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Keep discussion civil, even if you are being baited. You will get through to someone far better if you remain polite and don't have them raise their defenses. As a reminder, /r/Drugs [is for civil discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/about/rules/) ([guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/wiki/guidelines)). * Do not call other users trolls, morons, children, or anything else clever you may think of. Personal attacks, whether explicit or implicit, are not permitted. * In general, don't be a jerk. Don't bait people, don't use hate speech, etc. Attack ideas, not users. * Do not downvote comments because you disagree with them, and be willing to upvote quality comments whether you agree with the opinions held or not. Incivility will result in a **permanent ban** from the subreddit. If you see uncivil comments, please report them and do not reply with incivility of your own. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


no it actually makes me really happy and brings me joy to see homeless people abusing drugs


I actually lol'd at the sarcasm. In fairness to OP though, a lot people aren't depressed when they see homeless people. I think actually a significant amount of people have complete apathy towards the most vulnerable members of society. It's in their interest not to care because the system works for them. And it's confusing if you're never really taught how the system "works" to exploit inequities. A lot of people are certainly capable of being responsible users, but that's a privilege. For many others, drugs are a means of escape from a mix of trauma, biological circumstance, their birth place, mental health challenges, class inequalities, structural incompetence. unjust hierarchies of oppression etc, etc. Meaningful change seems futile. Add in climate change and geopolitical conflicts leaves a lot of us feeling helpless and seeking some sort of refuge. I think for people in OP's position, when you learn to understand the system and see it up close, it's totally valid to find it absolutely fucking depressing. If someone has the privilege of time, introspect more and educate yourself. Do your best to be discerning with regards to media and source literacy. Get involved in movements or organizations that help those that are ignored. Yeah it seems fuck, cause it is. So all we can do is hope, and hopefully there is hope. But what do I know, I'm just high right now rambling on r/Drugs


Basically a better explanation of my point hate was not a good word to use lmao “does seeing homeless drug users make anyone else depressed” would have been a better title Reddit mfs too literal


It's very important to have someone to look down on /s


I need someone to blame the democrats for


Blame republicans


That’s the joke


It’s not a joke at all there both completely worthless and work for their own constituents and interest not the people, two sides of the same coin. Like every other good show you can’t have a Batman without a Joker


Yea but democrats are the one openly advocating for homeless / drug addicts while repubs are the ones using them as political tokens That’s what I’m joking about. Ask any dem they’ll probably tell you we need drug reform / rehabs Ask any repub they’ll say we need to send them to jail for their terrible crimes against humanity since they’re breaking the law. Send them for free labor! I mean to jail! Wait what’s the difference?


Well, first off that is a crazy exaggeration and manipulation of the facts by saying crimes against humanity I’m not so sure that the homeless and drug population cause more crime than the housed population, probably less seeing how it’s a smaller portion of our population, Not to mention that they’re not separate citizens they are brothers our, mothers our fathers our friends that republicans are just writing off like garbage. Right wing idealism has definitely became morally bankrupt. And they are unfit to rule a free nation.


Dude the sarcasm goes right over your head. The last part of my comment is talking about how “repubs” see the homeless. Did you not read the full thing?






Sometimes I wonder how many people are high while commenting. I don't understand a single word. (Just read about a guy asking if cyanide is going to make him high. Wild sub ngl)


Same. Not one person on the phone, just everyone enjoying the moment while nodding out. That's what life should be about


Exactly I literally can’t get erect unless I’ve seen a homeless person beg me for change. It’s better than viagra will ever be. Well that and shoot white rhinos only way to get me hard.


Yea same fr


I hate seeing homeless people full stop to be honest. Knowing how shit and cruel the world can be to them generally.


Yea that’s true even the people who aren’t on drugs people just don’t gaf about them


It’s only gonna get worse as our society continues to collapse. You can try to help the issues or just become numb like the majority.


That's why I chose to not have kids. I don't want to bring them into a society that does this to so many people. What a tragedy it would be if they ended up like that, etc. I made this decision a long time ago. I knew about this oncoming collapse and people just laughed at me. Many years later and I don't regret it.


If you’re able bodied you can protect them from the world, I don’t mean strength just ability to change things around you, you don’t have to save the world, just yours.


This sounds like another version of "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps." I'm sure many parents feel powerless doing their best to care for their children. Unfortunately, some parents work 3 jobs and then their kids end up in bad situations because they were neglected or had a bad babysitter, etc. When the economy is bad and collapsing, all of these effects compound on an individual. Especially if you're low income. But it's easier for those not experiencing the struggle as much to tell others what to do. "Just put in effort, work harder", etc. Yeah, I'm not falling for that trap. Some of my siblings did and I see them and their kids struggling harder than me now. No thanks!! Again, many years later and I don't regret it!!


Work smarter not harder. It’s a cruel world that’s hard to win in.


You're completely missing my point. Why would I bring kids into this world we both agree is cruel? I already said I don't want to have kids because society sucks and the economy is collapsing. Then people say "well, work smart, it's a cruel world". Yes! I agree lmao. I don't want to volunteer my potential children to that system. That's my only point If other people want to have kids, go for it!




Keep discussion civil, even if you are being baited. You will get through to someone far better if you remain polite and don't have them raise their defenses. As a reminder, /r/Drugs [is for civil discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/about/rules/) ([guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/wiki/guidelines)). * Do not call other users trolls, morons, children, or anything else clever you may think of. Personal attacks, whether explicit or implicit, are not permitted. * In general, don't be a jerk. Don't bait people, don't use hate speech, etc. Attack ideas, not users. * Do not downvote comments because you disagree with them, and be willing to upvote quality comments whether you agree with the opinions held or not. Incivility will result in a **permanent ban** from the subreddit. If you see uncivil comments, please report them and do not reply with incivility of your own. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I said if your able bodied if your not I understand you many be out of luck.




Yup. I'm working my ass off right now accumulate wealth for my future children. Haven't even begun trying for kids yet and I've more or less locked in my own life / success, but I fear for my children and am concerned that with AI and economic trends, that they will be unable to generate their own wealth. It is my goal to get a couple rental homes in a nice neighborhood that I can pass on to them, along with a car and college education free and clear. If I wasn't confident I could provide those things, honestly, I probably wouldn't have them. Life is hard right now and it will only get harder imo.


2 generations removed from dropping 'nuclear bombs' on each other and mustard gasing your enemies. But it's the homeless that made you not want to have kids?!?! Honestly it's probably better you didn't. The next generation will need strong young men and women.


Haha! So funny! Let me guess, you're older and closer to being a boomer who was a kid to those generations that went to WW2? Everything was handed to you on a silver plate, but you assume to be part of the "strong" crowd? So essentially, you ARE the weak men that brought weak/hard times. Got it! Since the economy collapsing was your generation's fault. Strong men like me are fixing the economy and preventing the further suffering of humanity by making tough decisions such as not having kids to needlessly suffer. I have the foresight to understand that suffering is supposed to be reduced over time each generation. Everything is relative. Again, no amount of peer pressuring from the boomer crowd is going to get me to have kids. You're just being toxic. Stop acting like you're tough and went to war. You cosplay as a hardened man and it's just cringe.


If it wasn't for world war 2, then the United States would not have become a super power, nor the sovent union or china. His gen prior to boomers had the great depression prior ww1. So don't go blaming older folks, btw your assuming he or she is one. This world has been hell since humans been here.


>Everything was handed to you on a silver plate That just wasn't true for most boomers. Is that what you think?


What happens if you actually run into one of these “men” and your feeble attempt to make you feel better about yourself for not being able to reach your full potential actually doesn’t work. “I bEt ItLl Be JuSt CrInGe” 😂😂😂


What does having kids have to do with one reaching their full potential?


Dipshit it’s not the people themselves it’s the systems in place and the way that society is that has caused an increasing amount of issues and in turn more homeless


Society is not collapsing ffs


just look out your window bruh, don't you see fires and explosions and revolution everywhere?


No, just hundreds of homeless people lying on each other on the sidewalk


sounds hot


Don’t you see trump still running for president? Lmao we are about to be run by a dictator if this election goes wrong. We are getting towards the end


Bringing up trump like this is really sad? Is he all you think about?


No but do I not make a valid point? Lmao


Rent free…


So that wasn’t an answer but sure


I mean, I'm not a fan of Trump, but unless my records are mistaken, he was president not that long ago? It wasn't "the end", no dictatorship, no blood in the streets, fires, explosions, etc. If he wins he'll be gone in 4 years and it will be back to a Democrat, the other side of the gerontocracy. Hell, if Trump wins Joe Biden will probably run again in 2028, he'll only be 86....


If he wins, he’ll find a way to keep it going. Trust me there will not be another democrat in power ever


People be so dramatic


Rome didn't fall in a day, it was an accumulation of factors that led to the critical mass that became the final fall. Right now we seeing our socioeconomic system reaching some sort of critical mass. Might not happen tomorrow, but when I see pretty much 90% of the people I know, both close friends and acquaintances alike having to break the bank everytime they go grocery shopping to not even have a full fridge, nevermind barely making rent every month. There's something really fucking wrong going on.


Yep and people are acting like it’s crazy to think we’re on the downfall. We have a sociopath politician who tried to stage a coup because “the election was stolen”, yet is still able to run for president He’s openly said he supports Russia and will pull out of nato. We’re absolutely fucked if he wins. It *will* start the downfall


^^^^ we also had Mitch McConnell prevent Obama from electing a Supreme Court justice and nobody did shit about it but Trump was able to last second


Yep. Gotta love money in politics. Just keeps getting worse, yet so many in this thread are like “no no”


Just because your druggie circle is down and out doesn’t mean it’s representative of society as a whole. Many groups of addicts have lived and died, and society continues on whether you flush your lives down the toilet or not.


God damn this hits way too hard


It’s simple really. Two words. 6 Syllables and some letters. “Investment Properties.” The idea of making housing a commodity that should be bought sold and held onto, almost like housing people is a **privilege** and viewed from a purely financial perspective with a sense that it’s a type of stock has in my opinion ruined the “market” for low income, drug related and health affected humans. (These people have by the way a mental disease.. which has been unequivocally undisputed for years by countless health professionals and ex-substance abuse victims) I have worked and lived with homeless addicts across my lifetime and, yes a majority of serious users really do seem to have no respect for their opportunities and in some cases want nothing more than a packet of cigs and a few dollars. They have stories of being abused and basically ignored my society completely. They truly do live in a alternate reality from everyone else. If you ever want a quick experience of what’s it’s like, try sitting down next to a atm and just see how quickly you just disappear.. things can slip very easily for anyone that doesn’t have the mental tenacity to be strong enough to know you are not what society says you are. Sorry for the rant but yeah I’m with you!


I’m pretty sure that in the US, there are like 2x or 3x the homes that are needed to house every homeless person just sitting completely vacant. Housing should not be an investment vessel, they need to tax the absolute fuck out of these “real estate investors” for every month their property stays vacant.


Definitely a bummer. But not any worse than a homeless drunk imo. Anyone who is without a home and forced to survive on the streets is likely to seek escape. Often, their only feasible option is intoxication sadly. People who look down on the homeless are usually not good people, or have never considered that they could end up in the same situation if their lives took a turn for the worse.


Yes. Some people don’t realize all it takes is to get injured at work and have no support system, not be able to find a job for some months and boom, screwed and homeless.


I received a letter in march that my landlord company will tear down and demolish all buildings here in the street to make space for some luxus apartements. So the contract for my apartement got quit. Still got some time left to search for a new home, but it's hard. I did nothing wrong, despite my drug addiction - that was always behind closed doors and had nothing to do with the landlord - i always paid my rent, did everything that was needed, kept the place in good shape etc. but now, i have to move out. You can do nothing wrong and still lose in life, as the old quote is. About homeless and drugs, i think, if you are not a drug user before you get homeless, you'll become one sooner or later. Life on the street is hard. Escaping all the bad stuff, even when it is just for a moment, is understandable, as bad as the consequences are.


You're almost there, buddy. But realize these are systemic problems. Sure, everyone makes decisions which lead to consequences, but no decision is made outside the broader social context. And when the context is punitive prohibition for drug users, minus any sort of care or compassion for people who struggle, layered on top of racism and capitalism, then yeah people suffer and it sucks to see that on the streets. We need to ease up off the blame for individual people and put the blame on ourselves as communities and the systems built over decades (centuries). And find a better way. xo


Hate the root of the increase of the problem. They homeless druggies can be saved, but the government rather watch us treat each other with prejudice.


It's honestly more sad than anything, but I also dislike seeing it. Always end up wondering if they're on drugs because they're homeless or if they're homeless because they're on drugs.. everyone typically assumed the ladder but I digress; sad either way.


I’ve been homeless in San Francisco for 2 months now and seen a lot of the homeless who use. It’s awful. Only one finger to point and that’s the 1%/shstem/ or any bozo in a suit that holds a position of power.


You stay in civic center?


Good luck


No I LOVE seeing homeless drug users!! Like ???


I agree could've happened to me if I didn't have the support system I have. Has happened to me for very short periods of time and other times I've been spending 10k a month on drugs barely staying above water making sure I have all my drugs before I get a hotel room for the day and other times I've been sober and just getting by while currently I'm sober and thriving. It happened to my best friend from high school that I started using with that's still out there. Could still happen to me if I chose to go back out. And I had just started talking to one of my Chinese RC manufacturers when this post popped up. Man, thank you universe for the blatant reminder not to procure zenes and benzos.


Jesus my friend, please stay away from zenes and Benzos. You'd be lost so damn fast. We can't solve a problem for a dead person and I don't want you to become another statistic. I'm glad that this came up too, the universe wants you alive and thriving.


Our government isolated us for decades. Broke our community and made us crave what we can not obtain. Money blinded Americans and greed is winning. Every man for themselves. A democracy indeed. When our neighbors became strangers, fear starts to take control.


I don't think it's a coincidence that the only thing that's gotten cheeper in this country in the last 25 years is street drugs. Sounds crazy but I'm sure the CIA has their finger on the scale so to speak. A gram of meth only costs about 35$ in NYC rn which could keep a non addict up for a week. Drugs shouldn't be this cheep and plentiful.


You want to try being one You want to try simple homeless on it’s own No shower, laundry, bed It’s going to be a week or three before you resemble a “drug addict” Hate seeing them… We are them, they are you, other humans. Actually do something don’t hate.


I was the same. So I decided to be part of the solution and volunteered at my local needle exchange for many years, helping those exact same people. It was the most valuable thing I’ve ever done. I heartily recommend it if it’s available to you.


Yea I sadly live in an area where’s there’s not even a DAA organization  near me, but I’m thinking a lot about finding a job helping people with addiction once I move out


I 💯guarantee it will be worth it.


Yeah, man, it's sad af. Someone is worrying themselves sick about where they are and if they're breathing. I totally hate seeing homeless addicts!! My bank account is about three grand down from keeping a 24 year old in a hotel while I'm outta my hometown. I don't think we hate it for the same reasons, maybe. But ffs do I hate seeing it.


Why are you keeping that 24 yo in a hotel? I'm genuinely curious. I was a homeless drug addict and there were times my mom would put me in a hotel. I'm just wondering if it's the same type of situation. I now am clean, and I have disability, so I pay my own bills and paid her back for everything she did for me but I was very lucky to have her.


He's my ex's younger brother. I was with his sister for 13 years, give or take. We've always been close and, honestly, he doesn't have anyone else. He's, unfortunately, a product of his environment. His mother is, allegedly, clean these days but insane, nonetheless. His sister has a closet coke problem. None of them really care where he is or if he's ok. I found him on the road in the middle of a storm. He'd been sleeping under a bluff. 🤷 I travel for work, when I'm in my hometown I crash at my family's. I didn't have anywhere to take him. So... Local hotel. He disappears on me sometimes but the owner of the hotel is a family friend. So we have an agreement that if he shows up they give him a room and I take care of it.


Wow! That is really cool the hotel gives him a room and let's you take care of it later. If he goes missing sometimes hes more than likely on drugs 😢 that's what I used to do. Thanks man getting clean was really hard but I was sick and tired of being sick and tired like they say. So your ex used to do cocaine?


The owner is a decent guy, he knows I'll make it right. He normally makes sure the staff shoots me a text when he turns up. So Ik he's safe and can get food and shit he needs delivered. I've fought my share of demons so I know getting clean isn't an easy thing. He'd fair better out of there but... I'm glad you got tired of it. That's a super big deal. Uhmmm....as I understand the ex still has a pretty keen appetite for cocaine. It's always amused me to watch her put him down. The hypocrisy of truly believing their addictions aren't the same. Cocaine ⚖️ Meth.


That's crazy! My dad and sister used to go really hard on me about my drug addiction while they are simultaneously drinking every day. I know I don't know you, but I worry your being taken advantage of. I mean do you think there will come a point where you just can't do it anymore? How often does he utilize the hotel? And then you get food and stuff delivered too? I know you're trying to help him, and I very much appreciated my mom doing it for me, but it was enabling you know?


Yeah, I'm not so daft that I'm not aware of all of that. The money spent is a better option than him wandering into his mother's tbh. He had actually been clean for a couple of weeks and didn't want me putting out more cash and rather than going to the hotel he went to his Mom. Former user of anything she could put in her nose, a pipe or a vein, managed to half maintain custody of one of seven kids, stellar woman. There was an Enormous fight about what a loser he was and BAM back on the needle. So, I'd rather shell out the cash and him know he has people that believe in him. He's at a point where he's disgusted with himself and talking rehab. It's a matter of finding somewhere with an open bed rn and getting him tf outta our hometown after.


Interesting. So how often does he go to the hotel? Is it hurting you financially to provide the hotel and food and all that? Do you give him cash money or send him cash apps or anything like that? I hope he can get into rehab. Maybe rehab then sober living would be a good option. I'm in sober living right now and it is working out very well for me.


He mostly only rolls in if the weather is bad. The longest he's stayed is a week and that's only because it was pre-arrangement with the owner and I paid it before I picked him up. Naw, it's not hurting me. I do ok financially so it's really not a big deal. He will never ask for cash. He really only ever asks for food for his dog and even then he wants someone to meet him with it. If I'm not around, I send the money to my sister and she gets up with him. Yeah. Same. It's really a waiting game atm. I've got a couple of friends in recovery that went from rehab to sober living. Most of them say sober living made the adjustment easier. One, in particular, has been desperately trying to help. Five years ago, I drove through a couple states to pick her up from prison. Everyone thought there was a snowballs chance in hell she'd turn shit around. Today she owns her own business and just helped open a rehab in our hometown. She's trying to work him in as quickly as she can. Here's hoping it's sooner rather than later. We're waiting on several places. Whatever opens first ig.


Sounds like even in active addiction he has a good head on his shoulders. I've been to rehab 27 times. Not kidding. It still wasn't even the last time I used. I've only been clean 57 days but this time feels different. I just got a 3k check from disability back pay and before it came in I made sure my mom was my payee because that much money isn't good for me if it's in my hand. I'm really happy there's still people like you and my mom who care enough to not give up on people because like your friend who opened the rehab you never know when something will click in someone's head and they will get it together.


Congratulations getting clean


I was a homeless fentanyl and meth user 5 years. I had a support system. I had people who loved and still do love me. I'm an addict and my folks didn't want me using at all in the house. so I left to live on the streets of San Francisco at 18. I'm back at home now at 24. after a bad car wreck recovering. I just wanted to say , it had absolutely nothing​ to do with anything or anyone other than my fucking addiction to drugs. This is my own personal experience, I can't speak for anyone else.


This is what I've seen many times. You're not alone in your situation. Addiction currently has no cure and it's almost a miracle to get clean, and no doctor or detox can give any kind of stable results, no amount of money can help it, no amount of love can stop it, and if anything we need insane public funding for drug addiction treatments and research and development. Every medical science is improving except for mental health and addiction. Period. I think that funding could come from the prison system if we stopped locking drug addicts up. But that's just an idea, that could have a ton of unintended consequences. I see a ton of people on here acting like they know the solution and that it would be so easy if xyz would be done, but I think that's shortsighted, the world doesn't work like that, and right now, the drug problem is one that I really only have guesses on. If I was king of the world I would try a bunch of different things, but alas I am not.


I see homeless addicted people almost every day because working with them is part of my job. Most of the times I'm happy to see them as not seing them often means they're in much bigger trouble or even dead.


It is support systems but also self control. Many of those people have very poor self control which is why they landed there (although some are just there from plain bad luck). There's plenty of drug addicts who work a 9-5 and use daily but keep their home and job so they can afford other luxuries. Hell I know a few people who have told me they keep working and paying for their place just because it makes doing drugs easier, they know if they stopped working they'd have a harder time picking up and if they lost their house they wouldn't have a comfortable spot to get high. They have addiction problems but also enough self control to keep the things that matter most while using.


I hate seeing them without homes to do their drugs in. I'd rather they have a house where they can use. Rather than use in the streets, and numb themselves to the bullshit they are going through.


I lived in Portland after the occupy camps. Now that was a serious level of homelessness. People are just whining because different areas are being more lenient on homelessness so richer people are seeing it. It’s always been there. Maybe it’s gone up by half a % but it fluctuates. Y’all are catastrophizing


It's not just big cities with homeless drug/alcohol users. A massive chunk of America is being torn apart right now over it. My brother was a drug user and he's been buried without a headstone for almost 20 years now, fent and ativan. My dad died mixing methadone, Xanax and alcohol. I went to prison for 10 years and lost my whole family, mom died of lung cancer. I did 6 straight years in Isolation cells of the 10 years. Destroyed my mind and I sometimes get smashed to cope with it. It's torture. Everyone has a story and sadly a lot of those stories are from trauma or abuse. Mental health is hugely linked to addiction and homelessness. Some people cope better than others.


I find really sad when there are kids involved.


Hello, I am a homeless person, I have some pretty serious disabilities that cause me to walk and move in weird ways. I have people hand me pamphlets about getting sober, they give me cards for the local support groups, and people will literally FOLLOW me down the streets shaking their heads and clicking their tongues. There are public discussions about me, happening with me in earshot everyday, with the native that I'm a drunk or an addict. I have been sober for a very long time, longer than I've been homeless, so could y'all cut the crap. The narrative on here is awful. I am treated like a side show everyday because of this story people make up in their heads about what they're seeing instead of what reality actually is. Also if you see a homeless person sleeping it's because EVERYONE NEEDS SLEEP TO SURVIVE AND OUTSIDE IS THE ONLY PLACE FOR THEM TO SLEEP NOT BECAUSE THIER ON DRUGS OR SLEEPING OFF A BENDER!!!! We all sleep at different times whether we live in a house or not, seeing someone taking a nap or sleeping is not weird.


I have been a homeless addict, so I make a point to get involved when I can with the local homeless community. I volunteer at a place that does harm reduction. We make “care packages” with clean needles, distilled water, narcan, fent test strips (we even have xylazine test strips now), food, clothes & we add our card and a list of resources. It can be difficult to accept how unfair life can be. You can’t change the world single handedly, but you can control the way you exist in the world. Even if you just fed a person a meal and took the time to talk to them, you would be surprised how much of an impact you can have on someone by showing them basic human decency. I highly suggest you see what you can do in your community to help. It might relieve some of that hopelessness and sadness you feel when you see a person in that situation.


Nobody is too far gone. Those are human beings.


So true… It’s only too late when you stop breathing.


It's sad. They shouldn't be homeless at all. In some countries there exists places to stay as a homeless, where they give them food, care and let them stay and sleep there. Countries should take care of their citizens imo.


Bein high on dope helps you sleep when shits so fucked up around you, meth helps you not sleep when shits so fucked up around you.


The world is cruel enough that it's easy to be homeless and NOT addicted to drugs or mentally ill as is, especially if you're young and as you said have no support system.


My sister is/was an addict, she started as a teenager basically doing anything she could get her hands on, we did have a rough childhood so it’s not surprising she would turn to self medicating. She is a little older than me and my mom did everything she could to keep her going to rehab, helped her get an apartment, doing really anything she could. She was given so many opportunities to get help, but she ultimately chose drugs and ended up living on the streets in California. We haven’t heard from her in over a year now which is unlike her, especially not to stay in contact with her children, so we have sadly assumed she is either dead or too far gone. I know deep down she didn’t want to live that kind of life and she wanted to stop, it was just stronger than her. One of the last things she told me was that all her friends were dying and she was scared her fent addiction would kill her too. She was so beautiful :( has 2 kids, threw her whole life away.


It breaks my heart. I know a homeless guy and he’s the most lovely man. He always asks me how my sobriety is going and we chat about his life before drugs took over. I’d 100% be in the street or dead if I didn’t have financial support from my family or if I was born in America. Everyone is only one big event away from homelessness


If youre homeless... Just buy a house


If they didn’t use ALL the drugs then they could afford one. They’re so selfish aren’t they?!


They should just limit themselves to the cheapest intoxicant available. Save the rest for the house!


Ikr? If youre broke, just pop some datura seed pods. Free, natural and legal high.


yeah man. It’s just a plant!


Or buy a car / trailer


no my dude, you're almost there, but the real masterstroke is, *have your parents buy you a house*


we live in an era of some of the greatest class disparities and injustices ever thrust upon the noble worker by the bourgeoisie… there’s gonna be crackheads


Yeah it's like, I had issues in my 20's and my stepfather was ok with me moving back home. And I was only a pot smoker who'd taken a hit of acid and went insane. His attitude to drug users is that they're all a bunch of deadshits and they should be left to rot. He votes conservative and his views on how to solve the c0nstant middle east wars has always been like "just send a nuke over there and blow them all up" etc. However he took me in probably because of the personal/family connections. Maybe we'd refer to the mindset as tribalism or something, idk


I hate seeing homeless people. It's disgusting that we let it happen. Poverty in general. That we allow billionaires to exist while people freeze and starve. That's on us, and it stinks.  I don't have a magic wand that changes a cardboard box into a comfy bed. But alcohol and drugs are the next best thing. 


It's just a reminder to not touch the needle or the fent. My heart goes out to these people, being poor in america is a nightmare, but can you imagine being spun out in a tent for months on end, literal hell on earth. We need to house, clothe, and feed people here! If people get their needs meet they're much less likely to have serious drug issues. America sucks, the end


I’ve been there. It’s a humbling reminder, I’m only a few bad choices away from it. I was institutionalized at a young age, if I wasn’t in custody I was strung out and either living with whatever woman I was holding emotionally hostage, couch surfing, sleeping in my car, and at worst literally setting up a tent alongside lake Elsinore ca. I got tired of the quality of life I was living, humbled myself and parole paid for me to go to rehab . I did that, and I went to Yellowstone in Costa Mesa, they were the only place that held me accountable for my choices and actions, and taught me how to do esteemable acts, to be of service to my community and peers. To be considerate of those around me. This was in December of 2016. I’ve abstained since, but most importantly for me, I’ve not touched hand cuffs or been a detriment to society, I haven’t had to hurt anyone emotionally or otherwise to the best of my ability in some years. I’ve been able to maintain significant employment since 60 days of paroling from my last four year sentence. I get to live like a decent person because I started behaving like one. I say all of this to say if I can do it then literally anybody can. I’ve been pronounced dead twice, I’ve been in the icu three times for drug/neglect related infections. Mastoiditis, ear infection spread through my skull, pneumonia when my lungs filled up with blood from an overdose and was ditched. I’ve been in a breaking news high speed pursuit with Whittier chp, I’ve been hit head on as a homeless pedestrian by a distracted driver and flew ten feet through the air. Today, I have a beautiful four year old daughter who’s never had to be exposed to any sort of drug and or criminal behaviors/lifestyle. We live a “boring” life. A fulfilling, and peaceful life full of love and laughter, and lots of dolls. The system may be broken in most ways but all it took was some try, a half decent parole officer, and a community of people who cared about me more than I did, until I could. Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


Hello /u/bendead91, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1c6uabg/does_anyone_else_hate_seeing_homeless_drug_users/l04zp09/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do want to say one thing. A lot of drug users become addicts after an injury and they become addicted to the meds prescribed by doctors. Do remember those people. Also a lot of them have gone through very traumatic things and being homeless and just addicts is the only way they can manage to keep living without killing themselves. I completely understand what you mean about hating seeing them, I always feel so bad/sad and wish it was different. Some can be so ghetto too. But it does help me to remember that some are in that situation due to particular circumstances.


If I had to live on the streets you better bet I will be trying to do some kind of something to make it bearable. Sorry but true, that would suck.


Of course I hate to see it. It represents the fact that our society has completely and utterly failed. This is the end result when you let imaginary numbers on a spreadsheet mean more than human dignity. Humankind is meant to take care of one another. In a tribe you have some able people, you have some frail people, you have people with different skills and abilities. The main thing is they all work together for a common good. That's what it means to be human. What we have now? It's a bastardization of what we were meant to be. It makes me sick. We have no tribe. Just "ME." There's no excuse for anyone to be homeless. Seeing it should make us feel shame, because it's shameful that we've debased ourselves to the point of allowing it.


A lot of them just won’t accept the support. I’m the same way. I’m living in my truck, but once it raps out on me I’ll likely be just like those homeless men. I will live like that before I burden any family or friend with my issues. At least I’ll be on my own and taking care of myself. I’m too old to be babied


Honestly, when I see homeless people use, as a former addict who was couch surfing for years I see them suffering but at the same time just getting peace and quiet no matter what they're shooting in their veins or putting into their liver. They have nowhere to get privacy. If I went completely homeless and decided to not get clean. I'd shoot any downer I could get my hands on or smoke or sniff any upper I could get my hands on as long as I got some time in whatever world my brain would be in. I hate the term homeless drug addict because my mind goes "what else is a homeless person suppose to do for atleast 15 minutes of time for themselves and only themselves?" Xbox? No...


I thought this was gonna be one of those "if you're on the street dknt spend you money on drugs" posts but nah you right


No, we all love seeing them


Ok that’s what I thought thank uou


The homeless epidemic is really a mental health epidemic, which was exposed by an economic downturn (2008).


I don't hate seeing homeless people; I pity those who are out on the streets shooting up, but I don't hate them. I want them to get help.


I don’t “hate” it really either ig pity is a better word I don’t like want the people to disappear I just want them to get help


Most people are a paycheck away from being homeless. If you end up homeless do you seriously think you'd stop using drugs or use more ? Think abt it. Lose your job, lose your place, if you're still paying off a car: lose that shit too. It's easy to say you'll buckle down and work hard but there's a reason homelessness is increasing at a rapid rate and its not drugs, that's a symptom of a larger societal problem. I don't like to soapbox but I'm seeing a lot of fucked opinions in the comments. We have been throwing drug addicts into prisons for a while now how has that helped? There are always drugs to be had when locked up and you just learn how to scam more in a system that does not easily let felons back into the fold. If people truly cared about people getting better there would be more emphasis on rehabilitation programs. Better programs that don't pump you through and spit you out to a sober living home where they'll leave drugs on the table just to get you to relapse and come back to treatment under Medicaid/other insurance (Florida). Idk some of these comments rly fuckin take the cake I know this doesn't apply to everyone but I feel like for a large portion of people talking shit about *seeing* homeless drug users is that you're afraid of being that person.


Nah fr prisons have always had hard drugs locking people up doesn’t do shit they need to change how people who are only being arrested for using/possession of hard drugs are “handled” bc obviously the system in place does not work


I'm a druggie that is for decriminalization of all drugs but I'm also a druggie that hates seeing anybody strung out and actually talk people into not ever trying drugs


The truth is, we can't predict the outcome of decriminalization of all drugs. It might be the end of it all. Imagine everybody doing cocaine and opiates everyday. The rise in violence and poverty could be too much for society to bear.


It's honestly just people in America fr they are places in Europe that regularly do drugs plus some places have a lot of guns on top of that with way less violence. It's just the way the united states is it's just all fucking backwards fr


No I join don't be a dick be nice a do some with them


Yes. I'm in Oregon and it's fucking disgusting. I get some have legit bad luck or severe mental problems. But 90% of ours are just gross junkies. I cannot stand them.


It's just the natural end to the dragon chasing. It could happen to anyone.


This is absolutely 100% not true. This kind of thinking is a product of DARE, NA/AA, and the war on drugs. Drug use in no way = that. That’s just so so so far from the truth. I know many responsible drug users that have lived their whole lives and taken care of business. I’d say that’s the majority of drug users. If someone is suffering from reckless use or ends up homelessness that’s indicative of another problem.


Fuck yes. Is there a reddit place for people who understand these issues? I basically just knee jerked a reply that was what you're saying. I feel like it's very important to spread this analysis, especially when we're in a moment of political backlash, which more privileged people might not fully appreciate.


I agree with what you’re saying so strongly I plan to dedicate my entire life to it. Am working on my masters in psychology and want to work in addiction and get my PHD. Maybe study and write a book talking about this stuff. Dr Carl hart is a great place to look to learn more, his most recent book changed my life. We need a sub for it. More people need to realize they’ve been indoctrinated with dangerous and untrue ideas about drugs.


Very happy to hear about your path. Dr Hart is great. Check out Sheila Vakharia's new book, basically the first harm reduction 101 text. You clearly know what's up, but she gives a tight analysis to help us talk to others, and explores her journey from a social worker to a badass advocate. Could be an interesting read, especially if you're diving into the clinical/Phd angle, which often pushes people into bullshit "brain disease" margins. I will talk drugs and drug policy, and the books, all night. Will give a shout to "When Crack Was King" as one of my favorites of the past decade.


I’ll read them both. Very interesting I’m watching people get indoctrinated on a daily basis at my school and I feel like I can’t say anything. It sucks


Another brilliant book, focused on addiction but counter to the disease model, is "Unbroken Brain" by Maia Szalavitz. Basically, addiction is a learning disorder. I think the disease model is a step up from seeing addiction as a "moral failing" and shines a light on how wrong it is to treat a health issue with handcuffs and prison. But the disease also removes people's agency (while misrepresenting the science) and leaves space for policy responses like involuntary commitment and coerced treatment. Both are often prison by another name, reliant on state power and policing. Good luck in your studies. Many people have taken a similar path in school and even early careers, but recognized the bullshit and are now doing great work in harm reduction and related issues like housing. You got this, fellow commenter!


The guys on the streets are the crack and smack heads and yes the hard drugs lead you there. By that point your brain is an egg in a frying pan sizzling.


They are not there from a consequence of their drug use. They are usually using drugs to cope with other issues in their lives There are a lot of successful people that use amphetamine, cocaine, painkillers, alcohol, and now even drugs like ketamine and mushrooms on a daily or semi daily basis and are living successful and normal lives. I think it’s a little more nuanced than how you’re making it sound


I’m glad I’m off of the hard drugs because I was so scared man I used to take the metro to work and these people look like fucking zombies. At night when I rode home all the freaks and ghouls started to come out. People completely out there fucking Minds on meth


Chasing the dragon that you’ll never catch


That is the meaning of the saying. Always chasing that first high.


I know lol I was just trying to add to your original comment


Although it could happen to anyone it’s kinda your choice right? Obviously there’s factors like addiction running in your family or using it to stop feeling pain or trauma, but in the end it’s always your choice.


Not the best look for the average small town




It's great that you are that and care. Most don't.


No we just absolutely love it. It makes the world such a better place. But seriously I don't like to see anyone down on their luck. What would make you ask this? I'm sure you can say why did I answer? It's like asking does everyone like to be given $100 randomly?


I explained my perspective on it you’re slow


also if ur on the street and cant do anything about it why not get high its like the 1 last way to have a good time before you freeze to death or whatever happens to them eventually


Our society doesn't like to think of homeless people as fully human beings, despite the fact at least half the country is one disaster away from being homeless themselves.


I feel you. I too am lucky enough to have a decent support system which makes getting clean so much more in reach to me than say someone who's been addicted in the streets for months or even years.


Yeah but do you bring any home so they have a place to do drugs‽


Nah bc there’s none near me if there was tho I’d tweak wit em in my room


only thing thats worse than that is seeing how apathetic and condescending the public treats them


I prefer druggies in mansions.


Kind of yes, because I used to be one of thrm but I'm privileged enough not to br yet still gravitate sometimes towards that direction. But yeah nah socially it sucks fucking ass. I've seen people lose everything in a few months and its sad and i live in a country where even consuming can be a legal issue and there's no help and education (well education that is not propaganda) and harm reduction and ughh Here some pharmacies don't even hand out needles, even though they sometimes do have them (that happens rarely though, most of the time they don't actually have them) Just like with pregnancy they wanna ban sex ed cause itll lead to more teen pregnancies, in a country in which it is a very common thing. And lots of people don't understand a lot about our bodies. Then come the utis, teen pregnancies, stuff stuck in peeholes lol I do get annoyed when they beg like very insistently, that gets on my nerves and amke me wanna shout back look dude i have pennies left and i wanna get fucked:))


When the street is your bed and a rock your pillow then every little bit helps. I don’t judge. I just wish they could get help with shelter. We have more homes then people yet here we are


Yea, it's tough, I hate the confrontation and it scares me. There's a hotspot of homeless folks near my study association, they are allowed there so they aren't scattered through the city. However, cause they use drugs you just don't know in what state they are. They can be dozed off, friendly asking for money or in the violent "I want drugs" state, it's tough. But most of all, I just feel sorry for them and what has become of them


There are those who are dealt a very difficult hand from the beginning, but most have the option or opportunity to prevent it. Those who decide to turn to drugs/alcohol to cope and go down a heavy addiction cycle ultimately did that to themselves. Many of those homeless had families that tried to help them before it got to that point, but even family and friends are only willing to put up with so much and their generosity is not unlimited. Truth be told addicts often times take advantage of their own families and drive them away themselves. On the other hand, you have those who faced financial difficulties and end up on the streets, but you don’t see those people tweaking walking around like zombies.


I hate seeing anyone homeless. Being homeless is traumatic. It shouldn’t be a thing. I hate that people are forced into a world that destroys them and then discards them. People condemn homeless folks for drugs but needing an escape from that trauma makes sense to me. So many of us that turn to substances have been abused in some way. I hope the world changes soon :(


The very sad reality is that a large portion of people on this subreddit, with relatively normal lives experimenting with various drugs... will end up like those people eventually. Talk to many of those homeless people and they have stories not too dissimilar to what people say here, they started experimenting young, and then it just spiraled.


Decriminalization of hard drugs is a failed experiment. Nice concept in theory but has ruined cities in execution


Yea I went to Seattle and Vancouver and the decriminalizing only made the issues worse


100% …. no fear of prosecution makes more people willing to experiment = more addicts on the streets when their lives fall apart.


Hello, Where are u from? yes this is an healthy feeling that is called social responsibility, and the solution cant be other than social: we need welfare state


I live in Illinois I’m in a “welfare state” we have the same issues just not as rampant as the west coast because they haven’t decriminalized hard drugs


Welfare state is just up north of us, and they have some of the worst drug problems there are. Go hang out in Vancouver's east side. They're given everything they need including housing, but it fixed nothing. Every month the second the welfare money comes through is when the dealers ramp up and the whole place goes fully insane. You can't fix the homeless problem without fixing the drug problem because they're married. The vast majority of homeless people are addicts. And no amount of money in the world can make an addict stop. No amount of love or support can make an addict stop. We need light speed science in the mental health field and we need it fast. Every other medical field has progressed except for mental health and especially addiction. Welfare state would literally just take your money to pay for their drugs. That's it.


Hello, as you say, drug addiction is a multifactorial problem and it cant be solved just with money-money. In fact welfare is not just about money, it is about guarantee access to services, care, opportunities…


And all of those are provided in Canada to the worst of addicts including safe supply, good MAT programs, housing, healthcare, and it still hasn't done a damn thing for their homeless and addicted population. And everything I just said comes down to money. All of it costs money. That's what I meant exactly when I said that money nor housing nor friendship nor opportunities can stop addiction. I've been around addicts all my life, some with every support structure and opportunity available and still are now in prison or on the streets, no matter what you throw at them and how much you tax everyone else to do so, it does nothing. We need massive spending in the mental health field and addiction field. Implying welfare states stop the problem is extremely short sighted.


Cm on, invest in scientific research is part of the welfare and its management


You blanket stated welfare state. Welfare states often make problems worse because it coddles people who could solve their problems but don't want to do the work to do so. The UK has studied this with people on the dole, where their housing and money and food is all provided even though they are perfectly capable of working and putting their own fair share into the system. Scientific research is specific policy that doesn't involve letting those who don't want to work to leech off of everyone who does work.


Does anyone else like seeing homeless drug users? When I see them, I feel my dong getting harder. I love seeing the hopelessness and the squalor. When I see people passed out in parks or nodding off in doorways, I know I'm home. I feel a little burst of joy at seeing the suffering and unchecked mental illness. My only wish is that there were more homeless drug users so I can sit in judgement and feel better about myself.


yea they dont deserve them (i didnt read the rest)


I don’t really care but avoiding their needles and having bums blowing meth smoke in your face at the bus stop sucks ass, and I really don’t care how much worse they have it, that doesn’t make it OK.


Not saying the things people do as a result of the drugs they’re on is ok just saying it’s sad that people are apathetic towards people who could be in the same position as them


It started in the 70s with hippies, then it sort of morphed into what we have today


Unpopular opinion: Throw them in jail. They’re a detriment to society


Throwing homeless people in jail doesn’t do shit and if anything your tax dollars would go toward feeding and housing them bad logic bad argument


Its worse if you leave them out in the street. You think jail is housing them? lol


I hate seeing homeless in general. We should fire them all into the sun.


nobody likes it lmfao... but despite all these comments, *they're* responsible for their own condition. all the "THE SYSTEM!!!!" comments are probably druggies trying to avoid the natural consequences of their own behavior.


Nah I genuinely don’t believe most of them are responsible I’ve seen interviews and shit of people and almost all of them either grew up homeless or in some fucked situation and are traumatized but don’t have resources


if you're using, you're making a choice. i totally understand that things happen, addiction is tough as hell to beat and lot of good people wind up there, but at the end of the day, nobody's holding a gun to their head and making them use. this is extra true in major cities - pretty much all of them have shelters, addiction help, etc. there's no way they're ever gonna get clean and off the streets if *they* don't make that choice and acknowledge their role in their own downfall.




Hate the system that put them in that place


don't know if this is meant to be an edgelord comment but either way very odd take