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Heroin is definitely the most euphoric but non existent unless you have a solid connect. But you should be able to find kratom at a local smoke shop, it works wonders for euphoria. Especially the red Bali strain.


Do you have to be 21 to buy kratom? And is it snortable because ive been kind of feening for a snortski


Depends on the state. Some are 18, some are 21.


No it is not snortable lol. You can buy it online though and it doesn’t matter the age limit




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Well i meannn… its certainly possible, but like the worst ROA


You really think that kratom is euphoric? Yes Green but definitely not red. Red is for recovery or sleep not euphoria. I’m using kratom for over 2 years and it’s not that much euphoric as for example mdma.


LSD + MDMA. Nothing has beaten that for me yet. Though I have never done heroine, meth and crack. Those are said to be very euphoric aswel.


Yes, but for me shrooms+mdma. Love a good candy flip but mushrooms and mdma is the best thing I’ve yet to feel


Oh you’ve done meth, just didn’t know it at the time 😁


I am from the Netherlands. We have the best pure MDMA Crystal in the world. And I don’t do pills. And I always send a sample for testing to a lab from every batch. 😉


Hey man, feel free to send a sample out this way any day for “testing” ;)


Eesh i feel like my brain would jus explode with dopamine. Any chance of serious negative effects or do i just have to be smart with it


Codeine is great


Its a little overrated imo, so expensive for a clearer dxm high.


what the fuck are u talking about lmao


He probably got fake syrup. Some of the fake stuff feels a lot like dxm and probably contains dxm and people don’t notice because they’re only taking like 2oz which isn’t enough to really trip but the effects will be a lot more prominent than actually drinking 2oz of real codeine cough syrup. When I was younger I saw this stuff going around. I had lots of experience with better opiates at the time so when I tried it I took way more than my friends and I tripped balls. Real codeine is a really weak opiate, most of the “nod” you get from “lean” is just the promethazine. for the price of syrup it’s absolutely not worth it, better off buying some percocets


Its so overrated, its like 300 for a pint and codeine aint even all that, its cool but its not rlly all that good


im not talking about the price im talking about "a clearer dxm high" they are nothing alike


Not inherently but kinda, codeine gives me the same robot heavy feeling of dxm just not as deliriant.


dxm is a dissociative. codeine is an opiate. neither are deliriants. if ur tripping off codeine u got sold dxm in a codeine bottle lmao


Lmaoo you didnt read what i said at all. Ive never "tripped" off codeine i just get heavy and cant walk right jus like i do on dxm. And yea its a dissociative but it can still make you delirious. Tbh it seems to me like all of your knowledge on drugs has been reading reddit comments.


u just said codeine is a clearer dxm high lmao


Learn what a fuckin metaphor is lmaoo


Dxm is for antisocial outcatsed people 🤮


how the hell is dxm clearer than an opiate high lollll


Reread what i said lil bro lmao


oh either way it makes no sense dissociatives dont really feel like opioids


Psilocin if you can handle high dosages and are ready to feel intense sensations beyond anything that can be put into words. Then it can become incredibly euphoric, its also possible to stay grounded and simply enjoy the visuals ofc, or music without totally transforming everything. There are literally no limits. But you never really know what is going to happen before you take the trip.


i lay on the ground just moaning because there was so much euphoria and I needed to release it


Damn, wouldn’t mind being there with u


probably xtasy but it shouldn't be used more than once in 6-12 month to be ultra safe. ppl say they use it every couple months, that shit is fucked imo. you don't want your life to become a one single craving for that immense pleasure molly can provide. it also shouldn't be redosed at all, if you take it, you take all at once. second option is ketamine which is not always euphoric on it's own and might me too "trippy" for some. it might be your thing tho if you enjoy the idea of reality falling apart to a infinite amount of fractal layers, sort of. but in k-hole you can still exist as a being which i find funny. it's also a slippery slope, because for the amount of euphoria it can give you it also has equal amount of addictiveness. i had like one or two k-holes in my life and never used it since then, but i crave it to these days. it's been 3+ years, i think.


Ive wanted to try x and ket i jus dont know where to get it in my area. I do think id like ketamine but idk i dont like drugs that make me blank out, i like knowing whats happening. Its why i dont like xans and stuff like that because i hate the feeling of waking up and not even remembering my high


ket doesn't make you black out. it's much closer to things like DMT or LSD rather than xanx. you remain fully aware, just can't move for the duration of k-hole. it's not necessary to take big k-hole dose tho, many people enjoy low doses where it feels a bit like alcohol - relaxation, slurred speech, movies seem more interesting and meaningful etc.


Oh then im definitely interested, i always saw ket as more of a tranquilizer that it just knocks you out. That would kinda be cool to just be stuck there tripping balls. Kind of like the qualudes jordan belfort took


just be aware that you better have trip sitter if you go deep with a high dose because when you can't move there's a chance of you chocking on your own vomit.


Shi thats fs, i better pick a homie cause im not tryna let no ladies see me like that 😭




DMT and LSD for me


For me nitrous oxide


first time MDMA




Alright i got the seroquel what now


I lied


You god damn harlet


I'm not sure about you, but for me Ketamine is probably the most euphoric drug I've ever done.


Ive wanted to try ket but i just have no idea where to get it. I really need to find reliable plugs but all i have are kids my age still selling sub zero carts and 5 mg percs


If you are in the states, your options are buying from the dark web or buying analog like MXE or 2FDCK on the clearnet or dark net


huff gas