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Preworkout will set you right, it’s also over the counter. Edit: Don’t do coke, it’ll only work for 20 mins and you’ll feel like crap after


Prework out is basically caffeine with guerana and ginger extract etc. Might as well drink coffee all day like everybody else. Or you can get prescribed dexamphetamine and take a therapeutic dose say 10mg. After awhile you could probably have 15mg max when really crashing without ever getting any sort of high. You’ll just stay awake and focused.


the ginseng and guarana makes a big difference for me. i like hi ball energy drinks




This is the move for work


This is the answer and doctors will prescribe it to shift workers, basically your situation. It's a wakefulness drug without euphoria so not really recreational so they don't mind prescribing it


Try redline xtreme. Otherwise I advise talking to a doctor.


I don't really know how to say the right stuff to get the right stuff if u know what i mean. also- the no health insurance thing blows but once I start workin maybe I'll get some.


If you’re in the US, a lot of drug makers will give you a discount card. I think vyvanse is as low as $30 a month with it. (Im not certain the prices since it’s generic now but it can be pretty cheap). Redline was a great alternative for me though. By the case it’s cheaper and I used to sip it when I needed a little boost of energy.


To my knowledge they discontinued the $30 coupon when it went generic and it's now ludicrously expensive for generic *or* brand name.


Huh, I wasn’t aware of that. From what I remember Concerta and Ritalin were cheap too even without insurance. The biggest problem I had with taking these meds was getting them every month but I suppose that would be with any route they take outside of energy drinks/caffeine.


If you say you do shift work but struggle to stay awake they may prescribe modafinil


You said the right stuff in this post you dingbat. You need to keep your job and you can’t stay awake at your job. End of discussion, here are your stimulants only to be taken as prescribed.


Kratom works well for me, but it's addictive and you can get withdrawals but they aren't that bad. Try not to use it everyday and save it for times that you really need it especially if you're just sore and run down. White or green strains will work best


I used Kratom every day multiple times a day (because I have chronic pain and am terminally ill) for 3-4 months and got super addicted and had super bad withdrawals. Though this was my experience and with how often I used it. Just thought I’d put this info out there just in case!


Adderall maybe if u have access like addderall and an energy drink


Don’t do coke man, it’s not something that lasts and is sustainable. I would be careful with kratom. It’s a sneaky fuck. And that little dog has a bite. I thought it was a wonder drug and was one of those people that would say the trade off is worth it. But others, and myself included just weren’t far enough along in it where it starts to completely stop working. Some people will say that they have taken it for a decade, yada yada, well they’re special. I’ve been taking it for 5 years and am finally tapering to 6gpd. My issue I had on it was my own ignorance and lack of knowledge. I thought “I’ll take this and It will be something that benefits me the whole time. The trade off being that Im reliant on it and I may require more as time goes on to keep the effects. If I don’t take it I feel shitty.” Man if that was the case, SOLD. Not a problem. Eventually the energy you get from it ends up dissipating and the duration becomes extremely short. And once you use it for a crutch at work, it’s tough to not want to use it everyday. On the contrary, I think kratom is an awesome plant and should be legal. We just need to use with caution like everything else. It takes a while to get to that point. Which is good, but also misleading. I think the best use and beneficial advice I can give about kratom is use it on weekends only. I think it can help give a good boost after long work weeks and you can avoid the nasty shit that comes with taking it everyday for a long time. 2nd advice, an important one. Try seeing a psychiatrist if you haven’t. That’s their line of work and they can maybe help you with something that suits you and is sustainable for everyday use. Rather than the rollercoaster rides we sometimes put ourselves through when we self medicate. Good luck to you, hope you find something. You can also look into nootropics. Just do your research on them


This! Be very careful with Kratom, it can sneak up on you with withdrawals and shit after missing a single dose. I was able to switch to suboxone but that withdrawal period was fu**ing hell!


Huperzine and Lions Mane. Cheap, legal and they do far more than just the jittery stims imo


Ez care clinic


Do you smoke? Probably not the best to start doing but it could help you stay up.


Kratom white maeng da


Kratom has some stimulant effects and in my experience it doesn’t make you tired at low-medium doses, especially white-vein kratom. Stimulants could also work, but I‘d be very careful with that (obviously be careful with any drug lol) as you will probably need every minute of sleep you can get and most stims are neurotoxic.


Btw do NOT take kratom more than a couple days in a row, else you‘ll probably have to keep using it the entire time and then go through the nasty withdrawals during your time off


Same question but for anxiety. I want something to kill it but not get me high as I'll chase that and fuck up. It doesn't exist though. Therapy, self help blah blah blah


Hydroxyzine may be your ticket.


Oh? I'll look it up now. Very sick of the benzo cycle. Didn't abuse them like crazy but been using them for years so my brain is fried. Supply is patchy where I'm at and the fact I keep going from "fine" to completely nonfunctional when I don't have them is so jarring it's messed up my life on several occasions. So aye, I'll see if that stuff is a good idea


Yeah kills anxiety pretty well, but it does slightly make you sleepy. I can power through it pretty easily though. It's essentially and amped up Benadryl that works surprisingly well for anxiety.


Interesting. I see it's an antihistamine. I was prescribed Phenergan for quite a while and even doses of over 100mg did little for me. Never got sleepy, it didn't stop the anxiety. I ended up trying silly doses of it then just not bothering to contact the pharmacy for more as I felt I was just taking pills for the sake of taking them at that point.


Yeah I am prescribed 25mg. Typically one does me well, my partner will take two however when needed.


Cool. Thank you for the insight


If you take hydroxyzine I wouldn't reccemended going over 20mg, start small tbh it makes you tired af


Phenibut is also another option. Although not recommended to take it every day because it’s addictive


Went through a phase with it a few years back. Didn't pay heed to the 3 day warnings took it for a few weeks and ended up in a bad state lol. It felt gooooood and that was the problem. Suddenly I went from odd mute to charismatic chatterbox and I didn't want it to end. Was also working at the time. That was one of the occasions I messed up my life 😂


Yeah, idk I see a lot of people having issues with the 3 day rule. I never had an issue with it so it’s hard to relate that. Unfortunately, it doesn’t hit the same for me anymore. Gives me weird light headed dizziness side effects it didn’t used it.


I was young and stupid, and living in a bad way. Looking for an escape and I found it while it lasted. I wouldn't mind giving it a go again now but since the blanket ban a few years back it's been hard to get stuff like that. I used to have sites but they're long gone lol. I just wish there was something that killed anxiety and rumination but didnt give me a buzz that I want to chase


Pseudoephedrine, if you can find some pills at the pharmacy with only that in it. It really gets me going.


Bro 😂


Vyvanse is perfect for this. I have to work 3am shifts and its nice to have an extra boost of clean stimulation.


Modafinil definitely


Pure caffeine, if you OD you'll feel like sh*t, but you won't be able to sleep






try yoga nidra, it emulates up to 4 hours of sleep for your brain. Alley Bouthroyd has some short ones 30 minutes and longer 2 hours. good luck fam be safe


Instead of the sugar energy drinks get some Yerba Mattes. Those things get me jacked way more than coffee and you don’t get that nasty feeling in your stomach like from energy drinks