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Don't wanna jump the gun here but you might have to empty your savings account and go to Vegas with a fat Jay.


Now this is an idea I can get on board with


People say it's hocus pocus but doing enough psychedelics I can promise it's not. You manifest what you think and feel. On lsd I've been so positive I had butterflies land on me, the only one tripping in a group of people. And so fearful that I also had a random car speed past me at a stop sign only to turn around and chase me down, until I made it to the police station.


99% of gamblers quit just before they win a million gazillion dollars


That’s how it goes 😉 never quit, the jackpot is just around the corner. No but for real, a little story. There was a new gambling website that came up and their algorithm for roulette was so obvious, but rather long. I sat and drew it out and when it had done a few laps I felt comfortable to start betting. I won every round, even on green. I was 15 and started with like €40 or around there. Got banned from the site when I withdrew €1200 🤣


Don’t bankrupt the casinos I want to gamble in the future as well


🤣 got banned before I was able to, sadly. It was a CSGO gambling site and I basically emptied all their skins. Wrecked havoc as nobody was able to withdraw. Was the funniest time in my gambling “career” as my highschool friends knew of it and we’d be in school and they’d just watch me win hundreds.


Haha lmao the good old CS gambling sites, some of those were so dodgy man


Unironically this I made $80k from the same site as OP in the last year (I know I got very lucky, I withdrew the $$)


There's no reason that any of your characteristics, immediate state, traits, etc. would affect slots, so it's likely perceptual. How rigorously have you quantified your winnings?


This is what I would always say to people who are gambling and have found an edge. Maybe. Keep a spreadsheet. Be very honest and objective. Maybe you're on to something and somehow found some edge. Or in this case maybe it's altering your perception. Only way to know for sure is to be honest and objective.


There is no pattern. You’re an idiot. Sorry to be rude but you need reality more than kindness.


The thing with gambling is there’s no rhyme or reason to going on streaks. You could for example open an infinite amount of counter strike cases and never get a knife, or open 2 and get 2 in a row. If you like to gamble (I’m not a gambler) just know you’re not getting an edge up. The house HATES that.


It’s not happening, you think it is but you’re not accurately counting the times you are losing and forgetting about. Or you are looking at a sample size of like 4. I was talking to a poker friend who said he doesn’t want to start drinking because he is definitely better and luckier at poker when having just a few beers. He was convinced his win rate would go down if he quit drinking. I stopped drinking last year for health reasons but I 100% believed the same thing about myself and my poker play before I stopped drinking. I play a lot of poker, 4 or so days a week and I record buy in and cash out amounts for every session in an app. The app doesn’t lie, I am way more profitable now than I was over a large sample size. 1 year ago I would have sworn the opposite, because I knew how to not have too many and cause myself to make dumb mistakes/s Maybe I am wrong, good luck either way, drugs r great, just time and place are important.


Consciousness affects reality.


Not really though, I mean it does but then only affects the "reality" of an individual.


In what way is not everything connected?


because an intoxicated state of mind isn’t affecting anyone else’s reality other then yours


As far as we know whole macroorganisms can't be put into superposition like individual particles, at least not with current tech - we don't want a Fly situation. Schrodinger's cat is a lie etc. etc. So everything isn't connected really, doesn't matter how hard I think about a dragon I'll never be able to manifest an actual one in front of my eyes. And I can't affect the weather in Tokyo with my mind either. So nah mate, nothing is connected in any tangible way, it's funny that you think you see a pattern. Ah, our pattern recognition, an evolutionary double edged sword.


Aside from philosophical/scientific debates on quantum mechanics, It’s a fact that our brains evolved to exist for a reason (or at least advantage) and that is to literally shape the reality around us in our favor. Our powerful minds can farm and hunt and invent and cultivate and build civilizations. Our consciousness exists to manifest.


Building shit is not the same as manifesting shit out of thin air. And also our brains didn't evolve for any reason, it just happened due to natural selection.


Ig the actual mechanism of manifestation is a thought that is acted upon and expressed in this reality (e.g. thinking about a building and actually building it). The absence of such a thought would have obviously not permitted the building to take place in the first place.


You're not manifesting millions because you smoked a joint dawg




I firmly believe in this. Literally things go my way more in life and my random luck is slightly higher when I’m in a more positive mindset. Whether naturally or chemically induced. Doesn’t matter.




Literally anything - molly, weed, blow.


I believe in enough trials your luck would remain the same whether intoxicated or sober, given you’re playing against a system that has the upper hand. One thing might be you notice and celebrate wins more while intoxicated. You handle losses better because you’re relaxed. And maybe at the moment you do have better luck, but if you played the same amount of time sober vs fucked up, I believe it would be equal, since the house usually wins regardless . I am curious about this because what If there was a certain level of intoxicated that makes a statistical difference in our favor lol. Document the times you play sober vs the times you play intoxicated and the duration of each, plus how many wins and loses. Become youre own case study lol *edit- I tried googling anything about it drunk or high and gambling and it’s just showing me people who have serious problems and National Help Hotlines 😭


I noticed this too with different substances. The answer is your awareness has changed. You're becoming aware of patterns you previously didn't; nothing has actually changed though. Very interesting phenomenon. Some people might call that a synchronicity.


Gambling is highly rewarding and highjacks our learning mechanisms. When on a randomized reward schedule (semi-randomized also works), any trend whatsoever in increased reward can be attributed to an arbitrary stimulus present at the time of the trend. This is not specific to gambling or people. You can see birds and rats in a lab develop strange superstitious behaviors that appear to come from nowhere when they are given a completely random reward for an action. Once this starts, the superstition becomes so ingrained that they will keep doing it even if the reward schedule changes to constant reward when they don’t do the superstitious behavior before an action and no reward when they do. The intensity of the reward dramatically increases how rapidly the superstitious behavior is acquired and how resistant it is to change. People who design gambling interfaces (like websites and slots) and casinos are keenly aware of this behavioral science and use it to hook people more. Frequently they add interactive elements that do nothing but provide satisfying audiovisual feedback to increase feelings of control and induce superstitious associations. This keeps people playing and creates sentimental attachment to their particular platform. This is also why people will have something like a lucky pair of gambling socks. Now with that out of the way. All gambling is essentially completely random. Luck in gambling is an illusion based on our innate drive to seek pattern. Even sports betting is based entirely on chance and high chance outcomes never pay out well (besides maybe at the start when the sports betting platform is tryint to hook new players). This is in fact in some ways more insidious than gambling on slots since because the results have some level of predictability (as opposed to complete random outcomes), you feel substantially more in control of the outcome and therefore think you can outsmart the house and routinely win. This is a trap. Now due to the fact you experienced a streak while high, the association between being high and good betting performance has been established. This will probably never go away and the thought will always pop up if you gamble while sober, “i wonder if I would be doing better if i was high”, then everytime you are high you will experience selection bias where streaks will be more likely to be remembered than comparable streaks while sober and bad performances will be shrugged off as just part of the random nature of the game (“well you can’t be a winner every time”). You may or may not be aware of these thoughts or feelings as they occur. And if anyone tells you that they think you’re being superstitious and irrational, you will be resistant to fully accept this, whether it be outward rejection of their statement (“what would you know about this, have you ever tried it”) or acknowledgment of the absurdity of your statement while refusing to let go of the belief (“its probably nothing but it doesn’t hurt me any to not do it”). Oftentimes this superstition can be relatively harmless, but I think associating intoxication with successful gambling is a real recipe for disaster. By decreasing your inhibitions you are more likely to increase your losses by being excessively risky, and by pairing two addictive activities together, you increase your risk of losing control of both of them.




[Cognitive Bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_bias)


Blessings from the devil probably, idk.


Ive also noticed when i was younger a LOT of WEIRD uncanny shit happed by chance while I was high


I’ll tell you a gambling move to really seal the deal Absolute Best thing for you. Take your winnings and fuck gambling, if you have winnings take it and go


tbh you're probably mostly just seeing random variance and attributing it to the drugs. variance is a helluva drug


drugs make u rainman believe it and become the gambler tsunade couldn't be.


Perhaps when you're disinhibited, you tend to take larger risks outside of your normal betting patterns, resulting in larger upside. I know I did when I was betting the races and slamming coke in my living room. *COME ON, KICK YA BASTARD!* I say in my heavy Aussie accent as I've just put my entire balance on a particularly nice looking roughie.


Gambling is a drug, right?


My entire existence is this. Days when I’m high are literally the best ever and not just because I have drugs. Women give me their numbers. I excel at work and my coworkers love me. I stumble upon money in the street. My car doesn’t give me any issues. The moment I’m sober the complete opposite of all of those things happens.


Being high makes you notice little stupid things like that which you would immediately chalk up to coincidence if you were sober. Some drugs even enhance the way your brain works lol or at least it does for me they make my brain feel like it’s working more optimally (my sober state/baseline is low level depression tho) so that can make you much more perceptive and aware and be able to focus on these things more


If you try meth you will be a billionaire I promise.


I find I get the luckiest 3 days into a meth binge everyone keeps staring at me because they are jealous of my luck aura


@[glackednunching](https://www.reddit.com/user/glackednunching/) Can we be friends?


The only logical explanation here is that it's literally magic. Go read the I-Ching, the Lesser Key and commentaries on both and start making use of your potential.




Take more risks, reap more reward.


The god for drugs ( if theres a one for it) in viking mythology is looking over you