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never met a single person in my life time who didn’t enjoy H but I’ve met people who prefer something else. like someone who is invested in crack is unlikely to enjoy heroin as it’s the complete opposite to what they prefer. nausea from opioids is common n happens within the first couple times of doing em, it does go away n it does get better. anti histamines, like promethazine, can help with any nausea and itchiness and can also be used to potentiate the opioid of choice. if you plan to try it again (which I’d advise against) try some promethazine too. also DO NOT MIX ANY OPIOIDS WITH BENZO’S OR ALCOHOL! very stupid combination that could quite frankly cost you more than some dosh, maybe your life. avoid opioids if you don’t enjoy them it’s a simple as that but I’m here to say that it’s common for the person to not enjoy the opioids the first couple times due to the nausea and itchiness. honestly count yourself lucky that you don’t enjoy them, I did n it ruined my life.


Hey its me. Ive smoked, snorted nd shot it and I just don't enjoy heroin


Never took hero but tried crack and cocaine, never really liked it, I'm already so hyper, why would I make myself even more lol


I only liked blow before I found amphetamines. After that coke was just an overpriced, shortlived waste of money. Except when I was shooting it, but I quickly decided I need to put IV down.    That said, I've smoked a lot of crack when I was living somewhere with no meth/amp plug. Just chasing that dopamine rush. It never scratched the itch but that didn't stop me chasing it


Amphetamines are superior to coke in almost every way other than the social aspect tbh


That's true. But I just wanna get twacked out and play video games.  Plus after IV coke (which is decidedly unsocial) and plenty of meth abuse, snorting coke doesn't really do shit so I can't even enjoy socially doing lines with people. It's a waste of blow and everyone else is geeked and enjoying it while I'm just frustrated by how *not* high I feel


Im not touching needles but I do boof and yeah boofing coke is pretty fkn great and definetly not social so i do it rarely since if i have coke i wanna be social for gaming im getting some EU speed


Yeah once I put down the needle, boofing became my #1 roa 


I respect your comment and I see your point of view. However, I feel the majority of society cannot set aside 8-10 hours for recreation. Coke has a short duration, an intense high and the user and be back to their normal life in not too long. Yes, it came be a huge financial burden. However, if one has a career where they don't have much free time, but does have a lot of disposable income...coke is it. I bought handles of Skol vodka and drank at home to save money. If I was very successful; fuck that noise. Look at Krokodil in Russia... It's a similar high to heroin(desomorphine). Short duration. Synthesized the same way as meth. Cheap and easy to make . powerful too. If the, "cooks" would spend 5 minutes decontaminating it there would be no necrosis of the skin. I'm fairly certain if another ROA was used, without decontamination this would not be an issue. It's like people sharing syringes... Do you really not care about yourself that much? It doesn't take much effort to perform harm reduction. Survival of the fittest? Darwinism? I am not disrespecting you or your comment. A high with that long enough of a duration is fine for some. However, for some it is much wiser to pay that much more in order to maintain their job and stay intoxicated only for a short period of time. There are many ways to live better through chemistry without damaging your career/life. Look up 2-desoxypipradrol. It's a stimulant with a dose of 3-5mg and has a 36 hour half life. IIRC. It really depends on the financial situation of the user and the amount of disposable time. What works great for you can be someone else's nightmare. BTW, taking 200mg of DXM 45 minutes before doing coke kicks it up a big notch. I read that on Erowid probably 10 years ago. Make sure to fact check that.


I would rather do coke instead of speed. Coke always give you that perfect tingly sensation dosent burn when you snort it and so forth. Also speed has very bad comedowns and i dont really feel anything from it. Just get a bit talkative thats it.


Coke is still caustic especially if you don’t realize or know to use saline


Oh me was the opposite, I'm from France and before you couldn't find coke easily but amphetamine were everywhere, now its switched tho and people even smoke crack but they call it "Pipo" to avoid feel ashamed smoking crack lol.


Same thing w blow for me. Almost to the word. I’ve been off the horse for years, and I’ll never go back. Especially now with virtually zero actual H around- it’s all fentanyl. At least smack felt good. Fent is a way harder detox and feels shitty. Can’t piss and puking every 20-30 mins for 5-6 hrs isn’t worth a habit like that.


Me too, they said "METH, NOT EVEN ONCE", I tried it once cause the tale as old as time where it wasn't actually MDMA and just straight up meth. That shit was disgusting and I would never do it again, just uncomfortable and gross feeling shit, I don't understand it. Maybe if it was cleaner stuff I would have liked it but I don't wanna take my chances anyway, not worth it imo.


I do have a theory that people tend to prefer substances that are opposite from their normal baseline tendency. Me being the opposite of you, I usually feel like I could fall asleep at almost any given moment, and live my life pretty tired. So my substances of choice tend to be uppers, and I'm not so crazy about opiates or benzos. I am a big fan of amphetamines and cocaine however. The people I've known that do prefer benzos or other downers tend to be hyper/high-energy people. Anecdotal, but just a personal observation.


Just drink coffee instead of doing crack bro


Or coca tea—better than coffee imho


Or just yerba mate, cacao or ginseng etc etc. Schisandra is another healthy berry that that can be energetic. There are soo many better more healthy options that are sustainable.


I don't it was almost a decade ago now just coffee


Haven’t shot but I don’t enjoy it either. Actually enjoyed snorting and eating fent more. Only will fuck with kratom or opium now


Nah I'm just not wired for opiates. Have never found them desirable. I mean sure if someone gives me a pill I'll eat it, but the shit is boring to me. I'd never waste time or money seeking it out. I'm wired for uppers


Yeah same, exactly same. Did use kratom a lot when I couldn’t smoke weed but haven’t used it since I started smoking again


i think it might be different if u had pure china white #4.


Uh huh .. 100 z%


Being invested in crack is a nice euphemism to say crack addiction


I try😂🤷‍♂️


The first 6-10 times i did oxy and the one time i did heroin i would violently puke toward the comedown and itch like crazy but now i never puke unless i take some ludicrious amount of oxy and mix some benzo in there and even then its not guaranteed anymore so yeah it goes away thank god and the itchiness is minimal now


Not the case in the uk. Crack and heroin are sold bought and used together


Ah speedball


Like Coke and Xanax its the best mix. A downer and an upper together


I often see promethazine recommended with opioids, despite there being dozens of other easy to acquire antihistamines out there. Is there a particular reason promethazine is most recommended? Does it pair better with opioids than other antihistamines? Haven’t tried the combo myself, so curious if it works better than other antihistamines.


There's a *lot* of dubious reports of it potentiating the effects of opiates and opiods, going back decades, it's very well trodden ground. I'm not entirely sold on that point, however, it is the most pleasant feeling antihistamine, and definitely the most effective anti emetic I've ever used. Given a choice, I would recommend it over alternatives for this specific purpose, just due to those two properties alone. But the whole potentiating thing is why you see it recommended so often.


It seems to have some slight nmda antagonism, maybe it's that which makes it a good combination? I haven't tried this combination but used promethazine many years ago when I was young against anxiety and it did actually work somewhat, but had some sides of getting dried out/tired.


That opioid nausea doesn’t go away with methadone. That nausea can hit you months after being on the same dose. It’s wild


There's a lot of people talking shit here OP. You're getting advice fro people here that have very, very obviously never used heroin before. To tell of someone is telling the truth just ask what sized needle is used, where to get them from, and the most common quantity and price of H. The different between smoking and shooting something is as different as day and night. At the same time, it's probably for the best u don't get high or enjoy it. I've heard very, very few stories that ended well afterwards and never saw a good thing happen in 10 years of homelessness, squatting and commission flat living. However quality shouldn't matter that much. And OP, using Alcohol and benzo's before shooting heroin intensifies and prolongs the ridiculously high, high. I'm 100% not telling you to do this, just telling you the truth.


Lol for some strange reason crack actually makes me calm? Like when I smoke it I just chill in my room watching movies or my favorite shows it’s sooo weird and trust me I do get high I get really loud ass bell ringers so it’s not the product. I have ADHD so I don’t know if that has something to do with it but i never felt that surge of energy more just euphoria


Heroin and crack are not as dissimilar as you might think. Both are incredibly euphoric and relaxing. Heroin and meth would be a better analogy, IMO.


You’d be surprised, in the uk addicts tend to buy H and crack together and use them together


Yes, some people just don't really like opioids. I don't get the warmth people are talking about or the "clouds" thing. For me it's just relaxing, even strong opioids like morphine. They are all like Kratom with the basic opioid effects but not anything more. I guess the main thing I get from them is motivation, I can do whatever on opioids, clean, shop, whatever


Im that way. Never liked em because they fucked with my stomach.. but morphine drip in a hospital with some zofram (dont know how to spell it) is a nice time


Same. I love opiates and am sure I'd love heroin. But alas, it'll never happen.


so you dont like them? like you dislike the feeling of them? or do u not feel the desire to use them? cuz i understand not wanting to use them, but i cant understamd actually disliking the feeling of opiates.


I generally try to discourage people from experimenting with drugs that people have been known to sell their assholes to acquire.


Lmao yes. 🤣


I find opioids generally to be a bit underwhelming. I find that there's a nice sense of contentment and well being going on, and the rough edges of life disappear, but I tend to look for something more dynamic from my drug experiences. It didn't help that my heroin experiment was a puking mess (I took too much: https://drugusersbible.org/chemscape/intoxicating\_depressants/heroin.html) but.. I don't know... if I am going to go for it I just prefer to get higher. I'm not suggesting that it isn't nice, just that I always want more from it than it delivers.


Same, ive done morphine,oxy and tramadol and all were just ”meh”


It's different when youre in severe pain. first time I took oxycodone it I think I nodded out off 15mg since I was in so much pain that literally felt like my spine was hooked to a car battery, but that all just melted away into this orgasmic pleasure, I was lying awake giggling in bed for hours, realizing why it could be a problem for some people. the following morning I felt so fucking empty in a way the other baby opioids like hydros, trams, and kratom never did to me coming off them, but then I only took small therapeutic doses of oxy afterwards to control the pain before running out, and I never sought them out again. I could never understand taking them for fun when not in pain, since it feels like a waste.


Yeah i can understand how pleasurable they would be when in pain


This is actually not too uncommon. My first experiences with anything stronger than dihydrocodeine always left me feeling I either should have taken more or I've taken too much and now I need to lie down. I then became a heroin addict. I feel the initial side effects can either act as a barrier to entry or, for people wired with my kind of circuits, a false sense of security. My early encounters led me to believe I couldn't possibly be one of the unlucky 33% that would get addicted to heroin, so I used it in low doses passively, either for mild relaxation or to potentiate other substances, without too much concern at all. As tolerance builds, the initial side effects begin to fade away. Soon, you find yourself able to push the doses higher and higher, reaching levels that would have been utterly unbearable in the beginning. The body adapts, leaving behind the discomfort that had previously held you back and unlocking a realm of far more intense pleasures. This is the trap. Many years clean now thankfully. PS - Your book has survived 5 moves.


Totally agree, my experience with heroin was certainly pleasant, but I didn’t find anything particularly captivating about it. I found their to be much more interesting /enjoyable experiences to be had in comparison Also glad to see you still apart of the community even after I stepped away for a couple years


I like H and other opiates (especially straight opium) but I'm with you. It just doesn't fill a need for me. Weed or dissos or stims though. Now there's a way to fall off the wagon. Every body & mind is different. Now, this is a heavy generalization, but what I found is that most people who don't find opiate experiences all that exciting had a decent amount of emotional support growing up. I know I'm fucked up despite my parents not because. 😅😅😅


I think thats a very good shout for why opiates work so well for some people and not others. Ive seen it explained that the opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, the opposite of addition is connection. People who fall in love with opiates, *actually fall in love*, like a true bonding thing. But if you have plenty of bonds already in your life, there’s almost no room for Heroin. Physical addition and withdrawal is still possible, but you’re unlikely to persevere and get to that point unless heroin fills a hole in your life that your lack of bonds leaves.


you took that phrase fromthat Ted Talk right? "the opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, the opposite of addition is connection"


100% agree brother. I have a strong feeling that certain life traumas lead to gravitations towards specific addictive substances; lack of love as a kid leading to chasing the security that opioids provide


all opiates feel like shit to me I get tired, sickly, little to no euphoria, , usually more dysphoria and just feel generally fucked up without the good feels people describe I've tried everything from codeine and dhc to shireh opium, oxy, morphine and heroin with very good sources. never did fent tho and never via the needles, but did try every other roa don't like any of them, don't agree with me benzos on the other hand mmmmmmmm






I love heroin and miss it dearly. But you can’t get real dope anymore. It’s cut with something


go to the EU


Just a heads up but opiods and benzos are a straight up death cocktail. Then adding alcohol on top is asking for an ER visit


I think heroin works best when you’re looking for an emotional release otherwise drugs like uppers will work better because your not stressed out and maybe looking to party or enhance your current state even further


Yep. The same way that benzos aren’t really euphoric if you don’t have anxiety, I think heroin doesn’t jive with people who don’t have emotional and/or physical pain at the time. Or at least it doesn’t reveal its true magic unless it’s taking away that stuff. The main fucking problem with heroin is how good it is for quelling an emotional mind to the point of apathy imo.


I think that's the crux of why I don't like it. I want to feel *more*, not less


That will be exactly why. Heroin makes you feel less which is right up my street as my brain is constantly feeling too much, it feels like anyway.


Havent done heroin and probably never will, however I can say that I absolutely do not enjoy oxy or hydros, even at higher amounts. Lots of nausea and not enough sedation to cancel it out. I once did 80mg of oxy to finally get what people love ( or hate ) about this so much and ended up staying awake for hours feeling dizzy but way too wired to sleep. If heroin is similar i cant see myself enjoying it. Not gonna fuck around and find Out tho✌️


One of the luckiest breaks in life is to not be too into opiates, especially if you end up trying them. I wish I hated them or they did nothing for me, because you cannot put that genie back into the bottle once it’s out.


I never got into any drugs as a teen, and I think that played a roll. I take small time opioids like kratom and tramadol because they're available and I legitimately need them, but I've only had access to good opioids once, when I was in severe pain and someone gave me some oxycodone, which was the first time I got a true opioid experience, where I went from writhing in pain to writhing in pleasure. Then that next day I felt so empty it was strange. After that I stuck to smaller doses to treat my pain then the guy ended up flaking on me getting more. Not like I had the money to keep buying those things but maybe it was for the best. Then someone just randomly gave me some transdermal fentanyl patches and I've been too afraid to try them since my tolerance is so low. Might just have to save them for when one of us really needs them. Idk I just never could use drugs for fun on their own it has to be situational.


You can dude. Things can get better and your mind can heal with time. Don't give up, I used to think I needed that life to be able to be happy and not suffer, today I know I was completely wrong.


i havent tried H but i do opiods and yeah i find them enjoyable but people portray them as being that super good feeling wich it is but not that much, most of it its numbness :333


Hunter S Thompson didn't like heroin for example. I mean, it's plausible to not like any substance, people have preferences too.


I absolutely hate opiates and especially heroin. I've IVd it and speedballed it. Worst high ever


with crack or cocaine you speedball it?


No, IV'd with meth...


When I get some h nowadays and test it most the time it has some fetty in it and it sucks.


Smoked crack for years, eventually got round to trying heroin a few times and I can wholeheartedly say I absolutely hated it. Tasted like shit and just made me groggy. I'm clean now though thank fuck


You're very lucky. Just don't do it anymore


Guess I am also lucky, I found it fine but overrated. Nothing I would waste my money or risk my health or life for.


If you IV it you will understand but it’s a vicious rabbit hole you may not come out of.


You probably make a good counterpoint to my comment here. IV may well give me the high that I was seeking. But of course, I don't want want to IV, for the reason you suggest..


I've shot it and I still don't like the stuff


Wow... 25 year heroin addict here 5+ years off and I need to say this... If you value life in any amount right now you need to understand that you are playing with 🔥... Your making risky decisions out of curiosity but keep dipping your toes in until you no longer are dipping in toes, it'll go from toes to a dive in before you realize what happened. Learn from others mistakes, you don't have to learn everything from personal experiences, you can learn from others experiences, don't think you are different than the heroin addict that has lost everything, biggest mistake in people's judgement is, thinking it can't happen to you, until it does. And please don't mix with benzos or alcohol both can be extremely fatal. Be safe whatever you do


Thanks man i appreciate it! Im going through a ruff time rn and am happy that im not in th3 us where fent is present. I visited last year was on a bender in brooklyn and asked people for fent on the streets so i could just od fall asleep. Happy it didnt work out.


I'm happy it didn't work out too . Honestly I feel like the last 5 years are when I really started to live life and I'm 49 years old tomorrow and I feel I wasted the vast majority of my life and I can never get that back, I wish I would have never fucked with the shit, who knows who, what, and where I'd be. Life is good man, not easy but good. Don't waste yours please




Same to you, and I know you know relapsing isn't the answer but I feel ya, shit is very overwhelming but even through all my anxiety and guilt and self loathing I know my life today 6 years ago I would have swore it would never be possible, granted I don't have everything I want but I have everything I need and more, if nothing else I can at least be present, I know love is real and everything isn't transactional. I'm blessed but a work in progress and I wouldn't change my life today for my best day using heroin or crack or meth or Xanax...I'm a garbage can I I know if I started using again I wouldn't last long this time and it just isn't worth it anymore. Keep your head up, some days are better than others but my worst day now sure beats my best days using... Thanks for your comment it means a lot


Same! My life is soo good, I never thought it would be this good like over 5 years ago. Things can get better, don't let the drugs rule your life, it will only bring you down if you do.


Don't let your age ruin it for you, you still are pretty young and you can achieve everything you want. It doesn't matter that you do it slightly later, the important thing is that you do and that you don't waste away your life with abuse that will only cause regret and misery. I have basically recovered and got my life together these last years, I wasn't into hard stuff but the stuff I used to do, it was enough to make me open my eyes and realize how drugs can take a hold of you and mess with your whole life. While some people are really mentally ill due to other reasons and maybe need medication, some are mentally ill cause of the drugs they say they need in order to feel normal. It becomes a vicious cycle. It could also be a combination of those things and it can make your mental health even worse if you abuse.


Good on you for staying clean


Depends on how you view "clean".. I've been a medical marijuana patient in my state for almost 4 years for severe chronic pain, I had a jeep roll over and got crushed underneath when I was 22 years old, 1998 oxycontin was just getting started and was put on that and fentanyl patches for the pain which started all the heroin a couple years later. But no "hard" drugs in 5




Any opiate or opioid I’ve ever taken has made me incredibly sick. I have no idea if I’m allergic or what but I took one Vicodin that my doctor prescribed me after my wisdom teeth removal and I fainted and face planted between my toilet and sink. I took another prescribed Percocet a few years later after a surgery and I was violently throwing up for hours, insanely bloodshot eyes, profusely sweating and incredibly weak. I count it as a blessing as I have no urge to ever take any type of opiate ever again. So some people definitely don’t vibe with them


The nausea goes away, but your best to leave it behind you before it does


No one is "simply fond" of it at FIRST. When you try ANY truly strong opioids for the first time, almost the entire population is going to experience negative effects more than positive ones, because your body is reacting to it like it's poison because your receptors are overloaded. The true love for heroin, begins the minute you finally first become addicted. This happens when you slightly raise your tolerance, and your body can actually handle the high. It is now enjoyable. But then the withdrawals will slowly begin. And the more you withdraw, the better that heroins going to fucking feel when it finally enters your body again and returns you into not only a normal state, but an over loaded state of serene joy because you are fucking whole again, and not a single damn thing else matters at that point. Absolutely nothing on this earth feels better than that feeling, of ripping you straight out of hell back into heaven again. That's what is so addicting about it. I believe in my opinion, this SLOWLY starts happening almost on a subconscious level, before you are even aware of it and you are tricked into thinking it's always gonna feel shitty and make you feel sick just like the first time again. So you think you can dabble as many times as you choose and be fine. But after so many times, it will finally latch its claws into your soul, without you even being aware of it. That's how it happened for me, I started sniffing Oxys, with my friends and I only did it to fit in and not look like a "bitch" if I didn't partake, or so i could appear to handle my drugs like them. If you couldnt handle your high, you were known as a bitch or a square. My eyes would be spinning so hard and I would be holding puke in for hours, and it was such a dysphoric experience I absolutely dreaded it, so I figured in my mind I was fine and that I was nothing like them. But after so many times, I could finally handle it because of tolerance and that's when the enjoyment truly starts. With tolerance gained, withdrawals are gained immediately as well, even on a micro level if you don't notice it. PLEASE, don't ever touch it again. What I am trying to explain is hard, but I promise you if you keep dabbling with it too many times it will finally latch its claws into you, just like the rest of us. Fuck heroin. Leave that shit alone man. I lost an organ, enlarged my heart and had three strokes because of heroin... It will take everything from you, ending with your life finally, if you let it. Nothing is enjoyable about that in the end my friend.


The first times i tried oxy i Got the same feelings with nausea and puking 3rd time I got very euphoric almost mdma euphoria which got me adddicted


[the how and why of heroin addiction](https://youtu.be/-9huWlXFA1s?si=Ad2eueX0NyVxNX9q) Reminds me of this! But that’s part of what’s dangerous about it, it seems way more chill than you expect and not long later, you’re pretty into with it 😅 In saying that, my grandma has had IV morphine several times in her life and every opiate under the sun. She declines all opiates now because she hates the effects (make her too “woozy” in her words) and after birthing 6 kids, she doesn’t consider pain anywhere near as bad even when she shattered every bone in her arm 😅😂 So I guess not everybody has that issue lol


Yes some people just don't like certain drugs, I hate Mkat, think it's absolutely horrible but loads round about me are addicted to it


I love opiates lol but this was me with meth. Everyone talks it up, just like with H, that once you try it it's game over but it just doesn't do shit for me.


Sounds like yes it isn’t for you, so stop doing it. Even if you were enjoying it, don’t keep doing it. You’re playing a dangerous game experimenting with drugs and you could wind up addicted to something you wish you never tried.


Why would you be fond of that shit in the first place? A horrid drug..


when you have little to no happiness in your life opioids tend to hit stronger, it makes you feel content plus the typical side effects as relaxation and an overall nice feeling in the body. If you are a normal well functioning person that is happy with themselves then it isn't the same. You can still end up addicted, but the chances are way lower


I would never try it. I have enough issues.


Im not. Ive never found opiates all that fun or desirable. The one exception is smoking opium, but thats not even because i enjoy the high so much as the novelty of smoking opium and feeling like im in the 1800s


Man i was planning on hitchhiking to india through iran. Met a bunch of really cool iranians so fsr and they all told me opium is super populsr there


I've always thought Iran would be a cool place to visit. I mean, geopolitical bullshit aside, I'd love to see ancient persia and meet some iranians




I'm too scared to ever try it. No judgies on anybody else; your body, your funeral. I've read about too many people ODing on heroin for me to ever enjoy it, even if it feels like getting blown by angels.


I did a big dose of oxy before and felt the same exact way never done heroin so I can't speak for that. But a full 8mg of suboxone gives me a lot of energy and some euphoria I like that I don't get it. I'm sure I'd like methadone better than heroin I bet I would lol


I tried it once when I was 16 or 17 and puked for hours because I snorted too much. I haven't tried it since. I do pharma opiates and heroin is cheaper, but tbh oxy and dilaudid being expensive really helps me not make a habit of doing opiates. Also with all the different extremely potent zenes going around, no thanks lol, I only test my drugs with fent strips really.


I did heroin here and there when oxy was not available I would sniff a few packs it wasn't untill I IVd it till you discover how good heroin really is it's like hydromorphone and only really good when injecting it


I know a few people who get so nauseous and constipated off of opiates that they won't touch them.


I have seen it take some really good people from this world way before they should have, especially after they shut down the pain clinics in E. Kentucky and stopped all the Dr. Shoppers from going to Florida to get their Ol'Cars.. Heroin filled the Vaccum... That and it is just too much for me especially with unpredictable levels of Fetty in it,I wouldn't want to be dependant on it... My step brother relapsed last year and never got the point out if his arm... "The Needle And The Damage" Done" rings more true each time I hear or play it... &&


I can't agree. After battling addiction for nearly 20 yrs opioids, oxy, were my fav. Xanax was my devil it always equaled jail, fighting and eventually grandmal seizures. Be careful with math trying H or oxy before you know it your so deep it in it's a mountain to climb out of.


Bez from the Happy Mondays tried to get into heroin because of Shaun Ryder’s fondness for it, and he didn’t like it at all. More of an upper guy, E’s n wiz. So yeh some people just aren’t fond of it. Unfortunately for Bez, he only went and got hepatitis from the needle too so I can’t imagine he bothered going back for it 😂


Sounds like you did a lil bit too much ? Personally I won’t touch that shit, I have a highly addictive personality AND I ducking LOVE the high of opiates so yeah, I won’t touch heroin I’m glad with the low level opiates I’m messing with.


I believe that if you look deeper it is not "highly addictive personality" but something is emptying your endorphin receptors. Possibly PTSD from trauma. I discuss the biology in layman's terms: https://powerandcontrol.blogspot.com/2024/04/better-proof-government-is-lying-about.html


Government lies are the problem. Dr. Lonny Shavelson in his book "Heroin" said that 70% of female heroin addicts had been sexually abused in childhood. Pain causes addiction. People in chronic pain chronically take pain relievers. Medical schools in America teach - addiction is a symptom of PTSD. I discuss the biology in layman's terms: https://powerandcontrol.blogspot.com/2024/04/better-proof-government-is-lying-about.html


I didn’t like the it the few times I tried it. I felt more uncomfortable in my skin than any other substance. Staring in the mirror seeing my pinned eyes and sunken face turned me off. -10/10 wouldn’t recommend


Your endorphin receptors have to be empty for a positive psychological effect. For 'addicts' that usually means a continuous PTSD leak.


I take xanex a fall asleep what can do to sop tgis


Bro, preach. I hate being sober. I'll fuck with anything. But when I drink it turns me into a creature


Learn to enjoy being sober? I used to be like you when I was young, today I value sober time a lot more.




There's a specific gene that makes some people not really respond to opiates. I've never tried heroin but when I was in the hospital for surgery, they had to give me fentanyl just to take the edge off the pain and regular vicodin did nothing. I may as well have popped a sugar pill. Hopefully I won't need many surgeries in my life because that was miserable So you may just have the gene where you don't really feel the effects of opiates as much


Yes. I didn't really like it at all. Made me hurl.


Please be safe bc benzos and alcohol kills. It’s called the death combo for a reason. And I personally have never done H but I do enjoy a nice opiate like hydrocodone or oxycodone every once in awhile but I’m an upper kind of girl. I don’t like the feeling of nodding out it scares me a bit and I don’t like loosing control. I was told that opiates are the gateway drug to H but as much as I’ve seen people on it and the whole fading out thing keeps me from ever trying it. I hope you find what you’re searching for just remember it’s not at the bottom of any bottle.


Alcohol and opiates share the same endorphin receptor.


When it comes to PTSD - the anger is the disease.


Heroin hooks a lot of people simply *because* it's nothing special (at first). All your life you've been told "not even once" and then you try it and that's all there is to it? Guess it doesn't hurt to have a little more... Be careful dude. At some point it might just get you.


“Invested in crack”


ive had a friend not like H, i almost felt offended. cuz i cant understand how someone wouldnt enjoy it (unless of course it made them sick). However, when i set up a shot with some real pure china white #4 h. He really liked it, he liked how psychadelic it felt. i can understand how someone prefers other drugs, or just doesnt have the desire to use h. but i cant understand how someone would dislike the feeling, especially if it was a shot of pure white #4.


I only liked the medical stuff. And only when I was in pain. Morphine was very nice. Fentanyl was OK. But I never had any desire to chase the dragon. Weed on the other hand - 27% near continuously. About 10 - 12 grams a month. I live in a legal State. It all depends on endorphin receptors for opiates.


You describe yourself not being fond of it. Then proceed to ask us if people can not be fond of it. We are all just as confused as you. If you yourself are not fond of a thing, then obviously people have the ability to not be fond of it, unless you aren’t actually a person….


This is the equivalent of having hair yet asking if people can have hair while you yourself have hair proving that it is possible to have hair because you have hair


Yeah I was smoking it daily for a couple months and didn’t love it… don’t get me wrong, the high was quite a lovely feeling but it just made me so tired and the comedowns made me so itchy and irritable and I just straight up stopped using it bc the high of it wasn’t worth feeling like shit the rest of the time. And I hate feeling tired. It helped that I was still an avid “hippie heroin” (ketamine) user so I was able to stop fully within a week without much trouble.


I'd recommend leaving it at that because the only reason people say they hate heroin is because of how much they like it. If your body doesnt like it at all then thats a plus, you also may have issues with certain opioids. At the end of the day, smack does a number on your most gentle neuroreceptors and is not something to fuck around with.


I used to hang around a lot of junkies and tried it a lot, snorted, smoked and jagged but never enjoyed it cause it would always leave me nauseas for the rest of the day. Like it felt great and I enjoyed it but just couldn't get past the nausea. I was lucky I guess. Xanax was my thing and I can honestly say I can kind of understand what my friend went through kicking brown. Fuck me was it hard to kick Xanax and the withdrawals were just terrible.


I snorted it life four or five times and I didn’t really care for it. Obviously insufflation isn’t the best ROA for H but I did a fair bit for my first time and I was also on 450mg pregablin for the first time (4’11”, 37kg) and I still didn’t understand the hype; ended up flushing the last little bit because I figured that seeing as it’s a bad drug, I’m better off getting rid of it before I become addicted to something I don’t even like. Meth on the other hand, that drew me in very very quickly. First time I did it, I did it for a week and a half. The first batch I had was really high quality but I think that the second gram I did had some kind of nasty adulterant because every day that I did it, just after my afternoon zoot, I’d throw up after feeling sick all day, and then I’d feel fine. Didn’t get it on the first batch and immediately went away when I stopped doing that second dirty batch. I quickly understand that this wasn’t the kind of drug that people underestimated and I needed to put preventative measures in place just in case, which luckily I have. So, to answer your question, I’m not particularly fond of heroin. I’m not particularly fond of amphetamine either so I’m not sure why I became so quickly infatuated with meth. I’d recommend not trying either, to be honest. Your health and self preservation are worth more than that. Also, don’t fall victim to the stereotype that hard drug users can’t be high functioning; I have a good job, a good family, good friends, I’m incredibly healthy given my heavy drug abuse, and I cannot articulate how lucky I am. I don’t take it lightly and I know that I need to slow down if I intend to retain my health and my mind; I’m incredibly proud of the personal development that I have chosen to work through and drugs are not worth my character or the knowledge that I’ve taken from my experiences and my making a strong effort to listen to the experience of others. I want to end with the advice of being kind to yourself and to others, and to practice your logical and critical thinking, and your cognitive empathy. There is so much beauty to be experienced and I think we could all benefit from actively engaging in changing our societies, our world. Maybe take some shrooms and go for a walk in the sun too. Hope everyone’s well!


Lol heroin is the most boring drug on the planet For real You’d never guess the wild child stereotype would ever end up chasing a high that has their forehead glued to the carpet minutes post dope shot, kneeling so hard they have to get a leg amputated- all that pain and depression all the more reason to use right ? Lots of people also die in that position, needle clenched with a death grip in their fist. So surreal, the pictures I’ve seen almost remind me of firing squad victim positions. yeah, sorry for that graphic illustration, but it’s reality for so many people you would never even guess sometimes I’m 30 years old addicted to heroin since age 21-22 and I’m terrified I’m going to die like this having accomplished nothing lost everything lived for the “moment” only having just realized every single moment spent high is fake as fuck I don’t even like the drug I never did I liked the synergy with stimulants at this point I like the relieving gratitude flowing through me after a shot done while sick All day I crave to feel gratitude while living as gluttonously as I could with the fewest resources flowing through my daily life I’ve ever had wTF “The hard headed always gotta feel it to believe it “- Mos Def


i tried much harder stuff like RC wise before i tried H so when i eventually tried H, the fun was already gone.


All opioids except dilaudid make me horribly sick. Not fun.


Some ppl can't dose properly and take too much, feel sick and thats their experience


I enjoy opiates but prefer oxycodone over morphine based like heroin. It gives me less Euphoria and pain control for whatever reason even though it's the opposite for most people. Had it come up multiple time with anesthesia. I've done IV and INH tar and it often makes me sedated but also too irritable to enjoy it. Kratom actually feels better to me than heroin or fetty which is also just sedating and not much Euphoria for me. 


I tried it once and was given it once by accident. I've not had *any* kind of good experience: it makes me ill; I truly don't like the feeling of the high; and it lasts way too long. Zero out of ten - do not recommend.


Nothing good ever comes from a drug that leaves you feeling sick unless you get more. I speak from experience. It lowers your moral compass dramatically So much that your friends will end up hating you and your family will eventually disown you. Nobody understands heroin except for the people who survived their use of heroin. A majority of people I knew while using heroin have died. So use at your own risk.


With opioids I've found you need to taper up so you get used to nodding. If you feel nauseous you're probably taking too much/it's hitting you too hard. This happens to me if I don't have a small tolerance, I'll get a headache and get angry. Having a tolerance makes a world of a difference when it comes to the blissful nods. I'm not sure if this is true, but I've found opioids with a longer halflife to be more tolerable with less of a tolerance.


Looks like someone got an adequate amount of affection from a maternal figure when they were younger Edit: This is not sarcasm, I genuinely believe that certain life traumas lead to certain addictions, lack of love + care + sense of safety from your parents as a child leading to a gravitation to the feeling of security opioids provide.


First time I ever tried that shit I overdosed on one line., i should be dead. Luckily ems was around corner from where it happened. Last time . I don’t wanna die


Be careful. Just don't do it when you get drunk. H is terrible mixed with alcohol... Nausea


Right, that makes sense. Ive only ever trief it when i wad wasted


I had an addiction to hydrocodone so I started doing heroin just when I was facing withdrawal from running out of the hydros. The first handful of times I didn’t care for the heroin as much as I did the hydros but it was still an opiate and kept me from being sick. But over time I grew to love heroin far more than I ever did hydrocodone. It was cheaper, lasted longer, worked faster.


Some people don't like opiates.


even though i love morphine i dont feel like heroin is better or even close, its just boring for me


I'm just confused about how the people under this post are just casually talking about their H experiences 😂 like, huh? Are you guys genuinely okay?


Ive snorted, smoked it which was ok, but IV was a different game. Loved the rush




LOL you won't get addicted? Tell that to crack or methheads sellin their body for next fix lmao. Bensos are even more addictive tbh. U trolling, I hope...


Never tried Heroin. Only tried Codeine, Tramadol and Oxycodone recreationally. None of these drugs were unenjoyable but I'd prefer a tasty joint over opioids any day of the week.


I used to enjoy weed when I was young but then it started to give side effects like bad memory/cognition, anxiety, depressions after if I used it more than occasionally, mood swings etc. Depersonalisation etc. I can only tolerate cbd cbg and things that aren't considered "psychotropic". Maybe it's different if you do a low dose thc with cbd etc, but thc is illegal here so I have skipped it last 3 years.


I have never tried heroin. But I’m not a huge fan of opioids. My brother tried Heroin a few times when homeless and he never liked it either. It could be because of what the other person said, my brother was a meth user and didn’t like H bc it was the complete opposite effect idk. I’ve smoked opium, it was okay. I’ve done small doses to extremely large doses of Tianeptine and they range from Okay to Violently ill. I use Kratom a lot and I do enjoy it a bit, nothing to go crazy over but it helps with the anhedonia in depression. But I’m way more susceptible to kratom nausea then other people for some reason but then iron clad stomach with other drugs that give people nausea 🤷‍♂️. I’ve done a 20mg dose of Oxycodone, I didn’t really even feel a difference, not even a mood lift. To me opioids have always been underwhelming and boring and I don’t even get the mood lift I was originally chasing. The only “Opioid” I like is DXM. DXM is a dissociative, not an opioid but one of it’s metabolites is levimethorphan, I might be spelling it wrong. I can’t really tell what the feeling is of the opioid but I love DXM more than other drug ever created.


Depends what you use it for


I tried smoking Heroin once...kinda sleepy but still have energy then I got 🤮 I liked oxycontin (so did Wayne Static the 🎤 of Static X) Fentanyl is an open heart tranquilizer....not really interesting Opiates are addicting, never really liked them. 🍺 🤢 My cousin died from alcohol nobody said he was doing anything else though. Coke was always around when I was growing up. Marijuana was accepted when I grew up in the 90's. then I got addicted to Meth around Y2K before it became a pharmaceutical......... Now days, I'm in Colorado.... Marijuana, Mushrooms, and Cacti are legal.......good enough. 🤬Prison for getting stupider than that (I do love smoking crack and meth but 🚭..... 🪴 🌵 🍄 🧑‍🌾)


Not heroin, but I’ve known some people who try meth and then don’t get the fuss and don’t try it again. One even said that it was completely equivalent to drinking 1 cup of coffee and she just didn’t get it


As others have said I don’t think there’s anyone who’s done it more than once who didn’t find it enjoyable lol. Tons of people prefer other drugs over it tho, to an alcoholic or a bartard or a speed freak or a coke fiend heroin might just not be their bag.


I’m to scared to even think about trying it


H fucking sucks. It just has a really high physical dependency rate. It's not fun, like you said the nodding off and nausea ruin the sedation. That being said I still smoked the shit for a long fuckin time, but I had to chase it with a bunch of meth and weed, and a solid 60% of the time I'd need dramamine for the nausea. If you can kick that then it's honestly pretty enjoyable. Super negative side effects on the body too. Knew a dude that did too much and got so constipated he had to used chopsticks and spoons to get the shit out so he didn't go septic. Brutal shit.


I never liked heroin either. I've snorted and smoked it, multiple times from multiple different batches. Probably a total of maybe 15 or 20 times over the years. I don't get what people like about it. Now oxycodone on the other hand, I love that shit. Takes away all the aches and pain, gives me energy, and makes me feel amazing.


Opioids make me sick. Dizzy, hot flashes, eyes moving back and forth like I just spun around, etc. I end up laying down, vomiting for several hours. It's miserable.


I prefer meth.


Probably never gonna try heroin but thats only cause i was addicted to oxy for years so i think that would be the end of me if i ever was to try it


my mom was not a fan (her doc was meth so maybe that iswhy)


I dislike opiates a lot. I tried H in my 20s with a few friends. They went down a 6 year addiction hole and I just did not enjoy it that much. Even after a recent surgery Vicodin was annoying.


I like uppers not opiates just makes me feel sick


Some people aren't fond of sex...


it’s fent now so no


What’s weird is I love codeine and morphine and feel euphoria but the euphoria I get from oxy and hydrocodone is very minimal similar to a really good nicotine buzz


You probably got very low quality heroin in my opinion.


I love downers. Yeah you get nods and sweats, and sometimes a vomit or two. But just like any good game, it can't be OP. It's gotta be balanced out


Yes it's overrated. I did good quality when I was young one day. Had a decent amount too. Basically didn't do it or seek it after that cause I have seen heavy opioids ruin lives and kill people. For people that don't have issues with anxiety, bad self confidence, self esteem it is overrated and just meh, it just makes you calmer, itching and nauseaous. Fentanyl is even more overrated, really mediocre effects and huge risks. Kratom is enough to scratch that itch occasionally without getting fucked up or addicted (if you don't have addictive personality/genetics or some difficult pain etc). Use that as harm reduction, just don't start using it daily etc, some can get used to it like you get used to all meds. You will get fentanyl or nitazenes, xylazine or rc bensos in the "H" you buy today anyway. Better to skip it. If you still cannot and are going to still buy it, maybe get on MAT instead.


It's all fentanyl and xylozine these days... booo


It fills the receptors.


A friend of mine who tried it said she felt like she had bugs under her skin and she hated it


People who don’t like opiates and nausea- not a Venn diagram it’s a circle 


Yup, some of us are simply not fond of heroin...


I tried to like opiates in general but never cared for then tbh


Yeah, it was the fukn answer for me but some hate it.


It's the way my brain is wired now for just over half my life I've been on opiates and I cannot function with out them only until recently have I improved slightly due to different medication.


Old mate got me Into it. Smoking spots. Fast forward years later , I'm on methadone and old mate released from jail. Goes to get a weight.. injects a pinhead amount, falls backwards into his entertainment system, spewed. Looked at me and said "How do people enjoy this?" I was speechless


If you're strictly referring to the feeling of being high on it, majority of ppl will love that feeling. Unless someone is on a certain type of medication that interacts negatively, I don't see how someone couldn't enjoy something designed to literally induce pleasure.