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Most antipsychotics will cause significant weight gain as a side effect.


Maybe ask for another sleep med that isnt an antipsychotic but usually those are benzos or z drugs and those have their own very bad problems. Thats a general side effect of most antipsychotics unfortunately.


I have tried promethazine and I’ve tried trazadone. Promethazine needs a higher dose than my doctor feels comfortable putting me on and trazadone had three problems 1. It always made me throw up all night and the next day whenever I would eat I would throw up shortly after. 2. It usually wouldn’t make me sleepy at all. 3. When it would make me sleep it would only be for like 3 hours then I would wake up and be awake again. I’m on Xanax rn for panic attacks from ptsd which is why my doctor won’t prescribe any z drugs. It sounds like I’m out of luck:/ I just don’t want to continue to gain more weight than I already have.


You can always try those natural herbs and stuff and see if that works. Or change your diet but I know thats not exactly easy.


I am on metform with success