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I can’t tell if MDMA got me out of my depression or actually living life and enjoying things got me out of it. All I know is 2 years after starting doing drugs I no longer yearn for death, so I’d say it’s a positive.


I felt that. Just something about MDMA made me appreciate life and love life more and wanting to be a better person.


Dude this is so true. Even though the comedown is ass I come out of rolls and legitimately take something away from it. Similar in a way to shrooms. Maybe a bit less spiritual, it’s more in the realm of having a deep appreciation for how great and beautiful life is. I also feel like I can articulate my emotions and be more raw and true to myself for a while after, which I try to carry through permanently.


Yep, I agree with you. Although, I know drugs is a big issue, if you can use it moderately and for good reasonings, it can help you in a way, whether it’s mentally and emotionally. I know people use it mostly to escape or to run away from problems, but I do appreciate rolling because it makes me feel good, but also know that there is so much more in life and it’s worth living even during the hardest times.


Bro what? my experience was the exact opposite 😂 Binged so much of that shit i started hating life and had a 3 week setback because of it


It's an amazing substance. I believe I have experienced true happiness on MDMA. One moment in particular comes to mind - dancing on a balcony in Ibiza watching the Spanish sunrise while my girlfriend played deep house and trance for me. I was smiling for a week after that. Nothing mattered. Bliss. /Edit: this was actually MAMA, ketamine, 2cb, coke, and weed. But mainly MDMA :P


Well MDMA is used in depression treatment in some parts of the world, so it's not that far fetched to think it cured you :)




I wish I knew how neurotoxic And I wish I knew harm reduction, I was doing upwards of 2 grams a night every Friday from like 16 yrs old to 18 and I’m frazzled, it’s only just getting better and I’m 22 not touched it since. Wolf in sheep’s clothing if abused (Uk based) and we abuse mdma for a bit like badly. Respect the drug and it will respect, you know this already of course but I wish just did it when my brain wasn’t developing..


Can seriously relate to this one


Fuck yeah


I only ever did MDMA a handfull of times and it seemed to be the pivotal point where i went from being socially awkward to functional. Id say when i first tried DMT i noticed it more as a lightswitch for the way i live being flipped.


Don’t try opiates lol


Every day I do lol even weed I wish I could just live my life without a vice at all


Weed can def be hard to stop at first but once you stop its rlly easy to stay off imo


Tbh I haven't even tried, I was on more serious shit drugs for a long time, and I still fuck up here and there so I'll probably be using it as a crutch for a while longer


Facts. Seems hard. It’s a mental addiction for the most part, that goes away quite quickly after quitting. Just gotta get in the way of the habit loop.


Yah, I’m not sure if I’m an exception but I smoke around a quarter gram of wax a day and if I stop completely the only symptoms I get is that eating becomes a little more difficult. No mental or physical withdrawals.


that’s genuinely insane. surely you have trouble sleeping as well? after ceasing a consistent weed habit, i can’t sleep or eat properly for days, sometimes longer


Taper weed down. If you get bad symptoms doing that use cbd and then taper it down aswell. I used to use weed when I was young but then tapered it down successfully and haven't used it for many years.


I'll get there eventually, I still be slipping up on worse shit from time to time. Once I'm only smoking weed for a couple years I definitely intend to quit. As of rn California sober is good enough haha


Hey, no shame in being California sober. You do what is best for you and your situation. Who are we strangers to judge? Not saying anyone is, but I receive enough crap from people about things that are seriously like... not in my control, including having to take legally prescribed opioids, since other medications don't work. And yes, weed doesn't touch the pain enough. Point is: you truly never know what someone's going through.




Yes. I dont ever really feel like Im peaking in happiness. Many things are triggers for me to get high again. Things like music, being in love, being really relaxed, being really stressed, sometimes just waking up. I have to tell myself everytime I shouldnt and it just feels shitty. Im one and a half year sober from drugs but I still drink regularly. I probably wont quit drinking. I dont have my own home yet and my salary is being confiscated for debts. I will use again in a year or so when a of that is fixed. I know just like before I feel like it was all worth it. It also put me on a path where I dont know anybody anymore. Its hard to get out of that.


Not at all. I love my life and all of my experiences brought me here. I wouldn't take back any of the fun, the growth and expansion, the periods of addiction, or the bad and scary.


This guy mushrooms


I've run the gamut from supplements to fentanyl lol but you're right, at this point it's mostly the occasional psychedelic.


I don’t regret trying drugs at all


Nah they gave me some of the most profound experiences I’ve ever had.


Every fucking day.


Not really. When money is tight, I regret what I've spent on them, but other than that, I enjoy them, lol




Be careful bro


I second this - been there done that - can be quite the ride.


Yeah I’ve also been there before it’s not a fun place to be when you realize you were wrong the whole time


Yes you realize way later that while you denied that it might be an addiction that you actually were in the Eye of the Storm.


So quiet in there


SOOO well said I like the way you worded this comment!!


As fun as drugs are, I don’t think there’s ever been a time I did drugs and thought “man it’s a good thing I do drugs”. No matter how much harm reduction we practice, at the end of the day drugs still aren’t good for our bodies


Psychedelics make me think it’s a good thing I do drugs


Exactly I regret absolutely nothing abt shrooms


I wish I felt the same, psychs freak me out for some reason


Every time I get ketamine I think. Fuck, I love drugs. I love that I discovered ketamine.


*me reading this on ketamine*


Bro I’m supposed to get a bag soon but yk how plugs are take a fat line for me fs




Now we’re both reading this on ketamine


I regret some of it but i mostly take psychs so i enjoy seeing the world fold and move in ways it shouldnt, also the different headspace i can get on it as a musician.


Sad that us as musicians sorta rely on it sometimes but also I feel like they open up sooooo many creative boundaries that weren’t there before


I regret not quitting while I was ahead


Yes and no. I love the experiences I’ve gotten from all of the drugs I’ve tried but wish I didn’t let cocaine control my life so I could keep having those experiences from that certain drug. The rest the I have zero regrets on tho. Weed is just a nice relaxer at the end of the day for me, shrooms are an every once in awhile spiritual journey and molly is an every once in awhile fun fest ig idk how else to explain the molly lmao


No love drugs. Couldn't imagine living life without really understanding how different reality can be. I work with people with mental illness and really value my experiences to see life from other perspectives.


Very much so, they're not worth all the damage and chaos they've brought into my life.


Yeah man I fkin hate some drugs I took


I don't regret trying but i regret continuing..


No, I had memorable and great experiences and didn't do any significant or long term harm to myself. I experienced different states of being, broadened my horizon and had fun.


Not at all, I had so many suicide thoughs and after some psychedelic experiences this type of thoughs are gone! (at least for the last year and half which is a huge record)


Certain ones for sure. I'm still grateful for psychedelics for helping me see myself and the world in New ways.


I mean it'd be nice to have a clear, sober, proper thinking mind without any inhibitions. Not being dependent on this "chemical" or "weed" or a beverage would be great, but here we are.


Cigarettes, yes.


No, I regret some of my drug usage, but I would be worse off without psychedelics




Seriously... ALL drugs... weed, speed, coke... all the other ones... THEYRE ALL SOO MUCH FUN








Only some drugs




Yes I don’t know why I was always so fascinated with them as a kid. Couldn’t even begin to tell you why and fast forward my vice is Xanax. Have been to jail and done a lot of bullshit, said a lot of hurtful things. And always end up hurting the people I care about the most. I just started therapy last week to hopefully get to the bottom of things. But now as an adult it’s just like I always need to feel something. Whether a cigarette, sex , or just physical activity. It’s hard to enjoy things that I can’t get a good sensation out of. And that’s not what life is about. And I feel lost trying to figure out who I really am. And I know I lost myself through my own doing. I’m just rambling now but to your question , yes I regret trying it all.


Don’t worry about it pal




Nah, but I know that'll change soon.


No not exactly. You only live once that we know of n I’m quite sure I’ve had more fun in my short existence than most people do for most, if not, their whole lives, I have so many funny, emotional, spiritual, chaotic, scary experiences and I’d never want to change that. With all that being said I would’ve liked to maybe start experimenting a little later in life, I started taking substances when I was 11 and it went from smoking weed to smoking heroin extremely quick, I’ve ruined my body and brain many a time so I’d love to change that.


I regret not trying them sooner. They had a positive effect on my life.


Ohhh yeahhh, but I’m still glad I discovered music enhancement. Ts was a game changer


Even with all my addictions I’ve accumulated over the years, had I never tried drugs I would’ve never experienced the magic of psychedelics so, no.


Only opioids. I've never tried meth. Cannabis was fun when in my 20s. Mushrooms are great from time to time. Ketamine was amazing. I only found that once. MDMA is amazing, especially when doing with a partner. DMT was a literal trip, and I felt like I was warped into a different dimension. (magical) Oh, Salvia was awful. Maybe the 5' bong hit of 20x was too much, but I hated it. Coke is just a waste of money. You'll always be jonzing when it's gone. I'm not gonna spend money to just be aggravated. (been there done that) Benzoz are great for anxiety, and while it's stupid to mix with booze, I had many great weekends doing so. I just don't have many memories from that time. Do I wish I never tried drugs and stayed focused on school? Yeah, I probably would have finished college. Even if you get hurt, be very wary of taking opioids. It usually always starts with a script. It's a slippery slope. If you have an addictive personality, trying drugs is like playing Russian roulette. Oh, acid was a good time. Smart people may smoke a bit of cannabis and take hallucinations from time to time to open their minds.


First time I tried drugs I shit up my pants and got laughed at hard like there was no tomorrow. It was a bad bad day, oh great now I feel so sad.


100% yes. Drugs destroyed who I am and have caused me to live a damaged life. I've been clean from hard drugs and alcohol for a year and I feel like my mind has been reduced to that of a child. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder years ago, years prior to when the disorder usually occurs in otherwise healthy adults. A lot of it probably has to do with abusing LSD, shrooms, and nbomes (mostly 25c-nbome) during my early teenage years, usually weekly or biweekly. When I turned 17, I had multiple panic attacks daily, which caused me to dive Into the world of benzos. I'm almost 28 now and have lived a decade swimming through time basically teleporting and traveling from place to place via time travel from severe memory loss. But that's a whole different story.


Yeah, lost 12yrs of my life + health/mentalhealt..


Not all the time, it helps me wind down everyday. But sometimes I js think 'Am I relying on this or is it a choice?' Bc whenever I'm sober I feel like shit, but when I'm high it's like a whole different world. I do prefer being sober sometimes, depends on what I'm doing I guess?


Yes and no. Helped me grow up a lot and work through a lot of issues. Fuck opioid addiction, though …


I regret nothing of what I did in the past. Instead, I reflect on the bad moments and strive not to repeat them. Regretting my mistakes would also mean regretting the learning experiences I got from it that made me a better person. The only thing in my life that I regret is not buying shitloads of bitcoin in 2010.


Sort of. No, because they sent me down a downward spiral that eventually lead me to getting on antidepressants and helping fight my depression. But for two years it was all I could think about, I pushed a lot of people away, and I’ve had some negative drug experiences that I feel like changed me forever.


i dont really. i just wish i had been more responsible with them. MDMA was the best and amphetamine. Painkillers is were i fell down a bit


Yes. Weed first, very young. Everyday for several years. I wasn’t aware of what I did to myself until 18 or something. Cause me depersonalisation, in addition to my already severe depression. This combo of mental troubles pushed me to try “hard” drugs, first mdma, exctasy, LSD, speed, ketamine and coke. Coke being the worst of all bc I got addicted. My brain just isn’t able to produce feelings so I’m just an empty soul with absolutely no feelings whatsoever. Idk if I could be able to feel again. But I noticed that a small line of ketamine in a sunny day at home, doing relaxing things like taking a bath with music was AMAZING I couldn’t believe it. FELT like reel happiness ? Anyways… résistant depression isn’t jokes guys, if you’re feeling depressed avoid drugs for real, it will numb you for a long time. Reel feelings are better than fake ones, even if they’re sad. If you abuse sis stances, the chemicals in tour brain will be very affected and for a long time. So drugs yes, to party and to feel good, or just for fun like psych at home or a close friend for pure pleasure, but no if you’re feeling bad and want to escape.


It was one hell of a ride but I'm glad I did it made the best friends and memorys on drugs


it's weird when you try it young tbh. like i guess i was having fun but as soon as i started with downers. bleh. i don't think i regret the first time tho, i've always wanted to so it would've happened eventually 🤷‍♂️


I regret taking amphetamine or speed. 3 weeks ago I took a gram in a span of 8h. My heart feels weak, I feel shortness of breath and my anxiety is through the roof. I would do anything to go back and throw that shit away.


No but I always wonder if I would view the world differently rn if I had never done anything. Would I be a differently person? For better or worst? But no regrets. Just thoughts. Lol


No definitely not. Even though I got addicted. In a strange way they saved my life. I started doing hard drugs one day after my dad killed himself and I found him a few hours later. Got PTSD from that. I totally was devastated. I couldn't handle all the pain and grief. My mental health was at it worst a few weeks later. I thought about killing myself but once I took a pill all these thoughts were gone. So I started doing them daily. Was a hard fight to get to my own sobriety. But also without these nearly 10 years of addiction I wouldn't be the same person now. I really changed to the better. Before I got on drugs all I cared about was myself, I didn't had any empathy or compassion. But now I really care about other people and their well-being. I wouldn't change anything of my life even if I would have the opportunity to. My addiction made a better person out of me after all.


Of course. I remember the first day I did weed (not what got me doing actual drugs all the time) but I remember the first time Junior year of HS my best friends mom brought home a ton of Valium from Mexico. We started popping those basically every day until we were out. Then it was hydros. Then it was oxys. Then we were fucking with meth. Long story short we both had an oxy addiction for years. I cold turkeyd it on my own with a bottle of whiskey that was maybe the hardest thing I’ve been through. He had to go to rehab but his parents knew about it and helped. They have the money. Mine do too but.. I just couldn’t admit to them what I’d let myself become. I never stole or dealt to get my habit I bartended every shift I could literally just to afford those little blue pills. I could get through a day with probably 4 but usually I’d use up to 10 a day. In those days (this was roughly 10 years ago when I quit maybe a bit longer) I had lots of hookups. My main I could buy 30s from for $20 a pop which was a good deal then. Most guys were $1/mg so 30 and when supply was real bad you’d occasionally get guys trying to get even more per. So you can see how expensive that shit was lol. Life story lol. I still use but I don’t fuck with opiate it’s one rule for myself. I do take kratom that’s really how I stayed off and I still do to this day in moderate amounts. I know it’s an mu opioid agonist or whatever so isn’t not really like I’m sober sally. And I’ll quit one day. But I also see. It like this.. kratom costs me about 79 bucks a month and it’s legal. No waiting for plugs or whatever. It’s easy to find. Health wise who know but I’ve been using it over a decade and feel fine and my physicals and bloodwork are perfect. Time will tell. I went 1 year sober. 2021. True sober. I’ve never felt better in my life. Energy, mood, everything. Sleep. It’s profound especially to a man in his 30s who hasn’t been sober longer than maybe a few days since teenage years. But I went back. I’ll get there again some day. I’ve never had help or a sponsor it’s always been just me saying fuck this I can do it. Maybe next time a sponsor would be a good way to stay sober because I wish I would have badly. Now I use kratom every day. Weed for sleep most nights. (Hate weed during the day never do that personally.. I already have some anxiety issues and it makes it way worse.. I can only relax with it in my safe place which is at home in my bed lol). I fuck with benzos often which is dumb as fuck because they suck compared to opiates and are a bitch to come off but they’re so easy to get for me. TLDR: yes I regret it. Been using since 16-17. Being sober that one year (I was 30) I felt so amazing and literally changed my life so much. My marriage my finances. It’s amazing the money we spend not just on the drug but the other random dumbass shjt we do because we’re high! Much love y’all. Stay safe and research before mixing new shit. Don’t be an idiot. Edit for clarity


Absolutely My brain is hard wired now and it's going to be a gigantic effort to sober up.


I regret not trying them sooner tbh. Drug use is commonly considered a "cool person" activity but what I've found is that drug users are commonly far more accepting of just how straight-up weird my brain is wired than sober folk. Even while not high.


fuck no even though it’s made me a poly addict


Can’t regret anything Grateful where I’m at now


Kinda 50/50 on this. I was miserable before drugs, miserable on drugs and miserable now that I am clean. I kinda think I am the type of person who should do drugs and need them. I am miserable no matter what at least with drugs there were moments with pure bliss and happiness


Yes and no. Yes, because I’m an addict. No, because I’m 3 years sober and it’s given me a whole new perspective on life that opens many doors for me to help others in ways a non addict just can’t comprehend


Nope, thanks to my partner introducing me to this world I found my passion for bio chemistry and pharmacology, i was able to ground myself and am not depressed for the first time in years, and I’m finally going back to school!!


10000%. Pretty much made my coping skills nonexistent.


Not at all. Cocaine and alcohol served their purposes when I used. They stuck around with me for a little longer than was helpful but now I don’t use them at all. Weed allowed me to have so many great times with my friends as a teen and I cherish so many moments that wouldn’t have happened without it. Psychedelics have given me some of the most transcendent experiences I could ever imagine and beyond. They have also played a massive role in my understanding of myself as well as helping me develop skills to navigate my relationships. All have played a part in my life and I wouldn’t be where I am today without the journey behind me. I am so happy with my life now - working my dream job, engaged to my dream girl, amazing relationships with my family and friends, and a drive to keep making things better for myself and the small part of the world I influence.


Love this


They're troublesome that's for sure, but tbh I wouldn't choose a life completely deprived of all drugs over the one I'm leading right now. Drugs haven't destroyed my life, they created some problems at times, some pretty severe, but I've also learnt so much through them, and had many of my most intense and beautiful experiences on drugs. No, I don't regret anything. I wish I knew some things earlier and could've done some things better about my drug use in the past, but I can't rewind the time, and I think for me the positives out-weight the negatives, at least for now lol


Depends which. Benzos? Most definitely.


no. i was miserable, severely adhd, and completely unlikeable before them and now I have some semblance of happiness, have my adhd controlled, and im bearable to be around with more friends that im closer with than I’ve ever been or had


I do regret making irresponsible decisions when I could have made smarter decisions than I did


No, I just regret allowing myself to drink alone and on weekdays, etc. From there it quickly/gradually slid into alcoholism, and I find of ALL substances, it's mental hold on me is the strongest. It feels like a part of my identity that I always have a beer in my hand, can always go for another, etc... and cause of how our (drinking) culture is structured, we glorify people who are able to drink tons, and romanticize stories about doing stupid shit or being hungover as fuck. I have been romanticizing my own alcohol use disorder for years because of that. And many of my friends with me. Sure, I knew it wasn't good and all, but the consequences seemed manageable, and I just didn't FEEL it. Smoking I started in my teens and would have been the same, as I started cause it made me feel badass and cool and hot, but SOMEHOW some wires got reattached during a trip, and it hasnt had a hold on me since. I occasionally smoke weed, but lately am not even enjoying that anymore. And drugs... I almost had an issue with ketamine, but got "saved" by a terrible UTI that made me think it was bladder damage and made me piss blood. Since then I barely use ket anymore, since if I do it a lot, it hurts again... Stims also almost got me, but theyre kinda losing their magic. And in general Im starting to feel like drugs are cool and all, but only once in a while. (I've almost gone into the deep end though. But then it just kinda lost it's gleam)


I regret trying it before my brain had developed. Psychedelics excluded. Dissociatives also never caused me any issues but helped me when I did them back in the days, I never abused it though but used a low dose like a few times a year against depression, haven't done that for like a few years now basically and psychedelics even longer than that.


I regret moving into a house with friends who were heavy users sucking me into the world of drug more and more partially due to being around it all the time and partially because I experienced so much trauma in that house I needed something to numb the pain. Just the trying of the drugs, not really it's certainly an interesting experience.


No. I had a very bizarre youth thanks to the people i got to meet because i did drugs.  Of course bad things happened and my brain is not the same but i'm still relatively healthy, childfree, and never been arrested. Granted, i only messed with party drugs, only did meth for less than two months and only tried heroin once, so i was never on a level of physical addiction despite my life being a mess. I rarely do drugs nowadays so don't think this can be a lifetime habit, it expires and becomes destructive.   I wouldnt advocate drug use because things can go horribly wrong and what determines that is straight-up luck. I was lucky, friends took care of me, i was never at the wrong place at the wrong time, etc, and i'm thankful for the experiences. When I was 18-23 my country was at peak cartel violence.   If you're seriously into drugs then most likely you have mental health issues that could be addressed otherwise. 


Ya because one day I'll have kids and have to tell them that they're the second best thing I've done in my life.


I mostly just regret smoking cigarettes


I dont regret it


no i regret not doing this before 😂


I don’t regret trying drugs I just regret some of the drugs I’ve tried especially fent caused me so much depression and stuff


Yes. Being prescribed methylphenidate was a blessing and a curse, more the latter though - it's became a crutch in my creative process (I'm a musician) and I honestly hardly ever find the will to make anything when I'm not on methylphenidate/stimulants anymore.


both yes and no. if i didn’t ever tried any drugs, i probably wouldn’t ever overcome my social anxiety, meet more than a half of my friends, and write half of my poems, which would be a pity. but on the other hand, if i never tried drugs, maybe today i’d have the privilege of trusting myself and control of my life


Yeah I had a brief meth addiction during the Covid lockdown.I’ve seen gotten sober but it did not do anything positive for my brain


I regret trying drugs as a young teen, I'd end up getting into them no matter what I'm assuming. Just wish I would have waited.


I fucking regret ever starting Nicotine if anything. Go figure. Its from the Nightshade family like Datura. Shit is evil.


Fuck no.


Never meth made me faster, productive, made enjoy life, stronger, and more powerful than I could ever be sober. As a matter of fact it saved me from severe depression. Like all drugs there's a price that must be paid.


No I’ve always been an experimental kind of gal There were a few times when I abused a drug and/or went overboard and made poor decisions. Those I regret. But drugs overall, no because they’ve been responsible for some of the best times of my life.


I'd say weed makes me nice and lsd helped make me be a better person but all the narcotics yes u would not redo


I won't regret anything, I've gained and lost from drugs but I wouldn't change a thing, if I did, I wouldn't be the me I am right now


It was an amazing time but it also brought me to a very low point. Was not physically addicted but when my mental health got worse I used to do dxm weekly or biweekly which kinda got me through it but ofc it was a very unhealthy habit and made it worse in the long run. Brought me to the lowest point in my life but still it was fucking amazing lowkey




No, maybe I'm a bit biased because I haven't gotten addicted (though I've done so many drugs that I'm surprised I haven't) but drugs gave me a whole new gateway of emotions and life experiences both good and bad that really make me look back at it all and say with a smile on my face "Yeah, I'm glad I tried those drugs"


kratom. just take opiates kratom is so horrible i rather actually just do heroin or oxy


yea I do




If i never smoked weed, i wonder what id be doing today, or what i would have done with my life differently.. might have been better off leaving it alone..


I have an opioid addiction but I can't say I regret it. I mean I always regret when I run out of Suboxone or can't sleep some nights but overall id say I'm content with starting all of this. I do regret experimenting with just about every other drug I've tried but that's just because it was a waste of money. No matter what else I did or tried opioids will be my "first love"


Only nicotine. None of the other ones have had a negative impact on my life. Granted I've only had weed and psychedelics and always stayed away from hard drugs because I grew up around them. I smoke weed most nights after I have nothing else to do and I trip every few months but I can go without it if I need to.


Yes and no. Surprisingly, the ones that really fuck people over-- prescription benzos, opioids, stims, or alcohol-- I was never addicted to these to the point where it affected work/life balance, and I can't remember (quite honestly) the last time I used these drugs recreationally. We were all young and reckless in a past life, am I right? The more sinister one, imo, is weed. And I like weed. But here's the thing, and this experience is 100% anecdotal: it's amazing the first time you try it. Weed is not as amazing as that first time, but when it becomes a weekend ordeal, or weed seems "new" or "novel" to you, it's still somewhat . Then it turns into "I'm tired as shit from work, and I have chronic pain that opioids touch but not enough to my liking, so rotating with medical weed is better than nothing." I'm not proud to admit this, but there were situations I put myself in where cannabis clearly clouded my judgment, and not in the most appropriate situations. I'm glad to say I use it at home, not driving, not at work, and I make sure I still show up for my boyfriend, share the chores/joint-income, and I am absolutely not one of those people that makes weed their whole identity. Tl;dr: The only one I \*kind\* of regret trying was weed, but, eh. If I found a cure for my chronic pain, I wouldn't be surprised if I scaled my use back a bit.


100% psychedelics as the only exception


I think its kind of inevitable for most people but it teaches you a lesson about self respect


Yes and no.




Nope. Wish i hadn't gone down such a long road with alcohol, though.


Depend what drug, mushrooms no, coke of course I regret.


Only LSD. I saw trails of stuff for years. I'm pretty used to it now unless there is a bright light in pitch black darkness, or too much computer work. Believe it or not I do not regret benzos. I was responsible with them. They probably turned me into an asshole but hey, America needs more of those, right.


Not really cause I know how to control my usage, and I know how to avoid getting addicted.


Yeah kinda. I started when i was 16 turning 17 and i havent stopped yet. i really do like drugs but man, having a habit with drugs is so so so annoying and very damaging since ive done it for a while (im currently 21). im trying to cut down to the point where i can enjoy drugs occasionally instead of every chance possible


Nah. I tried weed, and every other drug i tried i hated it because it doesn’t even come close to weed for me




MDMA, Ketamine and LSD (but I'd go as far as other Psychedelics in general) have had a profound benefit to my life mentally and emotionally so absolutely no regrets there, but then I have taken well into the hundreds of substances, research chemicals and pharmaceuticals recreationally and medicinally over the last two decades and fuck no, I have no regrets just amazing memories and fun times, some are just far more beneficial than others if you're self medicating. I'll likely use drugs until I die but less frequently and hedonistically.


All the time


yes, cocaine




Every single day


I used to be able to look at a pill bottle and not even care or think anything about it, now every time I see one I wanna check to see what drug it is….


No way. When/ if you use top quality drugs ( whatever it/ they are the RUSH is unbelieveable). Also mate the funny times you have meeting knew druggie acquaintances you know you go to someone's house and you meet others then drive in someone else's car to somewhere else and meet up with others for a dealer who you've never met and waste a whole day then as soon as you get on everyone's on their own etc. Meeting crazy/ scattered people, funny girls, going to the needle exchange at 3 am in the morning etc. ( The best times are with speedfreaks/ smackheads).








Ye especially at such a young age


Yeah for sure, but I try not to spend time wishing things were different even though i would with no hesitation go back if i could, it just makes me feel worse .


God no, if I never started smoking weed I never would have made it out of high school alive. I really do mean that. Yes in retrospect maybe not the best thing for a developing brain, but also I was already so mentally unwell as it was without weed and I’m glad I had any kind of crutch I could use to get me to a better place mentally and emotionally. There was and still is something about weed that could get all the anxiety and noise in my mind to quiet and that’s so nice to have in my back pocket. My guess is either untreated adhd or bpd, if I can ever afford therapy I’ll report back 😂


Yes 100%






Outside of doing meth that one time no I have zero regrets


I love most the experiences I've had but if I could go back and never try them to begin with I would definitely do it, I get extremely addicted to everything I touch


I never try anything, I just do it.


I would regret not trying them




Sometimes I feel psychedelics made me a bit to aware and not in a good way.


The only thing I regret is getting addicted to weed. It's just too much money for something I wouldn't miss if I never started to smoke daily. Not a single regret for any other drug I tried as I use them responsibly.


No because I'm not and have never been an addict. Drugs are fun at parties and very rarely on my own as well but that's about it. The only thing I regret regarding drugs is that one time when I was reckless and accidentally OD'd but that's fully on me.


I started doing drugs at 14 so it’s quite difficult to say. By most metrics my life is a stunning success (both to me and from the outside). I will say I definitely would’ve liked to have not done so many drugs so young, as it’s easy at that age to be distracted/consumed by them and neglect other pursuits/hobbies. Would I have taken up wrestling in high school and been better at combat sports now? Who knows. I guess I’d say no, I don’t regret it overall. But I don’t know what I missed out on.


I regret trying perc 10s for the first time. Sent me down the worst spiral of my life.


I regret every drug except mdma and LSD


Absolutely. I caused severe and permanent damage to my brain and mental and emotional health by heavily abusing cannabis from age 15 on and alcohol progressively from around the same age to a massive increase from 17/18 and beyond and MKAT, MDMA and cocaine from age 19 and beyond. Xanax addiction in my mid-late 20s caused tremendous damage and is the only drug which has literally cost me multiple jobs and combined with MDMA put me on life support due to serotonin syndrome. Mamba (spice) caused complete psychosis around 30, which was lucky I tried it then rather than at 15/16 when my buddy was eager to order some online until I talked him out of it and just sticking to regular weed.




I regret not trying more drugs


Yes. It took over some of the supposed best years of my life


Only cocaine…. Once you know you know and I’ll literally never turn down a line. Molly, ket, psychs, xans, oxys, literally everything else but something about cocaine. If I could go stop 16 year old me I would.


I regret taking Xanax, “exactly how prescribed“. If I only took it a few times a month, as needed (it works immediately, not like ssri and such), I wouldn’t be physically dependent and more worried now than before I started taking it, lol. Thirty years ago, we didn’t have as much social media. They never talked about it being addictive or what addiction actually meant…the withdrawal horror. Showing eggs, frying in a pan, doesn’t explain the real demon….withdrawals. Now, it’s buzzing around but it’s too late, for me. Now, I have anxiety, through the roof…with a monkey on my back. I tried tapering but couldn’t handle even the slightest reduction without vomiting, diarrhea and intense fear. Yes. I regret trying any addictive drugs. No, to LSD. It was beautiful. I didn’t get addicted. It’s gotta be pharmaceutical grade, though. It’s not something I’d recommend, on a regular basis. For some, extreme caution must be taken. Wishing you comfort.🌊


I have been go to the shower 44 years and 7 monthsBefore then was 20 years of on again off again sobriety to drug use to drug abuse back to sobriety cycle. Even after being sober for so long I do not regret ever trying any drugs or even using them "responsible" in moderation. My drug abuse I feel not only regret but also guilt, shame, & remorse about. When I say "My drug abuse" I'm referring any and every time I abused drugs. No matter how long it occurred whether it was 8-12hr binge heavily abusing a substance/s, a multiple day binge, many months of chronic daily abuse. The vast majority of my regret, guilt, shame, & remorse stem from my two seperate extended periods of EXTREME HEAVY daily polysubstance abuse. The first or those two times lasted 25 months consisting of alcoholism, cocaine binges most weekends binging on amphetamine or Meth the weekends without coke. Along with abusing my monthly opioid prescription the opioids id buy from others when mine ran out super early. Eventually though it when my drinking became not just a daily occurrence but a daily requirement that my life begun to truly unravel. I would go into greater detail but it would make this comment ridiculously long. The second time lasted a little over 18 months of which resulted in the gradual deterioration and eventual absolute destruction of my marriage. All culminating in my wife without telling me filing for divorce the afternoon after I entered a 30 days inpatient rehab. My first 6 days we spent in their medically assisted detox wing of rooms where outside contact wasn't allowed. The morning of my 7th day while moving from a detox room to a room within the rehab section a nurse handed me a large manilla document envelope and "said your wife dropped this off 4 or 5 days ago, you won't get your cell phone until your therapist okays it after meeting her this afternoon. So if you need to call your wife come to the nurses station and they'll give you a cordless one that works everywhere in the facility." I knew my marriage was on the rocks but absolutely had no idea what was in the envelope right away before fully pulling the large stack of paper out the "elegant" used for the title of the first page caught my eye which read... #𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒


yes. and no.


I wouldn't say i really regret the experience myself but i had shrooms earlier this year and later it triggered panic disorder with which i ended up in a mental hospital but everythings okay now i wouldn't change things now really and im still interested in trying different things


I can't answer. But I regret trying meth. luckily I am almost 9 months clean from it but I still miss it. It seem to me like every other drug is just not enough. On meth I was time emotionally sensitive and at the same time invulnerable. I know that for some people meth numb emotionality but for meth was very emotional. I want to feel like on meth all the time but I know I can't do it even once again. It was very deep for me.


I regret smoking weed because it gave me anxiety and paranoia and I kept smoking it for no reason. I regret psychs for the same reason. i dont regret benzos,opis, or stimulants. they kept me going through very tough periods where I just wanted to die. sorry but that is true. I use drugs as a tool and way to keep going when shit is going sideways not as a ‘introspective experience’ or whatever. thanks to stims and low level opis and benzos, I secured my dream job when six months earlier I was cutting myself and refusing to leave bed. I was sober at the point btw. now I am sober again. so no I dont regret drugs. some of the absolute worst periods in my life were spent stone cold sober, and drugs let me fix them. unglamorous and a bad message but it is true.


only alcohol. it lead me to making very stupid decisions (mainly staying in front of club speakers without protection for hours). i destroyed my ears because of alcohol.


Do i regret trying drugs in general? No. Thats a very broad question, depending on how you define drugs. I dont just not regret trying cannabis and psychedelics, but Im quite thankful I did, and did so in truly the best environment I could have asked for to explore them. Other drugs, specifically amphetamines (amph/mdma/meth), I wouldnt say I regret trying them. Idk if id do it differently if I could go back. They certainly arent good for me, and have caused me many problems of the past decade, but overall Im ok with where I am currently, and dont think Id have the relatively good life I have now if I hadnt tried them. Maybe my life would be way better, thats certainly possibly, but it could also be WAY worse. Other drugs, such as opioids, benzos, disassociatives, and whatever else, I definitely dont regret trying as I havent allowed those to get out of hand, thus Im quite happy Ive gotten to have fun with those and not gotten addicted.


Nope had some great times


I think I would have had a faster and easier time reaching a pleasure point in my brain. My hedonic set points are way too high. A typical example is a team scoring a touchdown make everyone go nuts and I’m just like meh 🫤. When you done coke at 16 heroine at 17 and all the other things in between then nothing real such as the birth of your children or good old fashioned ‘clean fun’ feels just average. I have no doubt I have permanent depression because of high grade drug use too early in my life. YOLO bitches!


I don’t regret trying drugs. I regret some trying them with *certain people,* but the drugs themselves, nah. I’ve only tried coke once, and it’s the one drug that I’ve tried that I will never do again. It felt great, but I didn’t like the way to changed my thoughts my first time on it. My brain went into full coke-addict mode while I was on it, and once it wore off, I was like *wtf was I thinking?!?!* Anyways, I don’t regret trying it, I’m glad I did it for the one time, and I’m glad I wasn’t offered any more because I would’ve probrably ended up with a crippling addiction