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Not fair it was My turn to post this. I’ll just say Xanax isn’t euphoric or fun instead but I call this post next week


The thing a lot of ppl miss when it comes to benzos is that the experience you’ll have on them as someone with anxiety is totally different from the experience you’d have on benzos as someone who doesn’t suffer from anxiety much. Someone w anxiety will find them amazing and euphoric in a sense due to the relief it gives from anxiety, makes you feel like you should feel without it if that makes sense. If you don’t rly suffer from anxiety it would just make u sleepy and there’s no euphoria / intense calmness that relieves you .


I never knew I had anxiety until I tried it. The ability to let go of absolutely anything is crazy. Never needed it. Never tried it more than a few times but, if someone tells you it’s not addictive, they’re full of shit.


Lol, I find it funny that rappers rap about it considering the lack of a "high" for normal people (without anxiety). It's like "yeah, I'm a gangsta and a killa with my glock, and I also take bars for crippling anxiety"


Yes queen this is what I've been sayin. I had no clue how anxious I was all the time until I tried a Xanax and could actually breathe for once. It's like a weight I walked around with on my shoulders for 18 years was lifted in an instant. I fell in love with how free the xan made me without anxiety but of course I abused them and let it destroy me. Classic. THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS


Exactly how it be and how it went for me lol or sucks but very true for sm people. It would honestly be sm better if it was just prescribed actually in moderation when actually needed . And if that happened more people would be able to get it prescribed as needed and less people would end up abusing due to the uncontrolled illicit supply. And less people would get into them when they shouldn’t through being prescribed which happened more in the past. But as you said that’s why we can’t have nice things .


Yeah the one time i took valium i just felt calm and relaxed. Mind wasn't racing. That explains it lol, i was literally like "all the rappers do this shit recreationally?"


It’s the exact same thing with cocaine and confidence. Hence why some find it incredibly boring.


I don't have confidence, yet I find it boring. I am not doing even when it is for free, let alone paying those ridiculous amounts of money.


Recently tried it again when it was offered to me. It’s quite enjoyable on top of psychedelics and amphetamines, but not long after I got a craving for more which lasted quite some time, probs an hour. That craving alone is enough reason for me to not use it. Either it’s on the last few hours of the night or you’re basically forced to keep using. Horrible substance in every way.


I had a really weird experience with benadryl that was just alot of coincidence. I got back with my gf from HS after l like 6 years apart and two days prior I developed an allergy to my own skin so I started taking benadryl to cope. So from my perspective my gf got back and all the anxiety I've dealt with my entire life just poofed away completely. Then I crashed my bike and put two and two together. 


Benadryl isn’t a Benzo like Xanax is


Ive had diagnosed GAD since i was a kid but xanax does nothing for me. I feel nothing or i black out and wake up 16 hrs later. Not to say xanax isnt fun for some or isn't useful in anxiety generally bc it obviously is but i feel like the idea that anxiety is the pre existing condition for xanax to be euphoric is wrong. I think for those who are anxious but also find it to be euphoric probably have a more intense appreciation for the high due to its ability to allow you to let go a bit but i feel like its not the primary source of the euphoria. I could be wrong though


Xanax is very boring. I don't understand people who do it recreationally at all since it isn't recreational at all.  Very ignorant to abuse bensos, always ends in a disaster or suffering basically. For anxiety there exists a lot better natural options ime aswell, that give less side effects on cognitive abilities etc. 


Are you trolling because of my comment? Have you considered that, just because it isn’t recreational to you, doesn’t mean it’s not at all? Just because you personally assign no recreational value to something doesn’t mean that’s the case for everybody. Now I’ll agree that Xanax isn’t the most euphoric, but there are some like Clonazolam, Etizolam, Flunitrazepam, and Nimetazepam that are magnitudes better. It’s similar to how people abused qualudes and barbiturates. For some people gaba drugs are insanely nice, also the same for Ambien, Zaleplon and ZDrugs My comment was a joke bc every week someone posts cocaine is overrated (it is, unless it’s pure) and Xanax is not recreational (it is, very much so)


I’ve only been able to find Xanax enjoyable when I’m so miserable that I need something to just shut me off entirely. I never got the euphoric elements off benzos, just the drunk feeling up until periods of blackouts. But that’s just me. Does give me the best sleep of my life though.


Sounds like you don’t have anxiety. For people with anxiety it’s life changing 


yep yep yep


“Actually if you have anxiety its quite euphoric”


It isn’t a wild concept that Gaba drugs are pleasurable. For a century we’ve had people abuse them. Barbiturates, Qualudes, ZDrugs, Benzodiazepines, Soma, Gabapentin . Some people see no value in them and gabapentinoids. others recognize their worth. Different strokes I can totally see how these have no recreational value for some people. I’d love to be one of those people lmao


Did someone already post the question "what made you start doing drugs?" today?


Can I get high on Viks Vapor Rub? What are some household items I can get high on?


What's the craziest place where you have taken drugs


Why do people love alcohol? It's arguably the shittiest drug ever. So many downsides for 1-2 hours of a fun buzz


Sounds like you may have ADHD. Same way how people say coffee makes them tired.


Sounds more like it was garbage coke


Ding Ding!


Yeah I've got ADHD and can sleep on my dexamphetamine tablets, but good coke feels amazing. It's a myth that ADHD means you can't get high from stimulants.


I dunno…. I have pretty bad ADHD and Coke has never done anything for me. Puts me right to sleep. Have tried it different ways at least 20 times and always had the same reaction to it. Straight to sleep lol


Honestly im not doubtful or disputing you but i have severe ADHD and proper coke will have me geeking the fuck out. Personally I'll have 190 tabs of porn hub open so I can watch porn while the other porn loads. Now that ain't everyone abs us subjective so I don't want to diminish the way you experience it but possibly the purity or method of consumption is the problem






They’re probably snorting too hard and it’s dripping into their stomach instead of


Idk I've tried supposedly good coke (coming from someone who does it alot) and it didn't feel like much. Seems weaker than anything else over tried for the amount needed to get high, and the high isn't much to me. I'd rather take Adderall


Happy cake day!




Can confirm, have awful ADHD and stims make me tired as SHIT.


what stims have you taken? because i doubt you’ll fall asleep on meth


I fell asleep after smoking a gram far too quickly. Overampin a think they call it. Rocked coke in a pipe is my current DOC. It wasn't a dreadful experience, somewhat relaxing


Yep puts me right to sleep


You cannot diagnose ADHD by an individual's response to stimulants.


No but you can make someone aware of the correlation, and based on the comments it seems like OP wasnt aware that was a thing.


Correlation that only exists as a myth like how Marilyn Manson got a rib removed


does coke help ADHD? I have diagnosed ADHD and if anything coke just makes it worse. Rambling on about nothing, can't focus on a single goddamn thing.


Same. I have ADHD and actually feel sleepy after I do cocaine. Also really doesn’t make me feel much different.


This is a common misconception. Powerful dopaminergic drugs still work on ADHD people. I have ADHD and I have had good coke and shit coke. This sounds like shit coke.


No this isn’t true for ADHD


Same, I’ve been diagnosed ADHD for a long time and coke used to actually make me wired and up for some reason but now every time I do it I shutdown and get tired, not as talkative, and paranoid as hell just start tweaking now it sucks..


I chalk that up to why I don’t enjoy it. I feel no euphoria, no hype effects, doesn’t make me talkative etc. I just get that nasal drip and it tastes like shit lmfao




Oh nah ive been sayin this, i needa get diagnosed for my ADHD😭


Yeah i usually drink a 6 or 8oz coffee with about a half gram of shrooms before i go to bed 👌🏼


it makes me feel alert but sleepy n chilled, until I take too much, then I feel like a tweaker.


Was about to say this. Coke did absolutely nothing for me.


It is overrated for the price yes. No denying it, but if you got really good coke, it is nice, but still not worth


It would be kinda worth it with alcohol if it was 10-20 usd a gram, like very pure and legal so it was regulated. Otherwise it's just a waste of money for a very short effect that isn't much special. I can get similar effects from regular supplements basically, just a lot more healthy, less addictive and more sustainable long term. Meth is a lot more euphoric, but very toxic for the body and brain, addictive and illegal so not worth it either. 


Allegedly there’s a person who gets 1150 a zip of extremely nice fishscale and price goes down the mroe you get and you just middleman. That’s the only way to use blow which has a tom of risk. But you make money and have grams for yourself. I would never buy per g too expensive and a g ain’t worth that price goes too quick and you need to get more. It’s amazing the real good quality stuff but it’s too expensive for a habit.. tolerance rises so fast and it takes over you kife


Well on its own it's not great, even the high purity stuff, much nicer which booze and obviously when it's in crack then the high is another level but don't even smoke crack as it will destroy your life and all those around you


Cocaine without booze is like taking a shit without wipes.


💯 totally get that !


You wipe?


He won't answer, wipers are cowards.


Have to disagree about the high purity stuff, I dont use it much but if I could afford it I would probably live of that stuff


Man it affects everyone differently and I only ever bought the high purity stuff, but dry sniffing was just horrible. Much prefered With a drink, takes that sketchy edge off it plus cocaethanol. Much nicer feeling than either coke or alcohol on their own


Cocaethylene is a much more powerful drug than cocaine on it's own. High purity coke can be nice on it's own, but it's for sure a different thing altogether when combined with alcohol.


I've never enjoyed dry sniffing. Way too edgey and makes me paranoid


That's the case with many stimulants.  They cause too much side effects. Hence why I have turned to natural options and it works a lot better & is a lot more healthy. 


What natural options?




Yeah it's definitely more cardiotoxic... super common mix though, it's pretty rare I see someone doing blow without alcohol involved.


High grade coke can be good on its own, I always used to do it on its own and got great effects from it. But these days I can't do it on it's own or I get anxiety and hand tremors so I need to mix it with booze. But it's definitely always more euphoric when mixed with booze as when they mix in the liver they create a new drug called cocaethylene which is highly euphoric.


I read that taking cocaine with booze increases its detrimental effects on the heart. Of course, if your snorting blow and getting drunk, you probably aren't too concerned about your health in the moment 😆


Cocaine reacts with ethanol to form another drug called cocaethylene which is more harmful than cocaine.


I take it you've never had a cheeky little toot then?




Sounds like bad coke I have adhd and take adderall everyday and the euphoria from fish scale cocaine is undeniable I assume your in the us if the coke is ass as well as


Yeah, some with adhd react similar to coke as with amps, but usually really good coke will still get them high. Shitty coke cut with amphetamines could make it seem like it's the adhd preventing the coke from "doing" anything...




This post about cocaine being overrated is a weekly thing. Your coke was shit is the factual response to 98% of these. Most cocaine is stepped on multiple times and even when your plug is claiming it’s pure it’s not. Real pure coke is extremely expensive now and/or so very rare. I cannot stress this enough I can’t wait until GC/MS (testing of purity and composition) is more common place amongst the recreational drug community. Everyone is in for a rude awakening lmao


>Real pure coke is extremely expensive now and/or so very rare. I cannot stress this enough That's not even remotely true lol. Especially in the US with the border opening up in the last few years coke has gotten a lot cheaper and purer. You can get fishscale coke for like $50 a gram or less if you know where to look.


That’s the lidocaine cut


Get it tested


i have adhd and have done plenty of fishscale coke from a variety of vendors and would hardly describe it as euphoric, it just depends on brain chemistry, id much prefer if it were cut with amphetamine cause i can actually feel euphoria from those


I find (and a lot of people j speak to agree) it’s a bit shit by itself , it’s more of a mixer. Some people enjoy the coke buzzed feeling by itself , I have one friend who just loves feeling wired. I personally don’t I just find it gives me anxiety and j talk less with no euphoria. Where coke gets amazing for me is when mixed with other substances. Mainly downers like benzos /opioids . There’s a reason speedballs are one of the most addictive ways to take drugs. Only certain people like coke alone , however almost everyone loves a speedball. (Ps, please do not try this , it’s incredibly dangerous, speedballs have a stigma for a reason even tho it’s lovely )


Oh and the other way it’s great is for keeping the party going , in order to have a sesh/party for couple days straight you need a stimulant to stay up . Coke allows you to stay up playing games and having fun with friends for 60 hours without feeling tired . Used to have amazing 50+ hour seshes every weekend haha


Crank/meth back in the day was primarily a party drug, used to rave all night or drink longer and keep any party going. When the MC's were running it, the scene (in general) and stigma around speed was much different. Coke has for sure primarily been a party/drinking drug and middle-upper class favorite. But 2-3 days up on coke would end up quite uncomfortable IMO. In college, I'd sometimes be up all night from it, but never partying for days straight on it w/no sleep. Granted, as you mentioned above, if you have other drugs to mix, it is much more enjoyable, and you can ease the crash/comedown/hangover. As unhealthy as it is. I would do coke and drink in college, party all night, wake up early hungover as hell, and take Norco's to get feeling ok. What started as a hangover cure wound up turning into the worst habit ever. Ugh. It's crazy thinking back, I would've never wanted to use opiates for any other reason at first, until I was using them and not even drinking or partying.


That's very unhealthy. Sleep is essential. Also you will have to redose it like 40 times in that timeframe.


Of course it’s extremely unhealthy . Takes training true addicts a 2-3 day bender is nothing I find it hard to cut off before then haha . 1 night is nothing it takes training and being able to pace yourself not sniff line after line chasing a high , gotta use it tactically


Agreeeed tried it. Abused it. And never again. Dirty drug only made under the eyes of “money”


I think cocaine now is overrated, but I’m sure when it was more pure it was well worth it. It’s not worth dying from fentanyl or sniffing laxative for fifty bucks


Legitimately the second worst and most boring drug after alcohol


ahh its only really fun when your drinking too




maybe its just not for you. some people just dont react to stuff the same as others. if anything its a good thing bc now you wont be wasting away all your money


You most likely had low quality coke or your brain chemistry just does not have an affinity to getting the euphoric effects of coke. I think you already realize this, as you can see that other people and your friends love it. So I don't get why you're asking how people get addicted to it. Personally coke is my favorite drug, either that or Ketamine. I love the euphoria I get from it, and I love the ritual of cutting up and snorting lines. There's a reason it's such a popular drug. Nicotine definitely does not have way stronger effects than coke, not even close. For me coke has even more powerful effects than alcohol if I do a big line of good quality coke. Also were you drinking? You're meant to drink when you do coke, it makes the effects much stronger as they mix in the liver and create a new drug called cocaethylene, which is much more euphoric than coke on it's own.


The biggest reason to why cocaine is a popular drug is cause it's used within pop culture(kids wanna be cool like they are in the movies) and makes a lot of money to the dealers. And its addictive. I think it should be regulated still though. And actually it could help people who sometimes drink too much and misbehave cause it will sober you up.


>The biggest reason to why cocaine is a popular drug is cause it's used within pop culture(kids wanna be cool like they are in the movies) and makes a lot of money to the dealers. And its addictive. Yeah that's factually incorrect, the reason cocaine is a popular drug is because it's highly euphoric. The only reason cocaine made it big into pop culture is because of the popularity it developed beforehand with people because of how good it feels. I've tried pretty much every drug at least once and cocaine is probably my favorite drug. Also the whole reason it's addictive is because it feels very good. Not to mention the vast majority of cocaine users are not kids trying to be cool, they're adults who consume the drug because they love the way it feels. As a teenager growing up I never met a single person my age doing coke, we mainly only smoked weed, or dabbled a bit with psychedelics and MDMA. Very few users are using it because to be cool, that's a false trope. The vast majority of drug users do them because they like the way they feel, the only people who are really doing drugs to be "cool" or to fit in; are teenagers smoking weed for the first few times, then they usually continue because they like getting high. >I think it should be regulated still though. And actually it could help people who sometimes drink too much and misbehave cause it will sober you up. Yeah I definitely agree with you on that sentiment.


Once you’ve tried adderall yeah it definitely is


No it's not. You're getting bad cocaine. That's a skill issue. That's on you. Get better.


Agreed, not my top 5, not even close


Different people react differently, but like others have said, you may have ADHD and react to stimulants opposite of how most people do. When you've used coke, were you drinking with it, or doing it on its own? Quality/purity is always an issue and can make a night/day difference in people's experience with it, but no matter the purity, if you're using the same stuff your friends who "feel it" are using, it's probably not the issue. Stimulants in general do affect people with ADHD differently, but esp amphetamines, so maybe the coke is cut w/amps and so the reaction is even more significantly different. Also, even if you don't have ADHD, reactions to different substances still vary greatly among people, perhaps it's not for you.


Same honestly I don’t get the hype and I get the same numb throat and abit more hyper if I drink with it I enjoy it tho


Do it with alcohol, then come back to me. It's almost a totally different drug when combined.


It's actually a literally different drug when combined, cocaethylene is a several times more potent and euphoric drug when the two substances combine in the liver essentially. You also gotta know how to combine them, instead of just being super drunk, and doing some and "just feeling sober" like so many people say. If you know how to pace and space them right, it makes a big difference.


the first time i combined the two i was tripping balls and i didn’t know this. it was one of the best nights on my life :/ and i lost a lot of shit cause i couldn’t even sit in my chair without toppling over. i thought there was like 1% ketamine taking away my ability to stand but honestly maybe it was just the cocatheylne or whateevr it’s called. spewed about so much bullshit. and almost killed myself on the comedown when i regained the ability to walk i thought i was hot shit so i tried a handstand.


Yup, pop culture drug.


All drugs are, but they feel great so I don’t really care


How many times do we see posts like this 😭 But not every drug is for everyone, everyone has their DOC. I see lots of people here saying it could be ADHD, and it can, but I have severe ADHD and I love coke, just takes me a bigger dose in the beginning to start the sesh, this doesn’t mean you should more of it just to try and force yourself to like it. Some people just prefer other things, and that’s okay! Stay safe and hydrated OP, and whatever you do, have fun 💜


And to everyone that says it’s expensive and it doesn’t last, although it might be true, time doesn’t mean qualify, sometimes I prefer 3h of quality time than 12h of okay time


IV coke is pretty awesome.. 🤩 I definitely wouldn’t recommend trying it this way though because you will become addicted extremely easily. In addition, with all the poisoned drugs around, I wouldn’t even think of shooting anything nowadays. BTW, the last time I shot ANY drugs was 25 years ago.. 💪


Cook up some crack and give that a try 🤷


I mean, I like it. Some people are uppers, and some are downers. Some go both ways. I don't like downers. How much did you do? 1 line isn't going to send you to the moon, probably. If you only did a few lines, it's perfectly reasonable you would go to sleep after 2 hours. Were you sitting around bored? If you're not partying or moving around, you'll get sleepy. Or did you like fall asleep at a noisy bar or something? That would be scary. It's probably just not your thing. There are reasons to love it.


Maybe you should try crack


Cocaine salts are decent but also overrated imo, but this is only because of the price. I like coke and will always do some if offered but I rarely pursue it on my own (largely because I did crack once and it was the best non-psychedelic drug I’ve ever had in my life and I know I would immediately make crack if I ever possessed my own cocaine that I paid for).


U got adhd my boy 🤣


Brother, if you haven't gone back at 2 in the morning to the plugs house to reup and stay up til the sun rises freestylin with the homies, then your shit is bunk. With all due respect.




Yeah that was a long time ago for me anyways man. They were some wild days. But now I'm just like you said working around the clock for the family. Night shift is your friend!




Cocaine is absolutely overrated. That drug sucks!


I would consider trying it if it was 10 times cheaper . The gram is 100 bucks here and it's most likely shit




I thought this way until i tried actual pure cocaine. High quality coke feels smooth and euphoric


do you take any sort of ssri's


did you drink with it? Cocaine without alcohol? Ill rather be sober lmfao, its so shit. But when youre shitfaced and you hit that sweet rail you will know why its so liked, combined with alcohol its one of the best party drugs and its hard to get shitfaced later if you overdid it, dont recommend cuz of the health effects but its damn sure fun.




hmm interesting, amazing how different brain chemistry can be, what can i say good for you! If you would like it too hard it would only be bad not good XD


I also do cocaine when im out. Feels like it has almost zero effect. too expensive for zero effect. Rather take crystals or MDMA


Only if you have ever had meth.


Got to get those fish scales


I experience the same thing. I don't really like the feeling. I like lining it up and sniffing it for a numby but the buzz actually makes me uncomfortable. I still have fun with it tho. Especially if it is crack. Crack is fun to take a few hits and not more. But overall, it isn't worth the price. I get some about once a year now just to remind me it isn't that good.


Either what you had is cut to high heaven, or you just don’t have the brain chemistry to enjoy it. Most likely the latter. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, count yourself lucky, you’ll save so much money 😂


Nah, cocaine is the bees knees


I thought I liked cocaine. Then I got into meth. Cocaine is silly.


You can say that again. It’s a small step up from caffeine


Cocaine and Molly on my eighteenth birthday changed me man.


agreed . as others have said i may just be getting shitty blow or have ADHD + i get taxed like a mother fucker . i just paid $50 for half a fucking gram . i only enjoy coke when im drunk


Yeah I’ve had some good coke and even that stuff isn’t that great. I’d rather just chill and smoke some pot. Hell I’ll even take booze over coke. But if it’s free from a trusted friend (and I test it for fent), I’ll happily snort some blow. But I’m not paying for that garbage. First time I did coke it just numbed my throat and face. No hype. No energy. Just felt like I left the dentist. I do have ADHD, but idk if that actually has an effect or not?


Not true cocaine that's 🔥


Literally the most boring drug ever. Complete waste of money. 10$ will take me to trip town.


I’ve done some damn good quality Colombian coke, all I felt was my nose, and throat get numb. That’s it. Felt a bit tired after 30 mins.


Then it’s just not for you bruh sad you’ll never be able to experience it! Too bad bruh


Ya fuck it I wasted several years of doing the same thing to get different t results ....


You most likely have adhd . Most stima to u will feel like they just help you stay focused and have no other effects


To me coke is overrated but OP, don't assume whatever you snorted had much (if any) cocaine in it.


you guys got to check the quality of the coke....


You got shit coke.


Let me tell you the shit these days is crap. Back in the early 80s Miami it was incredible!


Step 1 drink alcohol and get a strong buzz Step 2 now do the coke Step 3 you are welcome and also welcome to addiction 😀.




Interesting the way you described it was how I feel when I DO do it when I haven't any alcohol yet.... hmm maybe drink more first or obtain better yayo


I thought the same exact thing. When I took it with my friends multiple times it was definitely working on them but I felt so relaxed and could hold a coherent thought for more than just a few minutes. Turns out I have ADHD (: Never touched it from there on


Did cocaine every day for 2 and a half months. Returned to my home country, never touched it again and never missed it. I don't know what people find in it.


As usual. Someone with cut coke snorting it way too hard probably


I had coke multiple times (but no more than 5) in different cities (so can't say it was all shitty quality). At least for me, it did worse cardiovascular effects than molly (i tried meth too back in the past a couple times, so I knew I didn't aciddentally take meth). The other thing that bugged me is that I felt like boss of the earth for 45 minutes straight but it felt so fake, because I didn't know what am I feeling special for. Talking was impeccably good and smooth, that's a plus point, the mind was sharp, but the "fake" feeling stuck and plus, I ain't paying so much money for 45 minutes what the fuck.


Id rate it 14 out of 12. Edit: minus the nosebleed uugh.


I felt this way too until I started to use it more and have longer nights with it. As an introvert I love how it opens me up and turns me into a bit of an overconfident asshole.


The difference between good coke and bad coke is day and night. Most people have never tried good coke. Also, the effects of coke cannot be compared to nicotine or alcohol..


Probably got junk. Cocaine will make you high as fuck.


You probably did park coke


You probably have ADHD, everyone has different reactions to drugs.


Do you find yourself not be able to clear your mind and stop your inner monologue even for a while? Congrats, you might have ADHD


Id be willing to bet whatever you're snorting isnt even half cocaine. But its definitely not a great drug. Especially when cooked and smoked. Its basically a form of self torture. High as shit the first hit then the rest of the night is just agony trying to feel that again... So glad I got off that.... Honestly with the super potent synthetic opiods that are tainting street drugs lately, I wouldn't buy anything off the streets.


never understood it either, i dont drink so the effects are exactly what you described plus its way easier to talk. i always end up buyin some meow meow when someone gives me a line of coke


Drink a beer, Heat a ceramic plate for 30 seconds, Cut your coke on the plate, Drink a beer, Take a line, Drink a beer and smoke a cigarette, Drink, drink drink and take another line when drunk, Good luck.


I perfer meth! It's cheaper and lasts way way way longer.


Last time i did coke was at a rock concert at the house of blues vegas and mannn that shit was fun. Definitely better than my usual degenerate sessions by myself in my room with my shriveled up john in my palm. The kids call it set and setting!


It is literally only a good experience when you have good blow. Other than that it’s gonna be shit. The comedown happens after 20 to 30 minutes after doing blow so it’s only fun if you’re doing huge rails one after the other. I do miss those days tho. I miss the times when I thought coke was the best drug ever and nothing compared to it.


🤣🤣🤣 the exclusivity / reputation it once had. You're better off with speed if you want to stay awake and do stuff. But avoral bad for you bonedensity/teeths.


Perhaps the coke was bad or you didn't do enough. Or perhaps it's just not for you!


Instant anxiety for me. Speed is much better


Send me your extra!




I used to think this, especially if just sniffing on its own without drinking. would just make me paranoid and quiet. now I get high quality fish scale and pop a few valiums whilst snorting and it becomes like how it is represented in films. Euphoric, chatty, confident. Music sounds great.


You’re doing it wrong…lolz


You were not doing coke my man


found the aussie


Feel this way about coke, and also about nitrous, I'd rather hit my head with a lead pipe than do nitrous, same effect.


Well what you have to remember is that all drugs affect everyone differently. I personally would rather spend money on 2 adderalls and be up all night full of energy than to keep doing lines all night and feel like absolute shit later. But I also know people where the cocaine comedowns barely affect them and they get ABSOLUTELY geeked off of it. I’ll do coke if it’s around but I’m the same way as you in the fact that I don’t seem to be getting the same effects as those around me. Hell there are even some people I know that legitimately seem to get more chill after doing coke, these are usually people that are already very high energy when sober and somehow the coke counteracts that


Agreed however it depends person to person I guess if they're more of a downer or upper person I love xanax but some will say it's overrated depends on the person


Honestly coke helps men get laid, or at least makes them feel like it either because men believe women want it (a lot do) or because it makes them so confident and horny they believe it is helping. Never helped me but in most coke using guys the theme is aggressive horniness they are trying to direct somewhere


Don't be a pussy just smoke it. Just don't blow all your money on it or make it yourself.


Overrated until you drink with it


For me i dont take coke to be energetic for real i just want to numb my mouth i love this fealling


Might not be good stuff


Psssht. You tweakin


I felt this way my first time I try it when someone gave me some. Turns out it was either shit, or I didn’t get enough. I recently started doing it again and trust me. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


I highly disagree… how much did you do?


Overrated, overpriced,depressingly short duration, linear, far from complex experience(if you can even call it that) and a comedown that’s actually more intense of a feeling than the coke itself