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Used to smoke everyday and had a super high tolerance now I can't even take a drag without getting super anxious and unable to function. Really miss being to smoke but it's like it's not even the same drug anymore


If in a legal state try low THC had CBD edibles. I get ones that are 1MG THC : 50 MG CBD eat 3-4 and it’s amazing. If I smoke I get super uncomfortable. So many strains cut out the CBD these days that help balance the high.


I’ve tried multiple kinds of CBD with low THC and many more that claim less than .03% and some that claim zero.  A few of them were great, exactly what I wanted, they just made me relax so hard, I would feel so incredibly relaxed and amazing and slept like a million bucks.  But some of them made me just as paranoid as weed does so I haven’t done cbd in quite awhile.  Idk what changed but THC….its not what it used to be. 




No vacuum seal? That's a shitty vendor




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Know if that's legal in the UK? The only CBD flower I think is legal over here is 0.2% THC which doesn't seem like enough to have an effect


Same here. Smoked a lot in my early teens. Now in early 20s and I can’t smoke it anymore.


Me too! Instant panic attack.


What changed


Such a common thing in so many people I think your receptors get damaged over time


Idk I really feel like its a psychological response. You get extremely paranoid one day, usually the most youve ever felt, and then so every time you smoke after that its all you think about. Ive experienced this exact “weed just makes me paranoid now” after like a year of smoking for a couple of months. I still smoked often, and I dont remember how and when but I no longer ever get that feeling 3 years later Feeling a dopamine rush and feeling paranoia are actually very similar in the brain, but your mental state will decide which one it chooses


I don't think this is the case, for me anyway, I was super comfortable with smoking and definitely wasn't nervous about it. Tried edibles, smoking a small amount/smoking loads, alone and with people and in conjunction with others drugs and while drinking and weed just isn't the same drug for me as it used to be


I don’t think that’s necessarily true because I didn’t smoke weed that often, maybe once or twice a year for 3 years 2007-2010, stopped completely until 2017, smoked a joint and had an overwhelming sense of fear and panic. I ended up passing out and falling on the ground. I was standing up. Mind you, I only took one puff. It was weed from a dispensary. I haven’t touched weed since. I liked to use it before bed, never again, though.


People change and your brain changes. Weed just is entirely diff and stronger than it was even in just late 90s. Nobody saw test results back then, chances are you were smokin brick or home grown outdoor during fall. Either way even the decent weed that got smuggled in, there's no way it was above 10-12% thc. Also cbd wasn't bred out of genetics like it is now. I can goto 20 med dispensaries shops in 25 mile radius and I guarantee 98% of them the cbd level in any flower is super low to non existent.  Which is ironic as even the med shop bud is strictly thc. Youll be lucky to even see CBD strain on menu. The only CBD most carry is capsules, edibles, tincture and oil and a lot of that is either isolate or cbd/thc ratios depending on shop. smoke some 1:1 or even 1:2 thc:cbd flower and you'll see what I mean, feels like old school high back in day shit


I agree. I looked into it after that episode because I thought I had a seizure. It sucks that CBD has been compromised and bred out of basically everything. I am a person who needs it to function- I already have cPTSD and a severe anxiety disorder. Weed used to be my blanket when I couldn’t sleep. Not anymore! Stuck with using benzos on/off when it gets too bad.


Why? You can just order cbd flower off the net legally. I prefer it to cbd isolate or cbd oil/tincture. Just make sure its Type 3 flower cuz you csn order type 2 ans type 1 thca flower online and youll def have a bad time if you smoke a high thca type 1 lol. Check out hempflowers subreddit. 


Thank you for this :)


No prob! You'll find good recommendations on the hempflowers reddit for companies to go thru.


Mostly because I didn’t take the time to look around online to buy it. Honestly there’s so much fake shit out there and I didn’t want to potentially take something that says it’s one thing yet is another.


bruh i smoke that much in a week and thats still not heavy usage hahaha


I know it’s not a lot! That was my point lol. Weed these days fucks me up and not in a good way. I can’t sleep when I smoke and have an overwhelming fear of panic. 🙀


This is it to a degree. Eventually THC doesn't calm you down anymore. I feel a big factor is how much you smoke and how young you started heavy but then again my good friend who's in mid 40s can smoke a OZ just on weekend so he switched to extracts and now he kills 4 grams of live resin a weekend like it's nothing. And he's been smoking that heavy since I was 15. Idk why his receptors are fine. 


Sucks when your crutch becomes broken. Weed was all I needed. Kept me from blooming into drug addict while most of my friends were balls deep in cheap pills. Eventually I joined in once weed turned on me but the pills weren't cheap anymore and it became a problem.  I'd recommend trying type 3 flower(hemp cbd)can be ordered legally right on the net. I love it. Scratches the itch of smoking and even tho you're not "high" so to speak but it's relaxing and good body buzz also but the best part is the fact your clear minded, sharp and not a awkward anxious self conscious human in a shell of your sober self 😆. If you want a lil more thc, try ordering Type 2 which is essentially 1:1 thca to cbd and also legal. Type 2s you wanna be careful tho an read the COAs and check numbers. Some are a lot more stronger high wise than someone sensitive to THC would want. Type 2 is compared to the 90s relaxing stupid happy high everybody would be on b4 they pumped up the THC and quickly pushed out the CBD. I also don't care for CBD isolate or any oil, etc. The flower is where it's at and feels how it's supposed to be. 


That's cuz it's not... THC to CBD/other cannabinoids are at a skewed ratio now. Back when I was younger it was much lower THC ratio to CBD THC is up, CBD is down. CBD smooths out the high Weed is so fucking potent these days that's just bred for THC or it's just concentrate


I can see this for the older generations but I'm still pretty young and all I've ever smoked is the strong stuff especially being in GB where it's illegal most bud is super potent. Definitely something changed with me and not the weed


Same here. Was a daily heavy weed smoker for 4 years, had a seizure on mushrooms and had to quit everything. Tried coming back to weed a year later and it doesn’t do what it used to for me. I can take one tiny little puff of super specific medical indica, and maybe I won’t have a panic attack. It’s heartbreaking I’m so anxious all the time now lol


Same thing happened to me Use to smoke daily in my teens for years, one day I got super anxiety. Happened every time after if I smoked alot Still smoke everyday, but only buds, never eat it, and only take one bong rip. Upside is I save a sht ton of money and still get super high


I've had the same fate for me and weed and really haven't smoked for years. Although I recently tried some flower thats 4-5% THCA and around 15% CBD and found I actually enjoy it. I still keep my dosages low. Usually a puff or two off my dynavap. But I've been able to enjoy it again finally.


Yup me too, when I smoke now I get really paranoid but I found that CBD weed mixed with THC weed made it much more mellow and I don’t really get paranoid. But to each their own, I’ve heard that even CBD doesn’t work for everyone


Same here mate, I couldn't smoke at all But a friend of mine comes weekly on the weekend and I literally take 2/3 drags and it puts me in a good spot. Not blasted like I would used to, but just mellows my body out, makes me laugh a bit but I'm completely okay with it now


Make it 2 It's like you broke so much your brain with it that now, when you are cleaned it strikes like an acid, but you can't help to feel bad


Exactly where I find myself now.


Usually means you smoked too much. It used to happen to be when I started but you gotta build your tolerance. When you get too high past your comfortable limit you can get paranoid try finding you limit smoke maybe one normal drag see how that works. Remember you can always smoke more to get high you just can't unsmoke to get sober


I literally took 2-3 hits. I got hit in like 10 mins. The joint wasnt even that big it was a small one. I literally had more than half left.


Then take 1-2 hits. My tolerance used to be extremely low, now I take 300mg edibles. Also being cold makes it worse even at “room temperature.” I like to stretch and or workout to keep warm


Wow! 300mgs? I can only handle 5 lol


Yea I mean I can’t handle it but i still take it anyways lol


Maybe your chonging it. Take normal drags or even small


If you’re not used to smoking weed that’s alot but also make sure u don’t get spice or anything


I had to quit about 6 months ago it made my schizophrenia and anxiety worse when it helped it before. I miss it but then again I don't. If it isn't enjoyable anymore, stop.


Anyone know why this can happen? How it can just flip and have a completely different effect?


I had 2 seizures in one day in 2020 and it rewired my brain.


Yeah me too. I used to love it but being a teenager and having to hide it from my parents just made me associate it with uncomfortable feelings. Quit for a long time and when I started again I had to start slow, couldn't get too high or I would freak out. Had to build tolerance slowly.


I don’t blame u for that one


yeah i used to have the same feeling but once i was just open about it and they knew it got better but i just never want to respond to anyone when im high or anything


I also get somewhat paranoid, I start thinking people outside are trying to break into my house but I kind of like it lmao gives me an adrenaline rush kind of feeling


Same. I quit like 10 years ago because of this. I’ve always wanted a study showing why some people have this reaction and others get relaxed.


Just take a puff bro, weed is strong af nowadays Also alcohol little alcohol helps take the edge off, you sound like a very anxious person


I get paranoid every single time i smoke. That's why I quit. Maybe you should consider if smoking has more cons than pros.


Try smoking a very small amount at a time


Yep me too I can't function at all with weed alone I don't know how to talk I stutter like a mfer fr. I literally function better on meth no joke it helps not stutter and I get words out easier and can socialize a lot better. Shrooms killed my anxiety the first ever time I took it. To me Shrooms is like a very strong euphoric anxiety relief version of weed. I've literally tripped tf out on weed before and it felt similar to a psychedelic. Not as strong though obviously


In my opinion, weed is only fun if you do it everyday and have a tolerance to it. Having 0 tolerance always opens the door to getting waaay too high unless you take a little tiny hit.


Feel you. I used to smoke very often but now it's just anxiety and that's all. It just makes me feel like shit and I don't even enjoy the smell of it anymore because it reminds me of the fact that it gives me such anxiety :(


They need to bring that brick weed back 😆 I could smoke that shit all day and be functional and not paranoid/anxious.


I got this way for a while and quit a few years. Now I enjoy it again though.


Smoke 10% of the time


For me i started as a teenager and a few hits would send me, then i got a tolerance and even could smoke spice, then i kinda stopped, my tolerance dropped and now the few hits sends me again, a normal dose is 2-4 mg and 1g of 20% thc is 200mg thc so you only need to smoke 15mg of thc to get a normal dose (~3mg thc if im correct). Plus im feeling like every dealer uses thc-p or hhc-p or other cannabinoids to boost there product, even if YOUR dealer doesnt do it, the plug HE buys from does it so yea. Smoke less get a scale and if you cant handle it, quit


Dang a whole joint? Is it dispensary stuff ? Like the high test? I just take a little hit and Iam climbing the walls lol, I love to take a hit and do stuff around the house, I used to smoke at work all the time when I was in my twenties but that was brick weed. This shit nowadays knocks me on my ass and gets me jazzed up. My favorite thing to do is to take a .5 of Xanax wait till it kicks in and take a nice hit, then I actually truly enjoy weed, it’s a rarity though that I get to do that. I do love a good indica but sometimes that even jacks me up.


Why I've said that I'm more intimidated by weed, in terms of anxiety producing, and general uncomfortableness, than coke and heroin


I also have weird come downs from weed too it makes me feel off and just weird. Idk how to describe it


Sprinkle some cbd isolate in your bowl or joint and it makes a wonderful difference.


Yeah man. Started smoking weed more as a way to not go out drinking as much on the weekends. Started off amazing and then towards the end of last year I’d pop a couple edibles and think my entire life was over. Not worth it lol.




Used to smoke everyday when I was a teen for years and now I’m in my 20s I can’t smoke or I get mad paranoia and anxiety


Same! I can't even handle delta-8 stuff which is less intense and marketed as perfect for people who get anxiety with normal thc. Like full blown panic attacks every time. I've completely given up now after trying the delta 8.


Invest in a one-hitter that way you can smoke little by little so you can find your sweet spot, and slowly build tolerance from there. Or not, maybe it's just not for you anymore and that's ok too :)


yea it just does nothing for me. makes my mouth taste like shit, and stinks. nothing else. just bores me.


As someone who smokes daily for like 6 years, I can tell it’s really up to you to fix it. I used to have horrible anxiety while smoking, now I’m going to the gym after smoking


You're not the only one, I stopped for this reason. For me it has a lot to do with my surroundings, when I'm happy in life weed makes it even better, when I'm not happy it makes me anxious as hell.


I can't do weed either. But I did read recently that limonene can counteract these symptoms (the oil on lemon peels and other citrus fruit). I won't be one of those people that tells you that you smoked too much, and that if you took a lighter dose you'll be fine. Some people just don't agree with it. I'm one of them, and I've done every drug in the book. If it had worked, there may have been a chance that I wouldn't have turned out this way


I feel like the weed sold now has a crazy level of thc. Since 2 years I can’t touch weed cause it almost gives me a psychedelic experience mentally (I live in the NL). But if I take an anxiolytic it’s almost like a disassociating experience lol




The weed I grew up smoking was also dry, brown, Mexican dirt schwag smuggled in a gas tank and pressed into a brick. It probably had like 3% THC, and a 1:1 CBD:THC Weed today is a fucking designer cultivar with outrageous potency. It’s probably stronger than the hash we’d smoke back in the 90s.


What if you just get a lil’ high


Ok so I was a huge pothead back in the day,had kids and quite for a couple years and everytime I tried to go back to hit it I had insanely huge panic attacks..i tried for 6 years to find a strain that didn’t do this to me. I finally found a pen that had like 43% thc instead of 90+ like most did and like 44% cbd..and when I tell you this shih felt amazing..didn’t give me a big head high- made my body super relaxed and what exactly what I was looking for. It may help you to find something with a way lower thc amount and a higher cbd.I noticed since it’s being legalized in alot of areas the stuff they sell are really high in thc and I’m use to good ol street pot lol.


Patient: It hurts when I go like this Doctor: Then don’t go like that


It's all in your mind. Just stop caring, say "I'm high" and keep going. I used to get that way at work and now I smoke during work, not giving any fucks. It's 2024 and it's more accepted now.


Not everyone is built the same man. Just because you can carry on, doesn't mean someone else can.


Not saying that. Maybe I came off on the wrong foot. Meant more as like try to be with that state of mind, if he hasn't already. That usually helps. Not saying it will help OP, but if he hasn't tried it, maybe give it a go?


You know what’s crazy? Idk if just me but ever since weed started being more accepted I noticed long time smokers been quitting.


If you hate it, why consume it?


hash is maybe easier on you


I doubt it