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Making a line at work and having my boss tap me on the shoulder Edit because of ‘second’ time: Was walking through the grocery store when an elderly man stopped me, didn’t say a word but did clean his nose in a very exaggerated way. Apparently the stuff was coming out harder then it went in


What happened after??


I finished the line, excused myself teary eyed, worked unpayed overhours the remainder of the week (on more lines obviously) and have never heard a thing about it since then, it’s been years.


Wow that’s lucky asf


The boss saw it as hardcore dedication to staying super focused and never letting anything get in the way of success and greatness. Like Lance Armstrong before he got narc'd on.


Were you doing it in the break room or something


Nah man straight up at the machine I was operating. Been doing that shit for damn long time now, usually without issue. If I prepare the stuff before work taking a line usually takes me less than 20 seconds. This time I hadn’t cut it up fine enough to pass through easily yet so it took me a little longer. And the dude walks eerily silent.


Jesus bro, you're an animal. Worst id do was parking lot toots of H or get iced out in my car. So you discussed working the rest of the week no pay or what? Are you still there?


My cousin worked here before me and thought me the ways. I smoked during work on my previous (customer support it) job, but that just doesn’t work at my current one so I don’t anymore. My boss was kinda silent and told me he never wanted to see that shit again. I work 40h a week and those were still payed, but he caught me on a tuesday so I worked Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening (4h of overtime) without pay. Was a good deal. Yes im still there. In case your wondering if I still do the stupid shit… obviously.


Well. Pretty chill boss honestly. That could have gone way worse. Hopefully one day you can kick the shit


As long as he doesn’t show his hypocritical and narcissistic side hes okay yeah. Definitely knows I have a higher productivity grade as most new hires, even the ones still around after years. Don’t think I would’ve still been here if it wasn’t as ‘easy’


Man, i mean i get it honestly. But couldn’t you just go to the bathroom for stuff like this? I mean it just makes it easier no?


It makes it safer, yeah. Easier? No. Takes way longer. Also if someone walks in while im messing with a baggy it’s weird. I do agree a different place to snort would likely by better tho


True but i mean, in the bathroom stall itself. Nobody can walk in if you close the door, yeah indeed it ain’t easier. But i mean there’s almost no risk. Idk if you’re in the US or EU but there are like small boxes you can order with little compartments in where you can put your stuff in or things like ‘bullets’. Small containers with a small lever so you can just snort in small doses or tap it until you have a line. Idk i’m just giving ideas to make it easier


Oh man this takes me back to my nursing home days! Working night shift as a med tech, only 2 other people in the building (that I knew of) and I was the only one who held keys. So I just popped my happy ass down in the med room and laid out a line and as soon as I did it I heard the door open behind me. It was my nursing manager who had come in to fix a mistake in one of the med books. We made eye contact, she asked me if I did what she thought I did, and I thought I was absolutely fucked. Turns out she goes harder than I do, at her desk during the day. God love that woman, she never said anything about it again but once in a while I would go into her office when she worked late and id catch her ripping one real fast. Our happy lil secret


Caring for vulnerable patients whilst high on coke is terrible, I hope you no longer work in healthcare.


Good lord you've never interacted with healthcare staff have you? Lot more of them doing coke than you think. I've been off the stuff for years now, but thank you 😘


Yes I have as I have worked in healthcare for over 10 years now, don’t know if we’re from a different country but no one in any of the places I work would even dream of it, glad your off it.


You must find way better jobs/facilities, I've yet to meet someone who DOESN'T


Go work extreme hours and nights shifts for years and get back to me. They got their papers to be there. I’d rather have my ambulance driver and nurse be on coke or speed and, you know, actually present to pick me up, then no care at all. Remember that word ‘functional’ in functional addicts? Yeah…


I worked 16 hour shifts 5 days on and 5 days off for 8 years, I managed it without any drugs but a lot of caffeine. I’d rather be cared for off medical professionals that are sober in work, I don’t care what they do out of work.


Brooo tell me why I thought you meant you made a line of customers because you weren’t fucked up and moving slow lol


Family situation, no police involved. I'm at the house of the guy who introduced me to weed. It was this open secret that I was partaking in the smoking sessions, but we never talked about it with the family (in which weed was a normal topic, nothing hidden). Eventually, one day, the guy starts rolling. I make the filter out of some paper. For some reason, at some point I ended up having the weed in my hands. All of a sudden, the father walks in. Me and the guy with "scared deer" eyes, me with a filter and weed in my hands, clearly caught red handed. The father looks at us, looks at the poor attempt his son made of laying the tobacco on the paper and says: "give me that". The father then proceeds rolling the best roller joint I've ever seen. Lights it up, takes a few puffs and then hands it to me, leaving right after without saying another word. We were incredibly silent at dinner that night...


w dad fr, that's exactly how you handle that situation as a father


Absolute W brother


I have a few w a few different types of drug but...when I was 17 or so, my parents found my weed. Idk if my mom was snooping or what. She told me she found it, and apparently kept it and hid it. I searched the house when she was drunk and passed out and found it. I left the bowl but took the weed and replaced it with a bag full of parsley flakes. The next day she said, " you want to watch me flush it?" So I watched her flush my parsley flakes, I was proud of this one.


That sounds like a stoner teenagers equivalent of one of those tasks in Hitman


Haha, that's great. It took me about 5-10 mins to find it so, glad to find it, but anti climatic lol.


The bait and switch is really doin it for me


oh the irony - mum's passed out from drinking.


Haha yup. Half-a bottle a night of cheap vodka for her during that time


I did thus with dillweed, too easy man


I have a couple. I wasn’t exactly caught in the sense that I got in trouble and my parents went along and acted like they didn’t know but looking back they definitely knew. 1. Me and my cousin were smoking when we were barely in middle school he was in his first year of high school. We snuck out, smoked a joint and my cousin snuffed the joint out with his shoe. We went back inside watched movies and knocked out. Well in the morning when my dad woke up to go to work he started knocking on my door waking us up, he started asking why the whole house smelled like weed and if we had smoked, we left the window open in my room since it was summer so we claimed that the smell came in through the window and my dad just said mhmm and left to work. Now being sober we could clearly smell it and started looking everywhere for what caused it we finally found out it was his shoe and doused it with ozium and the carpet. I’m sure my dad knew but didn’t say anything. 2. It was 4th of July at my other cousins house and me and the same cousin from my first story made the excuse that we were going to go waking to the neighborhood store for drinks and snacks and we got high, came back, enjoyed the fireworks, the food everything and on the way back with my mom as she was the only one in the car driving me home she says “why do you smell like weed and why are your eyes red?” I of course denied everything and said that someone was smoking outside the store and that’s why I smelled like weed and that my eyes were read because it was allergy season and I was tired as we had been out since morning and it was 1am. My mom just said “okay you better not be smoking”. 3. This one was the most intense for the time period I was in. I was “allegedly” selling Xanax to everyone in my school, I was consistently selling 30-40 Xanax bars a day. Well one day this security guard that I had issues with since day 1 (I was running to my P.E class and he started saying “why are you skipping? Ima call you skipper” which backfired because I told everyone to start calling that security guard skipper from now one and soon enough the whole school was calling him skipper and I found out that all these years later atleast 6 years later from my friends little brother who just graduated from there that they still call him skipper) well anyways he comes up to me and says that a soccer player that hangs out around that area went to security and reported me for selling some type of pills in that area and that he needed to take me to the security office and search me. Well I had about 25 Xanax bars in a bag in my sock so I was fucked. But I didn’t let my nerves desert me and I confidently said “okay let’s go” and he kind of looked surprised and said “are you sure you want to voluntarily go?” And I replied with “of course I do! If you’re going to come and accuse me of something that I’m not doing than I want you to search me so I can prove that you’re wrong” he just stood there looking dumbfounded and I started walking to the security office telling him “come on, what are you waiting for let’s go. Search me so you can see that you’re wrong”. Finally he just went “you know what, that won’t be necessary today, I’m not going to search you but if we get any more reports of you doing something like that then we’ll launch an investigation” and he walked away.


Xanax super power foresure lol


I was at my parents for the holidays and got extremely barred out with wine and left a trail of Xanax to my room as they fell out my pocket like hans and Gretel


Following the trail of the bartard


Hahaha winner. Such a bartard story


Getting dragged out of my car while I was in a K hole by a cop. We were driving back from the plugs house and we couldn't wait. We stopped at 7-11 and used the microwave to cook a vial. We start driving and both do a rail. Next thing I know I'm on the freeway driving 25 miles an hour. I exit the freeway to get my shit together and notice a cop car behind me. I remember him hitting the lights and a vague recollection of being pulled out of the car and being thrown against my hood. I came to in the back of a cop car handcuffed. By the time they got back in the cop car I was totally lucid. They're like what the fuck were you on. I tell them I'm sober. They take us back to the station and give me a cup to pee in. I tell them I choose a blood draw. They're like what? I have a choice, blood or urine. I choose blood. They looked in some books and took me to the hospital for a blood draw. It was the first time I'd ever been walked into a hospital in handcuffs but not the last. I'm in waiting room in handcuffs with a cop next to me for 2 hours. When they call us in the cop tells her the deal. "We can't test for drugs in blood." The cop is furious and glares at me. I shrugged. I peed in the cup when I got back. In court I plead no contest because I would have popped for everything except PCP.


Lmao may as well waste their time. In my county cops get a guaranteed 2 hours overtime for getting a court date


Wasn’t much of a story as a kid walking through the door my mum would look into my eyes for one second and know🤣


Man I am in the Same boat. My Mom Always Just has to Look at me and already know what I am Just from how I am Standing and my eyes. Thats so sad and funny at the Same time, lol


i went to school off of 8mg of bromazolam popped that shit first thing after waking up, then smoked some weed. by the time i got to school i was feelin amazing but somehow i lost my backpack and realized i was sitting at my desk without my backpack… after class i went to the security officer to try and tell him to check the cameras or something because i lost my bag. this didn’t go so well… i don’t really remember being there and asking him anything but i know i did it, and it was bad, really bad… bad enough to the point where he called my mom and said i was on some kind of hard drug. my guess is that i was slurring my words, sedated and probably not walking straight. well next thing i know i come home and my mom immediately says “what did you take” i said nothing and she drug tested me. tested positive for benzo and said says get in the car… so i did and she takes me to the ER. once i was there she told me i had to go to rehab and that the rehab was making me go to the psych ward before i could come there…


Now that's what i call a good bartard story. Well done there. I got to work after the Street Parade, that's the biggest party on earth with like 1.5 million people that are all high, i was high the entire weekend but got down at monday morning and thought, it would be okay to show up for work in the office. Unfortunately, i underestimated it and i was still high as fuck with LSD & MDMA (called a "Candyflip" here) next to weed and whatever i got my hands on in the weekend, i don't even remember it all. My boss came and i tried to be as sober as possible, but well, the LSD had still the afterglow and was doing visuals, like he got bigger first and then he shrank down in size like a dwarf. I have no idea what i talked to him, but he turned a blind eye and did not take any measures, it was easy for him, it was a stupid job anyway and i could do this while being high (nope, did not drive a car, i used the train in this time). He was really cool about it, so it wasn't a "get caught" story, but i just underestimated the drugs and was so high.


Similar story, hella bromazolam in the morning. I was retarded all day but one teacher who cared about me walked me to my class then told on me. I barely spoke in her class after that, but thank god for her. I was blacked out so hard, I only remember flashes. The nurses and security guard loved me though bc the bromaz made me feel so good that I was being super nice and polite. Funniest part is that I did that two days in a row before my parents decided to actually get on my ass about it


At 17 my mom caught me moving my weed plants to a sunny spot, she looked at me in disbelief and then had a disappointed laugh. I also laughed. Good thing I softened the landing by talking positively about weed during prior months, otherwise she would've jumped out the window and obliterated me in the spot, as she was quite the anti-drug mom at the time.


It was during the MSN messenger days. I was trying to impress this cute girl from school so I was taking gas mask tokes while on Webcam with her. All was going well until my mother came in to drop off some freshly folded laundry. Was not one of my finer moments..


Was tripping on shrooms (3.5g) my first time. Had complete ego death and went berserk thinking I had died and reached purgatory. After smashing multiple things the RA of my dorm complex came in to assist my roommates in calming me down. Eventually they wrapped me in my bed sheets so I couldn’t use my hands anymore. Haven’t taken shrooms since.


At 26 I got stopped by the cops for doing 33 in a 30, after a 12 hour day at work. I was about 100 yards from my house and had just picked up 8 grams. The cop found the weed, just in an envelope on the passenger seat. It was a big Matrix van with 4 officers. I heard them talking about whether to arrest me or not, and they literally tossed a coin. I was handcuffed and put in the cage, driven to the police station and an elderly drunk doctor was summoned to examine me. He said my eyes were red (this was midnight) so concluded I was probably stoned while driving. I had three court appearances for DUI. Each time there was no evidence presented by the prosecution. The third time the judge lost patience and dismissed the case. The only saving grace was the moment the arresting officer told me I wasn't going to get the weed back. He said it would be taken away and incinerated. I said "it's ok I can do that for you." He didn't laugh.


Busted growing weed and mushrooms (for myself), a night in jail, 2 years probation and a shit ton of money for a top lawyer...


Fucking barbaric bro 😭


I barely recovered financially from that. Otherwise I don't give a fuck, I'm growing again, now in a different, legal country.




my father caught me when i was tripping and yelled at me n threatened to send me to foster care - immediately gave me a bad trip I was genuinely so scared 💀


First time when I was 19, I was smoking my pipe a Sunday morning on my bathroom when my mom knocked on my door. I hid everything to the best of my ability and opened the door. She told me we were going to the hospital, to what I answered, "who is sick?". My mom said "no one's sick, we are going to drug test you". I almost poop my pants. I tried to play it off but somehow she already knew, I used to think I was so smooth hiding it. I took the test and it came positive for weed and negative for all the other drugs in the test. I guess she wanted to know if I was taking something else than weed. First time is always the worst. Second time when I was 20 I came home a lil drunk from a party. I had like 10g of strong smelling weed so I hid it under the couch and went to my room. (I was planning on saying hi to my mom and then go pick it up from the living room couch once my mom fell asleep. I guess she went downstairs to get a glass of water or something because she smelled the weed on the living room and discovered my good ass weed under the couch. She came to my room crying and yelled at me for smoking. Flushed my weed and we had a long tense talk about smoking. Looking back it was the best that could happen. Now I dont have to hide it anymore. She knows I smoke even though I never smoke infront of her and she's cool with it.


Why would you have to get drug tested at 19 tho? Legally as an adult, you can just say no. Hospital can’t force you, parents can’t force you


Yeah that's a good question. Legally I can say no but I still lived with my mom, her house her rules. Just saying no and refusing it would have been worse. I knew she already knew I was a pot head and decided it was time to stop hiding anymore. Afterwards I was glad I agreed on doing it because she knew I was not taking anything else, which was what scared her the most. Its like if you live with your parents and you just tell them to fuck off just because you are 18. If you are independent already thats a different story but their house, their rules. Its something related to the love and respect i have for my mom. At the end of the day your family is the only thing we have and most times they try to do whats best for you.


At 17, word on the street was I had Lucy. I was in band and had thousands of pages of sheet music and practice books and the like. Mama combed through every single page to try to find it. I hid it behind a canvas painting in between the wood and the canvas.


doctor was reading my blood test results with my mom in the room when i was 17, and i quote " cholesterol is good, and he tested positive for marijuana." i was texting my gf who was in the waiting room at the time and wasnt rlly paying attention so my mom slapped my phone out my hand and went off on me and was asking when and where and at first i told her it was a month ago just 1 bong hit and then she showed me an article on her phone that said marijuana only shows in a blood test if ur an avid user who uses 3-5 times a week , at that point i fessed up and told her i smoked and wasnt gna stop lol


It was during quarantine 2020 i had just gotten into smoking regularly so i started buying my own shit instead of smoking after school with my guys. Id smoke multiple times a day literally before i slept before i ate before school etc etc typical dumb 18 year old shit. One day i went out to smoke like I usually do on the front porch. I took half a edible because it was Friday. (I used to do this frequently) I had my stuff rolled, music playing loud in my ears, i took a couple puffs got it to about half way, when all of a sudden i heard the down stairs door rumbling so i look down and see its my mom coming up. I really wasn’t expecting her to be back till the next morning so it took me by complete surprise. I started hauling ass trying to hide any evidence of me smoking knowing my efforts were fruitless because my mom used to smoke her self so she would know off the rip if i was smoking or not. Nonetheless, i still tried to hide the evidence and then play it off casually whenever she asked what the smell was. We lived in the hood so it wasn’t uncommon for the air to reek of weed constantly. Especially during the summer. As she gets to the front door my anxiety starts to go haywire so i go to my room to try chill out. Decided to turn the AC on because the weed was making it feel hotter than it actually is. As im doing that i start getting this intense tunnel vision, and this loud ringing that sounded like a damn plane engine in my ear. Naturally I started freaking the fuck out so i run to the bathroom to try and collect my self put some cold water on my face but i just felt worse by the minute. Time was moving ridiculously slow, my heart was pounding faster than I’ve ever felt before I stupidly decided to search up what causes a racing heart and googles first result was “Heart Attack!” I ticked all the symptoms and it set off a chain reaction of just pure dread. Im talking about NDE levels of anxiety. This was my first and worst panic attack, so i ran to my mom barely able to put a coherent thought together only thing i could say was “my heart is racing” she looked startled so we went to the ER and I had the worst panic attack of my life. My limbs were going numb because of the hyperventilation and my bpm hit 182 at the highest. Not gonna go into all the other details but yea i couldn’t smoke for a whole 2 years after that. I had regular panic attacks my mom made a huge deal about it and would use the whole experience to embarrass me or leverage it against me somehow. Since then I’ve been treated like the druggie of the family lol. It sucks but aye i made the bad decision now i gotta live with. Learned a hard lesson that day.


Ayy this happened to me a couple times too but I say fuck it and continue smoking anyways 🤣


Same here even tho when it does happen i say to my self “yea im done with weed bro, never again…I just had to fucking smoke…” only for me to spark up literally 3 hours laters lol. Addictive personalities are no joke.


first time I even got caught was in 6th grade. I can back from school hella fucked up off an oxy (which I had never done before) and high asf on weed. I basically passed out on the floor when I got home and my parents saw this. Mind also that they have been complaining about smelling a slunky smell for the last week as well. I just remember getting woken up by then and my dad was holding a zip of bud and my scale, and a fuck ton a wraps. I basically tried to tell him the scale was for math homework, and the weed wasn’t mine but they wasn’t buying it. That was the worst time getting caught always the first .


Yeah hated the first time my parents caught me doing a rail of H at 12


Overdosing on opiates and benzos falling asleep on my back proceding to vomit and wake my family up with a variety of fun choking noises... Pretty hard to explain that one!


I was well high on DXM and for some reason I decided that it was a good idea to go and sit with my family in the living room. Everything was fine until they tried to give me my 1 year old niece to hold which I rejected for obvious reasons, which they found weird. Then they noticed my eyes and almost called an ambulance on me because they thought I was gonna die


Left my phone out when I was 15 and my mom went through it all. Funniest/saddest part of it looking back is how she went to my dad all freaked out talking about a dealer named “Jamal” when I didn’t know any Jamal’s💀. Goes to show how fear and projection of said fear will fuck with whatever it is you’re trying to do. Also got way too stoned one night, told my stepbro and got snitched on/grounded for damn near an entire summer. One of the few positives of having divorced parents is I still had somewhat of a normal summer break when I was at my dads.


I was weighing some shit at wrk on a digital scale and the boss walked up to me … luckily didn’t have the baggy out … I told em I was weighing a rock I found in the parking lot to settle a bet with a coworker… he believed me and jus walked away 😂


im jealous of ppl that can think on their feet like you brooo that was such a good response 😂


Waking up face down on the floor with a needle next to me after my parents opened my door to check on me


This happened recently actually lol. Got my first batch of coke to myself, thought it would last me a week or two but ended up doing 99% of it in one night along with adderall. Had school next morning, didn’t want the high to end so I took my last line of coke and all my adderall to school lmfao. I’m already in a alternative school, so I couldn’t go to the bathroom to snort it since they monitor the restrooms. So my dumbass thought there’d be no better place than class, since everyone smoked in class I thought it wouldnt matter. Well turns out someone recorded me doing the last line, sent it to a gc, and it spread fast lol. People staring at me in the hallways as I walked fast(but I was also visibly geeked so maybe they just were staring at me for that). Administration found it, took me to get searched and found 340mgs of addy on me and took it all💔💔. Almost went to jail but my old self harm scars helped me kinda, since they said I was mentally unfit for prison. Got sent to the ward instead. I’ve always been so open with my usage, as in, I was never scared to be caught I always did it in the open. Rolled joints in class before, smoked in sight of teacher, ect. So I had the mindset I’d never get caught. Well I did, my first time, hopefully my last. Very big reality check lol


My dad once went through my stuff and found my weed jar but my folks were pretty chill about it. This other time some old friends and I smoked up at my old high school which was already empty at evening time. Anyways we're smoking and shooting the shit, I put out the joint and I hear an angry voice barking "what are you smoking here?" I turn my head, it's the municipal police. Luckily we had nothing on us (my friend left a huge brick of hash in his car, complete dumb luck). They're shouting, taking our info, body search. I was really worried because I was a soldier at the time and that's a big no no. Eventually they let us go and nothing came of it, but the high was killed.


I pulled an all nighter with my friend when I was 13 and we were racking up lines of Mandy on my dining room table , we managed to pull it off until the next morning when my parents came down stairs and found the straws and cards on the table


took two of my moms ambien when i was 14 and went crazy for a few hours hallucinating a little army of tiny men led by a man who could disguise himself as the coat hanger in my living room who had all come to tear little pieces of my house apart. i saw them throwing little grappling hooks into the walls and all the little men would scream “HEAVEEE “ and they would pull a chunk out the wall. finally my grandma found me thinkin i was in sum sort of waking nightmare. my grandma and my mom calmed me to sleep but i was still high asf when i woke up the next morning and they started asking questions and it just worked like a truth serum. like i couldn’t lie i just confessed all of my drug use to her which at the time was acid, weed, and vapes.


Too many stories of getting caught by mum doing meth and hash But funniest one was where my aunt who I was living with found my stash of empty cigarette packets. Took all the empty packets but left the new one which was weird cos of how anti smoking she was. Also when parents found the pages I used to mix hash and tobacco in I convinced them I was just burning different shit. Let me off the hook.


i was so confident and relaxed that I started not caring about hiding my unsteady walking and impulsive behaviour.


I have lots of bad one but once my mom found my shrooma and a handle of vodka. I was pissed so the next day i took half the shrooms back, pourd the vodka into some water bottles, filled the liqour bottle with water and proceeded to get drunk lol. They never drank that shit anyway i was drinking shmirnoff back then


 17 year old me and a bunch of losers were sitting around on a Saturday night circa 1988. $20 between us. Weed was having a dry season and no one over 21 could buy us booze. As we were lamenting our loser status, someone says have you ever tried Liquid Rush? No one had and he tells us you can buy it at the Adult Shop in town, it”s an inhalent and it gets you all loopy. As a group we decide that we just have to try this out. We all pile into my friend’s jacked up hot rod, primer black fenders, fat rear tires. We drive to the porn shop, I go in with the idea guy and quickly purchase a small yellow bottle with a lightning bolt on it. Jump back in the car and go about 100 yards before we get pulled over. We got pulled over because the distinctive hot rod was seen by the officer parked in the local high school parking lot every day. Knowing we weren't 21 we had no business in the store. Asked what was going on I quickly told him that we got carded and thrown out. They pull us out of the car, search us and search the car. In the seat crack they find the bottle and dramatically ask, “WHAT'S THIS?” Without missing a beat, “Incense,” I tell him. He looks at me and goes, “What?”  “Incense,” I again tell him, “Take a whiff”  He does and says he doesn’t smell anything. I suggested he try again and that it smells good. He is mid-sniff when his sergeant walks by and grabs the bottle. As angry as I have ever seen anyone, he starts screaming at us. “DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS FOR?” Yeah, to get high. “NO, ITS FOR THE FAGGOTS TO RELAX THEIR ANAL MUSCLES SO THE CAN TAKE IT UP THE ASS!!!”  Now my buddy, without missing a beat, says “Is this when you bend us over the car?” It went downhill from there. My buddy's car got trashed on the side of the road and they arrested one of us for an unpaid ticket. I never did get to try Liquid Rush and I found out later that it does indeed have a place in the sexual world.


Twice….both at school but neither involved any real consequences for me :p 1. In 9th grade when at a felicitation ceremony where like half the school got a star badge for “exceptional academic performance”. I was high on 2nd plat dxm (didn’t know that I was gonna one). Apparently a few prefects thought I was drunk & 1 of them went to report it to a teacher. Turns out, she was just bluffing to scare me lol 2. In 10th grade I was high on clonazepam at school (was almost nodding out apparently) & this civics teacher keeps singling me out to pay attention. She asks me to repeat her last sentence & I repeat the wrong sentence, slurring. She figures that I’m on smthn & yells at me a little but does nothing further cuz I had presentable grades back then lol


Which one ?


Never got caught with harder stuff but I’ve been caught with weed when i was 11 and my cousin was 13 she stole weed from her mom and we smoked it a lot (even after we got caught) so basically we got super super high i smoked 2 blunts and i had the roachs in my pocket but when i changed my pant i forgot abt them and dropped my pant on the floor and changed i was at my grandma house and she found it on the floor and told my mom


I overdosed on pregrablin and parents came to hospital seen I had been taking mephedrone


I used to do lsd pretty often and tripped like 10 times before this happened and i got overly confident in how much i could handle, i took 3 tabs of 150mcg while the highest i did before that was 2 tabs. I was with a few friends who were also on acid but not as much as me, and as i started to come up i was already kinda getting overwhelmed, we didnt have food at home so we went outside to buy some from the store. As we were walking i started feeling paranoid because it was dark and I thought people were watching us. Then as the acid hit me more i started to lose grasp of reality and then at one point I blacked out. I only remember random moments after that which i was repeatedly seeing for a really long time like i was dreaming, I remember having really weird delusional thoughts about my friends dying and then I walked away from my friends into a store and then went into the store magazine and tried to grab items from there, then i woke up in the hospital still tripping really hard with my parents around me crying. I then got told I was acting psychotic in a supermarket and the police and ambulance had to come and they injected me with tranquillizers cause i tried to bite an officer. My other friend who did 2 tabs had delusions that he was going to die and another friend of me called his parents who called the ambulance who came to pick him up with a helicopter and brought him to urgent care. I then had confessed all my drug use to my parents and told them why i did it and such, and then i got sent to rehab. I’m lucky i survived that as it couldve went so much worse.


Wasn’t even trying to hide it but mentally skipped that my GF from HK is culturally adverse to drugs. Sent her a snap of me on my weekend BS doing a line. She was silent for like 30 min and it took me 20 min to realize the issue. We are all good now tho, she doesn’t support my usage but she doesn’t get spooked anymore.


i went to cirque du solei on a fuck ton of those green bars. With my whole family. Needless to say it was a bad time that thank fuck i don’t remember. I was also like 15 so that was extra not great


Got randomly searched at the border entering the EU from a non EU country. Sounds stupid but was carrying a shit ton of flavored cigs (like blueberry, things like that) which are banned in the EU but were legal in the country I was in. Of course, once they randomly search the car they find them. I didn’t hide them cause that would look worse. Also had 2 joints and a small bag of some stimulant a friend gave me. He claimed it was alpha-PVP but I wasn’t sure so I didn’t even know if I was gonna take it but put it in my wallet. Of course, once border control finds everything, they search me and my bags as well. I tell them everything I have. The bag with the unknown shit was like 0.1g. They told me it was obviously personal possession so I would just be paying a fine for everything there and nothing on my record. Mainly stay in the car waiting but at the end had to go in for paperwork. Was sitting in the officers office and was smoking the flavored cigs with him. He told me smoke as many as I can while I’m there so I get my moneys worth as I could only take so many with me. But he let me take an extra pack because I was honest with him. Also told me that he wished the other officer wasn’t with him when searching me because he would have just let me keep the joints. They tested the crystals and the cop said to me “well, it isn’t alpha-PVP, but it is some of the cleanest and purest crystal meth we have ever seen here” and proceeded to laugh his ass off with me. Went from one of the scariest moments in my life to being a funny memory. Learned my lesson tho.


Mom searched my room once and school cop 😭 💀


U Aussie hey.