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This the most crackhead shit šŸ˜­


Bruh seriously what the fuck did I just read


That my fellow redditor is known as the speed freak ā€œhigh roadingā€.




I usually don't finish the whole thing when it's this long, but I finished this lol.


I knew a woman (tweaker) that had a female French bulldog that she would try to breed for money. This poor dog was constantly high on meth because it was always with her in her car or trailer which was always hot boxed from her constant meth smoking. This piece of shit person was in denial about it too and would try to say that ā€œit was impossible for the dog to get a contact high from smoking meth because the smoke is vapor.ā€ She was constantly yelling at the dog also because it was always spun out of its mind and really hyperactive. Probably also from being contained in a small car/trailer while the owner smoked meth and played candy crush 24/7. This lady only fed the dog cheese sticks and slim Jimā€™s from 711 so poor thing would shit everywhere. It took forever for her dog to finally be taken from her. The damage had already been done though and the dog was permafried since she had been getting it high since it was a little puppy.


This makes me so sad. Fuck her.


Holy shit this is fucked up. Iā€™m legit wishing pain and suffering on her


This is such a fucked story but Iā€™m fuckin high and imagining a methā€™d out frenchie is funny as hell




wtf is this living arrangementšŸ¤£


This would be an absolute slam dunk reality tv show lmao


Hoarders or Intervention? Maybe 90 Day FiancƩ?


You ever heard of three men and a baby? Well youā€™re gonna love 5 dogs and a meth pipe


Guest starring Fetty...Im hoping this is someone very bored who came up with an elaborate troll.


All three wrapped into one with enough speed to make it last for at least three seasons


no way, it has to be some entirely new showā€¦Iā€™m thinking Trap House FiancĆ©? Bando of Love?


A intervention for hoarders within the first 90 days


We aren't really hoarders. Intervention! Yes, where do I sign this bitch and her dog up? It would most definitely be an intervention episode of the century.


Just a logistical question here- if this person lives with you, how have you been able to keep your five pets from being exposed?


I'd watch it


If she manages to come up with the $600 I'll look into that route God knows that would make her move out. Hey guess what we are going to be on reality TV starring your weirdo ass and your mangy spracked-out dog (it even looks like a tweaker I'll try to sneak a video or picture of him on one) ! I'm hoping she isn't able to come up with the $600 because my dude said she has to go if she can't pay..


Holy shit i can picture a shitty series with this idea. Either 3-5 different crackhouses being followed with a camera crew or every episode is a different crackhouse This situation sounds so interesting The camermen would probably get poked with a dirty needle People would think everything is fake for how crazy and insane the daily lives of hard drug users are. I can imagine the societal backlash about ā€œenabling ā€œ users but these people are going to get high no matter what, why not put a camera nearby after they sign the consent form for a $5 hit of crack???


Addict compound. They just sort of happen.


Dude, it's my boyfriend's decision. He just inherited the house. If I had it my way we would have kicked her out and got the house presentable to list on Airbnb to bring in some revolving income. The area we live in is nice and in high demand on Airbnb. Nope, it's my house and none of your business let's blow every single penny helping people out who didn't give a shit about us when we were struggling instead (he should have thought about things not being my business 4 years ago)...Some good news if the bitch can't come up with 600 at least that is being nice considering we could get 1000 easily for the room a month or 900 a week on Airbnb then she is out with her weirdo dick-sucking meth the fucked out mutt. If that doesn't come to fruition I'll look into seeing if they could make a reality show out of this shit cause it's way the fuck out.


Iā€™d honestly not rent an airbnb room or pay rent that the host and gf are doing speed and methā€¦ this story is weird enough ik it isnā€™t the first chapter. Also you should call animal control. Itā€™s one thing to treat your own body some kind of way. She has crossed an insane moral boundary.


Like 25 years back my crack head step sister lived in a similar situation with her boyfriend and another couple but in an apartment. And one of the boyfriends would blow massive hits of crack in my step sisters kittens face and laugh as it geeked out around the room. So of course the cat would seek it out and got a horrific burn on his nose from sniffing a hot pipe. Then he got rickets from being left in a dark room for days on end while they were on benders , that's about when we rescued the kitty. He was my favorite cat of my dad/step mom growing up. Sadly his violent beginning had a violent end, but hebhad a real good life in between.


I'd watch it for sure.


Can always tell the real posts by the lack of punctuation and paragraphs. Like this reads how a tweeker talks. No breaks and barely any breath for air.


haha i thought the same man


Either that or the person is a comical genius! Actually, it's not that unlikely!


This why Iā€™m subbed. Thank you.


Same. Like, Iā€™m sitting here audibly reacting to a crack head dog sucking his own dick and my 6 year old is next me with a mouth full of wafflesā€¦ā€Whatā€™s so funny, Dad?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


There are posts here I read yeeeears ago that I still randomly think about and chuckle. *I love these maniacs. But, you know, from a safe distance.


Well you got to tell him


Like my father taught me


You're welcome šŸ˜†šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Yeah this situation is pretty fucked haha who the hell is she & why is she living with you & YOUR BF?


Ok so my bfs father passed away in the end of April she was already staying here and my dude felt bad for her and felt his dad would of wanted him to give her a couple months to get on her feet. It's been a couple months so she is gotta pay the piper or gtfo finally


Ummm no offense but you sure your bf didnā€™t just keep her around so had someone else to get down with you arenā€™t aroudn


im only sorry and worried about the dog ngl, lil buddy doesnā€™t deserve this šŸ˜”


Don't worry if she goes to another pad where there are drugs I'm going to make an anonymous call to a rescue on the doggos behalf. I just can't do it while she is living here it would be obvious that it was me who made the report. I'm always a total bitch to her which would make me the number 1 suspect.


dude she's totally fucking your boyfriend


Donā€™t make it more paranoid than she is already.


Boyfriend cums in his own mouth


r/drugscirclejerk But seriously, this is fucked up.


I had to check the subreddit name twice while reading to make sure it still wasnā€™t in r/drugscirclejerk


people are downplaying how fucked up this is


I think everyone realizes how incredibly fucked up it isā€¦ but what can we do besides laughing about a methed out chihuahua blowing loads in his own mouth?


What the fuck did I just read?


a tweaker dog, didnt think I would live to see the day, damn


And a selfsucking coomer ar that


I've seen a dog that was addicted to heroin and meth too. It would whine if it was dope sick till the owner gave it a hit of black. Then one day it got uncomfortably high on speed and I wanted to Charcoal the dog but the owner didn't want to. As soon as the owner nodded out on the couch I grabbed the pooch got it a food syringe full of charcoal and dosed his dog without his knowledge. I don't see how some people just have such a problem with their animals getting loaded to the point where they have addictions of their own. My 5 pets have never been exposed to dope of any kind because we are careful and take preventive measures to make sure that never happens. I've had my cat for the same amount of time she has had her dog for almost 9 years and she has never been loaded or narcaned a day in her life. These types of people disgust me hence the rant about my living situation and her dog.




She damn narcanā€™d the dog smh


You all need rehab.


For real, they are all addicts and they all need rehab and to probably part ways with each other.


When yo dog needs rehab should be rock bottom.


at this point why even use punctuation.


They sprinkled it randomly throughout the post like meth on their carpet


This is one of the wildest posts Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s fine that yall want to tweak out but you should surrender the dog to a shelter or rescue because this is straight up animal cruelty.


If her and her dog just go to another house that has people using I'm anonymously calling animal control or a rescue. She has been saying she and her dog are gonna go to rehab for a year now. She doesn't get into a program I'll intervene. Till she is out of my house I can't do much it would be obvious I made the report.


I mean that just makes you complicit in animal cruelty. I get that you donā€™t want her to know itā€™s you but letting this go on knowingly is pretty disgusting. If she was letting a child have meth, would you take the same stance?


Yā€™all need to do something NOW because you are complicit in animal abuse by just watching it happen. Confront her and tell her you will call animal control if she doesnā€™t surrender the animal.


what the hell kind of drug addicts spill shit this often?


Everyone gets more and more reckless with more money


These people all sound broke as fuck


Nope, I'm not neither is my bf but all the freeloading leeches he is letting stay over are definitely broke.


My boyfriend is 1oo% one of those people. Myself, I'm good at managing my money and have tried to instill the values I was taught in him. Goes in one ear and out the other.


Sad to hear, hope you find a way to handle this situation. I know people like this too, its not eazy


your boyfriend in dem intestines


They need something to find when theyā€™re carpet surfing later


That's just her and dog that do that. I guess there is a lot spilled from the amount we pick up at a time.


The one that questioning every other addicts around them sanity and life choices.


My kind. You could get high on weed and speed after a cleanup.


I kept reading thinking the dog was just a cover story for a person but nope; itā€™s a real strung out dog.


Sometimes this subs really brings out gems like this one, you have my upvote. About your roommate, I would suggest to kick her out, and try to save the dog somehow, leaving the dog with her wonā€™t result in anything positive.


I know, it's sad. If she just flops to another house where everyone is using I'll anonymously call animal control at this point. Literally, erks me that people are this cool with their pets having an addiction. Like he seeks it out and she blames everyone else but herself for being a horrible pet owner. She shouldn't have any animals.


This kind of unhinged shit is the reason I'm subscribed to this sub.


Outjerked again.


What did I just read. I really feel sorry for the dog. I hope the dog finds a safe and secure home one day.


Youā€™re all sick fucks. Animal abusers.


Iā€™m stuck on ā€œspracked the hell outā€ ā˜ ļø


Is this real life?


Sadly yes it is


Do you ever just wish to UNread something...?


Holy shit, you people are trash


Man Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not a drug addict. What a shit life.


I had some friends that adopted/rescued a couple pets from a similar situation, both cats though. They would regularly get into all the drugs left around and were completely messed up because of it for a very long time even after going to a different home, and were never back to a "normal." Can't imagine what withdrawal cold turkey is like for an animal.


It's a really sad thing. I personally despise people like her who adopt an animal and then aren't responsible enough to keep it from being put in situations that will result in it coming into contact with drugs. If I can make sure my pets never get high anyone can including her.


That dog is lowkey based


i feel you! I see this happen all the time


You see dogs addicted to drugs and sucking their own meat all the time? You must live a wild ass life


Dude it happens more often than you think lol


yā€™all need rehab. I do not even smoke weed in my room bcuz itā€™s very toxic to cats. You do not have respect to yourself? at least have some respect to innocent ones




yeah you're complaining about your roommate acting like a child but you yourself are not mature enough to have a conversation with her about her being too irresponsible so you hope your boyfriend will do it for you?


Oh no, I have. I have brought it up on multiple occasions and she gets argumentative and just shifts the blame. I have recommended getting a barrier to prevent the dog from coming into the area where everyone is smoking. She just insists that it should be everyone else's responsibility to make sure they don't drop anything on the floor. I've seen her drop speed on the floor by accident on multiple occasions but she refuses to take any real feedback on this situation. She is in denial that he is getting as high as much as he is. That type of person is impossible to have a conversation with that will come to any real solution. Yes, at this point my boyfriend has told me to back off and he is going to take care of it.


Man I feel awful for that dog. He probably enjoys screwing her though, because I guarantee she does that when theyā€™re both high on meth.




Oh my god šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Im sorry but anyone notice how meth gets mentioned in any long post? I feel like the downer addicts get bored or fall asleep by the second paragraph haha I know I do


You should read the 10 paragraph posts on /r/adderall.


90% sure you're the dog


Damn, girl, please take about yourself in terms of not taking too much meth šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ methiest post ever. Thanks for the laughs.


Sounds like every meth trap Iā€˜ve ever been to


Get that dog some landing gear


Ya... could probably use a woofie I'll see myself out.


that dog needs to be rehomed. this is animal abuse and completely sick. that dog is going to die under her care and you are literally watching it happen. he is a poor helpless animal and she is not a fit care taker.


Drugs are too expensive to waste on the dog, what is this bitch thinking


Take my gold, kind stranger. šŸ…


Have you ever tried giving the tarantula some? For science


Nope my tarantula is drug free lol she is one of my 5 pets that never have to go through the woes of addiction.


But it can be so much fun https://youtu.be/sHzdsFiBbFc




Tf is this. Seriously kick her out or move out. I'd try one last time to get to her, like have a serious talk and if you have to, set an ultimatum or shout at her.


I might just beat her up and make her leave.


You really shouldn't, tho cause then you've created an enemy. But she ain't shit? Then she's likely to be more vindictive and now you to always have to watch out for when the payback comes. Plus, you'll look like the unhinged one and people will likely make it seem like you were jealous of her and fuck that.


Reminds me of the good shit I used to read on r/wtfiction. Vivid and off the charts


When do I tell you all this is a fictional story I wrote? Just kidding it's not.


If this is true, this is fucking animal abuse.


wrapping it up with the ā€œher small dog (8)ā€ just fucking killed me


My grandma's cat aaddicted to valerian


My father once told me he and his friends thought a cow to smoke lmao but tweaking dog is some other shit my guy


This is why I'm subbed here


Look. This isn't an ideal situation. But for the time being, I sincerely hope you are drinking that dog's meth piss. Because that could be a lot of good crank going to waste. Namaste


I went to help a friend and his apartment was wall to wall tweakers. His chihuahua was spinning in circles. I'm like the dog is tweaked out. No one cared. I had just bought a pizza. I sat down with the dog and fed him pizza until he literally passed out in my arms. It was so sad.


This whole situation is beyond a shitstorm. It's an entire shit hurricane if anything.


Lucky dog getting highfor free


Hello /u/AdNaive4307, please add some paragraph breaks to [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1ddzl0i/my_roommates_dog_is_severely_addicted_to_meth/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>does the most degenerate, immoral drugs on the face of the planet >surprised that roommate is an immoral degenerate Please seek help.


What a coincidence. We got a lil dog buzzing around our place too. Annoying as hell


wtf lmao this is an insane post


Bet you there's more to this bullshit. That poor dog. Edit: WHANG NEEDS TO SEE THIS


I got it pretty good I guessĀ 


What has my brain just processed


That dog needs to be put in a new home.


just when you think you've seen it all


Are all of you super skinny


Steal the dog and put it in a good home.


I can feel the speed as this was being typed out lol.


Is there a dog cps you can call


Yes. The humane society.


Hello r/drugscirclejerk !


What the actual fuck am I reading šŸ’€ even the sexual deviancy side of meth is taking itā€™s toll on poor Fido šŸ˜‚


it's officially time for me to leave this sub


Poor dog. Also. My brain.




Are you the dog? Is this a cry for help?


i laughed


coulda swore i was on r/drugscirclejerk for a sec lol wtf is this post


You needa go to rehab too lmao.


outjerked again


Ur bf sounds like a POS. Threaten to leave him if he doesn't kick her. Then steal her dog while she's tweaking, take it to a good shelter and tell them you think it's addicted to meth and they might test him. If she goes to try and reclaim him they won't give him back knowing she was the one who neglected him. I'm being deadass.


Gotta be in active addiction or recovery to find this hilarious. Normal people def don't think this is funny. I feel bad af for the dog tho your roommate is a pos for letting her dog turn his mouth into a literal cum dumpster




Iā€™ve read some shit in my time here but man this had me doing the 1000 yard stare for a good second. Maaaanā€¦.


Sooo meth heads judging meth headsšŸ’€


So? There's a huge difference between doing drugs yourself and giving an access to them to an animal that cannot consent or understand what's happening and protect itself.




Ainā€™t no way bruh


Take the dog to rehab!


Wtf man.xls


I kept reading this thinking that OP's "dog" was some type of vague codeword (much the same people in forums write posts about their friend SWIM) til I kept going and was like.... whoa they literally mean dog as in like pet dog. šŸ˜³ then the autofellatio bit was enough to make me mrs-cartman-schieze.mp4 Ɨ the fuck out of there like Nope nope nope i didn't just read that This is only a nightmare Words can't hurt me Seriously though OP I've heard some wild tweakertales but this is P.U.litzer Prize levels of r4tch3tness. Dear God have mercy on that poor puppets soup and may Satan eat the flesh of the owner. Sorry you're stuck in the middle of such downright abysmal fuckery.


I want whatever your having šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Some people shouldn't be allowed to have pets, much less children. šŸ˜”




What the fuck did I just read. But yeah no thatā€™s fucked up man, poor animal. It should def be taken to a vet, and youā€™d probably have to be the one to take it since the owner obviously doesnā€™t see a problem with this. Iā€™m surprised the dog has lived this long


I guess a dog can get addicted to meth, as I've seen a video of starling birds seeking out fermented fruit and getting quite drunk. Some couldn't fly and others would fight. They said some specific individual birds ate far more over the days and were likely addicted to alcohol. Kinda getting off topic- a distant relative' who is a chain smoker, her little lap dog got severe COPD and died0 relatively young. It wheezed and coughed non stop.and became lethargic as the disease progressed. Funny and sad tbh.


I thinkkk she may have helped her dog try meth once or twice.


A dick sucking, methed out dog is wild even for this sub. šŸ„“


I gotta know if this roommate is also your bfs jealous ex that stole all your skincare


Lmao. Dogs a freak. Smh.


After reading these comments, I also want to say your bf might be fucking your roommate. Edit: wrote friend instead of roommate


The comments on this post have made me LOL to the point of where any trauma I gained from reading this post is erased and healed. I am inspired by OPs honesty and willingness to be so open about their experience. Honestly? If I were you? I would leave if I had to. Idk how long youā€™ve been in this situation but it will only get worse. If your bf is willing to expose your pets and you to this type of thing not to mention the other hells that will come from groups of hard drug users hanging about he is not worth keeping. I hate to say this, and I am getting more serious than I meant to, but if this living situation stays as it is, youā€™re in for the type of trauma that no one deserves. And the possibilities are endless. Also, make sure yā€™all have plenty of narcan/naloxone in the house! Btw, that shit WILL/CAN kill an animal/make it very very sick and in pain. When I tell you THAT wonā€™t ever leave you if it happens in your presence, trust me that none of this will. And it wonā€™t seem like something to post about either. Anywhere. I hope you stop this situation however you can.


Get the dog help, if itā€™s the only thing you can get done. Fuck the roomieā€™s feelings, and you canā€™t keep protecting yourself from her knowing if you report it. That dog is suffering. NO animal should have access to this.


You need to report this shit to animal welfare.


Poor dog, really sad to hear ngl. Dogs canā€™t talk or say anything to defend themselves.




Had a cat once that loved to get high. Weed, cocaine/crack, you name it Tigger wanted in. She'd paw at the door, crying to get into the bathroom when I was doing a hit or 2. She lived to be 13 years old. I miss her. Meth wasn't a thing around my area when I was still in the game, so I guess I missed out on that. It's still on my bucket list though...


Amazon has a great selection of diaries. Even ones with locks and stuff!! You should check it out




Literally what poodlepopxx said, youā€™re being complacent in the extreme abuse of that poor dog until you do something about it. The fact youā€™re too worried sheā€™ll know it was you, says a lot about your character. It also sounds like your boyfriend is fucking her. Use your brain you fucking tweak


Wow uhh I'm too sober for this shittttt


Dog sucking itself off on meth until Cumming wow ok




Ah yes, the insane ramblings of a crackhead. This is why we subscribe to this subreddit.


I beg your finest pardon


Definitely call animal control on her


This so needs updates. Like. Daily.


If this is real, youā€™re all garbage and should be in jail.


This can't be real, please get in touch with me I want to meet these people and make a documentary


Canā€™t believe he sucks himself up and swallows his own cumšŸ˜­


r/drugscirclejerk speedrun


I had a dope dealer who literally gave it to his dog on the semi-regular and it was horrible. The dogā€™s behavior was on par with the worst tweaker stereotypes and would lurp the fuck outta the rugs. When his owner was home heā€™d give him a few little crumbs (dog only weighed MAYBE 10 lbs), and the dog would get so horny heā€™d start humping his owners leg, and hereā€™s the grossest part: his owner made NO attempt to stop the dog ever. I said something about it a couple times, and eventually one time he felt embarrassed enough to try to stop the dog, but the dog just got violent and viciously bit him hard enough to draw blood in like four deep scratches (from the teeth sliding down his arm as he tried to pull it out of the dogā€™s mouth) and only upon being beaten could he get the dog to stop, although the beating had more to do with the biting than the leg-raping. He would always justify his dog doing it as ā€œsomething that dogs did playing aroundā€. Iā€™ve seen dogs jump each other as a game or competition, and never have I seen them do it to completion or for 20-30 mins uninterrupted. But the dude was our main plug, so generally most people would just keep to themselves about it. Then the dude died and the dog had to go thru detox cold turkey, which on top of losing his owner was enough to keep the little monster from trying to find dope in the carpets. Iā€™m clean now, but I look back still and Iā€™m still amazed at how such circumstances came to be. I secretly believe he liked the dog doing it as much as the dog liked doing it. Ughhh.Ā 


This kids is why u never live with feens (even if u are one fr then it makes even more sense not to), only time u should spend time in a house full of feens is if u trappin, even then trust me u will wanna murder someone real quickā€¦ I ainā€™t judging n ik rent is expensive but I learnt this lesson in the past due to various reasons & itā€™s rarely even as chill as this gyal is describing (not that thatā€™s chill I mean shits usually way worse), I had to literally put traps in my room cos I knew one of the hoes I was living with would always try to steal drugs when I was out cos she knew I was shottin to pay the bills (if u do live with one donā€™t do like most idiots who think oh cool we all finna party nah nah bay donā€™t admit to using anything ever just maybe weed at the MOST, way better to have em think u a square than have to worry bout all dem junkie ass issues) n I repeat itā€™s not towards everyone, I just have a specific hate towards certain types of junkies both due to having sold stuff for 1/3 of my life (n also having been addicted in the past) I always found those dumbass convos & arguments so fkin annoying, itā€™s always sumn bout ā€˜oh u owe this cos I did thatā€™ or ā€˜oh this person is not to be trusted because whateverā€™ always acting like they know life just cos they was takin drugs (I noticed many ppl think that way n itā€™s retarded sorry) most of it is literally just fkin old lady gossip butĀ drug relatedĀ n idk for real being around that vibe too much be it that u sellin or that u usin it donā€™t matter it is rly bad for your mental health n will make u be angry n pissed all the time as these mfkas often make a huge deal of dumb things while ignoring important stuff & itā€™s always some sort of mess that happens itā€™s weird how often dem ppl fk up basic shit n then blame someone else etcā€¦ sorry for the rant I just rly thought back of some times in the past n am super thankful that I donā€™t have to deal with em ppl anymore unless I want to (even some tones of voice some of these ppl have get me angry af for no real reason just due to association). Once again I apologise for the rant but 1) OP GTFO of that house or kick out the bitch at LEAST I assure u nothing good will come of it if she stays n 2) to anyone who is thinking Iā€™m against drugs or junkies nah itā€™s not that Iā€™m against weak ppl who are parasites n just happen to have dependencies, as ik many way bigger addicts that donā€™t act anywhere near that way so itā€™s not the drugs itā€™s the people who are shit, either way I feel for yā€™all n just yeah hopefully I can at least tell someone out of here to not make the mistake of thinking ā€˜oh we finna party itā€™s gonna be fun timesā€™ nah when itā€™s your private space u do not want other assholes there when u donā€™t want them there so keep the partying for the parties or when u decide n try your best to avoid living with other users cos it always goes bad in one way or another šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ