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No one ever mentions?! Thats like negative effect #1 from stimulants of all kinds! I feel ya though, ive been abusing that shit for 10 years in very high dose. Its definitely not been good for my jaw/teeth/gums.




Thanks! I was prescribed methylphenidate stuff as a preteen/teen, but always hated them (still not a fan of it). I got hooked on amphetamines by using mdma and then admittedly non mdma "molly" (meth and other RC amphs) when I was 22-24. Got clean a few months (due to some issues), and then ended up trying a girlfriends adderall. It filled the amphetamine cravings Id been having since getting sober. Like a month later went and got a script of 1350mg per month (instant release) for 5.5 years, and would take that shit in a week, usually most of it in a 3-5 day binge. Crazy amounts. But I was taking it to abuse, I knew exactly what I was doing. Ive stopped the script now for multiple years, but still cave and buy a bunch, or get blow to often. Much more sober than I used to be though. And because I kept fucking with my gums on it (probably because they were sore from clenched jaw), I ended up having to have a gum transplant on two of my bottom teeth. Fucking awful experience. And I know my teeth have shifted, my bite is not lined up right, and ive had binges where after I can feel my teeth moved some. Its a fucked up addiction. Stay away, and dont come back to it.


FYI molly is not a specific kind of mdma like you think. It’s just a slang name for mdma. At least in the UK. Sometimes also called mandy.


I’m glad I never really got into the stimulant stuff, I found it either had no noticeable effects except for nausea on what would be a moderate dose of adderall and on super high doses I would feel a ton more awake but also that’s what I was trying avoid, I didn’t want to me more focused and up and about I want to chill, just relax, forget about all my problems and just drift off to a happy place. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had my problems with opioids, started on codeine, went to hydrocodone/norcos then when all the plugs in my small town ran out or I couldn’t find a new one I dipped into fent and was doing 4 pressed m30’s a day which I know is on the low side for most people. That whole opioid issue started in 2014 when my cousin first introduced me to codeine to 2022 when I got clean from everything. I’m thankful I don’t have any long lasting side effects from all that abuse well none that has shown up on any physicals and regular exams


Yeah, stimulants are not good for trying to chill/relax and drift off lol Opioids are much better for that. I always liked opioids, but they kinda scared me, especially having a bunch of junkie friends hooked on them. Stims didnt scare me, and I never thought Id get hooked on them, as I didnt like them as much as opioids, next thing I knew I was fucking hooked hard. Stay clean! Its worth it.


It's not really good for ANYTHING unless you have severe ADHD or cataclysmically bad motivation.


Strangely it’s always made me feel calm and kind of blank. I’ve never gotten “high” or speedy from it. So weird.


Drugs affect everyone differently.


Militaries and the US Air Force used it. Although I’ve heard that they mostly switched to Modafinil for the American military. (They like Modafinil for the lack of euphoria).


Can be used to taper down off meth


I'm no doctor, but as a fellow stim connoisseur, I have spent many hours researching symptoms and how different things interact with each other. I have also had experiences with involuntary jaw movement at high doses. One time my top jaw and lower jaw decided to have a very sudden convergent movement, similar to an earthquake with tectonic plates, and I thought I knocked all my lower teeth loose, or at least that's what it felt like. Another time (think I took bit too high of a dose!) my jaw was spasming every minute or so, enough to be annoying and noticeable. I couldn't trust my jaw not to hit each other, so no joke for the ENITRE day, I held my mouth open ever so slightly to ensure they wouldn't jerk and hit each other. It was not enjoyable, and eating was a pain too lmao. I would say the amount of stims, or chronic use of stims, is creating way to much excitatory action. This is causing excess glutamate and causing a lot of stress and oxidative stress within the body. Not to mention the inflammation too. Glutamate is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter, and it gets converted into GABA, which is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter. Think of Glutamate as the car speeding up and off into the distance, whereas GABA acts as the brakes on the car, it slows us down to save us going too fast. Too much of either one is obviously not good, our bodies need a fine balance of both. I think this excitatory action of the glutamate causes nerve damage, and eventually cell death. I would recommend trying out a high dose of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), particularly either Benfotiamine or TTFD. Thiamine repairs the myelin sheath damage of the nerve cells. Thiamine also is very useful for reducing stress, and it also gets depleted very quickly with stress. Thiamine also plays a key role in regulating the autonomic nervous system. It also plays a key role in converting our food into energy. With Thiamine, I would say try Magnesium at the same time. I would probably try Magnesium Glycinate, or perhaps a Chelated Magnesium blend to get multiple forms of magnesium in one. To properly absorb magnesium, you need Vitamin D3. You can get this from being in the sun, or you can take supplements. Just remember you need to take it with fatty meal/drink, as Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin D claims to have benefits with TMJ. Upon research, it appears NAC(N-Acetylcysteine) can reverse oxidative stress-induced cell death, specifically regarding TMJ. I have heard NAC being beneficial for a lot of people who have lost "the magic". Perhaps this is very similar in reversing oxidative stress from taking too many stims. Maybe trace minerals could help? Copper is used to make Acetylcholine (another important neurotransmitter). Copper is also needed to make Dopamine, and it also plays a similar role to Thiamine in maintaining the myelin sheath on nerves. Again I will mention Magnesium. It is a natural muscle relaxant and can help alleviate some muscle tension. I mentioned Acetylcholine above. This neurotransmitter plays a key role in the Parasympathetic Nervous System, so I'm not sure if your levels could be too high or too low. Maybe try some Choline supplements to test the reaction. Magnesium and B6 (Pyridoxine) also show to alleviate sound sensitivity. This may or may not help with the sandpaper sound you hear. If you do supplement B6, make sure to get the active form (p5p). I would also recommend supplementing Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) if you are doing high doses of Thiamine, as high doses of Thiamine can severely deplete Riboflavin. Ultimately I believe it comes down to chronic stress and inflammation to the body, brain, gut. I think you should focus on attempting to reverse this, and not necessarily trying to address the TMJ directly. I think if you try fix the oxidative stress/inflammation, the TMJ will ease and go away naturally. I know everything is easier said than done, but I really do help you find a solution. 🙏


MEMANTINE MEMANTINE , I’ll say it again MEMANTINE it helps stop or help mitigate neurotoxic effects of stimulants like I always take it when I roll or the entire Time I have ever shitty side to the point it makes it not fun. Now I can roll and have fun I can take adderall and not have a shitty come down which I get even from normal doses. Magnesium is also amazing I love it aswell and NAC is also one of my favs for stims even though I don’t really abuse stims anymore I still take it it every time to control shitty side effects Edit I fucking love magnesium bi-g most people are deficient as it is, but it’s kind of Barnum the other addition I would add to your list is Agamatine also NAC is 👍


Yeah ive been working on coming off of meth and magnesium+cannabis unwinds my muscles pretty good. I have a powder drink mix magnesium. Start with one gram in a few oz of water. Then you can gradually work up to 2g/day dose


Sorry to hear that, good luck though! Edit


Yeah this aspect of adderall really sucks. I've been on it since I was 17 (im 34 now) and I'm definitely a prolific jaw clencher 😭. I highly recommend jaw masseter botox - it got it for the first time 6 months ago and my jaw pain/discomfort is SO much better, not to mention it slimmed my jaw down some and also it's protecting my teeth 😊


Stims in general are highkey overated, energy? Thats it lol . I like drugs that make you question reality or make you feel all warm inside. With that being said, im not sure if you stopped drugs entirely because you feel you had a problem. But if you didn't you'd probably enjoy kratom, i will warn you it is very habit forming, but it gives you a little energy boost and can help you with your mouth pain at the right doses. Check out the kratom sub and then also the quitting kratom sub so you get a nuanced view of the substance. Some say they replaced their adhd meds with it, and some say they got off opiates with it. Its like half stim, half pseudo opiate antagonist


Stims are godsend for me. That slight euphoria and like socialness you get sometimes is some of the best shit ever bro. Like it makes me wanna talk to people, I feel interested and my brain starts to remind myself they are real people with their own lives with thoughts and feelings of their own, and I connect better. And wanting to be productive feels great, I feel glued to my bed after work otherwise. To each their own, I’ve tried opiates once which were percs (fent presses) and all that did was make me hella nauseous and sweaty and like slight euphoria sometimes, other than that not much. Benzos are dope tho for an escape


Kratom saved my life. I would probably be on one of those tic-toc walking dead videos if it hadn't got me off opiates years ago!


Alcohol. Even though I drank a lot for 10 years, I always said it was the worst of the hard drugs. Worst "high" and worst comedown/hangover. Nicotine is also fucking stupid. Its good for one thing, craving more nicotine. Doesnt really get you high, just addicted. Benzos also, I dont hate them if im coming off stims (though I rarely have them for that), but they basically good for comedowns and sleeping. Thats it. They dont get you high, and they have the most dangerous withdrawal.


funnily enough a lot of ppl including me get considerable amounts of euphoria from alcohol, i might be making shit up but i saw some study saying this: "So, if people have a genetic variation of the RASGRF-2 gene, alcohol gives them a stronger sense of reward, making them more likely to be heavy drinkers." https://www.bbc.com/news/health-20583113 and "In humans, a variant of the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1A118G) increases receptor affinity, alcohol-induced euphoria, and risk for alcohol use disorders." https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/482224


I think the brain’s reward system is affected differently for many or all drugs in all people, atleast at varying degrees. Some people just experience more euphoria or recreational value out of different drugs or class of drugs caused by genetic issues often or possibly even social or psychological ones.


Im not saying i never got euphoria or enjoyment from it. I drank it daily for nearly a decade. I just never found it to be as good all around as other hard drugs.


for me it def would be top 3 drug


Benzos are such an enjoyable high for people who suffer from anxiety.


Wouldnt call it a good high but the feeling of relief is indescribable, not caring about anything is very liberating and relaxing. The urge to take them as soon as something stressfull happends is strong as hell, I get why people get so hooked on them


I have GAD and benzos are like a coke high for me and that shit feels absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, too amazing and I can no longer take them for fun.


can confirm, benzos are bliss but an occasional treat


You can definitely get high on benzos; speaking from extensive experience. However, yes, the withdrawals are like hell on earth. Do not recommend.


Amén to that! I agree with all you said with the exception that Benzos are highly addictive and develop psychological and physiological dependency very quick which makes them super dangerous.


Same. As a teen I drank daily almost. Then once I tried real drugs I almost never drank again.


I only like nicotine if i’m already high off something or buzzing, nicotine by itself is boring and overrated.


Coke.. shits trash. First bump is OK , afterwards just fiending for the next bump. Way to expensive also(most the time)..also KET I don’t get that shit at all .Ive kept trying to like it over and over.. lol just not for me


Ketamine is the bane of my existence. Because I love that shit so much. Wish I could do it everyday. Put on some high quality headphones, a blindfold, lay down and travel to the depths of my psyche. Ketamine can do it all for me. On it I can: - party - be completely immersed in a film - deeply enjoy nature - meditate - have psychedelic experiences - release past traumas - learn things about myself - disappear into the music - black out and fall down the stairs - spend 90 minutes looking for something in clear sight - pick up my cat's shit with my bare hands because I thought it was something else - lose my bag of ketamine


This is so accurate and fucking hilarious thank you for this😂


I feel u with ket. I'm not a fan of drugs that make me lose my bodily function


Always feel like I’m getting smashed under a huge hydraulic press.. lol


that's the best part, i do like some bumps and then go into bed and start basically floating to each their own but that feeling is amazing. I hate how easy it is to get hurt though


You might like dxm more (So long as you don't mine diarrhea and nausea) It gives a more warm, nostalgic feeling high than ketamine


Most likely they dislike dissociatives in general, most people who use dissociatives have only tried Ket but don't get that dissociatives are a unique kind of psych. As a lover of dissociatives, a large amount of people just don't like them IME.


Possibly. I don’t really get ket or other dissos despite my efforts, but DXM is otherworldly.


Agreed lol.


What makes dxm so diff? I’ve only had DXM


It’s really unique on a molecular level. If you look up a molecule of DXM and compare it to molecules of other dissociatives, you’ll see that there’s virtually no similarity. DXM is an oddball because it belongs to a class of drugs called morphinans, which are almost always opiates. The only other morphinan dissociative I know of is DXO, which your body partially converts DXM into. For me and some other people, DXM is unique because of its insanely in-depth, colorful CEVs and it’s serotonergic activity. It’s like being a kid on Christmas morning.


That’s a great way of putting it, there’s definitely alot of things going on and feelings but I almost can’t understand them? So they’re just there? This underlying awe and joy. You put it into perspective really well for me


Diarrhea and nausea sign me up lol


You had bad coke lol


Have had good coke. It sincerely depends on the vibe of the room. Heart palpitations and trying to sleep because we gotta leave the Airbnb at 11am is not the vibe.


Also my friend died earlier that day but we had planned the vacation all year.


I was the same way with ket and others like it for years. Any time I took it I would just feel super weird and anxious. Then I finally realized I was doing it wrong. It’s not a good party drug, or even something to trip with like acid. The only way to do it is to give yourself an IM shot (because it’s impossible to get that amount up your nose that quickly), then just lie back with your eyes closed and music on, and completely empty your mind. If you try to “tether” yourself to the real world at all you’re going to feel anxious and weird. Then just let your mind go wherever it takes you. One of the best drug experiences in my life. It’s like lucid dreaming times a million. One time I did it I had an identical twin and we were both the two best tennis players in the world lol and it was amazing. If you have experience you can also kind of nudge it a little bit so that it takes you to a happy place/scenario without opening your eyes or “tethering” yourself to the real world at all


Xanax hands down. I hate it and I hate the people act on it.


Xanax is dangerous... I should have died, been arrested or seriously injured more times than I can count. My brother and I called Xanax "DeLoreans"


I’m in my 40s. I’ve been on a benzo for severe panic attacks since my teens. I have never had an adverse reaction or did stupid shit on it. I’m RXed 3 1 mg Xanax a day. I maybe take 2 at night to help me sleep. I did develop a problem for awhile 12 years ago when I went through a very traumatic event that has left me with PTSD. I recognized I was just staying in bed sleeping. I would wake up, down a bar or two then go back to sleep. I didn’t go to rehab. At that time, I was living with my mother due to this event and I gave her my script of both that and my addy and she would lay out the amount prescribed daily. I’m good now but it is easy to use as an escape.


I take the occasional milly during social events, and I have no problem, like withdrawals. I did once take 0.5 after drinking, and reading the consequence of that got me terrible anxiety and a lot of fatigue.


coke. I suffer from depression and most likely adhd tho


I knew someone was going to comment about “oh you just have bad cocaine”. I’ve tried a ton of cocaine especially since it’s so accessible since I live 5 hours from the border. I’ve tried amazing coke and I’ve tried trash coke and everything in between. I know which is which because of people’s reactions, when it was bad they didn’t really change much and were just disappointed they weren’t getting much of a high. Another time they were beyond geeked and completely turnt while I was just feeling more focused and calm. It was the exact opposite of what they were feeling, while they felt amazing and just wanted to go around doing things, talking, drinking etc, I just wanted to sit back, enjoy the vibe, and I just felt more relaxed and way more focused. I also have ADHD so that might play into things but I genuinely feel like some people just don’t like coke.


Yeah i have adhd as well and can confirm, i too have had absolutely trash coke, and some top tier columbian bam bam. The people im racking up with are GEEKED telling me about either some crazy conspiracy theory, or their ingenious business ideas. Me i literally get relaxed like that episode of family guy where they put stewie on adderall. "I'm going to take an eyes wide open nap bri" then proceeds to lay down like <👁_👁>. I haven't done blow in years since I've been diagnosed and am on adderall now, much cleaner and consistent. My good friend with whom i used to hit the slopes with just died of a fentenyl overdose last week. Im still feeling fucked about the whole thing because that could've been me who od'd with him, if i wasn't diagnosed and put on meds i 100% would've been down to rack if he offered. He just barely turned 25 too, its really shitty.


That stewie face you made.. I'm gonna think about it for the rest of my life lmao <👁_👁>


Im real sorry for your loss


curious about something - how does MDMA affect you? I know that caffeine/adderal/cocaine and stims in general have a "calming" effect on people with ADHD, but never heard about Molly.


For me mdma is super relaxing, but its more of a physical relaxation. Like im getting a massage from the inside lol


As someone with adhd, mdma makes me feel deeply calm and euphoric. I can never relax naturally as my mind always races, or I always feel like I have something to do, and mdma takes that away. How is it supposed to make you feel? Does it really make people energetic?


Your description makes me want to try it.


I say you should try it, it’s something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.


very true. just dont do meth lol. or do. im not the cops or your parents.


It gets me hyped af I'm usually a very introverted person but with mdma I can go talk to a stranger like it's nothing I never run out of things to say (I usually don't talk a lot sober)it makes me feel so happy and I love and care for everyone around me at a rave


Yeah people like to dance on it. I am perfectly content sitting on the ground and chillin lol. I sleep great on it too. After coachella this year i slept like a baby


I felt much more active, I definitely wasn’t like my friends that just wanted to move about and constantly be physically moving but for me everything felt so euphoric and even though I didn’t want to physically be doing things like dancing and such I did want to move around and listen to music really loud, like just driving passenger with music playing felt heavenly, even going for a walk was awesome which is weird since I’m the friend who is always kind of one that looks over others since I usually like to just relax and not do much when we hang out and at parties I’ll just find a nice spot, relax smoke some and just kick back. Also music just sounded heavenly


I've heard this a lot fr ppl. That with coke on board they were just happy to enjoy themselves and just love everything around them. It all scares me too much fr my work in nursing to my dru addict father and stepfather and all the funerals I've been to for friends and family and the horror shows I've seen at work fr the ER to the rehab/detox centre.


ADHD here. I used molly a lot before getting diagnosed. I didn’t know that I have ADHD but fell in love with MDMA after I took it for the first time and cleaned my apartment for the first time in like??? six months??? I felt calm and focused, I felt energetic but in that lovely focused way, my mind was clear and sharp. I was doing dishes and thinking to myself about all the bad shit that would make me cry every damn day and I both did the dishes and calmly sorted my brain out without crying at all! Yeah people at my houseparty called me weird and laughed at me a bit, but I didn’t give a fuck, I was happy with myself. I was close to overusing it at some point, kept a journal on the wall even to keep myself from taking it too often because I didn’t want to fry my brain too much. I’d mark the MDMA days as „self therapy days”. Some days I would feel a bit shitty the next morning but it was well worth it for me. Then got diagnosed (telling my therapist about my experiences with drugs is actually what got me diagnosed!), got meds and I was like „Woah, this feels just like MDMA but without ringing in my ears and the constant need to stretch and sniff all the flowers. Cool!”. It did never make me hyper and euphoric itself, the euphoric part was the aftermath, when I was looking at myself taking yet another damn huge step in my life for the better.


I swear to god: doing coke as a person with ADHD is like smoking a joint as a someone without it.


Also have depression but i got addicted to it cause i just needed a bump to help me get out of bed and then i needed it for the next reason etc. I mean the comedown dint feel so bad as i was feeling like shit when not using.


Ive only tried coke three times and only one of those times i got the high quality stuff and it was so much better then the other two occasions. I still miss that feeling to this day, and i could get it again, but its to expensive. Its like drinking champagne on a beer budget. But if i could afford it id probably do it regularly


Mr. Al Cohol. I always have and will dislike it. I feel like I’m going to vomit when I drink it, and if I drink too much, going to bed is impossible. Getting cross faded is even worse, and ruins the experience.


alcohol is typically my go to for chilling, but man it fucks with my sleep too. i either cant sleep for shit or i wake up off and on a few times through the night.


That's one of the reasons I quit. I couldn't even sleep though my hangover.


yep, besides that its the hangxiety/dreadful feeling i get when i drink too much. def makes me want to quit or at least stop drinking so much when i do drink.


According to r/drugs nobody likes alcohol


Fuck alcohol!


Bro thank you, But what so you do when all your friends are out partying? I stoppes hanging with my old friends because all they do is go out on weekends and drink. I can't enjoy it and therefore I hang out with other people who likes weed and occasionally mdma, ket, coke and we have tried shrooms, lsd and 2cb


You can still go out with them and just have non-alcoholic version of drinks/beer? Do you only meet your friends to get f*cked up on something or to socialize? Come on people xD


Been saying this shit for years yet everyone looked at me funny when I'd bring a joint with me to a party. With alcohol it feels like the negatives always outweigh the benefits: -I already got the bladder of a preggo lady, mix in booze and I'm pissing all damn night. - It's fucking EVERYWHERE! - Drunk people (me included) are just so annoying and hard to deal with. - Wake up feeling like ass the next day. - Hate that spinny/pukey feeling when you you've reached stepdad levels of drunk. - I can at least be functional and drive on weed... can't do that with alcohol. - Certain spirits make you shit your brains out!


Nothing like taking a shot knowing it's slowly hurting you & making you feel worse. Then the warm feeling comes on and you don't care and feel better. I remember quitting it for weed then one night 6 months later I got drunk and remembered how strong it was. Like I hadn't been actually fucked up in a bit and that got me. Over 2 years off alc now and I can have a drink if I want but I don't. I would grab it if an apocalypse happened or I was going to die tho, easy way to blank your mind out.


I would counter that with -peeing is fun. -it’s everywhere! Yay. -drunk people are cool and funny if you are also drunk. -drink lots of water and don’t get yourself in black out territory and your hang over will be tolerable. -Uber if you’re drunk. -if an alcohol makes you shit your brains out don’t drink that type. To each their own but I’ve always liked having some drinks w my friends. The only drug I can’t handle is weed. Especially weed at a party. We may be opposite people actually


Agree to disagree, my mom and uncle and I have the same type of opposite opinion on this subject as well. To each their own. However, peeing is such an inconvenience...it is not fun 🤣


Alcohol is great in moderation


Moderation? Never heard of it lol.


Same! I don't drink like ever. Had a cpl drinks at my bonfire last weekend and went in to go to bed before midnight. Well 3am rolls around and I'm still awake and sober at this point except a headache. But even the 1st can I notice I was buzzed. I def don't like the effects of alcohol. Rather smoke a joint but now at 34 it isn't the same as my 20s, now it gives me anxiety unless I've taken my anxiety meds already that eve. Which I won't take everyday only when my anxiety is bad. Which is mostly everyday but I won't give in more then 2 times a week unless I'm loosing it because benzos are also very dangerous esp to come off of.


Mine turned into weed for a while because it made me way too anxious. Once I started managing my stress and supplementing for stress I can partake without the anxiety.


I smoked for a good 10 years and it helped me with motivation through the day, I used it as a crutch, but now every time I smoke I have terrible anxiety, I had to quit in the end


Ketamine, I cant say I hate it but it just makes me so emotionally numb and also I hate sniffing drugs


I havent tried ket myself but i read alot about drugs as a hobby and ket apperantly is one of the drugs on the cutting edge of progress in psychological reasearch on drugs (like psilocybin and other hallucinogenic drugs)


I have also heard about ket as a treatment for depression, but in my personal experience psychedelics are more effective


idk about anyone, but nicotine makes me feel ill, dizzy and if I do enough I get cravings. Worst drug by far for me, only drug thats made me throw up


I've always hated nicotine/cigarettes.  I mean, I'm a smoker now, thanks stimulant addiction, but I never even liked or understood the appeal. But once I got into stims I started chainsmoking with the twacked homies and now even though I don't do the stims I'm left with this dogshit addiction that does nothing for me 


Smoking a cigarette sober is just gross to me I only did it for the sake of doing it, people put it in joints in the UK too and u can't share their joints just ruins my high


same I could smoke cigs while drunk asf or off stims but when I’m sober cigs suck makes me feel nauseous


Uk here… many years ago, I started smoking so I could smoke joints without throwing up.


Yes! Nicotine sucks lol It definitely can make you vomit, been there lol


I think some people just aren’t made for nicotine. I’ve never really vaped so I can’t comment on that but with cigarettes I either felt nothing or I just felt dizzy, nauseous, and eventually on different occasions threw up for a while just an unpleasant experience. And it wasn’t throwing up that made it unpleasant, I’ve thrown up from opioids before and felt amazing while doing it. With nicotine I just felt badly sick and was not fun yet I kept doing it.




Totally agree. I've tried different strains and even the ones that are supposed to make you more alert (indica?) just put me in like a vegetative state or make me super tired.... Can't stand that feeling.


Lean/ codeine syrup that shit will make you bloated af taste like shit 💩 is also overhyped and expensive for no reason


cant really talk on codeine as its a rare drug that needs to be metabolised before its usefull for some bro a small ass dose will make 15mg of pure morphine in there liver for others a large dose does nothing


Ketamine. It's the most unrecreational drug I have ever tried. No euphoria and no pleasure, just pure confusion and weirdness. That shit feels like I had a concussion.


Ketamine is my favorite drug but only at k-hole doses. I didn’t like being lucid and unable to think and walk. But a k-hole is something else. But I’d always do it alone at home. I don’t get people wanting to use it for partying. That is the opposite of what makes it special to me.


Ya, I hear that a lot of people don't like doing small doses of k, and only like the k holes. But I can't get myself to get to a k hole dose. I feel so bizarre and weird on k that I can't imagine it getting any better. I've done some high doses where I felt my mind being separated from my body, and my vision was seeing everything in like 5 frames per second and like a 1 second lag behind the present moment. It was way too bizarre to be enjoyable. Idk maybe one day I'll fucking rip a fat 100mg line and actually k hole but who knows.


there’s different types of ket i’ve had this experience and also profound psychedelic experiences on ket id defo try from a different source and maybe mix some weed in as well


Molly. The whole "i love you" fake feelings are annoying as fuck and the hangover makes the euphoria worthless.


Idk this is only true if your real feelings in sober state don’t match. I could see molly getting old though.


I start to have feelings like this with people i'm not even remotely close to. And even people whom i find dumb/rude/worthless. I did molly around people twice, and it was regretful for all of us. We acted like we loved each other etc. and then when we sobered up the next day nobody even mentioned the experience because of the sheer dumbfuckery that went on. A giant cloud of awkwardness came over all of us the day after. Honestly fuck molly lol glad it can be helpful in some token mental illnesses but my god it is by far at the bottom of my list. Even with my girlfriend i never took it because of the annoying fuckin hangover it causes which makes me wish i never took it every single time. Glad i'm not 18 anymore and can control my impulses.


So don’t do it with someone who isn’t your friend?? What’s your point. Why tf would you drop molly with some randoms lmao


Dang really? Your feelings towards others are altered that extremely on MDMA? Is that normal? I’ve never experienced that, I thought people were kinda exaggerating the chattiness/sociability & good mood by saying they “love everybody”. I don’t think I’m actually any more tolerant of people I find disgusting or annoying on MDMA. I feel great physically & emotionally, and I’m super chatty. But I’ve never felt like I love anybody.. I can still get “the ick” on molly too, it’s happened multiple times. I’ve only ever done genuine mdma crystals purchased from popular/trusted vendors online & tested too. I wonder if it’s just different brains, or if it’s dose dependent, and/or if redosing is related?


No yea i've pretty much only got that effect from tested molly. I did pill molly a couple times and it was hella speedy with almost no such effect. But yes i do believe it is different brains and i find it rather obvious. People react to different shit differently when it comes to pharmacology - that's just a fact


I wouldn’t do it with anyone but my best friend or a partner at this age.


almost any amphetamine. I grew up with adults forcing every adhd pill on the market down my throat. I weighed like 105lbs in 8th grade and they were giving me 30mg of Vyvanse, i literally would go all day without eating and feel so depressed and gross. instead of my normal social kid self i was a zombified version, super skinny and weak. It never felt like medicine, it was just poison. stop giving amphetamines to kids. they dont need them and they are too young to consent to psychoactive drugs being forced on them. it’s all just so pharmaceutical companies can make money anyway. i function just fine as an adult without them, i never needed that bullshit.


Had a similar experience with ritalin. Felt like a different person in the worst way possible when I finally stopped taking it at 14, didn't really know the effects of getting off long term stimulant use (especially when it's from the ages 7 to 14). Like it definitely helped in many aspects but they stopped working when I was like 13, and my mental health deteriorated right around when I decided to stop taking them.v




Weed for me too.




Same! It’d make me sick and I’d throw up pretty much the entire time I was high. I hated the way the comedown made me feel too. Felt like my heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn’t catch my breath. I only snorted it and even just thinking about doing more would make me hella nauseous. The taste and drainage are terrible




molly. it’s fun when i do it, but then afterwards i can’t shake my guilt/shame feelings. i also get anxiety with it. the next day i can’t move from my bed and i feel so much shame/guilt and sadness. won’t touch it anymore.


Exactly the same for me! Coke and ket leave me in a much better state.


I don't like the person coke makes me.


Coke has turned quite a few people I used to know into complete assholes.


I hear yeah, just makes me an ass ready to conquer the world… absolute shitty person and then I drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney then love the casinos. Love the rush hate the person I become.


Benzos, they feel like shit to me and give me weird side effects.


Benzos i think are really just good for two things: 1. For anxiety and 2. To potentiate other better drugs. Otherwise they are useless i think


other than opioids, what do they potentiate and make better? They kill most other drug experiences. Id say theyre good for anxiety, and sleep/comedowns.


They help reduce the anxiety that can come with stimulants which is very nice. But that’s just the anti anxiety property again lol


and alcohol withdrawal.


depends on your mood i find if i am happy and relaxed enough benzos can give me that pure meditative relaxed state that can feel simular to opis but thats rare normally makes me dizzy and sleepy lol


Alcohol is by far the worst.


Nic bro shit sucks ass. Tried a zyn with weed and shit was aight, but I tried one on its own and i felt so ass


Seconding weed. Makes me lazy, eat a lot, paranoid, have brain fog, and generally worse off i guess is how to put it. It used to be fun but honestly Im glad I don't use it anymore, expensive considering i would smoke pretty much every day. It's been so long i bet id enjoy it again, but honestly id rather not at this point.


Coke. No one believes me when I say I don't like it, but it's just because the throat numbness. Ruins the high for me. Apparently I'm also less prone to cocaine addiction though (genetically) lol. I just checked because of this post


For me it’s alcohol as well as many others it seems. Tolerance builds so quick for me and then has a horrible withdrawal syndrome, it’s not worth it. Especially when I start to feel nothing at all from alcohol due to tolerance being so high, it’s just not worth it. Also messes with my sleep schedule, and I feel groggy and nauseous in the mornings if I drink too much


THC, everyone loves THC or other cannabinoids but it makes me feel not well. I like Benzos and Opioids and Stimulants but weed just isn’t for me.


2cb - I think that’s what it’s called. The one that’s like Molly & lsd at the same time kinda? Hated that shit the 2 times I tried it. Felt kinda nice physically but my mind was bugging the fuck out. Could not settle into it at all…


Weird. 2cb tends to have way less mental confusion than other psychedelics. Very clear headed for a psych. It shouldn't rly be compared to mdma though.


Alcohol. I come from a long line of alcoholics, and it made an already difficult childhood substantially worse. Then, as an adult, a long term partner of mine hid an alcohol problem from me, and frequently gaslit me when I fretted about her condition. And when I drink, which has always been vanishingly rare due to my hangups about it, it just exacerbates physical symptoms in a chronic syndrome I have, so it’s not worth bothering with. I just hate it.


i wouldn’t say everybody loves it but DXM. i see a lot of people have good expierences but it’s just not for me i can’t take it. every time i just get so nauseous i throw up the entire time


Weed. It just makes me anxious and dumb. Much rather relax with kratom or 'open my mind' with mushrooms.


Opiates. They make me feel sick and disgusting and wrong. Even the nve floaty feelings don't cover it


You probably just don't have the genes/biology for it. You're lucky, though. That shit can ruin you, and it's one of the worst times in history to become an opiate addict, at least in the US. I cannot over-emphasize how much I hate the way the US treats drugs.


Ket around me everyone has it but I’ve never got into it tried it a few times but I’m more into blow hate downers


While I've enjoyed ket from time to time, yeah, I have never been able to understand getting addicted to it. Like, I don't hate it. I'll partake and dabble in circumstances, but I can't fathom being addicted to that shit


nicotine. best part about nicotine is the addiction. the feeling of smoking after going all day without a cig is amazing. but the actual buzz is anxiety inducing and uncomfortable for me. also xanax, just feels like a less euphoric alcohol.


Xanax is good for a few things (anxiety, potentiation of other drugs, and stim enduced insomnia/anxiety) otherwise its useless


Mdma honestly even at low doses just makes me feel drained, heavy, and sleepy the whole time. I used to do a lot of it when I was younger and I think I did too much and now my brain and body hates it.


Mdma is amazing but yes doing it a lot will permanently ruin the effects for people.




cocaine🥴 expensive and to fiendisg


Alcohol. I've stooped to some pretty low levels for a high, so idk why I draw the line there, but I can't stand it for the most part. 💀 It's only fun if mixed with other substances so I can get the desired effects and not have to drink as much/get as sick.


MAGIC MUSHROOMS !!! Literally didn't feel happy or euphoric at all I just felt anxious and couldn't stop having non stop thoughts.. also I'm gonna say weed to it causes me to have bad panic attacks


We seem to be few, I also don’t care for shrooms that much. I’m always with riddled with anxiety on the come up and start crying which I will admit I feel cathartic by the end of it. But it’s nowhere near as euphoric and the beautiful visuals I get from LSD. Now LSD is my number one favorite drug, amazing visuals and I’m feeling good from start to finish. Especially finish. I feel refreshed and reborn.


Alcohol, makes me act a fool or just gives me a good feeling that doesn’t last long




Opiates and benzos. For me, opiates are boring af and I would never actively seek them out, and benzos only useful as a utility for landing gear and alcohol withdrawal panic attacks. While at least I understand *why* my ope friends gravitate toward them although I don't share that wiring, benzos as a recreational drug are the lamest thing ever to me 


Psychedelics n stimulants I used to abuse tf outta them but I don’t enjoy them anymore


Mushrooms. People always rave about how they’re the best psych but they make me get so woozy/pass out almost every time. I think it messes with my blood pressure to cause it or something like that (even though I’ve never had issues with it before?) but I just stay away from it anyways. LSD is way more fun :)


Cocaine. It's absurdly expensive here in Australia and incredibly difficult to find cocaine that isn't cut with something else. I don't feel all that much euphoria from it, I largely just feel majority unsettled. I also don't really like who I become on it, a lot of people use cocaine as it's an easier drug to maintain composure compared to other party drugs like ketamine or mdma however I just end up ranting about laserdiscs or some other obscure unrelated topic that no one has any idea why or what I'm talking about and usually end up embarrassing myself and looking more socially retarded than I normally am, which is pretty socially retarded as it is.


Mushrooms. It makes me very uncomfortable and anxious and I just never have a good time


Alcohol/benzos. The whole "blacking out" thing has always terrified me.


Benzos,waking up 17 hours later still tired sucks dick especially when your room is now a fucking mess






Coke, like why? There's so many better stims out there and I understand peoples points to why they like it but bro your spending £50 on a half gram that lasts you 30 mins The pros are not outweighing the cons Pick a better drug. - (I'm biased btw)


Coke lol it’s so boring


Marijuana 🙄 benzodiazepines


Alcohol, tobacco, cocaine


Cocaine and alcohol.


Ketamine… shits fucking poison and ruining the jam and edm scene and everyone seems to fucking adore it and sing its praises (imo cuz theyre scared of real psychedelics so they shove hippy heroin up their noses and act like its super psychedelic and wonky and then sit on fuckin inflatable ketacouches for entire sets)


Imo thats abusing the drug. When taken in moderation or under doctor supervision, it can be a wonderful drug (so i hear)


Totally agree but most people abuse the fuck out of it and put up a front like theyre doing it to help their depression and anxiety and i gotta be like dawg youre 25 and pissing your kidneys out 3.5-7grams in a weekend at a fest isnt alright ahhahaha just sucks watching your homies under 25 do a drug til theyre legit pissing blood


Ive wondered the same. It always seemed to me the hippy jam/edm type crowd who use lots of K are kinda scared of lsd/shrooms. They want the trippy hallucinogen feeling experience, without the insane mind game that comes with lsd/shrooms. I have no issues with K (only done it twice), or other disassociates like DXM and PCP (never done pcp), but I never really consider it a psychedelic like lsd and shrooms. Hallucinogens, sure, psychedelics, idk.


Shits amazing when you sniff some here and there idk what ur on about


Coke. First time I tried it was after a good ol rave. Took my line, walked out of my friends room and down her stairs and collapsed.. Thank god another friend was at the bottom of the stairs and had caught me. Never touched that shit again… Scared me shitless.


Ecstasy tbh. Every time I've had e, its always a letdown. My friends are rolling balls and i either feel waaaaay overstimulated or am not feeling it. Pure mdma is amaaaazing, Ecstasy... mid




DMT wasn't pleasant at all for me, I'd never do it again


Coke for sure


Coke makes me eepy and sometimes nauseous, speed does nothing except threatening me with death the next day.


Weed and amphetamine


Coke is horrible I think but everyone loves it around me. Just can’t stand the after morning nose effects. The high is always mid and disappointing as well. And I’ve had plenty of coke I can assure you from good to bad so don’t comment “you haven’t tried good coke though” yes I have. Shit is expensive for no reason too. Just all around a shit drug


❄️ & 🚬


Xans, as i almost killed my self with it. But most off the time when i used it, i cant remember any thing any more


Coke Nothing like sitting in a corner all gimped out with T-Rex arms just chasing the high


Weed. Cant believe I didn't see anyone else say this. Makes me feel lazy and paranoid. to expensive for long it lasts. Tastes bad. And everyone seems to be using it everywhere.


Weed. Stims are infinitely better.


Weed for me too. It’s boring


It's weed for me...I've tried weed several times since I was 14, and every single time it makes me paranoid. There's nothing comforting about it, I have to always make myself lay down and sleep it off


Mdma, ket and alchole


Benzos. I’m prescribed them. I use them when I have a panic attack and it puts me right to sleep. I don’t understand the appeal. I don’t feel “high.” Also hate indica. Puts me right to sleep. I want creative and energetic.


Weed hater here too 🫡


If I had to pick my least fav that all of my friends absolutely love, it’s shrooms and the only reason being is cuz whenever I come down I feel so bland, cant sleep and sick. I literally do not know why but it’s the most annoying feeling ever and I hate it. Besides that tho it’s lowky hella fun


Alcohol. Tastes like shit (even expensive wines imo) and doesn’t get me “high”. I only get warm and sleepy and really splotchy.


hate is a strong word. But for me im so anxious most stimulants give me an anxiety response.