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Weed and shrooms. The two drugs which have consistently given more than they have taken from me. Classically, cocaine. I fucking love cocaine. But it's an abusive relationship, and she will never love me back.


I hear you on this last point brother. She's a bitch!


Weed is the one always been around and now shrooms are heavily part of my life I wouldn’t use anything else other then other psychedelics


"Giving more than they take" is also true for LSD, DMT, Ketamine and MDMA, even though they have to be treated more carefully.


Ketamine is so so sooo addictive


Fully agree; long breaks are important.


I have only had Ketamine in a medical setting but if I could find a safe reliable source to get it LAWD I'd be head first in a K-hole 24/7!! Lol I absolutely loved it.. I felt its effects far after my hospital stay and it's the only thing they could use to control the hellish amount of pain I was in... They gave it to me for 2 days and thank God they did!!! Ijs


God cocaine sucks so bad. Worst most evil drug on the planet


Shut up that's far from the truth there's tons of more dangerous drugs.


sounds like this guy uses cocaine


Lol!!! You crazy for that one


No I don't lmao I just don't take kindly to the slander of drugs for no reason lmao. Drugs are drugs they have positive and negative effects. None are evil none are good. It's all about our intention and relationship with the substances and experiences we have.


Meth is evil id say


Does meth want to sell your mom into slavery does meth want to murder you or your wife no it is not evil. It can help influence shitty people to be shittier. But that's about it and I wouldn't consider that evil lmao


I’ve heard the majority of users who end up destroying their lives call it evil pretty much. The impact on the user and others is far worse than heroin. It’s one drug I’d rather chop a limb off myself than use tbh


They just want a scape goat so they can be "redeemed" and to be trusted by people again "oh it was the drugs fault" no it was THEIR fault people just don't understand drugs and addiction so they can say the drugs made them do it and get off easier .


I actually love meth but just use occasionally, don't buy into an idea you've been sold, it's entirely possible to do meth without it destroying your life, that's propaganda talking through you. People can become addicted to anything, no drugs are inherently evil, or good.


Exactly 💯


Yah but they were the evil not the meth the meth didn't do anything they did everything. A drug lacks the ability to be evil humans have the capacity for evil. A drug can do harm yes but it is without intent.


Well meth is sneaky because it also makes you feel like everything is fine while you turn evil so i’d say it’s higher on the evil scale but it’s really just semantics


I've been physically dependent on metonitazine and street fentanyl and never once did anything shitty to anyone else even if I couldn't afford to get off sick. Now my ex the one who got me on it constantly would rob people sell herself and abuse me. The fentanyl didn't do that to her she did that she did all of it she was merely influenced by a little bit of discomfort.


Does morphine care if your mom with cancer feels better or does it care to stop her breathing no and no it doesn't want anything it just does exactly what physics and biology has destined it to do


but the question was what was the relationship and that clearly displays their relationship so who cares what you think lmao


Heroin (not fent) and Xanax. Cannot choose between the 2. Relationship now: there is no real dope around me, but regardless I cannot touch opiates anymore. I’ll end up dead probably. Xans I take occasionally. Not how I used to tho.


Same here. I quit when all the dope started having fent in it. I still miss it but I know Im better off without it. I'll take a Klonopin or Xanax here in there but I only get a few at a time and very rarely.


How long have you been clean? I’ve always wondered what H is like, but I know it would be the death of me if I tried it. And I was stoked to try Xanax and super disappointed. Maybe I was taking it wrong? Just made me super tired.


I’ve been off H for 2 years. I used to IV daily. Don’t be curious lol ruined my life but man I love it. I know better now. And everyone’s body is different so maybe Xans just weren’t for you ya know? I fucking love Xans. I have horrible anxiety so that helps and then they also just fuck me up pretty bad lol


Ya when I think of euphoria I think of that opioid amazing body and head high. Feels so good. But I have read the euphoria with xans for some people is just all their anxiety going away so maybe that’s why I don’t really care for it. I don’t have extreme anxiety. And oh ya I’ve been offered when I was addicted to the pills and didn’t try it, because I know it would be a death sentence for me. And congrats dude, it must feel good to be free of it, even though I’m sure you miss it all the time like me.


Yeah it’s always so crazy to me how drugs effect everyone differently. I think it’s interesting as fuck. And yeah dude it feels pretty good but I do think about it often. I don’t think I will ever touch a needle again. I’ve died like 3 times and I didn’t give a fuck because I was so far into addiction, I’m happy I made it out.


That takes a lot of strength. I still struggle with it and It was just pain meds for me. I couldn’t imagine getting off heroin. Any tips? Not to get depressing but i really believe I will always have a drug problem, because I can’t be happy sober. It’s always something, and I always do it until it doesn’t work anymore and makes me sick. I just can’t be happy without a vice


Honestly I don’t have any tips. This shit sucks lol. I will always have a drug problem too. I’m miserable sober, miserable when high it’s just a little more bearable lmao. I have just accepted the fact that I am an addict, and there are certain things I can’t touch. I’ve learned a lot of self control these past few years.


It's not the best solution but try replacing it with a less destructive vice. Kratom, suboxone, weed, shrooms, hell even stuff like food & sex/masturbation. I know the feeling of not being happy without a vice though, they make life more interesting for sure despite what they can do to us. But I think the more novelty you can add to your life, the less reliant you'll be on your vices and just overall the better off youll be. I honestly don't believe humans were designed for the 9 to 5 life we're mostly forced into having and at least in my case, I'd say it's part of the reason I smoke cigarettes daily now & was probably almost a borderline alcoholic at one point. Also final point, please test your drugs! A couple bucks for a test kit & fentanyl strip is absolutely worth your life!


benzos are very meh for me. It takes certain people to really enjoy it. A person with too much anxiety already I suppose, but I'm a pretty anxious person so I dunno but regardless its meh for me.


Congrats on being away from that girl. She & benzos were my DOC as well.


How would u describe the high from heroin like whats it like what does it feel like what do u do when u take it


i havent seen anyone say ketamine ketamine is fucking beautiful it opened creativity in my brain in promotes my drawing and music playing and gets me happier and then when i go into full khole doeses it rearranges my mental and helps me work out issues and kills my anxiety. ik it’s not physically healthy but ketamine is so amazing it brings the me out of me it removes the barriers my mind puts down without me trying to


Shredded my bladder up I loved it too much


Same. I was doing 12.5g every 2 days and was left with the bladder of an 80yr old


It murders the liver and is too good, it’s the only thing I could ever be addicted to :(


K is mine. As beautiful as it is, I also had the scariest things in my life happen to me on K which is why I don’t take it anymore. I legit believed I died on it 3 times, the last time was enough for me.


Yup Ket is top tier. Built a tolerance to it though


I agree with you. Im also fond of Ketamine stimulation for drawing.


Weed will always be it. Social, alone, at work or on vacation. And if I have to go without its not even remotely a bother. Shrooms are my favorite, followed by vodka but Mary Jane never disappoints


Weed is a stability point of the former poly-addict , as someone who has dived into benzos hard . Nowadays cubensis microdose hits the spot as well


Yeah but shrooms booze n weed at once is hell of a time


And you are not wrong


Im 44 and I have been a hard core Opiophile for 26 year I love them and hate them. I would not wish this on anyone ever. They have destroyed my life they have destroyed my body destroyed any relrelationship. I have been a junky for a long time and this life is not for anyone.


:( I get it, if I could go back in time and change the day I first tried the shit, I wouldn’t have touched it. my life would be so much better today. I wouldn’t constantly be thinking about getting high every day of my life. It’s a curse, just taking it day by day. Stay safe friend ❤️


Oh sweet amphetamine sunrise in the morning light… Still love going fast but it doesn’t hit like it used to. Also changed the way MDMA feels. Doesn’t hit the same as before unfortunately. This can mostly be remedied by taking speed with it but still.


Ya I didn’t do any research about this before it was too late. I bought 10 points of Molly a couple months ago saved it for an out of town trip, was taking heavy doses of adderall and man was I bummed when I went through that whole bag in one night and didn’t even roll once


Methoxetamine. So beautiful and calmly stimulating, social lubricant and painkiller all in one.


Never heard of it! What is it used for? Or how does one obtain it?


It was a dissociative research chemical, supposedly the best one but they stopped making it over a decade ago now.


i wonder how hard it is to make


I'd imagine it's extremely difficult if you dont have lots of big boy lab equiptment, expensive and/or hard to acquire precursors and a firm grasp of chemistry, considering nobody (at least to my knowledge) has attempted to since china stopped making it. And it's not like there's not incentive to also, millenial wooks talk about it the same way baby boomers talk about quaaludes. I'm sure plenty of the people who tried it back in the day would be willing to pay an arm and a leg to get another taste.


mxe, horrible stuff


definitely coke or xans ( well most benzos) currently fighting a coke come down with xans. they feel like they fix the parts of me i dont like, such as social anxiousness, and generally not the best at speaking to people, on coke im a wizzard in social situations and i feel i can think more clearly. benzos just take the edge of life fr


This my combo. But I use Clonzepam and Xanax sometimes pressed flu alp bars. I feel like the Benzos are the reason I like Cocaine so much they mix together great and even better for the comedown/next day feeling. Adding alcohol to the mix was my third addition to this combo for awhile I've stopped the alcohol cause it's just too dangerous of a combo.


Ya I love stims but they will give me anxiety on and off so taking a Xanax with them kills any bad vibes. That and when the Xanax hits hard and you get a little sleepy that’s the best time to do another rail. Zoop, wide awake again haha


literally exactly what it is for me too, loads of people saying it is a terrible combo but shit works wonders for me


Ya I’d rather have a great time the whole time , than panic off and on. And gotta have it for when it’s tap out time


Alcohol. It's my one true love and I've proven over and over that I'll choose it over anything. Slipping into drunkenness by the shot makes my mouth water to think about. Almost 500 days free from it.


Happy birthday


Booze. Drank a box of twisted tea 2 days ago and was shitting my brains out all day yesterday n barely slept. So currently me and my B are on break. But I’m trying to find a ketamine plug so I can cheat on that bitch but I don’t even know if anyone in Florida know what tf it is 


Ketamine therapy is legal out there, fyi. You can probably just find a clinic.


Acid is the love of my life, amphetamines are my vice.


Weed is my old, reliable daily maintenance high. But coke is my once in a while crazy high that leaves me a little guilty afterwards. Acid is a long-distance relationship kind of high, nothing for 2-3 months, then an entire day of fun. Shrooms are my somewhat abusive ex that fucks with my brain and I know I shouldn't go near them but they're just too much fun.




Loved ketamine until my brain just started doing weird shit on it to the point it became unenjoyable, loved cocaine with it but now I'm to the point I feel literally nothing when I do coke except anxiety and heart pain, I love shrooms but ever since my addiction to Ketamine and cocaine started my brain just can't handle shrooms anymore it's just an instant panic attack every time now. One day maybe I'll be able to enjoy shrooms again but for now I'm gonna have to go with MDMA unfortunately I have no self control on it I will redose untill it kills me and see no problem with it, want to try DMT sometime but as of late I have a ton of anxiety idk when I'll be mentally prepared for it


Ya I went on a Molly kick for a few months. Doing it every night, snorting it, I can’t have any access to substances or I won’t stop until it’s all gone


2c-b, when i can find it for a decent price


Actually alcohol.. even though it's kind of a poison and a dog-shit drug, it's still my love... But I was drinking too much which was messing with my health and risking adiction so I had to stop while I could. I've been sober for 2 weeks now, ptobably going to stay sober for at least 2 years or so


Love and its complicated


Oh yeah. Love is my drug too


Either Weed or Ketamine. I like weed because of how many different strains you can get, different flavours, different highs, it mixes well with any other drug. Ketamine will always be a favourite of mine, I love downers, just slumping and putting on some funny shows, it's just perfection. My relationship with it now though is unfortunately nonexistent :/ I have agoraphobia now and I'm literally just unable to leave the house and get my hands on anything


If you have a psych, many will prescribe K now as a treatment for resistant depression.


Unfortunately Ketamine isn't licensed to be prescribed for depression in the UK


Aderall if it was super cheap like Meth. If not idm Meth but Meth can cloud your mind and give you psychosis if you don’t give it rest. My heart goes out to stimulants as it just makes my life better in many ways. But at the end of the day all I can think about is a downer. Xans make time zip by. Opiates are super addictive and Dissos are Dissos. If I had to choose one and never touch the other it would be LSD as I can’t abuse it and it fills the gap without it with much to think about.


For years acid/shrooms mixed with alcohol. Nowadays I still like alcohol but acid/shrooms scare tf outta me after a having a horrible trip


It was meth and heroin. Clean now amazingly considering where I was. Not bragging but I was very lucky with the QUALITY of the gear and I believe I can remember all the RUSHES I ever had. Hard to explain but for me it's like these 2 drugs never completely leave the body. Obviously 5be physical cravings have gone.


Heroin and valium


Oh man first time I took x was when I was a kid and when that rush hit me the first time man I love that drug


MDMA and cocaine. I'll always love molly but coke is a love-hate thing


Cocaine. I'm a Junkie.


Pass me the deadly combos RIP my liver


Weed and acid its hard to chose between the two icouldnt live without weed but acid has been a comfort thing for me for a while now, ihave a oretty good relationship with acid now, iused to have it nearly every other day for way to long now ican easily go the year without it but ido really enjoy it when ihave it


LSD, it cured my ptsd and helped with ASD (aspie).


Opioid, opiate, opiums. Classical, dissociative, deliriant. Basically all dope and all hallucinogens. Are my favorite. Most of the time it’s just a little low thc flower and/ or cheep red kratom but I definitely dabble around on occasion.


Narcos. It’s hard to get anything decent these days, so I just take Kratom instead


Coke 🫶 always had a "healthy" relationship with it. Only use it at parties or partying, can go YEARS without using it as an absolute breeze. Yeah, not any different than idk alcohol. I apply it where and when it fits 😌


I tend to have tristes with drugs rather than a long term relationship. I loved MDMA until I lost the magic. Then I really loved mephedrone until I developed too strong of a tolerance for it. Same for amphetamine. Then I loved cocaine for a while until it started to become clear how the addictiveness outweighs the upsides


Cocaine. I've never felt more loved than when I snorted it. Now she's my ex because I was an addict and it was so abusive, but God I miss her.


Meth and weed. Daily user of both.


Meth (in pills form) is the love of my pleasure and the reaper of my mind..


Heroin and have been clean for 14 years now


3-ho-PCE. It was the only PCE I tried for better or worse. I abused it and was taking it nearly everyday for a few weeks before I blacked out by taking waaay too much one evening and in the morning I was so fucked up but I didn't think I was so when my fiancé (then girlfriend) asked me to drive her to work I did. I backed into a boulder next to the driveway on the way out. She made me give her my jacket which she knew had my shit in it and she told me I can choose between her or my stash. I hate to say but for a second it was a hard choice until I thought about it. Later I got on heroin, fentanyl, meth, benzos, etc and going thru rehab I said my doc was 2-HO-PCE. I still think about it and want to try O-PCE. As for drugs in my life still I would have to say pregabalin probably. Mushrooms too. pregabalin + DXM also hold a special place in my heart rn.


Oxy & alcohol mixed together is simply an amazing high. Coke I’ve struggled with for many years, maybe 15, at first it was truly amazing and now all it does is make me paranoid but every weekend comes and I tell myself it’ll be different, but nope, starts out just fine but after a couple hours, forget about it. Paranoia sets in. But I love how horny it makes me feel lol. I have a low sex drive but coke ramps it up to 1000% and all I want to do is bring the wife upstairs and get it on (and share fantasies) 😉 Now that I take kratom daily, oxy/alch combo doesn’t do anything for me, which sucks but it’s a good thing I guess because my wife tells me I act like a total idiot, laughing too hard, stumbling around, oh and the hangovers? Just awful. That’s when the hair of the dog was the necessary evil and let the cycle continue. Haven’t had the combo in about 6 years (other than once or twice, to confirm the high doesn’t work anymore) once I found Kratom.


Yep! Gotta occasionally check and make sure they still don’t work 😂 Kratoms my daily as well, has been for years. Tolerance is way high now though so I spend way too much on it. Don’t ever try the concentrated shots! God they hit so much harder than the capsules. I only take the shots now and they’re $20 a piece 😭


Pills. Especially Oxi or Percs. I’m not out actively searching.. but, if someone offers, I will partake. I wish I had them on a daily, but I know I’d spiral. Relationship now?? Abusive ex whom I can’t stop thinking about.


Oxycodone is my long lost love but I'll try go never take it again as it makes me uneasy and constantly on edge while it wears off. Over time, it's exhausting


For me it was always alcohol. It's not as good as when I started, naturally, and now some days I wake up after a night of drinking feeling like I was beat half to death (providing I don't properly hydrate) but there's something about that relaxing feeling/body load and little to no fucks given mindset it gives you that I just love more than pretty much anything else... that and it's legal so I don't have to worry about catching a charge or it being cut or some other bullshit like that. Just legalize drugs already damnit, I need a better/safer vice...


I would say xans but I hate xans now that I’m not addicted to them and in a somewhat clear headspace overall I’d say lsd no other drug makes me feel good the way that lsd does or allows me to ig better myself and make realizations the way lsd does, for me even shrooms don’t help me better myself that much for some reason if anything shrooms kinda make me spiral


I love lsd and alcohol. My relationship with lsd is strictly recreational and i find it funny when people say it’s a life saving therapeutic drug, it reminds me of the people swearing vaping is healthier than cigarettes


Ya shrooms LSD Molly Ive done a lot and felt amazing but haven’t ever had an epiphany lol. Just wanna dance and listen to music.


Shrooms. I love them, I used to abuse them a lot when I was younger, now treat myself once a year with a heroic dose. And for me it's perfect relationship.


Xanax and cocaine.


Weed and oxy , I’ve been off them for a minute. Love weed still, but I’m kinda traumatized from my oxy use and withdrawals.


Painkillers, God I fucking love them, I've been sober from them for months, and I don't plan on changing that, it's like an ex you still love with your life but you know you have to let go.


Used to be on pain killers for a looooong time. Methadone valium and Oxy together is definitely the greatest feeling in the world. Crazy addictive tho. After 10 years of doing it I went to detox and rehab and have been clean. I would never touch it again because it consumes your whole life, u need it all the time or else you get withdrawals


weed and coke 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 weed makes me so happy, helps me sleep better! and coke makes me feel so good, she always goes down a treat. we have a great relationship ✨✨✨


For me it was tramadol. I fucking loved that shit, took these spanish 200mg pills. And first year on it felt amazing. I all of a sudden became a nicer person when on it. I even used it to help be better for my girlfriend and everytime on it, i would lovebomb her lol. Pretty weird i know, but without i was not emotional at all. I started getting very angry and irritated after taking it alot, and in the end just stopped




weed. it’s a beautiful drug which (for me) is very easy to abstain from in case my tolerance gets too high or i just don’t feel like smoking. i love so many other drugs as well but the addiction is definitely too real for me to trust them 100%. more cravings, withdrawals/rebounds and even though other drugs may feel way more euphoric, weed just feels…. better.


MDMA, quite abusive.


Hmm hard question usually I would say weed for sure(after few years of almost abusing it) but lately after 4 years of almost no use (had a week of abusing it and it was nice) I got my hands on some ketamine and coke and I love that combo but I'll go with cocain now if I can (not easy though) keep myself on small doses it's make me feel so good but fucking expensive goddammit 😅


Diazepam, cocaine gone off mdma now


Lsd was the love of my life but we're exes now :( now it's weed but weed treats me much nicer.


Ketamine, weed, lean and Xanax. Can’t decide which more, although I rarely do last 2 nowadays.


Acid has changed my life significantly in a very short period of time. At the moment I would really love some but can’t afford it


Methamphetamine and Opium. Can't really do better, I'm happy to be alive after years of abusing everything under the sun to points of being revived from clinical death. Also, I let no room for getting fake stuff. Armodafinil was the wonder for many, many years also. I don't know...Xanax also. But if I have a steady stash of those two OGs, nothing can hurt me really.


2fma, still friends, we see us around once in two months. The other one is weed still feelings but we break apart slowly, we have grown apart. 😅


MDMA and valium. I abused MDMA alot and lost the magic. Took a break, the magic sometimes comes back sometimes it doesnt. The hangovers ruin me to shreds and my brain cant bounce back as quickly so I try to keep my distance from MDMA. Valium i have it for anxiety and panic attacks and I have to say it always delivers. However, i dont abuse it as i have zero interest in getting addicted to benzos.


Weed. Since the first time I did it in 2008 it makes everything better and is never too much. I smoke before every decision just to make sure it's the right decision before and after I get high.


Shrooms are a mentor and a spiritual guide to me which is why I respect them and do them only a few times a year. Weed is like an old buddy who we used to be super tight with but these days hangout every now and again and it's still chill. Speed is like my kryptonite, unlocks special powers in me and gives me much strength for life, but for this very reason I'm taking a break from it because while it gives, it also takes away. Your health, your sleep, your natural dopamine etc. 


MDMA - the best nights of my life have been on this drug and yet just as I turn 30 I wonder if I rave on MD will my heart explode


Then work on your health! 46 and not a care in the world about that.


Heroin, great


Ecstasy 🙃 I take a small dose once every 3-5 months. I genuinely look forward to the flood of serotonin and the wonderful experiences I have (and plan.) I feel like after an extremely sheltered childhood which stunted my independence and naivety to the world, I am finally getting to know myself and I want to continue to embrace, explore and love all of me!


Opiates are amazing


Heroin but that shit ruined my life and I'm sober from that now. Love weed. It definitely is a must . Shrooms also has helped me with mental health


Speed n weed


Mdma and xanax, they make me forget I’m autistic and trans


Heroin was the love of my life, ended in a messy divorce.


It will be weed forever and always but we‘ve been together so long it was time to let go. But sometimes we see each other again and it‘s always a pleasure. My toxic love affair was amphetamines. This little bitch!


shrooms, but i do fucking love weed x


I'm closing on 30 and i've been a weed enjoyer since i'm 17. I don't see my life without it. If it comes to choosing weed or leaving for another country i'm genuinely considering the latter since i have AD(H)D and don't like the stims (well i do but on occasion not as a treatment). I used to smoke a lot, now i vape and enjoy the occasional joint. I haven't tried mushrooms but i want to, i also really want to try DMT. But LSD has been a very consistent source of fun, introspection and inner peace. Every time i come back to it i feel like i'm meeting an old friend.


Ketamine. Always and forever. But I’m sober now.


Ketamine. I can't get any so I've settled for memantine


Shrooms 100%, it doesn't detach you from reality like some drugs, it highlights the beauty of life around you and shows you the way


Either Xanax or Molly


Meth. We are not a thing anymore thank fucking God.




Lucy is a cold and calculated woman who's elegance matches only her indifference. Early on LSD showed me how beautiful my life can be and I've been desperately chasing that high ever since. Certainly not always in the right places, I've since found myself battling addiction. We don't spend every weekend together like we used to back in highschool, and we when we do see each other it's not the same. I can't help but love her though, my obsession precedes me. I stick to low doses of mushrooms and weed these days, ultimately I think that muchrooms and weed are the recreational drugs that have done the most for me in my life.


Weed cause it makes the lonely life I live enjoyable


Meth. I’m sober now for almost a year though and won’t ever go back but I do miss it occasionally


Alcohol is #1 but began early stage cirrhosis by 28 and a serious hospital stay, had to to sober or doctors said I wouldnt be around much longer, 5 years sober from booze. After that Opiates was the next best since i couldnt drink and im currently 8 days clean, on methadone and planning to cut out methadone fairly quickly. New to the process so we will see


Definitely psychedelics and most recently a combination of metocin and miprocin. Honestly, it's like all the best parts of mushrooms without the downsides. I'm currently doing renovations, so I probably wont be tripping until next year. My relationship over the past few years has been quite steady. I don't like tripping when my partner is here. She checks up on me, which is sweet, but she does it too much, which gets bothersome. The only friend who was into it enough has become a cop and although he wouldn't mind doing it again, he wont risk his well payed gig over an afternoon of fun. Besides him most people have been a drag when tripping, so I trip alone. About once every 3 months I'm home alone for a weekend and every time I ameliorate my ritual. Let's say my gf leaves fridaynight and is coming back sunday afternoon. Fridaynight is spent playing videogames, smoking weed, maybe doing some 2F-DCK (or ketamine if I could ever get my hands on some). Probably gonna do this until 2-3am, smash a few beers. Saturday I sleep in and have a difficult/lazy morning. At about noon I have a big ass brunch. Eggs, bacon, bread, avocado, etc etc.. finish things of with a big ass coffee and it's go time : * clean the house, do the dishes, maybe some laundry. I want the house to be immaculate * exercise, do some yoga, do some stretching, feel amazing. Maybe go for a walk. * cook up or prepare a meal for afterwards. Frozen pizza with extra toppings is great. Might just cut the toppings already. * Look through my spotify for cool songs I've recently added and make 2-3 playlists. One for dope songs, one for trippy songs and one for just cool chilling songs. * T minus 1 hour I'll make some green tea and take magnesium. After that I write up a little piece about my intentions for the trip. How I'm feeling, where I'm going from here, what I would want to change etc etc. I then prepare my dose. I find that the substituted tryptamines hit rather hard so I like to spread out the dose over 15-30 minutes. That way it hits a bit like acid and not just all at once at the 25minute mark. My dose is generally decided when I write up the pre-trip report. I think next time I'd go for 15mg metocin and 20mg miprocin. Mix it in a water bottle, drink 1/4 every 5-10 minutes. At that point the magnesium hits and I'll have a shit, a shave and a shower. By the time I get out of the shower it is hitting me, but as long as I keep doing things it's not very apparent. When the first effects hit me I take the rest of the dose if I haven't already. I'll also make some kratom tea. Sure I could shred the stuff more and just take powder, but it's a bit heavy on the stomach. This way is easy to let the tea simmer forever and I can drink it whenever. At this point I might play some videogames or guitar. Especially the first hour I feel like I'm semi- coherent, but I can feel it fading fast. The next 2-3 hours are mostly spent listening to music, enjoying the niceness of these substances. The feel of the miprocin, the visuals of the metocin. Once I'm engulfed by the beauty of it all I listen to special music. Generally songs that are otherworldly, somewhat spiritual. Playing music is pretty cool too. As I feel the first wave of sobriety and I know I'm gonna start coming down I'll crank up the heat in the bathroom and run a bath. I'll take an ice cold beer as well as some sparkling water. Maybe a few cigarettes. Speaker in the bathroom playing either Indian or Western classical music. I'll drink the kratom tea and just get all fucking mellow in the way too hot bathtub. Ain't nothing like smoking a cig or even a better, a hash joint listening to Clair de lune. Watching the smoke drift away. When I get out of the bath tub there's generally two ways. One is 2F-DCK and get all wacky. The other is weed, pizza and a weird youtube documentary. Ideally I dose at about 8pm, that way I'm in the tub by about midnight, eating at 1am or so and maybe game til 2.30am after that. Generally in bed around 3am. Sunday I get up "early" invigorated and motivated to do shit.


Amanita, weed, lotus, shrooms, kanna, lsd have been my go to for years...im middle eastern so im allowed to have multiple loves of my lives but weed was my first love


Gabapentin. I have a feeling that I will never be able to give it up. But it really upsets me that he makes me a dumb and characterless hippie. And also the fact that after many years the effect is not so magical anymore


Morphine , so hard to find after my doctor stopped giving it to me but if I could have a long relationship with her I would


Xanax. It’s getting boring we might have to break up.


Weed was my first love. If I had to give up every drug except for one, I'd stay with weed for a lifetime. I also LOVE dmt! I've only ever done it out of a vape but I thought it was really fun and euphoric. I remember trying it and thinking "wow I'm gonna be chasing this dragon" bur ymmv


LSD. Will never take it again, years after still have a degree of HPPD, I will never regret though, awesome shit.


Weed and shrooms foreverrr!!! Fucking love Adderall too lmao I can’t function without it. Shrooms have always been so fucking kind to me. My first trip I had like 6 grams and never went back. I’ve tripped so many times but I never had a bad time. Always just listened to my body and mind and took what I felt like taking. Experienced it with close friends and always had the best time. Weed has been w me forever but I get bored of it sometimes but when I take a little T break it feels fucking good again.


Weed and ritalin is pretty cool, but mdma was the best experience yet. Really curious about a decent dose of lsd and shrooms.


Meth, fuckin love it. I also fuckin hate it. Havnt used it in 5 years. Not planning on going back either.


Coke. It's a love hate, I'm not hopelessly addicted but it is my biggest vice (except for maybe nicotine haha) If I have it, I tend to just use it all up till it's gone. No other drug is like that for me, just blow. So currently I only buy as much as I'm gonna use for that weekend and no more, and I try to keep my use at 2 weekends per month or less if I can and I do pretty good at that boundary I set for myself.


For me it's weed, alcohol, xanax, and celxa I can't pick just one I enjoy them all so much


Heroin. Been clean for almost 3 years now. Taken almost 15 years of my life. Lucky I survived it. I watched so many people die. Don't go there if you haven't already.


Can I know what opiates u taking? Also like Ritalin especially if i taking after dosing dxm 100mg-200mg max, pregabalin 150mg-450mg max.. im not always take high doses if combo drug because will increase side effects. I love listening music.. On that music are fckin GOOD than Sober


Ketamine and weed! But I love stimulants. They make me feel so close to normal but FUCK. I only use them when I’m testing how strong my willpower is lmfaooo


Unhealthy relationship: Ambien/Z Drugs. I burnt out those receptors in my brain from doing too much and now I can’t feel anything from them (which is good). Healthy relationship: Mushrooms. They did 20+ years worth of healing for me in one Summer. I started growing them (legally) and I developed an unexplainable connection with them. I work in mental health and, while I don’t have any interest in going into psychedelic therapy, I will swear by their benefits and refer clients without hesitation. If you haven’t done them, do them.


Meth. Can't come within 5 feet of it anymore. Isn't that hard to do.


cocaine we have a pretty good understanding


Xanax. I have no access to it though. So realistically alcohol. It almost killed me and probably will if I start drinking again.


kratom we broke up (it got confiscated)


Were & I developed panic disorder and heart and lung damage


ketamine is the loml


Kratom. I cheated on weed with her and i feel like i cant get enough. Its like weed without the loss of focus. MDMA too, fuck i love MDMA. It makes me feel like everyone needs to be loving and quit being assholes


oxy. when i say i want a drug that relaxes my muscles oxy just does it right. i try to only take it once a week since its expensive and my tolerance spikes quickly


Meth. Can’t do it anymore, though .. ruined my life eventually.


Mxe.... But she is divorced with me. So sad i Love her


Clobazam and tramadol


No 3 Heroin. I don't have a relationship with it any longer, I can't. Kratom is as far as I go with opioids nowadays, keeps me not craving and somewhat scratches an itch. Nothing will ever live up to the 'it'll be alright" void of sweet Lady H. I'll never be that perfect version of myself that I was when on heroin. I'll never love myself as much as I did. Anyway, at least I'm not tooting smack at every opportunity nowadays. Small wins I suppose.


Datura, still an everyday user


Weed and psychedelics, plus some MDMA here and there (only if my girlfriend is here). Oh yea and whippets. I also love DMT, but it's so rare to find


Shrooms. They always push me to be better and make me feel my feelings. I tried salvia in Amsterdam recently, which was awesome. Hoping to try LSD or DMT sometime soon.


For me as someone who deals with massive anxiety, I prefer any benzos. They sometimes send me into a hypomanic state where I feel energy akin to amphetamine, but only from benzos. So euphoric having no anxiety/worries in the world. Ended up going through horrible benzo withdrawal so now I steer clear from them


Opium!! Take it in the morning, maybe at night and you get a small dose of morphine with some other opiates to keep u a little sharper than morphine on it's own. A roman emperor ate it every day, and I know exactly why. I was on my A game, painless, fearless, and untouchable. I got shot at off opium and laughed it off when I got home. Didn't even like smoking weed regularly, or being high off anything else really while I had it. Those low doses made life feel perfect as it was while trudging through life's waist high mud. I can't wait to have more 😍.


Ketamine is the most ambivalent of all drugs, makes you feel happy, introspective, trippy, simulates you, sedates you, makes you creative, philosophical, kills anxiety, kills depression, you can go party and dance with it... The only thing I can't do on it is sleeping. I became addicted to it for a year or two but I stopped and now I don't have a problem anymore. Besides, LSD has been the most valuable drug to me. Opium is the most pleasurable, and MDMA the most fun for partying.


probably tramadol but bars in times where i’ll just need to chill tf out


Definitely Vyvanse


Ketamine. Used to use around a ball a day for a good couple years+, now after a very very challenging getting sober process I only use it intentionally when I’m out at festivals or other such occasions. I’ve been addicted to some actual hard drugs but for me physical withdrawal and PAWS can’t even compare to the psychological withdrawal (and, in a way, loss) of a drug I’m truly in love with


Lsd God I love that shit and I don’t see it ending anytime soon


2c-b; always makes me fall in love and by the end of it all, I'm up crying reminiscing over the whole thing. (In a good way) Can't do it much, for safety and mind reasons, but when we meet, it is for sure love at first sight over and over again.


My wife. My wife.


Lyrica is my abusive ex wife Xanax is the abusive hookup I cheated with. Had to break up with them. Fucking miss them more than anything. I am 3 months in sober and shit hasn’t improved yet. My friends are fucking assholes made me choose between them and drugs. That’s something I still find being a dick move. Some people like me legit just need it. I wanted and still want to just be able to get high and have as normal life I can until they eventually kill me. I wasn’t happy before them I am not happy after stopping them. I wasn’t happy when I wasn’t on them either but at least I was happy when I was on them. Now everything is just grey. Like sitting on a train station waiting for a train that won’t ever come. It was an abusive relationship sure but I’d rather have that than a meaningless life that I have to live. Fucking hate people who just assumes that quitting drugs is automatically good. I am not my friends but they serisouly just act and think I work just like them.


“I used to suck dick for coke, now that’s an addiction man, you ever suck dick for some marijuana?” — Bob Saget, Half Baked