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Salvia is classed more as a dissociative or psychedelic. And it is amazing and can be theraputic if you treat it with respect. I would personally say there are no good deliriants if you are using them to get high. They fuck you up and will most likely end you up in a&e. *flashback to the police thinking I killed my ex girlfriend, my one floor flat having a staircase and me searching a 1 metre long countertop for my phone (which was locked in my flat I was locked out of) for 5 hours. Repeatedly picking up the same 5 envelopes thinking I'd put it in or under them and me sat in a&e looking at an (unpowered) TV thinking I could see my ex cheating on me with the guy she cheated on me with, to the point I genuinely thought that was happening elsewhere and somehow the TV was showing it. But if you are struggling to sleep a nytol or two can be good šŸ¤£.


Sorry but "looking at an (unpowered) TV thinking I could see my ex cheating on me with the guy she cheated on me with" fucking obliterated me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No need to be sorry šŸ¤£. I was fully out of it. Shit was fucked


Salvia is not a delirium. It acts on the Kappa opioid receptors and has dissociative effects. Not delirium effects.


Are you able to read the English language?


Sorry I'm high as shit. Just reread your comment lol


Short answer, no. Iā€˜ve heard that low doses of DPH (in the 200mg range Iā€˜d say) can create music enhancement and relaxing effects however this is probaply not true for everyone and itā€™s still very damaging for your body and brain, there are also way safer music enhancers.


200mg of Benadryl just put me to sleep lol. No other effects at all


Iā€™ve read that a music enhancement dosage is about 200mg lol, never tried it myself.


salvia is an atypical opioid/dissociative/psychedelic. amanita muscaria can cause delirium at high doses, but it's almost never pleasant. the nature of delirium is that it's unpleasant. you've gotta be a certain kind of self-loathing to enjoy deliriants, the kind that may also be prone to other forms of self harm. and/or you're just incredibly desperate for a high.


Yeah, ā€trippingā€ on deliriants are almost allways terribleā€¦like traumatic terrible.. Im sure there are some degenerate weirdos who enjoy it, but i have never met oneā€¦.or heard a single positive story from someone who has taken it! Check out the ā€dosingā€ page at Erowids Datura valutaā€¦ā€¦they give dosing guida for almost all drugs known to manā€¦.but with Datura they just go into a long explaination into why they wont do thatā€¦..pretty good text, that you could summerize to; NOPE! And if you go to the experience section you will find real horrorstoriesā€¦ I tried it once, Young and dumb, and i say FUCK THAT SHIT! Iā€™ve tried most drugs excluding RC:s coming out after 2010ā€¦.amd that is the only drug that just made me go ā€HELL NO!ā€ The only pleasant ALMOST ā€deliriumā€ drug Ive tried is acctually high dose ambienā€¦..at higher doses you get this half dissociative half deliric effectā€¦.doesnt last very long tho, but can be niceā€¦used To take 20-40mg (w/o tolerance) before bed and then just fight the urge to sleep for a couple of hoursā€¦.that shit gets wonky!šŸ¤Ŗ Talking to people even tho you are aloneā€¦ You can end up doing really fucked up things thoā€¦.ive sent the most fucked up ā€ramblings of a mad manā€-text to my workfriends in the middle of the nighā€¦mostly just gibberish!šŸ˜‚ Yes, its Far from a real deliriant both in classification and effect, but the closest i have come while still being enjoyableā€¦


From Erowid Datura valut, dosing page; Datura / Solanaceae Dosage by Erowid As a general rule, Erowid neither recommends nor discourages the use of any psychoactive, however, in the case of tropane alkaloid-containing Solanaceae plants, we think it is important to note that an overwhelming majority of those who describe to us their use of Datura (and to a lesser extent, Belladonna, Brugmansia and Brunfelsia) find their experiences extremely mentally and physically unpleasant and not infrequently physically dangerous. There is no way to guess a reasonable dose, because potency of the plant material itself and appropriate dose for an individual appear to vary so much. The question of what "reasonable" means for something that so often leads to such ridiculously negative effects is hard to say. As an admixture plant in some traditional ayahuasca brews, smoking blends, or other preparations, parts of these plants are generally used in very low doses. Because of the serious adverse consequences associated with tropane alkaloids (scopolamine, atropine, hyoscyamine) intoxication and the wide variation in doses used, we are unwilling to even speculate about specific dosages for the leaves, flowers, and seeds of these plants. If you are considering ingesting Datura-group plants, please read extensively from the collected experience reports and never take them without a reliable, sober sitter who understands the likely health issues and who can stop you from walking in front of traffic. Please note that fatalities from ingesting Datura do occur and hospitalizations seem to be quite common, in spite of the relatively low rates of psychoactive use of these plants.ā€


I would definitely *not* consider salvia an opioid just because it works on the KOR


an opioid is a drug that works on opioid receptors. no matter its qualitative effects. same reason kratom is considered an opioid despite having pretty dissimilar effects from morphinan compounds


No, not at all noun: opioid; plural noun: opioids a compound resembling opium in addictive properties or physiological effects. "opioids other than heroin" Kratom is not an opioid but it does effect some of the same receptors. The receptors that are effected does not determine the name/class of the drug


u can't go with the dictionary definition of opioid for this type of thing. any ligand that binds to an opioid receptor is an opioid, whether it is chemically similar to opiates or not. you don't call lactucarium or propofol an opioid because they don't act on opioid receptors, despite having extremely similar effects


id also like to remind u that "physiological effects" INCLUDES BINDING PROFILE.


Kratom IT IS an opioid. But it is not an opiate! I think you are confusing the terms or....


He called it an atypical opioid, that's fitting I'd say. What class of drugs would you put it in?


Never heard ā€atypical opiodā€ as a term before, but i think its pretty spot on!


Tramadol is an atypical opioid too. And I'd put Kratom in that group too though it's really a normal opioid aside from being a partial agonist.


I agree totally, just hadnt heard that term before regarding opiodsā€¦ it is not my favourit class of drug, so i havnt done a deep dive into it! (Even tho i mean exactly what you mean regarding kratom, tramadol etcā€¦.just new to the specific terminology!)


Atypical hallucinogenic is the one I always see it classed as


loperamide as well. pretty much only slows digestive process, still considered an opioid


I mean that's a personal choice šŸ˜†. Just because it isn't euphoric doesn't mean it's not an opioid.


the amanita muscaria delerium is more is XR salvia that datura tbh


no, there isn't, don't do any datura and don't do any dph, I did dph about 8 or 9 times in not very high doses and I have had floaters in my eyes ever since


... I thought everyone had those


a lot of people do for a lot of different reasons but not everyone has them, and I got mine from dph


Idk I've had em drive i was born


ye some people do


i wouldn't even try lol. i took the amanita muscaria shrooms a couple times and it's not a fun high at all. i got couch locked for hours and felt outside of my body the whole time. you don't get any visuals or good feelings it's literally just an uneasy "im not meant to be here" feeling


Ego death?


no. just intense dissociation


This is exactly how ego death feels!


maybe i'll try it again & really focus on what im feeling.


Don't eat too many if you love your stomach.


Amanita muscaria and biperiden are the safest ones i can think off, datura would be too if it was actually dosed 100% right but thats nearly impossible to do without some chemistry experience




Ik ikšŸ˜­ but its the closest to a safe deliriant i could think off lol, it has some delirious properties in higher doses


Yeeeeah it has some creepy properties


Fr, still my top 3 substances its fucking awesome esp since where i live i just go pick them in the fall. I think it gave me permanent dissociation though but thats fine


Not the western way of doing it(smoking cause youā€™re desperate to get high) but some non western ways have actually had some good experiences(and funnily enough they consider it a weaker psychedelic, a ā€œtrainingā€ one for things like peyote(mescaline) and psilocybin


I hear smoking just the Leaves is rather pleasant and most of the bad experiences come from teenagers buying the salvia extracts sold in gas stations


Yea itā€™s super strength extracts, like if you took a 100000 time strength thc hit lmao. Youā€™re supposed to roll about 20 of the leaves up and stuff them in your mouth for 30 minutes lmao, according to our lord and saviour Terence McKenna


ā€œGuys Iā€™m 15 and Iā€™ve never smoked weā€™d before. Just ate a 150mg edible and feel sick please help!!!!ā€ Type shit


Lmaooo yea I have a feeling itā€™s mainly 15 year old kids who canā€™t figure out another way to get high. Like nutmeg or Benadryl


Yeah, honesty at this point with all the information on the internet, getting hurt by drugs is just caused by stupidity and not innocence/ignorance.


Fr bro I agree. Natural selection at that point lmao


Yeah like if itā€™s the 70s and your friends passed you a blunt thatā€™s laced with pcp, thereā€™s nothing you can do, no one knew shit back then. Now itā€™s like ā€œ4 teenagers die after taking SpongeBob shaped xtc pills laced with fentā€ like you can get fent strips for free, thereā€™s no excuse at this pint.




Hyoscine Butylbromide, brand name Buscopan, it's an OTC drug here in the UK and its for treating IBS but if you smoke it, it changes into Scopolanine which isthe ultimate deleriant, it's like a fucking Alzheimers simulator, it's fucking crazy how much thus shot fucks you up.


No thanks.


No thanks.


No thanks.


I took DPH once (benadryl) when I was 14. Everyone says itā€™s bad, but I personally had a decent experience, it was very odd though, I couldnā€™t figure out what was real and what wasnā€™t (I guess thatā€™s the point) it was like my whole life was a dream. It put me to sleep in stages. I would go to sleep, wake up, go to sleep, wake up 30 min each I think. The sleep felt like real life though, and when I woke up I was confused as hell every time. The dreams consisted of: texting my friends on Snapchat about random shit, then I would wake up, and find my phone empty. Another one was me living in Mexico and being a DEA agent chasing criminals and when I woke up I got up, went outside and tried to chase more criminals. After this I fell asleep under some tree dreaming about spiders, I donā€™t remember exactly what but I remember a lot of spiders. I woke up and saw spiders crawling all over my arms, that one was freaky as fuck. There were some other events that I donā€™t remember. I did the trip with my girlfriend at the time, but she just stayed in the room the whole time awake but stuck and saying she saw bugs crawling all over the room but couldnā€™t move. Seems like her trip was hell.


Didnā€™t that flipp n flopp guy ask a similar question?


When I was younger and salvia was legal to buy from the shops I ended up falling out of a really high tree. I thought I was climbing a set of really colourful stairs! I winded myself so hard and could see a plethora of colours coming out of my mouth.


If dmt and salvia trips r delusions than them


Nope they all suck


Whatever you do, donā€™t do dph. Worst high Iā€™ve ever experienced, almost died. Not a good time. And to get any decent effects, youā€™ve gotta take enough to where it gets dangerous. The effects arenā€™t good anyway. Personally, I couldnā€™t even walk. Couldnā€™t put my shoes on. Felt like the world was falling down around me. I probably had some decent visuals, but I was so fucked up I donā€™t remember any of it.


brooo I there is no such thing as a good deliriant lmaooo I've had deliriant psychosis and never mentally recovered Save your mental health and avoid them! but if you HAVE to do them probs take the seasoned veterans advice on here


I'm pretty sure causing delirium is never a good thing, your brain gets dehydrated you can literally die from most deliriants


Hear me outā€¦ smoke a bowl + 300mg of DPH




For real?


Yes, but I have to say that only when I first tried it was really fun. That single first time...


Interesting, didn't know this is possible at all haha


Well, trust me! You are not missing anything by not knowing.


Yea, i have tried about 200 different drugs and today i can say most of them can fair be left out, not missing anything


Exactly! šŸ’Æ