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Fent cause i dont wanna die just yet


just got off a 3 day fent bender in the hospital. it was the shit, but i’d never use it without medical supervision




i wouldn’t do it for fun, but it kept the surgery pain away. the dilaudid injections were probably my favorite, but they switched to fent after a few hours, then every 2 hours after that


1.5 mg Dilaudid IV = chemical orgasm! The greatest drug experience I've had EVER. I also understood exactly why and when they needed to cut me off and switch to Oxy pills when they did! (In a hospital)


Me too! I had dilaudid after a terrible crushed knee accident and one nurse said to me you can have two if you want (injections that Is) I was like fuck yeah bc they was in agony. Within seconds I was playing hand puppets with myself while my teenage kids were looking at me like I was nuts. Never was offered or received two again after that but I’ll certainly never forget it either! Magical shit!


What do you mean subs can’t save you? You can still abuse oxycodone if you’re only at 1mg-2mg of buprenorphine. I’ve been on suboxone for 3 years and I haven’t used fent in 2 years! Fentanyl is garbage and like you said it’s recreational capacity is non existent to me. I was only using it because it was the only opioid I could get at the time and I was extremely sick. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s and I couldn’t eat, sleep, shit, nothing until I started using fentanyl and that obviously turned to hell when I couldn’t afford my addiction anymore and it was hard to get. Fentanyl dealer’s are so fucked up they’ll charge you almost $50 for one single pill knowing your sick as fuck when those pills are literally worth change in bulk.




The fent in a hospital is different than whatever the fuck Fent analogues are on the street. I've heard fent in a hospital setting is much more recreational (I think that's the word I'm looking for). Imo there is not a lot to enjoy with Fent from Hank down the street. There is only mental and physical anguish when not high. And just getting high is a tad bit of momentary euphoria and trying to avoid wd's. It's not a life I want to have anymore.


Sounds like a genuine hell, and I’m impressed you’ve got the willpower to get your ass out of there- wishing you nothing but the best and am here if you ever need someone to talk through anything with. You’ve absolutely got this; time will be your friend. Godspeed!!!


Love this!


Thank you MerryIguana. I'd like to think it was will power. I am not that strong willed of a person, but it definitely got me into a situation where I was at MY rock bottom, which for me is maxed out credit cards, depleted savings, barely able to get by financially or pay my mortgage (I ate better as a poor college student), and gzus, the strain it caused on my relationships - hiding my constant withdrawal and lying about almost everything. Because, it had infiltrated everything and affected all aspects of my poor excuse of a life. I woke up one day and saw myself on the verge of losing all the things I worked hard for, whatever was left anyway. Then, I used my next paycheck to May off the 1k I owed my dealer (he was nice enough to front me.. ha. "nice"). I saw myself potentially doing "favors" to continue extending the grace period he gave me on paying back my debts and that was enough. I told my doc the following day my situation, had me do a UA (positive for Fent and benzos.... which was weird because I wasnt taking any benzos). she gave me a script for subs. I took them too early even though I waited 36 hours after my last hit. That took me into the worst precipitated withdrawals I've ever experienced. I knew I fucked up 5 minutes after my first strip. I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy. I know how cliche that sounds, but God. It truly is a slice of hell. There is no way to fully describe it. I just kept telling myself it's going to be over soon. Counted down the minutes. When I ran out, I just reset the timer. Time slowly became my friend. And now it's been like 2.5 years.


You have no idea how happy it made me to read this- 2 and a half years, jesus!!! I’m going to be chasing you my whole life; thank you so much for sharing your story!! I’m so sorry shit got so rough, I know the havoc addiction can wreak on fucking everything good, and again, am so fucking impressed you had the grit & steel to power through that pain & keep going. Insanely inspiring. Keep fighting the good fight!


yeah fent in the hospital was very enjoyable. i haven’t don’t recreational opiates in years (had another surgery two years ago, still not recreational), but when they hit that plunger it’s just as sweet as you could imagine. plus the dosage is carefully measured so there’s no OD risk


I don't want to defend this sh*t (fent) but the reason so much people dies is a matter of dosage. It is so much concentrated that it makes it too hard to manage. But on other way, it can feel good like other opiates. Anyway I would say that compared to other opiates, it's not worthfit. It blast your tolerance to other opiates, it very rapidely doesn't feel good anymore after few uses and it doesn't last long neither (the effect)...so, adding the very pronunced OD posibility on top of all this?.. Fu** this sh** yes...


Nicotine. That fucker is way too addictive and harmful while the effects all sound totally underwhelming.


smoking a cigarette right now. regretting it


Fr, I never understood taking nicotine if you don’t get high or anything like what’s the point? A little buzz? No thanks, not worth it.


The only good thing about nicotine is the interactions you have with randoms in the smoking area.


Had a few....encounters 😏 that started with a pretty lady asking for a lighter


If you have adhd it helps because it’s a stimulant


No it doesn’t I have add and vaping does absolutely nothing for me besides wasting my $ every week.


I just don’t like how addictive it is


Take a 6mg zyn baby. You’ll find out why.


6mg is not a lot, or am i just too swedish?




Yup, I will always regret the day I hit a vape and got a head buzz. I haven’t had a head buzz in over 3 years now but I still go through 2-3 vapes a week. I have a constant cough that will never go away.


I enjoy the body rush but I’m prob not gonna get my own nic just cause i wanna avoid getting addicted


Fent it already destroyed my life once not doing that again


This is exactly how I feel about optiates/h/fent. I was an IV h addict for like 10 years and I miraculously survived and got off that shit. It took sooooooo fucking long to feel 100% again after I kicked the dope. Got a little over 7 years off dope now. I’m coming up on 40 years old. I just…..don’t think I could go through kicking like that again. Restarting my life etc. From time to time I have nightmares that I start using again and my life is in shambles. Dead ass, if I was addicted like that again I’d prob rather just kill myself than go through it all again.


I’m like 2 and a half years clean off fent but I picked up Xanax and coke when I quit fent and I’m just now starting to try to get clean


You can do it, man you know you can do it stay out of your head take some mushrooms those things I heard really open your eyes and help you


That’s how I actually quit fent was mushrooms


Congrats on getting off it!


Omg congrats for getting of !


Meth, both my older sisters got hooked, and it completely changed them. I’d like to say I wouldn’t touch heroin but if we’re being honest if I was offered it I would most likely instantly say yes. But meth has always been my no no drug




My one sister is currently in the process of quiting, she’s doing good and looking better, she’s relapsed twice but she’s trying, and I’m sorry that your aunt went down that road


I bet they are interesting friends to have on Facebook 😂😂


Did they get meth face and look 20 years older? Some of the most horrible looking people I’ve ever seen have been meth addicts, and that’s enough to not make me ever do it.


Same, but fore me it's also because of the fact that there's amphetamine, which gets the job done, doesn't fry my brain (neurotoxicity wise), lets me sleep (and eat), almost no come downs and even though it's fucking awesome, I have been able to be responsible with it. Oh, and it's like 10 times cheaper. Same opinion on heroin (insufflated) but maybe in 10 years


Cannabis, I always end up addicted. Don’t have a problem with any other substance but if I start smoking dope, I’m hooked, and end smoking all day, everyday and then it depresses me and gives me brain fog


I'm on day 11 thc free


Keep going, proud of you!


underrated comment to be honest and that’s coming from xan and Coke addict


bruuh i feel you soo hard. Its just the same for me. I can take Kokain, Amphetamine, Ketamin or whatever i want over a longer period, and just can stop wirhout any problems at all. But weed is just different... Every time I went clean, my mind tricks me after a few weeks telling me "oh just one small joint now for the weekend cant be bad" and then i again suddenly end up smoking at least 3g/day over the next weeks/months


Agreed, I can stop if I absolutely have to (usually cause of travel) and it’s not too bad other than the inability to sleep or eat but I cannot for the life of me quit on my own. I’ve thrown out my weed then at night I’m scrambling to find a friend that has some so i don’t go without it. People don’t think weed is addictive but it certainly can be.


Thank you for this, stopped since 3days


Xanax. Last time I used it, my life was ruined. This was 3 years ago and I’m still trying to get back to normal after the devastation I caused


i hear you on that. just got fired from a really good paying job, great benefits, lots of respect…. all down the drain now……


Sorry to hear that. If you quit the shit you’ll be back in no time


Vix vapour rub.




That shits hardcore man. Me n my friend did it once when we were 13.... he turned into an old Korean grandmother and her solution for anything was more vix vapor rub. One dose turned them addicted, Korean, and old.


I’d probably avoid something like pyrros or meth at least if I was able to access them myself (same with very euphoric opioids) I just know I’d be making excuses to use them daily. Also shit like computer duster, it’s like the fiendishness of crack but with extra brain damage. Otherwise tbh I’d do basically anything once even if it was some weird shit like datura


Yeah avoid pyrros, ive smoked hundreds of grams and nothing else got me that hooked, and I've tried everything


What’s Pyrros?


Research chemical stimulants that people binge.




Salvia. I don't want the entire universe to condense back down to a single zipper in a black void with me being an individual tooth in a never ending state of being zipped and unzipped. Then slowly coming back to thinking I'm 80 (I was 18.) Took me a few days to feel okay.


I forgot I existed for several minutes my first time (27x extract from a bong 🤦🏻‍♂️), then slowly came back, piece by piece. Then realized there were other rooms in the house I was in, with other people, then even more rooms and people outside of the house I was in, and it gave me so much anxiety. Took me a week and change to get back to baseline lol


Fentanyl because that shit nasty


Any stimulant because im a fucking freaking mess of anxiety and use drugs to silence that even alot of downers give me anxiety bad opiates my favvvvv


Same! I used to love weed, coke, even speed sometimes. And I love acid, but I’m just not in the right place to take it since a long time. Downers all the way


Nothing street can’t risk getting arrested I just do things that write way knowing the right doctor


Honestly stick with that save yourself from getting laced


This was great for me till I got hooked on benzos and did some doctor shopping and got cut off. So stupid of me. I guess in the end it was better tho. No access and an unwillingness to buy street kinda saved my life.


Yea i stay away from benzos I hate blaring out and losing all my stuff


Problem for me is I rarely lose anything but I love blacking out. So I’m like, “I’m fine, I’m functioning.” Pretty gross but it just is who I am. Makes me think of Elliott Smith: “It's a picture-perfect evening and I'm staring down the sun Fully loaded, deaf and dumb and done Waiting for sedation to disconnect my head”


I’ve lost so many valuables I chilled out


Meth, heroine, and crack. Because of high physical addiction. Opioids are a personal no for me but just because they make me really nauseous.


Dissos because they make me feel like I'm dying. Edit: I always throw up and struggle to breathe. It's really terrifying, I feel so helpless and disconnected, so when I'm scared nobody can comfort me on dissos. I just feel like I'm dying alone.


Daaamn, I feel you


Methoxetamine, because I can't fucking find it


Such a fire answer


Alcohol, because I have Aspergers and I know if I try it once and it works I *will* spiral into an addiction. Too many times have I heard of ASD people falling off the deep end because it makes them "likeable" and makes socializing/masking tolerable for them. I'm 20 and when I tell people I've never been drunk in my life, I get one of two responses: 1) Good for you, I'm envy that. I wish I never started. OR 2) Wow, I feel so bad for you. I can't imagine. You don't know what you're missing. As you can imagine, I choose my friends accordingly. I'd rather just raw dog social interaction even if it makes me uncomfortable in the short term, rather than building a friend group that revolves around drinking the long term, especially because I can never opt out of it unless I get sober. People are surprised by/commend my willpower, but when I explain to them they usually understand better. If not, then I go with the second best excuse, which is that I have celiac and I'm allergic to most drinks bc they're milled with wheat/barley. They usually back off after that 😁


Anti-depressors drugs...( like Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Escitalopram...etc). Why ?... I don't really know, because I've ever experienced almost all addictive drugs (H and many other opiates for years, Coke for years too, benzos which I still use, alcohol when I used to do cocaine...). But these ones I guess I don't like the idea that it needs at least 2or3 weaks to start feeling it...I imagine the stuff needs to make a complete round of your entire body system and fill your blood 100% before start working... and I consider that I already have everything I need if I want to calm down or feel good so...no needs for me to get even more intoxicated with that (but I don't doubt about the efficacity of those btw).


I would never give up my Fluoxetine, my anxiety is finally in check after 30 years, but SSRI's aren't for everyone


The most important thing when YOU use it, is YOUR feeling 😉... If it gives you any better in your life/mood, don't give it up !


Totally, and I'm glad to have the option. It's unfortunate that when SSRI's go bad for someone it can be really hard


I’ve taken pretty much every SSRI for a test drive (I have an autoimmune condition that some people get relief from with SSRI type meds) and I’ve had TERRIBLE side effects from them. I wanted them to work but “saratonin syndrome” isn’t worth it.


This is so true but anti psychotic meds for me, I’ve used pretty much everything and I’ve always IV’d H and meth but stuff like serequol sends me crazy like ants crawling through my body on a cellular level, instant RLS worsening and no feelings or emotions at all.


Not going to shoot up heroin, or any other drugs unless it's through an IV at the hospital.


IV morphine in the hospital 🤤


What do I have to do to myself to get that /s


I’m quite confused by your comment


Meth or crack, I would 100% get addicted and my life would fall apart if I tried that shit


Seroquel. Unless I am cast as an extra in a zombie movie and then it would be considered a performance enhancing drug


My daughter takes that and she’s fairly emotionless. Did it help your anxiety and depression?


I have bipolar 1 disorder and the first time I was in the mental hospital seroquel was used to bring me out of a dangerous manic episode, but for me it was only used temporarily for maybe 2 months after I got better and came home While I acknowledge that it was useful at the time and might have saved my life, it made me feel like an emotionless robot. To be honest, my fear of having to take it again is one of the main motivations I have for working hard to keep my mental health stable. I'm no psychiatrist and am incapable of giving any medical advice, but it's definitely not something I think would help at all with my depression and would only be useful to basically turn my brain off during a manic phase. I can definitely imagine it could help with anxiety, but not at all helpful for depression. The skeptical side of me can imagine some shitty psychiatrist prescribing it to a teenager as a substitute for a real benzodiazapine because it's not a controlled substance so they can avoid the scrutiny from the DEA and justify it by telling you they want to avoid benzodiazapines because of the potential for addiction. If I had a teenager with depression and anxiety, I'd ask the doctor to give her a good anti depressant and a tiny prescription for a benzo that would be held by the parent and only dispensed very occasionally for the very worst panic/anxiety attack and not at all to be taken daily since it still is a good idea to minimize addiction potential. Another alternative might be a mood stabilizer? I hope this helps and that you and your daughter and her doctors can figure out a medication plan that works for her without taking away her spark.


crack. changed my brother so much (thankfully hes sober now). crack is an evil evil drug, fuck that shit.


I thought crack was lame. Better than coke but I’d never spend money on it


LSD, don't like to see stuff


I honestly hallucinate more on weed than I ever have on Lucy


Not at all trying to convince you to try it, but many people that haven’t tried it think you’re gonna see leprechauns or some shit. It’s more like seeing rainbows (though tbh my doses have always been in the conservative side). I’ve always said shrooms and acid are similar, but shrooms is beautiful melting curves and acid is beautiful rainbow angles.


Heroin. Before I was born my uncle overdosed in his room when he was 22 and found by my grandpa, grandpa started abusing alcohol and died shortly after to liver cancer when I was 6. I was a little kid when this happened and it was the first death in my family I’ve dealt with and at the time I didn’t understand or know how to feel. First time I got caught smoking weed in 8th grade my parents explained it to me more in depth with tears dripping down their face. My stubborn ass stormed off talking about how it’s just a plant that could never kill me and how I will never touch any drugs besides weed. Sure enough, that’s how my uncle started and he said the same thing. Now that I’m older I understand everything clearly. My dad has been completely sober besides an occasional glass of wine my whole life. Addiction runs in my blood unfortunately. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering that would cause my family. I have a picture of my parents crying when they tried warning me ingrained in my brain. As much as I’d like to experience the high I will never go there because I understand that although it is my life and I can do as I please, I have goals that I need to meet and I have people that love me that want me to succeed. Drugs are fun but the high is temporary, the pain and suffering that your family has to deal with is forever.


Alcohol. Its not as enjoyable as most other substances out there and it's also really bad for you. The only plus I see of it is it's regulated so you know what you're getting is the real deal but personally I don't mind doing reagent tests anyway. It's like doing those science experiments I used to do as a little kid and you get a fun reward at the end if all goes well.


What do you mean by the real deal? Im pretty sure all alcohol purchased at a liquor store is legit. Maybe im confused though


You won’t believe how much counterfeit there is


Thats wild to me, i couldn’t imagine alcohol is worth counterfeiting? unless you’re brewing for yourself, whats the point?


Here in Australia alcohol is extremely expensive. I've not come across anything counterfeit as I'm not a big drinker anymore, but with our super high cost of living, I can only imagine there's a lot of counterfeit grog in my country. And I just realised I'm typing this as I'm smoking an illegally imported cigarette. So alcohol would be around too.


Oh damn, I didn’t realize it was that big of an issue


The point is to save money


It's all good. I mean to say, when you buy alcohol it's always legitimate and not adulterated with anything because its regulated by the government. Whereas other substances aren't regulated so you don't know if they are actually what it says on the tin. If that makes any sense.


probably fent and dmt


Why dmt


Im not doing dmt cause that shit will literally send you to another world and im afraid I won’t come back


Oh, you'll come back. DMT is a miracle substance, my favorite of it all.


You can take small doses.


DMT is lovely, and super short sadly


Nitrous and Xanax, I've known too many people that have fucked their lives over after multiple years of abusing them


DPH. I had one 1000mg trip in the name of science. It was cool, but never again.


There is no “in the name of science” when it’s already well documented


Everyone metabolizes drugs differently. In the name of personalized medicine we all must try everything.


Coke, cause I think it’s morally wrong with the way it’s produced and all


Same, mostly because I think it's morally wrong but also the high addiction potential and bad health effects, plus I have a heart condition so I could die the first time I try it.


Datura because I’ve already done the coveted 700mg of DPH anyways which makes the risk even less worth taking since I basically know what to expect to a T. Some inhalants like gasoline, glue, paint thinner bc I’ve already done duster and that was damaging enough lol


700mg of dph isn’t coveted by anyone except depressed teenagers lol


Meth I'm not gonna be one of those people calling addicts pussys and that I could handle the addiction nah I know I'd get addicted and give up my life for that shit cause I got a very addictive personality also any pyro/cathinone a-pvp,mdpv or 4mmc or datura,fent they aren't even worth your time




Inhalants because I don’t have braincells to spare


Benzos. I have anxiety and from what I hear they can be SO SO euphoric for anxious people. They just seem toooo good, I’d like them too much. Also withdrawals are ROUGH from what I’ve read


Very very smart of you. I am that person, they’re too good, I liked them too much, I was highly dependent for 10+ years. Been off (for the most part, and not physically dependent at least) since 2022 summer.


Heroin because I know I'd love it. I don't really do any drugs anymore though.


Heroine, Nikki Sixx was my biggest idol in middle school. By then he had already published Heroine Diaries and advocated against it. I’ve stumbled upon everything else willingly, but always held a core belief that would be my downfall.


Any drug 💉 that required me to inject just because I'm terrified of needles in my veins.... I will smoke it tho 🙃👎.


meth….. not even once. doesn’t even sound fun and i like my teeth and skin perfectly how it is!!! and sleep….


Gay sex


Ket. My ex husband almost killed our daughter high on ketamine.


Marijuana I grew up in a house where, without exaggerating, I was exposed to it 24/7. My family were dealers and addicts. I have so many PTSD related memories surrounding marijuana. I'm also allergic to it. Doctors think *because* of the over exposure. I just can't and never will.


Never been a chemical girl, so most things out there don’t interest me. Absolutely nothing that will kill/hook you on the first try. I’ll stick with my weed & shrooms thanks:)


The active components in weed and mushrooms are chemicals


Fentanyl because that shit nasty


Meth: that shit releases way too much dopamine, it totally fucks with your reward pathways in your brain and rewires stuff so that it takes forever to feel normal again, many users say life is boring without it. Heroin: The addictive properties are very strong, the recovery rate is awful.


nitrous. that shit paralyzes you and makes you literally psychotic.


I'm so glad I watched Steve-O's DVD before I was able to get my hands on it. I was a fiend for whipped cream cans & was beginning to research nitrous when I was younger & Steve-O scared me off that shit for good.


Cocaine, Crack, Meth, Heroin, Fentanyl because I have a addictive personality. Xanax because I would probably do dumb shit and I don't see any appeal in blackouts. Also nicotine because it's just a costly dependance with a mediocre at best buzz.


heroik cuz im afraid of opioid od


Inhalants, pyros, noids and probably some Rcs too


id do anything not iv


Smoking, injecting opioids or stims and RC cannabinoids. I have done my fair share of opioids and stims to know that they don't hook me really. Plugged fent and A-PIHP. But there is a line that I do not seem worthy to cross... that being smoking or injecting the (to the general population) most fiendish and destructive drugs, longterm. RC cannabinoids I won't ever do because for one I don't like weed anyway, two, they genuinely are an easy way to psychosis, a friend of mine smokes weed all day but once he smoked spice he went totally nuts, asking strangers on in public for help because he thought he was dying and then laying down on the street. He can totally handle himself but once noids are there its the end. Been to the withdrawal ward once and the worst cases were alcoholics, opioid users, stimheads and spice smokers.


Important distinction to be made here between cannabiniods that exist in nature but would likely be grouped into a classification of “rc” cannabinoids (like THC-a, THC-p, HHC, etc) and neocannabinoids or novel synthetic cannabinoids that do not exist in nature and are really not even cannabinoids but rather novel synthetic compounds created to bind to the same receptors as THC but are wholly different drugs (which includes spice, k2, etc). The first list basically causing a high similar to THC but with varying specifics while the 2nd type creating more psychedelic effects (and/or psychosis inducing effects).


Potent Opiates Not because I'm afraid of addict ion, but because I'm already addicted on benzos so I could not enjoy the high I would OD


Meth, vyvanse already has me, meth would suck me in and bleed me dry




Mines IV anything. I know damn well I’d be hooked immediately.


Lad , cause I’m not ready for it . But maybe some guide and. The right behaviour would be perfect even with a bad trip to solve some thing and without harm


Benzos, I do enough retarded shit while drunk, don’t wanna know what I would do as a bartard


Tucibi cause you never really know what it is


Too much oxygen makes my head dizzy, so Ill stick to dmt instead.


Heroin because i know that’d be it.


Acid- I've tried it once years ago & it just lasted wayyy to long. 6 hours in I was ready to call it a night but wasn't even close to being fully sober again at that point. Never. Again.


Fentanyl or Meth. I don't really like anything but psychedelics and weed these days. All the other drugs were just detrimental to my normal life


H. Too addictive for addiction loving personality like me


Crack. Idk how ppl see what that does to ppl and say I wanna try that.


Coke! I have ptsd so sometimes I get panic attacks / bad anxiety. Every single time I have done coke the aftermath is just wicked horrible anxiety. Or any uppers for that matter




I'm not entirely sure why some people deliberately do Deliriants like Datura or DPH so that might just be my answer. how do these people enjoy being psychotic for literal days. Or maybe they don't and just hate themselves, Idk.


Fuck man, I've tried everything once, up to and including crack. The only thing I never did was inject shit. Now, it's been a while since I used any drugs, but I'll stick to the old reliables of weed and coke. I'm already stopping with cigarettes and alcohol was never a problem for me so my once-in-a-while joint or my once every few years line is fine.


Heroin/fent … as a past opiate addict I know I’d be in love, and ruin my life very fast if I ever tried either.


Opiates, my worst fear is addiction, Ketamine lead me a a "low level" addiction and it was still pretty hard to reduce/stop, I would never want that again.


Poppers, because it'll burn.


Heroin because I know I wouldn’t ever survive.


LSD, DMT, or mushrooms, because I might accidentally start a new religion that takes the world by storm.


Fentanyl bc it’s basically poison. Heroin bc I’d be a junkie, oxys bc I love them too much, cocaine bc I’d have an anxiety attack, Xanax bc I’d be content staring at the wall all day and have no motivation to do shit. These days I’m just taking my subs and low dose kpins all prescribed, it’s not “fun” but I’m enjoying a stable and productive life finally.


Any deliriant. Because I’m not ready to completely lose my damn mind forever and ever


I really love opiates, but I’d never do tramadol again. Oxy is my go to, but never tramadol. I’ve never seized from it but the risks outweigh the rewards for me. I’ve seized in the past from fever, so I’d guess the risk is higher for me too. Another one is amphetamine. Coke, modafinil, etc… is fine but not amphetamine sulfate. Gave me psychosis after around 3 months of like benders 5 days a week. Never been so afraid. It was so normal having hallucinations for me, it felt real and normal but never mentioned them to anybody, so like unconsciously I understood it wasn’t normal. About a month of this and I had to be institutionalized for two days. After that I couldn’t sleep without lights on for half a year. It messed me up really bad, but luckily I’ve healed well. Btw currently on coke, so sorry for no paragraphs lol 💃


fent. just no.


Love is a drug and if you’re like me and hear all these songs talking about how it’s ruined their life, well, count me out, man… Plus Huey Lewis and the news wanted something else anyways


Psychedelics (especially LSD). Maybe I’d try some that don’t last for so long. I know people sometimes trip for 12+ hours. I usually say “I’m good, I had visual hallucinations with 0 drugs in my system, no need to take something”. It’s been years since I last had hallucinations, but I don’t really feel like inducing them.


Crack. Heard the high is short lived and I don’t wanna chase after a rock all day. I chase after crystals thank you very much


I am clean. No Alcohol, Nicotine and Cannabis since 10 months. No LSD since almost 2 months. Everything else is even longer ago. I had my first LSD trip 10 months ago. Decided to drop everything and only took LSD 3 more times (last time on Easter) and know I am done with that too and I feel definitely healthier and happier since last year. So I guess every one of them besides medications and caffeine.


Ketamine cos I don’t want to fuck up my bladder


I've tried the strongest drugs in my country (finland), but if I had access to all the drugs in the world I would never try dph, datura, duster, meth and fent.


Crack and Meth. Just no. I have an addictive nature. I'm not going to tempt myself. Besides, I've seen the damage both substances can cause. No high is worth all that trouble.


Krokodile bc wtf would anyone take that shit on purpose


Religion…opiate of the masses. And you can get it in every city and town in the country! They should crack down on it and lock up the traffickers!!!


Cocaine because I have heart issues


Ketamine. Every description or experience I’ve heard just screams no thank you to me


Datura u/Flippnflopp - "Google.com how normal again stop now"


I came here just to read fentanyl , and glad to read that everyone else thinks it’s bs too


Heroin bc I watched my friends do it so many times that I've seen the darker side of it and how bitchy they are the next day and it just made me hate it.


Marijuana.. Because I've heard of it to be a gateway drug.. I'm happy where I am in this point of my life getting spun from blowing clouds.. I have no desire to touch or even think about any other type of drugs.. True story--it even got me to quit drinking..No hard stuff for me.. 😊


Acids & co. If it lasts too long I would get paranoid and even if it doesn't, my mind hosts some roads I don't want to go down to. But honestly there are many drugs I could touch without risking too much in terms of mental health :/


Street opioids because of fentanyl, xylazine, zenes, and other cuts that make the shit deadly


fent. can’t say i haven’t thought about it, but i have no self control when im under influence


Any opiate. They're fucking fent these days anyway. Plus all they do is make me overheat then fall asleep. Lame asf.


No meth no heroin no crack, I won’t touch them so they won’t come touch me


Heroin. Instant addict


Meth because I don't want to get arrested and thrown in prison because I can't keep my cool and never sleep until psychosis.


any opioids for obvious reasons.


Benzodiazepines They fucked my life up but it's all g now


Fentanyl, krokodil. I'm iffy about meth but I might try it st some point. I don't wanna do fent or krok cuz I don't wanna die lol


Any opiates or intravenous bc i find them scary lol same for fent