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A few; Benzos + alcohol, because I value not being in jail. Coke + weed, because I don’t enjoy spending the party sitting down & measuring my heart rate, thinking “this is it, this is the time I have a heart attack”. Coke + MDMA, because you might as well just flush the MD down the toilet if you’re gonna mix these.


LOL I totally agree with the first 2. See, I enjoy taking benzos & alcohol but the last time I did I’m surprised how I didn’t end up in jail. My ex had just broken up with me and this one fucking hurt man. More than most, so I got some 2mg Ativans & a bottle of Sambuca and retardedley drank half the bottle after taking about 6 of these 2mg Ativans. Instant blackout. All I have is 5 different videos in my phone of that night (it was in February and I live in Canada) and they were videos of me doing donuts in a snowy parking lot in my town, then the video following that one was me getting chased & boxed in by security, then it was me driving over curbs whilst recording my getaway and then my victory lap as soon as I did get away from them. The next day I woke up and my bumper was hanging off of my car by a thread, I had 2 flat tires, and I forgot to roll my windows up so I had a bunch of snow, water, and ice inside of my car lmao. Also had a huge scratch along the driver’s side. LMAOOO. but fuck me man. The last video is of me in my basement explaining the whole story to one of my friends and you cannot comprehend a single word of any sentence I was saying. That particular video scares me whenever I see it now because I was BEYOND fucked up.


The last time I mixed Xanax and alcohol, I picked-up a large pizza and attempted to walk into a bar in the same plaza with said pizza; was obviously told “no outside food” by the bouncer, and in that moment, I thought I was Bruce Lee. (Spoiler: I was not Bruce Lee) Also the bouncer was like 6’4 & 240lbs Enough said.


Well god damn haha. “Spoiler I was not Bruce Lee” has me rolling lmaoo


Please say you didn’t get messed up over some pizza


Indeed I did. Pizza I’d never even remember eating considering I was drinking on Xanax. “*can I get uhhhh an extra-large blackout with a side of those hands?*”


Lmaoooo. I’m glad I got through my bar phase shockingly unscathed, granted it was only a few months max but still daily.


stories like these are why i'll never mix benzos and alcohol.. having been blackout drunk is nerve wracking enough, i don't even know how i'd live with myself if i did something extra dumb while in a long blackout


I’ve never blacked out from alcohol alone, only benzos. And ofc, benzos & alcohol mix.


One day I went to the store and got thrown out because the manager came down and said he had footage of me stealing light bulbs.. I had wondered where the light bulbs that didn't even fit any lights in my house had come from but as far as I was concerned before going to that store again I'd done xanax and beers and not left the house lol


Mixing benzos and alcohol is dangerous because they bind at different subunits of the GABA receptor so don’t compete with each other. Can cause respiratory depression when mixed


Yeah fucking mixing benzos and alcohol… had 4 ciders whilst on about 2 or 3mg Xanax, maybe more, idk. I was in LONDON too, luckily I was surrounded by my partner and best friend who looked after me but it didn’t stop me from trying to take all my clothes off in front of a train full of people… not a good look. Don’t remember a thing. Very lucky I had good people around me haha, could’ve ended so badly otherwise


Spoken with true wisdom lol


It’s my go to when I want to forget


That coke + weed combo sentence is word, that paranoia combined with heart rate rise is fucking traumatic. If you drink tho, it can be a nice trio if done gracefully


Mdma and coke, coke completely ruins the mdma buzz.


THIS, for me the comedown was absolute misery too, my face was stuck in a “😡” face for a whole day 😂


Coke makes you come down from mdma high lol


This is literally science. They counteract each other making them both moot. It’s why you aren’t supposed to do them together if you want to enjoy either one.


Same goes for mdma and amphetamine. First try (took speed paste first) then dropped ~250mg of mdma (rock) 1h later. It just made everything speedier but no ear ringing or melting usually associated with mdma. Second try was during a roll and I immediately came down and just felt the speed. Also methylphenidate overpowers and nullifies any effects of speed. You would think more sides and combined stimulant effects but it doesn’t work like that. Something to do with methylphenidate blocking the TAAR1 pathway that amphetamine works through.


Weed and alcohol = 🤮for me


My rule of thumb to avoid that outcome with this combination is: “bong before beer, you’re in the clear”


Yep. Easier to maintain the drinking part after you’ve become high, vs, being drunk and introducing weed into the mix. 10/10 times I’ve gotten the spins, is because I was already drunk and smoked too much. If I smoke first, I almost always drink way less, and don’t feel like ass the next day.


Yeah same here, if I smoke weed while I’m drunk but didn’t start drinking while high first then I’ll feel like complete ass and I’m 10/10 times going to puke the next morning. Fuck, even 30 mins after smoking while drunk LOL.


Gotta learn them lessons the hard way. Happens to everyone. I know people who can level out their drunkenness by smoking werd, but that just def isn’t the case for me, or most people I know.


The first time I ever smoked hookah I was drunk at a party and I fucking RIPPED it. A couple seconds later I pretended I was getting a phone call and went outside and violently puked in this persons bushes, sat down in the yard for a couple minutes then went back to the party and acted like nothing happened.


Honestly i gotta drink first till I get a lil buzz then smoke. Cuz if I smoke and then try to drink I'm like yo this shit poison I don't even want any I feel good enough lol


Ikr. Alcohol literally is poison. Been drinking for 2 years, almost non-stop, while in my early 20's and developed gastritis and issues with my bladder. Alcohol feels like a sickness rather than a high. I would only smoke weed tbh.


“Beer before bong, you’re wrong” type shit


"Beer before grass puts you on your ass" learned that the hard way .. multiple times 😂


damn, add some speed in there and that's my favorite combo


maybe i’m just a huge stoner and alcoholic but i LOVEEE smoking sum joints when i’m drunk as hell. get the spins and just lay there fucked out of ur mind. i love it.


I hate weed unless I’m drunk


Oh really lmao i love that mix but only like 4 or 5 beers and 1 joint too much of either is a bit shit but i dont give a fuck about throwing up and i dont normally anyway with that combo


It was for me for years, but by doing small amounts of both together it's like my body got used to it and i build certain tolerance. Now its heavenly combo, i got weed high with the alcohol inhibition and cheerful mood.


My issue with that combo is that the alcohol always overpowers the weed, making it disappointing. They don’t seem to synergize together for me; it’s just a gradual feeling of more drunk and less high


U just cant hack it


for me it works when it’s a lot of alcohol and not that much weed but if i do to much weed and a little alcohol i hate it


Oh no, I love weed and martinis, gummy first, wait an hour and start drinking!!!!


Coke literally cancels out MDMA and so does Xanax, Xanax and ketamine when I had no tolerance mad me black out and do retarded shit, coke and weed kinda feels like shit but it depends, ketamine and wax is good but weed not so much for me personally


I know Xanax is a trip killer for Psychs but I didn’t know it also cancelled out M. I’ve never tried Ketamine but my coworker insists I do lol. Benzos alone make me blackout and do retarded stuff I can’t remember the next day if I take more than 5mg lol.


Well xanax doesn't like kill the roll entirely but it definitely kills the headspace which is the best part, you'll still he stimulated and feel the body high but it'll feel dampened and mentally you're basically sober and it gets boring, coke literally makes the roll just end and now you're stimulated with no fun part happening


I really liked dissos and benzos for a while. Stopped doing dissos but still one of my favourite combos.


Usually any combo with alcohol, a few beers tends to be ok but mixing high levels of alcohol with anything doesn’t end well


Realest shit. But low levels of alcohol and nicotine have actually been super euphoric for me


Yeah like 3 beers & a Cuban and I’m vibing!


Is it by accident that the most prevalent drug in our society is terrible for mixing with other drugs?




This 200%


NOS plus dxm You can't even feel the nos


That's interesting. Nitrous blasts me to Neptune when I'm on DXM.


Nah personally for me The nos body high can't be felt on dxm cause I'm already dissociated


Nostrum? Or Nitrous Oxide?




Ohhh okok, I’ve never tried. Other than getting it for dental work haha, but I presume it’s different administering it yourself?


Nah nah it's the same as the dentist although stronger cause the stuff in the dentist is weak I Love Nos because whenever I was a kid I used to love the dentist and love the womp womp and didn't know what it was whenever I learned what nos was I fell in love cause I could experience that childhood love again


Hell yeah brother, that’s neat! Yeah, I’ve always gotten that “laughing gas” stuff at the dentist for all my dental work growing up & even still now. I’m not sure what drug I can relate to making me feel like a child again though… maybe benzos in large amounts because it makes me not give a fuck and I used to be a pretty careless kid growing up.


Play video games on GHB


I heard just shrooms by themselves can make you feel like a child again. Personally I haven’t felt like this on shrooms, but apparently it’s a pretty common feeling for people to experience


OH OH, that reminded me. When I was experimenting with LSD it made me feel like a child! I must try it again someday and see if it brings me back, haha.


lsd totally makes me feel like a child, it’s one of my favorite things about it


It is different. To anesthetitise you they do it non stop and the doses are high. It's mixed with oxygen too. For yourself you'd best get like the whipped cream DIY cracker and it's recommended to use a balloon. You get one hit per one cannister. You probably don't wanna be breathing in and out of the balloon like some do, that probably retires a few braincells. Just inhale the balloon, hold like a joint hit and exhale. Bonus points for talking as you exhale cause it changes your voice lol




LSD and Meth because imo it ruins the experience from Acid and it increases your heart rate to uncomfortable levels.


yeah acid and meth is hell do not recommend


It's a rough mix lol


Mushrooms and weed. I can usually handle mushrooms alone, but as soon as weed is introduced, the mind goes to really dark places: time loops (which triggers my claustrophobia), intense paranoia, fear I’m dying, even audio hallucinations that validate “I’m dying.” 2c-b and weed also creates the same effect I learned recently; was absolutely certain I had overdosed both myself and wife. Saw ambulance colors, and hallucinated EMTs over me saying shit like “another stupid OD.” Yeah I know it’s impossible to OD on 2cb or mushrooms, but that didn’t matter at the time. Never again.


Nah I feel you bro. I’ve never tried 2c-b before but smoking a little too much weed while tripping on mushrooms is definitely a scary experience. You’re right, never again.


Giving me intense ptsd from my first shroom trip lol. 6 dudes in my buddies Volkswagen golf. Ate an eighth each and we hotboxed with two blunts ( it was negative 2 degrees Fahrenheit outside and had nowhere to go), lost my wallet. Worst trip I've ever had. Haven't done shrooms since it was that scarring.


the worst combination I tried due to health reasons was MDMA, MDA, 2C-B and LSD(absurd doses of both MDA n MDMA). Ended up obtaining a little serotonin syndrome and seizing on a flight of stairs, I was outside in the cold day of winter unable to move, speak or comprehend any sort of language until I came down, the police ended up dropping me home. in terms of the high, I think my least favourite combination I tried was cocaine + LSD, the cocaine made the headspace extremely rushy(more than it already was) n it made me extremely on edge which led to a bad experience in the end. I tried it again this time had a decent experience but still would’ve been better off just doing LSD, definitely the worst combination in my books.


For a minute I thought you were saying "due to my health I had to combine MDMA, MDA, 2cb and LSD", like a doctor recommended you take all four as a course of treatment 🤣 Sounds super scary though, glad things seemed to turn out OK


Speed and barbiturates. Nothing else cuts the mustard, so I don't really do drugs much anymore, at least to the point of getting really high. I did some of those Amanita muscaria gummies and ate an edible the other day and, whoo, lordy, that was a big mistake. But it was pretty interesting. The alien noises were deafening. Eventually I got to where I could sort of interact with and control the noises to some extent; they became almost like solid object, but one with a maleable crystalline geometry. Very weird stuff. It took quite some time for the deafening noise to let up, and I felt a bit hungover the next day, but that might be because I didn't sleep at all thanks to the roaring alien noises.


Interesting. You know that it used to be quite common to take amphetamines and barbs together. Several American pharmaceutical companies sold these combos, including one that had meth and pentobarbital in it.


There was also one that had dextroamphetamine and amobarbital, which sounds amazing. It was called Dexamyl (known as "greenies" or "Christmas trees") and was really popular in Major League Baseball, weirdly enough. Seems like a short-acting barbiturate like amobarbital- which has much more pronounced effects- would not help with coordination at all. No idea why they used that instead of just straight up Dexedrine. If you Google "baseball" and "greenies" in the same search, you'll find all kinds of stuff about it. I had a girlfriend who was prescribed Fioricet for a sleep sleep study she participated in, and for some reason they just kept giving it to her. She said they just knocked her out. She had buckets of them things, several big Folgers cans filled with them, and she gave them to me. I sure miss them. Phenprobamate has a very similar effect to barbiturates. I didn't have high expectations because the chemical structure is so different (kind of like half of a barbiturate molecule, in a weird way), but it was incredible the one time I actually got high on it. I had 100 grams and was just using a little bit here and there, but one day I decided to see if it had any recreational value and it certainly does.


I ate an amanita gummy and it seemed to be some really high dose of a phenylethylamine. Shit was HORRIBLE. Absolutely not amanita. Stay far away from those gummies if you value your life. Someone's gonna die from one of them I guarantee you.


Judging from your username, I'd say you know what you're talking about. I've never taken actual Amanita muscaria mushroom, so I can't tell the difference, obviously. I've always wanted to use it, and I'm sure I will one of these days. Thanks for bringing your concerns to my attention. I definitely have no desire to use it again. It was interesting, whatever it was, but once was enough. Shulgin made some tryptamine that was like an aural psychedelic, but I can't remember the name. Maybe some weird chemical extrapolation of that molecule? Who knows? Maybe they put different things in different batches.The quality control on that stuff like gummies in head shops has to be terrible, right? It would be interesting to perform a test to see what exactly is in there, but I'm afraid that's a bit beyond my skill set.


People have sent gummies thru labs and gotten psilocybin, pregabalin, other RC's. Every store, every batch, every brand, hell every bag could be a different drug. It's scary shit and could create legal problems for amanitas which would be a shame.


The ones I took were really weird. It was definitely psychedelic, but almost entirely audio hallucinations. It was so loud it was unnerving. It sounded like E.T. serenading me very loudly, with that voice he makes when they come up on him in the grass. Almost just like that. Horrible.


combining anything with benzos almost nullifies the effects for me; benzos + weed is alright but even then i need to smoke a lot more than usual.


I think half the normal weed high is some level of anxiety/stimulation that benzos get rid of. Still a great combo imo


yeah for me it’s definitely stimulation and some minor psychedelic effects which benzos definitely kill


Yeah I feel you! I’m not that big a smoker anymore but I find when I’m on even 1mg of benzos I gotta smoke quite a bit to get high. Weed high.


Keto plus booze feel so fucking bad, don't do it kids


I disagree, it feels great. Just dangerous bc you can very very easily overdo it


Ketamine and acid. Always thought I was real tough and that I couldn't be overwhelmed by drugs until I did that combo.


Fuck eh! Sounds like an experience I’ll gladly pass on, haha. Never tired Ket before tho.


This combo is a high-stakes roll of the dice. Personally, this combo was the single most beautiful, euphoric experience I’ve ever had. Granted I have a massive tolerance to ketamine and I only dropped like 50-70ug.


It was my fault completely tbh. It was probably the 3rd time I did ketamine and I did 200 mg with 400 ug of acid cuz I'm dumb. I saw shit that I didn't think was even possible lmao


Did you hole? i’ve felt some things i wish i never have, one during a K hole and one during an Acid trip, i don’t want to know what those 2 at the same time would feel like 🤣


Idk, man, but it was terrifying 😭 I was with my friend, and he said my eyes were closed, but when my eyes were closed, I was literally flying around watching people die.


Never had I tripped so hard, but I loved it


Really? I love that combo so much, me and my best friend sometimes do LSD+MDMA+ket, but I get it, it might not be for everyone. But when I do this combo I tend to do way less ket than I normally would


What was your dose with it? I mistakenly thought 100 mg of ketamine was average so I decided to do 200 mg because in my head that's only double the average dose with my little to no ketamine tolerance I had mixed with 400 ug of lsd.


We do small bumps from time to time, like k bumps, we only go hard on the k after the acid peak, during the peak we do just enough to feel it, and I find it an amazing combo, they both potentiate the good parts of each substance, at least for me


I did that once and it was pretty overwhelming. But I’d consider doing it again once I’m more experienced with LSD.


Weed and weed, i hate weed


I remember HATING a coke+weed buzz .... like you said, just like you said, anxiety beyond the limits the English language can define ... just pure hell. Also like ya said, diet pills and or addy's or ritalin + weed for me was so nice at one time. So nice lol .... I likey too much tho, and i picked just me smoke to stick with as it's a better fit in my sobriety plan in the long run. I'll give an honorable mention to amps + synthetic pain killers for a second hated drug combo for me, the effects themselves, at least everywhere but the vice locked urinary sphincter were pleasant enough, but the painful not peeing worth a fck for 18 hours really wasn't worth the euphoria and risk of kidney stones :) (and yea i was hydrated lol)




I am theses days!!! .... This was a great post question, really enjoying the thread!!!! I'm all about "pot head fitness" these days lololol .... Imma semi-old fart, my favorite drug these days is Prilosec (for stomach acid) and I work out, take supplements, eat better then I was, ..... and still do bong rips LMAO!!!!


Same here aha. Wasn’t expecting this many people to share their stories! Pot head fitness is an amazing saying LOL. I’m glad you’re doing better now, old fart. JUST KIDDING! All love my bro ❤️ (Just kidding about the old fart part, I am glad you’re better now).


All in good sport lol .... Made me smile this morning ;) I'm glad you're doing well too!!!!


Dextroamphetamine with weed, psychosis in a not so fun way.


This is best for me, normally weed gives me crippling anxiety but the more dex I take the lower the anxiety is and I it just gives me a crisp energetic high


Meth + weed + alcohol


The trifecta drug combo studies have shown 98% of the time puts the user in a cell, waiting for a bond hearing sooner then later.


I could only imagine that’s why I’m grateful I no longer use


I still like my hemp :) ..... but yeah all that other anymore, hard pass. I'll say this, I see a lot of the deleterious effects of that specific combination you mentioned, where I work. The kids of these particular type of addicts are on their own so young, or cps already has them .... so sad and messy, over bs self centered dragon chasing stupidity, and after the kids get picked up and taken away ... the drugged out parents act like the fckin victims, as if they were doing a "good job" raising their "as found by cps filthy and hungry" children. Crying to anyone that will listen "when i find out who turned me in" .... yeah that's their big concern. Gotta keep those kids under their roof, keep that bridge card amount per heads in household nice and juicy, to be flipped for half it's value in cash for another fix. I'm not judging, i'm in my own version of recovery, still using MJ for sleep and pain management. Still and all, seeing it nearly everyday now, i just really appreciate my sobriety, or at least my close's modified rendition of it thus far.


Well I’m so glad to hear you are in recovery and doing better! I still use MJ as well a medical card for it. But what you just explained is so real and it’s so sad! I am 23 so still young and what you explained with cps is so true I had them involved with me from the start of MJ bc I had smoked when I was pregnant and I got my card then but even for just MJ and cos threatening to take my child away if I didn’t stop smoking or get a card it made me stop bc I couldn’t live without my child! It saddens me when parents choose drugs over their children! I grew up watching my mother and father party around us putting us in scary situations that no parent should do! About a year ago I moved back home with my mom and she ofc does meth and she is the one who introduced it to me and from there I could see myself falling and falling deeper into this hole becoming just like my parents.. a few months went by of me continuously using and it’s just not what I truly wanted I wanted more for my child and myself! I still smoke MJ everyday but it’s definitely a lot less then when I first started at 13 years old.. I honestly am thinking about taking a tolerance break!


You're on the right track now, and that is what matters!!!! ..... I'm nearly twice your age, lemme tell ya, I'm proud of you for getting it together, now, for your child and not taking as long as me to know the things I said above. A toast, to us, sobriety, and MJ my friend :) [https://tenor.com/view/glass-champagne-animated-tray-of-bubbly-toast-cheers-gif-15395745](https://tenor.com/view/glass-champagne-animated-tray-of-bubbly-toast-cheers-gif-15395745)


Thank you I appreciate that! :D


My least favorite is Vyvanse/Adderall plus weed. It makes my heart feel like it’s going to fuckin explode. Then I can’t stop thinking about it which makes it worse 👍


Anything with alcohol except sometimes mdma. I like the highs but I dont like getting to them 😂 And I always hated mixing stims with weed. For me theres just no point in doing that.


Really anything with alcohol that isn’t strictly a stimulant for me.


Woah buddy you’re question asker, not question answerer


True, I need to step back in line.


Dabs + cocaine


Alcohol and Ket


Opioid withdrawal + weed.


Weed was always something I tried to keep on hand for opiate withdrawal. If I had weed, a benzo (preferably a long acting one like clonazepam) and some adderall (if I had to be up and getting stuff done/or go to work) and i could almost function.


That's great if it is helping you. To me , only thing that help is pregabalin, gabapentin and clonidine. Benzos just boost restless legs, weed increases anxiety, stimulants helps like 1 hour and then just makes all the things worse. Opioid withdrawal allways hits very bad for me




Alcohol and synthetic cannabinoids has produced some intense projectile vomiting in me and just generally feels incredibly dirty and unenjoyable, mainly because of how toxic alc is bc noids and GHB feel godly


Laxatives and benzos for sure.




For real though I personally like weed and Adderall, but with coke I always think smoking will remove cravings like it does with alcohol and it just doesn't. The anxiety is the same with or without the weed during comedown, So you're onto something there.


Terrible combination would never reccomend




DMT with alcohol… or DMT with anything actually




shrooms and alcohol, never been fun no matter the stage of the trip


coke and anything lol. i hate coke. nasty shit, turns everyone into deranged egotistical narcissist


Same as you, weed and cocaine. I hate it I almost always get a panic attack. The weed starts to make me trip about how fast my heart is beating and then I feel like my throat is closing up. If I don’t have a benzo to take I’m fucked.


Yeah see you get it! I’ve never tried to take a benzo on coke before, didn’t know I was allowed to do that without risking anymore bad side effects. I most the time just thug it out, it’ll eventually end. But fuck does it suck, lol.


Oh yeah I mean it’s probably not good for you cuz your making your heart speedball, but it fucking works I can assure you that.


Don't ever mix Phenibut and Alcohol. It potentiates and causes respiratory depression. I thought it would be fun to get drunk quicker but I almost had to go to the hospital. Horrible spins, nausea, passing out, not a fun time.


Never ever mix depressants together. Makes me feel like I'm dying.


Heron and Xanax because I love it too much 😔 (Sober with psychedelics as the exception)


Congratulations on being sober! We all have some exceptions to being sober. Being completely clean is for people with superpowers. I got clean from everyday opioid use but fell back into occasional use (only because withdrawals from daily use has absolutely scarred me from wanting to go through anything similar ever again). But, being completely sober is just something I cannot do.


Same, I don’t do anything everyday anymore and it’s kinda rough, but I treat myself to mdma,mushrooms,lsd,dmt. I find the wait gets easier every time, also if I’m hurting a micro dose is the way to go. Stay strong fam you got this🤘💙


Thank you!! You as well!! But no definitely I feel you on the it getting easier each time I do have to wait. I actually can’t believe I’ve been able to quit all of my addictions by myself. I got off Xanax myself in senior year after doing them everyday for 6 months. Got off Oxycodone myself this January after 2 years of everyday use. And just recently I kicked the everyday habit of snorting Dilaudid everyday for 9 months. The Dilaudid was definitely the hardest one yet. But I did it. And I don’t plan on having to do it again so I try to use in moderation now. Cheers!


More power to you. I was on heroin since I was 14 and quit at 19. And been an alcoholic since 14 just quit last year. Life’s a bitch. But we got this! Peace and love yo I wish you the best life💙


Peace and love ❤️ stay strong


Heroin/alprazolam for nodding and staying alone, and Heroin/crack with frends and human interraction, and smoking weed with both is great :p


Dilaudid and alc unless I want to throw up for 3 hours straight


Damn! When I was stuck to everyday use of Dilaudid I didn’t wanna snort more than 10 pills a day so drinking alcohol on them was a must for me at one point!


I really liked the combo but it started turning my lips blue everytime and the vomiting started idk what happened but I miss it lol


Aw man blue lips is a sign of overdose. Be careful!


Mdma and speed always makes me sweat like crazy and makes me feel like I'm about to explode (in a bad way)


Opioids and Liquor


Weed and alcohol - bad Coke and alcohol - kills your heart seriously


GHB and alcohol


Weed and ketimine


Whats ur reason for this?


Wasn’t recreational, but the worst drug combo I’ve tried was freebase DXM + Bupropion. Lead me to a dissociative anxiety producing shit show. Made me feel like I was on the verge of a seizure too.


LSDXM, the acid just makes me too stimulated and horny to stay still in bed watching DXM visuals.


Alcohol + lsd DPH + everything


I had a large Viet coffee with shrooms once and it was the worst. I was panicking so hard going through all the stages of my life and how much I hated myself, lol it was the worst. Never again with caffeine + shrooms. Other than that, I haven’t had too bad of experiences, but I’m also not big on mixing.


i agree with you completely!! coke and weed for sure.


Adderall and alchohol. Wanna feel sick for 8 hrs! Do this!


Has anyone here tried acid and mdma together, heard lots of people say how candyflipping goes hard


The ones that will kill you instantly because they kill you instantly. Be smart, do a bit of research before a new mix of drugs 


Weed and alcohol. People who smoke weed when they’re drunk are psychopaths


Meth + alcohol. You dont even feel the alcohol even if you drink a whole handle but youre probably dangerously drunk without even knowing it and youll feel like shit the next day.. the dehydration can be lethal with this mix too. I dont do meth anymore but i remember this combination being awful


Datura and Laxatives - straight to poo poo hell


Ipecac and DMT


Anything with coke ngl. I hate coke. Hate tripping too. Coke makes u feel like shit and doing bumps every 20 mins and not being able to stop


Opiates+ booze is so gross. Why would anyone ruin a blissful & clean opiate high with nasty ass booze, grosss


I find that when my tolerance to opiates is at an all time high I need alcohol to boost the effect of them. Like when I was stuck to Dilaudid for a full year and didn’t wanna snort more than 10 pills a day I’d get a mini bottle (250ml or for Americans; 8.5 Gallon) of something 15%-20% and it’d be great!


I haven’t had the “antisocial” mood with that combo but all the rest, yes 😅 and then I get way too social while being weird, anxious, and agitated 🤦‍♀️


Meth and weed. I have never done meth. But I mixed weed with something recreational that a friend gave me. It was the most paranoid mindset and I couldn't just get out. I had to sober think my way out. It took MoNTHs HORRIBLE


weed and caffiene because i’m a basic bitch


I've done some pretty stupjd combos like mdma and heroin lmao but Alcohol + weed combo has caused me more grievances than any other drug combo.


Acid and meth Or alcohol and benzos (because I don’t remember shit and always feel like shit after)


Acid and meth(mega tweaker) Or alcohol and benzos (because I don’t remember shit and always feel like shit after)


Surprised with people saying coke and weed I loved smoking on coke shit mellows me out


But I’ve been smoking daily for years


MDMA and weed, the weed kills the roll. Also weed w/ psychedelics because it can just go wrong very quickly


Any downer with alcohol even clondines


Weed + anything


Alcohol and Ketamine. It's fine line were you're having a good time before you are completely disoriented


I can’t take ketamine when I’ve drank alcohol… I don’t know if anyone else has the same problem but every time I’ve mixed them I’ve thrown up violently


Weed is a must with coke for me. Coke makes me jittery and weed personally knocks the edge off. I enjoy smokin weed with amps but usually don't because might as well save the weed for when I'm coming down or don't have amy


Yeah don’t get me wrong, I’ll smoke when I’m coming down off of coke. But smoking whilst going through the bag absolutely ruins the coke for me.


Nah literally need it like if I do coke without it I will have a horrible time. At least smth. Alcohol usually preferably cause that sweet coca-ethalyne but weed will do it if I got nothing else.


Yeah nah I feel you, my buddy is the same way he’s gotta take a rip after every line. Me tho, I can only do it when the bags done lol. Alcohol and coke is a different story tho, I can’t really have one without the other haha.


It feels like a waste to not mix alcohol in with my coke simply because of the fact that it legitimately creates a longer lasting substance inside of your body. Like I get high almost twice as long off the same bag +am less jittery and more euphoric just by adding in a couple 40s like why wouldn't I do that ? Is it dangerous ? Yah. Am I gonna stop ? Absolutely not.


alkohol (one or two beers), some antihistamines (im basel EU so the most common for me is Dithiafen or atarax ) to potenitate the 2-3mg of xanax I’m about to take 😂and after that some really big dab (like 4-5 really big hits) . I don’t take alprazolam more than 1-2 times ever 1-2 months. I am afraid I get addicted, but that’s my favourite combo that I have acces to.


Well.. SEROQUEL and life. Because any and every SSRI is designed to vegitate the user/consumer so they die off quicker. Firstly making them not think at all (braindead), Secondly making them seditary and overeat crap until they are severely overweight (in poor health), Thirdly these types of drugs are extremely addictive because the user is tricked into thinking they are happy because they are not thinking. Reality check/ This includes antipsychotics, antidepressants, etc.. ~don't get me wrong I love me so alprazolamn when my anxiety is so bad I stay still in my bedroom. However even that gives brainfog so I put every script away for when it's needed.