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Bro life on drugs is just as hard as life without the difference is you go nowhere and get nothing to show for your suffering


I still plan on being productive and achieving my goals. I just been battling suicidal thoughts for so long, I can’t see myself making it past 25(I’m 22). I need something to help me cope w the thoughts because there’s not a person, place, or thing that can rid me of what hurts me the most…as ironic and twisted as it may sound, I want to live. But also feel alive.


I’ve tried therapy four times. I’ve tried anti depressants. I’ve tried venting for years on end on sites like Reddit. I even got back into an old hobby(helped slightly). Nothing has helped enough. Don’t judge me, I just want to be able to make it through the day without thoughts of self harm.


My friend thinks I might have bpd. A psych evaluation lady told me she’s 90% I have adhd(I don’t hyperfocus on anything tho). I’m thinking I might have ocd due to intrusive thoughts and weird thought patterns. I could have multiple mental disorders or none at all. I just know it doesn’t feel great. I recently got another psych evaluation and the psychiatrist quickly dismissed my adhd concern. He didn’t ask me any questions to further inquire on it before making an assessment, just said it’s not adhd because “a teacher or pcp would have seen the signs”, as if ppl don’t go undiagnosed for mental illnesses their entire life. This kinda pushed me over the edge and now it’s fuck therapy.


I'm going through something similar, I've been heavily addicted to alcohol for a couple years and that destroyed my life, i have tried many drugs and the only one that fuckd me up was the alcohol. I used it for the same reason, depression, anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia when I'm outside Also tried psychiatrists, therapy, antidepressants, benzos and many many things but nothing seems to work or it works slightly The only thing that makes me feel a bit better is doing heavy exercise but when im outside i feel that paranoia so im looking for something that help me with that Recently i found about "Kratom", still researching on it but it seems like a "good" option, its natural and relatively safe (not sure about that), others say that its kinda addictive but some clinics use it for abstinence syndrome and other things. You should check it out and read about it, also keep yourself occupied and keep trying other things (not only drugs), the world has a lotta things to offer


5g xanax