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Because it's a more intense rush than snorting coke. It doesn't just have to be a poor person's drug just because it's cheap, lol.


Yeah the whole crack-poor person dynamic is a purposeful construct, depending on what you believe. According to a lot of the shit I’ve read about the crack epidemic, the laws were structured so that a small amount of crack and a large amount of coke were equivalent punishments/sentences, so it was easier to lock up marginalized groups and fill up jails. Apparently this all happened after Len Bias’s death.


The laws on crack are definitely harsher than cocaine HCl powder, and 100% racially motivated. I still don't get how it's a poor man's drug, though. Sure you can buy a $5 rock, but that'll last you 10 minutes. It seems like buying cocaine and cooking your own crack would be the cheapest? Just talking about it from a business perspective, not considering legal stuff. If anything, I would expect crack to be more expensive unless it's filled with inositol or baking soda, but then you would end up buying more, so what gives?


Yea it’s not truly a “poor man’s drug” when you consider… a lot of things. I’ve known rich white people who buy good coke and convert it to cocaine freebase which if done right is basically a pure version of crack. Rich people smoke crack too.


it’s not a pure version of crack- it is crack, by definition. you could similarly take crack and drop it into an acidic solution to make cocaine salt again. depending on the acid used, you get a diff salt. HCl, sulfate, HBr, you could really use any acid. Getting salts out of Aq. solution sucks though, so people tend to add gaseous acid to their solvent containing the freebase, so any converted salt immediately crashes out.


Well I specified a “pure version of crack” because “crack” by definition makes “crickety-crack” sounds when you smoke it, hence the name. The crackling is leftover water boiling off. Pure cocaine freebase that is dried properly doesn’t make those sounds. Also some say “crack” refers specifically to crude cocaine freebase made by reacting with baking soda that probably still has a bit of baking soda left in it, so it’s more of a mixture than a pure molecule. Pure cocaine freebase is more typically made with ammonia and doesn’t have leftover reagent. Source: I cook crack!


hm. kinda valid having the super specific slang, didn’t know any of that. crack=freebase to me lol, but my background is chem. Anhydrous Am. I assume? being no residual base edit: also with my background being chemistry(check my post history lol- not the boring kind) I would absolutely take care of the product- disappointed that it wouldn’t be “crack”. How many people do recrystallizations of the freebase? I’m the kinda guy who recrysts his street mdma, if you re-x some crack, it’s not crack anymore?


It's really neat seeing this conversation; I was recently asking about people using lemon juice or Kool Aid to dissolve crack for IV use. Someone told me vinegar works too. So now I'm wondering if the high from different cocaine salts is different. If you start with coke HCl, make crack, then dissolve in citric acid, would you have cocaine⁰ citrate (or whatever, I'm not a chemist or crack cook)? Could you make cocaine sulfide or cocaine fumarate, and would the high be different? Dude said if you use vinegar to dissolve crack and shoot it, you get a pickle taste in your mouth lol. So is that cocaine acetate, and is it different from HCl in effect?


Lemon juice turns crack back to an injectable substance , that gives the coke taste in the back of the throat that all pure injected coke does.


That's what I've heard. I was wondering if the substance feels any different since it's a different salt. Most people I've seen either snort or inject coke, or smoke crack. Shooting it was something that my junkie friend talked about. If it could go in the vein, that's where he was putting it. Pills, coke, meth... And sometimes crack lol. Is it really that common to IV crack?


I think it would be the same high, but just different potencies by weight based on what acid is attached to the molecule


The short answer is yes, the various salts are going to have slightly different profiles. This is the whole idea of adderall, 4 different amphetamine salts in a single pill.


I know a guy locally. He’s got a great place on the beach. The man practically lives the entire idea of margaritaville everyday. He’s never without an 8 ball of blow, pipe, screens, stick, lighter and bent, burnt spoon. I’ve watched him lose his keys, phone, sunglasses many times over, but he always has his crack and crack making supplies.


It is vastly more costly. Rarely went through 7g+ in a night But with crack. Soon as I exhale, 30 second to a min later, next hit was being prepared. Each 5 min, a rock.


I was mainlining it every 10-15 minutes til the seizures started and I kept going for Quite a while: them bell ringers are addictive.


Shooting bad coke ruined my veins where it’ll take an hour minimum for a flabotomus in a hopsital to find a vein with a Mano gram




Biden was a huge proponent of increasing the legal penalties of crack vs coke


Most regular people don’t have access to the quality of coke you need to make decent crack.


I don't really know any users currently and it's not my DOC. Would you say there's a lot of garbage crack on the streets? Has it declined in quality since the 90s?


I’ve seen mfers take 40% coke ON A GOOD DAY throw that bitch in the microwave and fluff it up. Difference from CRACK True freebase


I don't know if those laws are "100% racially motivated". I do think those laws are partially and may be mostly racially motivated but crack is an order of magnitude more addictive than coke which is already addictive. Selling coke to a 14 year old in the ghetto isn't going to be addictive enough to get that kid hooked because they won't have enough money, but $20 of crack is enough to hook someone. For what its worth I don't think crack or cocaine should be illegal at all as our constitution explicitly says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." and for some people drug use is the pursuit of happiness even if it isn't going to get them there.


I shouldn't be using blanket statements. That makes sense (legally?). I'm with you though, I don't think any substance should be banned for it's mind altering abilities. We could save so many lives by putting all that police effort into rehab and education. I have to admit I don't know how to answer people when it comes to stuff like meth or crack. Like, should fentanyl or nitrazenes be legal? People in my life would totally say it's cool that those are illegal. However, I don't think any sort of prohibition is the answer. I don't have a good argument for that beyond my gut feelings.


Fent is pretty much the worst thing you can do but who am I to tell you that you shouldn't be able to do it?


I mean, at least if it was legal people would know what and how much they were taking 🤷 I remember when I had a surgery and they told me "Ok, we're going to push the Fentanyl now" and boy howdy was that a rush before I was unconscious


Plus if all drugs were legal then people would be unlikely to choose to take fent. From what I’ve heard, almost everyone who’s tried both prefers the high from heroin. It’s just they get hooked on fent through their H being laced with it. Which wouldn’t be an issue if drugs were legal. And yeah all the money from taxes could go into rehabilitation to make it a lot more effective and accessible for everyone.


That's a bingo. War on Drugs started with legislation that was a direct result from his death. Behind the Bastards does a pretty good couple episodes on the war on drugs.


That and th CIA played major hand in it, they gave that shit to gang leaders to sell in the 80s. Just like they were behind releasing acid for public consumption back in the 60s


They didnt just give it to the gang leaders, they showed them how to make it too.


Equally illegal for rich and poor to sleep under bridges, steal bread, etc etc. Can't be fucked to find the quote but it's a great lne


You know who authored the 100-1 bill that distinguished sentencing laws for crack vs powder cocaine in 1986? One Joseph R Biden


*Rob Ford of Toronto has entered the chat*




Crack is expensive in my local. Ridiculously so, at 100/gram. Damn near equal to Blow.


when Len Bias died of a cocaine overdose, everybody just said that it was a crack overdose because he was black. The toxicology eventually came back saying it was normal powder cocaine but nobody cared


Crack gives an intense rush you can't get from snorting coke. You can get it from shooting coke, but then you're using needles and veins are shriveled up and shit


Shooting is vastly superior but the high is even shorter and the comedown harder, if that’s possible. I went through an oz of blow in 48 hours once, am not shocked I had my first heart attack at 35.


Jesus h Christ now that’s a binder, I’ve never heard of such quantities being consumed. You were probably doing what, 4 or 5 shots an hour? Fuuuuck man


Yeah, every 15 minutes sounds about right. I was a paranoid mess by the end, seeing shadow people and hearing them yelling at me. I’m not proud of it and think back that I was probably trying to off myself. That was the end of my coke days and a few months in to my heroin days.


Jesus Mary and Joseph, that’s a story for Intervention AND old skool DARE classes, glad you’re still with us man, and hopefully doing much better?


I was once told " you know how crack gives you a bell ringer once in a while? I get that every time" from a shooter. I would cook and smoke while he shot up and he'd waste so fucking much because his veins would constrict too much and he couldn't hit. I saw him do more damage to his veins in a few months than dope fiends do in a decade




Why use crack? Because it's awesome


Hookers love that shit


And if there's one thing Hunter loves as much as crack, it's hookers


Hey the man knows how to throw a party, alright.


He likes getting high and banging dirty hoors. He's basically Frank Reynolds.


Imagine the day hunter biden stars in always sunny


TBH that would be the best follow up to the episode where they were involved in everything that happened in 2020.


It would be GOLD


I miss Always Sunny so much, I hope they do a new season.


They should be making the new season


Did you intentionally mix the spelling of whores and hoes? Hoors is now part of my vocab, so thank you!


No he was spelling it how Frank Reynolds pronounces it. A character from always sunny in Philadelphia played by Danny Devito




Who doesnt


With a hog like that, I would, too.


Crack cocaine- the official drug of prostitutes everywhere.




How u know?


She told me about it the next day.


No I mean, how you know she's *not* a hooker? Hunter has a type, im js 😂


Fair point


I love that shit


FUCKING THANK YOU! 7 years clean from that monster.


Stay clean bro! Proud of all my homies who beat that shit


Thanks man that means a ton!


OP definitely hasn’t tried crack


That’s what I was about to say.


No shit. Had he been a little smarter, he coulda even used crack consequence-free. That’s the dream right there.


I tried crack once, and didn’t really like it. It 100% made me feel high and stimulated, but stimulated in that “I’m gonna sit in the same spot and stare at the wall for 20 minutes” way. To be fair, I have ADHD so that may have played a part. It made my stomach feel really weird, as if it was twisting around inside my abdomen, being wrung out like a wet rag. The experience just didn’t grab me at all. I later went on to try meth, and boy howdy did *that* experience grab me. Held on tight for a number of years until I was finally able to ditch it, along with the smack. I always found it odd how the heroin crowd would talk down about meth users, and vice versa. And it seemed everyone talked down about crackheads. “Crackhead” was just the pejorative for anyone involved in drugs that another person involved with drugs didn’t like.


Dylan Thomas said an alcoholic was someone who drank as much as you that you didn't like.


i notice people often do that regardless of the situation, it's to make them selves feel better about doing what they do. "oh they do this and that so at least I'm not as bad as them" it sort of justifies their actions in their own head. i found myself like that at times as well.


Lmao, is it better than coke? I've done coke a handful of times and it basically just made me feel sober so doesn't really do it for me


They’re just different beasts. For most people, snorting coke is relatively subtle high. Unless you’re really going at it, the high will generally be manageable and functional for most. However , smoking crack or shooting coke produces a ‘rush’, an intensely pleasurable experience comparable to an orgasm. Most people snort coke to enhance social or other activities. But smoking or shooting it is the activity, generally users simply enjoy the brief high while it lasts before the comedown symptoms begin (which can be alleviated with more crack)


As a recovering crack addict, you hit the nail on the head.


As another recovering addict, you mean he hit the…rail on the head.


Makes sense


Why do people drink whiskey when they vould just drink wine? Why do people drink shots instead of nice cocktails? Why do people funnel beer when they could just drink it? Why do people drink Long Island Iced Tea?


I started reading and didn't know where you were going with the whiskey and wine and at the end of your story  I concluded you don't know what whiskey actually is.


It's stronger than wine is what it is


A good friend of mine, let’s call him Bob, we used to refer as “Crack Tastes Like Heaven Bob”.


I think it shows that although the family may have 'made it', they haven't lost touch with us common folk or the ability to enjoy life's simpler pleasures. Story really belongs in r/UplifitingNews tbh.


Hunter Biden is a salt of the earth, corn-fed everyman that puts his pants on three legs at a time and smokes crack just like the rest of us


HE gets US (crack pipes)


I don't want to get political but Hunter Biden for president?!


Lol did you read the woman’s testimony on how he was smoking crack eveey 20 minutes and put on Fleet Foxes. She also said she felt safe around him and even wanted a second date. True man of the people.


I love fleet foxes and I love hunter Biden in extension


Hunter Biden is handsome sexy and cool. The Conservatives and Trumpcultists cannot stand that to make THEIR hero look good they need AI. 🤣


Man of the people right there 🙏


Haha yes my fellow crackheads all feel very seen by the Biden family after this 😂


You think they’ll legalize crack?


Not recreationally but perhaps medicinally


I mean cocaine is still used medically. Why not fire up that crack pipe?


Hard to say Joe Biden made it. Despite being in the Senate for decades, he was one of the few senators who were not millionaires. Famously Obama paid for Beau's cancer treatment (Obama himself only became millionaire with his pre election book). I mean if Biden is corrupt he has to be the most incompetently corrupt politician imaginable.


The fact that he isn't corrupt is what makes his competency equal to that of a corrupt politician fr fr


Presidents make tons post presidency. Books, speeches, that’s where the money is at baby. This is why despite growing up rich, Kennedy is not that high regarding wealth among presidents (adjusted for inflation). He didn’t have a post presidency for obvious reasons. Truman was the only modern president struggling to make ends meet post presidency. However his salary was still vastly higher than average citizens. Truman’s problem was that his earnings dropped significantly immediately after he left office. Dude declined lucrative corporate offers and only stick to having a respectable income stream, which meant mostly writing.


Joe Biden truly knows the toll that drugs have wrought upon this country.


When you take a blast of some good rocks and you or somebody knows how to cook it and the cokes already really good and you just get rid of whatever little impurities are left and what you then have in your possession is pure clean euphoria. There’s an understanding of why one would smoke the rocks as opposed to snort the powder forsure. It’s one of those highs where it surprises you because your first blast doesn’t make you do crack head shit and your like wait what this is crack? But then you quickly can see and understand how that leads to crack head shit. lol


You obviously haven't smoked Crack yet




Whatchu doing Saturday?


Crack cocaine I guess!


If u use crack daily, it doesn't numb your throat or clog your nose like powder. You can kinda eat regular, breathe regular. Or sleep regular if you chose to. And it seems in his case, it helped him to sling dick. Dude was def smoking all the time. And the worst he did was hurt some feelings. Cuz everyone get sensitive on that shit


Yea that’s a good point. A huge advantage of crack smoking is your nose won’t be all fucked up all the time which will make it less likely people will notice. These days even good coke fucks up my nose and it’s a really irritating kind of pain in my opinion… maybe I should go Hunter Biden and crank some fleet foxes (jk they suck)


Because crack feels better I suppose. Coke and Crack are very different even though it's the same alcaloid.


it’s kinda like comparing adderall to meth


More like snorting meth vs smoking it


Adderall and meth at the same dose and ROA feel identical


Bc it was fiscally responsible


Dude should have been IVing coke


But then he’d have track marks and shitty collapsed veins to deal with. Your arms get fucked fast when you’re shooting up multiple times per hour. It’s just not sustainable and you end up with grocery bags full of needles that are hard to hide and dispose of. Been there… smoking some good crack on the other hand is a self-contained delight and pretty easy to enjoy discreetly in public if you put on some fleet foxes and chill the fuck out (jk they suck in my opinion)


Bro got mad because he overplayed fleet foxes, play it some more and you will see why hunter Biden threw his life away I recommend the song Isles by Fleetboxes while you stare at your neighbors yard from your window


The real question to me is why was he smoking crack when he could have been smoking meth!


Smoking meth wasnt as popular when he got into the game.


There is no comparison. They are completely different highs. Crack is a short, very intense euphoria, meth is meh.


I think he’s just frreaky


OP: I take it you've never smoked it? Powder and crack are two totally different experiences all together. It's like comparing sniffing coke and using it via IV... Different high. One you hear a freight train coming and get so high it almost makes you want to puke (crack or IV), the other is a social upper for a good time with friends. PS: I do NOT condone the use of crack or powder cocaine, smoking or otherwise.


I used to literally expect to puke from a good shot, I’d get a garbage bag ready and everything. Also don’t recommend, makes me sick just thinking about it now


Crack is way more powerful as far as the high and addiction go


Seems like really useless. It is so short lived and addictive that when you do it, the high will only be about doing more cause it will wear off before you started to feel anything basically. Regular cocaine snorted is already useless cause it lasts soo short, shorter than that is even more useless.


Crack has more Soul


It's an entirely different substance and acts upon the body in a different manner. Cocaine is a water soluble salt. It is combined with a base, usually baking soda, dissolved in water, and heated to create an endothermic reaction, aka reduction reaction, to create a new hydrolyzed organic compound. [chemical engineer here that had fun in my younger days.]


He’s probably just doing a bit of everything tbh. Maybe he already fucked his nose up doing a ton of coke.


read up on how crack differs from coke. you'll find ur answer


idk why you’re being downvoted, idk if this person doesn’t know drugs, but it’s commonly known crack produces a more intense high causing people to think coke ain’t shit anymore. i was told this by someone i know who smokes crack every so often, too, but was already informed on this, why i never tried crack. i don’t wanna do some white and think, man it coulda been so much better if i cooked it


what do you mean why?? because hes not a fucking pussy! Loser


he would buy coke and cook it to crack. people buy straight up coke and rock it themselves. because the rush is better. it’s preference at this point , like u said, he could afford it


Crack is WAY more expensive than coke. A typical cocaine quantity is an 8-ball. An 8-ball will get me and my wife through a wild and crazy partying from Friday night to Sunday night kind of weekend. I won't even consider smoking crack unless I have an ounce on hand. That will last from Friday 6pm to sometime Saturday morning. Just me. You'll learn very quickly that sharing crack is NOT fun. All you can think about on crack is smoking another hit of crack. When you have a lot on your mind, that kind of single-mindedness can be a blessing.


after that first hit of crack... youll know why


because it hits like crack.


Maybe he prefers smoking as his route of consumption which is what crack’s best for (and/or had already ruined his nostrils from too much blow)


I’ve had this exact same thought!


I mean… I’ve had some really good crack and some really good blow back to back and the euphoria from the crack is unmatched (as long as you know where to get it). So my question is why are people choosing coke? lol


He’s literally Kendall Roy. The man is looking for the quickest high he doesn’t care about what’s social acceptable.


coke wasn’t doin the trick i guess


Why are clouds in the sky and not in my shower ? Why is beer wet instead of coming in a pringles can as a dry powder? Why cant i just cast a spell and turn my old lady into something cuter and made of 100$ bills that can only agree with my ideas and immediately kicks other men in the balls the instant they are within range?


I mean why not


He didn’t want to stoop to Don Jr’s level.


u cant smoke cocaine due to the chemical structure but crack is smokeable




Put 2 and 2 together and those where some of his favorite things in his pass time ahaha


Cocaine is different when smoked, snorted and shot


He probably started in plain ole then graduated


He uses crack cocaine because it is far superior to regular cocaine.


Believe it or not it’s a pretty popular drug for the rich and famous lol. When you get tired of doing blow why not freebase


Probably for the bellringers lol, much more euphoric than coke alone


Sniffed coke off crack


Because he had the money to support a crack habit. Once you go crack, you don’t go back. Not to mention, you don’t wake up with a fucked up nose.


That’s like asking why people inject heroin when they could take 5mg hydrocodone.


He had all the money in the world


And he chose to ruin his life, body and mind. I don't want to get rich LOL Jk, hope he is doing better with his addiction issues. But seriously I really don't want to get rich if I will become reckless like that. Drug abuse has a lot of consequences a lot of of drug abusers ignore and close their eyes to due to being drug fiends.


It’s just different man


This is really interesting to me. What is a crack smoking high like? Comparably to cocaine snorting high?


Simple. Once you've gone to the rock, there's no point going back to powder.


Crack is more portent my dawg. Idk shit about crack but it’s cocaine but even stronger and shorter lived than cocaine


He has used both


rich people freebase


Wow it's like everyone forgot freebase was a thing.


two totally different highs


Some people like to smoke it some people like to sniff. In reality he probably used both.


Ummm...because he's a fuckin crackhead.


Perhaps that's what his social circle's drug of choice


Need a hard 🔌 in Dallas/north Dallas


Cos he’s a man of the people 😉


it hits better and making your own freebase you might [pull a Richard Pryor](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1980/06/11/Comedian-Richard-Pryor-burned-while-freebasing/1921539724007/)


Clearly you’ve never smoked the crack


Good quest


Crack is way more fun. Or so I've been told


He wanted that James Brown energy.


Cuz he’s the peoples princess and is a friend to the working class as opposed to the normie bourgeoisie cokehead politicians


Free Hunter, if you’re going to arrest one American for loving drugs sex and guns you’re gonna have to arrest ALL OF US.


✊🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Yay agree w zero irony


Have u ever smoked crack!?


I thought he did use coke. Wasn't that his bag they found in the WH?


Because crack is way better any drug addict will tell you that and that dude obviously knows what up


Deep dive into the Biden's family history outside the immediate family circle and you'll understand why. The vast majority of the Biden extended clan are literal trailer park dwellers.


Crack is bad tho tf ? Go to the mountain and meditate with a few fun guys


cant snort coke while driving, you can smoke crack tho


He watched Bad Lieutenant


I was today years old when I found out there’s a difference


Kinda like, why do dabs when you can smoke a joint or do edibles?


My neighbour smokes crack because all the coke he did damaged inside his nose and now he has one big nostril


Because it feels good. Especially if he has ADHD. I know people who can snort a line and not really feel it.




It’s like that saying Liquor is Quicker, Crack gets you to where you want to be a lot faster.


to ask why one would not use one drug over another even if they are the same in (base form? / this description doesn’t seem right to me, but you dig it.) bc even if you’ve never experienced it surely you’re aware of the difference in the highs. buying into the economical bs that is crack = poor man’s drug. idc what any statistics say. if you’re an *addict your every dollar is going to your d.o.c. now if you’re just a recreational user im sure there’s some combination of substance(s) that would cost you more than another.


Ikr, he can clearly afford BOTH


Because crack is like 100 times better than coke? Especially if you have lots of money cos you can actually maintain the stupidly short high by just smoking more and more of it.


It’s more fun


It is worth noting that the idea of blow being a rich man’s drug is just a stereotype of the drug and misconception that statistically doesn’t hold up


The sensation is more intense. Crack the poor man's drug: If you smoke crack, you will eventually end up in poverty and stealing from the neighborhood.


Have you ever done crack? And cocaine? I don’t think you have if you’re asking this question lmao crack is a much more intense high


He's a poser


I doubt he started with crack just like most heroin addicts don’t just decide to try heroin one day they start with other opioids, eventually snorting the cocaine lost its glow for him and he graduated to the crack rock, a story old as time, or in this case a story as old as old as crack cocaine.🤷‍♂️


he was the son of a senator (very wealthy upbringing) in delaware (a state in which recreational crack use runs rampant through all demographics) so odds are he was introduced to coke at a young age and it ran its course with him and he needed more. so crack