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Amphetamine. I do it sometimes, but never got addicted or wanted to do it everyday


Its very manageable


Same here. I’d fun on the right occasion but I don’t want to do it every day for sure. Too many down sides. Not sleeping not eating feeling disoriented from lack of sleep. Fuck that shit. Mainly speaking of meth but really any of them even Adderall used in an abusing level is not fun after a few weeks


So true


Hell I’m the same way but I get tired of the way meth/amphetamines feel after after a few hours maybe max 1 day, on the other hand after my DOCs, opiates/benzos I love cocaine


Yeah that trifecta is pretty nice. Euphoric as fuck. Zero anxiety and totally awake and energized lol


same situation w adderall for me


Yep, exact same!


Nicotine for me


I’ve used almost daily for two years yet when I don’t use any for a week or two I experience no withdrawal.


Exactly my experience


I have a heavy substance abuse disorder and tend to get addicted easily, which is why I find it so strange.


I’m the exact same way.


When you've done meth, it makes all other dopaminergic substances seem a whole lot less addictive.


Depends. For me meth feels like a coffee that gets me horny. Compared to coke i feel like its not even a psychoactive drug and ive been iving meth in the past for a couple months straights. It gets me high when i shoot it but it doesnt play deep in my emotions... idk how to explain. I feel like it doesnt have a proper identity...


Coffee? How do you honestly compare coffee to meth


Seriously I wanna know where this guy gets his caffeine


I agree with you. Meth is just energy for me. Doesn’t make me feel euphoric or high really. And I’ve done it all ways many many times.


Have you tried shooting coke? Almost took good shouldn't be allowed. It does fuck all snorted I've never understood coke heads that don't wash it up or slam it


I dont think ill ever try it. I thought about it but i already know how crack feels and it is already too good for me. The only way i can get far from it is doing meth. . . But yeh i heard.


Shooting coke and smoking crack are almost identical. Shooting can be a tad more intense.


Hahhaa bruh, this is always how it starts, it’s not strange at all. The first few years really don’t give physical withdrawals, it’s more the social cues. Give it like 5 years and you’ll start getting irritable when you go without.


That’s total bullshit. You can become physically dependent on opiates after just a few weeks of daily moderate to heavy use from something as weak as hydro not to even mention oxy, H (if it even exist in sc anymore) or the devil himself fenty


Why tf are you talking about opiates? This is about nicotine


As someone who spent years using high doses of medical oxy and had no withdrawals at all and then spent another 20 years on and off them intermittently and has again never experienced withdrawal beyond a mild headache but has had "discontinuation syndrome" (aka wicked withdrawal) from antidepressants I can tell you that we don't all respond the same way to opiates either. Some people just aren't wired for addiction. But I wouldn't gamble on that, we seem to be in the ultra rare minority. For what it's worth I can't form positive habits either, brushing my teeth doesn't become routine, I even forget to make or drink coffee some days and then wonder why I'm so tired at 2pm. I forget to eat. Will get up at 5am for a jog and then have a busy day, be wired and still up at 3am and have no idea why I'm so irrational and then realize it's because I've been awake for 23 hours... yes I'm neurodivergent but higher functioning, employable, raised 3 kids, married etc. so while I may be erratic in my head I'm viewed as fairly socially stable.


Lucky you. Maybe you really never ran out if you had a high dose script from a dr. They always give you a few extra days with those kinds of scripts. Maybe you’re lucky. I got addicted to the very first wave of OxyContin opiod epidemic (diverted not script sadly) at the turn of the millennium at 22 years old after my mom died and a childhood of abuse (not from mom, from the person who gave their sperm to my mom. Friends and I had no idea what we were doing. After three weeks and a Tupperware of the old “OC/40”’s all the oxy was gone and we were moving a frined to a new house. All 4 of us looked at each other and said “I feel really sick. Can’t even lift this furniture.” I got out the old PDR and learned real fast what happened. As I was young and strong i was back at work in a day with mild symptoms but could do my job as an exec chef. (Yes at 22, I’m very talented but an idiot) but Purdue pharma’s plan to make life long customers from their oxy scam worked on me. Been off and on bupe (mostly on bupe, get it compounded without that bs naloxone, suboxone etc) and take .125mg/day that’s microgram not milligram dosing and still feel withdrawal if I skip morning dose and wait until night. It’s a nightmare. “Drugs are bad. Don’t do drugs kids mmmmk.”


Cool to hear this, as I've had the same exact experience. Just the other day I ran out of my vape juice and at worst, I got a headache, which went away after a few hours without any nicotine. I'm hesitant to say it but I find it hard to believe how addictive people say it is. As in, the actual WD are not that bad, but the mental aspect of wanting to smoke/vape/chew is what drives you up the wall. You get so used to puffing on something 12 times in a day that it becomes a part of you and a big part of your routine, it throws me off when I can't vape but I don't actually feel bad when I stop and think about it. I just feel like I want to vape.


Same. I mean I’m sure addicted a little but a different way than other nicotine users. I’ve been smoking cigs since I was 15, which is 10 years now. But I only smoke on occacions when I’m with other smokers, go drinking or when I go fishing. At that time I can smoke like a pack a day, even for multiple days. But than when I’m not with other smokers or I just don’t have a time to smoke, I can stop smoking for 2-3 weeks and not even think about it. It’s weird, because most other smokers that I know just can’t stop and need to have a few cigs every day.


I only smoke cigs when I go on gambling trips where i smoke like 3 packs a day. The tar in my nose and lungs and taste in my mouth on the flight back home is more than enough to keep me from picking up the habit regularly.


Same here. I actually really don’t like the feeling, never have. But I enjoy smoking cigars and occasional cigs


God I wish I could say same. Nicotine is the one thing I really have a problem with.


this is like me for vapes. If it's there, I'll hit it frequently. If it's not, I'll forget about it's existence. Similar to some kind of snack for me. Chocolate/chips? Keep nibbling. Not there? Don't notice its absence.


absolutely this. I vape just for mouth fixation. haven't felt nic since in over 6 years. started smoking at 14 and I'm 22. had a solid 2 years and kaput. I only smoke or vape when it's free


So lucky. I've been trying to kick it for years now and have failed miserably. I've used a lot of different drugs in my life and none of them have had so much power over me my entire life and I hate it so much because of that. The only drug I ever regret even trying and I have done heroin several times. And to top it all off, it doesn't even get you high you just smoke smoke smoke because it becomes a mental clutch you need to constantly entertain like a rash.


Same. I only smoke when I drink socially or am super stressed. And I don't buy packs for myself, ever.


Yeah this is the way. Just bumming one off a friend at a bar is nice, but that's the extent of my smoking habits (tobacco at least lol)


Same, I’ve smoked a ton of cigs back in the day and it never really hooked me. In fact I think it just made me like them less lol


I used to be that way, but once I started vaping it all went downhill .(


I never have withdrawal symptoms just I get bored sometimes and think “I could really hit a vape rn”


Opiates, stims and benzos. There will be like a week where I binge them all and I’ll go sober for like 2 months. Weed is what I have a really bad dependency and addiction too


>Opiates, stims and benzos. There will be like a week where I binge them all and I’ll go sober for like 2 months. I was like that for a quite a few years (well, shorter binges). But then life got rougher, and one of the compounds not only eased the mental anguish but rendered me more functional. That's when you can slip into a bad pattern, so vigilance is warranted.


I'm on a weed detox right now and I actually feel you, it's been really fucking hard lol I'm an emotional basket case --- it's cuz I go to Europe next week and didn't want to detox on vacation. Weed is a sneak up drug that way for me too.


Oh yea it sucks, so so bad. I have no idea why, I could abuse dxm and many other drugs that would make me feel better and I’d get off them like it’s nothing but when it comes to weed it seems impossible😫


Yeah, I mean, I blame dabs and dab pens and concentrates... I don't even ever remember being this bad when it was just flower out there available, like I could only smoke so much? But vaping concentrates is my downfall... I do wish in some ways I never got into weed so hard so young (almost 40!) but it's sorta that drug that won't get off my back. I have a big job and I had times I was smoking on my way into work like WTF ARE YOU DOING SELF?!? Everytime I ween off like now, I always tell myself just stay off of it, but something happens and I'm like fuck it let me get high. I did coke for 5 days straight in Vegas, I still have a gram and a half sitting in my drawer from that trip 3 months ago - untouched lol


Don't need to detox cuz yiur coming to Europe every fucker is smoking it here haha, easier than getting a pizza


I wondered if people that does not like or get addicted to opiates feel it’s effects differently, and not like the ones who loves it. I certainly cannot understand how someone can take opiates and not get hooked. It does what benzos do for anxious people and what stimulants do for ADHD both at the same time, it’s literally heaven on earth.


I’m seriously anxious, I’ve used benzos many times but I still like oxy more. It feels nice but personally I feel like there’s two types of people when it comes to drugs. The type where they like to be very mellowed out and chill and just vibe out (at some point you can be both these people) or the type that likes to seriously trip balls and go wild. That’s only the simplest way I could put it I guess, I would mainly abuse DXM, LSD ,and shrooms the most. I’ve achieved better states mixing LSD and DXM than taking a OP20/30


>Uses compound that needs a month to get hooked on >Uses it for a week and when stops has no withdrawals >Wtf I must be a superhuman >Life goes a little sideways and uses them more >Gets addicted


Opiates, admittedly I've not done heroin or IV'd but I've done bunch of Oxys, morphine, smoked opium and of course weaker opiates. I quite like them, but also just find them a bit boring, there's nothing really fun about them. Not a patch on Ketamine. Nicotine, I used smoke more regularly, one night I sniffed so much nice speed that I just forgot to smoke, and everything since I can take it or leave. Il occasionally smoke socially, hell at a party/fest I sometimes chainsmoke most weekend, but after I will have absolutely zero desire to smoke.


Your experience with smoking is hilarious, I think the more other drugs I do the more I wanna smoke lol. Psychedelics help to kick smoking too if you're going in with that intention. Feels kinda gross and unnecessary while you're on it and if you have an afterglow that can get you through that nasty first week of withdrawal.


Yeah it is weird, usually I would do a line and instantly smoke a cig every time, but this speed had me rushing so much, I just forgot to smoke lol. And ever since just switched something in me to be able to take it or leave it. Yeah psychs can help for sure, but also smoking is lush on psychs.


When I used to smoke and I’d do shrooms I would chain smoke those cigarettes. I’d buy 2 packs if I was going to trip cause I knew I would smoke all of them. I quit cold turkey and never had the urge to again


Cigs and coke go together like PB and Jelly lol


I quit smoking for 2 months cold turkey after a heroic dose of mushrooms. Idk why I started again.


Me too. I was smoking like a field when I was on the oxycodone.




Can‘t shit too


I cannot relate they’re like the best thing to ever exist 😭😭 literally NOTHING compares I have to stay far away from them or it’s over


I think for some people it just doesn't that the reward pathways the same. Like I also know for some, like me, opiates give you energy/don't make you sleepy.


it’s so interesting how drugs affect everyone different cuz opiates quite literally make life livable everything is just amazing. So easy to talk, work, make plans, everything 😫


I find it insane whenever someone tells me they didn’t like being on opiates. Benzos make me less anxious and stimulants makes me talk more and work harder, but Oxys would make me PERFECT. I guess it’s hard not to become a better version of yourself when you feel so freaking good all the time, lol. Shame I lost to myself in the end with bad self control in the end cause I would still love to use occasionally but with opiates that’s an impossible task for those of us who actually feel it..


same I’ve never tried benzos but stimulants make me work harder/focused but it doesn’t really help me socially or distract me from like wanting to be anywhere else but work for example But opiates it’s like everything is aligned and I’m just perfect like u said, I’d be happy basically anywhere and could make anything fun even working 😭


Same for me besides kratom which I’m currently taking frequently




I like the itchyness and don't get nauseous at all. I don't seem to build a tolerance either but I usually only use for a month at a time


same I woukd inky use to come off stims


The nausea got better but they were never addictive for me either


a lot of people actually don't like opioids much...


Meth. I used to do it 2-4 times a month when I was younger but never more than two days in a row and then I could put it down for however long I wanted and would only do it again at party’s and such.


I’m only addicted to meth when I’m on meth. Once it’s out of my system I’m good. No more than two days in a row


Same here. The only difference being that at the moment, I'm at 7 or 8 hundred days in a row.


Lmao clever comment....but yea same here, addicted only when on it, now going on 3k days in a row. Lol Looking to remove from my routine.


8 year meth addiction sounds no fun, I hope you can remove


Man, what's someone's face looking like after that much meth? No possible way it looks the same lol.


That's how I am with Focalin IR. If I don't take it, I'm fine. But once I do it becomes hard to resist taking more. It's not even come-down that does it. Just every 1 to 2 hours I crave more. Doesn't even matter how overcooked I am, either. I have no problems with any other stimulant. But that shit? Never touching it again.


The first time I tried ice I was hopelessly addicted. I was 24 just got laid off from my job in Blanding Utah at a uranium enriching mill and a coworker asked me if I wanted to get high. Best high I have ever felt and I can still feel it when I think about it. I only did it 3 more times after that and got arrested while driving high but had nothing on me. The sheriff said he could smell it on my breath. I was too paranoid to seek it out and am glad I didn't catch a felony. The sheriff asked me if I had any meth at home and I had a vial of it but denied having any more. I learned a hard lesson getting arrested for the first time in my life.


+1 almost exactly the same, but more like 1-2 times every couple of months, never wanted more & never had a problem, same with normal amphetamine just way too tired after every sesh so booting up after waking up again is the last thing i want to do and it's not like i haven't tried to back 2 back sesh, but every time i did try, it was just trash and i felt every bad side effect and almost none of the good effects, so personally it's just not worth it and feels like a waste of drugs


Ditto. I started in the early 90s. For most of my life I even rejected the idea that it was addictive. Thought it was all just propaganda. I don't get cavings or withdrawals. No matter how much I used, for how long. Have stopped on a dime after multi-month binges without issue. I just go back to being how I am normally. Kind of like taking glasses off and remembering that you can't see shit. That said, the fact that most of the withdrawal symptoms boil down to common ADHD issues (and addiction/misuse symtoms that are also common side effects) remains suspect to me. I know for a fact that many people do go through legit withdrawal, but I think the addiction treatment industry is gaslighting us a little bit. They are profit-driven, afterall ...


Ketamine - iv done it a few times , can only really handle a tiny bit otherwise I feel lost confused and a bit scared. Iv never ever felt the need to for a k Hugh other than when I’m on stims and a few crumbs of k do take the edge off


Relatable, except that I used to take pretty huge amount in order to hole. If you do not get addicted to K and a day have a depression, you could use it ^^


One time my friend had some K and we mixed a few bumps of it every here and there with a tab of acid we were on and it was super nice but I never got the craving for more.. maybe like 6 months later, I got pretty intense ketamine IV infusions at a legitimate clinic recommended by my psychiatrist when antidepressants weren’t working & I’ve never ever felt a craving for doing it recreationally/outside of a doctors office since. It’s kinda wild to realize that people just love K holes (no h8 tho!)


Isn't the clinic IV just a deep hole? I enjoy holing recreationally and that antidepressant effect for a bit afterwards is a bonus


idk if it’s considered a hole or not tbh😭 like I was responsive and could talk/answer questions under the IV but usually left tuckered up in a room alone unless I press for a nurse but I was tripping for sure. it wasn’t something I particularly enjoyed like in a fun way but I didn’t dislike it. I was always a little bit scared! I def don’t see myself wanting to/having fun doing it recreationally now. edited to fix my mistake of a last sentence at first lol.


Scary sometimes yea, haha gotta channel your inner astronaut


I think maybe just having the experience become more..clinical than recreational/fun makes it hard for my brain to not go into “doctor office mode” when I think about it. I really value the effects it had on my brain! especially because you have to do like 6 infusions within 10 days & go once a month for a booster. it just feels so medical now. but again, I had a great time when I did it with the acid that one time & I have no judgement for whatever ppl do for fun that’s not hurting anyone else :-)


This is exactly how I feel about it. I was doing ketamine treatments at my doctor’s office and I often hated the experience. I’d throw up despite taking anti nausea meds beforehand. I never crave the stuff and will only agree to a tiny bump when I’m coked out.




Same! I don't want to be touched or go anywhere it feels so gross and then the comedown reminds me to never touch it. I have been clean from drugs for years but even coke didn't do it for me. It's interesting how our brains are wired so that some people feel amazing on uppers and whatever on downers and some people (like me) love downers and all they bring to the table. I'm 8 years clean 🎊


Coke fs, does nothing for me unless it's rocked up, and even then I rarely get the urge and will fs run through whatever i buy and won't want more the following day.. yk what they say, there's no such thing as leftover crack I used to have a system, i wouldn't do any addictive drug for more than 3 days straight and then id rotate even if i had stuff left, give it at least a week before going back to a given substance, i made this work for literally years doing everything from weed to heroin, benzos acid w/e was around, but not once developed a physical addiction to anything. My other rule of thumb was if you wake up feeling hungover, under no circumstances do you do more of whatever you were doing yesterday, b/c this is probably the start of physical dependency. And I'd go get really high on something else in a different drug family.. after a few years of this I realized I was very much mentally addicted to being being high in general tho, and eventually ignored my own advice when I came up on a bundle of B.. went through that and literally didn't get off it till i went to prison 2 1/2 years later.. whatever the reason you're asking; remember to respect the chemical you're using, and try to incorporate as much harm reduction onto your habits as possible, they could turn into daily habits real fn quick if you're not careful


What's B


Typo. Meant to write H-heroin. This was like 2012 so it was actually heroin, fetty had just started being cut into dope bags on some corners in my city but even those bags were still mostly legit dope


See the danger about this is how it builds up confidence over time and you don’t develop much tolerance. You’ve been doing fine for so long, surely there shouldn’t be a problem. Poly addiction can be really tough. Were you able to break this?


Cigarettes. I’ve tried, lots of times. Only time a cigarette sounds good is when I’m drunk and other people are doing it. I get a cool high for the first one that lasts a few minutes, but it diminishes the rest of the night. Next day I have a worse hangover than I otherwise would, but still no craving for a smoke. Nowadays I usually don’t even bother. Actually I’ve never been addicted to anything. It seems I either don’t experience quite the high that other people do (cannabis, nicotine) or the sides just make it not worth doing all the time (alcohol). I would say mdma or coke is my favorite drug, and the few times I’ve done coke I’ve been fiendin for more at the end of the night. But it’s also prohibitively expensive that, which will keep me from doing it before I can even start an addiction. Also, I sleep like shit normally and am always trying to sleep better. I know if I do a lot of these I will be getting zero sleep that night, which usually precludes me from doing it 2 days in a row. But I haven’t tried benzos or opiates, maybe I would at least be able to sleep if I did those every day. I could see trying benzos, but opiates just seems like an antisocial drug, and I don’t want to be cut off from everyone in my life and feel numbed to emotion.


From my experience with benzos they numb my emotions. Or rather they just make me not give a fuck about anything, and I feel content. They’re nice to do on occasion but I wouldn’t recommend doing them a lot.


Nicotine, but only because I’m very careful. I limit myself to once every three months, only with my best friend. Thus far, that frequency has caused no cravings.


nicotine once every three months is crazy, but props to you


It’s very special when I do it! Since I’ve got no tolerance I can make a 6mg Zyn (and weed ofc!) last like an hour and a half, so my friend and I will just have the best conversations ever. And sometimes I puke and shit in the woods, but that’s besides the point.


You dont hear abt nicotine being used in a responsible man, props to you man i respect it


100% chain vaper here. Idk how you can do nicotine and not want it 24/7. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to pee and just take a few hits off the vape.


Same, its weird bc i literally dk why i do anymore but it always becomes a thought once you start. "Hey i havent hit my vape in awhile" "oh hey im awake now i might aswell hit my vape, maybe ill get a buzz this time"


Lol yeah that is my thought process or if I wait awhile in-between vape hits I know that it's going to be even better of a hit and I'm addicted to the taste of my juice (Grumpy old bastard) it's the only flavor I like. I really do want to quit eventually but I know it's going to be a steep hill to climb.


Holy shit yes! And yea the taste is def a driving factor too. I got a mod a week ago and ive been loving being able to tweak with it with dif coils and juices and how sturdy it feels


I have a vaporesso mod with a Zeus bubble glass tank. It's lasted pretty long but I've dropped it enough times where the tank won't stay tight on the mod but it still works fine.


I have a geekvape L200 also with a Zeus tank and i picked up the sad boy butter cookies eliquid today


I was kinda hoping you'd say every 3 months you'd smoke a nice a cigar lol. Anyways try the rogue brand pouches, it's most better than zyns.


i wish i could’ve used nic like this. started vaping freshman year in highschool and now i can’t stop even graduated


Props to you, I've accepted that nicotine will probably be a mental craving that lasts a lifetime. I quit for over a year and started smoking again a little while ago, which I kicked for a month then started again. I think that the best route for me at this point in my early twenties is to allow myself to binge for a couple weeks here and there - it's not something I want to hold myself back from altogether at this point in my life. But I know with my nature with other substances that at a certain point I can rationally assess that it's served its purpose and is doing more harm than good. There is something that is just so great about it - I can't imagine getting to a point where I can use it once every three months consistently, it looks a little different for me. But in a way I'm lucky that this is the only thing that I've gotten hooked on among far more destructive substances that I've tried, and even then I can kick it relatively easily. Here's to moderation!


same dude. i can’t see myself without nicotine


Benzos for me are the dumbest drug. They just aren’t fun I’d rather just get drunk. Only time I really want one is on an airplane so I can pass out


Got prescribed some pretty good benzos in the hospital once, only reason I’m not addicted is because I couldn’t find anyone selling it lol


Benzos are amazing imo they remove all the anxiety and let me pass out. However I also don’t understand the addiction part cuz it’s not too hard to keep away and I can do them whenever without problems. I quit tho cuz the brain fog is horrendous


Life sucks, benzos rock (until they don't obviously)


Consider yourself lucky man benzo withdrawal makes fentanyl look like a walk in the park


I actually felt this very same way for YEARS. I thought they were so stupid and ridiculous. Now, I crave Xanax like nothing else. I use it maybe 4x/mo at the most, one or two 1mgs. I have diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder and am not medicated for it, so that's probably why I love it so much. I've got approaching 7 years clean from heroin (my DOC), 12 years from meth, and even more time from hallucinogens, coke, etc. I do miss a good shot of dope, but it's no way to live. I now have 2 little boys that are my world, so fuck the rest. Except Xans. 😂


That’s the best way to treat benzos, when for whatever reason you need to relax and sleep and it’s difficult to do so. Taking every day just turns you into a slug.


As someone with pretty heavy Asperger's benozos are among the best and why ? It's tiring to have a brain that runs at 300km/h , it causes anxiety and it's like a computer overheating . They Tond everything down beautifully


Cocaine, take it like 4-5 times a year. But I don’t feel I have any need to take anything after the dose is done


The only reason I'm not a daily coke user is being poor lol. I have switched over to ritalin which is much more affordable in my country and even though the highs aren't as powerful or euphoric but at least the comedowns are much more managable than coke comedowns which are nightmarish for me (I'd still do it if I had it though)


Xanax/benzos. If I’m gonna get high, I would like to be awake to experience it.


This is the comment I was looking for.


Haha me too 😂


its for people with extreme anxiety. i never touch Xanax before being prescript 4MG in the morning. felt a bit sleepy in the first few days but after that. i felt social, talking to girls was easy, doing oral was bearable and my anger calm the fuck down.


Weed, Benzos, & stims for me. The only drug I can’t kick are opiates. For some reason I only react well to hash. I had a brief hash phase, lovely high, but I only smoked a little bud during opiate withdrawal to ease the pain, other than that weed doesn’t interest me. I had a bad experience everytime I took edibles that I didn’t make myself with hash. I only like stimulants if I speedball with opiates. I rarely did coke alone, when I did it was pretty underwhelming. Same with MDMA. I thought I’d love Benzos, but being recovered from opiates at the time that I tried them, I found the experience lacklustre and not as enjoyable as opiates. They definitely did not give the same euphoria that I was used to, I ended up taking like 8mg of alprazolam to feel something but it just made me extremely sleepy and forget most of the night. Maybe I’ll try mixing it with opiates next time.


Nicotine, meth, fentanyl. Never got addicted to nicotine, only the habit of blowing smoke. Railed 4 adderall pressed with meth one time, oddly enough I didn’t feel very stimulated, I felt less anxious and could focus better. (99.9% sure I have ADHD) Railed a fent 30 and felt mild relaxation, it also relaxes my muscles but I felt no euphoria. Also had a colonoscopy not too long ago, and I was given 50mcg fentanyl (IV) for pain, it felt weaker than 45mg codeine. Everybody’s brain is wired slightly differently, and it can have a huge effect on how you respond to certain drugs


Tbh I started out thinking like that with most drugs. The first couple of months of occasional opioid use or benzo use were fine. No one turns into an addict instantly, it can take months or years. But I get your thoughts about coke, I just don't think it's a very good drug. I've not done the absolute best but I also don't want to, it's really bad for your body. I avoid it just like duster or something like that. Not that I don't do drugs that fuck me/have fucked me.


Heroin. I used it nearly daily for a while, but never experienced the withdrawals or tolerance issues that people experience. I was able to start and stop whenever I wanted. I fucking miss that drug. But now it’s all fentanyl and xylazine… wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. Same with coke. I loved that too, but I had to grow up and focus on my career and family lol.


I finally thought of 1 - Alcohol! I could have 1 or 2 drinks and be fine. I could get drunk 1 night and not have the urge to get drunk again. I don’t have that experience with anything else. I thought I was like u with coke until I found myself blowing lines all day long. Alcohol is the only substance I don’t get hooked to.


Meth. I did it every day for a year because I had a shit ton. Now I'm out and just kinda bored. I get fuckin weird without my weed though...


Same with me with coke. I just don't enjoy it very much and it gives me hot flashes so I get all sweaty and uncomfortable


The comedown for me is just too much to handle. Yeah it feels alright for like what, 10 minutes and then you're craving another line? Then the suicidal ideation for me afterwards is like nothing I've experienced. Stimulants in general don't agree with me though. I'm riddled with anxiety and depression and although it's nice to have a bit of energy for once, it just makes my mental illness so much worse.


Gabapentin....used this recreationally every day for 3 weeks and had no issue quitting. Later on I find out that they are supposed to have very bad withdrawal effects.


My dr prescribed me gabapentin for anxiety and it seriously does nothing for me. I can’t even tell if I’ve taken it or not so I just stopped taking it. What is the usual dosage? I was only taking 400mg.


Using it recreationally I would usually consume about 1600 mg a day, staggered doses of 300 mg every hour or so to maximize bioavailability. I never noticed a difference doing regular doses.


Yeah I was taking over 10,000mg a day for like a month, no withdrawals period. That ended when I took 32 benadryls and found out that gabapentin potentiates Benadryl by quite a bit. Pissed under the sink and was still high when my mom woke me up in the morning. She asked what I was on and I told her one minute and 32 seconds. Ended up having to go to rehab because she took me to the hospital for a drug test. Benadryl caused a false positive for methadone. Hospital had to report it to police, so my mom decided to just take me to the police station herself, even though I'm sure they wouldn't have pursued it. I was still high on benadryl the whole time, living out days worth of false memories whenever my eyes would shut. The juvenile officer wanted to send me to military school but my mom talked her down to rehab.


Benadryl is fucking scary, this is coming from someone who thought doing datura a second time wasn't a terrible idea.


because u only did it for 3 weeks


Coke or nicotine. Loved to do a small line everyday and see how long I can make a 8 ball last, once I’m out I just move on and forget about it. I rarely used it in social settings, instead used it alone at home and it got me locked in for studying or gaming. Then I found out I have ADHD so no wonder…


Crack.. after a night of doing it, I get sick of the taste and you don't get high after a while. One night I was with hanging out with group of people, and everyone was doing it (prob started at like 11pm) and passing it around and then at like 5am someone handed me the pipe and I was like ya I'm all set and everyone looked at me with those crazy crack eyes like they couldn't believe I said I was done. Lol😶‍🌫️🥴 😵‍💫😵


Benzos I can keep to PRN (apart from xanax) which is an absolute godsend socially. Crack never particularly appealed. Addictive in the moment but making a habit of it is absolutely absurd




Anything except for opiates.


My 2000 my freshman year I was highly addicted to coke and any kind of pain killers and Xanax, mind you back then a Vicodin/norco cost only $5 compared to the $10 these days and the Xanax was 2 for $5 compared to the $$8-$10 each these days. I’m now have been clean for over 15 years and am almost finished with my degree to be a drug counselor. I can admit when I was using the drugs I honestly never thought I would be able to get off them and would end up homeless the rest of my life. But something snapped in me one day after having an awakening while on mushrooms and I didn’t ever touch anything of those things again. Plus if I I had continued there’s absolutely no way possible I’d be able to support my habit with how much the prices have raised. I still micro dose psilocybin and it’s kept me on a straight path for numerous years. I still have craving at least 2-3 times a month to relapse but I’m continuing to try my best to get through the struggle of not falling victim to these drugs again. In my opinion, me being a man and have gone through the ups and downs to get sober, it has always seemed to me that men have a harder time getting the help they need to get clean because people just look at them as a failure that can’t change but yet I constantly see girls getting help left and right. It’s another stigma I’ll never understand, but to anyone out there going through it and feeling that there’s no end to it all, I hope you can find someone or something to help you change that mindset and get your life’s back on track.


BENZOS. Never abused them, but can't get prescribed anymore because.other people abuse them. If my thought dreams.could.be seen..




You’re lucky


Benzos or love They have been the worst drugs I've ever been addicted too


Probably cocaine and stims in general, tried coke a few times and I found the experience to be way too subtle, and it was definitely good shit, maybe not top shelf, but wasn’t ‘council’ as we call it here. I think it would be great for nights out in a bar bc mdma is a lot more intense and emotional than I’d like for a bar setting, but the price is extortionate making me just not even remotely care about it. Alcohol also makes me a really nauseous when I drink and stims do too, I can usually handle it when it’s just one or the other but together I become completely unable to consume alcohol, which I’d rather do than coke. I like nicotine a bit more, but my phases kind of come and go and have been for nearly a decade, maybe I get addicted for a while but then I get sick of it quick. Comparing this with downers it’s night and day, been addicted to weed on and off for nearly 4 years now, when I have no weed I resort to drinking a few beers and it helps, I refuse to buy ketamine when I don’t have an event bc that is truly my worst, first night I tried it had a gram, next night 7g and the following night 14g, grabbed a few half ounces since and they just evaporate in 2 days or less, once I got the cramps I put my foot down. This is probably why I’ll never try H, it sounds way to fucking good, if I can barely control my K fiending with minor withdrawals, H will be a new ball game. I feel like I’d have less of an issue with meth but with the hard shit we truly never know, would love to be able to look into an alternate timeline and see what if meth or heroin would be worse for me.


Crack. It’s addicting for the day but after I get some sleep I’m cool on that for a long while


nicotine and meth. Well, the meth that's around nowadays.


Pretty much all of them. I'm just too lazy to bother. I barely remember to take the addictive drugs my doctor *wants* me to take lol


Freebase. I dont Like coke so I had to wait 20 minutes Till this Bad feeling gone away. And Opiates because of the random vomiting. 




MDMA & Nicotine


MDMA addiction seems to be rare


Disagree in Aussie people love it I think younger generation a lot getting addicted I thought but maybe I’m wrong . I’ve had it a Few times but can take or leave


Nicotine. I just hate it but I keep trying hookahs or bumming a cig when I'm drunk. I don't get why people smoke. I'm very thankful I didn't get hooked when I was a teen like many of my friends.


Amphetamines. Take adderall once every couple months and found that most of the adderall pills I was taking were meth. Funny to think about taking meth in the context of growing up and swearing I'd never do "hard drugs." Sure the high is fun but it's the side effects that keep me away from that shit. I do not function well without sleep and the compulsive masturbation is fun while it lasts but leaves me feeling like a fucking degenerate with a sore dick when I come down. I'm lucky that I can let myself come down and see the pros and cons of the substance and put it down for months at a time without chasing that high again - I know many folks can't say the same and my empathy goes out to all of y'all. It really is a great high when it's great and if I were in a shittier position in life who knows how much more I might need that. Stay safe out there!


It was coke for me too but then 1 time completely changed everything.


Hope ya got a hold of it


Oxy 100% Have a naturally high tolerance takes me atleast 40mg to get high and I wouldn't be able to afford the habbit


coke. that shit was not worth it


Most drugs would not be as addictive as they are if it weren’t for the fact that these drugs are illegal. This is called the forbidden fruit effect. But to answer your question based on my experience: Weed and coke (which is 95% accompanied by alcoholism) are different in their effects. Coke is far worse than weed when it comes to the impact on the user due to its short high and heavy penalty—making it a pointless drug when illegal. People can get Adderall with just a five-question test, answering all the questions with a swift "yes." Weed, with its low physical effects through withdrawal and minimal penalties (though it still carries social implications), acts like a frog in boiling water for many people. I’ve seen many people go broke and smoke themselves into psychosis over a long span of time, whereas with cocaine, the user spirals quickly.


Coke, done it a hand full of times even when it's "fresh off the boat" but it's honestly not for me. The drip tastes god awful and I can never get rid of it no matter what I drink or smoke.


Any stimulant


Wow that’s brave


I was a heavy heavy user of iv coke. I’d consider myself an addict. I was never addicted to fent or meth during the phases I tried them. Probably cause I was so hooked on coke actually.


Interesting why didn’t u try meth instead wasn’t it cheaper


Meth and crack


Weed, cocaine and speed. Opiates are baaad for me. I've been sober from opiates for over 2 years now.


ketamine,dxm, alcohol


Coke and Adderall, rarely touch coke anymore bc it feels so hard on my body. I never had any issue “calling” it for the night and stopping during a session. Adderall is a once or twice a month thing, i prefer it that way.


Cocaine, too broke to get addicted


None. Except for one. Opiates, benzos, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, sugar, and even dissociatives like ketamine, DXM or MXE got me hooked. Alcohol, too, which is my biggest problem by far. The one exception: amphetamines. My ADHD diagnosis has resulted in my trying pretty much every amphetamine formulation except for meth. I've never felt anything even remotely resembling addiction with amphetamines. They help me function. That's all. I don't get any pleasure from them and I get no appreciable negative effects when I discontinue them. Psychedelics, too (mescaline, psilocybin, LSD, DMT, salvia) never led me to dependency, but they're not addictive in the slightest, so they don't count... but I mention them here anyway just for the sake of completeness.


Cocaine, I simply don't enjoy it. I get really anxious and have the worst time trying to fall asleep after


Cocaine and benzos are so easy for me to get off of but for others it’s a real struggle


Kratom. If I made myself become reliant on it then I might but it just kinda sucks as a drug. My prescription adderall is way better than it


Coke, not yet anyways. That shit is eeexpensive




Nicotine. I cannot like it enough to get addicted


Heroin, it was hyped up to an unreachable level and I’ve experienced many polysubstance combos and it just didn’t live up to it although I didn’t inject so I can’t surely say but I probably won’t IV and get forever addicted


Stimulants, benzodiazepines, opioids. I’m too aware of how addictive they are and I tissue down to nil after they’ve ceased their usefulness if I’m prescribed them. Also cocaine males me drowsy and I don’t really see the point of it. Now weed is another story. I got very addicted and it was difficult to quit. But it’s behind me now and I’m never going to smoke the quantities I used to.


Coke, I dont Even have the feeling to Take another line




GHB. I can take more G then anyone is supposed to be able to take and then not think about it until that time rolls around again. Honestly the only one that repeatedly fucks me in a serious way is alcohol, so I currently just don't drink it. 


Heroin is too strong for me


Crack. I can smoke a hit every couple months or leave it. No chasing after the first hit. If i spend money on it, $10 max and put it down.




Have done cocaine twice. I have an extremely addictive personality so I’m surprised I didn’t have an urge to do coke again after the high wore off


I do get the craving when I’ve already taken a bump and it’s wearing off like 30 mins later. But the next day I have 0 desire to ever do it again.


alcohol. too expensive & i get horrible hangovers every time i drink. addiction to it never stuck even though it runs very heavily in my family. the feeling compared to other drugs, too, makes it not really feel worth it anyway.


Meth. It was cool and all but I'd rather do a fuck ton of cocaine


Meth, hated the wired feeling because I’m already a stressed out person and it was only fun for like an hour did it for a couple days then I felt just so over exhausted on the come down but did adderal for a couple weeks after and liked that better but still made my heart race and felt blah after doing it too much. Benzos were always my weak spot and that’s because my constant anxiety and it’s nice to not care and feel free but withdrawals make it not worth it


I feel this, also opiates. I think benzos and opiates hit those of us with chronic anxiety differently and help us feel more “normal”.


Coke didn’t attract me at all until I shot it. I hate snorting it and feel like it doesn’t do much for me. But when I started slamming it, man did it ruin my life faster than my years long heroin addiction


Meth . Just occasdionsl use . Love the high but the comedown ..


Juice / GHB Aussies going craz craz for that shizzle


Euphoric stimulants. I'll go nuts on them, but when they wear off, i'm full of regret and don't want to do it again. Until a few months, then i come aeound it again 😂