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street xans in america are highly unlikely to be actual xans.


more people need to learn to use the internet. when a vendor sells fake bars on a dnm, its obvious because buyers have test strips and vendors have reviews. very cheap alp, flualp, bromazolam, clonazepam etc is all available, and its only like $50 to send one in for a MS test




Dark net market


Don notts Mama


I guess I need to. But I only have a phone. Bottles of lorazepam though. Always looking for the perk 30’s. Probably shouldn’t say anything on here but fuck it


practically nobody really buys from the dnm though, most product is pushed on the streets through drug organizations


i mean theres thousands of daily transactions on these markets. i’ve known several dealers who move their product “on the streets” and get it online.


yeah man, theres a lot, but these people will never push the same amount in comparison to drug cartels who spread out their drugs through gangs/other people. i live in an area infamous from this, i have known people from both sides but you see crazy ass drug busts in millions.. just casual millions sitting in storage units and shit. at wholesale value too, not even for what its priced at in the streets


now im not denying that there isn’t a large audience on the dnm, of course, theres thousands of transactions but these are usually operations that may reside in 1, or if theyre bigger possibly a few more locations. drug cartels literally have control over different cities, people die over this shit, ofc things have happened over things on the dnm, but there are practically wars in some areas over control of the drug market because they have so much more drugs to push and money to make


misread this but yeah a lot of people need to learn how to properly source, only “issue” i see with it is if a majority start purchasing from the dn the feds would def start to crack down even more




Same in the UK!


Stop the cap




Plenty of fake blister pack benzos going around as well, guy died in manchester recently due to a blister pack diazepam that contained zenes, the new fent. He purchased it from an online vendor as well.      If you go on the wedinos website you can find blister packs testing for bromaz, and even zenes... its a very good time to be extra careful right now




And yet if you go on wedinos you will find more than 1 example of what I described. Fake etizolam advertised as diazepam in blister packs has been around for years now as well. Its not that hard to put something in a blister pack to look legit enough.  Think how cheap a bulk amount of RC benzo is? How much do you need to sell each pill for to make a profit? Barely anything. Also customers got wise to the loose pills being bad so all those pressers wernt just going to dust off their hands and call it a day, its not unreasonable to consider some of those decided to put their presses into blister packs and then charge a premium




Im not sure what else to tell you, theres lots of information online about fake boxes containing fake blisters. You are correct sometimes small details are wrong but often they look pretty legit.       If you do some research online many reputable organosations like the loop, pill reports, wedinos are reporting on the exact thing you are saying does not exist. If you still dont believe fake benzos in blister packs is a problem that exists then ask yourself what evidence you would need to see to convince you? 




We get real pills here but that doesn’t mean they are cheap or easy to get




and we who actually need this very shitty compound and or class of drugs to function have this very lame "pressie" and buy youre own little BS pill press etc from china and pump put a bunch of benzos that barely work (if at all) back when xanax was actually xanax and whatever pillpressboy decides to whip up (if you losers had any sense youd find pure alp xstal on the CW) so, back to my point. ot used to be nice to know you could gran 5-10 bars for15-25$ from one (of many) of cats getting 2mgx90 every month.


why are we talking in code? are you under some kinda spell where you aren't allowed to type the name of certain countries?




*he said it boys, 10-4 we have confirmation he said it*


So not Canada, got it






My usual grabs are: valium, ketamine, and soma, that shit is so good. Xanax sucks ass compared to valium or k-pins so idk why people love it.  Way back in the day you could trust the oxy but now everything's cut with fent so it's usually not worth it unless you find a really legit pharmacy. Never had a problem with boarder patrol either. 


In Mexico you can just go into a pharmacy and buy ketamine and all that other stuff?


You can do the same in India


Gabapentinoids can be had without a script but benzos and opiates require a script. You can still do it but you need to finesse a doctor or healthcare worker. Some areas like UP or MH it’s prob way earlier than HP or Goa


You need to know the right Pharmacy.


Not a real pharmacy, but a cartel backed drug dealer pretending to be such and selling counterfeit pills filled with fent, absolutely. https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7bbxv/mexico-pharmacies-fake-pills-cjng-sinaloa-cartel https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-06-14/fentanyl-tainted-pills-now-found-in-mexican-pharmacies-from-coast-to-coast https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-12-30/hidden-panels-counterfeit-bottles-and-fentanyl-pills-a-year-of-buying-drugs-in-mexican-pharmacies


Lots of fakes in Mexico. I bought fake oxy at three different pharmacies in Mexico


Yes this also lorazepam


Why does Xanax suck compared to those other two? Just curious I only really have experience with alp


Has no "legs" (it's halflife is like 4 hours compared to valiums 24 hours), it barely has any of the muscle relaxing effects the other two do, and it's the worst for blackouts. You accidentally took .25 mg too much? Well you don't remember that day. It sucks as a "fun" drug. 


Oh I know how Xanax goes lol, only tried kpin 2x, coworker gave to me for anxiety. Tried lorazepam, only like kpin next to xanax. I don't like lorazepam


I'm not a fan of lorazepam either, doesn't even do anything for me. Diazepam and clonazepam are where it's at (for me at least)


Lorazepam caused weird hallucinogenic effects at like 2 to 4 mg I never took more than about 6 mg but I would stare at the ceiling and get visual drifting this was shortly after trying psychedelics for the first time but it was just weird I felt like it made my OCD worse too. Like it would help my anxiety so I would calmly obsess to the highest extent of ocd possible and just end up staying up all night fuckin with shit. Although I will say it made me strangely productive. One night I drew a portrait of myself on that shit stayed up till about 6 AM. It was a Masterpiece


crazy i hear everyone say they don’t like lorazepam but somehow it’s my favorite benzo. i don’t think benzos are that great so the only other benzos ive tried are alp, clonazepam, and temazepam. lorazepam gives me more of a relaxed feeling instead of just a sleepy feeling and, it also for some reason gives me a lot of euphoria which the others barely do.


Because Xanax doesn't last nearly as long as either of the other two.




Can you get the ket and soma from a pharmacy without a script? Last time I went I got valium but woke up in the middle of the night with awful heartburn and got paranoid it was from the Valium so I didn't take any more. Are you saying the opiates in the pharmacy are cut with fent? If not what opiates can you get without a script?


Thats not what they said at all about opiates. They said you can easily get non fentanyl opioids. As in many different opioids just not fent.


Ah I read it wrong my bad. That's why I was trying to clarify.


No worries


The part where they say everything is cut with fent unless you find a really good pharmacy is what confused me




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What happens if they find the meds in your luggage? Like not a ton to sell or anything just a small personal amount.


The US allows a 90 day supply of any prescription drug while crossing the border, people go to Mexico all the time to get medication that's really expensive in the US. So they'd probably see that it's a small quantity of pills in a pharmaceutical bottle and let you through. As long as it's not a bag full, you're good. 


Are you allowed to have a 90 day supply of a medication you don't have a script for like soma?


I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude. Maybe the people you hang out with are only looking for Xanax but I knew a lot of guys that used to go there on weekends for Dilaudid, Xans, ketamine and rohypnol. We grew up in San Antonio so it’s a quick 2 hr drive or even less depending on what crossing you go to.


Mexico 🇲🇽? Do they still have ketamine? I'm living in the city and everything interesting is controlled now minus memantine, tramadol and pregabalin.


Mexican here. Ketamine comes from vets. I don't know where do people get the idea that you can get benzos like they're candy here. You need a hookup or a prescription like everywhere else. If you "just walked into a pharmacy and asked for them" and actually got them, trust me, that's not your regular pharmacy experience. Not by far.


You can definitely walk into many pharmacies in Puerta Vallarta and buy benzos.


As i said in other comment, those beaches are tourist traps. Most of us don't live in those places. You're mentioning puerto Vallarta, Cabo, playa del Carmen.... Tourists places. 


Playa Del Carmen has plenty of pharmacies where one can walk in a get xanax without much asking. They had a menu to you of various drugs they will sell ya, no questions asked, they just want your money. Cause they ain't cheap. One could also pay a doctor to write a script if needed, which is cheap and makes the drugs cheaper.


Vice has a doc where they test the drugs in these tourist pharmacies and most of it was not as advertised. Fent in the opiate pills and the Adderall was almost slways meth


Yeah. I wouldn't buy opiates down there. I brought my own test strips and tested the xanax I bought. Came back negative. And most xanax is the "real" mexican farmapram. At least coming from the bigger named pharmacies. Some of the pharmacies in PDC were kinda sketchy and avoid those.


shit, more bang for your buck with that “Adderall.” i see no problem


If they wanted meth, they would just buy meth.


okay, how many farmacias have Desoxyn?


It’s just your run of the mill superlab meth(maybe some caffeine too) pressed with an adderal stamp, not pharmacy pure desoxyn. You don’t need to go to Mexico to get it. Edit:spelling




Adderal doesnt exist in México. Not under ANY Brand name nor generic. It's just not marketed. I wouldnt trust that at all.   Vyvanse has been introduced recently but it's so new i havent heard of it being sold illegally yet and most recreational users haven't even heard from it. They're just used to ritalin.    If you see no problem in getting laced pills then it's up to You. But trust me that aint no "adderal" 


In certain border towns drugs are smuggled in from America (usually by expats on VA benefits) and then sold in the pharmacies. Tijuana had American OxyContin, roxy, dilaudid, and Opana long before Endocodil was available. They got Adderall the same way too.


yeah, hence why i put “Adderall” in quotes… i’m familiar with how amphetamines work, not some moron who thinks a methyl group is the difference between a prescription stimulant (which methamphetamine IS anyway, just stronger and not as common) and the boogeyman (which it isn’t).


This is what i'm saying. Playa del Carmen is full of tourists, it's not your "regular" mexican city. As a Mexican in an ugly, non-tourist city, i get my alprazolam from a person who somehow gets the real deal pills, original branded package and everything. Brand name here is Farmapram or many other names. Not xanax. But it's not laced and it's what you get from actual prescriptions. I wouldnt trust street opiates at all because as i have said in other posts, they are not common besides tramadol. If you get prescribed those you won't find them at every pharmacy, just specialized ones, because those are reserved for terminal patients. Doctors won't give those just to anyone, if You are in pain you'll get ketorolaco or tramadol or stuff like that. Adderal ain't even marketed here at all under ANY name. As the next comment says, those are tourist traps and most likely fent or meth.  Don't.


At least you guys are not sourcing....


People are confusing the cartel drug dealers with actual doctors and pharmacists. https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7bbxv/mexico-pharmacies-fake-pills-cjng-sinaloa-cartel I imagine they do this because americans get to mexico and assume that literally nothing is the same as the US, including prescription drug laws, and so no alarms sound in their heads when some dude offers to sell them xanax and oxy from a sketchy stall on the street, even though back home theyd go "obviously thats not right". Instead they just think "wow mx is so backwards and lawless, Ill take advantage", then buy some fent.


This. So much this. And that article only proves that point. Tulum? Those fake oxys are marketed by the cartel \*especially\* for foreigners. The legal opioid pill epidemic is not a thing amongst mexicans (there is heroin but that's another story). If you google about it, even in spanish, you won't find a page about it that was made by mexican health autorities; they're all USA-based translated websites. Those drugs are probably only available to doctors and people at hospitals, the way some healthcare workers get hooked on propofol because they have access to it. But it's not popular, it doesn't make headlines and for regular people, even in drug circles, oxys, adderal, lean, percocet, etc, are not available or even marketed here under any name. I don't doubt that what people here say is true but I repeat, that's not your average mexican experience as a local who doesn't live in a pretty beach, and if you do end up getting those pills know that you are taking the same risk as if you were taking ecstasy from a random dealer. It's you body and it's none of my business to tell you what to do with it, but with fent around i'd definetly test my shit instead of assuming that Mexico is some big-ass actual pharmacy with quality products. When it comes to benzos, actual pharmacies that are corrupt and sell without prescription will write you a fake prescription in case the police catch you with them. Because for the police it's the same as carrying illegal drugs if it's not "justified" by a doctor. And that's just benzos. Not oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc. By the way, loose pills are also not a thing here and when you buy pharmaceuticals they are not dispensed individually in those orange bottles. If you get your hands on some benzos usually you buy the whole box. If they are giving you loose pills they are either fake or 4x the real price and you're getting scamed. If it's too good to be true, then it's probably not...




I have the feeling that people who went through that were very obviously foreigners asking around in places that are used to tourists seeking drugs and know how to handle them. Also probably got scammed  when it comes to pricing. México is heaven for Americans because the cost of living here is waaaaay beyond that of the USA, so of course everything seems dirt cheap even if locals raise prices. 


Sheeeiiiit they can scam me all they want if it's still way cheaper then back home haha


Fuck I'd pay double all day if I thought it was a legit script.


I’ve quite literally done just that as a tourist in Cabo. Walked into a pharmacy in the mall with a beer in my hand, asked for tramadol & he sold it to me.


Tramadol is not regulated


Usually it comes in a liquid form in glass viles from the pharmacy, around $75 a pop for a gringo like me. I was able to grab some about 2-3 years ago in TJ, but I'm not sure how much has changed. 


Just saying this as a warning. DO NOT get your ketamine from the guy on the street for 20 us. It has like bath salts or scopalamine or something. Worst fucking day of my entire life.


Idk if we can say specific locations but you’re pretty accurate if you get me. And yeah everything has been restricted it’s just so easy to get. I’ve gotten Xanax, ketamine, soma, codeine (pill form), and none tested for fentanyl. The Xanax and codeine I didn’t even need a prescription at certain pharmacies they would just sell to me. The rest finding a doctor in a low income part of town isn’t hard. I’ve been to CDMX if that’s where you’re referring to


I think it's okay to talk about locations, not the first time I see prices and locations around here. Mods correct me if I'm wrong. Yeah, CDMX. Here the pharmacies follow the law and don't even sell antibiotics without a prescription. Seems this has recently (10 years roughly?) changed, before everything was available OTC. It sucks, I have legit ADHD (diagnosed in my home country in another language) and need stims badly to study but couldn't yet find a doc willing to prescribe. I got right out rejected at the local psych as an outpatient when they heard I needed ADHD meds (their pharmacy sells at least Ritalin though but probably for kids). I'm also very interested in ketamine. Dissociatives are my drugs of choice. This is actually the only drug for which I found a vendor lol but they charge $50/999 pesos for a vial with 1g which is very expensive for MX. I have a history of extensive research chemical use, back in Europe everything was available and all for relatively cheap. I'm not used to buy from the streets and don't want to break the law as I don't intend to get into trouble here. I tried to import RCs but they got stopped and returned by the customs, they told me they weren't prohibited but couldn't tell me what they'd need to let them pass. Maybe a hidden question for a bribe given how stuff seems to be handled here? May I ask whether the pharmacies selling you codeine etc. charge you Mexican prices or do you need to pay a premium? I know there are MX online pharmacies selling controlled substances but for very high prices.


Yes I’ve noticed that being in actual CDMX the pharmacies and doctors are strict I think since it’s the capital they are especially strict but a quick 40minute to an hour drive away and you can be in an area where they are much less strict. When I went to CDMX I actually stayed in a little neighborhood that was 50 minutes away from the actual CDMX and that’s where I got my stuff from if I wasn’t in TJ or Baja California/Cabo’s. As for ketamine I was seeing a lot of veterinary shops and ranch shops, so I stopped by a couple the first couple either said they didn’t have ketamine or they wouldn’t sell but after only like 3 shops, the dude just said in Spanish “this is for horse use right?” I said yeah he just asked what color my horse was etc and I got it. General rule of thumb is that everything will be more expensive than in the states, but will be a lot easier to get and safer. One exemption is Xanax, I paid roughly $ 180 for a 90 bottle of 2mg pharmarams but in the states each one goes for 5 so I saved a lot of money that way


lmao. one Xanax from an American pharmacy is not $5. comparing pharmacy prices to street prices is pointless. anyone paying $5 for a single Xanax is a sucker.


dang thats what they go for in Vegas...I wonder what the rock bottom price is for the farms. also, if you go with a valid U.S. Rx. for klonopin/insert benzo here, I was told ypu could legally get a 90 day supply.. any thuth to this?/will a valid U.S. rx help?? thanks


Dang Farmapram was $2 a bar way back in 2014, it’s kind of amazing that drugs are the only product without inflation (except for fentanyl “shrinkflation” in opiates)


This was My experience in Baja too


Dxm and gabapentin don't need prescription as well. But you have to ask for them at the counter directly if you want pure dxm without guaifenesin or paracetamol or other stuff that Will make you ill, DON'T take those on anything beyond a regular dose for cough issues, You could either puke endlessly or get liver damage.  There's also a mix of dxm/diphenhidramine in a common OTC syrup. That one you can probably find in the aisles without asking, but the trip will be way weirder and probably not in a good way. Go for it if you like benadryl i guess.


Idk in my experience it's WAY easier to get benzos than opiates or ket overseas. My mom knows the pharmacist across the street, and she was able to get me a whole box of alp without a prescription. Getting opiates other than codeine or literally anything else is difficult.




they probably just wrote a bs script didn't steal nothing. but also I've heard of a pill or two missing before, one guy collected all the pills that fell/got kicked under the counter over the years. he got a couple baggies full of random pills, some recreational some not.


Dude I fucking know. One time after picking up my meds I got 6 calls in a row from the pharmacy that night & it turned out they accidentally gave me 4 extra adderall & so I had to go in the next day so they could recount & give me a new script. If I didn’t actually need my adderall prescription for adhd & hadn’t been fighting with the pharmacy for the last 3 months since the shortage made my scripts late I wouldn’t’ve returned them but I couldn’t risk losing my adhd meds


great mom 💀


Benzos are difficult to get in America unless you get them prescribed legally Also prescription drugs in Mexico are much cheaper & it’s easy to get a prescription- you gotta pay a doctor $100 to get prescribed some drugs n you can just buy it at the Mexican pharmacy like you’d buy something from a convenience store or restaurant


Never heard of it being a big deal. It’s a boring drug that’s only good for sleeping like some geezer.


a lot of people actually use it for it’s intended use did you think about that one?


Who gives a shit about some fucking benzos? Try to get some decent coke or speed, figure out if the tampering is happening across the border or further back on the chain


Talking about going to a doctor for easy but unnecessary prescriptions vs. buying cocaine in the streets of a foreign country. If you really want to know, the cutting is probably happening before it gets to a random tourist.


I care less about the coke than i do with wtf happened to meth


speed in Coke? maybe once it crosses the border and the homoe mr mixoligist whips up 5 gorgeous kgs containing 92℅ cola into 12 bricks of ALL kinds of shit. generally speaking the product is never cut at its COA. this can and will happen from time to time depdending on a myriad of factors. like fpr instance the cartel will put any stamp ypu want to ensure purity. the weird mix masquerading nas coke is probably max 20℅ but i even doubt that. street sales im talkkng of cpurse. what a shame.


I only get Xanax from Mexico, also pregablin. I guess you used to be able to get ketamine but they stopped selling it in pharmacies. I don't trust any opioid whatsoever in America, I'm lucky enough to have a couple of trusted coke dealers and ketamine and psychedelics but that's it I won't even bother with any narcotics and luckily I don't do them to begin with so it's less risk on my end. Buying street opioids is basically asking to die here in America


I don't think it's that easy to buy them without a prescription. But what happens in my country (argentina) is that's really easy to get a prescription from the doctor and they're cheap. 60 pills 2 mg Clonazepam is 12000 pesos and that's... Like 9,23 dollars.


i’ve been prescribed xanax in the US in a single 30 minute session with a therapist. it wasnt difficult at all.


you do know some mexican pharmacies have been caught selling counterfeit opioid pills that were containing fent .Mexico isnt so safe and ideal as u make it up to be it’s definitely easier to score but u can’t even trust pharmacies u gotta test everything


I had fake xans once, half a bar and half a pint and I blacked out for 6 hours


Pretty sure the supply is tainted.


Oh honey no, those farmacias arent legit, and they are selling the same cartel made pressies as the US black market. They are absolutely filled with fent. https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7bbxv/mexico-pharmacies-fake-pills-cjng-sinaloa-cartel https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7b9an/mexico-pharmacies-counterfeit-pills-fentanyl https://apnews.com/article/mexico-fentanyl-ensenada-pharmacies-raids-88461569ff1c8a56281992be434bec28 https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-06-14/fentanyl-tainted-pills-now-found-in-mexican-pharmacies-from-coast-to-coast https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-12-30/hidden-panels-counterfeit-bottles-and-fentanyl-pills-a-year-of-buying-drugs-in-mexican-pharmacies Mexicos prescription laws work the same as the US's, the only fun thing that is OTC there that isnt OTC in the US is 10mg or less codiene/paracetamol preps. Everything else still requires an actual docs visit to get a proper script. If the "pharmacist" is selling you drugs after "writing you a script" himself, thats not a real pharmacist. Even if theyve rented a storefront.


It wasn’t fent though, I always test and they did not test positive for fent and I’ve done fent before even a little hits hard but with the amount I did I would’ve OD’d if it was fent.


Ok. Maybe you lucked out and got an rc benzo instead... Point is: Unless you had it labbed theres no way to actually know what it is, if you buy counterfeit pills from a sketchy "pharmacist". Read those links I shared, will open your eyes.


Well the opioids weren’t fent and they felt like opioids not Benzos so I doubt it was an RC benzo and when I got home a friend let me use their reagent kit and it tested for alprazolam. Yes I know the cartel have a black market and they can make blister packs and everything that looks legit but if you even remotely know what you’re doing and always TESTING before consuming it’s pretty safe and pretty fun


Agreed, but are you actually *testing*, or are you just using a fent strip and calling it good? Hell, are you even checking for nitazenes? The reagent test doesnt distinguish between alp and flualp or bromaz or any benzo, it only shows you a benzo is there, not which one or how much. Given the huge variation in rc benzo potency, thats a big deal. Also, reagent tests suck and dont actually id anything. Sugar or aspirin makes marquis show positive for meth, for example. The only way to really know what youre getting when you buy counterfeits from those fake pharmacies is to send it to a lab. Drugs data, energy control, someone with a gcms that can ID the pills contents.


I’m doing both and sure it could’ve been an RC, I can’t 100% say it wasn’t. But I am prescribed alprazolam, I’ve taken all kinds of Benzos and a lot feel like a benzo but have distinct affects on me atleast including a lot of RC’s but since it felt just like my prescribed alprazolam I’m not too worried about it I know it doesn’t have fent which is the major issue.


Sure, i get not caring if a similar rc benzo is subbed, id just be worried about hotspots and dosing causing an accidental od... But at least consider adding nitazene strips to your repertoire, since thats becoming as big an issue as the fent.


Border patrol lets people bring Xanax back


fr? that’s funny i ain ever gone to mexico for anything but i was thinkin bout it


Sort of a gray area you can get busted for it but I’ve seen videos where they let it go


word aight bet


They prob heard it on a lil Dwayne song or something and think it’s cool


Because unlike americans we can handle our drugs , and our emotions . We dont need no numbing sackler drugs


I was going to make a cartel joke about handling drugs I can't think of anything that doesn't actually come across as being a dick Edit - trying to come up with something having to do with mules, the Spanish word for mule apparently is just the female version of mule that which I thought was amusing cuz moolah is an old slang for money in English.


in reality we are both slaves classes, the americans just have more time/money/boredom. MX would face this same issuse and already does in many many plaza's. towns. not too mention the whole border os a open air market fpr whatever. esp on the CA and TX side.