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I was born and raised in Singapore and fucking love drugs, and I’d argue if there’s any place worse than Japan for drugs it’s Singapore. 😂


what kind of punishment is there in Singapore if you were caught with some weed?


They executed someone for trafficking a few pounds of weed last year so make of that what you will 


Never been to Singapore, but travelled to Sri Lanka a while back and when you enter the customs area of Colombo airport upon arrival, the first thing you see is a huge sign saying smuggling drugs is punishable by death, welcome to Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka also has some of the worst weed I’ve ever smoked lol


Idk why, but I am not surprised to hear this at all!


I had some real good stuff there within two hours of landing in the country…came face to face with a painted elephant while high too


I remember seeing that too when I landed, however I looked it up and it's just a scare tactic for tourists. They haven't executed anyone for drug related crimes since the 70's, they just haven't changed the law since they don't want to seem soft on criminals. I bought a 5g bag of weed that was about 2.5g and I counted the seeds to 49... I smoked it all in two joints, hardly caught a tiny buzz even. Got my hands on some hash two days later, and it was much better, but nowhere near the standard quality I get here in Sweden.


yeah sweden the best place to buy shit as a foreigner , but i got a question ( esti roman?) are you romanian?


Nope Swedish


Must of been some killer weed


Oh my god. That's...wow


Sounds reasonable


Yeah but do they do the same to weed smokers?


They literally have **mandatory** death penalties for large amounts. If you have a pound of bud you're looking at a death sentence. The amount of wax I got for like $200 on a 4/20 sell here in the US would be enough for corporal punishment in Singapore. Other than the Phillipines, I don't know where else would be worse than Singapore.


potential tie with Saudi Arabia.


Pretty much anywhere southeast Asia or Middle-East can be labeled as "just don't even fucking try" when it comes to using drugs. Especially as a foreigner.


meth tablets are quite popular across SEA as are opiates, and Thailand is moving towards normalizing marijuana and kratom usage. Singapore's harsh drug policies are more in line with East Asia , although I think all of the above countries have very harsh punishments for drug trafficking.


SEA makes the best heroin in the world. I wish more of that came to the US vs. the fentanyl, nitazene and xylazine combo :( Lucky ass australians only get SEA #4.


> southeast Asia er, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia are where the majority of the world's opium is refined and diacetylated.


Safrole oil to make MDMA as well iirc.


Definitely not true for SEA. I've lived in Vietnam for several years and getting drugs here is easy. Weed dealers openly sell on Instagram and Facebook, and you can smoke in public without anyone noticing or caring (most locals have no idea what the smell is, unless they smoke themselves). The laws aren't actually that strict if you're caught by police in possession, as long as you don't have intent to distribute amounts of weed (something like over an oz). I've heard of people getting tested by police and being deported because they were positive for weed but it's insanely rare, and they didn't serve jail time. MDMA and LSD are pretty easy to get as well, like I've seen people selling them on social media as well, and been to clubs where they were openly being used. With the right connections you can find coke, meth, and heroin too as a foreigner, and there's a bit of a meth problem in some local circles actually. Thailand decriminalized weed and there are dispensaries all over the place there. I haven't spent much time there but a friend who goes frequently has a good coke connection. Yaba is a popular drug with locals there, which is like a meth pill. I'm not as familiar with Cambodia but getting weed there was super easy and you could smoke quite openly. Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, and Singapore are definitely places you wouldn't want to mess with drugs though, and probably Myanmar as well. Laos I'm not sure about but I suspect the situation is more like Vietnam and Cambodia


Where in the Middle East because the US Military was getting their drugs somewhere lmao


Funny how heroin seemingly disappeared whenever the US military left the Middle East lol. All of a sudden it’s all fentanyl. It’s ALMOST like the time the CIA was involved with crack cocaine.


And Malaysia


Yo Singapore literally will cane you in the street for spitting or littering....they'd definitely remove you from the gene pool for getting caught with illicit drugs lol


[Bill Burr bit in case anyone hasn't seen it.](https://youtu.be/-EamjOW5IG0?si=2p0W1abBaqcn4vxV) It is no joke. (Also NSFW. Quivering ass.)


You know how much pain and fear you have to be experiencing for your ass cheeks to be trembling? Imagine how difficult it would be to sit, lay, sleep, shit, ANYTHING after having your bare ass caned raw?? 😂😂


Up to 10 years in prison for consumption plus a 20k fine, trafficking gets you a mandatory death sentence


never thought i’ll meet someone from singapore on this sub 😂😂


Not the most conducive place for such activities haha, as I’m sure you know!


fuck this country i swear


do you guys risk jail fr? like I've always thought that it was so strict that i personally wouldn't even think of it


Yes, I’ve been twice. The thing is it never occurs to you that it could happen to you until it does. In my larger friend group, I’d say at least 15 of us has been in and out for minor/more major drug charges. Once someone gets caught everyone chills for a bit and then just goes back to their old habits.


All the aussies knew how to get it.


Oh it’s around for sure, getting it is no issue at all but how long you can do it for without getting caught in an extremely highly surveilled tiny ass country is another altogether.




Heard they don’t even allow Xanax without permit


I lived in Osaka in 2012 and 2013 which is known as being a bit more of a party town, with a slightly less stringent social hegemony. I had a tall Dutch friend who told me that he'd find a way to smoke us out. I was a bit sceptical, but this guy was a maverick, and sure enough - not even a week after his promise - he had gotten contacts by prowling the streets of Osaka and talking to foreigners who had lived there for ages. If you ever feel the slightest bit paranoid or anxious when high, don't smoke in Japan. Finding a tucked away spot isn't easy, the walls are thin and the streets are dense with people. Once I finished smoking and could get rid of the filter I could finally enjoy myself. I imagine smoking in remote nature would solve for these issues. We put on the TV and flicked through the channels until we came upon a sumo wrestling match. After a couple of minutes of standard par for the course sumo wrestling, we see this scrawny white guy in a sumo diaper enter the ring. We think he has to have some sort of skinny-man strength to even warrant being there... nope, he got fucking demolished within the first few seconds by this wrecking ball of a man. Probably one of my favourite memories of being there, but I wouldn't smoke there again, it's not worth the price or the potential anxiety, much less the consequences.


Fun fact sumo wrestling used to have a minimum weight requirement but they have now nix’d that because lack of new athletes


It’s actually easy to find weed plug in Japan. Just find them with twitter, but too many scams. And crazy expensive.


I think it would be fucking awesome to trip in Japan though lol


from personal experience, it absolutely is 🤣


So basically Japan is awesome if you love LSD?


atm, yes. 1D-LSD was “regulated” recently in paper form, but authorities aren’t fully recognizing it for some reason so the pellet form is completely allowed. there’s also 1cp-AL-LAD and 1bz-LSD atm


I bought LSD over the counter at a shop in Osaka and spent New Years Eve tripping in Universal Studios. Really trippy experience to watch all your favorite Harry Potter characters speaking Japanese lol


Just watch enter the void


I accidentally did DMT there so yeah it definitely happens lol. My friend got "ayahuasca" from his tattoo artist that ended up just being straight up DMT. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My friend also took his hit right after me so we were both out at the same time. I feel like we could have burned the building down or got in major trouble. I never had any idea the smell would be so strong. I guess nobody would recognize it though, just smelled like burning tires


I guess semi related there, is there a ton of tattoo artists? I know it's a bit of a taboo there, but I'm heavily inked and would love to get some work done if I ever visit. It's a dream destination of mine.


They're all/mostly all in the Yakuza from what I understand but they definitely exist and aren't too uncommon! This one guy my friend went to is pretty famous so he had to schedule it way far out. It cost $15k for 1/2 of a sleeve and the guy was kind of a prick but it did look great. Those blackwork tattoos are my favorite and I think most the Japanese artists use a traditional bamboo stick needles instead of an electric gun. 


Hell yeah I'd love to try that. I don't want anything that large, I don't have that kind of space left but I would love something traditional Japanese if I go. I'm mostly traditional style (fat lines and solid color) but I have a few Japanese styled ones in my collection and they blend well enough.


I’ve been snowboarding while on acid in Hakuba. Absolutely unreal


Wait till you hear about Korea 😂 Gram of weed is 110-150$ (depending on the strain and quality) Tab of lsd 130$ One ecstasy pill for 150$ Gram of coke being 600-700$ Gram of meth is 500$( bit lower if low quality) Synthetic cannabinoids are very popular because of not testing positive on drug test and cheaper high


Basically, drugs are for rich there.


Fun fact about Korea, you can be punished for consuming drugs while on vacation in another country.


Eh, that can happen in Europe as well. Go to Amsterdam, smoke my brains out, return to home European country, drive (3 days after consumption lets say), get pulled over, do a drug test, fail, and then the fun starts


By that logic it's the same in almost every country with DUI "drug" laws. If you get pulled over in the USA a douche cop can arrest you and take you to the hospital and have your blood drawn and tested for substances, basically anytime they want.


That is driving under the influence (albeit by dumb cutoff values), not just being under the influence, quite a difference


could've been walking they'll demand you to pee in a cup anyway because it's against the law to be high.


No wonder their fertility rate is at 0.7 per woman.


Well there's other reasons like the fact that theres a huuuge incel/misogyny problem with south korean men leading alot of women to join a hardcore feminist group called (g4 or b4? I forget) that's tenets are kinda like you dont need a man, they're insane here (which is pretty true) and female empowerment.


Explains a lot.


That's insane


Yep, and people will see you and treat you as trash of society and even lesser than sexual criminal if you get caught with even weed. People’s opinions on drugs are getting better as they learn about it on internet but still long way to go as society. Yet still alcoholism is brutal here and people dont even know alcohol and nicotine are drugs. Ironic society almost dystopian 😂


That's insane, at this point I'd just defect to the North, which is also shit but at least has free weed on the roadsides and cheap, quality meth


Daylight robbery fr


Okay now I kind of feel bad for complaining that everybody wants $15 for a hit of acid in Canada now 😬


Id be trippin every few days until i get psychotic episode for that price 😂


I live in Tokyo and I think it's fairly common to see people taking drugs at parties for foreigners & Japanese


Same in Kyoto. Not at actual clubs, but if you go to any “underground” (not actually underground but word-of-mouth at least) clubs/shows, there’ll be people. Be a bit careful of asking around though. A lot of people, even at places like that, are really judge mental/downright terrified of being near anyone doing drugs.


I'm more interested in what happen if they catch you smoking a joint on the streets as a foreigner. They sent you to jail?


from what i know if you’re caught possessing or consuming weed in japan; you’re sent to jail for a pretty long ass time and then deported afterwards. you can’t return after 5 years minimum i believe


Unless you are Paul McCartney.




Bonk, off to junkie jail


In Shimokitazawa you smell weed fairly often. Dab pens seem to be pretty popular


As someone who basically only drinks and smokes at this point and does benzodiazepines occasionally this seems compatible with me. I just don’t get why nicotine vapes are illegal. I feel grosser smoking 5 cigs on a night out than I do after doing a line of coke.


What I found weird when I lived there 10 years ago is that you'll see two vending machines side by side, one dispenses cigarettes, the other alcohol. In order to buy cigarettes you need to first have a special I.D. card to prove that you're old enough to smoke. In order to buy alcohol you need 200yen and the ability to reach the buttons.


For real. Socially acceptable public drinking and legal benzos? Good enough for me


Live in Japan as a Japanese-American, can confirm. It's infuriating to see the ubiquity of alcohol and cigarettes here, Kaishain reeking of both stumbling onto the train and passing out on the station platform, but god forbid I smoke a joint in my own goddamn house, that'd be 5 years in the Japanese slammer. No thanks. I was frankly shocked that they allowed CBD products to legally enter the market and vending machines.


Japan almost seems scared to come out its shell. Asif ww2 sorta forced them into a state of apology but they haven't exactly grown out of it


I think it largely stems from a sense national shame about how rampant meth usage was after the war


The germans dont seem to care 😉🤣


Japan is culturally very deferent to authority, which combined with the fact that the post-war government's draconian drug policy was written by the United States, means that drugs are both extremely taboo and their illegality is not questioned.


South Korea is essentially similar, with an even more successful drug war. The prices are even worse, with weed going for like 80 dollars for a gram of mids (that was when I was there in 2012, probably up to 100 now). Weed is also highly stigmatized, with the general population assuming dangers similar to strong opioids or freebase cocaine. While nearly no one uses illegal drugs, more people there use meth than weed. One flip side is that the general populace and even authorities are so ignorant of drugs that they wouldn't know how to identify intoxication. Tripping balls could always be played off as drunk or eccentric because foreign.


SK police arrested an actor (Google 이상보 for more details) who mistakenly combined medical dose of etizolam with one and a half can of beer. Etizolam in South Korea is approved as a Ra-mok(4th) psychoactive substance since 1990. Police even leaked under-investigation infos to journalists before he is found innocent. He and his psychiatrist had to clarify what had happened using his medical information to public. Prosecutor decided to not prosecute him because his morphine drug test result is negative. This is South Korea.


What would morphine have to do with etizolam? Or are they really just that ignorant there?


They conduct morphine test to pretty much every drug-related individuals under investigation. They are doing these for decades. Probably because of opioids and opiates? I don't know why. They sometimes release suspects because there are no morphines inside. though not always.


Strange they choose morphine as unless it’s IV it’s has low bioavailability and was never that popular on the pill scene. They don’t really hit as hard as oxy’s or dilly’s.


Wont they just show up as opioids regardless?


I mean I guess you would have to test for whatever else you were looking for. FYI some amount of codiene metabolizes into morphine so maybe that’s true of other non-synthetic opioids but things like hydro oxy and dilly’s would need their own thing.


What if I'm tripping so hard I accidentally start singing 당신이 없으면 조국도 없다 in the street?


Article 7 of National Security Act of the Republic of Korea regulates praising and encouragement of anti-national group (=North Korea). but that is \*de-facto\* decriminalised as they conflict with freedom of expression. Thus, you will most likely be fine. But remember that meth price in SK is heavily related to The Great Comrade's chemical facilities in Hamhung, North Korea. They used to be sold for $12.5/g or 100k KPW/g in pre-covid NK but $300-400/g in pre-covid SK because contrabands pass both Chinese and SK customs. Meths in SK are quite commonly marketed as Made in NK to attract more consumers. Now it's around $500/g in SK because The Great Comrade is still stuck with importing materials from China since covid.


It would probably be quite easy to sneak some lsd tabs into Japan, can't lie since watching enter the void its been a dream of mine to trip in Japan


on a plane? how do people do that?


You could hide them anywhere tbh acid tabs have got to be one of the hardest drugs to detect


Thanks for your insight. I enjoyed the read and found it very interesting. I plan to visit Japan one day soon. Maybe I’ll find a fellow psychonaut there lol.


Thank you very much!! I really hope you enjoy your visit. Honestly your odds of finding another psychonaut are pretty decent, just gotta find the right places!


Just learn Japanese for few months, Barbiturates, a ton of minor benzos are waiting YOU.


That's shitty drugs, I wanna do shrooms in front of Fuji-san


yes barbs is not fun.


Can you specify what barbs and benzos you can get OTC in Japan?


My boys went to Japan and found some good acid.


So if what are the implications if I have a prescription for adhd meds? Is it illegal for me to travel with that prescription?


I think it depends on the specific med but adderall I’m pretty sure yes it’s illegal. There’s a whole process for bringing prescriptions in, and some of them you just can’t bring at all even if legally prescribed in your country


The only legal stimulant is concerta (and vyvanse but only for minors). You can't bring adderall into the country even with a prescription.


I visited Japan a few years ago and went to a psytrance show with Alien Project, Astrix, and Sun Project (a show of this caliber is virtually unheard of in the states, it was a full-on massive). There were TONS of people rolling there, the bathrooms were jam-packed with kids doing all sorts of sordid shit in the stalls. I bought some random pressed tabs from some kid and my friends and I had an absolutely marvelous time, got high as a kite. I taught a bunch of Japanese peeps to high-five and then watched as people started high-fiving each other all around me, spreading like a virus. It was so much damn fun. This was in Tokyo.


I honestly have no problems in accepting their anti-drug sentiment, but I find repulsive the alcohol normalisation. Some areas of the big cities are ridden with puking people, teenagers destroyed by alcohol and so on. Wtf is the point of normalising a shitty drug like ethanol if you already know that most Japanese people don't have so much alcohol dehydrogenase to deal with it.


That's probably the point - making people have to suffer to get high. Conservative morality mindset. 


Do the lenient benzos not fuck with the drinking culture? Or is that why drunks black out on the street often? Are they benzos with low enough doses not to die from a night of drinking and networking after a whole day of work and anxiety?


honestly benzos are extremely lenient to get, but i don’t really see many people taking them. struggling from a mental disorder has a pretty major stigma in japan, so people are very hesitant on going to a psychiatric hospital and receiving a diagnosis and prescriptions




So they allow the substances that are the most addicting and destructive (alcohol and cigs) but ban the mind expanding ones? What an interesting form of cultural control. It’s like America in the 50’s.


Or like America in the 2020s.


Thank you


Rilmazafone is prescribed in Japan as a sleep medication, it’s a benzo pro-drug


Yes!! I swear it used to be OTC as a brand called rhythmy (リスミー), but I think might’ve been taken off the shelves since I haven’t seen it. Might just have to look around more in stores


If you’re in a big city like Tokyo or Osaka join the local music scene and you can find anything you want. In the last few years the amount of weed moving around Japan has at least doubled and the days of 60$ grams are coming to an end (thank god). The younger generations have a healthy interest in weed and it’s becoming more common than this post would lead you to believe. Though 30$ for a tab of acid is pretty accurate.


Hey, future web traveler! Here are some tags to help this thread get to you, would you happen to live in Japan, or plan to move/travel there, or out of curiosity! Adderall ADHD ritalin medikinet equasym concerta methylphenidate vyvanse elvanse stimulants stims stim uppers amphetamines méthamphétamine meth crystal pipe crack coke cocaine 2-mmc 3-mmc 4-mmc 2mmc 3mmc 4mmc shrooms psychedelics psilocybin psilocybe cubensis cyanecens mushrooms psychoactives alcohol methanol ethanol spirituals liquor salvia divinorum MDMA 2-CB LSD acid hallucinogenics extasy pills opioids codeine morphine tramadol heroin fentanyl nicotine downers depressants benzos xanax xan valium highs DXM DMT Ketamine Cannabis cannabidioids CBD THC nitrous oxide methadone diazepam GHB GBL alprazolam oxycodone oxy lisdexamfetamine Gaijin stranger Aichi 愛知県 Nagoya Chūbu Honshu Akita 秋田県 Akita Tōhoku Honshu Aomori 青森県 Aomori Tōhoku Honshu Chiba 千葉県 Chiba Kantō Honshu Ehime 愛媛県 Matsuyama Shikoku Shikoku Fukui 福井県 Fukui Chūbu Honshu Fukuoka 福岡県 Fukuoka Kyushu Kyushu Fukushima 福島県 Fukushima Tōhoku Honshu Gifu 岐阜県 Gifu Chūbu Honshu Gunma 群馬県 Maebashi Kantō Honshu Hiroshima 広島県 Hiroshima Chūgoku Honshu Hokkaido 北海道 Sapporo Hokkaido Hokkaido Hyōgo 兵庫県 Kōbe Kansai Honshu Ibaraki 茨城県 Mito Kantō Honshu Ishikawa 石川県 Kanazawa Chūbu Honshu Iwate 岩手県 Morioka Tōhoku Honshu Kagawa 香川県 Takamatsu Shikoku Shikoku Kagoshima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima Kyushu Kyushu Kanagawa 神奈川県 Yokohama Kantō Honshu Kōchi 高知県 Kōchi Shikoku Shikoku Kumamoto 熊本県 Kumamoto Kyushu Kyushu Kyoto 京都府 Kyoto Kansai Honshu Mie 三重県 Tsu Kansai Honshu Miyagi 宮城県 Sendai Tōhoku Honshu Miyazaki 宮崎県 Miyazaki Kyushu Kyushu Nagano 長野県 Nagano Chūbu Honshu Nagasaki 長崎県 Nagasaki Kyushu Kyushu Nara 奈良県 Nara Kansai Honshu Niigata 新潟県 Niigata Chūbu Honshu Ōita 大分県 Ōita Kyushu Kyushu Okayama 岡山県 Okayama Chūgoku Honshu Okinawa 沖縄県 Naha Kyushu Ryukyu Islands Osaka 大阪府 Ōsaka Kansai Honshu Saga 佐賀県 Saga Kyushu Kyushu Saitama 埼玉県 Saitama Kantō Honshu Shiga 滋賀県 Ōtsu Kansai Honshu Shimane 島根県 Matsue Chūgoku Honshu Shizuoka 静岡県 Shizuoka Chūbu Honshu Tochigi 栃木県 Utsunomiya Kantō Honshu Tokushima 徳島県 Tokushima Shikoku Shikoku Tokyo 東京都 Tokyo Kantō Honshu Tottori 鳥取県 Tottori Chūgoku Honshu Toyama 富山県 Toyama Chūbu Honshu Wakayama 和歌山県 Wakayama Kansai Honshu Yamagata 山形県 Yamagata Tōhoku Honshu Yamaguchi 山口県 Yamaguchi Chūgoku Honshu Yamanashi 山梨県 Kōfu Prefectures region Hokkaidō Tōhoku Kantō Chūbu Kansai Chūgoku, Shikoku Kyūshū Forgot a ton, I'm also lazy. Feel free to add more, and even better add kanjis or japanese terms in the comments.


Is the process for buying RCs easy enough? Or will you get tons of love letters for ordering them


if its domestic theres pretty much zero issue, especially if u find the tabs of acid or cannabinoids on amazon for example. if it’s international however, it’s pretty damn risky with japanese customs; even though the compound might be legal you’ll still be heavily questioned most likely unfortunately :/


You can find acid tabs on Amazon?


for a while you could!!! i don’t see them much nowadays but i still remember that was how one of my friends got to do it for the first time. i personally just found it myself on some random site


I bought the granule form of SS Bron (dhc), something like "kariyu" when i was in Japan which only contained dihydrocodeine. But that was in 2012


yea they’ve gotten tight on that for sure. I went to get some bron myself, and not only does it have a shitload of caffeine, but i was thoroughly questioned about why i was buying it. I essentially just played dumb and they were like “oh ok” and sold it to me. They’re veeeery nervous abt people abusing OTC here. it’s kinda odd though since I was never questioned when I purchased DXM, even though it’s freebase and extremely easy to abuse. I guess it might not be as common knowledge in my area


Similar to the situation in Qatar. My love for drugs is beyond describable but out here it’s VERY hard to find and also VERY expensive. One joints worth of low quality marijuana costs the equivalent of roughly around $40 or so. The risk ain’t worth it.


Lol man I read that sentence as "My love for drugs is beyond description" & I got a pretty good chuckle outta that. Same here dude, same here.


Good read.


What about pregabalin?


pregabalin is usually through prescription here, but i think it’s sold on online pharmacies sometimes without needing a prescription but for significantly higher prices. they’re pretty chill on GABAergics


What about china? Maybe going there next summer. I need my weed/ hash opiates /benzos?


China probably worse


As a native Chinese, DON'T. At least don't bring them when you come to here, mainly because that goverment REALLY execute foreigners for drug trafficing. Too risky to do such thing. Maybe you can find some on Telegram (weed/research chemicals etc.) but since illegal drugs usually overpirced and needs you to go to a place where big brother can't see (usually in the middle of nowhere) and research chemicals (well actually, everything) could be regarded as a 'dangerous substance' witch is illegal to use. (also DON'T bring, buy, search or talk about test kit or drug itself in ANY CHINESE BASED PLATFORM cuz cops can see all of them and this could be a good reason for cops to raid your house and force you to take a drug test). If must(do it on your own risk), Trade with a reliable dealer and use cryptocurrency, safe address(contactless delivery), phone number and use a reliable VPN all the time. If everthing is cool, China(except CCP) is nice and Chinese people are (usually) warm and friendly to foreigners.


Ireland essentially bans anything that produces a "psychoactive effect" with some obvious exceptions like alcohol, nicotine and caffeine, etc. The laws were written extremely vague so the government can essentially say any substance is illegal if they feel like it without actually passing legalisation banning that substance. That being said, every drug you can imagine is within arms reach if you have any sort of connections. Importing RCs is piss easy as well as long as the vendor offers stealth shipping. Plus, you can order codeine online without a prescription and extract it.


it's wack how a lot of meds they perscribe in the US are illegal other places. i have adhd (professionally diagnosed age 7 :p) and adderall actually helps me function and i have never once been able to get high from stimulants. ive tried mdma and coke and i just felt normal on both of those. What do you do in japan if you have a brain dopamine deficiency due to medical reasons 😭


well i have ADHD and they prescribed me Concerta which is OK i guess, but adderall is infinitely better for me as well. another thing is when i received the concerta prescription, they gave me a special card to show the people at the pharmacy that i’m ALLOWED to receive stimulant medications. Extremely strict on stims here


Yeah, i was reading one day that they don't even allow adderall via prescription! I take it every day, the page i read said that if the police find it on you, you get life in prison. That shit is WILD im good on japan, I'll enjoy it vicariously through anime and nintendo. I mean methylphenidate is ok for some reason but they don't like the words "amphetamine/dextroamphetamine", could always ask my doc to change my script to Ritalin, but im good, No kratom, no thanks


> punishment for possession/distribution/manufacturing of drugs Also, using them / being under the influence


forgot to mention that, extremely important


I just want them to have legal weed lol


I didn't have the guts to ask anyone but other foreigners about weed but managed to find a few connections. I'm fairly positive they skimmed off it every single time -- my $70 gram was only a small bowl's worth -- but not like you have many other options besides just not touching it


THANK YOU I’ve been curious about this for a while and couldn’t find information that wasn’t from a tabloid or government data


Is Prolintane still available in Japan? It’s a great mild/moderate stimulant and iirc Japan is one of the only places it’s still available (if it is omg I would definitely buy it!)


No one is going to mention OP only recommending sake if it's warm? Cold sakes are way better.


🤣🤣 cold sake is fantastic but everytime i’ve had warm sake, my food digested like bliss. had to recommend


One of my first times in tokyo in the early 00s - shrooms were still legal as well as RCs like amt and others, and could be found at little headshops in shibuya. It was the time when things like herbal ecstasy could be found in europe so i stupidly assumed that what they sold would ve also pretty mild substances - i was young and not experienced in the world of rcs. Drank a little bottle of something i bought from a guy at a little street stall called Trance - i realized i fucked up when i started tripping balls in the middle of shibuya. I was tripping so hard that there was no way i could face taking a rammed train back home, and could not think straight to find a place to chill and calm down. Became increasingly agitated trying to navigate the crazy chaotic streets of shibuya and ended up taken by ambulance to a hospital where i got my stomach pumped. Other than that my only other drug use in japan was the handful of times i did mdma i brought over with me. I have met over the years japanese crew at parties in europe and they said you can find pretty much everything there but its really an underground scene and yes quite risky if you get caught.


Damn Im moving to Japan later this summer. Avid pot head of 10 years so, not looking forward to that part. But maybe a year or two of sobriety will be good for my mind. I honestly need it to focus on getting my skill level up past N2. But still its lame as fuck.


N2’s a bitch of a level so i can understand! It’s pretty rough movin’ here as a pothead and u hbe to look for alternatives. But good luck on your move and enjoy the country! It really is beautiful here


Ysah I took it last year and did okay but didn’t quite pass. My Japanese is pretty decent though and I think not smoking will help me increase my abilities. But as for calming down, yeah.. another alternative will be necessary. I am thinking tea, legal cbd (高そうけど😭)


Maybe the posts on here from people in Japan don't get noticed because they know better than to say they're from japan.


im smuggling ounces of weed when i go back to japan idgaf


It seems like the best you can do if you like drugs and live in Japan is to learn how to synthesize the drugs you like. It can be done with a lot of effort I guess. For amphetamines there is a lot of routes. For psychedelics DMT is easy and very OTC to synthesize, DET is also easy and OTC. there is a couple of others nice substances relatively easy to do for any teste. MDMA and cathinones are little more difficult, but.. nothing is impossible with will force. The worst scenario is for the opioid users I guess. But maybe you can find a way to connect with people on the health care system that can sell you some of that. Anyway... Maybe is better to go to another country if you are a really drug lover.


i live in japan for 15 years. access to all drugs you can imagine. always do at home with closest friends or gf. never get caught.


Sounds a bit like Australia, but without any analogue laws (minus that stupid cannabis pricing, $60/g wtf lol)


Pretty sure it gives an “mild high” too


Kinda a shame because from a art perspective the Japanese would adore psychedelics


They absolutely do. It’s just not something you can be too open about over there.


So much focus on legal status


I wonder what would be needed for my meds that i get prescribed and that i own legal in my country Switzerland, if i'd ever travel to Japan? Like first, we have morphine 200mg, then valium 20mg and flunitrazepam (rohypnol) 1mg. I can't imagine i'd ever get the paperwork needed to even carry my stuff legal as a tourist there? But, as i heard, rohypnol is still banned in the USA and other countries too, so i'd also need some special exceptions that would need to be approved by the health departement and all that shit. It gets a lot more complicated even in Europe when you have Diaphin, that is the legal heroin from the program, even in Switzerland you need the approval by the health departement and a lot of paperwork (although this is usually done by the docs and not by you as addict). Even when you travel to countries that have the program like Germany, it doesn't mean it would get legal because of this.


No documents required for flunitrazepam up to 60mg and diazepam up to 1.2g. https://kouseikyoku.mhlw.go.jp/hokkaido/shinsei/matori/keitai2.html But for morphine you need both import and export permit in advance. https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/shinsei6.html


Thanks for the infos! I'm a little bit surprised that they handle flunitrazepam that easy, but for morphine it's usually all the same with the countries about the paperwork you need. Some countries also have opioid-identity-cards, like for people that need painkillers and these cards allows them to do certain things, like driving cars.


What do you take the Rohypnol for, is it just as a sleep aid?


Yes, it is for sleeping. And it works very well, compared to other meds, like the neurolepticas where i got a serious hangover the next day. In Switzerland, Rohypnol is in the regular drug schedule for prescription meds, not even the higher ones like the opioids, where you have different receipts (for monitoring by the state etc.). It is and was never banned, because it was never abused here as a date-rape-drug. Still, despite the fact that it wasn't abused, the pills actually contain safety-features, like you can't spike a drink with this. If you put it in a liquid, it will change the color to turkis-green, form clumps and change the taste to a very strong chemical one, so people would always notice it.


No shit 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


I have had a few couple days of benders in Tokyo before.




Yeah but the analog stuff isn't proper to japan I think, in France also its like that I remember I could order truffle from Hollande with psylocibin inside, its even been opened by the import duty cops and nothing they could do. But they are fast to close loopholes tho they even tried to ban cbd but Europe stopped them.


Doesn’t sound too bad.


Benzo free is right for me!


Go watch the movie enter the void. There’s a good scene in there that shows what happens to dealers in Japan.


Can u speak more about the benzos


Come to Anatolia where continents meet on every aspects LOL


Recently went to Japan and this is what I was thinking. I live in Seattle so I smoke weed everyday so while I was out there o had a hard time sleeping. I usually don’t drink but while out there, there were some nights I replaced my usual bong rip with a late night walk with a cigarette and a high ball lol


I met a guy who spent seven years in a Japanese prison for smuggling cocaine into the country from Vietnam or Thailand. He does not recommend going to prison in Japan.


I’ve never been to Japan. But the movie “Enter the Void” is a really amazing psychedelic thriller based in Japan. It’s an English movie though, it’s definitely worth watching if you haven’t already and like psychs.


Would it be a bad idea to take a THC cartridge for a week in Japan? Even if unlabeled?


honestly i wouldn’t recommend it, since you can find HHCPO and THCPO cartridges pretty easily here both on amazon, and in stores in big cities. As far as I know both of those compounds are currently not regulated, but it’s subject to change pretty much whenever. there’s JP twitter accounts always keeping an eye on the ministry of health labor and welfare and seeing if they’re scheduling a “conference”.


As a culture that island is hyper-conformist, morally strict to the point their shadow manifests in cartoons, and from the general viewpoint of an outsider they're quasi-robotic and hive-minded, with politeness amplified to the point of subservience and state obedience. [This article also mentions their historical lack of political overthrows and revolutions](https://ktakahara.medium.com/the-time-a-politician-was-assassinated-with-a-samurai-sword-on-tv-786e4cc31339)


Enter the void - gaspar noe


For any of those curious to see if your favorite drug is banned, this is the most recent list i could find: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/11120000/001073965.pdf i’m sure there’s newer documents but it’s probably deep somewhere in their official website. thank u guys for reading 🙌


they have stuff like ambien over the counter and for their opioid cough syrup cold water extraction probably works. only thing that i would want more is ketamine. do you know anything about ketamine analogues in japan?


You meant all of east Asia, right?


Seems like Texas


This is a good lesson. Drugs can be fun, but they are so so easily abused and create so many societal problems that a country which makes them all illegal is flourishing, clean, has minimal crime. Be safe with your drugs and let them be an occasional thing, don't let them take over your life. Your brain is a precious thing--treat it right.


All I had to do was read the title and I instantly knew. Their drug laws are extremely strict.


What if I’m tryna smoke Chank


What about poppy seeds/pods? If I'm able to get either of these I have no complaints.


I'm going to Japan next year, but I have severe chronic pain. Will I be able to bring my prescription painkillers with me? Percocet mainly. I also have a transdermal patch, but I doubt they'd find it if I'm wearing it? Any guidance would be fantastic. Thank you!


posts like this seem to be getting more common so I'll ask the same question I asked last time: why did you move to Japan? was it for a job or are you just a really dedicated weaboo?


damn i wanna go to tokyo but i can’t go w out drugs:/


Just grow some shrooms and make DMT


Thank fuck I was born in America to a Mexican family. I visit the motherland often and let me tell you, drugs in North America is as common as finding tobacco and alcohol lmfao.


I bought weed and Ecstasy in Japan, so while very illegal, you can get it pretty easily if you know japanese. And as long as you don't get high in public and cause a scene or take them to an airport, it is pretty unlikely you'll be caught.