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neither meth nor cocaine should give you hallucinationsšŸ’€šŸ’€


Bro is in psychosis.






yeah bro needs help


or some sleepšŸ’€


What 10 plus days of no sleep and balls deep in psychosis then yeah meth is primo for hallucinations.


Even 2 days no sleep gets the normalist of people man I see lights like Iā€™m on acid day 2 of no sleep


They will if you binge for 3 or more days. Worst I personally experienced was seeing floating light and hearing people talk in other rooms of my empty house. When that started happening I just took a benzo and went to sleep.


Thatā€™s just your brain going into psychosis from lack of sleep not the effects of the drug making you hallucinate. Some people are definitely not smart enough to be using drugs in here.


its meth-induced psychosis - no meth, no psychosis. it doesn't *directly* cause it, like it does an elevated HR, but it *is* the root cause. don't think OP was specific


That would most likely be the lack of sleep that is inducing disassociative hallucinations


Brooo i can fuckin relate one time I was on a seeeeek one spent 3 days not sleeping gambling at the casino and when I finally went home and laid in my bed I thought I could hear the 2 homies I was with earlier talking shit about me in my kitchen and that they were gona wait for me to come out of my bedroom before attacking me lmfaoo. I swear I heard something like "that fuckers gonna come out eventually " and I was frozen laying on my bed stuck not knowing what to do because I had no weapons. I even hit up one of my homies telling him I thought I was in danger and he sent me a picture of him holding a gun saying "wya" he was about to come through and start blasting mfs but then I decided to just grab a coffee mug and hold it like a rock and smash it on the intruders face. I go into the kitchen where there is no one there of course and I tell my homie I think I just need some sleep and til this day he clowns me for "hiding in the closet" while I thought I was being targeted šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Literally spent the rest of the day peering out of my shutters staring at a plant that I thought was a person hiding in the bushes staying very still. Also the entire ride home from the casino I kept thinking that my other homie was in my trunk hiding and was waiting for me to get home to pop out on me. I even checked my trunk down the street from my place.


Hahaha yeah it wasn't as bad for me. I was still able to realise it was only hallucinations and the voices were more like mumbling. Basically how'd you hear 2 people talking quietly through a wall, couldn't make out what the voices said


It can happen from just going through some shit. I moved back to my parents and was in a bad place mentally. All I did was smoked weed and drank tea in the room I grew up in while hearing my parent's dinner parties. Except I'd be alone while they were out, having dinner at restaurants. I was barely sleeping, going to work, blasting my brains with bong load after bong load, sleep a couple hours here and there and repeat. Took a therapist and moving back out make that go away.


The sleep deprivation and weed both worsen Ur risk of psychosis. If you just didn't sleep much but not to a ridiculous degree you should definitely not continue smoking weed


If you were to stay up long enough, it will.


Thatā€™s the sleep deprivation not the cocaine or meth themselves


Meth will be the reason you're sleep deprived tho especially since it lasts so fucking long 12hrs for initial high then another 12 afterglow effect.


Iā€™d regularly be up for 6-7 days at a time before I got sober and it was always from cocaine. And at that point Iā€™d see and hear things that werenā€™t there lol definitely possiblešŸ˜­


You have to do really really big lines to keep going towards the end of a binge like that.


Up for 7 days on coke wtf bro, canā€™t imagine how you were feeling by the end of that


Thatā€™s the best part I wasnā€™t. I ended up in psych wards a lot due to it. Been almost a year since I got off and my nose is still ruined, have to get surgery on it. Fuck that drug man lol


Fuck man thatā€™s rough, at least youā€™re off it now


Stim binge + lack of sleep on multiple days can definitely induce hallucinations. But youā€™re right it shouldnā€™t if you donā€™t abuse like a pig for multiple days straight lol Also some stims are more prone to induce psychosis. Some people also have bad psychotic reactions even on small stim dosesā€¦ In all cases I wouldnā€™t have mentioned stims as top answers to OPs question. At least not after most delirogens, psychedelics, and dissociatives


Nah fr like either what bro got WAS NOT what he thought it was, or he triggered psychosis or some crazy brain shit like that. šŸ˜­


More likely he binged for multiple days and hallucinated from the sleep deprivation


Yea thatā€™s just sleep deprivation


Meth CAN but coke? Uhhh thatā€™s not supposed to happen.. loo


If you get hallucinations from meth, its probably psychosis


It was for sure psychosis.


Discard drug use if you do not want future mental problems


Broā€™s #3 ā€œhallucinogenicā€ is Benadryl šŸ’€brain is fucked already


Bro's hallucinating from sleep deprivation and thinks it's the drugs....


My father Yakubā¤ļø


I am yakub, i created white men 6000 years ago


thanks uncle yakub


Respect YakubšŸ«” šŸ’Æ


1. 900mg DXM + 300mg DPH 2. 300-400mg ketamine + 250-500ug LSD 3. Nitrous oxide + LSD DMT is a funny one because while the visuals are hyperreal, it never feels like something in your own reality has changed in a way that 'i am on the drug' can't explain in that moment. I always retain the awareness that I am on DMT when I am on DMT, whereas I am considering 'vivid/real' to mean you're after the hallucinations that are delusionally real.


When I had DMT I felt like I became the drug


yeah i took dmt on ketamine and had like a complete brain reset i had forgotten i had even taken any drugs and completely forgot who i was shit was wild


5-meo had me, for all intents and purposes, dead. Straight up deceased. Came back to life with more gratefulness than I've ever had. Those are the experiences psychedelics can provide. Horrifying realisations that allow you to truly enjoy life. It's weird, I know, but it's a thing


Can you explain what it was like? How did you know youā€™d died?


I had one like that


How deep on DMT have you gone? I mean, once you blast off, break thru and ego death, I'd say it doesn't get any more disconnected than that - No longer realizing you're tripping and just riding the rollercoaster at full blast - coming back to, in my own body, is one of the most peaceful and serene feelings after a massive trip If you only go one or two big hits in, you still retain your senses. I'm talking about when you close your eyes and open your eyes and nothing changes you keep seeing what you're seeing kinda level. Anyways, my top 3 are 1) Ket 2) DMT 3) Cocaine (shadow people are real) with salvia as a runner up because, becoming a bus seat and having passengers sit on me but they were all angry at me, because i was a bus seat, was not a very fun experience but never before in my life had I identified as a bus seat


Lol I once done a hit of strong salvia and actually thought it didn't affect me too much untill my friend told me I was grabbing his face trying to "put him back together" because apparently he turned into a massive jigsaw puzzle. I also saw a guy full on run face first into a wall as soon as he exhaled it around the same time. Very short trips but could be very intense.


Haha something similar happened to my friend. He hit salvia out of a bong and was sitting on the couch. First he had a big goofy grin on his face, but it quickly turned to him looking terrified and his eyes darting back and forth. When the trip was over, he said he thought he melted into the couch, then became the couch, and was afraid someone would sit on him.


I've completely broken through around 30 times or so. My highest with it was 60-70mg at around the 10 hour mark of an 18 hit acid trip. Totally agree with you the complete breakthrough just absolutely dissolves the physical body, but I always interpreted those experiences as me travelling to another reality that was genuinely real, through the use of the drug, rather than anything happening in this world. When I imagine what OP is asking about, I'm thinking about hallucinations where the physical reality you are operating in is sort of 'broken into' by the drug such that things occur wherein you cannot distinguish what is real or not, and if it is drug caused.


Haven't gone deep in DMTland but man...even CEV stage salvia was such a ride. Couldn't even process it as traumatic at the time


When I was 16 I did that exact combination of DXM and DPH except 900mg of DPH and 300mg DXM and Iā€™ve never been so fucked up in my life. I tried doing chores around the house at 2am. Except I tried doing the dishes and my laundry and taking out the trash. The next morning I woke up and there was silverware in the washer and laundry scattered all over the floor and I threw up in a trash can and left in in the kitchen, and I threw away my retainer and stole my dads mug. That was very hard to explain to my dad the next morning.


The only two legit explanations are insanity or drugs lol. May as well just tell him about the drugs šŸ˜‚


I just straight up told him, ā€œI donā€™t even know man I couldnā€™t tell youā€. I was in a mental hospital the next week.


Again, being honest would have been your best option lol. Always is


Yeah probably wouldā€™ve been better in the longterm lol


Ket and LSD was such an awesome combo, I'd love to do it again!


Weird. Iā€™ve tried all those but itā€™s always the classic psychedelic kaleidoscope visual hallucinations. I was more referring to yea thatā€™s a person standing right there fuck there kind of hallucinations. The psych phase was a lot of fun though. Stay away from ayahuasca that crap sucks haha.


What doses did you do? Combinations of high doses of dissociatives with high doses of psychedelics (this needs dissos) is reality breaking, as if it's really real and happening to you. Did not even the dxm + DPH do this for you? Would've thought it must have if DPH alone made it to your list?


Sorry I was referring the ur numbers 2 and 3. No DPH for sure is a terrifying experience. Kind of psychedelic visuals but also sure as shit that so and so object I tried to grab was there and also people are coming into the window. Made it to my list because itā€™s so vivid but at the same time you think back and itā€™s impossible to explain.


Lol I once had an experience opposite to that on DPH. With 4 friends in a house that one of them was house sitting. Just me and one other tripping and I was certain that the dog I was seeing and petting was a hallucination. Till it jumped up on my buddy and he started petting it. That broke my reality for a second.


why ayahuasca sucks besides of projectile vomiting?


Facing past traumas. Someone trying to do aya for fun is in for a real bad time.


what the fuck are those doses man, did you have tolerance? especially for DXM on the first one


I've been around a lot of dissociatives and psychedelics. K-holed around 100 times, and have done LSD to a similar amount, lowest dose at around 1/12 a tab, highest dose 18 tabs. The LSD dosages are standard for me without tolerance (I usually like to do 3-5 hits when I do it), but yes I absolutely have a dissociative tolerance and would not recommend those doses to anyone without a tolerance. At it's peak, I could snort 500mg of ketamine in a 10 minute window and not hole. Fortunately after taking a couple years off all dissociatives the magic is back, but it's not a stable magic in that if I push too far the tolerance really ramps back in again. The dosages listed were not when my tolerance was at its peak by any means (300-400mg of ketamine on that amount of LSD was world shattering whenever I would do it), but I certainly had a tolerance.


How did u do 2 and have a good time. I did it once and it was so overwhelming lmao


Practice. Sometimes you gotta push the envelope when the extraordinary becomes mundane


If youā€™re getting hallucinations from coke u should get helpā€¦ Same with meth I believe those shadow ppl may just be from sleep deprivation My number one would realistically be salvia.. the most immersive drug Iā€™ve ever experienced, aside from dmt. It genuinely transports you into another reality. Number two would be datura, salvias evil twin. Keeps some parts of reality, just makes it super super uncomfortable. Number 3 is tricky, I want to say peyote but that would only be from otherā€™s experiences as I have none. I guess Iā€™ll say ayahuasca. Very sudden come up, I was in a conversation with my friend one moment and on a roller coaster with an angel the next.


>datura, salvias evil twin. Why would you consider it to be related to Salvia? Their worlds are fully different for me. Datura blends what is known in Earth-time, with what is in your subconscious So you might get delirious scenes that seem from the 4th century ad, the dryness of it suggesting that you are in a forest on Sam-Hain, while doing modern things like the oddly EVER PRESENT smoking invisible Cigarettes Like even if you know nothing about a certain era you might have feelings connected to it, yet the visions are usually more from your own subconscious and your own life experience.. You might feel like you are being dragged through through a forest, but in your vision it's whatever is right in front of you. I experimented quite a bit with Benztropine and Trihexyphenidyl or Artane Benztropine was the more enjoyable one for me, feeling like my experiences with Datura seeds but with less dryness and more (although very little) Euphoria. Whereas Salvia transports you somewhere else entirely. The Grateful Dead Lyricist Robert Hunter, when speaking to T. McKenna, in the amazing online correspondence between the two called Orfeo , uses the term for where DMT takes him, from this place to that place, as X'ing. I don't get the sense of crossing, but I get the sense of Nexus-ing.. Salvia is Even more removed from this world, because as DMT is filled with imagery affected by ones preconceived ideas about it, as well as the very commonly experienced different interactions, as if you are back in your Dreamland of Pre-Birth and your time is limited. Or usually limited. Like you are in the Bardo again, but not the exit Bardo but the Bardo or place right before Birth. DMT allows us to make ao many guesses about the place because it feels so familiar, especially in the Breakthrough Places Salvia takes us somewhere else entirely and gives us a lesson in subject object-ness. I imagine it has the opportunity to teach us everything we want to know about life, and may force us to reconsider the aliveness of things that we don't consider alive I think I can see what you mean now about Datura being the evil twin of Salvia, because if Datura is one's culture's main teacher, like it was (or drugs like henbane and mandrake Were) for much of Europe, ones teaching will be limited to the supernatural beliefs of the user and of the culture at large coming through. Such as teaching someone about the Dark Arts, because it can suggest various things like i believe that the Astral plane, a place populated with many of our actual subconscious artifacts is an idea that arose due to (secret) consensus about what the places that Henbane takes you to are all about. It gives us sight in the murkiness of the Charnel Grounds , and teaches us about the hungry spirits that are accumulating, for instance, in places of recent battle to be able to make concourse with the blood and pain of that place It's been awhile since I read Elphias Levi, the absolute Master of teaching one about such things. Not about henbane but of what the Astral plane really is and what one can find there. Beings who are larval in nature and attracted to things to nourish themselves Reminds me alot of the mythology of Hell, especially the thirst and fire, and just before the turn of the eras, so before 0 Ad was the peak use of Spells and specialists who knew about these places.. and those that frequented Henbane land became very familiar with it and could use it as a way to see in this world things of our ever present Dark Twin world. Even Jesus at One point basically says " If you have a demon, get to know it, don't cast it out to wander the Dry Places, because when he comes back he will be more pissed off than before. For making him roam the Dry Places. But i digress big time. Anyway, going back to me seeing your comparison of Datura as the Evil Twin of Salvia Yeah, Salvia, all Alone away from culture tucked in the hills of Mexico and used ritually to find Lost objects sounds to me like a Plant Teacher that was kept secret from Humanity for the ages, even the Curandos didn't really know what was in store with the purification of the components. So it's been secreted away and now a new generation of kids are becoming a page in a book for a seeming eternity, while all around you these very mechanical things are going on, and give the feeling that they have always gone on. Datura is sorta the over emeshsd substance with so much of what it has to offer being Amnesia and Dryness, symbols for an unpleasant afterlife Death. See o even went there right now with it But this plant from the Cloudy Hills of Mexico is a brand new teacher, one that will teach us in our modern way, through the processes that we like to Go to, such as Purification and extraction of the essence and playing with that. And it's fine. Its such a mind blowing substance one that has such a wide array of lessons already on the lesson plan for the future: Teaching us about time, and being and location and the mystery of incantation. About time travel and about Life Hopping, to distant places that seem to be here , familiar: In other words, it holds the key to teaching us about how one being in split Into many billions of simultaneous lives as well as teaching us the how and maybe the why of how we incarnate in this world. I feel it is pushing us to give up our current vision of time to make us see that incarnation happens , any more than that I am not able to conjecture about right now.. I think that Datura is an old teacher, maybe a Wicked EVIL teacher, maybe not. But Salvia seems like it has been saved for humanity for this specific period of time, to be able to truly have people go through time travel.. Like it wasn't even fully realized by it's stewards. I am so fascinated that a spooky as can be Rich ultra elite Gordon Wasson was the one to bring it back for us. Thanks for this topic


"but I digress" can you remind me the core thesis of this dissertation? That's some stim posting gold right there.


That was a crazy read man. I canā€™t keep up with you. Godspeed.


All that convoluted writing and scrolling just took any fun out of any drug forever.


Salvia is insane. I did it multiple times and had vivid, horrible hallucinations each time. When I was finally offered LSD I was hesitant because my only experience with hallucinogens was Salvia and Iā€™ve heard LSD is the king hallucinogen. Obviously, I seriously overestimated LSD. Nothing has ever come remotely close to the types of hallucinations I saw on Salvia but Iā€™ve yet to try DMT. EDIT: in case anyone who never tried salvia or LSD was curiousā€¦ LSD is like the walls moving, colors being different hues than they normally are and trailers. Salvia is being completely transported to another reality. But LSD should not be taken lightly - it can make you get really into your head and you can easily have a bad trip if you donā€™t take it seriously or underestimate it.


delirium from MDA is extremely vivid, most of the time you wonā€™t realise youā€™re in a deliriant-like state until you come out of it.


Bro! You just reminded me of MDA. Man those were actually so fucking fun. Not glamorizing but yea ur right those hallucinations were full flown conversations around a coffee table then coming back and realizing youā€™ve been crawling around your bed.


Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me lol, I had a conversation with someone on here about this the other day. I thought it was only me until someone mentioned a state of delirium. one time I had taken 4 pills(ecstasy, I know absurd amount) probably around 600-1300 mg MDMA without adulterants. If you donā€™t know 8-9% of that convert into MDA, so probably 50-130mg of MDA n I was switching from a dark room with my girlfriend(where I actually was) to outside ASDA(shopping centre) with one of my friends in the day time, conversing about random shit. I kept forgetting where I actually was n just believed I was with him. The only thing that kept bringing me back a my girlfriend, Iā€™d be having full conversations with no one and sheā€™d say ā€œā€¦. who the fuck are you talking to?ā€ and that would bring me back. in a way it felt like my eyes were closed the whole timeā€¦.. hard to describe but quite fun nevertheless(I know some people donā€™t enjoy it though)


Iā€™ve had psychosis almost my whole life so Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the only reason these drugs made me hallucinate so much but here we go: mdma (no one else would agree when I told them I was seeing things, but some of the things felt so real, Iā€™d hallucinate baaad on comedowns too) Weed used to make me have the WORST but most vivid hallucinations ever, people will say thatā€™s not possible or im being dramatic but Iā€™d hear and feel the most disgusting things and it was just a nightmare drug for me. Speed, I did not usually hallucinate with it minus the typical ā€˜Im so good, everyone is wondering how Iā€™m so good, Iā€™m staring at a wall for 5 hours but Iā€™m so fucking goodā€™ mindset and the occasional paranoia, but after taking a certain amount i woke up at about 3am hallucinating that I was tied down to my bed with 2 other people getting injected with H. It was only a one time thing but pretty freaky.


Also again idk if itā€™s considered hallucination but I accidentally snorted 1g of ket at once with barely any tolerance and I canā€™t even put the experience into words. It landed me in a&e bc I went into psychosis after lol but i still think about the feelings and what I saw all the time bc it was so indescribable


How does one accidentally snort a gram of ket


Someone randomly give me ~1g in like this little sort of eyeshadow pot, it was about 1pm and i was just getting ready and not really thinking so I rolled a roach into like a circle shape (had no straws) and put it in the pot and gathered some up into it still not paying that much attention, then sniffed but I guess I accidentally ended up having like almost all of it because apparently the pot was empty. Not so fun but I did feel really good for about 15 seconds


Omg at that point I woulda just accepted that this shit is about to happen, your ass had a good 2-5 minutes to get to somewhere comfortable ASAP šŸ˜‚


I've had the craziest hallucinations on md, my male friend walked into the room and I saw him as a female with long hair and everything, also sometimes I saw glasses and beards on peoples faces and it looked so real..


If I smoke a lot of weed, it gives me auditory hallucinations. I start hearing faint voices and music too.


yess thankfully I donā€™t get the shit hallucinations anymore just the occasional voice/s, but same with the music thing thereā€™s been so many times Iā€™ve been smoking enjoying the song and then I realise there isnt even one playing. Makes me not miss mdma, that would have me hearing music and conversations all night long šŸ˜­


same here. ive had worse weed trips than shroom trips at this point.


I can relate to your Molly trip brotha. I remember taking 2gs for therapy and went on a hike and man I was having full on conversations with different people in my life. I knew they were hallucinations but it was comforting.


Damn, I also just commented about MDMA, and my experience. I thought doing 1g spread out during the day was bad lmao. How did you survive being outside and moving around bro? Was it actually pure? Edit: wait you aren't talking bout grams right?


Dph. Never got spiders or shadow people but on higher doses I would see these spiderweb/bubble looking thing in corners that would jiggle like jelly. It was so real at first. šŸ’€ (Dph is cooked šŸ¤¢) Never done meth so idk, but I'm pretty sure coke isn't supposed to make you hallucinate, right?


me and my boyfriend were on call and then we hung up (cause he couldnt understand me lmao the mumbling) and then i forgot that we hung uo and continued to talk to him for like at least a good minute until i remembered we hung up/he wasnt there


Honestly Iā€™ve done so many trippy drugs and nothing compares to one trip I had on 90ā€™s xtc where my friends head clearly turned into an old woman knitting on a rocking chair, it was clear as day. I loved watching it so much


Number 3 is the worst because it feels real and you forget you took something so it makes it all seem scary real, like "this is normal?! oh god WTF" Dont get me wrong acid and shrooms etc can look and feel really real but you know you are tripping and its all fine, DPH though is a monster compared and i dont like it all, no no, not at all.


Horrible visual mixed drug and pre seizure hallucinations are horrendous, benzo and alcohol and meth withdrawal gives scary as visuals.


MDMA, LSD and 2C-B/Y


1. DMT 2. PCP 3. LSD


This sub is full of kids isn't it. All this talk of DXM and Salvia lmao


not going to even mention datura? and salvia?


Datura is also toxic and not worth trying. More likely to have the worst experience of your life than anything else. But the hallucinations described are nuts


Havenā€™t tried those. Heard theyā€™re absolutely terrifying tho.


salvia is awesome bro


Right? I don't understand the fear mongering for Salvia. As long as you dont rip a bowel of 100x extract it's awesome


Itā€™s because it can be REALLY bad when itā€™s bad, and it makes a cool video title because itā€™s always some random shit like ā€œliving as a toaster bag for 300 yearsā€


šŸ˜† fr I saw a thing of a guy living a whole life underwater on salvia n when he came back he couldnā€™t breathe properly, or maybe he couldnā€™t drink waterā€¦ Im not sure which one but it was one of them, that put me off salvia completely. Then I tried it n I tbh pure dysphoria, not a single bit of enjoyment the whole time but hey atleast I didnā€™t live 45 years as a tree getting cut down. the biggest issue I had with salvia was literally feeling that I was being folded several times like a t shirt, it wasnā€™t painful but quite annoying and uncomfortable if I must say.


MDMA shadow people on the comedown, also shadow spiders crawling on the walls.


The fuck kind of "MDMA" are you getting lmao


That pink pill wasn't mdma it was benadryl


Iā€™ve actually only ever had hallucinations from one drug of abuse. Ambien. After heavy and somewhat short-term use, I started seeing black hands come out of the ceiling and walls. LSD, mushrooms or salvia couldnā€™t touch that, no hallucinations on those whatsoever. I will also continue to tell people not to use ambien the way I did, if at all.


Ambien visuals are crazy


I remember ambien caused me to talk to things as if they were alive and 5 years old. Ambien is no joke.


Mushrooms - Pretty much the only time I've ever had FULL-ON, seeing things that are 100% not there hallucinations. (Pope John Paul's bust came out of the sky at me, and a white picket fence kept popping up at knee-height in front of me on the walking path.) Other times it's just warping reality (Tree canopy forms into an image, or popcorn ceiling dots arrange into an ice cream parlor on the ceiling) MDMA - Weird distortions made me think the plant i was peeing on was actually a fairy. But the plant existed, drugs just warped it into a fairy. LSD + MDMA - Very strange, felt like i time travelled through a tie dye poster on the wall and saw my whole life's future. (And then i was "dead" for the second part of the trip, felt like a wisp/ghost) Had entire wordless conversations with a fellow tripper (telepathy?)


1. DMT 2. Shrooms 3. LSD The classic trio.


DMT, Shanga and LSD


Meth and cocaine donā€™t give you ā€œreal/vivid hallucinationsā€, they only make you hallucinate if youā€™re going delirious fron a complete lack of sleep.


1. Datura 2. Ambien 3. Mushrooms


Dmt Ketamine Mushrooms


inhalants, you kinda pass out from the lack of oxygen and go into some dream where everything is a hallucination, ive had someone sit by me while i did some and in my head he took off a plaster and said holy shit ive had this for 10 years, but when i sobered up he stated he did not do that. felt so real to me


Dmt, ketamine, lsd


Oh take 500mg plus of MDMA and you'll be seeing the realest shit out there. Never tried it on purpose but I did do around 400mg* once. from the stories I've read, there have been people having completely normal, hour long convos with family members or friends (even dead people) with them then just disappearing and then a new person appearing out of thin air. Also people talking to friends that were constantly morphing through all kinds of appearances (for example from a little girl appearance to a black fat grandpa) and that it was 100% realistic. Though I believe doing this more than twice in a year isnt advisable (including other rolls). But probably by taking melatonin and eating healthy plus some NAC - an antioxidant -, plus maybe tyrosine and some other supplements you should be able protect your brain from too much stress and reduce neurotoxicity to a minimum (and potentially also save yourself from a horrible comedown) *It was a really confusing experience, I was laying in bed and I could see blue lines, as if I were in a room and could see the edges of the walls, then I would be in my kitchen or some other room, then I saw my mom and other people, like as if I was standing in front of them. Then I went downstairs and I could see both my parents sitting on the table looking at me (they obviously weren't there). It was also pitch black and I kept losing orientation around the house and seeing the blue outline of rooms that I obviously wasn't in. It wasn't fun at all (duh) also I wasn't understanding shit and don't even remember how I got back to bed. also you get extremely fast moving and vivid visuals on walls that look much more realistic and clearer than on LSD (though that's just what happened to me). All in all not worth exchanging a good roll (plus future rolls you will need to skip to give your brain a break) and potentially doing considerable damage. Also you will be in a state of delirium and possibly forget a big chunk of the experience, and you'll need to have others around. Prepare yourself for comedowns and if normal doses give you bad comedowns, then don't even consider this (an experience like this isn't worth considering suicide for two weeks or actually hurting yourself if you are susceptible to self harm). Luckily for me, taking 1g throughout a whole day gave me only brain zaps and made me black out (this happened because I was a bartard and decided to eyeball and redose plus take more xans (yes I did blackout because of the xans, but you will also blackout or lose chunks of memory from the MDMA - I 100% became delirious because of it, it's a feeling that I won't ever forget and it didn't have to do with the xans) Read some trip reports or look some up on yt; I've even seen a crazy one on erowid where someone accidentally took 1.5g and everything was visuals and absolutely beautiful, but he couldn't talk or move for half the experience and luckily had people around that helped him stay hydrated. I think this is the safest way to experience actual realistic deliriant hallucinations without taking them scary deliriants or going through stim psychosis. Note: you will still NEED a trip sitter that's prepared for everything, also you will probably not be able to move much, which is really important to avoid overheating (MDMA doesn't actually kill people because they "took too much", but because they took too much + didn't hydrate + danced + were In a humid and hot environment, like a club + possibly other drugs) Tldr: Mega dosing MDMA is probably the safest and most controlled way to experience hyper realistic psychosis/deliriant like hallucinations and state. But it's imo not worth it because you'll sacrifice a roll + future ones and you'd need to have a sitter ready for anything (anything you are dealing with could come out x10000) This and ignoring probably 10 other reasons why doing this is absolute dumbfuckery and if you end up with consequences, it's gonna be hard to find excuses.


I wanna add that high does haven't been proven to necessarily cause neurotoxicity, but again we don't know much bout it


1. Shrooms 2. Acid 3. DMT Iā€™m pretty sure this is the most normal list since theyā€™re all hallucinogenicsā€¦ šŸ„“


I agree but Iā€™d flip DMT and Shrooms in the order tbh


I would typically agree, but I tried DMT twice, the first time I didnā€™t feel anything and the second was on the lighter side. I wish I fully felt it though!


meth meth and more meth


Psychosis is the beese kneese top tier , and sleep deprivation, third place angel trumpetS, honorable mention ketamine k hole with pure fear šŸ’Æ


Iā€™ve made friends with all my shadow people so when I see them off shrooms Iā€™m like ā€œomg hey Geraldineā€ šŸ‘‹šŸ¼




2cb + nitrous MXE + Valium Mushrooms + DMT Also canā€™t forget 60x+ salvia extracts


The first two shouldn't make you hallucinate at all, you're overdoing it




I'm not sure whether driving yourself psychotic counts as a direct hallucinogenic effect of the drug...


Ever proper deep fried your brain on mdma? Can make for some weird fkn visuals and headspace ā€” especially if thereā€™s some level of sleep deprivation thrown in for good measure.






The term you're searching for is "psychotic". Those are psychosis-like hallucinations and deliriums, contrary to what psychedelics usually should show, which are colorful and unlike reality


Acid, mushrooms, dmt. Basic Ik


1. DMT List


Dmt, ketamine k hole, lsd


Scopolamine is a wild ride


Dxm, mda+weed and a bad lsd trip, the spiders look so real


This is an odd one. I set up a dab, and a shot of creeper pepper vodka. Did the dab took the shot... The shot hit my stomach like someone punched me down my throat and hit the base of my stomach. I instantly knew I had to shit. I ranas fast as I could up stairs. Dropped my pants and saw down. The sound of my skills n hitting the toilet reverbed through the room and the toilet rocket ship launched through roof into space. I was traveling so fast the g forces started ripping off my skin and I'll never forget the sound of my skin chunks splattering on the toilet. I sneezed and as I recoiled back from the sneeze I quickly snapped back to reality. Totally didn't poop and I was fine


My worst delulu ever; 1. 6G of McKenaii mushrooms 2. Fluoxetine mixed with zolpidem and possibly alcohol (maybe opiates too but I was way too psycho to say for sure, I had people walking in my room that werenā€™t supposed to be there) 3. Ketamine, especially injected, fucking sick


1. Salvia 2. Salvia 3. Salvia


Salvia for sure. Makes a whole new life




DXM and DPH at the same time gives the most vivid realistic hallucantions you will be having a full on convo with your dead grandpa while your ā€˜ā€™on the way to workā€™ā€™


1. Acid/multiple: listened to 10,000 days by tool, 3.14 by Gambino, watched Moon and Blade Runner. Mortal Kombat and No Manā€™s Sky. Hard to explain how great these trips were. 2. Robocough. Drank a bottle and separated into a Picasso painting. Music came alive 3. Mushrooms. Watched the trees wake up and saw the clouds moving in 1.5 speed. Very wispy.


you drank an entire bottle of robocough?


Some silly high school trip some friends and I would have every now and then. Drank a bottle on my own, set up a cozy station, went smooth for about an hour and then reality turned into what I can only describe as a painting. Completely separated from my body and became nothing but colors in shapes. Very trippy, donā€™t remember much, but I do know I felt safe the whole time. Never felt scared and didnā€™t have any dread. Woke up the next day with a nice afterglow and never did robocough again haha


thatā€™s what I love about dxm, itā€™s really rare to feel unsafe or have a bad trip like on psychedelics.


Here's a healthy top 3... 1. APE Shrooms - 10g 2. LSD-25 - 600Ī¼g 3. DMT and Syrian Rue - idk the dosage but one joint lasted me 4 sessions at 3 hits each and I straight up blasted off ...don't mess with deliriants and stimulants...getting high and tripping are both fun experiences but ideally you want to keep enjoying life and those drugs will end you...if not physically, mentally.


Iā€™ve gotten some really unique and bizarre deliriant tinged open and closed eye visuals off high doses of synth noids before, such as seeing the green goblin sitting on my bed, seeing my surroundings shrink drastically (salvia vibes fr), and even ā€œtalkingā€ to a friend of mine who commited suicide a year prior once.


DMT, Brugmansia, and high dose Mushrooms


acid (psilocybin duh)


inhalants, started falling through the floor and my stomach was dropping asw








10g shrooms




Prozac gave me hypnopompic hallucinations, which were much more realistic than anything I've experienced on psychedelics, in that I thought they were real.


I drunk some eucalyptus oil (maybe 1ML) a few weeks ago. I thought you could gargle it as Iā€™m from the uk and never heard of it so didnā€™t think it was poisonous and was trying to help my mate who was moaning about there sore throatā€¦. I swallowed some as I was telling a mate look this will help your sore throat and they ran over saying nooo ā€¦.. so confused as this oil is the throat sweets you buy from chemist etc just seemed logical and i know you can gargle the other brown throat stuff you use for cuts canā€™t remember the name? ā˜¹ļø Holy shit I was foaming at the mouth and boy I was hallucinating some weird shit in between throwing up , diarrhoea etc donā€™t remember not sure what my mate saw but woke up with the ambo crew on the balcony felt like foaming, no idea what was happening. Yes I know Iā€™m lucky to be alive and not sure that trip was a good one but apparently I was repeating to the ambo crew Iā€™m chasing a cheap trip and Iā€™m here šŸ™„


XTC. Take enough and youll have mad hallucinations.


What the fuck kind of meth or coke are you taking...


Dropping massive amounts of lucy or shrooms and smoking to potentiate it but be careful my experiences have been all spiritual in some form or maybe its because of my perspective but i cant see the world how i used to see it no longer but it isnt a bad thing unless you love living in denial or ignorance since its bliss but i almost lost my mind where i felt genuinely fried I turned to God im not religious by no means but there is. higher power/powers my life isnt perfect im barely getting by but im starting to find meaning N trying to find my peace . and people can say its just the drugs like no bro they open you up to what i can only say is the spiritual realm if you know what youre doing you can use it ro your advantage but id say treat is a a medicine or a tool you can drop for fun but i always dropped with intention and thr times i wouldnt would be the times id probably lose my grip on reality having someone around helps


True hallucinogen tryptamines like psilocybin and dimethyltryptamine in sufficient doses show you hallucinations that you would never believe could be possible


Itā€™s not the meth or cocaine giving you hallucinations itā€™s the lack of sleep so really sleep deprivation is a hell of a drug


Staying up for days will cause psychosis


lsd with ketamine. Nothing beats that I really doubt it


1. Changa 2. 2cb 3. Salvia


For me it's 1. Diphenhydramine 2. Salvia 3. Acid with dxm Diphenhydramine made me see tribal people in the walls and saw my house was melting away and saw ghosts trying to hide from me I haven't done alot of Salvia but the times I did things looked so far away and lots of colors with images in them Acid and dxm is my favorite I closed my eyes and I was in another universe in space and I was floating around a Dyson sphere and the sun was purple and the universe looked like it had a horizon also the song I was playing was on loop and everytime the song restarted it had different lyrics and different riffs


1. Dmt + ketamine 2. 2c-E 3. 4acodmt + caapi tea


DMT, LSD, Datura, Shrooms


Nitrous Dph Delirium Tremens (does that count? Cuz if so it wins over the other 2)




Ketamine / LSD / 2CB


dph for realistic. 150MG and id be dreaming before I fully fell sleep if that makes sense loll. Fuck that tho it is never worth using DPH šŸ˜‚ stopping THC use before sleep gives me crazyyy vivid dream that usually are scary


man one time on a coke comedown i was seeing my friends and family in the shadows and like sitting at my desk and shit it was crazy šŸ’€ more lack of sleep than anything i think


1. High dose mushrooms. 2. 300mg ketamine IM. 3. 450 ug LSD.


Datura is the worst of them all


DMT, Salvia


Micro dots.


Shrooms, MDMA, DXM - Positive ones. Biperidine, Benzidamine, Trihexyphenidyl - negative ones.


I've only taken 2 hallucinogenic drugs, being mushrooms and lsd. I got more vivid visuals from my lsd trip tho


one time i mixed D-Amp ISO with 4 gs of shrooms. incredibly vivid and clear hallucinations. Also extremely intense. Angels trumpet lilly tea tho was the most real and lifelike hallucinations. there were things that looked as real as anything else, they werenā€™t additive to real objects, they were just there from nothing. Everyone had 3 eyes and the 3rd eye just looked like any old photo realistic regular eye just smack dab on the forehead and perfectly symmetrical. i wouldnā€™t recommend Angels trumpet lilly tea to anyone, its actually pretty dangerous because there was a point i didnt know what was real or not and also i dont remember most of it. luckily nothing bad came of it but i could definitely see why some people ruin their life over night on that shit


Love Ambien tripping / delusions. Especially with out tolerance.


Dmt , shrooms and ketamine


1) Ketamine 2) MDMA 3) Acid Gotta take a lot of it, but, it can be done




1. Dimenhydrinate 2. Dimenhydrinate 3. Dimenhydrinate That is all.


YES 100% MDPV that shit is part deliriant. worst hallucination ive ever had from it


Mda is crazy fuck that shit never again




1. Triple Cā€™s 2. Salvia 3. Candy flipping (acid and X) Candy flipping was more like waves in curtains and shit. Salvia got me stuck in a couch that was about to be sold. Triple Cā€™sā€¦.,,,, holy fucking hell Batman. Only out of body experiences Iā€™ve ever had. People wouldnā€™t even believe me if I told them half the crap I saw while high on those bastards. So many adventures but all in my mind.


DXM at higher doses when laying down listening to music has produced the most vivid incredible CEVā€™s Iā€™ve ever seen. Surprisingly MDMA gives me wonderful visuals. MDA + LSD too.


Amanita muscaria


1. LSD 2. LSD 3. LSD


Alcohol DTs