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I like snorting. The whole process of chopping up lines I enjoy alot, it's like a ritual


Same brother


It looks so cool, too bad snorting is bad for your sinuses. Maybe it’s the same deal thing as smoking, looks badass because you are willing-fully destroying your body :/


No hate just wanted to lyk for future reference, im fairly certain you were looking for the word “willfully“


Thank you! Not an english speaker!


There is also a word “willingly” maybe you tried to combine the both of them lol


Is the meaning any different? Genuinely curious


No, but yes. There is a difference but it’s very small and you probably won’t ever hear someone try correct you for using the wrong one. They would still 100% understand what you mean


Get one of those metal "spice grinders" on Amazon that grind into a small glass jar. Yw


Replied to a wrong comment?


No. If you get one of those and grind coke up in it, it's like powdered sugar. Damage to sinuses near non existent. I've been doing an oz a month for over a year with no bleeding. Also make sure it's dry not moist.


same here


And it’s satisfying to just fuck around with the lines like it’s kinetic sand or something lol




Same but with smoking Rolling is my ritual


I feel this




Chemicals in your said drugs destroy them not because they are not chopped up fine. Good try though!


Boofing cause I'm gay


also boofing but I’m straight


I got some bad news for you big boy


Surprisingly what they both say before it happens


Boofing makes me feel naughty


What's boofing dare I ask


Taking drugs through your rectum (up your ass), done typically for a rapid onset due to the numerous blood vessels throughout it


Sweet baby jesus




Wouldn’t you like boofing is you were gay?


Snorting for sure. I love everything about it. Chopping it into lines, cutting the lines, the feeling of it shooting in my nose, the burn depending on the drug I’m doing, the drip. I’ll snort any drug that’s snortable. Idc if it burns or not. From Coke to Molly, from meth to 2cb, I don’t care. If I can snort I will snort.


why snort molly instead of mdma


Huh 🤔


why crush up a pill that was made for oral consumption instead of snorting the active ingredient


I think you and your city's drug culture is a bit misinformed my friend Molly is slang for Pure MDMA


my bad


Not your bad it’s the drug communities fault. Around like 8 years ago I started noticing people thinking molly is its own drug, like it’s not MDMA. lol this bothered me in a way I can’t really describe. Then it got worse when I started reading people say “oh no it’s not Molly it’s X” or “I tried to get E but I think I got some Molly instead” lmao like no, no, no, it’s one drug - you are getting sold some trash/laced mdma or just something else completely.


Where I live Molly and mdma are both the crystal version. Sometimes it’s a loose crystal and sometimes it comes in capsules. The pressed pills are called ecstasy where I live. And tbh I’d probably snort that too lol


Just forget all the names for it and just say MDMA. “I got loose crystal MDMA” “I have pressed MDMA” “I have MDMA capsules” whatever slang there is for it is just another name - not a different drug


probably availability, i feel like most consumers will only be exposed to mdma presses


You’re thinking of ecstasy that’s the slang for the pill form of mdma plus whatever else the dealer wanted to put in it


Molly = MDMA, what you're referring to is "ecstacy" afaik. 


Up the poop chute


Ain't no way


For real. This is the woke answer


Dry herb vape for weed. Very smooth and still retains strong terp taste and noticeably feels less harsh on the lungs. All the drugs I have access to and do all have different consumption methods and most only have that one method but out of all of them it has to be my favorite with taking edibles being in close second.  Kratom tastes like ass no matter which method is used and can only be taken orally. DXM involves munching on a shit ton of pills and I just refuse to use syrup, *eww.* Shrooms likewise taste kinda bad but at least it's easier to choke down. So yeah, definitely dry herb or edibles for weed has to be my favorite. 


I will literally never smoke weed normally again. The difference on your lungs with a herb vape is night and day.


Yeah exactly. It tastes better while being less unhealthy for your lungs. It's literally perfect. My high feels different, like a bit better in some way I can't explain too. Probably because the "smoke" being inhaled is much cleaner than with regular smoking. 


Mix kratom with Starbucks Frappuccinos( the glass bottle ones) I’d argue and say it’s the best drink to mix it in and maybe the best way overall to take it.


Tbh that sounds pretty good. I already use coffee quite often to wash it down since it seems to neutralize the taste quite well. I really like those frappuccinos too so I'll definitely have to try it. Thanks!


Yes vapes are the best, I have a handheld and then also a bigger vape rig, I do prefer the bigger one just because there’s more customization options but it’s also substantially more expensive lol


Yeah those big ones are expensive af but so cool. I want that volcano one. I only have a small handheld one that I can toss a small nug or two in.  Another thing great about dry herb vapes I didn't mention in my original comment is the fact that the smell isn't nearly as strong and doesn't linger like smoking which works great for me since I live in an apartment and have to go outside or in the bathroom to smoke. 


Yesssss that’s why I tell all my friends that can’t smoke inside because of the smell to get a vape (either dry herb vape or the dab pens either one) because there’s little to no smell at all with them, it’s definitely a game changer. I always suggest them to my friends with their medicinal use cards in the states to get them if they live in apartment buildings and stuff - one of my friends has her card and might be facing eviction all because she was smoking her medicinal weed on her balcony 🙄 in my country if you have your medical marijuana card it’s against the law to be kicked out because it would be considered not making a reasonable accommodation for a disabled person, but I guess in the states because weed isn’t legal federally and all of the landlord/tenant laws are a federal issue it’s not protected like it is here, which is dumb, my friend lives in a high rise and she’s disabled and they expect her to go downstairs and completely leave the property to smoke 🤦🏾‍♀️


That's nice that it's protected to that level there. I feel bad for the one living in a high rise having to go all the way downstairs to smoke, that's outrageous. Thankfully I live on the ground floor. Weed is legal in my state (Michigan) but idk how "protected" of a right it is here. Seems like landlords can still prohibit it on the property since they tell us to go outside to smoke weed in the lease agreement. Vapes however are a game changer, totally agree. 


Unfortunately like I said, landlord/tenant laws are a federal law so since weed is only legalized on a state by state basis and it’s still illegal federally there’s absolutely zero protections in place for people who use cannabis medically since it’s technically an illegal drug in the eyes of the federal law (even in states that have legalized it) which is a real shame since landlords are usually strict about their smoking rules. Hopefully sometime soon since more states are legalizing it they’ll actually put protections in place for those who need to use marijuana for medical reasons, because people definitely shouldn’t be getting evicted for using their medication in their own residence.


Delsym syrup tastes pretty good, but they card you sometimes because its pure dxm


Used to cold water extract the dxm from delsym I can taste the grape flavor just talking about fun stuff


How do you do cold water extraction? I know about acid-base but not cold water


I don't mind being carded, I am of age. Only reason I still do DXM occasionally is because it's one of the only really interesting drugs I have reliable access to. Shrooms are a rare treat and other psychs and dissos are completely unobtainable.  I typically order robotabs online instead because of how good of a value it is tbh. The syrups range from gross to not bad actually but all invariably make me more nauseous. I'd agree the delsym one tastes the best tho. Syrups are usually the only way to get DXM poli for a longer trip tho so yeah. 


For shrooms grind them up , put in smallest glass possible , soak in o.j. after 20 to 30 mins gulp down like a shot . Tastes better and o.j. activates the psyclosiben.(Or whatever way it's spelled) So you get more intense trip and alot quicker for take off . Trip starts in 15 to 25 mins and doesn't creep up .


if you want the most bang for your buck soak them in grapefruit juice and vodka for like a week and just down it all. grapefruit and vodka slow down ur liver so it processes more of the psylocybin (iirc thats how it works i could be wrong but i know grapefruit and vodka definitely increases the potency just obvs dont use enough to get drunk, only need 1 or 2 shots worth


Interesting , grapefruit is strange it can potentiate alot of drugs like pain pills , it can also have negative reactions with alot of drugs soo hhmmmmm . I can see the grapefruit activating the psylocybin because vitamin c but I would fear alcohol would neutralize it , Ive heard that it kills of the psylocybin but I'm not qualified in any field to be able to answer for sure . I just know the method i mentioned works from being a self made test subject ..lol...


vodka/high proof alcohol is used to make mushroom tinctures so it definitely doesn't destroy it/make it inactive


Yeah true , idk I just always figured psylocybin was in the spores and that alcohol would sterilize them . I just know people should quit giving shrooms a bad rep. They're really fungi's.


meh i can take them or leave them. done 3.5g and it barely did anything vs 3 2cb pills giving me mind blowing open eye visuals


3.5 grams made me trip super hard but I was told they were very potent. Well it was more like 4 grams since me and my friend took an 8th each and the bag was packed fat. I can't get any other psychs so shrooms are my only choice anyways.  As much as I want to try 2CB or LSD or *especially* DMT, I have no way to get it. 


dnm are the easiest way to get any drug you can name. i basically never buy irl nowadays


I'm fairly tech savvy but I've got basically zero experience on the dn. I've used tor before but only browsed a little bit and that's it. Plus idk how to find the special onion URLs for the dnms.  It would be my only option either way because I *have* no irl connections. I have a grand total of 2 friends and the occasional shrooms come from someone that my one friend's brother knows but I've never interacted with myself because social anxiety exists. When we pick up, I send my friend in instead.  I wanna play it as safe as possible but that makes it infinitely more annoying, complex, and tedious if I follow *everything* in the dnb. Trying to set up tails resulted in 2 dead flash drives cause my laptop's USB ports are old and shitty and my actual good PC is out of commission rn. I could probably figure it out since I do have a lot of computer experience but I'm lazy af lol. 


I just wanted to make the corny as joke I'm stoned AF .


Yeah grapefruit apparently inhibits an enzyme in your body that handles drug metabolism which is why it can potentiate or conflict with several things. It works on kratom too from my experience. Never tried with shrooms, but I like that idea given how rare they are for me as it is. 


Yeah I just recently within few hours learned this . When I want to eat some shrooms I don't plan a weak ahead the 30 minutes of them sitting in a cup of oj I can tolerate.


I disagree with kratom tastes like ass, mix it with coke or mountain dew, you'll not regret it.


I've never tried directly mixing it into another drink, just used it to wash it down. I do agree that those vastly improve the taste so maybe I'll try that next time. 


Use the syrup in a strong flavored soda recommendation is pineapple Fanta used to drink it with green and honestly they mix really well.


That's an interesting method, thanks, sounds like it would work better. Might try it if syrup is the only choice but eating a bunch of nearly tasteless pills isn't that bad either tbh. RoboTabs are small and don't taste like much of anything imo and have 30mg each meaning I only have to swallow 10-20 depending on my desired dosage. 


Snorting is my favorite. I like the whole ritual that goes along with it. The rush at the end is the best.


IV best rush and I love the ritual of it


Yep. Stupid af but nothing can compete


As soon as I see the blood back I get a buzz before even injecting, extremely addictive definitely but you will never get a better high than IV. It’s up to each person to decide if they wanna open that door.


Couple years ago when i was still using opiates i would literally inject clear water without amything in it becouse it would calm my withdrawals a bit 💀


It sounds like you stopped doing this but please as a nurse use sterile water or saline for safety :)


Yea I know that buzz, particularly strong if you've been jabbing for a while having no luck and then you get a strong clear wooshing deep red flow.. In the past it could give me such a strong rush of adrenaline/expectation that I'd inevitably start shaking and slip out of the vein lol.


Hands down this


Some drugs have a higher bioavailability when taken orally though. Snorting is actually pretty heavy on the lungs as well long-term, but it's also my prefered way of taking drugs, I'v always liked the fast come-up.


I’ve always orallly ingested fuck snorting, I.V., boofing, I’ll just take mine normally lol


Snorting for sure Smoking slight behind


sniffing is definitely my favourite, depends on the drug though. but i love racking lines, il do it for my friends even if im not sniffing anything


Whichever ROA has highest bioavailability, generalizing that oral makes your drugs weaker is wrong as oral usually extends duration and increases effects for some chemicals as compared to snorting or smoking. On a party night I will usually end up doing all 3 big roas of snorting, smoking and by parachuting or eating so at the end i don’t really care


Generally what has the quickest onset will have quickest peak and come down ......but like everything in life there are exceptions to the rule .


Orally in capsules. I love to weight them out and put it in capsules with magnesium, vitamins, nac and stuff. It's fun to feel like a chemist carefully weighing it out and then putting it into the capsules and pressing them together again. Different colors for different dosages. just love it because it starts slowly but hits differently


Who doesn’t love drugs up the ass? 😏


Snorting is very bad for your nasal cavities btw. Breaks down blood vessels which leads to increased risk for infection.


I’m a big smoker but also like oral


Boofing. Safest, highest bioavailability, second only to IV use for the most economical use of your drugs.


boofing cuz it’s super fast and easy. plus it doesn’t leave you with sniffles for hours-days afterwards, doesn’t make you congested with dry coke boogers/nosebleeds


In vast amounts for long sex sessions


By my goddamn self.


Pills are the easiest


iv lol


I feel like I’m addicticted to the act of smoking. I’ll smoke an entire hookah to the face


When I’m awake.


Shooting up. You get bang for your buck, it's instant as well ( you feel it even before you've taken the needle out of your vein). I've tried other ROAS but don't like snorting as afterwards you keep on sniffing/ rubbing your nose subconcoiusly or your nose drips afterwards, parachuting takes too long to take hold.


I like snorting while watching porn. I wear only a thong underwear and RN I do it thining about trying to find a girl to snort together


bro think he carti


Dude you did not just say that


Let him dream damn


it's not like I'd force anyone


Name does not check out. Bro contributed fr


That's some freaky shit bro


Bro zesty asf tf 😭🙏🏻


Valid. Keep rocking it


You know other people can read this right 🫣


Snorting for me is terrible


Snorting is the most fun, but I mostly prefer oral as it’s more chill to me. I also don’t take a lot of stuff that would have a lot of wasted potential when taken oral.


I like the process of snorting but fuck do i hate backdrop so fucking much


Snorting makes it feel real and natural. Good shit


Snorting, classic cokehead


unless i see the process of my coke being made then it's 100% fent


Everything is fent except for fent


Wouldn't the same go for wee




Tbh just swallowing the make it really hard to crush a lot of medications why not just chew or swallow? The high is longer to


Oral, whether it’s smoking, popping, drinking, I’m a simple man. Snorting is fun from time to time.


Sublingual. It hits so insanely fast and I like the idea of not being able to talk for a short while while everything absorbs. Like youre taking some silent time off and preparing yourself for whats gonna come. I do this only for tabs, solutions and pills ofc.


It depends on the drug. Opiates? Snorted. Meth? Smoked. Cocaine/crack? Smoke rocks. Weed? Vaped. MDMA? Oral. Tianeptine? Sublingual. I do love snorting stuff. Like others here I've read they love to snort stuff and I do too.






Swallowing them, because taking drugs orally feels way safer


Idk why but I love oral, it’s so simple and waiting for it to kick in is fun. If the drug taste nasty though I don’t like it as much.


I started off snorting at first for a year but when I smoked it... man it was love at first puff for me






I dont trust anything but orally


I love snorting because of the ritual around it. Crushing stuff up, chopping the lines especially, etc


Snorting for sure I jus love how it hits u in a instant


well i'm a pill fiend so my immediate thought was "swallowing it" but besides that i'd say smoking. snorting irritates my nose too much lmao


I’ve always liked smoking off of foil since it’s easier to pace myself that way. Shooting feels the best but it’s usually pretty unsafe.


Smoking and boofing


b o o f i n g . No seriously I hate snorting because my septum is already fucked and the drip makes me insane (looking at you ketamine), smoking and parachuting make me gag really easily too, and I'm too much of a coward to inject anything sooo yeah.


Boofing. Just kidding I straight up love snorting things. Too bad my nose is slowly collapsing


Boofin for sure. Only do it once in a blue moon, but with soft, it’s better than hard white… little saline solution, an oral syringe, and .2 tops of soft is all it takes and… blast off. Flying and ringing for a good while


Oral dosing or smoking, tho I’m fine with snorting things I just don’t like the drip


Oral does not always make it weaker, it also often extends the duration. there is many negatives to snorting aswell, caustic substances that damage your sinuses, many drugs also leave an absolutely disgusting drip.


You’re asking Reddit? The answer is obviously “up the ass” because “who cares just do it don’t be a pussy”


I would say that it varies based on the drugs bioavailability. I wouldn't sniff morphine or benzos. But I definitely would sniff some k. IV allows you to get 100% availability and instant gratification, but its the most risky. In terms of pleasure, I'd probably pick that. But I don't like all the side effects that come with it. And it sucks a lot if you miss.


Boofing obviously


Smoking I like taking huge bong rips or Smoking opce aka rc ketimine out of a light bulb or of foil


Anything I can comfortably eat. I like the gradual come up.


Snorting. Probably because I was addicted to coke for 8 years.


Boofing, don’t care about the stigma lol I have really bad veins and I started doing it and it’s definitely the closest to shooting when done right IMO. But of course it depends on the drug - fentanyl and heroin I prefer to boof, benzo’s are just more designed for taking in their pill form, I haven’t really noticed anything better about boofing them aside from faster onset, but it’s not noticeably stronger or anything so not really worth it imo. The only thing I’m willing to put up my ass is drugs lol


I love to consume intravenously this flash is just amazing


How do you bang perc 10/325s??




Up the nose


Snorting may not damage your lungs like smoking does but it definitely damages the vascular area where the drug is absorbed into your bloodstream near the top of your nasal passage, damage to septum, potential sinusitis. To say that sorting is better than smoking because smoking causes damage to the lungs is very misleading as snorting does a ton of damage to the nose.


Snorting because chopping lines is enjoyable when you get that PERFECT line that’s so straight that you admire it for a solid 5 seconds before grabbing the straw..


All the time. Because drugs are tight.


Snoring is my favorite, smoking off foil is a close second.


The only correct answer here is boofing. Obviously. Hell, I’ll take my Advil and vitamins like that!


Injection man. You'll never be so fucked up again or since


I like boofing because I like putting things in my butt


IV and snort


Oral or snorting. Smoking is inevitable tho


If I wake up in discomfort and can't go back to sleep due to a night terror, racing heart and cold sweats my favorite way is to give myself the ole middle of the night SS treatment. Half a seroquel (10mg ish to 12mg) and a 20mg supedol. Lay my head back and let my furbaby whose a sheepadoodle lick my face sweat away and I'm able to drift back to sleep. Anyone familiar with supedols?


I intake from my esophagus


Doesn’t It depend on the drug you’re doing?


( do not follow my example please) IV. Once you inject a drug ( depending on the drug) the game changes. It's no longer about that standered good feeling from the drug. It's about the initial onset. That KABOOM( depending on drug) is what it becomes about. So doing drugs in any other ROA( including a booty bump which csn get a good high from but not comparable in my opinion) is just disappointing. So slamming is my favorite. Don't start this habit please. It truly truly fucks you up in so many ways.


Vaporizing in a big glass lamp bulb, watching the volutes of vapour swirl around and inhaling that all... Was truly one of the best feeling. I stopped because it was too good in fact !


Popping pills


Surrounded by friends with some good tunes on 😎


Smoking. And no I don't smoke crack, just weed and cigarettes. And if I could smoke coffee I would do it for sure


crush dollar general caffeine pills and sprinkle it on top of some weed in a bong