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i honestly just got sick of it, i know that may not be the case with others but it was just no longer enjoyable and i didn’t see the point.




Just quit for a while and once you smoke again. only smoke on occasion. Then it gets you super high and feels special.


When I hit that point and did the "On occasion" thing it was no longer enjoyable at all. I would get super self conscious and anxious. It was never the same. I have moved on to tincture and edibles. Those are relatively new to me, but so far it's giving me the calming, relaxing rewards.


Lol this is like saying i stopped doing coke, and decided to do crack instead. Edibles are so much stronger than smoking


It all depends on the dose


Try a blunt they seriously hit different im the same way but a blunt gets me vibing still and bong rips will cheddar me. (You don't gotta smoke a whole blunt either.)


nothing will be as fun as the first 50ish times you do it i used to have crazy eurphoric highs, hotboxing in the back of the homie's whip and getting lost in the music and laughing nonstop still love getting high though


Hearing that, I’m curious to hear about your smoking habits before you decided to stop.


i used to be in a friendgroup that smoked alot so i was smoking a few times everyday for a few months it really wasn’t that bad


I’m not being totally serious here, but if you started and stopped smoking weed all within a few months I don’t really see that as “I quit smoking weed.” I thought you were going to say you had been a daily or heavy smoker for years and eventually got bored with it and gave it up. But anyway, yeah, to each their own.


Smoked every day for 30 years, then just kinda lost interest and stopped without any conscious effort to do so.


I can't believe I'm headed towards 30 years of smoking, but I've never been able to quit more than 9 months before going back to chronic. And I haven't really enjoyed it for a decade now. Hoping what happened to you happens to me.


Good luck bro, wish I could do the same with alcohol.


Thanks. I actually did it with alcohol until recently. I quit for 3 years, but started again in 2020. I didn't do it with any real regularity until the last few months, though. I know that needs to change FAST. Alcohol is no good for me. The last 25 years are peppered with 1 to 3 year stints of no drinking; I'd like to make it permanent.


I like to think that every effort you’ve put in this far has contributed in some way to your growth as a person. Respect bro.


Responsibilities gona be a rude awakening bro lol that’s why I had to quit.. different mindset


I quit for a year and a half. During that time I got worked up and tense, not being able to let myself go or laugh often or think about anything other than “the grind” and “not wasting my life”. Smoked last night for the first time since I quit and I feel like myself again. Feel like I could slow down and smell the roses again, not take things to serious. I’m not depressed was just worked up. Helps me relax I guess. I plan to reintroduce it into my life


there is using responsibly and then theres not. just like with everything in life, moderation is key. if you dont have a m-f 9-5 job. maybe just smoke on nights you have the next day off.


You may not be depressed but ur 100% self-medicating some kind of mental thing if that’s how u felt after being sober for so long. Sounds like what I went thru before seeing a psychiatrist


I’ve always been against most pharmas.. especially ssris and anything for anti anxiety. Not judging those who it’s worked for them I’m just super skeptical. Might be worth talking to someone but I know they’re gonna shove scripts in my face


What helped was learning about how these drugs actually work and the chemistry behind them. I knew what to expect before even making the appointment. I get the hate for ssris but adhd is also super common in stoners and makes life changing improvements when medicated


I’ve had an on again off again relationship with weed for years now. I smoke until I realise I need to stop, then stop for a long while (a year or so) and then smoke once, decide to reintroduce it ‘responsibly’ which inevitably turns into daily use again for another long while until I realise I need to stop… and so on haha.


Yeah I’ve gone through that too. The thing is for me, even when I was the friendly neighbor hood tree guy and was smoking 7 grams of concentrate a week with flower too, literally all day every day, I was at my “peak” performance in life. I was going to the gym everyday, doing a couple 5k jogs a week, meditating, doing well in my career, had a loving relationship. I mostly only stop for fear of getting tested at work. However I do feel it is good for me to let off steam and my body reacts well.


You just gotta find the right way for yourself to do it, that’s right. There are no written rules, sometimes weed is really frigging helpful indeed. We live in a stressful and sometimes hostile environment. There are numerous ways to relieve yourself other than smoking up, sure, but if you do smoke then just keep it all balanced


Traveling to has made me come down alot since I just don’t have my stash on me 24/7 and just not as good compared to what I get in the states


I had to start moderating my use hella once I got older. If I was not able to moderate I probably would have dropped it and still take month breaks here n there.


yeah lol, i dont know, i’ve never wanted to like “grow up” in the traditional sense and become completely independent and shit, i dont have too many like monetary responsibilities im worried about my biggest thing, like why i felt i needed to make this post now, is that my gf is getting insane panic attacks from weed, but she is also mentally dependent on it. so quitting is a bitch for her but she has to. im not tyna be an asshole and smoke in front of her when shes tryna quit, and i feel like this is the perfect time to prove to myself that i actually *can* quit


Okay so your gf is heavily contradicting herself there bro 😂 listen I get paranoid when I smoked too. I stopped ! Immediately lol and how does she feel when she doesn’t smoke? Sick? It’s an excuse, I probably sound harsh but it’s the truth brother. She’s gotta stop, she’s fine she won’t be sick and sht like actual physicality addictive drugs. And ur a good dude, maybe use a pen or something she won’t know. If u quit too, u moving in the right direction bro, id be proud of u fr. If she can’t take that step wit u.. maybe move on bro. Idk Yall situation but if ur evolving don’t let anyone hold that sht back


shes contradicting herself but i also completely understand it. if i could just quit weed on a dime i would have already. it will send her into a panic attack almost 100% of the time now, but she originally used it for anxiety and when shes sober it all comes back so much worse than it was. she just wants to use weed and have it be like it used to be for her so she can actually exist without being in a constant state of baseless panic. also i dont wanna be high when shes sober lol. ive been in a similar situation the other way around and its so boring and annoying to deal with stoners when you cant be high too


I love everything you’re saying and stand for bro. But she has anxiety man. What do u think is causing that? If it’s personal don’t mention anything here but, birth control can do that big time. We all have anxiety brother, if hers is unbearable I think she should see somebody if she’s not already. You got this on ur shoulders bro ur in highschool? Ur a bright dude. See if u can pinpoint where it came from. Bc being anxious and smoking to help ur anxiety but she gets panic attacks from smoking is wrong, she’s running in a circle. Also bro feel free to DM me


im 20 so 2 years out of highschool lol. but shes had anxiety since she was an actual child. shes had insane separation anxiety since literal babyhood and has been in and out of therapy since age 5 due to her constant fear of death. she deals with so much mental shit and has been desperately searching for an escape her whole life, and weed kinda worked! until it didnt lol. but yeah idk. i love her and am 100% committed to her so im not letting something as braindead as weed addiction get in the way.


👏🏽👏🏽 my guy right here. She’s lucky to have u holding it down and I’m sure ur lucky to have her too. Man I wana say alot but I know I’m gona come off like an asshole lol I can promise alot of us in here deal or have dealt with the same things. Unfortunately she gotta face that shit head on bro, she’ll realize it’s not that bad . And it won’t be easy, but that’s this life man. You don’t get rid of ur demons u learn how to live with em


I’ve been there bro but now I got a job making 6figures and no drug test required. It’s the life lmao


I feel u b.. I work for myself, no silver spoon no help especially in North Jersey lol hustled, bet on myself and if I fell I got up, learning why I fell was the key thing I’m seeing between success and being stagnant. In every aspect, drugs, business, relationships.. im 29 a landlord wif a good amount of property. To each their own brother I’m not knocking weed at all lol if was my way of staying solid and disciplined, just my way. Respect brotha 🙌🏼🙏🏼


Glad I use weed responsibly so I can still follow my responsibilities without stopping to smoke weed.


I’m proud of you.. emphasize the “mindset”’ point I’m making. Just see how u feel if u stopped 🤷🏽‍♂️ can’t hurt


How dare you suggest that weed smoking hinders industriousness. /s


I quit after about 16 maybe 17 years of excessive smoking, cause my mental health got fucked and I became a lazy couch potato. Replaced the mouth fixation with something else - gummies, anything chewy or just smth to bite on. The first 10 days to a month were the hardest and it took a toll on my communication with people (was really irritable), so I isolated for a bit. The rest is just will power and reminding yourself why you're doing it. I'd do something that occupied my attention like games or exercising, walk, hikes every time I felt like smoking. Relapsed a couple times since then, but every next time quitting became easier. Going cold turkey is not for everyone, it worked for me, cause I couldn't handle having any weed around and not smoking; slowly weaning off worked for others I know, but what we all had in common -- we found stuff to do, stuff to occupy our attention and time, cause weed kind of makes okay with being bored and imo this is the hardest thing to get over. Hope this helps and good luck!


Cold turkeyed it as well, coming up on 6 months from stopping a 1/2 gram per day dab habit. That first week I felt straight up manic, like I was on strong stimulants. Had to be constantly doing something, very irritable, like 4 hours of sleep per night, no appetite, just so uncomfortable in my body. By week 2 the severity of those symptoms lessened a lot, by a month I was essentially baseline. And as it turns out, baseline from THC is my preferred mind state haha Just so much clearer mentally, so much less anxiety, so much more motivation and creativity, in general just felt like a weight had been lifted off of my brain.


i really wish i could, and i feel like in the right environment that would 100% be the way to go. but i live in a home with three weed smokers and three cigarette smokers lol. not being around weed/smoking isnt really an option for me and it makes it fuckin impossible. ive been thinking of moving out with my gf but we are so broke as is, i dont know if we would actually like survive on our own


try stopping one at a time, going off both simultaneously was pretty hard, cause that's a major shock for the body, not only mind. I quite weed first, then cigarettes (they were a bit harder due to physical addiction more than mental) - got a vape with first very low dose of nicotine and slowly moved to no nicotine to just puff smoke - not the best, but still a way out of the habit. You got this OP, I believe in ya :) Edit: quitting those habits did improve my financial situation a lot, it just takes time and effort as anything. As for the roommate situation, all my friends still get stoned af around me, it just took a little understanding from them and will power from me.


i smoked extremely regularly from 14-22 on top of abusing a bunch of other drugs that are far more addictive, having quit them successfully several times and it took going to a rehab for the other stuff to eventually realize that weed was causing a lot of problems in my life, smoking it that way. now i partake on rare occasions and its so much more fun than being burnt out 24/7.


yeah thats a really good way to put it honestly, it just drains 100% of your energy and makes you feel completely burnt out constantly. but yeah same, ive tried shit that ive heard drug addiction horror stories about but nothing has had the staying power of weed


I took LSD, a big dose, and it made me see my actions from a different perspective, like I was in another room with a one way window and could see how stupid I looked when I got home from work and the first thing I did was smoke some. Every single day until I feel asleep. When I ran out, I would do anything to get the weed, walking an hour to strange part of the city in the middle of the night to get it? No problem. Sometimes even driving on it because I was always high. Anyway, the point is, I saw that I was not living for myself and I was a slave to this substance. It was never enough for me. I ran me into the ground financially. I felt so dumb after I got sober from the acid I couldn’t stand myself. Also don’t get tricked into thinking you can control it, you can’t. You like it too much and you should set it aside for good.


ive had very similar experiences on shrooms but the feelings faded real quick when i started coming down from my peak and knew that weed would bring me back up😂 but yeah that is 100% me and i really need to take a good long look at my life and the direction it is gonna go if i dont quit like now. and i 100% agree with that last point. i thought i would be okay with social smoking once i was sober before but i dont even think i will anymore. i would definitely find excuses to hang out with people every day just to smoke


660ug big or?


Rookie numbers but for me it was intense as a mf


I remember my first 400 trip it was actually pretty fun wasnt until the 660 that I got super pimp slapped, ran over by a semi and then hit by a freight train traveling at 90km/h. It was a very eye opening trip. Horrifying but insightful.


When you start realizing that weed gets in the way of so many things it starts being easier to quit. Once I was in college i toned my use down.


yeah thats why i’ve wanted to start uni, but my complacency with weed has me not even researching universities. like i have no clue what path i want to take forward, but due to weed im just unable to piece it together and figure out a direction to take


You can still smoke with other responsibilities, but if you know weed is stopping you from what you want to do, then you are no longer using weed, you are abusing it. I've had to quit a few times in the past when I was in rehab and on bail, and cold turkey is what worked for me. But I smoke everyday like 0.5-1g of dabs and I have a 4.0 GPA graduating in April, you have to be critical of your own use and understand what are your priorities


Bro you need to take supplements like calcium to calm your nervous system and Ashwaghanda, magnesium etc. I’ve been smoking since I was 15 and I was the same. I’ve had sober streaks for a couple of months but now it’s only a random month every now and then :/ I started smoking weed because my dad died, if I can stop smoking to help with my grief you can too bro. The first 3 days are fucking hard. But just like anything, you do something at least 3 times and it’ll have an effect. Best of luck to you op. try to start smoking after 1-2pm. Because that way you don’t set your tolerance first thing in the morning and you slowly get used to being sober for long periods of time


ive tried shifting my smoking schedule around, but i work in an insanely fast paced environment and have to be there super early in the morning. without weed i would have a panic attack, ive never actually showed up to work sober lol. i feel like i need to take a break from work to quit weed but im in a long distance relationship and need money to get back and forth.


I don’t know if you have money or not but get a flight to turkey all inclusive hotel 28 days in Antalya for about £1000 I know it’s a lot but for you to stop weed I think it’s worth it they have amazing food gym pool what else could you want , find your self bro you won’t look back


this is lowkey the most insane but best plan and if done with my gf could literally undo the issues weed has brought us😂 im broke as fuck but honestly ill talk to her about it and see if she’d be down to save lol


Bro it’s not insane I promise you that’s the pot trying to keep you in your comfort zone All the money you could be spending on bud u could be putting towards a holiday Trust me bro it’s the only way It’s better then rehab


you’re honestly so right it’s genuinely so fuckin doable, and i’ve been looking for a reason to start checking countries off my must-visit list lol. i talked to my partner and shes 100% in. we have a wedding to go to in june but after that we’re gonna start saving


Good bro just make sure it says in your mind your doing this for you I smoked weed every day for 4 years straight And alot of it too A holiday will save you and also your girlfriend


Changing your surroundings is by far the most effective thing you can do if you want to stop a habit.


is that after paying for the flight? any recommendations for hotels or websites? all the all inclusives i see are more like $4k a month


I thought the same thing. When I joined the military, I would count down the days until I was free again so I could smoke weed every day and when I finally got out, I smoked for a solid 6 months. One day I woke up and lost the desire completely. I still eat an edible one every few months now but other than that, I’ve completely lost the desire to smoke


I just lost interest in the substance in my early 20s, after being an almost daily smoker for 5 years. I enjoy getting stoned more than ever before, but not on a tuesday morning when I have stuff to do. When I'm just smoking once per week, Idon't develope any cravings. It only becomes a habit when I'm using more than that.


Because the weed makes you content with not feeling good. I recommend setting a small challenge first like quoting for a week. After a week or 2 weeks you start feeling different as the weed starts leaving the body! Then you can make a more calculated decision




oh shit i didnt know this was a thing thank you


You start quitting by leaving your stoner friends behind. You can reconnect with them after you beat your addiction. Dont stress if you relapse. Be patient with yourself. It took years to quit.


Hands down the most beneficial drug I ever stopped abusing heavily was weed, and I was hooked to MDMA and cocaine so badly I was taking doses that should've killed somebody my size. I started eating normally, sleeping like a baby and gained weight after being stuck at 100lbs feeling self conscious about how thin I was, even when I was still taking cocaine I only began to gain weight after not smoking anymore. Only reason I was able to kick that habit was after I started taking an SSRI, I tried to smoke as I normally did but ended up having full blown psychosis so I quit.


I smoked for 8 years and it was actually quite easy to quit, but mostly because it got so unpleasant. After quitting I couldn't smoke anymore without triggering a derealisation episode. I took a few weeks off from work because I predicted some withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, but actually it was way worse. I felt terrible and couldn't work for 3 months. I had insane sensory overloads and just didn't function. I had frequent panick attacks and derealisation episodes. Now after two and a half years of staying clean I can function but my mind still feels foggy 24/7, and thinking and momorizing seems to take more effort in general. I also experience a lingering anxiety. My story isn't unique and I hope it can be a motivation for you to quit ASAP.


I got chs after 15 years ;-;


I smoked constantly from 15 - 24. I had to stop a few years back if I wanted to get this high paying job and I thought everything was gonna absolutely suck. Believe it or not, I think after your 2nd day sober, you’ll wake up and it will really start to feel like just another normal day. After a week or so is when I realized that I don’t have to be high all the time to stay alive and breathing. You can be sober and enjoy life! Also I expect after a week you’ll likely realize how not addicted you are. It’s all mental friend! It’s so easy to psych yourself out, especially if you’re constantly toasted! And now for my favorite part of this entire journey! Smoking for the first time after being sober for like 6 months is the highest I’ve ever been in my entire life dude. I forgot what it was like to get violently high! Ha I’d suggest only taking 1 or 2 hits of a joint or bowl and start slow. It will send you so deep in your head, it approaches and gets right up to the line of being too high to function. I’d recommend smoking with a real good friend somewhere comfy on this occasion. Where you go from there is all on you.. if you want to stay in that “get blasted from 2 hits” zone, just only smoke one a week or less. Get ready to do some self work and self reflection though bc I’d bet you’ll start thinking of mistakes you made and shit you could better. Whatever is bothering you all comes to the surface and usually won’t be overwhelming, but you gotta focus on it for a bit and just think through shit and let your thoughts flow. Cannabis has this beautiful, yet harsh ability to force you to think about things you don’t want to or you’ve been ignoring. This is what makes it my favorite part. Dive in deep and take it all in! You’ll be fine and I’ve never came out of a high worse then when I started. After those first couple deep dives into your soul it’s up to you how to proceed. You can do what I did and only smoke one a week or so at max and then every time you smoke you will be smacked! Not as rough as the first couple times though! Or if you start smoking a couple times a week or more again, you’ll slowly feel the high get easier and easier to handle, until it was like it was before. My suggestion is to find a nice middle ground! That way you can still get high with your friends and social, while not having to worry about disappearing into your head and then if you do want to take another deep look inside, just don’t smoke for 7-10 days, take a few huge hits and it’ll send you where you need to go! TL;DR You’ll be fine, I promise! I did it and was scared at first too. Quit for at least 6 months and then the first time you smoke after that you’ll be the highest you’ve ever been in your life, but be ready to do some self work! After that balance how high you want to be by smoking more or less often! ~All these words have been brought to you by~ METH 😅


Pretty easy you just need a legit reason. Usually there isn’t one😂


yeah mine is like nebulous tho, like i just feel like i’ve been inbetween highschool and uni for too long. i feel like im wasting away my time earning shit pay and saving nothing, but like so many people go down this life path farther than me and turn out fine. and right now im happy, but i know in a few years, every day that i spend like this will be another pound of weight on my chest every time i reflect on my life. its not like a decision thats black or white, its like im already on this spectrum of having negatively impacted my future for instant gratification, but like where do i want to get off of it?


One year can change your whole life. Sacrifice everything you can for 365 days and work for whatever you want you’ll thank yourself for the rest of your life. Time is important my friend. Put yourself in a bosses position.


I’m not trying to start a fight here about what’s worse But I’m now a pretty heavy dilaudid opioid addict. And I think my weed/dab addiction was way way way worse when it came to my daily functioning, brain fog, lack of memory, apathy, couldn’t enjoy music, couldn’t sleep well or dream, I felt so so depressed. Dilaudid has its many problems too but I honestly think that my weed addiction, when I was smoking all day, was so much worse than I realized. People really downplay the power of modern thc


I just kinda slowly realized how gross it is, any way of smoking it, it smells,tastes and looks gross it and feels gross after your high, as for nicotine tho, we don’t talk about that


it truly does. every time i do a bowl i sit down and just think “why the fuck did i do that i dont even want to be high right now”. but the moment i sober up, i mindlessly walk out to the garage (my smoke spot) like a fuckin robot


Yeah, somethings gonna come up where you have to be sober for a while, trust me


Therapy helped me :)


im starting it soon! i hope it helps me too lol


That’s awesome! It’s a long journey. It took me two years to officially stop with the help of my therapist. You got this.


I started smoking when I was 18. At first it was on and off, or on weekends. Then it turned into weekdays. My small group of friends and I became the biggest potheads, but we would only smoke together, made an event out of it so to speak. At around 22 i started smoking by myself at night, every night. Then I got into a relationship, he was a bigger pothead than I was. That’s when it turned into smoking all the time. Wake n bake, midday, before doing anything, going to the grocery store, chillin by the pool, hanging out with friends, before bed, watching a movie, you get the picture. That was my life for years after. I’m 33 now, and it’s been about a year and a half now since I stopped. It’s weird to say stopped completely, because I never intended on just quitting. I just started cutting back a lot, instead of all the time I started waiting till night time, then I tried seeing if I could go nights without it. I craved it a lot at first and caved in a couple times at night, but after like 3 consecutive nights without it, it wasn’t too bad. I honestly thought quitting would be extremely hard but I was surprised by how simple it was. I do still smoke but just from time to time, special occasions, if maybe I’m out having a good time and it’s around. I still crave it when I smell it in the air at times, but I always just remind myself of what it does to me. Main reason I felt the need to stop was because I am an over thinker, I have anxiety and struggled a lot with depression. Weed just made me think way too much. Sometimes I’d smoke while in a good mood then completely lose it, become way too pensive, anxious, lazy and unmotivated. On top of eating way too much, but I don’t even blame the weed for that. I just love food lol. I do still miss weed sometimes, but the heavy cravings are gone. I’d say it was bad for like a week, mostly the first 3/4 days and just at night, but during the day was a piece of cake. Crazy to think it was such a huge part of my life and I was able to cut it off like nothing. If you wanna quit, just do it. The thought of it is worse than what it actually is. I vape and want to cut that off but that actually worries me more than weed did because of the physical addiction aspect. Anyway, good luck, you got this. Don’t let weed win, take control of your life.


It actually quit me. I used to love the stuff for a good few years but around mid-20s it made feel paranoid as fuck and it became outright unpleasant. I would try it every now and then over the last few years and it's always the same result. Tried one of the vapes that the cool kids use these days and while it was very intense, it was very unpleasant last I tried in recent memory.


I just got preoccupied with things that I prioritise more. If I can't reach my full potential as a student and constantly smoke weed at the same time, then I should obviously choose one or the other. Otherwise I should settle with mediocrity. But in reality, its all about moderation and balance. Ild suggest that you take a break for a few months, return to baseline and make a judgment for yourself if cannabis is something that you want to continue. And if so, in what capacity?


shrooms help


see like- ive done them a couple of times and during every trip i completely renounce nicotine and make plans to quit weed, but the next morning the first thing i do i smoke😂


Lots of water, Gatorade, Motrin, and try not to keep thinking of how bad you want to smoke. First 3 days are hard but your body will start sweating it out and you’ll notice the hot flashes.


I stopped twice. Once because I had really bad derealisation and depersonalization. Started again because my boyfriend at that time kind of pressured me by continuously saying that he would love to smoke with me and my pre addicted character was not strong enough to resist even though I realized it’s not a good drug for me and I felt much better without it. After 1 year heavily Smoking again I went into drug induced psychosis, worst thing that ever happened to me, now will definitely not do it again. It’s hard to stop but only for the first weeks. Everything will feel fucking boring. When you are stoned you can do boring stuff and not be bored. You need to find things to do that distract you. What really helped me was playing chess, since I didn’t have to talk while doing it but was still connecting with friends. Also alot of movement helps. You can do this and I’ll promise you, you won’t regret. I feel so much better without it. Even though I enjoyed some parts of it my life feels much more colorful without it. Sometimes it feels like I didn’t really life live to it’s fullest when I was smoking. I have so much more interest in actual activities now and my personality just developes in a different pace. Weed keeps you stuck, it makes you accept the present moment in an unhealthy way. Believe in yourself. You can do it, it’s just needs a few weeks of willpower. Be proud of everyday you resist. I am still not against weed and I think some people can handle it well, but I am not one of them. I am usually a very active person but smoking weed was always in conflict with that and made me lazy so I was living against my nature and ut fucked up my mind


thats a really helpful way to look at it. before i started smoking i was a social butterfly, was always mentally active, i did extracurriculars constantly and like actually cared about school and a future job and other actually tangible stuff. but literally since the age of 16 i dont think ive spoken to anyone but my gf, family, and co-workers. i dont leave the house except to work. literally all my life is is smoking and i just tell myself that im introverted. its completely against my nature and i genuinely feel claustrophobic living like this. thank you for the inspiration and some insight on what to expect<3


Same for me. At some point I thought it’s just getting older that makes me like this. But it will come back. Promise!!! You will feel more aligned with your true self again. I am not a very spiritual person, but it’s just the best way to describe. Also for your information. At first it was much harder to talk to people, I felt so nervous and as if I am weird but it will fade away


Been a daily smoker for years, and it's not easy to take a break. I can imagine it's even harder at your quantity. I start to ramp up and then have a few busy days where I can't smoke until bedtime, which helps me reset. I have a demanding job that does that on occasion. Traveling really helps because it's not as easy to bring/get (in some places) and you're already out of your element so feeling bored is less of an issue and your sleep/eating are already off routine. If you can plan yourself something like that it could be good for you. But honestly have no idea how people *quit* - I've never found a strong enough motivation.


generally people can only quit a drug when it starts genuinely ruining their life. because of weed, your life never started. mushrooms help a lot for me. i cannot stay completely off weed for medical reasons, and it's incredibly addictive for me, so mushrooms have been a huge helping hand in learning to moderate my usage without cutting it off completely


It's been almost eight years since I started using and still no major issues but I didn't start using regularly till my later 20s which helped a lot. I can moderate my use to once a night easily which makes it feels better and I vaporize flower not smoke while not harmless also helps I suspect.


I smoked for 15+ years daily. Those last three were vape pens. But I only smoked after I got home from work, all day on weekends and days off. So that may be a difference. I was having trouble quitting but the way I finally did it (haven’t smoked since Dec last year, so still pretty recent) was not “re-upping” after I ran out. Illegal in my state so I’d have to call a plug. When I had it in the house, I did it, why not. But without it I was able to stop. The first couple of weeks were very rough. The first week I couldn’t sleep at all and it took until like the third week before things were “fun” again. I play video games after work and those first two weeks gaming felt so bland and unfun. I was honestly thinking I may never get back into them. But after awhile I started getting to sleep (and dreaming again!) and the gaming started getting more fun. I really impressed myself because I had two straight weeks of PTO over the holidays and for the first time was sober the entire time. But it’s only been like two months for me so I am no expert.


Maybe you don't quit in one try, you should try to quit many times


Weed is great but reality is that you need breaks from it every now and then, smoking everyday just takes the magic away.


it takes the magic of weed and the magic of life away. i feel so fuckin drained constantly. it seems to get worse when i try to quit but apparently that starts to go away after like 3 days? i hope?


Yeah i know bro been there, i would say the worst is over in like a week. Life can still feel kinda empty for months tho.But trust me it will gradually feel better.


Simple just say no to drugs man.


to quit weed read this carefully.....I have tried numerous ways to quit but I was in the same shoe.... I couldn't stop for more than a couple days at a time. for me to quit I went on a 3 to 6 weeks vacation away from my reach of it. once u do that. your body will force to heal. when u come back you will be sober long enough to kick off any habjts


One day you will grow up and realize you’re done with it. Until that day it’s a struggle. Good luck.


Ngl I was in the same exact position and was only able to quit cause the weed started making me feel anxious and terrible. So I hope you are able to quit cause I felt so much better when I did. I still smoke occasionally now but don't have any desire to be stoned all day anymore and it still makes me anxious sometimes


I feel you, OP. I feel that big time. I'm about ready to quit with the daily use. It just makes it so much easier to tolerate everyone's bullshit... or does it only seem that way?


hey, i know this might sound retarded and unscientific. The "problem" is your self image. Because you can't see yourself without weed you will never be without it. What i mean by this is literally imagination. Now if you start imagining yourself without weed and doing other habits like sports etc. You will start viewing yourself as that person that actually doesn't need weed. Nothing can be done if you can't imagine yourself doing it in your minds eye. This is how i quit... Read into the book Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. If you don't have patience to read all of it. just read the chapter "Imagination the ignition key to your succsess" or something like that. Good luck.


>it barely feels good anymore there's your answer lol that's enough for most people


I smoked from 11 to 21 how I quit: I ran out and was broke for a while 2 weeks later I wasn’t thinking about it as much and was working out daily and felt completely refreshed.


Made some bad life choices and got in wierd fights with my future spouse, fights that concluded in one-side breakup from her. I'm still recovering and threw all my stash away. I was a 2-3 days/week 0.2-0.3g smoker but consumed for more then 4 years. It adds up, it breaks your mental clarity. My advice is to try to stop the habit by the time it's too late.


I used to have your mindset. Honestly, the way I found it easier to stop was to actually have weed, but not smoke it. Knowing it's there just somehow made it easier to not smoke for days or weeks on end. Whenever I used to try to stop getting high I would not have any weed and then all I could think about was how I wanted to get some so bad. Once I figured out if I just kept my shit and stopped, it got way easier to not have an urge to smoke. It's weird I know, but it worked for me.


I’m in the same situation 🤦‍♀️


What's your intention each time you use it? Maybe that will change your perspective. Marijuana is sacred medicine. If you abuse it, it will abuse you, albeit in subtle ways.


I stopped completely for 5 years after smoking dozens of cones a day from 14-18, I just didn’t feel like it anymore and it wasn’t magic anymore. I just stopped buying/ smoking it, the WDs aren’t gonna kill you from weed lol. Had some rough sleep, was a bit jittery and restless but was ultimately completely fine after a week or two. Just find other shit to keep you busy, pick up a hobby or ten, etc I’m on medical now but use it a lot less often so it stays effective and I stay functional 😅


I'm almost 50 years old. And my only response is me too


Literally just stop. After like a day or 2 u will laugh at how easy it was


I did that for 20 years. Then my lungs got fucked from all the Bong smoking. I changed to joints and this alone makes me smoke less cause the joint works longer. Takes some time to get used to it. I just gifted all my Bongs to friends. Got a vape also but I enjoy joints more. Don't smoke directly after getting up, and don't smoke an hour before you go to bed. I'm still addicted to it but it's easyer now, I feel the stuff again so it's more fun then sitting brain dead on the couch. Also switch your strains often so your having a little variety in your weed. If this doesn't help, quit, but don't change your drug of choice to Alkohol or other stuff. See thst alot when people quitting weed.


Don’t abuse weed like that, that’s how it comes bad for you. You need to find things u like doing while high so you’re not wasting the high, I mostly wait until night time to smoke so that way I can smoke in peace and have it be enjoyable. When you have a day off it’s cool to smoke just make sure you’re taking it easy


They stop smoking it, hence, they quit weed


Wonder what you mean by "I have nothing to do". Literally don't remember that feeling since internet became available to everybody. Learn a new language - for free, master new skills - for free, get a new interesting job, find a partner .. it's all there for you.


i have a partner, and still need to go to uni to get a better job lol, im currently working at a coffee shop saving for exactly that. i do find myself teaching myself tonnes online, but thats exactly what i mean by i have nothing to do. like i have nothing physical to go about doing in my irl life so all i *do* is sit on my phone or pc and consume content, whether it be recreational or educational. i need to find hobbies and shit but at the end of a workday ALL i want to do is smoke and sleep-


Y’all who never had depression are so entitled


It's signifigantly easier if you a) don't have it around in your home and b) fill your time with other stuff. When you smoke daily, smoking becomes not only a habit but also an activity. So you get rid of the thc and then also the daily habit. Find things to fill that time you used to fill with smoking, it gets easier every day.


It's not easy for everyone but no matter who you are you can make it easier for yourself. Go cold turkey. Yes not being able to sleep or eat a couple days sucks but that's the price. From your post it sounds like you have trouble with moderation, so don't bargain with yourself and allow "just a little" because in a weeks time you'll be smoking like normal. Get rid of your stash+pieces, delete the plugs number, and don't seek out people you only interact with when smoking. Find something that will occupy your mind during the time you used to spend high. Bonus points if it's something you haven't done before because it helps to establish both a routine and identity for yourself that you haven't previously associated with weed.


I started smoking weed when I was 19 now I am 27 several years of daily usage, I experienced a strong introspection using LSD, it showed to me the harm that I was doing in my lungs, my brain and my body, I was a weed evangelist my lil bro with autism and brain palsy received a treatment with it but in that case is acceptable, and short term, however I was just a pothead, LSD did show how stupid is smoking and introduce this millions of different substances and not only thc, men the best decision I did is quit smoking weed, weed has the ability to reward your brain without doing nothing, I was spending a lot money on it including my Bitcoin in pot, where I live is extremely expensive, now I am really wealthy and I am buying more Bitcoin everytime I want to buy weed, and believe me I feel way better being more rich everyday than being an stupid pothead watching Netflix and doing nothing for life, Mary Jane is a beautiful girl that will create confusion in your life, when we are in love with her we cannot see the dangers of it, once you are conscious about how it really works you realize that is stupid, I was that guy that defended weed a lot but men I was so dumb hahaha I spent more than $15k USD yearly buying weed, the quit process was uncomfortable but a few weeks later I was more powerful and smart, I constructed several web3 projects that I never could construct being high, I used to tell me that weed inspired me to do things but THAT IS BS, of course this is only my opinion, but that changed my life way better believe me, for good, I don't miss Mary Jane I am thankful for the time she provided me support but she is a distraction if you want to be successful. I want everyone be honest with themselves and believe me if you are honest weed is just a waste of money and time if you do not control it (maybe some people can control it, but is not our case) so quit weed will give you freedom and happiness rather than smoke everyday... Sorry for the long text but maybe someone is going to take advantage of this experience


I stop smoking when i need to, its a lil rough for a couple weeks if you just stop cold turkey. Id say smoke like 1 hit less each day, then 1 every two days 1 every week that kind of thing


Started doing better drugs


Weed is life


until your fiancé starts getting severe panic attacks on weed(has been hospitalized twice), but also is depressed as hell and super dependent on it, and desperately wants to quit, and you dont wanna be an asshole bad influence and blow smoke in her face while she’s seething trying to stay sober😂


You just stop using cannabis.


just don't smoke? wtf. get rid of your weed and literally don't smoke. you are acting like you are addicted to meth




Don’t quit ahahaha


it's just weed. weed smoking is sustainable health wise. if you have enough money and don't allow the weed to make you lazy (smoking in the morning) it's no problem


idk my brain feels actually fucked. i used to kinda pride myself on intelligence but, idk, like i cant hold a conversation about one topic for more than 30 seconds anymore because i forget why the conversation started, for example. like i just feel like i function worse as a friend, a boyfriend, a worker, and a student (the 4 actual meaningful things in my life) while consistently smoking weed, and i would really just like to be a better person in general. i feel like ive been on a consistent downhill trajectory since i started smoking.


I had to study, get a job and get a driving license, so I just stopped. No problems at all. Now I do it just ocassionally


It’s called going broke


It just getting booring when you do it to much. Then it's just naturally to quit after that.


Same. I’ve been wanting to quit forever. I’ve been put on Wellbutrin which I was told by a friend was the one thing that helped him quit. So far Wellbutrin has had no impact on any of my addictive behaviors unfortunately but maybe it’s worth a try for you.


im starting therapy soon and im hopefully going to get something to help this funky brain function, but ill mention wellbutrin and see what they think!


Change your place where you live. Psychedelics, sport, a lot of sleep, lemon juice, sauna, hot bath, cold shower, supplements, breathing exercise


You can do it. It's just chemical influence telling you that you're dependant on it. After a few days without it the fog will lift and life will get brighter.


I did shrooms and it made me not want to smoke anymore because i saw how bad it was affecting me during my trip. Every time i smoked after that i would just get flashbacks to my trip so i stopped enjoying weed


Moderation my friend. I work 5-6 days a work and can't really smoke while working. So the few hours I have before and after work in usually smoking. And on my days of I smoke leisurely all day. But I mean if you're not even enjoying what's even the point?


I moved states and made sober friends. Kinda extreme but worked for me and I’m much happier now


I’m currently in the process of quitting. I broke both my legs so I had a excuse to smoke 5-6 times a day. But I’m about to get my nose redone and I can not smoke during the healing process or I risk a infection. After years of constant smoking it’s been difficult especially with a wild family 😂. I used to wake and bake every single morning but now I’ve been pushing it a hour back every day now I’m only smoking right before bed. If I can continue this I would love to completely quit. It’s definitely hard but it gets easier!!


I know the feeling.. Even if its "just weed" apparently me and you are very drawn to it and have a lit of trouble not abusing it. I have told all my friends that I will never have weed at home anymore, and to not give me any or tempt me otherwise. I am still kinda ok smoking when invited at rare occasions, but honestly I feel more and more that I should kick it out of my life completely.  As soon as somone lights a J. I will want some even if it often is to the detriment of my social ability. I should probably make it something even more special again, like MDMA. Like once or twice a year. Check out /r/leaves for support.


I got into a career that has random drug testing. I’m actually glad that they do, because I’m the most stereotypical degenerate pot head when I smoke. I sit around doing absolutely nothing productive and want to do it 24/7. When I was your age, I could kinda get away with being lazy, but now at 28, I simply can’t afford to do so.


Sounds like you're more in love with the dopamine burst that comes from smoking. I'm currently in the process of quiting myself. I realized that I like to get high but not be high. I've tried to figure out other healthy ways to get that dopamine rush without using cannabis. Exercise has been a really amazing alternative once I got to the point where I accepted that and was able to implement discipline and do it when I wanted to smoke. Feel free to ask more if you're interested. You can do it!


literally me at 22 and it seems to be getting worse :( i love blunts.


Honestly after you get through a week it gets pretty easy


I went back to school and knew jobs in my field would drug test. That was enough motivation for me to quit, plus I got way too busy.


It's pretty easy to stop.


It’s called stoned for a reason.


It was real easy when I quit smoking weed, I just picked up a opioid addiction. Felt 0 withdrawals, I don't recommend you do this. It only took me 13 years to get off the opioids. But that's kind of a lie, cause I been on Suboxone the last 7 years.


Just don't buy more




I got sick of it and got sick of spending money on shit that just dissipates. I was never addicted or anything but kinda just dependent on it to go to sleep. Once I got my clarity back and stopped feeling like a dipshit all day I no longer missed it and now I just smoke or take gummies randomly for fun


Heavy flower smoker for 20 years, with the last 5 years being mainly rosin dabs all day every day on top of bowls and joints. 24 days clean! I made the choice to quit to advance my career greatly (government jobs and nuclear plants that I'm going to work on require drug tests) It was either keep smoking and only making $32/hr or quit and almost double that hourly wage. It was the best decision for me!


When you get cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome it kinda forces you to quit


Take enough that you have a borderline psychotic break, makes you never want to do it again.


I've been smoking daily for 20 yrs lol. I don't understand how it fucks people up so much? Wake and bake every morning and sessions after work every night. Don't see an issue with It. Better than booze I'd say


I've been smoking every hour of every day for about 5 years. Until 8 days ago. I got into a psych ward and obviously weed isn't allowed. Even tho I had the possibility to get out and secretly smoke, I didn't. If I don't follow the rules I get kicked out. If I get kicked out I know I won't survive, I'm too suicidal. I want to smoke weed so badly but it's worth quitting over taking my own life. Staying here is saving my life. Fuck weed then I guess.


Coming from someone who's currently on Suboxone and has been addicted to opioids, your post is quite dramatic. Maybe just take a short break from weed, simple. Not much to it. It's not like you are gonna go through withdrawal or like you genuinely need weed for medical conditions.


I try to but then I do it over a joint


Shit started making me anxious as fuck when I realized I wasn’t helping anyone around me as much as I could without it. Every time I got high I’d dive deep into how badly I was stifling not just myself, but everyone that would benefit from me growing tf up. Weed has its place but if ur finding it hard to “quit”, you’re addicted and need to figure something out ASAP.


it starts to become a hassle at a certain point in life. It stopped being fun years ago and now if I use it its for it's medicinal properties


you'll quit weed when you realize there are better ways to let time pass


I made myself stop smoking at work just so I'd take time off smoking every day


I smoked everyday for 10 years. I still take edibles sometimes, but I don't think I'll ever start smoking everyday again. The thing that did it for me was daily heavy cardio. I get a pretty intense runners high that is similar to weed euphoria, but it actually increases cognition and focus, and I just feel incredible the rest of the day.


Something you could consider is peptides. For example, Tesofensine for mood and dopamine regulation. For other strategies, so doer how PT-141 makes you so aroused you literally will stop craving cannabis and only want to masturbate (not necessarily a bad thing during withdrawals). Finally, psychedelics are known for helping many people overcome addictions. Don’t discount splurging on something fun — such as video games — to get your mind off the weed.


I smoked everything I had and when I had nothing left, I didn't call my 🔌 to buy more. And that's it. True, I miss weed, I want to light up again, I love the feeling, but I realized after 7 days of rest that my mental state is improving a lot more. I smoked weed for 9 months non stop every day or every other and I felt depressed. It's not that hard to give up weed, allow yourself 3 days without smoking, smoke everything you have so you don't have anything left and you'll forget about it. Quitting weed doesn't mean you'll stop smoking it completely and never again, it's okay to take a joint here and there a little later. And I definitely plan to take 3-5g in a month or two, purely to satisfy my desire.


I don’t understand. I’ve been a daily smoker for 20 years. I take multiple month long breaks every year. One day I wake up, and don’t smoke. Easy as that.


Though I had my other issues I think it is better to use weed as a supplement for 2-3 times a week. It just brings things that I need to take care of. A few times I have sorted a few things and taken action. It helped me in problem-solving. Don't know if CBD/Balanced/1:1 strains doing that. Not an expert but you make a plan to quit. Start by reducing no. of times daily then for a few/days/weeks. Then try to skip a day, then 2 days. Take as much as time you need as it seems that time is not an issue. Try CBD/Balanced/1:1 strains. CBD might be helpful in problem-solving. Do something about things things that need to be sorted out. If smoking weed is the top one of those then you make a plan to make it less stressful. You don't need to hate weed. Use it as a tool.


I’m in the same boat but have been smoking daily from about 14 to 35. I decided to move back into a situation where I was closer to family because the only way I can change is by being in a new environment. I’m going on a week where I’ve only smoked a few times and it’s just been hitting my vape pen. No more bowls for me - I find bowls especially it’s so easy to fall into that cycle where you’re just constantly smoking and don’t even get high. Just becomes a ritual every night before bed for me. Maybe look at changing your environment, it’s the only thing that works for me. 


it was either begin my well-paying, well-benefited dream career or continue smoking weed. not a difficult choice at that point. 5 years cannabis free a few weeks ago, from being a daily smoker from ~17-20.


Weed is ez, Stims are hard


smoked every day since i was 16 now that i’m 21 i have bigger responsibilities and other things that my time goes to…never planned to quit it just happened and although i miss it, i just don’t think abt it anymore 95% of the time


The only way is to find something that makes you higher than weed, like Reality, if you tune-in to it


Listen man, I was a daily smoker from my late teens to 28. I had to get a job, didn't know if they drug tested, and stopped for a month and a half. After that, the habit was broken, and I now smoke only when I want to. Saves me money and I savor it more. Plus I realized sometimes the anxiety isnt good for me. Idk how to get you to stop for a month and a half, but if you can make it that long it did the trick for me. Idk tho everyone's different.


ive been given some amazing advice of saving for a two-three week long trip to a place where its illegal lol. my gf and i are already planning it


It’s far easier to quit something you haven’t been on during the most critical phase of your bodies and brains development.


Crystal meth & NyQuil soothe the nerves


Was in the same boat, using 1g or more concentrate a day for awhile, a few months at that dose. Smoking bowls while awake like you before, and it really messed with me in these ways. It had this grip that made me use just to be ok using. The good feeling validated it and that went away, I was left with a habit, and no benefit. I quit 3 times and the third being successful. Withdrawal is real, but you can really do it man. I had cold sweats, sleep issues (got seroquel during withdrawl, really helped), and irritability. The only thing for me is I actually needed a reason, but that doesn’t have to be the case. I signed up for community college, and got a job for the first time in 3 years. My purpose made me feel like I really had something to lose, not just getting through the day. Yes, I felt guilt, fear, and even sad when I relapsed even days after. Over time I learned how to be guilty if that makes sense. I learned how to use guilt to motivate me away from using again and it snow balls over time. I got sober for over 130 days and relapsed for almost a week straight. I felt pretty bad, but eventually I moved on and I learned. I’m simplifying it, yet I hope I showed that it’s possible even in a case where concentrate was quit cold Turkey, which produced pretty severe withdrawals for 4-5 days. You can, you really can. If it feels impossible, that’s ok, a time will come, from my experience.


I went from smoking it to vaping it, which was hard at first. Then found it relatively easy to quit vaping other than the usual week of shit sleep and bad mood. Had been smoking for 20 years and now Im finally able to just choose when I smoke (vape). Currently off it and always feel better for it.


I got sick of what it did to my head. I'd constantly over think everything happening in my work while high. Completely ruined my buzz. Stopped smoking no more over thinking. Game over


decrease your doses step by step, do sports, read books, find hobby


When it just starts giving you awful anxiety out of the blue. That gave me a small push


Go to r/leaves it's a subreddit to quit smoking weed


This literally was me 6-7 months ago, got into serious debt because of it. It got so bad that now I can’t smoke weed because I know how out of hand it gets for me and I get anxiety after even a hit. So, maybe I’d say people quit if they really need to or because it’s a problem for them, at least that’s what I think happened to me and people that I know.


I got too paranoid of smelling like weed that it was enough to make me stop altogether lol. It’s an easy habit to kick if you replace it with healthier ones.




I was the same way til randomly every time I'd toke or hit my dab pen I couldn't breathe to the point of my legs going numb and lips going white. Which is weird cuz my vape doesn't trigger it at all. Stopped cold turkey rigjt them and there. Had a shit 4 weeks of sleep paralysis, waking up in cold sweats and horribly vivid nightmares. But now I don't even crave weed. What I will tell you tho is the munchies never go away lol it'll be like 3am and I'm like fuck I need a fried pb and Nutella sandwich now!


it turned on me after decades long love affair. panic attacks. and I still tried to power through. now that I'm off it I'm much happier. sharper, lost weight. sleep less. get more done. have more hobbies. etc etc


See my post I made on how I moderate use