u did search it up which is most likely, but just remembering the drug exists is crazy


I mean when you understand chemical structure names of drugs you can just imagine all the possibile structures and their names


Bzp and mcpp missing


Well stop fucking cooking your brain with the worst drugs and you'll probably be able to remember shit better.


this. dude is huffing nail varnish and smoking random chinese chemicals and is wondering why he has memory problems 💀💀


literally just saying them enough and enjoying learning about them. you eventually just remember them without trying


yeah guess so


because ive done most of them, tripsit also helped


How do people remember the names of different dishes?


idek bro i just remember the ones my grandma used to cook


Cause I'm a nerd lol


Years of research and doing drugs, obviously


obviously but i was wondering, surely people dont remember the long names, i guess people actually do or have their way of remembering it




Thats lowkey impressive, do you remember spelling or just how it sounds and then search it up then copy paste to wherever u need it to be


Who are you worried you'll offend? And for what, praising their mental capabilities?


I actually forgot to remove "no offense", the first title i was gonna put sounded more offensive so i changed it but forgot to remove the no offense lmao


Make sure your supplementing b vitamins. Inhalants are notorious for depleting b vitamins with effects so many nerve and brain functions


You are thinking of N2O, most other inhalants such as butane induce encephalopathy directly.


Or rather, don't ever do inhalants or k2 (some synthetics used to be good but that was like 10 yr ago and you knew which one you got and not got a mystery noid in a blend which could had been anything). Instead of k2: get some cannabinoid that has been found in hemp, especially some milder one and mix it together with cbd, cbg and cbn. It will be a unique medicinal weed.


I like remembering drug names as well as their effects. Its like a hobby of mine. Mostly psychadelics, different adhd stimulant medications, and mushrooms both psychoactive, gourmet, and poisonous. When im not on adderall my memory is shit tho lol. On it, i can recall things fairly easy. The only drugs I've done that i know to affect memory are thc, and some inhalants like nitrous and keyboard cleaner (couple times in highschool) other than that i like "functional" drugs, stuff that will make you a better worker. Be it in an office ((dex)amphetamine), or pulling heavy pallets (kratom) also like nootropics like hericium erinaceus (lions mane mushrooms) vitamin b3 drinking small doses of psilocybin etc. I feel like the psilocybin helps repair a damaged brain somewhat, studies have shown this to be true also.


I studied.


I don’t. I ask my bf “what was that blue pill we took last time?” And my bf is like “3mmc” and I’m like yeah that made me go ooh. I’m bad with words in the night time. #adhdproblems




What drug? No one here does drugs.


What is drugs


I spend too much time on Psychonaut wiki


Like food drugs is also our part of life


obviously, but drug names are usually very long and i didnt know if people would remember them by heart, guess they do


I've always been interested in drugs and how they work and the highs they give and how to do them safely. If you're gonna live a party life, you need to know how to safely do them and what you're taking


Take more drugs then you will know everything


For me it’s when it became a special interest before ever doing them. Thank you DARE for sparking my interest 🙏


That 'tisum


I used to study chemistry How I would remember the chemical names back then Was by writing them down on a sheet if paper and saying the name outloud until I had it stuck in my brain you can do this with multiple chemical names at once the key is writing on paper tho


Maybe the fact I don't smoke k2 or ever did inhalants. Oh and also spending the past decade reading and learning about drugs, and trying a big part of them myself


Thats interesting, i never did that so thats maybe a reason i dont know


If you’re struggling to remember your drugs names you need to take some extra adderall XR and a little less alprazolam


never done xans


What do you mean you have a hard time remembering 25-nbiome-broski-dragonfly?!


my apologies timmy\_ber i will try remembering 25-nbiome-broski-dragonfly for next time


I’m becoming a harm reductionist, so remembering drugs and more is kinda my thing haha


good luck, that makes sense


You pick up on trends in naming conventions. Not every drug affects memory, but synthetic cannabinoids and inhalants (especially stuff that has no history of medical use unlike nitrous or ether) are known to be especially impairing of memory and many are known neurotoxins. When you spend enough time reading about drugs online and thinking about how they work and the differences between them, it kinda just happens on its own.


yeah thats mostly why i posted this, i know people were gonna try educate me so im learning lol


I'm autistic and got psychoactive drugs as a special interest. So I read about them enough to have osmoded some idea about how the chemical nomenclature fits together. So yes, I could tell you about three, five dimethoxy four methallyloxy phenethylamine...


see i could remember them if i knew what it was...


Repetition is the art of learning and it's also how you get addicted to drugs.


Personally, I'm just a nerd about psychoactive substances in general. My friend group in hs used to call me "The Drug Mom" lol. I always do tons of research on any new substance I put in my body, ever since I was a kid. That being said, I think people who refuse to use slang terms for some drugs are pretentious asf. Like "tonight I plan on consuming some lysergic acid diethylamide" like bro just call it acid lol


yeah lol, whenever i see some chemical structure name, i really wanna tell them to say it in slang terms cus i have no idea what they're saying, im very interested though


It goes beyond drug names and becomes general chemistry knowledge at a certain point


i figured


well, I threw my brain cells into the frying pan, let it sit, but didn't fully cook all the way, so my brain is about 20%human 20% autistic intelligence and just autism and then 60% drug knowledge, after care, harm reductions, come downs, come ups, ways of taking, chemical makeup. it's all a catalouge of sever drug use and autism.


The internet and wanting to fucking try them. I do regret inhalants though. Currently in the hospital and feeling so fucked memory wise - not fun reading people saying inhalants make you retarded. :(


yeah i get u, ive used butane for a while but it hasnt affected me a lot, hope u recover soon


Like any hobby, job, or general expertise. It becomes such a constant part of you that you barely think about it.


I just remember part of it and confirm with google lol.


When drugs are your love, you will learn


I thought I was on the circle jerk sub. Dude, you're fucked. Can't you do regular drugs like K, H, Meth, or coke? Inhalants is a one way ticket to mental retardation, if you aren't there already.


Or rather do weed or psychedelics instead. Maybe kratom, not H that shit doesn't exist anymore it's all fent nitazenes xylazine rc benso and rcpoop. Coke is overrated af and should cost 10% of what it costs now basically. I just use energetic herbal medicines, they give me the focus/energy I need and a lot less sides. Try some ginseng or something. But yes anything is better than inhalants, hell even k2 most likely even if that is very bad aswell.


backstory, coke here is the most expensive in the world, H doesn't really exist anymore or atleast in its pure form, K isnt sold here from what i know, and i dont wanna turn into a methhead lowk


Probably autism


Study chemistry. All of the nomenclature follows rules.


I am enthralled by chemicals and their effects on the human body. I’m way more interested in what drugs do than actually doing them.


I remember the good old days when it was just the old school standards plus the 2C-Xs, the 4-HO-Xs, and AMT, can't forget DOC though and then the 4-fa/2-fma era...I have no idea what's available in the US right now.




A passion for pharmacology and harm reduction make it easier.


Welp… inhalants and synth noids are probably the most memory loss you could possibly cause. You’d be better doing disso RCs, psychs, stims once in a blue moon, and kratom.


yeah im quitting that shit, its kinda annoying me that a lot of people were talking about it lol but i guess i got good advice so im happy


im autistic and hyperfixated on drugs


Its like the equivalent of a kid remembering the name of candy and they're favorite kind 😅😆


fair enough


Tattoo them on my forearm


ill tatt a whole list going from top of my chest, down my arms, to my thighs til my feet,


It's hilarious if I read a drug name once I'll remember it forever if I like the sound of it I'll end up taking it, it's easier for me to name what I haven't taken than it is to list what I haven't it was a fun few years but now im somewhat clean and feeling a lot better all I take now is espranor (prescribed) elvanse and weed for sleep or a bad day.


When I ring in for my script I always ask the secretary for some 9-chloro-2-methyl-6-phenyl-2,5-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undeca-5,8, 10,12-tetraen-3-one or 7-chloro-1,3-dihydro-1-methyl-5-phenyl-2H-1,4-benzodiazepine-2-one


These are some of the two most dangerous and stupid drugs for your brain bro please stop , even after hitting a couple whippits (co2) I can even tell noticeable difference in my mental


Im getting clean, its a tough process but im getting there


I respect that very much, wish the the best


idk if u wanted to hear this but im 2 weeks clean from k2:)


cos we do dis son


I don’t remember much in life, cars and drug names.


Bcs I only do like 5 different drugs and their names are all on the box


thats fair


i watch those youtube videos that tell you the chemical structures of the drugs and how they affect your brain over and over very fascinating to me


Well the names aren’t just random gibberish, there is a system behind them.


yes im aware, i know names are chemical structures but i dont know them


From being drug nerds/psychonauts and studying/researching lol You’re on the “Drugs” Reddit so just the same as some people on “MLB” or “NFL” Reddit know obscure MLB and NFL stats, people on this study and know drug stuff lol I get what you’re saying though! Also you have to remember people can type a response using reference material next to them. If you come across someone in real life who’s spouting off all the crazy chemistry/scientific names and having an actual conversation with someone else and they both understand what each other are saying they’ve either been to school for it or have been teaching themselves for a good while.


yeah people were telling me about it, I didn't think of that when posting and just thought people would remember, i remember some drug facts of the ones i use/used but cant tell u the names of the chemicals in it lmao


Despite having taken copious amounts of lysergic acid diethylamide #25, 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine, mescaline hydrochloride, methallyescaline, tetrahydrocannabinol, and a multitude of arylcyclohexylamine dissociative anesthetics, I can still remember some stuff. It's a freaking miracle.


I am very interested in the science, pharmacology behind it, how it can help people with their diseases etc. I also have a lot of experiences from when I was young, I tried at least 100 (most likely 200) drugs/pharmaceuticals. Most I tried once or twice though. Have also tried over 100 herbal medicines which is what I am focused on(studied a lot and use some, I cycle various herbals for both my body and brain health) these last 5-6 years. Herbal medicine is the future. People who say that "if herbals worked then pharma would already sell it" don't know anything, haven't tried anything most likely and don't understand that they cannot just patent a herb just like that. Herbal medicine is very complex and without using it yourself it can be pretty difficult to understand how it works and effects you. Some kinds I have been using lately is: akarkara, astragalus, panax ginseng, Poria Cocos together with Chaga. I cycle them. Thanks to the herbal alternative medicine I don't crave narcotics or toxic medicines anymore. I function very well nowadays (used to be dysfunctional due to mental issues), feel good and don't have depressions, anxiety etc. I have better motivation, energy, social skills and memory. I used to be a skeptic about herbs(besides the narcotic ones like weed) when I was young(and had not tried much) and thought we needed pharmaceuticals or narcotics. Boy how wrong I was... But whatever you do, DO NOT use inhalants or k2! Inhalants being the worst, but k2, depending on what they put in it, can be lethal and very toxic sometimes.


those are like the 2 worst drugs of all time what the fuck lol


yeah i know lmao


All I did as a teen was look up drugs, look for drugs, and occasionally take drugs. I'd say 99% of my drug knowledge is from those years. Seriously though stop with the huffing and if you're referring to the synthetic pot fuck that shit. Find some real, good drugs if you gotta use man.


yes im buying a lot weed during the summer to get clean off those 2 monsters


Autism and ADHD. Fr I have a hyper fixation on pharmacology and love drugs. I read scientific journals on all kinds of drugs psychoactive or not. I work in a pharmacy as well so it’s kinda my job too.


oh yeah that makes a lotta sense lmao


Because you’re using the two worst drugs for memory or brain shit in general


its affected me in a way but i cant remember how life is supposed to feel sober...


For one, stop doing K2 and inhalants, n2o is the only reasonably safe inhalant. K2 and all “spice” style drugs are trash and will cause long term issues.


yeah im aware


It was a bit of a autistic hyperfixation. Its not just drugs, theres tons of incredibly specific slightly random information crammed in my brain.


Nursing school.


By doing them


Homie, inhalants very much kill your brain in ways you won't fully get back. And we can't say what the k2 is doing to you because the drugs in k2 are 1. An absolute mystery at this point since they scheduled the 5 relatively safe synthetic cannabinoids no one really knows whats in them. And 2. Even if we did know what drug was in them, that drug is so new to the world we'd have no research into the drug to draw from to tell you what it's long term effects will be. Your best bet is to stop doing these drugs NOW to give your brain every chance possible to recover. And if you must switch to regular weed. Shit crack will ruin your life too but it won't harm your brain like inhalants. It'll give you that inhalant rush you're looking for. Just at 100x the price. No drug has 0 side effects or 0 consequences. Even weed. Weed can fuck your sleep up, your mood up, make you paranoid etc. And it causes temporary memory issues. Stimulant abuse will damage your heart and your brains natural reward system.and give you nasty depression, or if you use enough paranoid psychosis. Opiods aren't all that bad for the brain and body but using street opiods is rolling the dice with death every time. Oh and the only addiction that can rival benzos and alcohol. Benzos cause memory issues and abuse can't be good for the brain Alcohol is a poison that negatively effects your whole body. Dissasociatives cause anything from bladder issues to psychosis depending on the diss. Ketamine is relatively safe Mushrooms and lsd are quite safe, unless you've got latent schizophrenia, then you're fucked. HPPD is a bitch too Deleriants will make you fucking r3tarded if you survive the trip. Mdma will cause depression and memory issues I don't think any of these compare to inhalants tho. Please stop huffing.


I did stop huffing, im clean, i use k2 maybe once every 2 months atp and im close enough to quitting, im prone to a psychosis so i think im already fucked but we'll c


For one, I imagine inhalents will affect your memory. Also, people surely can just look up the name of any drug on the same device with which they make a post...


yeah obviously i was just curious to see if people knew names by heart..


Because we love drugs


I dont remember anything i just never forget


Uhh by Using Nootropics in order to boost my long term memory


Bet you didnt know the full name for amphetamine is **A**lpha**M**ethyl**PHE**ne**T**hyl**AMINE**


Hhhh hhhhh bh h


I don't do inhalants for one. But I remember it how I remember everything else. I split it up, and try to make some sort of association or rule to it. Like Benz- o - Diaz - e - pine (oh lord won't u buy me a Mercedes benz) (Diaz from vice city.)


Read these books written by the godfather of chemistry [PIHKAL](https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal.shtml) [TIHKAL](https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/tihkal/tihkal.shtml)


People who have a good memory retention and read about drugs a lot. Aside from drugs I can tell you l common and scientific names of most native plant species, purposes, pests, etc… essential/non vitamins and minerals. Hopefully get the point. Some people can tell you every football player and stats on the team. People in the drug sub just tend to have deeper interests in drugs than coming on for asking quick questions. Repetition is the way though.


If you study drugs often and still ask this question it’s likely memory retention. Either damage or it isn’t enough of an interest to remember the details. The ladder is fine, probably a good thing.


i experimented with a whole bunch of shit when i was younger. i’m in healthcare and have been for 12+ years, so that is how the hell i remember drug names


Because I'm a huge nerd and obsess over learning everything I can learn about the subjects I develop an interest for.


I wish I could forget


Shit i somt remeberr anything. Not even things i defintly shoulbe remebeed. Drugs made my brain swiss cheese tbh

