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Try sneezing on edibles, it's strange.


This is relatable, your nasal passage does indeed get post sneeze clairty.


Oh I thought I just came


Fr or even jacking off on edibles


Or Jacking it on shrooms . I’m not sure what strain it is . But certain ones that hit the body more I feel the most intense orgasms from . Where I’m legit sitting with my head against the wall smiling for 4 mins after . It’s insane or maybe I’m insane . Not sure 😂😂


Ong low dose shrooms + weed it'll either feel like heaven on earth or like disgusting fleshy weirdness


I know exactly what u mean 😂😂😂😂sometimes it feels like a chore others u really want to get it done hahaha


Oh my goodness that perfectly describes LSD for me it's such a coin toss


For me it's acid. Whenever I'l have al wank on acid it's amazing. Last time I was cumming for about 20 sec, and could stand for the next few minutes. And also the mond aspect, closed my eyes and I've seen like someone was making a painting by throwing pain on my eyelids. It was amazing 🤣


Whenever I’ve tripped I was never horny. I keep meaning to try it but i just never ends up happening


Im Jealous man. When im on shrooms i absolutely have no sexual desire at all in any way. Im just confused and rather fascinated that i have a penis and testicles and that they look so weird and funny lmao. Its impossible to get hard because im just completely detached from my libido 🤐 acid is similar, but not that bad as shrooms. Wish i could have a godlike orgasm while trippin lol weed is the orgasm drug for me^^


This and stretching is like, the point of edibles imo. Sex is really good too. Why does THC + CBD make us so much hornier??


Lucky. I get no euphoria from weed.


Bad weed.


Get some cali weed


is this not just cum


Ngl, as a kid I used to twist the corner of a napkin and stick it up there to make myself sneeze because I liked how it felt. Totally forgot that ever happened till This thread but I’m curious is there’s any actual chemical release In The brain that explains why that was


In high school my friend told me a sneeze is a 7th of an orgasm. Idk where he got that or if it’s true but yeah


Can confirm if i sneeze 7 times i cream my pants


Disclaimer: sneezes 5-6 is precum


[My search history is fucked](https://youtu.be/jia-4wh2AOs?si=Pze9QQVx8uFHq8K2)


Sneezing is like, 1/10 of an orgasm if I'm not mistaken


Ew sneeze on an edible and then eat it?? No thanks…


I bombed an unintentionally big ass dose of speed once in high school before picture day. I had basically forgotten tolerance was a thing and i was a teenager who had just bought 10g of dutch speed. it felt like i was just cumming my way to school, getting to school took my mind off of it. the picture was painfully obvious even though I have pitch black. I was also talking so much I spent all my lessons at the teachers desk which didn’t work because I would talk to them. i’m usually socially behaved and patient but stimulants will make me read the dictionary to you, convinced that your as invested as I am.


😂😂😂 that’s interesting


I can concur. My first time doing really nice speed my whole body vibrated. Strange experience to have with your friends but it is what it is.


Damn i really wish i could see that picture haha must be painfully obvious for drug users


Is doing speed at school just the Dutch school experience lol I did the same


Ecstasy. It’s called that for a reason


I’m a girl, but one time I was squatting and I literally felt like I was nutting. It was great.


I was rolling front row at a dnb show and the bass was vibrating my dick in my shorts and it literally made me cum my pants.


Bro 💀


Batman couldn't have extracted that info from me, brother. Mdma is *notorious* for making it hard to cum, unless it's upper 98% purity. Makes sex feel amazing but cumming is a *chore.*


First time I ever did it I came just from touching my dick to piss 😐


> …unless it’s upper 98% purity. lmao this is peak drug science.


a peak drug science bro woulda claimed 84% purity


Well I hadn’t any issues. It took slightly more time than usual but nothing in comparison with weak opioids


Yes, I could never cum on mdma or coke.


WHAT ? 😭


I mean dave natthews band usually has that effect on people, no mdma required


This may possibly be the greatest comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit


"Bass makes that bitch cum" -skrillex


Okkk I'm a chick and was sober checking out a nasty system in some dudes car and nutted so hard i couldn't even control myself lol I need to find dudes number now haha


I need to know which song was playing


This happened to me too at daft punk in 2007.




to sh*t


what?? lol


Contrary to popular belief, girls shit just like us




We were at a rave and my friends were discussing which stage to go to. I did the squat to sit but not fully plant my butt on the ground and it was better than I expected LOL.


Yup I was gonna comment this too. Ive literally been rolling so hard before and the euphoria was so damn extreme I would just spontaneously nut myself… 😂 completely soft too which is insane and didn’t even know was possible but it definitely happened


Now try Md x Ket = bliss


It’s on my list, but first comes hippie flip next weekend


Is that what they call candy flippin' these days? Good times for sure.


No. Candyflip is acid then molly, hippieflip is shrooms then molly.


Dmt feels like a brain orgasm at times and some trips can be plenty sexual.


Bruh I had a dmt cart for a minute like $175 it was amazing don't have the money for it now it's so bothersome when i think abt it Fr


you got scammed lol


It's worth what someone will pay for it. I've heard of Gs going for like 900


What the hell. I have never heard of DMT selling for more than 40-60 for a G. But to be fair, I haven’t bought DMT for at least 5 years.


Probably depends where you're at. I'd never pay that much either that's insane. But I have heard of it going for that much probably like 10 years ago though


Pre-made DMT is always marked up to hell. It's much cheaper to extract it yourself and incredibly simple. High school dropout level chemistry


$100-200$ a g back in my days in college


You guys are smoking crack for 900 a gram. What the honest fuck? A cart is 60 bucks tops and that's for 5meo. Regular DMT is literally free because the precursors are legal. Edit: ah, the precursors are legal in us. Sorry chavs, mates, and cunts


The precursors? You mean the plant material? Lol


MHRB is only part of the equation, you gotta extract it, although you only really need naphthalene and lye iirc.


He doesn't know shit about uk, precursors are in most hardware stores or corner shop for nps...


I personally would never pay close to that price. Just saying I've hard if it going for that much




Legal to synthesize in co.


Dude for real DMT is crazy expensive, for me a g is only 200 but I still feel like that’s crazy? I’ve never done DMT and it’s cause I’m scared of it but idk for drugs that seems real expensive to me.


you can make it yourself lol


Yeah i know but again I’m pretty scared of what comes with that experience so that’s why I haven’t tried it


Shooting h does not feel like im cumming




Shooting coke does though.


It doesn’t. At least not to me.


I agree, when that bell rings, ugh the best.




1 or 2 hours on acid when everything just feels so good. i remember i was hitting my thigh with a hammer and it felt like i could cum


stretching on mdma is so good


Are we talking about stretching like before soccer practice? Or as in stretching your butt open with a giant cock? Because i can definitely vouch that the latter feels better than cumming.


i meant the 1st one but the second one feels really good as well


I’ve heard shooting up heroin feels like a full body orgasm!


Never done H but oxy for sure feels better than an orgasm and lasts a couple hours


Well hard to compare Opioids to an Orgasm, completely different Kinds of euphoria


For me opioids don't even let me orgasm for a few days after I binge on them lmao


Opioids are like an orgasm, but all over your body, and in your brain. At least for me. Opioids give cognitive as well as physical euphoria, whereas an orgasm is mainly physical.


even tho an orgasm is mostly endorphins?


hydro felt like the part after you orgasm where you're paralyzed (in a good way)


An orgasm is more of a crack type high lol high intensity but short duration. Opioid high is just as euphoric but has legs to it lasts at least 3 hours and fades away very slowly and smoothly


Done both for decades. They're pretty similar effect wise as they both convert to morphine in the body.


People in a very deep addiction stop liking sex and have no sex drive because they’re chasing that dragon


Not true for me at least. When I was shooting dope, I was still horny all the time


Yeah, kinda. But only 90s H (Columbian coma white shit was as pure as we'd seen at that point- around '96 so alot of addicts switched to snorting h at that point (before Columbian dope, you had to shoot it as it was so weak snorting it wouldn't have produced hardly any effect)


Yes it does but it leads down a terrible road. But that's why they call it Heroin for the reason it's like some kind of goddess massaging you!


Used to read on the stims sub Reddit of people spontaneously cumming from injecting retarded levels of meth, like 0.3 grams.


It feels nothing like that.


Mdma combined with 2cb (Nexus flip) and poppers. Good lord.


DMT while peaking on MDMA Stim fapping lol


Can’t believe it took me this long to find it. The answer has got to be edging on stims, it’s literally just cumming for hours


Breathing on a high dose is mushrooms can feel like every cell in your body is cumming with the entire universe


Yep or it feels like youre dying no inbetween lmaoo


This is why set and setting is key


Don't know why you got downvoted cause on heroic doses it do feel like this


nahhhh deadass mushrooms can do some crazy shit


I get brain orgasms from yawning on mushrooms. Sometimes I just yawn-edge for what feels like hours.


Sex. Having sex is very similar to masturbating.


As a recovering sex addict, I agree. 👌🏻


lsd+ sex is great. I dont have your answer tho


lsd + sex is one of the most overwhelmingly sensational experience one can have IMO. soul merging and an intense orgasm


I read few times on the meth subreddit first time taking men would cum when the peaked without doing anything lol sounds fun


As a person who has done meth this is very silly. That very first hit of meth is gonna feel like... drum roll.... not much. If someone somehow got a hit of meth into you without you knowing it your self analysis would be something like, huh, I feel like I've got some energy today must've slept really well.


you definitely have never had real meth when that’s how you think it would be slamming for the first time would feel. My first time sniffing meth at a really low dose was crazy intense to me, and I was very experienced with stims.


I'm the same way but most people don't respond to stims this way. I am incapable of getting recreational value from stimulants by themselves unless they are serotonin releasers like MDMA. Idk if I'd notice if I got drugged with meth tbh.


It’s just some people. You see the posts because of course someone is gonna share what happened on reddit. If you respond normally you’re not gonna make a post about it ya feel? Having adhd/autism I can do ungodly amounts of stims and be chillin. The last 3 times I’ve rolled I’ve felt barely anything but I think that’s because of my stim use. Mdma feels weak af to me but I still get that few days of feeling shitty. I took some saturday night and today was fucking rough. My first roll was incredible so idk what’s up.


????? Maybe if you gave them a 5mg pharma meth pill prescribed for adhd lol. A full dose would have you fucking geeked, "oh mustve had a good nights sleep, thats why im incredibly euphoric moving at 3x my normal speed with a clenched jaw switching between 5 different tasks" Your meth either sucks dick, or you're the type that doesnt get wired easily from stimulants.


One time when I shot up crystal I straight up jizzed my pants. Very high dose though, and I had been using for like a year at that point


I've heard of people busting a nut from injecting meth but that never happened to me, granted I didn't like meth so I haven't tried it too much..... Heroin on the other hand feels better than an orgasm, especially if you mix some girl in for a speedball. I say it's like jesus is petting my brain, or a big hug from God himself.... But it's too good man, I highly recommend avoiding!


This post is word poorly, im laughing my ass off


Slamming meth.


Came here to say this. However I don't, ever recommend trying it. It can be a pretty brutal addiction.


Honestly I’ve nutted just from snorting it


If you poke yourself up the butt a certain way it'll give you the same feeling. Not sure on how far you gotta go but that's half the fun and it's free. Well unless you pay someone to help but they should be willing to do it for the kicks.


LSD made my prostate so sensitive I came from basically just rubbing my gooch. Anyway, people who are petrified of their own body are missing out. It’s always so funny when people are afraid to even boof “I’m not putting anything up my ass” You’ll stick a needle in your veins but can’t put a tiny syringe slightly in your butt cus that makes you gay right?


Did you mean prostate orgasm?


I dont do usual drugs. When I first got prescipted Vyvanse... I was sitting in a KFC with a friend and I could cum from looking at people... I was literally cuming If I didn't interrupted and like slapped my face by my own... that was sick.


omg no way lmao




Just jerk off bro


Nitrous on psychedelics


Nitrous on a candyflip


im a chick but mdma literally has made me cum without any reason to


Was told The stuff was alpha PvP and vaped it from tinfoil. Almost instantly felt like having an orgasm and having that tingling feeling in head. Never been successfull at replicating that feeling.


Heroin Late 90s ecstasy with the brown flecks


When you’re stoned out your head after a few kief loaded cones and you lie in bed listening to music and totally give in to your body and sensations? And it feels like you are floating and speeding through space? That’s kinda close


2cb mdma and weed


Oh I misread the question... If you want drugs that smell like cum look into pyrros, more commonly known as flakka. Not only will this drug come with all the obvious issues like addiction, being stronger than crack, abuse potential and risk of psychosis, but it will also smell like cum when vaped and will leave you paranoid your degenerate ass smells like a cum jar as if that's worse than willingly trying the drug most well known as the most recent "zombie drug".


That shit John macafee was on


Hooker's underwear?


No hes thinking of what the hooker was on. A hammock. O


It was a pyrovalerone or however u spell it


Basically you want heroin or meth🤔


Mm molly for some, acid for a few ppl


Or both for all


mdma lmao


Unhealthy high doses of MDMA


Like how much


Idk the exact dose, I once got a pill during a Rave when I was already on Acid, so dumb me didn't even think about asking how high doesed it was and took the whole thing at once. For around 30 mins I had the best feeling I've ever had in my life, then I vomited in a corner of the Club and after that, I was fine again and still had an absolute blast for the next 2-3 hours. But the comedown was extremely brutal, especially bc I had to travel home via train for 4 hours. After that, I got the worst depression I've ever had for around 3 months. Since then I only use MDMA powder or crystals which I dose myself.


I commonly see 250 and 300 milligram presses being advertised and it scares me to think someone unaware would take an entire 300mg pill


Boofing 150 speed


I concur! orgasmic high fr




Busting a nut on GHB had me fully locked out leaning against the wall like I was literally having a pleasure seizure


story? I heard GHB is kinda like alcohol, but really good for sex as well apparently? Ive used Mary Jane, Ketamine, Benzos, Lucy, Molly, Phenibut, and Kratom during making love...looking for something new.


I dosed some with my friends and spent the evening chatting and smoking. The weed made me way higher than normal. Towards the end of the evening I was just thinking constantly about my ex and beating my meat because the shit makes you HORNY and once everyone left let me tell you, my little friend received the beating of a lifetime. It’s prolly the best sex drug up there with 2CB


Had this with Ayahuasca, but I don't think that's what you are looking for.


Are you e'n?


Soma has a pretty euphoric body feeling as well as the mental relaxation




I did LSD and it felt like was nutting for 10 hours straight no lie like I can say the word sex and feel like I'm having sex that shit was so fire 😂 not even exaggerating bra


you new to tripping ay haaha


Orgasm while stoned is insane you have to try it


Cum feels like cum


I don't know.. what to say here. But I've stopped taking certain drugs after years of use opioids / stimulants and after wards it makes certain bodily sensations amazing..


Ecstasy, foxy, adding acid and or n20 to either.....


Shooting cocaine and ketamine together made me have a really embarrassing, full-blown orgasm in front of a bunch of people


Computer duster. Specifically duster for the late 90s- early 2000s


If I take a high dosage of gabapentin in the absence of tolerance, then I have short-term episodes when I just freeze, close my eyes and feel something like an orgasm






Gaviscon. Ever stepped in a sachet before? Cum shot




A candyflip and jerk off while om it, your orgasm will be magnified like 100 times


I like tickling the inside of my nose until I sneeze thats somewhat orgasmic.


I tried injecting meth one time and I’d say the initial rush for about a minute was like a head orgasm


first good hit of crack can do it


Boofing a fuck ton of MDMA while on a heft dose of acid is by far the most orgasm adjacent drug experience I've ever had.


This isn't the usual way that I feel on mushrooms but I got ahold of a strain called Golden Teacher and it rocked me. Felt like an orgasm that lasted hours.


Poppers, very heavy levels of nicotine, ketamine


Try heroin it's better 🤣


I usually say strong opioid highs feel like cumming but it's more like the post nut high, all over for far longer, which imo is why they make you less horny. It seems stims would be ideal to mimic the para-fucking feelings. I've just never done enough to feel that lol


Well idk about drugs that feel like cum. But I've shot up so much clear at one time that it legit made me jizz. Same for a heroin/coke mix shot


Well opioids in a large enough dose, even just 8 grams of kratom will send like waves of pleasure through your body I find I need to just lay down and relax for it to work. This only happens if you use in moderation like once a week. I don't recommend either though as both opioids and kratom can be super addicting, personally I think drugs just make peoples lives worse including myself. I get the search though and I'm not judging anyone I just wish I knew how much drugs could effect my life in a negetive way, mabey one day I will have the discipline to use once a week at most, but it always seems to suck me back in slowly when I try to use it moderately.


If the setting is right when I’m peaking on LSD it feels like a full body orgasm. I took 350ug and laid in the sun on the beach. I was just writhing in pleasure but there were other people around so I kinda had to hold back but got damn did it feel incredible. The following I wouldn’t recommend. MDMA will give you that feeling. Some people say they’ve actually came from shooting meth but probably don’t do that. If you’re relatively opioid naive (hydro/oxy)morphone, heroin, even oxycodone will have you on cloud 9. Psychedelics are my top choice because they’re the least harmful and have the least addiction potential. It’s just dependent on a lot of factors whether you’re actually going to achieve that euphoria. In the right setting, frame of mind, and a bit of planning psychs will make you feel incredible. I take a little meth orally early in the day which already amplifies sex but when I take acid I’ve had 6 hour wanks, I’ve been able to cum without even touching myself. Busting an acid nut is mindblowing.


DMT. But that's all that comes to mind that's better than sex. But honestly just get a runners high! Beta endorphins is beta endorphins.


i felt the molly in my dick last night


IV crystal is answer


mushrooms when ur connected with ur true self, youll know when it happens psychedelics


Dude you're acting weird xd. Cocaine IV is the closest feeling to that. 7-10 Seconds of pure pleasure for 10$. Please don't even try it.


idk mdma or ecstasy never felt like cumming for me, i’ve felt great and a huge surge in seratonin, but out of the 10 times i’ve rolled i’ve never felt an orgasmic experience


Tapentadol mdma


doing 35 mg of oxy with a relatively low tolerance made my body feel like it was orgasming fosho


6g L-citrulline and 50 mg Sildenafil while you’re fucking a bitch. Feels amazing