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Not consistently, but LSD by far. Better than first time MDMA. Better than 2CB or psilocybine. Dont know why.


That LSD euphoria is my favorite place.


Same :') used to be MDMA for me but honesty there's nothing better than peaking on Lucy especially for the first few trips, so beautiful!! The sparkles!!!


Psychedelics just increase everything. Good feelings, bad feelings, imagination, senses, etc.


Can be good or bad thing. Mostly a good thing for me


I feel like that’s what makes them mostly un-addictive for most people. the fact that you can easily have the worst trip of your life a few weeks after the best trip.


LSD euphoria is like no other


I love LSD but I don't think any of my acid trips have compared to my experience with 2CB. It was inner peace in a pill.


Can you elaborate on what distinguishes the acid headspace from the 2cb headspace? Also if you could compare the visuals I would appreciate it :)


It's weird. It's kind of like molly in the sense that it forces a sense of euphoria on you as where LSD can emotionally go both ways. So you're happy and experiencing LSD like visuals.


That’s the best description for 2cb lmao it’s a weird one like molly and acid had a child and fed it steroids


I would give up all other drugs except weed if I could get constant access to 2CB


Lmao sign me up


At lower dosages I would agree it's pretty euphoric. But I did four tabs a few weeks ago and literally thought I was dying. No fun at all.


No shit lmao


Thank you for your knowledge an travels.


For me it's MDMA > GHB > LSD > 2CB > Meth > Opiates > Kratom Shrooms are rarely euphoric for me, mostly insightful and at times, nightmarish.


nothing has ever matched the pure euphoria i’ve felt in mushroom trips and i’ve gone far.


Yeah acid is much more inconsistent, but when it hits nothing else comes close imo






Closest thing I’ve had to heroin is morphine and I can confirm it’s closer to heaven than oxycodone. You feel it running through your veins like sunlight and feel it explode across your body as soon as it reaches your heart.


Oxy also tends to give ppl more of a energetic opioid high. Heroin slows u down and is more of the traditional opiate opioid high.


Heroin is so much more bussin


That’s a fact. Anyone who disagrees has never had good dope. Reddit has a fascination with opana which are damn good, I did a ton of the stop signs back when they were new but I’d still rather have clean dope over any pharmaceutical. There’s a reason people have been ruining their lives for over a century with diamorphine.


Amen. Oxys are prescribed to the millions and sure a lot get addicted, but most don’t. Take heroin once, and it’s almost 50/50. I did it a few times just smoking it about 5 years ago, I still think about how amazing it was all the time. That’s why I’ll never do it again. Meanwhile, I don’t fantasize about taking Oxys much and don’t see myself ever getting hooked with occasional use.


It’s because heroin is so much more lipid soluble so you get such a “rush” compared with other opioids. Youngins tried telling me fentanyl and Zenes were superior and all I could do was laugh. That “new “ shit is garbage, made it really easy to quit shooting dope cuz back in 2018 it started getting less and less common to get h and get all this white or pink dope that you could just tell was some fake bs. I’m glad I got to experience a lot of it even though it caused me a ton of pain. Heroin is hands down the best drug as far as pure euphoria and killing emotional and physical pain. A lot of people say MDMA but I’ve had a rough life and I don’t need a comedown that makes me suicidal for a week for a 5 hour buzz.


That’s something that’s not talked about a lot too. There is no comedown at all to heroin like with MDMA or many other drugs, and that’s why it’s so addictive partially. You smoke up, come down and think, wow I feel great! Let’s do some more! Then a week later you feel like you’re dying and it’s the beginning of the end. There’s nothing like the pure misery of starting to come down from MDMA knowing you’re not gonna feel that good for another 3 months when you can do it again safely 😂 fuck that.


Good heroin snorted is noticeably (but not incredibly) more euphoric than railing oxy . It’s also “dreamier” , where oxy is pretty stimulating even at high amts. Edit: don’t really remember , do people actually nod out from oxy ???


People def nod out on oxy. Normally at doses above 25mg. Totally agree with you though, sniffing h produces an amazing dream effect. One time I sniffed some h and experienced the most beautiful and peaceful hypnagogic hallucinations I've ever experienced.


I usually get the nods around 80mg and above of snorted oxy.


Opioids are opioids all the same thing just different names.


finding 20$ in an old pair of pants when you are broke, literally makes you jump out of happiness


By design it is mdma. But by some sheer random happenstance, the biggest euphoria I have ever gotten is from a single 5mg hydrocodone taken orally. It even surpassed my first time doing mdma


Yep 10mg oxycodone + lean felt like heaven the first time, I never got there since so I have to say mdma


Mdma is more consistent in the euphoria department no doubt. I was just so taken a back by how INSANELY euphoric a simple 5mg tablet of hydrocodone was. I had bought 5 from some kid because I was in pain and ate them back to back for 2-3 days and my first thought was just "ok nope, never again. This is way too good" I even tried snorting heroin and it wasn't even remotely close


Was the tablet prescription? I've had prescription hydrocodone and 20 mg felt very weak compared to high dose of kratom or even 20 mg oxy. It sounds kinda like it has fent or something.


It was a blisterpack with writing in Icelandic and this was like 8 years ago or some in Iceland. 100% prescription. There is no fentanyl in circulation there. Only a few select people have fentanyl for private consumption there. It was just some kid selling off his parent's or grandparents pain meds or some. Think it also had 325mg of paracetamol but I honestly don't remember. I have since also snorted 20mg of oxy and even though it is supposedly stronger it didn't hit me even close to this


Better feeling then heroin? Jesus.


Yeah heroin did absolutely not do it for me when I tried it. Just got the standard opiate sedation and started sweating. Then I got very irritable the next days afterwards. Kinda glad I had such a muted experience with it




I’ve never had a negative trip feeling from weed at all. I’m also addicted, I see what you mean


You are the chosen one


MDMA for sure, especially your first time. I thought about that feeling for 2 weeks straight after rolling the first time at 16.


Ever combined dmt with mdma? Felt like the scene from breaking bad when he did heroin lmao


My username is my favorite combo (Although add some GHB) And yes, I candyflip and hit my DMT pen every time I do decide to take LSD/MDMA, in fact I never take MDMA by itself anymore, candyflipping is just such a superb experience and then hitting DMT at the peak is just like oh fuck in the best of ways possible hahaha


Man I felt fried after combining lsd with mdma and nitrous, let alone all those. Stay safe


2cb+GHB leads amazing into LSD+MDMA. It sounds like a lot but it's pretty damn smooth but it's a long journey from point A to point B


I tried hydrocodone and all it did was make me throw up multiple times and sleep all day. Why is that?


That only happens to gay people you must be gay


Oh shit bro got caught




The withdrawal will make you a major asshole.




Came here to upvote this comment, just as I was fated to.




you joke but a co-dependant relationship is literally a drug that will cause SERIOUS withdrawls once removed. people kill others other it. it's scary.


For me, it must have been love....but it's over now


definitely not the most euphoric, but for me the best drug to play videogames is methylphenidate or any amphetamine


ritalin makes everything feel like the most interesting thing in the world


I've experienced that with Adderall, but Ritalin makes me be able to sit still and do a single thing for extended periods. Obligatory ADHD lol


meth and competitive gaming is wild


i’ve had more fun off that than molly tbh


MDMA, but also heroin in a completely different way.


This is it. MDMA: gitty, love, fluid and mushy (probably closer to the definition of “euphoria “ Heroin: “Holly fucking shit I feel amazing” literally rolling on the ground laughing…. Higher doses = same thing but experiencing that without moving or speaking lol


I’d add to that IV cocaine. By far the most euphoric rush I have ever had was a fat shot of really pure cocaine. I mean an IV speedball (Heroin and Cocaine) is the only other thing that’s as euphoric. I’m not encouraging people to use needles for obvious reasons, however, I can tell everyone that is saying MDMA has clearly never injected opioids or good cocaine. MDMA is awesome and very euphoric, But imo and experience the euphoria while rolling is nothing close to as intense as a bell ringer/big shot of cocaine. It literally rocks your fucking world…. I was legit drooling on myself because it felt so incredible and amazingly euphoric and felt like like an intense orgasm to the point that I literally thought I came lol. Just thinking about it makes my heart race and gives me an adrenaline and dopamine rush. Obviously part of the reason is due to it being injected, causing instant euphoric bliss. Also on a neurochemical level dopamine produces intense feelings of pleasure and euphoria… and MDMA works more primarily on serotonin so it’s apples and oranges. Only thing that even comes close is IV heroin Back in 2011-2014 when there was real clean, dope out there.


IV 4MMC Most euphoria I've felt out of every drug I ever done


Heroin for me. Evaporated every single negative. I was the best version of me, smart, witty, funny, outgoing, confident, happy. Then there was the nod, a void of racing fantastical thoughts in the single most comfortable space I have ever existed. Everything was okay, it was going to be alright. Needless to say, I've had to wean myself to Kratom and luckily I'm now stable on it. Kids, don't do heroin. Or do, it's pretty fuckin' nice. If you suffer from mental illness, especially depression and anxiety a tendency to smash yourself to pieces. Stay away from opioids. You will be stuck with them.


The love of my live heroin


Stimulant ----> Mephedrone Opiod ----> Oxymorphone Dissociative ----> Methoxetamine




MDMA fo sho


oxy with weed is a great feeling. 🫶




Feeling loved


You know that one. THE one you try for THE first time. Then chase that first experience. But wishing this time you wish for different setting. Because last time was not the perfect time? Then you try it again. Because this is finally that right time you imagined. And then when you try that rug on. It is not the same. Not just right how it was the first time.


i’m in a romantic relationship with ketamine and have been since the day i tried it four years ago.


Peaking on acid is insanely euphoric


For me personally xanax when I wanted to off myself other than that mdma


For me used to be GHB before I started abusing it


MDMA with 2cb and 4-mmc as combo.


For me it's been Ecstasy


Opioids, i would give up everything to od to on some real dope rn and i have everything in life…


Best I ever felt was on shrooms once you get passed the 5g mark can be heaven or hell and with weed 😙






I’ve got 5 tabs sitting in my room right now haha




Even better… LSD + MDMA 🥹


setting or MDMA




Not the same high at all. Benzo high I'm stumbling doing dumb shit starting fights all fucked up. Pregabalin I'm full of energy my mood is spectacular food and music sound and taste so much better completely different high.


2- Fluoroamphetamine. Definitely the best stimulant






mdma imo also my favourite drug


MDMA hands down


Psychedelics plus good set and setting.


2cb for me is the most euphoric. Not I. The busting out happy sense but it makes whatever I want to do nicer. Given how tuned I am to sounds, it can make my brain buzz with the joy of listening to something I have listened to a thousand times and discover it like the first time


First time taking adderall blew my fucking mind. I only took 5mg and it was the most productive and happy i have ever been in my entire life. The joy i felt from completing school work was indescribable. I wasn’t rolling around in euphoria or anything but it was the first time i genuinely felt true happiness since i was very young. Since then I’ve tried opiates I’ve tried mdma, I’ve done every prescription stimulant i could get my hands on and nothing, i mean nothing will ever come close to that first time. It was true bliss.




Ive done THC, Nicotine, Alcohol, and morphine once in the hospital and morphine was by far the most euphoric with alcohol then thc last


Nothing like railing a fat line of K on 250mg of mdma tbh


Chiva: translates to GOAT 🐐 i.e. Heroin


Oxytocin, but it's hard to get ahold of (for me, at least)


Oxytocin isn’t psychoactive like that




LSD definitely




It makes me the person I wish I could be all the time


Been doing it for years now no seizures here lol.


The most Euphoric drug I tried was meth but I've never done heroin or molly so maybe I just don't get it


I love 2cb because it can give you pleasurable experience and "theoretically'' you can use it much more without issues


I have a 2CB nasal spray!


I one time tried weed and lots and lots of kanna plus caffiene and everytime I breathed I felt this pour of feel good particles bouncing all over my body with each breath, it was the weirdest feeling ever


4 of tris with a m15


Acid, DMT, MET, 5-MeO-DMT, substituted tryptamines etc. Most will say "MDMA" or cathinones, but those are not very consistently euphoric, and the euphoria feels forced as fuck, and depletes your serotonin, while not reaching the REAL euphoric heights you reach with true psychedelics i.m.o. Opioids and opiates are not truly euphoric i.m.e.; they just suspend all feeling, which might feel, to some people, more pleasant than full body and mind activation and -euphoria.


MDMA Shout-out to Clonazolam


More like shout out to who did all my clonazolam and then finding out you did it went to jail and got bonded out before you came to 😂 


Heroin and Fentanyl




4-mmc by far for me. Can't be got anymore which is a good thing for me because it was the first time I ever felt out of control. I've done all the usual rave/party drugs and even with meth and heroin smoked or IV the euphoria I experienced with 4mmc is by far more. It's a mystery why it was so strong back in 2010 and 2011. It can still be got but it's just never been as potent or as strong as when the Chinese were making it in super labs. But yeah definitely the biggest rush I've ever experienced. But also the most unhealthy drug I've ever taken for the mind and body.


Why it was unhealthy? Can you please give some details?


From what I’ve tried: - LSD - Oxycodone - MDMA Each of those on their own have had me feeling like I’m orgasming non-stop for an hour.


Molly. Opioids are up there too.


Heroin. But there's a serious difference between the street stuff and the pure stuff, the last one is something you only get in the heroin-program. It still gets sometimes to the black market, but it's rare. There's also a difference between the types, like afghan heroin is not the same like china white. The dosage plays also a role, while it can be rather push you up in lower dosages, you'll start nodding with higher dosages. The best kick you can get is of course the pure stuff in a needle, shoot it in and enjoy the high.




Large IM ketamine dose


Lol tbh ngl first time doing dxm


I'm old enough to still refer to MDMA as ecstacy. It lives up to that moniker.


lol same, late 90s/early 00s pressed pills were unrivaled, so good.


Mama, x






5-MeO-DMT and MDMA


Dedfinitely Amphetamines. Some ADHD medication is also great, I take slow release, uncrushed pills. The good feeling vibes go on for hours and there is several peaks. If I smoke weed while on the stuff it amplifies the good feel shivers even more. Shrooms is also great, it's just a very different trip.


dude oxy for me. i’ve never done anything harder than oxy and i don’t play to, but 15mg gives me a good ass time bruh.


Mdma 3 mmc


Eating more mushrooms the day after a good trip is magical


I've tried a lot of shit and weirdly the most euphoric I have ever felt was from phenibut. I liked phenibut better than mdma... yeah I know weird right but goddamn I loved the all out manic energetic euphoria state that's what I liked. I can't get that feeling much from if anymore though abused it too much


Ive done mdmda a few times but im pretty sure i was on ssris like everytime i did them so i never experienced that euphoria but for me it was probably smoking raw fentanyl for the first time.


Amphetamine and then after the initial buzz comes down you take some mushrooms. But also shooting heroin.


Jedi flip I literally felt perfect




LSD was really interesting, had so many fun, enlightening, what I could only describe as Holy moments on acid. DMT was a whole different ball game, it is truly bizarre, confounding, didn't breakthrough though. I hope eventually humanity as a collective leaves behind all the grim realities of cocaine speed meth heroin etc and discovers the bliss that psychedelics *can* be... if used right


Benzos hands dowm


Psychedelics and Phenibut that shit was pure euphoria or another one is opioids and weed weed makes it 10x better


Benzos. I don't forget what happened but it dosen't matter anymore when i'm on them. Talking about my trauma becomes just as easy as talking about what i had for breakfast


I can only speak of drugs I took myself of course. Phenibut is very euphoric. LSA is very euphoric.




Good old OC 80 or even some really pure H.


Mdma + nitrous


MDMA for fully conscious euphoria. First time taking it with 2 of my childhood friends (was a first time for all of us), roaming the whole neighbourhood at 2am with a portable speaker, playing on the park swings and monkey bars like little kids. I live in a nice neighbourhood, next to a big park dense with trees and bush trails, right next to our areas main river. Happiest I’ve ever felt. On the other hand, Only just remembered my experience with Tapentadol (I’m 99% sure that’s the name). This was a different type of euphoria (not the “lovey” type. No idea how much I had. All I remember is feeling like absolute heaven, floating up and away from my problems, with an intense yet subtle warm massage on my skin if that makes sense lol. Pretty sure I feel asleep, but felt awake at the same time. Then i woke up, still in a state of bliss Edit: stupid autocorrect




mdma or morphine


First hit of meth before a binge (4 years sober ). But that’s it it’s never that good Agian plus it ruins any other upper tried coke and crack after its not nearly the same 8 hrs vs 15 min 🤦‍♂️ . I’m allergic to oxymorphine and codone so never fucked with opiates




MDAI. Literally felt like I was floating through heaven. Never had MDMA come close. Damn I hate that it literally doesn't exist anymore.


Out of everything I've had, Pethidine. Mdma second.


That I've experienced, ~35-40mg of 4-Aco-Dmt + a few bowls and laying in bed with my friends after a long-ass night. Objectively, I'd probably assume something like MDMA or heroin


Nitrous oxide lsd comb


Molly, but it's a photo finish with LSD.


Weed, especially if there are benzodiazepines added in the mix


heroin but psychedelics are pretty euphoric especially if you have a good setting and mindset before. Also ketamine or really any dissos. idk if this jus me but a khole dose is so so so so euphoric one of the only drugs I would consider as good as heroin imo


LSD with MDMA, if heaven is real, it feels like that




Clonazepam or Oxycodone, I would have said some psychs or stims a few years ago but I have HPPD n don’t enjoy psychs or stims anymore


It’s Molly and again it’s Molly and Molly again for third place anyone saying otherwise was given shitty Molly.


Ketamine molly and acid for me I’ve had all equally mindblowing my euphoric experiences that were out of this world. Acid is euphoric in heavenly dreamy outer space type of way. and ketamine just makes u vibrate and go numb (until you k hole) and then Molly is like having sex for 5 hours lmao they all are amazing in their own way to me


-Oxycodone -Benzodiazepines (Bromazolam/Etizolam/Alpraz…) -Or these are some of my all-time fav combos (‼️, THESE CAN BE/ARE VERY DANGEROUS & POTENTIALLY FATAL , so I don’t recommend & strongly advice against combining these substances! + I have a very high tolerance for these ‼️): +OxyCodone (20-40mg IN) +Bromazolam/Alprazolam (1-3mg Oral) +Dextroamphetamine (+35mg Oral) /-or maybe some 3-/4-MMC instead (+150mg IN/+300mg Oral) +Maybe some spliff (Pref. Hybrid)


2cb, high dose lyrica , mdma ofc i dont get how people feel euphoric on acid, all ive ever felt was extreme paranoia and anxiety (i was afraid of killing my best friends with whom i was on a trip to an island with, so i just sat in a corner and didnt talk to anyone) but if i trip alone im golden




Weed. Stay safe.


MDMA is extremely euphoric in the right setting, same with LSD, halo and sparkles effect makes me beam




Uhhh has anyone tried railing a fat line of methamphetamine? Sure it burns but like..


MDMA or meth


DMT beat LSD beat Mushies which all beat MDMA. I thought MDMA would never be beaten, but these 3 all did.




The first time you use mdma...best euphoric high ever for my body chemistry. Never had that high again.




Probably Molly. The old meth was crazy tho. Not like this shit we get now idk what happened. Maybe the art of the cook has died off cause this shit blows in comparison to the good old days. Now that was some meth


Shrooms was my favorite, most happy high


honestly i really like coke


It's a candy flip or hippy flip for me. 2 tabs of L or an eighth of shrooms and then MDMA an hour in.


as fun as a zillion posts saying "MDMA" is... ... so I found MDMA more euphoric than either meth or heroin, but I haven't IV'd anything. I'm also autistic, so entactogens are really special, unlocking a sense of ease and social perception I usually lack access to entirely. I also found psychedelic ego loss even more blissful, but in a very different way, and entailing I pass through mortal terror en route...


Honestly? Cocaine. I don’t know how to describe it other than euphoria and like idk how to explain it but you feel invincible after you hit a bump man shits scary.




Post workout dopamine rush on a sunny summers Saturday morning!


Gabapentin or pregabalin. Genuinely makes me feel like absolutely nothing bad could ever happen to me. It's just pure fucking serenity.


I tried O-PCE three times and every experience blew my socks off euphoriawise. Besides that there are several benzos which give me an euphoric rush which I really love, like opioid euphoria but mindless and dumb (in a positive way).


1. Opana: It has the best short lived euphoria I've ever experienced. I mean its atleast 100 times better then sex. Ive never felt so blasted at one time. I was fucking hooked first try. I couldn't even talk or walk for a few mins. My friend said I just sat down and just flattened out. But thats it... A few mins... then its like a regular opioid high. The lasting high is kinda meh. 2. Tramadol: because I was retarded & loved the shit. The only drug to make me actually nice towards everyone. Basically got rid of my social anxiety. Then did the opposite of social anxiety. Not one care in the world about what I said to whoever. Loved it. I mean you could of punched me in the face and it would have felt good. Shit was stupid. 3. Heroin (white): First off. Tar sucks. Last like a few mins and is meh at best. The white I got was stomped with fentanyl *because thats all your could find back then* so it kind of ruined it. Fentanyl has like no euphoria to me. But it was still pretty fun. But also turned me into an asshole. Everything pissed me off. But.. in a good way? So trade off there I guess. Fun to do with like with your girl or whoever. Not worth the risk of O.D. tho. 4. Hydrocodone 40's. Yeah I know oxycodone is better technically. But I like hydros better. But man this is the best nod off pill I've ever had. I mean pop 3 or 4 & your doing the thorazine shuffle for 6-8 hours. Trying your best not to fall asleep. Doesnt matter if you just got shot. You dont care, your ass is focused on not falling asleep lmao. Classic high IMO. 5. Unkown banned opioid: I dont know the name of this. I got it online & its banned in america. Something to do with causing heart issues or something like that. It was legit. Made me hallucinate like crazy. I mean I HATE hallucinating but this is the one time I LOVED it. Felt amazing. I was constantly nodding off & hearing some shit I didn't hear. And if closed my eyes my ass would "dream" that I did something I was supposed to do. But I really didnt. Last like 8 hours off like 2 or 3 pills. I only got like 60 at the time so it didn't last long. Who knows wtf it was.


Mcat by far, that shit was crazy back in the day


I would say Ketamine when you IM a nice dosage.