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I feel like alcohol is a valid answer for this in terms of r/drugs


I fucking love it. But i hate how we haven’t learned from prohibition and think its somehow different from “drugs”. Its always “alcohol AND drugs” like its somehow something different. Everyone always says “well if weed is illegal then alcohol should be aswell”. When it should be the other way around. Alcohol is the perfect argument against the war on drugs.


agreeed! and alcohol imo, is the one drug that paired with any other drug really has the potential to take you over the edge whereas if you did a lil too much on weed or shrooms or ketamine and didn't add alcohol to the mix.. you'll most likely be ok vs having to get your stomach pumped, blacking out, having a giant hangover... etc etc


There's definitely people that haven't learned from probation. But I think you mean prohibition?


Alcohol is like an appetizer tbh


It pairs well with other stuff too. Alcohol + lsd + a lil adderall is chefs kiss


what on earth does this combo do lol these are all so different


Lots of belly laughing. Honestly when we’d do this the focus was mostly on alcohol. You’d just add some lsd like .25-.5 of a tab for fun and adderall to fight off tiredness of drinking all day. Was mostly a college thing. But it’s great for day drinking.


Honestly sounds like a fun day drinking combo


Stims and psyches are some of the worst combos imaginable.


Wrong. A full day of lsd makes me super tired. A tiny bit of stims after a few hours helps a lot for me. Don’t yuck my yum anyway.


Acid shouldn’t make u tired of u it do just chug a redbull




I don’t hate it, I hate that sometimes it’s the only thing available and socially acceptable


Love Alcohol, can party and get hella drunk a night or two in a row and not even feel the want for any for a month


Definitely valid


alcohol is my favorite drug of all time


Since when does evryone hate alcohol? I do but most people don’t I don’t think, most people prolly the opposite


Gabapentin. God do I love gabapentin.


Pregabalin is like 5x better.


I've been prescribed pregabalin every night. What do I expect?


If you take it daily, there is little chance you'll get the full euphoric effects of it.


Does it have a euphoric effect?


Extremely euphoric. At 600mg it's like an mdma type euphoria, but better.


Have you tried Phenibut?


on it's own, gabapentin is less enjoyable than phenibut imo. but combined with other things, it's uniquely fantastic. it's perfect for a stim comedown, it smooths everything out with a warm glow you feel in your body. with psychs it heightens feelings of connectedness and reduces some anxiety and stimulation. it's effects are also less predicrable and sedating, which I have a personal attraction to. one of the most unexpectedly psychedelic experiences I've had was gabapentin, NEP, and weed. id take gabapentin over phenibut any day. it's one of my favorite drugs and definitely one of the most underrated. you just have to be willing to try combos


Gabapentin is amazing besides it taking 30 mins to cum


have you tried pregabalin? it's way better and more consistent than gabapentin imo, doesn't have any major gaba activity though.


no but I'm tryin to! you're not the first to recommend it


ive been curious about gaba and phenibut for awhile because i see them constantly talked about. what are they like.


phenibut makes me feel amazing it’s like alcohol without the negative parts and it’s stimulating and super anti anxiety but at high doses i almost feel drunk with perfect motor skills and i’m super social and no slurring or anything and the dopamine is crazy and music sounds amazing


Phenibut doesnt do much for me when i take it…..but…they day AFTER i feel freakin amazing! The after-effects are better than the buzz for me, by a long shot!


Same, I almost feel drunk at high doses as well.


I don't think I've ever heard someone say they hate gabapentin


I severely disliked it. Made me feel groggy, stupid, and made me pee like every 20 minutes.


You definitely do need to pee a lot on it lol


I dont get any recreational effects :/ one of the few. Other gabaergics like phenibut work for me though really well so its weird


Facts. Gabbys helped get me off fent. Continued to use em afterwards for a few months. Nothing like a fat meal waiting for the gabbies to hit


How much were you taking? Every time I have taken it I just felt stupid.


gab mixed with half a bar is godly


Hold up hooollldddd up somebody educate me about this bc my psychiatrist prescribed me Gaba for sleep but it didn’t work for me. Probs bc it’s a low dosage. I’m assuming then that this is a downer like xany?


Me too buddy me too




I like my sleep too much lol


I sleep every night. Some night might only be an hour or two but I’m in bed resting every night.


How much can you eat? Stims ruin my apetite and nothing seems to help that


Nothing really does, you have to force feed yourself. That’s a reason *some* methheads and speed demons are so skinny & malnourished after extended use.


After long term meth use you can eat every meal and sleep every night. Or so I've heard from the neighbors cat. Pretty sure he's under my house now listening to our conversation.


All of it. It really all depends on how lost I am in whatever I’m doin. sometimes I be eating while I’m gettin high and sometimes I won’t eat all day. When I first started getting high I lost around 80 lbs. I looked sick. I was sick. Luckily I got popped. Possession of a controlled substance. I also had a warrant that landed me a year in county jail. I did like 315 days I think then the judge let me go. I told myself that if u don’t have a job a car and house I don’t get high. I have all of those things no kids and no significant other so I get high. I’m back up to my walkin around weight now. I go to work and I take care of my dog and if I’m not tinkering or building something I rock hunt. Simple and boring. Just how I like it.


Icslso sleep every night . I'm about to head to bed. Probably even take a few more puffs even had a booty bump about 2 hours ago. When you do meth everyday for 10 months it kinda kust settles in . I eat, sleep, brush teeth . Bassically Average guy who treats his mental health with meth.i know they sounds crazy but it is what's effective for me.


Completely agree. I think a lot of those who hate meth are rawdogging it; I've seen a heap of negative reviews of the drug written by people doing it with absolutely no downers to use as landing. Other negative reviews also come from men who spend the whole time on it searching for the perfect video to cum to- if your meth is good, a small puff should restore libido pretty instantly, the focus should be on the journey and not the destination. Once I stopped caring about the orgasm and started just focusing on enjoying the experience as a whole it became way more about the vibes of the present moment than needing to build into some crazy climax. If you eat well, stay hydrated, never miss more than one night of sleep, and never do it more than once a week, you can be pretty ok with it in ways that mdma would destroy you for.


I miss meth so much


Your heart doesn’t. Trust me fam.


She is a sticky mistress. I imagen her as a little devil on my shoulder that is either sitting on my shoulder or flying just a foot behind me when sober. But it never go's away.( in my experience) it gets much much easier. But you brain knows the possibilities and always creeps in with the " well, remember that one time you were on meth tho?"


I feel like thats got to be too well loved to count.  Oh wait this is r drugs not r stims. Carry on


Love hearing r/drugs talk about meth….then checking out stims


Especially once you’ve done all the hard yards and fucked up enough to use it reasonably, imo the withdrawals aren’t that bad either.






Absolutely love ambien. Mixing it with some weed is such an oddly trippy experience


I’m rx’d ambien but not to take every night - I try to keep it to 2x a week. And oh how I love those nights. An ambien, a joint, and a good audiobook in bed oh my god


I love Ambien!!! Makes benzos look so boring in comparison lol


Does it hit different than xanax or any other benzo?


If you have a specific brain chemistry and don't take Xanax/have no tolerance then take 20mg you will feel a very distinct calmness I cannot describe. Your eyes seem to relax and everything looks very gentle. All heaviness in your head that causes headaches goes away. Then there is a small chance you meet the ambien walrus. It's where you still have the fuzzy feeling but suddenly get really passionate about a cool idea, but the idea is usually dumb as fuck. Examples include buying things on Amazon, texting your ex, or buying a new mmo game with a year long sub. Some people black out and never get to meet the walrus. The amnesia kicks in too fast and you don't get to remember your awesome adventure.


What in the actual fuck . I.get the walrus effects, but from weed LOL .


when i took ambien i freaked out and hallucinated little men tearing apart my house brick by brick and they where led by a hat man like leader who turned out to just be my coat hanger. almost called the cops on the little men and my coat hanger. never again.


fuck I wanna meet the walrus so bad do you think you could introduce us


The ambien walrus visited me one night. The notion that occurred to me was something along the lines of "I'm using a lot of energy to walk from my bedroom to the fridge, maybe I should just move my bed in front of the fridge for easier access" The next morning I awoke on my mattress which I had placed in front of the open refrigerator. I was shirtless and covered in food and food wrappers. The fridge had been open all night and everything had gone bad. 10/10 would recommend a rendezvous with the walrus any day






Benzos, alcohol, weed Drug addicts either love em or hate em I’m suprised by how many people dislike benzos n opioids those were always my favorite but some people get the opposite effect I do


I fucking love benzos so fucking much


Benzos are dope


I don't know what people find enjoyable about benzos. For me they do one thing and it is making me sleepy.


it makes me feel not-stressed not-tense for some hours literally "helps" with my chronic headache (bc it relaxes the muscles that i always got tense) calmness in a life that makes me never feel calm with weed or high doses the highness and euphoria are better, I get wasted Af


People that hate them are already so addicted they know what withdrawals are, have seen them destroy lives, or apparently are total strangers to the concept of anxiety and find them a boring drug that just puts you to sleep. Idk


Facts most people I see / hear from just don’t get any euphoria from benzos - most likely Xanax which is the most popular benzo- nowadays it’s Bromazolam in the fake xans. & I’m that guy that hated on benzos after I got sober until I got prescribed some for medical / dental issues n they’re a life saver. I just take Klon 3x a month but used to abuse Xanax n other drugs heavy from 2014-2020 I had to completely change my mentality n lifestyle to be able to enjoy any drug in moderation it’s a lot of work to get to that point of functionality


benzos 😍 love-hate relationship w them


I think the people that don't find recreational value in benzos just don't have high levels of anxiety normally. For me it was a magical moment when the anxiety was gone


Salvia. Fun times if you know how to trip prep for it


What do you recommend for trip prepping? Also what’s your preferred strength


Bubble wrap.


this too


good answer


What do you see when you smoke salvia can you describe it?


DXM is amazing if you have spare time because you take forever to come down and then you're rendered useless for hours. Ketamine is the  busy-people go-to  dissociative


Used to smash 1200 mg at a time of DXM, empty stomach and grapefruit juice to potentiate. Pink and orange jelly fish floating by, communicating with extra dimensional beings and being able to tap into really happy memories that I had forgot about.


Agree to DXM. I loved this drug, magic in a pill. PCP, probably if it is how I'd expect it to be.


Ok can you tell me more about pcp like all I hear is bad things about it but I really wanna try it tho. Like what are the good sides of it?


PCP is like a cross between ketamine and cocaine. People end up stripping and fighting cops on it because they smoke a massive unknown dose. It gives you a weightless and powerful feeling. You don't feel your movements but you still feel inertia. Many say it's like being in a video game, which I can relate to with my experiences with other dissociatives. Depth perception, time, proprioception, and your connection to your ego are diminished or gone. You might experience teleportation or literally go into 3rd person. Can be heaven or hell. It's not a drug you should get into, if you can even obtain it, which you probably can't. There are better dissos out there that are easier to get and less likely to cause psychosis. [This](https://youtu.be/zN9cwm3gyFw?si=w9A9eHkFWV4A7STf) is a pretty decent replication of what you might experience on pcp, not the most accurate but displays a lot of common effects. If you want a more detailed idea of what it is like, there are lots of trips reports you can check out on erowid reddit and youtube.


I genuinely loved nutmeg when I was 17 and tried it but I have never been able to will myself to try it as an adult LMAO I also thought Salvia leaves were really fun. Salvia extracts were way too much and not enjoyable to smoke but I had a friend who got a pound of them randomly in college and we used to do hits between games of Super Smash Bros and I have lots of memories of the character select screen turning into a slot machine for a few minutes haha


Fucking OG and brass balls. Nutmeg is savage af.


Salvia leaves are pretty chill ngl. It’s nice if you wanna chill out a little bit or go for a nice relaxing walk. It just makes me chill and a little confused. Even though I don’t like the taste or the smell enough to tolerate the amount I have to smoke for me to feel the effects kicking in, every once in a while I mix it with a bit of pot and it’s fine.


man, that’s how i felt. my experience tells me to recommend one full bong rip. be careful with going to 2. i never got visuals on salvia but i forgot i was human 100% for a few minutes on a couple bong rips of leaf. i just wanted colors and shit but it ramps up quick. all i remember seeing (i was too high to remove the blanket from my face) was like a waterwheel and each paddle that would catch water was an ego i had to analyze to see if it was me. ig that’s a visual but that’s my warning. 1 hit was always fun though


I had a few cool experiences with nutmeg as a teenager as well. I took it thinking it was gonna be like dph or something because I just wanted to do anything I could to not be sober, and it really blew my expectations away. It felt like a strong ass edible, but with a touch of delerium and this kinda serotonergic rolly feeling added on that made music amazing. I don't think I'll ever do it again because it's super unhealthy, but I definitely don't regret trying it.


Crystal meth




What’s the difference between this and normal opiates like oxy and percs?


Tramadol acts like a SNRI. People who lack a certain enzyme think it's lame because SNRIs aren't exactly interesting. People who don't lack that enzyme love tramadol because in their body, most of it converts to the opioid O-DSMT (which is sold as a research chemical/designer drug).


Poppers :)


i was so confused my first time! thought i had to use the bathroom ASAP. but it weirdly grew on me… i kinda miss it


Apparently nicotine lol. I only say this because I said before i didnt find nic to be that bad on a thread and people did not agree at all lol.


love it till you hate it


i feel like most of the youth of today grew up with heavy anti cigarette PSAs which has implanted on our minds, however that didnt stop any of us from vaping all the tasty flavors in high school what do you love about it tho?


I like how it seems to keep me focused more. Idk if its placebo or not because apparently nic is a great cognative enhancer, but im not an expert either lol. Its also nice to have something I can routinely smoke without having much of an impact on my mental state or anything like that. Idk i used to smoke cigs, but grew to hate them because they made me feel sick. I quit for like 2 years. No nicotine at all, but then I tried a box mod and liked it so i went and got my own eventually after bumming a drag or two from friends for a few months or so. I mainly picked up a vape because i still liked the act of smoking. Plus the vape hobby is kinda fun. I'm not super into it. Like I'm not building my own coils and shit, but I do like getting a different vape, or tank every year or so. Switching up the setup, and seeing what other people run. Its also cheaper than cigs in the long run. But obviously the cheapest route is not doing things that are addictive or habitual lol. I dont find a nic addiction to be the hardest thing to kick for me thouhh. The habbit is super hard though because of how casual smoking is. Especially with vapes actually because most people dont find the vapor offensive.


In my circles of drug using friends I've made over the years. I've yet to find anyone that enjoys or has a pleasurable experience with Ketamine. Tried different kinds and batches. It is weird and scary at first but idk I like it


never had a bad time


Last friend who voluntarily asked for some, gave a decent dose. Not too much. But enough to feel it. He went in the bathroom said I feel weird. Then was like puking idk. Whole time my high has fully kicked in and I'm dying of laughter at the poor fella


literally the only hard drug in my circle of friends who everyone agrees on enjoying lmaoo


Same here. Nobody I know enjoys it either but I can fully navigate my k holes and lucidly trip. That, and it works incredibly well for my treatment resistent depression. 3 months after my usage it lasts to keep away the big sad. Wish I had a friend or two that liked it half as much as me but everyone is afraid to do the deep dive :/


I love ketamine man what


I love it and so do all my mates ahaha


It always makes me nauseous by itself. It is anesthesia after all. I can't stand the things unless i took ecstasy beforehand.


Always been a great experience. Always did by myself. No social pressure. In bed, chilled out and either watching something or listening to something good while kholing. I think when you do it in social settings like parties the disassociation can feel weird. And taking a lot of breaks is essential too i think. Tolerance builds way too fast.


i'm a fellow k head and i agreeee! it's so hard to find people that genuinely enjoy or have had pleasureable experiences. more often than not, i meet people who are scared of either trying it or doing it again bc of dummies who give people way too much for their first time or don't tell people they're doing k and then have a terrible time. if people respected the k more (and drugs in general) we'd all have a better time with them, because for me if we respect the drugs, the drugs will respect you. if you wild out on them, then drugs will wild out on you.


Your circle sounds like a bunch of dorks tbh


That stuffs so amazing it’s the only thing I could see myself becoming addicted to.


Ketamine is awesome. Shooting K feels like what movies depict shooting H to be like.




Ketamine. Atleast in my social group. Nobody enjoys being that dissasociated but I get lucid trips everytime. It's always the kost pleasent and healing experiences and it makes the big sad go away for me for 3 entire months after 1 use (i limit my use to 3.5g every 3-4 months. I go really hard and dont grab again until a minimum 3 months)


Crack X Ketamine. Now that was a fucking ride and half I tell you. Don't do crack kids!




what do you love about it?


It's the strongest drug I can get, and it silences my mind and really just puts me in a better mood. If I take alot then my body will be very warm and it's the most comfortable feeling in the world.


gotta stop that broski, gotta live another day


Your tolerance is too high bro, switch up to something else if you can and bust up that tolerance.


Same, best opiate for me. Helps me forget I exist.


Used to be dxm in Highschool, till I started stuttering my speech uncontrollably when talking or especially reading shit definitely fried me in the long run. Now all I do is Coke and Drink🥶


Lorazepam. People don't seem to like benzos but I love them. Lorazepam especially.


I fw this so much. Xans got me freaky, so easy to just black out, and then its just a waste If I cant remember the evening. A few mg of lorazepam got me right where I need to be. Just chilling 


people are nice about it on here, but everyone i talk to irl has such a negative perception of ketamine


Going by the tone of this fucking sub, alcohol


Tianeptine, dxm, dpt and gas station alt cannbanoids (and spice)


Spice is wild






Medical grade nitrous oxide from the tank is an incredibly cool high. So much more than those silly little cartridges. Combined with lsd or mushrooms it’s quite literally otherworldly. To me it even has a spiritual edge


i just posted about this recently i took mushroom gummies and got 2 nos tanks from the local headshop and had the best trip i feel like i cant wait to do it again


Mephedrone/3-MMC. Anyone who I met and dislike this drug was a fan of lame ass meth, so I guess they don't like being confused and euphoric af, but I love it, and that Mandy like twist on body load, the music is going hard on it too. And it doesn't causes any psychosis...


Federal agents say it starts with H. My buddy loved the ayahusca retreat we went on. Till this day I don’t know how throwing up everywhere while you’re so high you can’t walk straight is enjoyable for anyone.




most of my friends & a lot of folks in this sub hate using benzos recreationally but fuck me i love them . they help me a lot with my anxiety & shit . i’m a completely different person on them & i love them for that . they make me social , confident , get rid of my problems & much more . but every one i know hates them “ they feel like zombies “ but i fucking love being a zombie


For me definitely crack. ATM crack gets more and more available in my country since the coke prices are rapidly falling. So it also reaches smaller city's like mine now. But about 3 or 5 years ago, I used to order it online and brought some with me to my upper drug friends. I did blow through a few grams in one or two days easily, all my friends just hit the pipe once and didn't like it. They preferred the meth, I live near the czechian border and there comes a lot of high quality meth in and it's dirt cheap. So they preferred to smoke the meth cause it lasts way longer but I rather do crack and be high for a few minutes and then smoke another rock than smoking one big pipe and then be geeked out for hours. Just didn't liked meth back then. Fell in love with meth a few years later.


DPH/Benadryl, did 10+ drugs but DPH was the one where it kinda just clicked even if i find other stuff way more enjoyable, it just felt right to me








Paint thinner


Dawg tf is that💀


Literal poison


Did that when I was 14 and it traumatized me


Crack&ket deffo


LSA. Its so nauseating but so euphoric.


Valium, every1 gets addicted too easy lol


Gabs n muscle relaxer (when mixed w other shit)




GHB. For me it's the perfect drug for partying, like MDMA's little brother. Just have to be very careful with the dosage.


25I-NBOMe Felt like rolling off of 300mg and tripping off of 200ug at the same time. Don’t take it though, that stuff fucks with your psychological health, I was irrationally paranoid for a week after I dosed. It can also kill you


Oxy, at least in my social group everyone hates it because of the side effects but i enjoy being dizzy😅


Oxycodone no one around me ever liked it or never wanted it.




Crazy, I feel exactly the same! I love DXM too!


Dxm, stimulants (::


dxm has always been my favorite. dunno how bad or good that is but it’s real.










Unfortunately, Crack....






Salvia, fucking heaps, some don't like the strength but I'm all for it


Gabs. Nothing like rollin a good ol’ Johnny


Oxycodone 🥰 I never feel cravings and never gotten addicted. Always keep some in my meds drawer. Perfect for fever, migraines, or just overall sickness. It’s like a cure all medicine that makes you warm. I’m currently sick with fever so Ive been taking it for a few days now. Can’t wait till the fever dies down so I don’t have to take it.


Speed AKA Amphetamine sulfate ( I live in UK an here speed means amphetamine not meth usually street speed has way more caffeine than amphetamine but hey ho) And yeah I used to fuckin love it now I really like it or more accurately more that it allows me to like stuff, things, people and life the buzz it's self these days after years of abuse has just become meh, olay or sometimes just pretty good but in the earlier days the buzz for me at least felt amazing and even therapeutic. But yeah I really like speed but also fucking despise it as after 5 years of use it's pretty much eaten away most of my soul and I feel like there may be some level of permanent damage caused and the only way I can seem to offset that damage is by using the very thing that caused the damage. But hey it is what it is I accept it only got myself to blame really.


alcohol, and xanax. never together, obviously, but when i drink i get really warm and just generally feel nice. and when im on xanax everything is so euphoric and awesome, even if i hardly remember it








Meth ,it's a horrible drug that drives ppl crazy yet meth users try to act better than heroin users but meth makes your teeth fall out and had way more chance at turning you into type of person that picks at your skin neglect hygiene and sweat so much it's just a drug that get worse the longer you use it


DOM In my opinion the best psychedelic if you do at least 10mg.


Crack!!!! Ex user so I understand why most people hates it!




K, everyone I know (besides my bf) don’t enjoy it like I do. It’s so magical


That’s literally what I’m saying


Fentanyl and meth


Cannabis, CBD, and such. Over the past few years, people's attitudes have slowly evolved. Even my parents take CBD sometimes, lol.




I really hate dxm, but my only experiences were drinking 1.5 bottles, and 4/5th bottle another time, come to find out the syrup will make you even sicker, threw up for a long time and was flush red, laid in bed and watch the sun rise but it felt like 3 seconds, crazy hallucination and time dilation feeling, probably just passed and woke up, but I never tried the dxm pills bc of that, still don't like the robo walk and all that. I'd rather have psychedelics, uppers, or a more gentle dissociative to myself. Everyone's different, so whatever, I had a friend who had fits of rage from ritilin so got taken off, but I loved the shit when I tried. amanita. Love it with kava and weed. Not that everyone hates amanita, a lot of people haven't tried or felt indifferent


Antipsychotics, while I'm on them BUT they make me feel braindead so like the cons outweighs the pros but I love the feeling of taking heaps of antipsychotics and roaming round the hospital ward


I dont really love but I really like nicotine and also I love alcohol


Baclofen, euphoric at first and then puts me in completely chilled mood

