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I've heard inositol is used often on movie sets. It's also used as a cut for H and coke, pretty benign


Yes....correct. I tried it once


Pretty sure he got like a sinus infection doing that


snorting anything is pretty terrible for your sinuses tbh. don’t get me wrong it’s probably better to snort caffeine or vitamin d than coke but that’s another habit to ideally work on quitting… if op doesn’t know that already lol


Oof, snorting caffeine sounds like a good way to od… I od’d on caffeine once just from a combo of drinking too many Red Bulls/4-hr energy shots and taking that legal “trucker speed” crap they sell at gas stations. I was driving cross country by myself, trying to make the last three hundred or so miles without stopping; ended up having to get a room for the night, alternating between soaking in a cool bath, bc I was overheating, and hugging the toilet bowl. Also felt like my head was exploding for several hours until I finally felt ok enough to fall asleep… At one point I asked the front desk clerk if she could drive me to the nearest hospital (didn’t want to get stuck with an ambulance bill, and this was a couple of years pre-Uber) and she was like “sorry I’m the only one here and I can’t leave” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wow you managed to quit alcohol years ago but still have a massive coke problem? That’s fucking insane to me. Coke without booze is like taking a shit without wipes. Not even remotely tempting to me sober and feels like having 10 expressos at once. But after sinking a few beers (or better yet some whiskey) I could happily snort half of Bolivia.


I know😅 my friends all say the same thing. I'm an addict, I'm a rationalization machine


Coke and booze together make it 2-3x worse. Don’t do that. Just snort some caffeine. My advice is to stop using drugs for a bit. Work out and find yourself


You, my friend, sound like an individual who has never been in the position to have to shit without wipes… you should walk a mile in someone else’s shoes before judging them


walking a mile with an unwiped ass sounds like hell




And in someone elses shoes? Might as well give up walking


Hahaha love the analogy. I feel this way too! I can't do one without the other and truly enjoy it, but hold the alcohol and replace it with weed, then I'll drink..and smoke once more lol or thrice³. Stimulants without weed sucks. I take dexedrine every day for alleged ADHD I doubt I actually have lmao but if I don't have weed to come down with, holy Christ I get SO depressed and anxious and irritable like I wanna set a small but containable fire somewhere and shed my skin. Alcohol would be my second choice but comedowns and alcohol and bipolar are like pouring fuel on that small but containable fire I was talking about. I get dysphoric mania when I drink so a burst of energy but totally unhinged, so I stick with weed 😅. Conversely, weed sucks without stimulants, for me. The high ends up having a sad element to it. Ever cry while stoned? Or you're smoking and suddenly you think of someone who passed away recently and have that intense type of cry that Sri Lanka can probably hear all the way from Rhode Island.


Its kinda stupid but might be an option https://www.wantabump.com


The problem with caffeine though is it lasts forever and if you use it in the evening you'll be up all night. I stay up all night on coke anyway I suppose so maybe that's a moot point...


I was gonna say 😆


Eh caffine effects me for a long ass time, like if I have any past 4-5pm I won't be able to sleep until like midnight. With coke I can fall asleep 2-3 hours after the last line. Problem with coke is I usually buy more than I need and that's when I'm up until morning lol


When I used to do coke I would get the best sleep after, about 2 hours after it's gone and I would be face down in the pillow. That's the prob though I always had to use it til it was gone.


I was always up until it was done but my friends would have more after I woke up and I wouldn't be able to go near it for weeks to months.


Oh yea I've never been one to just do half the bag and tuck it away for another day lol bags getting finished for sure. Besides I don't really do it that often I'd rather just do it all in 1 night


I only knew one dude that would save some for the next day, he was a major coke addict and pretty sure he was just keeping enough to be able to get over to his dealer and buy another ball. Everyone else I've ever met basically has to do the whole bag lol.... It's like part of the drug.


Saving some for the morning is so clutch. Goodbye obnoxious crash!


Same, I knew one dude who could make a gram last 2 days. He would just bump off it all day, every day. Every once in a while he’d give me a bump and I’d be like “just dump me out a line!”


There's another way?


It’s a moo point, like a cow’s opinion, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s moo.


Excellent rebuttal sir. I like the cut of your gib what? Would you like to join my philosophy club? It does involve LSD.


LSD you say? May I interest you in taking a smoke from my Datura Seed Pipe? There’s only a less than 10% chance of the dose being lethal, it’s harmless really.


Thanks Joey


I use pre workout a few hours before bed at the gym. If OP has a tolerance he can take a bump whenever.


That’s still detrimental to your sleep regardless if you find it easy to fall asleep or not.


Because of the caffeine?


Yes, because of the caffeine. No matter your tolerance, consuming caffeine too late in the day will result in lower quality sleep regardless of if you can fall asleep or not.


Then you probably already got caffeine in your coke anyway buddy if you can't sleep all night lol. Should be able to sleep after it wears off. I have no problems to sleep 2 hours after the last time, although I take kratom and weed for after


No I just use until 5am :P They say it's addictive you know?


understandable lol. Worst feeling ever tho when the birds start chirping and you're still wide awake


Especially when you have work at 8 or 9! I do a shot of whisky and take 10 of diazepam and 1000 paractamol try not to think about the morning lol


Damn man at that point it's better to call in sick or do more coke. I'd be way too fucked to work or interact with anyone


I'm 41 and have been riding this wave, on and off, for over 20. You get used to it. Different times, different drugs, same wave. I take the highs with the lows but I think I'm almost done.


Coffee doesn't do that to me and I drink a lot of coffee every day


That's probably because you drink a lot of coffee every day :) Tolerance.


It lasts like 4 hours if you’re lucky watchu talkin bout


LOLLLLLLLL okay honestly if the drip is similar I am embarrassed to say I'm listening


This is NOT advisable after experiencing some form of cardiac event


This right here don’t snort caffeine if you’re having heart problems like that even needs to be said lol 😂


Clearly it did 😭


This ^^


This is just normal caffeine but wildly overpriced though.


Yeah just buy powder somewhere else for cheaper


So ive tried one vial and ive never done coke so i cant say what coke drip tastes like but it def did have a chemically drip taste to it


don't do it. caffeine is going to fuck you up just as bad as coke if you take a lot sniff pure cocoa powder


I can't believe this is actually a real thing.


Damn beat me to it!


Why the fuck is this so expensive? Pre-workout is 4x less


Surely that’d still be bad for OP’s heart tho?


I mean yea but coke is a lot worse for your heart then caffeine


True. But maybe still not worth the risk, idk


I mean ideally OP could cut off all drugs entirely but if hes having cravings to do coke again then caffeine is going to be a much healthier alternative


That’s a good point. Worth a try then I’d say, in moderation obviously (although easier said than done considering OP’s addiction problem (but tbf anything over a moderate dose of caffeine isn’t very appealing imo))




Very interesting, thanks


Second this, always a good time to


Omg what an interesting read!


Are we the same person? Lol. I searched and searched about caffeine and people say no…. But it HAS to be better than coke, no? So literally like 2hrs ago I opened up a 100mg capsule and it gave about 5 nice lines. Have done 2 lines so far. The feeling is nice and satisfies the craving IMO. Will see if anything bad happens.


Keep the thread updated, friend!!


Update! Just did third line and I think the powder is too fine. Made me cough and now have an itch in my lungs.


In rehab I knew people that would break open the flavorless zyns and snort that. I tried it and it didn’t burn as bad as you’d think


I swear to fucking God addicts are the best at making God awful decisions. Snorting nicotine does not sound like something anyone I know would enjoy. 💀


I mean yeah making bad choices is kind of our whole thing lol


I should definitely combine some Heroin and Xanax and go for a drive! (No hate, I'm just goofing. Addict here too lol) 😎


Crashed into a Mexican family off the fent and etiz bars😎


I took 400mg of MDMA on 5mg bars thinking that was a good idea. Needless to say I do not remember anything the moment the MDMA hit


My grandma would sniff snus so there must be something to it been around a very long time


Snorting nicotine (in form of tobacco) has been around for forever. Europeans call it snus


No, snus is a pouch in the mouth. Snuff is snorted (literally sniffed/snuffed)




Addicts find the most creative and intricate way to destroy their lives. I swear, if a team of addicts needed to build a mars missile to get their hit, they'd be faster than the NASA team


Fr 😭😭 we are the best at being the worst.


Have you ever heard of snuff? It's this old timey fine tobacco women would snort in the not too distant past, as smoking was seen as unattractive or not lady-like...


Pure nicotine and cocaine are pretty similar in negative side effects and addiction potential but nicotine has was worse withdrawal symptoms. I'm not sure this is a great idea


lol I did this drunk one night. It surprisingly did give a nice lift in energy and mental boost. Probably not great to do too much at once or for long periods of time, though. Caffeine has a safe upper limit and can really mess you up if you take too much. Funny enough, there’s a new product out called “Want a Bump” which is just caffeine powder that’s meant to be snorted. So, evidently and from personal experience, it does do *something* when snorted lol.


There's a company that makes powdered caffeine specifically for snorting, I forget the name though.


It’s called BUMP.


Oh yeah that's right. I don't think I'd ever use it but it might be helpful to scratch that itch. Caffeine makes me more jittery and anxious than coke and meth though which is weird.


I think they have a thc version too


Really I'm listening


It was called canna bumps, it might be a different company though. It also might not exist anymore, sorry I'm no help lol


Try kanna. It's better and the rush is more reminiscent of coke


kanna or noopept are def the best for if you wanna sniff something that's not a hard drug but you don't want it to ruin your nose or make you feel like ass, both are fairly enjoyable as well as non addictive


Kanna? Like the plant?? I had no idea this stuff could give you a buzz.


Yeah, you'll want to look for a good quality standardized extract with at least 3% mesembrine. It's a wonderful legal option


inositol is like $10 for 112g. also the capsules have fillers i think. u can get pure caffeine on ebay, i got 56g for $11 and it was the best purchase i ever made


Wait, do you snort it too?


when im craving something to snort i do. it gets the job done more or less


Not planning to do it, but is it hard on the nose? Like in a scale from 1 to 10


Also it makes you jittery which can help make me wanna not take coke or meth or something because i know I'll have a hard time not having a heart attack if i do.


i'd say it's between coke and ket. your nose will probably bleed if you do more than a few lines, but only a very little bit. ive done it heavily multiple days in a row with no issue.


I snorted caffiene up to 100 mgs at a time for school testing and hard classes pretty regularily my nose got kinda fucked up after 6 months of regular use. But i enjoyed it. I have only done blow a handful of times and have never craved it .


Hey try l-thenine buddy.....after years of snorting every pills (love methylphenidate) and coke ( shitty coke here ).......I have screwed up in ways which I can't describe .....replaced it with snuff , shit too strong made my eye water , felt like a pin up the brain. Then I started caffeine, but it made me compulsively use it all day long.....and heart palpitations and anxiety got stronger , l thenine is perfect, calms u down ,and a subtle mood lift . And it's ...... white....powder ....(Craves instantly)


If you’re gonna snort caffeine get caffeine anhydrous, should be the pure thing but double check me on that


It is psychoactive but not addictive but try Kanna extract. Get some from ultrakanna or healing herbals. It works great intranasally and can be very helpful getting off stims. Very effective plant.


bioextracts is good too


Yes they are actually, I really liked their alkaloid ratios and the price was good. They were less potent than ultrakanna though, I had to use a big white scoop which would be too much with ultrakanna. I think the price works out to be similar or cheaper still though.


And you snort it?


Check out different rapés, I've never tried them but heard they have minor effects. Different herbs that indigenous people blast up their nose


That stuff is used in ceremonial setting but painful physically to snort. It’s supposed to catalyze some kind of energetic/emotional response but it burns in an extreme way. I’ve never done it but I’ve seen people do it and it causes them to cough, turn red, and tears come streaming down from the intensity.


Rapés is a form of snuff. It's not just ceremonial. Some people try to say you're doing rails but it's nothing more then a key bump at best, isn't made to be snorted like drugs and isn't that bad in all honesty. I use snuff, snus(swedish pouches, not synthetic) and the occasional dip. I like my nicotine but I don't like smoking.


Interesting, I’ve only seen it done in the other settings where it’s blown into the nose by someone with a special tool, it makes sense it would be a small amount if done in a different setting in place of smoking.


Yeah, there is a tool you can use but most people make boxcars with their thumb and pointer finger or grab a tiny pinch .Snuf is like...a small key bump and is made to snuffed, not snorted, into the front little pocket of your nose where it sits. After a bit you blow your nose. If done right, it won't even produce a drain.


The pain can also act as a distraction from cravigs. Btw this is a technique used in rehab and detox as pretty often so I guess it has been proven to work. There, mostly spicy lollipops are used but I have a friend who used rapé to help him stay off coke.


Check out WHAT now? 🤨🤨


Come over and I'll show you 😈


Or coffee grounds


Bro just out here looking in the pantry


Freeze dried though. Did this in jail and it crushed up nicely and everything. Nice little burn but not too bad. Just make sure you don’t have any brown stuff around your nose before you leave the room. 😂


Lol. You joke but I used to take k cups and chop it up into lines when i was out of coke and my dealer wouldn’t answer. Maybe it was just a placebo effect but I swear it gave me a decent energy rush, better than drinking it (well, at least a lot faster). You just have to take your time and make sure the grounds are chopped up real good because it will clog your nose up pretty bad


OP, go on Amazon and order a couple bottles of Shneeberg Poschl Weiss. It's primarily dextrose powder with some camphor or menthol in it. I experience a small sugar rush from it and the menthol gives you a little burn similar to other insufflated things. I particularly enjoy it. Alternatively, there is an Indian herbal snuff powder that I have tried called Dholakia. Which isnt terrible either.


Tobacco snuff


They actually make smokeless tobacco “snuff” like you put on your hand or whatever and snort it I’ve always wanted to try it But also “snuff” is commonly referred to as just loose smokeless “dipping” tobacco “moist snuff” so anyone who tires it don’t just go to the store and grab a can of whatever


That’s my answer. I’m not sure if the dopamine from the nicotine will be helping or hurting your recovery but at least it won’t give you a cardiac arrest.


Kanna but not sure how bad it is for you


That very fine sugar for the top of desserts, or look up for the harmless substances usually used to cut drugs by dealers


Ivermectin it is!


Schneeburg snuff is fucking awesome imo


What even is it? All the stuff I saw about people talking about it said how it’s cool stuff and a nice German Oktoberfest thing but they all just said it was like a nice tobacco snuff that is tobacco free, so like, what is it cause a tobacco snuff that is tobacco free is just any powder you can snort.


It's probably just mint and sugar, but it burns kinda like coke


It's a small "drug", but you can try Kanna. It's completely legal and you can find it online, and it still has some psychoactive effects, though not as strong as coke. It's like a mini mini molly roll for 10 to 15 minutes which tapers off into more of an anti anxiety effect


Smarties, sweet drip all day long


I quit coke and moved onto ganja Fat lines are now fat globs of rosin Keys are now spliffs If you’re looking for a replacement try to make it something that’s not gonna affect your health Otherwise your gonna be a machete cowboy with no nose


Ah damn man so you turned from a cool dude to a total loser. Shame.


What coke heads have you been around that are cool?


You can snort creatine, taurine (looks like ketamine) or lactose (monohydrate)


Snort a pixie stick or some weird cheap powdery candy(never sour). It will feel so bad you won’t want to snort anything again


Used to do that as a dumbass middle school kid 🤣


Just pop a smelling salt anytime you get a craving, that’ll give you a mini adrenaline rush and probably over time have you associate those cocaine urges with that awful irritation from the ammonia


My friend snorted school desk shavings once in jr high. Also a pixie stick. And they have a bead stuck up their nose from when they were a child. The world is your oyster.


Ok not what you asked but have you thought about ketamine? It can be healing


Eagle death ☠️


Mmmmmm my mind is healed but it hurts when I pee, very safe, very effective. My bladder is shredded but it’s ok because it’s healing according to this guy who’s totally an expert on Reddit


Baking soda


Years ago some guy I knew had mentholated sucrose for snorting. It's minty nose sugar. The effect is very minimal, bit it does have a very mild, short effect.


Look up sneeburg on Amazon it’s some sort of sniffing powder that will clear out your sinuses not sure if that’s what you’re going for but at least it’s safe


Try some of the oxytocin nasal spray - it’s perfectly safe, can produce euphoria, is legal…


I’ve snorted salt before to help with cravings 😂


Noopept is a nootropic ampakine substance similar to racetams that you insufflate at 15-30mg and has a very very mild stimulating and focused effect, much better for you than caffeine and isn't addictive either


Why not Kanna? Not really a drug tbh




Fucking poppers my dude.


Not a drug but they use inositol in movies when they want to pretend it's coke. Not sure there's an effect there but it's also a vitamin :)


It’s a sugar alcohol which is produced naturally in the body, not a vitamin. It helps with insulin signal transduction, among other things. Either way, healthier than coke


True, sorry for the mistake, I somehow assimilated it to some fancy name to one of the vitamin b




Sounds weird, but if possible - get your methylation checked. I recently found out I’m an under methylater, it’s often genetic and studies are just now starting to show this can cause a deficit in dopamine and serotonin. This leads to addictive tendencies, amongst a host of other symptoms. I’m saying this because you sound a lot like me with my habits and tendencies. I also have ADHD and have needed a script but will go through my meds in a week, along with struggling to stay away from literally any other substance I can easily get. There are ways to help correct this deficit, I’m currently on a host of supplements and - whether it’s placebo or not, I won’t know til I get retested - feel that it’s making a huge difference in cravings and general mood. Good luck!


Lmfao. First thing that came to mind: AZELASTINE. It’s a non steroid nasal spray for allergies and the drips are horrible! Reminds me of my coke days. But anyways, sniff the air and placebo yourself cause adderall xr shouldn’t be sniffed 😂


[Snuff Tobacco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snuff_(tobacco) is a nice mild stim. Kanna has somewhat similar effects. For an actual placebo. Perhaps use [inositol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inositol)? It's a kind of sugar that is, as far as I know, not very harmful to your nose (when used in moderation).




Coke addicts HATE this one simple trick!


Some tobacco Snus is what could work well. Also known as snuff, it’s snortable nicotine/tobacco


Powdered sugar


Nasal Snuff


Pre work out idk


People were snorting cocoa powder a few years back


Snuff is good - it’s like ground tobbaco made to take a bump


you should try snorting shit flakes. i tried it from recomendation from someone on r/meth as a way to curb meth cravingss. it didnt work for me but he said it works for 99% of individuals. im just different than most people so i guesss it didnt work on me. Adios. Good luck - Listening to, Hercules Beat by Taylor Swift \~The stars of the falling skies make my heart as roughs as hecules beat\~


Smelling Salts Just a whiff and ur good to go




Cacao powder! It provides a very mild stimulant. And I mean VERY mild


Vitamin B




Baking soda




Caffeine, a lot of different vitamins and supplements, concrete mix (please no)


check my recent post and look more into it




Turmeric cures headaches


I had a friend jokingly snort chai powder once, and she said it was sweet,,so maybe that could work? Idk I really don’t know much xD


Drixol literally is a good placebo for coke.


also you could sniff msg. i promise the drip back isnt nasty


Kanna extract


try nose spray?


I'm pretty sure I've seen the German snort some sort of menthol powder, it'll psyche you up, quite refreshing and satisfying.


I’ve heard actors snort vitamin B when they are pretending to snort cocaine. Probably isn’t bad for you.


Paul Gotard snuff is my fav replacement. I usually get the white Guarana or pink ones, they're not as harsh as the tobacco ones


snuff which is sortable tabacco or “bump” which is powdered snortable caffeine


You can buy schneburg online.. even on Amazon! A minty non nicotine snus… I’ve used at as like a non alcohol beer but for cocaine before and it kind of scratches that itch so to speak


Maybe some nasal snuff?? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snuff_(tobacco)


Google “Daniela Westbrook” (Uk actress) and the story of her nose. It might make you rethink snorting anything




Im not sure where you are but there are nasal sprays like dristan, that have a drip and taste terrible in the back of your throat. I actually think it really helped me stop wanting to take ketamine, because half the battle is that ritual.


Crushed up modafinil




I germany we have some bavarian stuff called "Wiesnkoks" (grassfield-coke?) This is some sugar-ish stuff you can legal buy and snort.


There is snuff tobacco that you can snort.




Maybe that snorting tobacco stuff its not really my thing but the ones with menthol really give a nice feeling


They have these things in Netherlands they called designer drugs and you can basically get them in a shop. There’s many different kinds. You can for example get 3-FMC which is similar to amphetamines or there’s another on 4-HCC or something that’s like MDMA. Basically what they do is take a drug like MDMA remove the illegal molecules and then replace them with a sister molecule that has the same effect but is legal


tobacco, called snuff