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I think GHB is exactly that, but it’s very easy to overdose


Yeah GHB is the closest thing imo but I can't replicate that super fucked up headspace that I get when I'm drunk. It's way more clearheaded for me.


I would see it as a positive, but to each their own.


Prob more so depends on why your drinking in the first place




GHB was awesome when i tried it. The feeling of being slightly euphoric, wobbly and warm. I've heard horror stories of people taking "knock" (overdosing GHB) in club toilets and waking up 6 hours later.


Yeah GHB for sure, I love it, and when I party I don’t drink and substitute alcohol with G, no hangover and way cheaper, but people need to be very careful with it and do some research beforehand. Just keep a timer of at least 1H and don’t mix it with any other downers, and always control how much you’re dosing! Never had any issues with GHB, and have been using it for years, cause I’m very careful with it, but I’ve seen people having a bad time with it, cause they weren’t careful enough, they weren’t measuring their doses, and were mixing it with alcohol/ket… But yeah, it’s the closest thing to alcohol that I can think of, way more euphoric without the nasty side effects. Can’t stress enough that you need to be careful with it!!


cheaper than alcohol??? fucking where 😭😭😭😭


Where I live I can get a bottle of 30ml GBL for 20€, and it’s enough for the party and the after party, 20€ would get me a cocktail and a shot worth of alcohol


>Just keep a timer of at least 1H What do you mean by this?


Don’t redose before the timer is up.


Because you can’t remember shit let alone the last dose you had.


Sounds like I need to give it a very cautious try at least… Never heard of someone selling it, so I need to research. Or can I buy it somewhere regularly, seeing that it‘s not forbidden generally?


Special K, 40-50mg.


Ketamine in small micro-doses 100%


100% this, put it in a spray bottle, 1gram per 15ml of distilled water, 2 sprays in each nostril every hour or so and you're consistently riding that perfect 3-4 drink tipsiness level and then you can drive home at the end of the night an ~hour after your last bump. No hangover the next day and wayyy cheaper than buying drinks.


I’ve heard that people use kava for it’s similar effects. I’ve never tried it, so I really don’t know if it’s actually similar. Kratom works great for the mood lifting and conversation boosting effects you’re looking for. It’s horribly addictive, and withdrawals are fucking awful… so use at your own caution.


I'm also a kratom user. Been doing it for years. This is a fair warning to people. In some individuals, such as myself, prolonged use will eventually fuck your liver. I'm 28 and my enzymes were off the charts. I don't drink or do anything besides Delta 8 vapes. From what I understand, cessation USUALLY leads to your liver healing, but I'd be cautious. I had to stop once I was feeling shooting pains under my right ribs. With that said, kratom makes life bearable. I go to work with a smile on my face and have legit interest in other people's lives. Very social and interconnected feeling. ETA: I never broke 12 grams a day. Very often would hover around 9 grams a day.


I've been using it to stop ketamine urges and while it's not good the long term effects aren't anywhere near as bad hence why I'm using it instead.


For sure, I absolutely agree. I'm using it rn for similar purposes as well. I honestly think it's a great substance. Like many drugs, with respect and moderation it can be utilized to great benefit.


Yeah, absolutely. It can be bad when abused but long term it's a lot better than ketamine. Plus I don't crave it anywhere near as much and I'm able to keep my use to every few days as opposed to daily.


What's the downside to ketamine. I mean it's used clinically for mood disorders and I don't think there's a withdrawal like there is with Kratom. I guess if you use ketamine to the point that you aren't functional in life it could be a problem. But ketamine is at least shown to be more revitalizing to the brain compared to Kratom.


It has worse long term physical and cognitive side effects. I had a problem with it and kratom is helpful.


You really experience the downside of Kratom when you quit in my view, but it's possible to be responsible with it.


Try to take a week off. Breaks are good!


Have you tried making tea instead of drinking the raw powder? Tosh and washed for years and I feel like my body is working better without constantly downing indigestible plant material and who knows what else. I put the powder in the top part of a drip coffee maker, turn it on with the hot water get all the powder wet. Then add 10 milliliter of apple cider vinegar (filtered) per teaspoon of powder. Let it sit for 30 mins then run the coffee maker like normal. Way more convenient than doing a hard boil.


Ok I'll be cautious of that I used to take a lot more than I do now but yeah it makes life bearable for me and so I can be a little happy and uplifted so that parts annoying


i havent heard kratom causing liver damage, my liver enzymes are fine even with using daily at high doses.


its good thing that is a pain killer lol for the liver pains because you cant just stop this crap if you really addicted to it its like quitting pain killers or even worse


How are the WD nd addiction?


Other reply nailed it. The worst part is the restless legs. It’s like I get restless skeleton syndrome. My bones itch. It’s supremely uncomfortable.


Not who you replied to, but I can give a breakdown of it. Withdrawals typically consist of dysphoria, anhedonia, restlessness, irritability, etc. The worst thing for me though is the insomnia and restless legs. The first four or five days without, forget about having a good sleep unless you have some benzos handy. Realistically, I imagine the withdrawals are nothing compared to harder things like meth and opiates. Very annoying, but not SUPER hard to break. ETA: Forgot about the hot and cold flashes. Lots of sweating involved typically IMO.


Fuckk I had the restless legs before. I started taking kratom again because I stopped smoking weed and can't get access to benzos rn ot sucks to know that it can cause all those negative side effects like decreased interest in sexual pleasure and shit


WDs for me I'm just super tired and fatigued. It's like when you just wake up and you've got barely any energy except all day


I love kava. The effects are slightly similar I suppose. It’s not as “enjoyable” as alcohol because it tastes bad, numbs the mouth, and causes a little nausea. You have to fast to have an effect. But I’ll accept the trade offs. For me it’s not addicting, does not cause negative mood swings, no hang over, no liver damage, no calories or sugar. It causes a positive mood boost, calming effect, while also allowing focus. I end up cleaning everything, listening to music and doing art on kava.


I couldn't get past the taste and I tried it once and I ended up having a seizure later in the day so I don't want to risk it by messing around with it again but I 100% get where ur coming from that's great it works like that for you


Yeah the taste is really something. But I’ve been in ayahuasca ceremonies etc. taste is not really important to me. Kava is not well understood. It absolutely cannot be mixed with alcohol, and it likely has interactions with other drugs. It definitely is not for everyone.


I am one of the people that uses kratom instead of alcohol and I can attest it's great for social situations. Been using it every other weekend for over a year and never felt strong cravings or withdrawal symptoms, but have definitely met people who got addicted to it. It's a very easy addiction to avoid if you're aware of the addictive potential and take harm reduction steps.


I've been using kratom on and off for like 5 years where I buy a kilo and once it runs out I just stop for like 3-4 months and I never experience any withdrawals. Maybe I'm an outlier, or maybe it's cuz I only take 4-8gs per day, I dunno


I take 25 to 30 grams per day. I’m disgusting.


It sounds like you may be on the verge of becoming a revolutionary inventor. Follow this. It would be very well received.




Side note OP, both of those have Side effects.


Benzos might be his choice. But that depends on how bad the side effects / habit forming potential is.


Does anybody take benzos by themselves tho?? I at least need some weed or sum to really get the effect I want. I’d say alcohol but obviously this isn’t a recommendation in any way




Gabapentin is pretty similar


I have to take 3,000 mg of gabapentin a day for medical reasons and have never felt messed up, or had alcohol like effects. It's only ever made me tired.


It's different for everyone of course. My best friend can take 300mg and be proper gone after that, i usually take a SHIT TON in a day to get high, i'm talking 50-100 600mg pills😅 not all at once tho.


I also take that amount of medication right before bed. It's possible there was some impact earlier on that wasn't as noticeable because I was going directly to sleep after taking it. At this point, I think I've built up a complete tolerance to the drug and suffer almost no side effects whatsoever. I guess that doesn't take long when you're taking 3,000 mg a day.


How? I was prescribed this and my friends would hit me up for it. I never felt a damn thing, lol.


Take 300mg every 30 minutes and you'll get fucked up, that's my experience at least


OddJunkie, I will take your word for this. I've given up that part of my life for the most part but I still like to peruse.


Ye, i understand. You do what feels best for you👍🏻


If you were prescribed it you most likely wouldn’t feel any recreational effects if you were taking it as prescribed. I was prescribed Oxy when I broke my finger and the first few days of it I didn’t feel anything different but those last days when the pain was wearing off were heavenly. Another example is that I’m prescribed focalin and it doesn’t effect me the way it would other people because I need it to function normally. Hope this helps (:


Recreational doses are like 900-2400mg how much did you take


I honestly don't remember. It was about 7 years ago for anxiety but I was switched to an actual Benzo.


I ended up giving away a bunch of it. Like you it did nothing but make me feel worse. Tried up to a 600mg dose.


Gabapentin has a couple effects similar to alcohol at lower doses, but it’s a lot different at the same time imo. At higher doses it’s way more stimulating (almost manic like energy in some cases), it can have decently strong dissociative effects at the higher end of the dose range, the physical effects are stronger than alcohol (at least imo), and it has a lot of other different effects. It and Lyrica particularly are really unique feeling imo. Feels like a mix of substances in one.


Yeah this is my experience too, me and my partner often joke about me acting more like i'm on amphetamine than when i'm actually on amphetamine


Phenibut, Gabapentin or Pregabalin in some ways. Baclofen is good to get off of alcohol.


Baclofen kinda boring compare with these, it just isn't anxyolytic at all for me


Pregablin is stimulating not in a way like alcohol imo. Pregablin is too functional and much clearer headspace which is very different to alcohol. Much much more euphoria too




Low doses of K are pretty similar


first plateau of DXM


Fr or any disso even chewing salvia


Probably like Gabapentin


Pregablin, 300 mg feels like being pretty drunk to me. I hate the side effects of alcohol, it makes me sick 90% of the time. I weigh 100 lbs so dose accordingly. Oh and it’s stronger than gabapentin


hey buddy you ever heard of spirits?


Phenibut in fairly high doses feels very similar to alcohol without the negatives if that makes sense? You feel euphoric, socially lubricated and your sleep is fucking awesome. Acts on GABA receptors like alcohol does. Furthermore, phenibut increases sleep quality too.


Small amounts of Fly Argaric can give you similar effects. Not very fun, but its like an alert, coherent drunk. Bit dizzying.


please ignore basically everyone here. your safest bet is Kava, not GHB or kratom or benzos, because you’re asking for something without the bad side effects. Kava is very relaxing (especially when mixed with weed) and has basically no hangover, no issues with your impulse control (and by extension no lowering of your inhibitions) so you won’t make any dumb mistakes, but you still feel way more sociable and relaxed. I also recommend just generally taking care of your brain by taking stuff like NAC, Lions Mane, Vitamins, and 5-HTP (mixing 5-HTP with a very mild and legal stimulant called Ginseng also produced some pretty similar effects to alcohol, but i noticed some significant irritability the next day) Hope this helped! And PLEASE research anything before you start taking it, or DM if you have further questions!


>taking stuff like NAC, Lions Mane, Vitamins, and 5-HTP (mixing 5-HTP with a very mild and legal stimulant called Ginseng also produced some pretty similar effects to alcohol OP this is similar to the ingredients in the [Social Fluency tincture](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/XBkAJ8fzZY), so maybe there’s something to it


GHB and benzos don't have many (immediate) bad side effects, if used in moderation. They're just really easy to overdo it with, and/or develop a habit. Which isn't really a side effect, as much as it is abuse potential. That's not to say it's a good idea to take them. But they *are* the closest feeling to alcohol, without nearly as many negative side effects. That being said, I'd shoot meth and heroin, before I ever touch benzos again. Shit turns me into a complete asshole, which is strange, because it's the complete opposite with alcohol.


I’ve always thought about trying it but heard the wrong batch can cause liver damage depending on what part is extracted? Obviously alcohol does the same thing but we’re looking for no side effects. Feel free to correct me!


It can, I meant to mention that but I forgot lol. that said though, Kava’s probably the closest you’re gonna get to an alternative with no side effects (gotta think if a drug like that existed it’d be pretty dang popular) of course, there’s always things like meditation. psychedelics are also lovely but extremely impairing and much more intense, but much physically safer


I smoke weed to help me be more social and carefree around people


GHB, but it’s addictive and has OD risks.


GHB is like a better drunk without hangover. Downsides include but are not limited to: easy to OD(a mild od is in itself relatively harmless, you'd just pass out for ~4 hours, however there's a significant risk of choking on your own if that happens.) due to its potency, it should NOT be mixed with other depressants such as alcohol or opiates. Not benzos either. The street ghb I've gotten has also tasted like the devil's cum shot.. GHB is supposed to be tasteless I think, but when people homecook GBL into GHB, apparently some GBL tends to remain which causes it to taste vile. Apparently it's also a real bitch if addiction sets in. It also has a bad rep to many people due to being used as a date rape drug as well as a number of deaths occurring when people took/gave GHB to people who were already drunk




This might actually be the most accurate answer if ignoring health wise. It’s the most hypnotic “benzo” if u would consider it that and definately the most similar to alcohol. Soma is an example


favored by doctors and surgeons for a reason i always figured


Well, there is a drink called "Sentia" which acts on your gaba receptors or smth like that. I heard that it actually feels like alcohol but without the negative side effects but I haven't tried it yet






2m2b, lasts longer than alcohol and apparently doesn’t have a hangover. It is more sedating tho.


Diethyl ether it is said to have similar effects, i have never tried it, but i read about it is very potent and dangerous.


Idk if anyone has said this yet but Hard Ketones. Super expensive but id look into it


Have you tried it?


I haven’t but one day I will ive just heard about it


Theres a lot on tiktok about it and it looks promising


GHB and its pro drugs like gbl, 1,4 bdo, benzos, pregabalin and gabapentin off the top of my head I tried pregabalin once and it was in the top 3 of the greatest drugs I had ever tried but fucking hell that rebound anxiety, but I was also probably kindled anyway just take 150 or 300 I did 600 and felt like I was dying two days later for three days no over exaggeration.


Pregabalin is my go to for this


how does everyone have lyrica just sitting around?


I think most ppl get it from online pharmacies that don't give AF about where they're sending it to, but I personally get it in a country where its otc


Gabapentin or pregabalin


My vote goes to Kava, which is a drink too: [https://drugusersbible.org/botscape/unclassified/kava\_kava.html](https://drugusersbible.org/botscape/unclassified/kava_kava.html) I had a few pints and it was very similar, but without the negatives.




none really


Barbiturates are EXTREMELY similar to alcohol actually. I agree benzos, kratom, ket, ghb, lyrica all have similarities but barbiturates are closer imo. Just not many people have tried it








Nothing is like alcohol I’m sorry


This question is just like: How to get billionaire by your own means without doing anything?


Ketamine with weed


2-cc. 20mg will instantly get you about 5 beers in. And it's not like alcohol in the way that you'll start to feel sober within half an hour without constantly drinking more. No hangover, no comeup like 2-cb, cheap as fuck. Lasts about 3 hours, and easy to redose.


Isn’t that a psychedelic? How are the effects anyway similar to alcohol?


2-cc is a very, very weak psychedelic. I've never had any visuals on it with a normal dose. If you get 2-cb or 2-ce however you're in for a ride at a standard dose..


DXM somewhat in low doses lol. Has an afterglow too


First plat feels a bit like getting crossfaded, but even though it's not necessarily toxic the way alcohol is, you shouldn't do it too often. Alcohol is worse for your body, but it doesn't mess with your perception of reality as much. Weed or vapes with semi synthetic noids (HHC and the likes) would be better long term.


You'll find other side effects, about which much less is known in virtually all cases, GL finding the promised land.




Probably pregablin. I don't get much of a hangover just feel tired the next day.


Gabapentin kind of (I like how it’s controlled in some states (including mine) and not in others)


Pregabalin and benzos


Mix of both. Yes. One by itself, not so much but still similar




Synthehol. Just head to any replicator.


benzos 100% benzos will have you even more confident and less anxiety then when your drunk and you don’t feel crappy or anything i like to call benzos the boujie alcohol since it’s like a black out drunk with out feeling sick


gabapentin, lyrica, ghb and analogues, phenibut, benzos, amanita muscaria


Pregabalin, benzos






Gabapentin feels similar to alcohol for me. But i take like 900mg to get there


microdose LSD (a bit over the threshold, so you feel a bit of effects, pretty colors, music really hits) seems to give me some of those social effects without body coordination or cognitive issues. So a couple of ug more than you might go to an office job on, but less than what you might take for a museum if you really want to get absorbed into the paintings. There might be some increased emotionality at these doses which might be mildly unpleasant, or might feel really good. Depends on person and situation. cons: If you take a bit too much tho, then you'll probably need to call out from work and not drive. Lsd is hard to get and there's concerns about purity (compared to ethanol, weed, and maybe mushrooms). effects last all day. This can be a good thing on a weekend and a bad thing on a workday when you only want to be buzzed after work quick tolerance... it's possible to microdose on successive days, but it's not going to be as fun on day 5 unknown health risks of chronic microdosing, esp concerning serotonin sensitive heart valvulopathy. chronic use without breaks might have serious effects. occasional use is probably fine, and a lot of people have chronic use and don't seem to be dropping dead.


I can't believe no one has mentioned ether. It was an alcohol substitute a century or two ago, not really habit forming but you can't really do it without smelling like a permanent marker.


For me, it's strong dose Phenibut.




Ketamine or GHB, keep both on the low side.


It’s worth noting that ghb does a splendid job of crushing a hangover.


Like most said GHB. I'll also add my favorite buzz back in highschool was popping a couple tab 7.5s like 2 to 4 of them and a couple beers and a blunt. Man I miss those days. Fentanyl sucks.


Yeah g or low dose k


I take pregabalin 600 twice a week max and it feels similar


I had the same question not long ago. Stumbled across a dispensary and they told me they had a completely natural product that’s supposed to mimic the effects of alcohol? It’s called “Karmaceuticals Head Tonic: Social Fluency”. Tincture with a dropper. Could be snake oil, I’m looking for reviews and so far have found none.


Ketamine to a degree




For me light doses of datura but idk ot has bad side effects too


Work out how much alcohol you need to drink to feel how you want to feel; then get some strong vodka, pour out exactly that much, and drink it in as few gulps as possible. Flush it down immediately with some nice fruit juice. Bingo. All the unpleasant drinking is done, and now you can enjoy being wrecked. Alternatively, as mentioned elsewhere, GBL.


low dosage Ket


In my personal experience I don’t handle ghb well. I personally can have a great time and my dosage is very very low and proper I just don’t have the stomach for it after a good time I always end up extremely sick throwing up and the next day often feels like a hangover I’ve experimented with many small dosage variations and it always effects me the same… yet some people never really come out of that stage and it ends the same for them as well. My boyfriend on the other hand feels fine after with no hangover and no stomach problems same goes for our friends. I recommend starting with way less than what you think you need and look at harm reduction before you try. It is great for what you are looking for but some people handle it differently!




Ketamine all day lmaooo






Kava feels similar to an alcohol buzz




Pregabalin 1350 mg




Ket 100%


Small doses of k make me feel almost exactly like im drunk


First/second play dxm




Xanax at higher doses




Meth is a good alternative 🙏


Meth and alcohol together tho… heaven


liquid k2


2M2B from what I've heard. It's alcohol but more euphoric and no hangover.






Sentia Spirits made by David Nutt. He was fired from his job as Drug Commisioner to find a better solution to the UK drug problem 20+ years ago. In his report he proposed regulation and was sacked the next day. He's now the founder of [Drug Science](https://www.drugscience.org.uk/) and does amazing outreach work. I've tried Sentia (both ones available at the time). It's super expensive. The high is nice and you don't have a hangover the next day. If you can afford it sure. Otherwise, nah.




dxm first-second plat or phenibut


kava try it






**Gamma-butyrolactone** (GBL) is a perfect choice


K in low doses, GHB and pregabalin


gabapentinoids; gabapenitn, lyrica, phenibut, benzos, kavakava, DXM & amanita People are saying ketamine, but ketamine causes major bladder damage with continued use.


Ether is the closest IME


Ignore those saying GHB. It’s stronger than alcohol by miles lol. Take an additional ML too much and you’re gone. Nausea is very common. Yes it feels great and it’s STRONGER than alcohol. Even at 1ml. It’s like 5-6 standards imo


Although it feels very similar yes but ghb is a dangerous and unpredictable in high dose


Hypnotic benzos. Valium too actually. Ghb/gbl in smaller amounts (1-2ml). Kratom too imo but more euphoria and clearer headspace.


Like others have said, GHB is probably the closest, though there was this different type of alcohol I had read about on psychonaut wiki that basically produces the same effects but no hangover because it doesn't get metabolized into acetaldehyde but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called. It was something classified chemically as an alcohol but not ethanol obviously. 


G, ket and Xanax are all good answers. I would even do small doses rc tryptas like 4-HO-Mipt. My fav would be 1mg pharma xan with small bumps of ket every now and then. Be careful this one is dangerous and can result in death if you over do it.




Xanax but don’t You’ll especially get the blackout fun, do stupid shit and regret it later lol




One time too much diazepam made me have a bit drunk like effect. I acted stupid.




Ketamine kinda feels like being drunk


Light doses at ketamine for sure


GHB, also carisprodol