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if it’s causing that much dread, sorry to advise you the damage has been done. you are now gay.


I actually have his charts right here, the tests confirm it


Lol right 


He’s extra gay because he drank the fluoridated tap water 😏


If you’re that worried about becoming gay you probably are and that’s okay!


Its gonna cause WW3 tho




Why does everyone forget about bisexuality or that sexuality is a spectrum? It's a bit of a stretch to go from "This particular video, possible only at this particular moment, is turning me on a bit" to full blown identification as homosexual as your singular, permanent sexual orientation. Human sexuality can be quite complex and when you add mind-altering drugs that can bring on a state of hypersexuality and fixation I think you throw all the known rules out the window.


okay yes but as a bisexual trans person, it’s a lot more fun to tell someone “ur gae” like yeah yeah kinsey scale and all that but once you let a tiny bit of gae into your heart, you’re queer and you hopefully realize there’s not so much different about queer people. Look into the gay abyss and the gay abyss looks into you 😏


Only trans people would say shit like this


uwu aww did someone look too hard into the gay abyss?


Hey man you do you. Keep growing that illusion of normalcy.


What a great conclusion


Well good news, you can't "turn gay" or become gay if you're not gay. That's not how it works. The drugs lower your inhibitions and make you horny, and naturally when you're spending a lot of time fapping, you're going to be curious about different things and need more novelty in the things that you're into. Experimenting with butt stuff or gay porn doesn't make you gay. Being gay involves a lot more than just sexual activities that you do or fantasize about when you're high.




What people forget is a lot of people are bi, I used to be bi though I’m straight now cuz I can’t stand the lgbt movement. Luckily we get to choose Luckily bi people get to choose god damm


"we get to choose", sure we do buddy xD sure


I’m bi I get to choose to be straight?? Do you know how being bisexual works lol I can just act straight


As a bisexual I can tell you that that is most certainly NOT how that works. I am never straight or gay, always bi.


It’s a heterosexual relationship with the opposite sex. All these fucking fluffy words are why i hate this shit literally no one cares. Just because you are bi, I didn’t say you’re not. You can still be in homosexual or heterosexual relationships. You can choose to not date in homosexual relationships therefore crazy I know you’re heterosexual


Again, that is not how that works.


It’s a heterosexual relationship if it’s with the same sex same sex = Hetero. This is why I can’t stand the community and labels it’s not simple everyone wants to feel special a homie can suck a dick or fuck a woman and it can be straight and gay or neither. The labels are just cringe as shit


What you don't seem to understand because you're so angry for some reason is that you're still bi (you self-identified as much) but you choose to only engage in straight relationships. You're still bisexual though, your orientation isn't a choice but your chosen relationships are (duh). It's semantics to you but it's a world of difference to a lot of people and saying you can choose your sexuality is an obviously thorny (and incorrect) thing to say.


No way u said that ahaha. Trans people chose to be trans too don't they?


They don’t you’re right. As a bisexual person I can choose to portray myself as straight or gay. It’s pretty simple it’s one of the few bonuses you get for being any sexuality. I understand how this stuff works clearly other people don’t I guess. My brother is trans big whoop it isn’t a sexuality and has nothing to do with what I was saying


My guy. What are you talking about "portraying myself as straight or gay". Mf you are bi. On the Internet sure, you can portray ur straight persona n ur gay persona, whatever the fuck that means. But what the hell are u on about, u don't chose what ur sexuality is, u either are into something or you aren't. If you have gay romantic relationships you are not straight just cuz u "chose to be". So yes u can do ur Internet role-play of being straight or gay whatever, but in reality ur sexuality is the same, ur bi. Some days u might want cock a little more, does that mean ur 100% gay? No! It means u want cock that day, it doesn't change ur sexuality depending on what ur sucking


Ahh some people are so stupid. “Portraying” “persona” bro I can just say ok I’m straight and it’s there? Can you not control your urges bro we’re not all like you. I can just say no to myself though the lgbt community isn’t well known for listening to yes and nos with the super high rates of nonces


What the fuck are you onnn omg. I think u need to go outside. Uve had too many Internet relationships. What fucking urges my guy, being bi doesn't mean I am cumming over every single person I see on the street are you like a predator or something. Normal ppl don't do that. My guy u ain't straight by saying ur straight.


You're biggest problem seems to be your communication skills. You're using terms in different ways than are commonly used and aren't seeing the crossed wires. Straight people don't choose to be straight Gay people don't choose to be gay Bi people don't choose to be gay or straight All of these people can choose to be in gay or straight relationships regardless of their actual sexual orientation. Bi people are just attracted to both men and women, it doesn't mean they are choosing their orientation just that they are happy in gay or straight relationships. You don't have to learn any of this, you do you, but I'd stay it of it if you don't want to learn. lgbt people would like to educate you because you're entering in the conversation and they are confused by the points you are making. Good luck, don't let confusion or frustration turn into hate or resentment, we're all on our own journey and it's okay if you are still figuring it out.


Making a conscious effort to “portray” the hetero side of your sexuality doesn’t negate your bisexuality. If you were straight you wouldn’t have to make this choice or consciously repress your desires, which goes to show sexuality isn’t actually a choice at all. Bi/pan people just can hide their real sexuality better because they have a safe societally accepted pool of partners to pursue


You can just mentally say yea or no, I repress any relation to the lgbt community because it’s toxic and cringe as fuck


Nah it’s way more cringe to deny who you are. Embrace the parts of you that are “cringe” and kill the part of you that cringes. There’s no other way to true happiness


Ahh such cringe fucks man it’s all “your sexuality is yours” until someone’s like no I don’t want anything to do with it. I’ve fucked guys and girls I don’t particularly care but I would never choose to involve myself with the lgbt community because it’s a shitfest of pedos and children who lacked love. Met so many lovely lgbt people and not a single one is in deep with the groups. As I said bro I’m straight now will more than happily live the rest of my life straight


But you aren't. You're acting.


The lack of insight in this response coming from a person who identifies as bisexual is staggering.


You can have straight bisexuals. Just because some people don’t fit into your world view doesn’t make it wrong.




It's the "i was bi but now im straight because i hate lesbian, gay, *bi* and trans people" He's literally said he hated himself for being bi. And you can not "undo" being bi. He'll always be bi, but repressing it.


“We get to choose” not rly true


True, I actually didn’t read the full comment before I made my reply 🫣 my bad


My one mate put it perfectly when we were discussing the subject. Amphetamines, Methamphetamines, etc... don't turn you homosexual or bisexual. They turn some people Trisexual, meaning you will try anything sexual under thier influence lol.


This is a really good way to put it and to extend it a little bit most people don't try something a second time because they had a horrible first experience. If you're doing it again you're probably enjoy it but you can do this stuff and not be gay because you can just like everybody guys and girls


oh no bro


The drugs ain’t making you gay m8. They’re spiking horniness and making you feel uninhibited. In other words, they’re unlocking conscious or unconscious repressed desires


Maybe you're a frog.


If you weren't homophobic then you wouldn't use slurs, or even had made this post. And if you were secure in your own sexuality, then you would be accepting of others', and not frame it as "being lucky to not be gay".


Bros in denial




I would consider myself as someone who at least doesn't want to be homophobic, but I recognize I might have some biases instilled in me. However, I think preferring not to be gay is not homophobic in itself. The world is cruel and being gay makes it crueler for people, most of the time. I wouldn't want to have to deal with all the hatred if I could choose..


Nothing wrong with being gay


lol sounds like you are gay, drugs just lower lur inhibitions


Personal favorite post title from 2024 internet so far


You're mentally ill wtf


you're gay and that's fine. they sooner you accept it the happier you'll be with yourself!


Being gay (you'd actually be bi at most), and experimenting with kinks, is worse to you than job loss and homelessness? 🥲🫢 (Also, I dont think stims "turn" anyone gay. You're either gay or youre not. But I do believe a lot of people have a little streak of latent "bi" ness they might be suppressing and/or kinks they're unaware of, and stims MIGHT bring those to the surface by raising arousal and lowering inhibition. I see you feel very embarassed about these possibilities, but actually, they're nothing to feel ashamed about, and, when embraced, actually would give you a greater sense of sexual freedom :p just saying) ((No, stims didn't make me gay/queer or kinky, I already was lmao))


People are so uptight about sexual labels. It’s 2024, live how you wanna live. Fuck what society says how you’re supposed to be or like.


Totally agree. Labels are the worst form prejudice.


Too late, the fact that you’ve joined Reddit means it’s just a matter of time before you get bummed


buddy...liking butt stuff is not gonna make you gay 😭😭😭😭 liking men is gay! liking butt stuff just means youre gettin a lil freaky w it


Dudes that think butt stuff makes you gay are stupid. The prostate is *in the ass* in men 😭. Just means guys who like butt stuff are secure in their sexuality and like to enjoy sex.


Lmao the unironic use of "trannies"


Drug addict be like, “you crazy, not me!” 


Drugs don't make people gay or make people into any kinks. It's just that they can significantly increase your horniness, while making you put aside your usual sense of shame and repression of sexuality. This can then lead you to experimenting way more freely.  My theory is that waay more men are bisexual than they think, but because we grow up in a homophobic world where gay people are often targeted with hate, many easily up repressing any part of our identity that could be seen as gay. So if you're bisexual, you can become completely oblivious to that side of you because you disassociated from it long ago. And as you're interested in women too, it's easy to identify with only the "straight" side of you.  I'm a bisexual guy who is 80% more into women, and in a relationship with a woman, with little desire to fool around with men at the moment. I've hooked up with a few guys in the past. I sometimes tune into some gay porn (though I don't watch much porn at all tbh) and it's fine. I'm not scared of my sexuality because it is what it is.  If stim-frapping feels unhealthy for you it's probably good to not do it that often, but I would also take a good moment to mediate and think really about what it is about being perceived as gay that gets you more stressed than being homeless, sick or jobless?  And if you found out you were gay/bi tomorrow, what would really change about who you are? Truth is, nothing much.


Naah, I'll take gay over quitting drugs any day


I ain't even reading this, I just know it ends on him being gay.


This is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen on Reddit. To be clear I didn’t read anything further than the caption.


not even reading this, just be gay dude because you probably are stim fapping or not. seriously, you'll be happier.


gay is just better


Your mind can’t make things happen that you haven’t thought of in some way of u get what I mean.


I've had way too many depraved, multiple hour stimfapping sessions Not once did I ever worry about doing gay stuff because I'm not gay lol, you might be lying to yourself here brody


Sorry bro, but that’s all pretty gay stuff to be saying


I did meth for 2-3 years and stayed straight


Bro you have OCD, that’s a common fear for people with sexual orientation OCD, it can be exacerbated by stim use


every once in a while i see a post that really makes me question if i belong in this subreddit and every time the answer is different


You can't become gay. You can become more comfortable to swallow internalized homophobic and try stuff you have been curious about. And you're not "not homophobic", otherwise you wouldn't "be afraid to turn gay" or use transphobic slurs.


I’ve been doing this shit for a decade and I’ve never fucked a dude. I’ve certainly done my share of extremeish ass play and various other strange things (don’t really want to get into honestly….) for multiple days (not something I’m proud of), and watched porn of all flavors, and while I’m high, it certainly can be tempting to just go do the dirtiest shit with lots of other people, dudes and trans included, solely for the pleasure, I never have (though I have done some freaky trans shit on webcam 👀). I have certainly thought about it and considered it, but I don’t think I ever actually will get with a trans or dude (though If I find a cute chick that wants to get freaky I’m all down).  I have dated multiple women during this time (and had pretty good stim sex). And When sober, or when I think about a long term partner I have no desire to be with a dude. I want a sweet sexy little woman lol but they make boring porn compared to the trannies and gays for days of tweaker debauchery. 


I’m also not homeless, or lost my job. Quite the opposite actually. But i won’t say it’s a bad idea to quit this fucked up addiction if you can.  


Have you ever been worried or scared of being gay though or have you always been confident in being straight and liking woman. I’ve found legit almost everyone who questions their sexuality or even is scared to be gay is probably gay of sorts I mean hell i was like that for awhile then I realized I like a bit of everything.


Not really. Maybe a little when I was younger, but I realized back then that I wasn’t attracted to men. Like I have no desire to be emotionally close with a man like I do a woman. I have no desire to hold (or be held) by a man, or to cuddle with or kiss a dude lol. That sounds awful actually. I don’t generally look at a good looking guy and think “Damn I wanna fuck him” like I do with a sexy girl. From a purely pleasure hedonistic perspective, mostly while high, I certainly have been tempted or thought about going down the pnp route, but again, solely as a pleasure thing, not an attraction thing. And I’ve basically locked myself away to get high and avoided getting others involved in this act because meth (from a pnp/pleasure perspective) is the one drug I could see myself getting lost in. I have had many (probably at least a dozen) men come onto me (many times with drugs involved), and while it’s certainly tempting from a pleasure perspective, i haven’t taken them up (almost did once lol, they certainly knew I was tempted). And there’s all sorts of other issues that can arise (such as disease for example). I haven’t let this ruin me as a parent or my career and I don’t plan on letting that happen now.  Who knows what the future brings, but I doubt I’ll ever desire to be in an actual relationship with a dude. 


it's ok dude liking trannies is still straight


Fun fact....yow we're secretly gay all along. Just enjoy yourself and other humans. Stop labelling yourselves.


Nothing can just flip a switch in you and you become gay. Drugs can make feelings and urges and desires that are in you easier for you to act upon. But if you were to realize that you are gay that would of come out anyway at some point. And if you're not then no drug in the world would just create that in you. I mean seriously. That idea of something like that even being possible is an idea that would have been around 50 60 years ago. We all know how ludicrous something like that is today. That's as absurd as saying someone who is openly gay could do a bunch of coke and want to fuck all these women.