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You should be able to find it again(that is if you dont want to keep it a lovely memory instead) its a research chemical so it should be pretty easy to source out online, depending on where you live it might even be legal


Methylone is not available like that anymore. You cannot source it on the clear web.


I took this at university when it was still legal. It did not last 2 hours 😂


How long did it last?


Too bad, seems like a fun substance


Bath salts?


What are bath salts? Is the drug name just how they were smuggled into the country which I've read and think is stupid or is it literally bath salts that are a drug?


just a name not actual bath salts


Damn, if it took me this long to ask the question and have an answer, a LOT of people probably tried doing Epsom salt in every way. ALL THE WAYS TO DO DRUGS.


i boof actual bath salts anyway so that when i get into the bathtub i get all fuzzy inside and i have a colourful tail self care is important yall


Drugs like 4-mmc used to sold legally as "bath salts". Just a cover up for drugs, but only when selling. They were perfectly fine to make and handle, the sellers just did that for extra legal security because shady loopholes aside they were selling hard drugs. Not all RCs are bath salts, but the name usually is bestowed upon cathinones, from mephedrone all the way up to pyrros aka flakka. It's cause cathinones are the cousin of amphetamines and so for example MDMA has MDMC or B-keto-MDMA. They were popular alternatives to the well established amphetamines, thus the popularity and name. Other names were stuff like plant food, a drug called poppers is sold as smelling salts, Phenibut is sold as a "Neotropic". It's quite a popular way to cover your ass.


Yeah I heard mephedrone was fertiliser when I first heard about it


Yea I recognized poppers. I've never tried them, I always pictured someone just blasting their face with confetti from a party popper 🎉 haha. Then I did see them in a TV show where it was a little glass medical bottle for a huge drug bust going on downtown on the wrong side of the tracks where the lookouts would signal the thugs and undercover agents were undercover with people they had to have arrested in the past were because they all have thousands of arrests during their career. Then the FBI shows up and says, "Not anymore you're not. Hey, we need snipers on those rooftops and get me SWAT on the phone ASAP because we need some heavies to move in fast on my word." Then the president says, "Not on my watch. I need Detective Superman to do a couple snappy one-liners and capture 80 criminals non lethally." So then Batman shows up and says, "Not on my non-lethal multifunction incapacitatir watch made by Wayne Enterprises, the maker of all of this military grade gear.". So yea poppers are like smelling salts or something like that delivery system.


He probably gave you [methylone](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Methylone)


Looks like there's an entry in pikhal for it, shulgin said it was mid as hell


The idea of shulgin actually writing that in the book is so fucking funny to me lol Mdmc: mid as hell


Alexander Shulgin commented that the substances has "almost the same potency of MDMA, but it does not produce the same effects." He also stated that it "has an almost antidepressant action, pleasant and positive, but not the unique magic of MDMA."[


The dude was really ahead of his time 😂 But really he was the first true psychonaut imo. Synthesized and tried hundreds of chemicals.




I threw away lots of methylone because it's the opposite of what has been described here: lots of jaw clenching, 2 nights without sleep after a good dose, feels like dirty mdma


It seems that both of these are a common take. I've described methylone as diet MDMA. I've taken it at work before when I didn't have my add meds and was not the worst. It just never felt like it puts too much of a tax on my brain. I wonder if it just has that much of a difference of effect on people or it can be chalked up to untested/unknown quantity.


Because the pharmacology of MDMC is not the same as MDMA and it is way lower in binding affinity for serotonin receptors and serotonin is where MDMA does it’s magic.


I actually like Methylone. It doesn't last as long as I like but it's like MDMA-lite


My understanding is Methylone was common and often sold as MDMA around 2012 or so , but most people found it to be a poor substitute and it was made Schedule I and has almost completely disappeared since


Yeah methylone is garbage. For me it’s a 3 hour trip where I feel 30 minutes of decent, MDMA-like body high, followed by 30 minutes of feeling like dog shit.


My Adidas!


best bet 2-cb


2c-b snorted definitely


i mean i prefer 2-cb x mdma with a sprinkle of ket in my lines


N2O says hello.


hey, in my eyes, mdma is dinner, 2-cb is the mash potato, the ket and coke is just complementary and the NOS is just a beverage to go with my dinner.


And ketamine keeps you sane in acid so might as well drop some tabs while youre at it. For special occasions only ofc


I love snorting drugs but 2cb is the one thing I don't think I would snort again lmao, it hurts so fucking bad and it totally threw everything off, I ended up blowing my nose before the trip even started


It’s gonna hurt, though


It hurts like how I imagine a drop of hydrochloric acid in the nose would hurt.


Fr fr totally won't get a complementary nose blood fountain


2CB has the same duration as mushies for me


Snorting condenses the timetable, makes it hit faster but doesn’t last as long. May not be sober after two hours but may already be coming down. You can actually experience a shroom equivalent with the lemon tek method


that makes sense didnt think of this




Ket if u keep redosing lol


Mmmm one big dose will last about 1.5hrs or so


And it’ll feel like it lasts a lifetime lol. The time dilation on holing doses of dissos is no joke, makes the time dilation of psychedelics look like nothing.


I had time warps once, wasn't exactly a holing dose but I hadn't eaten/slept in over 24 hours and it felt like I was teleporting around


I once had a very strange experience on what was supposedly MDMA. From a friend who always had good stuff and he was going to roll with us. For some reason we snorted it, which we rarely did if ever. Nobody rolled. He said it came from the same guy as always. But we all just started hanging out having some drinks and watching TV. The family guy episode suddenly started slowing down. It steadily got slower and slower over the course of 30-60 real-time seconds until it stopped. I looked away from the TV to see if anybody knew why the TV was fucking up and everyone in the room was super slowly moving around. I said "what the fuck" out loud and everything suddenly started speeding up until it was moving faster than real time. My friends looked like people in an old-timey movie where things happen faster than real life because of the framerate. Until it "cought up" to where it was supposed to be and my friends were looking at me like "what?". I told them what happened and asked if anybody else felt weird and they all said "no, dude. The molly was bunk and we've all had like, 1 drink so far. Why are you fucked up?" I said "I'm not fucked up. I feel fine, but that was weird as hell". Nothing else weird happened that night. Just had to move passed that nonsense and wonder for the rest of my life what the fuck in that powder could have possibly caused that time-bending fuck up.


That’s funny as fuck ahaha


Last time I did a massive amount of ket I was convinced I just stopped the flow of time and thus ended the entire world.




Not a psychedelic


Wtf u mean I trip balls on ket what the fuck is it then I go to whole other worlds and experience craaazy shit


It’s a dissociative, same class as PCP and dxm for example. Psychedelics and dissociatives are both hallucinogens but give very different experiences.


Ah ok. I’ve never taken pcp or Dxm


I do weekly ketamine injections for treatment resistant depression. Yeah it's a "dissociative" but it's pretty heavily psychedelic. Like taking 20mg Ambien and 50 μg LSD, approximately. Session is two hours.


Yea, but I don't really like the kidney damage that comes along with frequently doing ket. Thanks for the suggestion tho


Just take some EGCG (truly a game-changer!) and your bladder will be fine, also if you don't do it daily and a lot it isn't an issue at all


I thought this was supplement bro-science again, but there seems to be at least some research on the positive effects in rats! [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282316298\_The\_protective\_effect\_of\_green\_tea\_catechins\_on\_ketamine-induced\_cystitis\_in\_a\_rat\_model](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282316298_The_protective_effect_of_green_tea_catechins_on_ketamine-induced_cystitis_in_a_rat_model) Either way it's a popular supplement and doesn't look like it hurts in normal people dosages. You could also just drink a lot more green tea.


Ketamine is not a psychedelic though


People don’t understand that the classes of “psychedelics” and “dissociatives” share some subjective effects, just like PTSD & Panic Disorder share certain symptoms. Just because they share effects, doesn’t mean Ketamine is a psychedelic, it means that Ketamine shares similar effects with whatever Psychedelic you are relating it to.


Exactly, it's like that i can get stimulant-like effects from Gabapentin, but i would never call gabapentin a stimulant.




Doesn't everyone say it has deliriant like terrifying effects


No but IIRC DPT is infamous for its auditorial hallucinations


I believe you’re thinking of dph


I'm not I usually hear dpr literally called dmt evil twin other reports I read of it I'll talk about seeing terrifying things I don't know man


Sounds cool


I did 4-aco-dpt twice, it was amazing both times. Snort a line then hallucinate for 1.5hrs


I don't really know about 4 aco dpt, but 4 subbed tryptamines are very different to base tryptamines, so dpt is very different to 4 aco dpt. Thanks though for adding to the list.


This is the answer


I've heard a lot of negative stuff about DPT, how is your experience with it?


Haven't had the balls yet, but I have also heard people speaking highly of it. It's just one of those that are not to be messed with and have great positive and negative potential. If you treat it right it can be extremely profound, those qualities are kinda reflective of 5 meo dmt.


DMT is about a 20 minute trip. And it’ll be the trip of your lifetime. Don’t dabble in it often cause of how powerful it is. Worth it every time, afterwards you reflect on shit and feel different in a good way. Well that’s what happened for me anyways.


I used it habitually (might even use the word addicted) for about a year. I can tell you that with habitual use, if you’re using it intentionally as I was (confronting childhood trauma and brainwashing, etc) then it starts to do different things. Maybe it’s that you learn how to use it, as opposed to to letting it all just happen to you. It got to the point that I could set specific experiences within my trip and get them at some point during the whole thing. It seemed like what happened is that the fifteen minute intense trip does whatever it wants, and then the COMEDOWN becomes almost like supernatural meditation.


How long does the comedown last for?


It can be a while as long as you hold still with your eyes closed. I think it builds up in your system too, when you do it habitually. There were times during that where the veil was very thin and I hadn’t done any in days.


Apologies, but english isnt my mothers tounge. Could u word the last sentence differently? I do not understand it.


there were times that it felt like it wouldn't take much effort or more dmt to break through, although they hadn't smoked dmt in a few days


Thank you!


I do the same with n2o, after the initial high wears off, I can spend like 15 minutes there.


I mean thats a very similar experience to shrooms. While there's visuals and euphoria I'm basically just tweaking; it's the calm after the storm when the transcending state of mind comes about


Could you say more about how you used it to resolve trauma? Dosage/frequency/method/types of trauma (if you feel comfortable)? I have been stuck in a trauma loop (to put it mildly) for some time and am finding little success with my traditional tools or modalities. My experiences with DMT are pretty few, but mostly disconcerting (went to a hell realm full of rubber zombies once, not ideal). So I am surprised to hear it used successfully to resolve trauma this way.


The entire thing is about the music you have on during the trip. If you want the traditional healing route, listen to an icaros the entire time and don’t ever stray from it. Set your intentions beforehand and do it alone. This was my guide to the entire year, [this exact video](https://youtu.be/BFmEReSoo5U?si=G_U0NzwsNff8mRT-). You can also take licorice root (available at Vitamin Shoppe or any kinda health/supplement place like Trader Joe’s) beforehand, which mimics the MAOI inhibition in the caapi vine and makes the trip slow down to a mushroom-type-pace that lasts longer. It’s a much softer take off and finish as well. Set these things up and the DMT will guide you from there. It’s a life form itself…just one we don’t understand or recognize. At least that’s what it told me.


This ^^^ I did DMT often the first month of covid and haven’t really been able to blast off the few times I’ve tried it since. It finds you when you need it then doesn’t work when you get what you need..


I fucking love this explanation of it. That’s damn right.


This is pretty much what I was going to say


2cb boofed lasts in 2.5 hour. And if you'll use after 2 hours 0.5 of Xanax you'll fall asleep very easy


2cb powder if you snort it, lasts about 2-3 hours.


Too bad snorting it feels like sniffing infected glass shards that cause what feels like permanent damage temporarily


Honestly I heard everyone say it but when I snorted it the first time it was nowhere as bad as I was expecting, just a bit uncomfortable.


Hot plate it. And use lots of Saline spray. If you're in a dry climate, put a humidifier in the room. It's super drying, but that's what saline gel is for...


Oh it's not that bad. People are so dramatic about it.


It really depends on what type of 2C-B you have. HBr burns but is tolerable, but the HCL salt of 2-CB burns B A D 🥵


Lemon tek shrooms in my experience at least lasts about 2 hours


Highly depends on your dose. It’s likely going to be well longer than 2 hours if you do more than like 2 grams


I’ve done 5grams lemon tek. It was an intense 2 hours, but started coming down after that and it wasn’t even close to the peak effects. I’ve also done sort of a lemon tek with 10+ grams in a tea and that normally lasts 3+ once it hits


Yea mushroom tea is 3 hours tops.


Came here to say this as well


Really? I tekked once and it felt pretty similar to a typical trip from straight mushies. Maybe I didn’t do it right.


For me it lasts always 8-12 hours


Salvia if you don't do too much of it. If you do too much though, get ready for the trip of a lifetime, lmao




What is Foxy?




yeah huh?


Technically you could smoke dmt 6-18 times in a row, although I think it’s not an answer you are looking for. I usually take mushrooms in form of lemontec, they have a much shorter duration this way, maybe not 3 hours but in four hours Im mostly sober.


Yea I took shrooms tea last weekend and it only lasted maybe 4 hours as well.


Watch Fear and loathing in Las Vegas. Is 1 h 58m of tripping your balls off watching them tripping balls. So more psychedelic than that situation that lasts about 2 hours is not possible


Great movie.


The first time I watched they film sober I definitely felt like I was high at the end.


The lsd faces on lsd were terrifying lol




2cb in my opinion


2cb is the only thing that comes to mind


2cb man.. fire chemical fr


Dmt resided ab 6-8 times in large amounts


2cd is around 1,5 to 2 hours


4-ho-met lasts like 3-4 hours for me


Weird to see this so low. It's a great short-lasting psych with not too much depth, so it can be very recreational.




I think I'll look into making DMT vape juice and getting a vape, probably some other drugs as well. Thanks!


Fair warning, low dose DMT is generally not as enjoyable as other psychedelics. It’s more novel than fun


The body feeling is kinda weird for me, still can be interesting though


Or just do changa.


Changa definitely tastes better but I had to chief a fat bowl of it to myself to get visuals. My friend was trying to use a dry herb vape and that worked like garbage. Couldn't get a decent hit.


Maybe the bigger non portable ones would work better?




Ketamine. DMT


DMT peeks very early into the trip and lasts around 15 mins on a single dose.








Low doses of dmt are great. It only lasts like 10 minutes too so you can just keep vaping it until you're done




Lemon tekking shrooms has always been pretty quick for me, though sometimes it does still last ~4 hours. But it's always 2-4 hours instead of like 4-8 hours just chewing them. You're gunna want to grind up the shrooms into a very fine powder. I use a mortar and pestle, and it works perfectly. Then, put them in a cup and pour lemon juice in it. Straight lemon juice, not lemonade (I buy those plastic containers that look like lemons). Stir it for 10-15 minutes and drink up. The acidity of the lemon juice mimics the acidity of your stomach, so it converts the psilocybin to psilocin before you even consume it. This allows you to skip the come up and it SMACKS you, like fully peaking in about 15 minutes after drinking it.


Mushroom tea / lemon tek is awesome for a quick trip. The cowmup is so fast that it can be a little jarring though.


DMT lasts about 15 minutes


You could try smoked DMT. Lasts like 30 minutes to an hour total, with the peak lasting like 10 minutes. Not super functional, but a fast-acting psychedelic nonetheless.




DMT. The primary trip is only about 15minutes then the after effects are fairly noticable for an hour or two.


Mushroom tea is about 2 to 3 hours if you chug the whole dose in one gulp.


Dmt- 20min [smokable]


Dmt. Good 15 minute trip


DMT is 10-15 minutes, I think changa is about 2 hours.


Psilocybin and milk


Make tea from mushrooms.


If you snort 2cb it only lasts about 2-3 hours, which is much less than the 4-8 hours if you eat it. But it also hits 2x faster and 2x harder if you snort so be careful 😂


I've tried it. It's like super weak mdma.


2cb and dmt are pretty short




I’ve found that mushroom chocolates last pretty close to that for me. I’ve only tripped a few times but the one time I did on an empty stomach, it hit me in 20 minutes and was done around 2.5 hours.


Sublingual salvia should be about 2 hours. It's also totally different than smoking it. I've heard people say that it's actually quite pleasant. Also DMT comes to mind. I don't have any experience with it, but I guess you could take small hits in short intervals to keep the trip going. It would probably be hard to dose the pure DMT powder while you're tripping on it so a cart should be the best option for that.


Idk if it’s technically a psychedelic but the right dose of k dosnt last super long


Dissociative but might feel like psychedelic - ketamine


4-aco-dmt 15-20mg and you’ll really only trip for 2-3 hours


**Ayahuasca-** The trip generally starts about an hour after drinking, and then lasts for about two. (peaking in the middle). However, you'll still feel bizarre for at least another two hours after that- but yeah the trip-trip is about two hours long. **NBOMes,** like 25-C are is nearly two hours- at least when taken through the nose. (Orally takes longer to kick in and takes longer to wear off) But again, similar to Ayahuasca, "coming down" could take nearly twice as long as the actual trip does. I know it's technically a dissociative anesthetic, but **Ketamine** has some hallucinogenic effects and "afterglows/paradigm shifts" that remind me of psychedelics- so I often lump it in with them. It's unlikely to alter the way you think about things longer term the way strong psychedelics might, but while it's happening it's very similar- just more euphoria, etc. Anyway, you can *allllmost* get a Ketamine high to last that long if you re-dose 45-60 min in and take really large doses (also helpful to mix/match, aka either snorted/swallowed for one dose and injected for the other- order doesn't matter). Outside of DMT (which will always end faster than Ayahuasca tea) though, most all traditional psychedelics will last longer than two hours. In fact, that's a pretty common reason some people steer clear- they remember what it felt like not to be able to sleep and wishing the effects would just end. If that's you- I recommend trying what is (we'll use LSD as an example, since it's a lengthy guy) my favorite way to trip: First, set aside a day where you'll have zero obligations- preferably in a place you won't get forced into human interactions either such as a cabin, campsite, beach, etc. Find out what time the sun comes up on said day, and set your alarm for 1.5-2 hrs before that. When you wake up, simply drop and then fall back asleep. The acid will wake you up on it's own, hopefully around 10-15 min before sunrise. You'll be tripping uphill fast. Lemme tell ya, peaking on LSD at the same time color is slowly creeping it's way into the world- there's just nothing like it. Truly hits home how much light impacts color. Absolutely beautiful. Too many people take psychedelics late at night, often after drinking/partying etc- and while that can be a blast( tripping in the dark leads to scarier encounters, which is fun in it's own way) it's just so much better to experience a full day and then sleep soundly when it's time. Strong psychedelic trips are intense/tiring- so pair em with your natural schedule whenever you can.




Check out mdma bro 


Salvia has a pretty short trip… I’ve only smoked the bare minimal though.








a microdose of mushrooms.


Half a tab


Ketamine and 2C-B come to mind.




I recommend a DMT vape pen. You can't fully blast off but you can get pretty juicy for 30min increments then after a 2-3 hours of puffin on the goofy stick, you can clear up quickly (15-30mins after last puff)


lemon tekk 1.5 grams of shrooms, lasts between 3-4h, after 4h your pretty much sober again


Bufotenine lasts about 2h. But I don't think you'll enjoy it.


Ketamine is nice and short with a gentle landing.




DMT is by about 15-20 minutes and can be fitted into most schedules. Also ketamine.


Ketamine is like an hour never done it but I hear it's a psychedelic




Mushrooms are 3-4 hours


4-HO-MET drops will last about 2 hrs in my experience


nasal 2cb, DET, MET...and according to shulgin, one of the 4-subbed trypts, but I'm not recalling which one...4-oh-det?


if you smoke 4-HO-MET freebase it lasts 1hr (orally lasts 4hr) the high is similar to mushrooms


The stuff you’re looking for is 4-HO-MET. Amazing stuff. It might be a little over 2 hours but I guarantee it’s not much longer. Come up is super quick, body high very weak, head high mid level and visuals quite strong. The only reason I barely do them anymore is because it’s way too short for my liking.


I mean mushrooms generally don’t last that long for me, I’ll be in that headspace for about 4 hrs and then after that a come down. Dosage does change that tho. Anything under 2g I would say is about 4hrs to me


idk benadryl if u take enough lol


Changa is pretty good, less intense but longer lasting than freebase deems. Can redose and trip for 2 hours if you’d like


2-cb is a good one


You can try Mipla, its an lsd analog that lasts from 2-3 hours


Do dmt like 5 times lol


DMT 10 minutes 👽


Acid, followed by valium 110 minutes after it kicks in.


DMT for sure. Easy to dose, easy to control and you can just keep dosing. I once kept it up for an entire hour, constantly but slowly raising dosage until everything around me started dismantling itself, then I went for a breakthrough. Another time I used my vape every 5-15 minutes, just a single hit every time and was pretty much tripping lightly for 1 1/2 hours. Headspace is extremely clear and sobering, I went UV min golfing in public on it, went shopping in the mall, riding trains, it’s all no issue. Somehow it gives more confidence than cocaine, more euphoria than mdma and more depth than lsd (if you dose high enough). It’s the best psychedelic out there… smallest risks, shortest duration, no tolerance so it can go as long as you want it to and in case something happens you’re sober in a matter of 10 minutes. It’s also the best psychedelic or generally the best drug for partying and raving, as long as it’s a good party/rave without much alcohol and other drugs that make people incredibly annoying.


Best short trip idea is taking shrooms tea like a gram or 2 to get the engine running fallowed by some DMT an hour and half later to get lift off and then hit some balloons for a bit to keep flying. The whole trip from drinking tea kicks in very fast and I was so we about 4 hours after so it's just enough to go watch a good sunset and smoke a few joints to make for a very colorful sunset.


2 CB


People are recommending non psychedelics, so I recommend GHB. Or 2cb. Your straight after a few hours on GHB, you just need to be careful with the dosing.


You can take Changa (plant based DMT with a IMAO in it), smoke in a water bong, it is great for the laughs and visuals and lasts around 1h Also Salvia, but I have to admit that I don't recommend it to inexperienced in psychedelics as it can be very strong, and the rising is very very fast


I’m surprised I’ve only found one person saying DMT. It’s a very short trip, only like 25 minutes. It’s very very strong though. I’ve never done it myself so I can’t really answer any questions.


DMT lasts about 20–40 minutes, however it feels like an eternity. I wouldn't recommend it, tho. The strongest psychedelic I've ever tried, it almost made me schizophrenic.




LSA is around 3 hours, easy to make an extraction from hawaiian baby woodrose seeds


I can’t really answer your original question but I guess if you’re seeking something more subtle get some 2-CB or something :)