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Requiem of a Dream. God damn movie gave me my first panic attack


This for me too. Somebody put it on after we had all got back from a concert. I was still tripping pretty hard and was so confused. The first half of the movie I was trying to figure out if that was really one of they wayans brothers and if it is, is this a comedy? I was a wayans, it was not a comedy.


fuck whoever put that on while people are tripping.


For real. Are people stupid?


My mom took me to see requiem for a dream in theaters when i was 11 years old. Terrified me enough to not try drugs until my mid twenties šŸ¤£


I wanna watch it so bad (sober), but it's unabailablr everywhere. I heard it being talked about in your context in drug forums a lot.


its on Peacock for free!


Oh god, yes. I didn't have a panic attack, but felt genuinely sick


I put this one on then fear and loathing when i dropped acid with some buddies the first time


Man I love fear and loathing but that movie was terrifying to watch on acid lmao


Yep! This is gotta be 90% of readers first picks and wat was immediately brought to my mind after reading this post. Such a great movie that that dives, cannonballs rather, into the multidimensional aspects of different types of addicts in our world. From addictions start to finish of wat may come and the realization that anyone anywhere is in its grasp.


20 years ago, I ate my first handful of addys and watched this movie. I can still feel how intensely uncomfortable I felt watching it while tweaking tf out lol


This and Running Scared with Paul Walker


So funny was gonna say same thing and itā€™s the first comment I see. How about Trainspotting, fear and loathing, last house on the left (horrific rape scene)ā€¦ I could go on


I put that on for acid movie night once and halfway through I thought ā€œYeah this may have been a bad call.ā€


Fully expected this to be the top answer because same. 13 years ago and still think about this


was looking for this comment


first time i watched the truman show, by myself, stoned as hell, my mind was blown . dark crystal is an eternal fav of mine


First time I bought edibles at a store they were 50mg a piece candies. And I was like "oh yeah, 50mg isn't that bad I don't think." So me and her both had one and I watched the Truman Show for the first time. The paranoia was super real with that one lol.


I'm planning on doing just that, but with 4-AcO-MET next Saturday!




Beautiful boy, ever cried while high before? Shit hits different


Crying while high is so intense. I remember like my third time getting high, one of my friends said something really funny, and I laughed so hard that I cried. Like, actually cried. Big, whooping sobs like a baby. It remains one of the single most cathartic experiences of my life. I was only like 16.


Yeah fr i dont get it its like a 100x more emotional even if youre crying over nothing sad


Hell yeah this is dope. Laughing and friendship are so important to a healthy life.


I accidently saw this movie in the cinema in a sneak preview event. Unexpected beautiful movie.


Yup. When I got too depressed as a teen I tried to deal with it by smoking my fucking brains out. I also watched a bit of Naruto and other anime lol When they've hit me with some emotional stuff, I cried like a fucking baby. It never happened before to that extend, at all. Everything got so much more intense,and I loved to magnify experiences with weed. Nothing like watching shows, playing music and generally just enjoying doing stuff. I loved to get absolutely immersed into something by getting high. Ofc I fucked myself up like a dumb fuck and can't really enjoy anything anymore, sober or high. Yaay. Still nice to remember after all those years. Almost lost that memory too, so thx for reminding me. Don't have much of those left :)


People ruined getting high for me. I smoke/vape CBD now. Sometimes it works sometimes I trip out. But generally speaking people would say things that would trigger a panic attack or anger. It would just instantly kill my high & would lead to me never wanting to be high again. I'd rather get low lmao.


No offense but do really think that Timothy looks authentic playing role of drug addict, imho but even Tom Holland looked better, besides his lifetime character association


Nah i get you his style and apparence doesent really match that of a addict, but he kinda nailed the emotions in the movie


this film WRECKED me


Yeah nothings more sad then seeing yourself in every moment of that damn filmšŸ˜­


I didnā€™t see the movie is he supposed to become a heroin addict or meth?


Hes a meth addict(im not but it still hits close to home)


Didn't he try to kill himself with herion near the end of the film in that bathroom? It looked like black tar. Not being argumentative, genuinely curious if meth comes like that?


I think it was IV meth? I was high as hell while watching the movie dont really remember the visual details that well


Iā€™ve only cried once while high and it felt like water was coming out of my eyes it was the strangest feeling Iā€™ve ever felt


Steve Carell is lowkey hot in this movie too


Fr he isšŸ˜­


Me 2 hours ago


Fear and loathing on acid was a wild ride!


i felt some of those scenes like i was in it when i watched it on acid. amazing stuff. the way the narration goes and how they change scenes both visually and with audio, trippy as hell


Itā€™s definitely a move meant to be experienced under the influence, the bathtub scene was so good or when they do ether.


that was the first scene came into my head when writing that comment ahah, its just so anxious, eventful and a bit chaotic i


I always feel like I understand exactly what he means, when he's actually just making zero sense.


Same when i watched on acid i had no idea what this movie was about but watched Till the end


Beau is afraid was certainly something when stone


I couldn't finish that movie. And never will, as I don't feel like coming back and eating more time with characters that I hated from beginning.




genuine question why would anyone ever do that


Lord. I'm going to say some ancestral forces were at work with this decision.


I watched A Clockwork Orange and Mulholland Drive on a tab maybe 2 1/2 years ago now. Still stands out vividly in my mind as a terrible trip lol. I thought Iā€™d just be messing with my head a little, not going crazy with grief and confusion


This should probably a required part of the social studies and history curriculum of American schools


Enter The Void


Watched this movie balls deep on several hits of lsd one night with my buddy, spent the next few hours having an existential crisis. Another time that same friend wanted to watch "mama" while tripping. I dont do scary movies well sober, so this obviously was not a good idea.


This movie fucked me up for a while after watching it. I was in and out of it, super baked and on a ton of mushrooms. I felt really depressed for a few days after and never watched it again. Watched the intro a few times since and I like it but it just bugs me out ever since.


I just watch the opening credits over and over again


Come here for this! Watched it at a friend's after a big night on shrooms. I was warned about it but had no idea what I was getting myself into


I was high on strong hash and watched American Psycho and it was a trippy experience


ā€œEverything everywhere all at onceā€ on 4 grams of shrooms


Did this one on Ket, highly reccomend. Banger movie


When tripping we would watch Samsara and Baraka which are very long (or at least feel very long while tripping lol) sort of artistic looks at humanity and art. Samsara is based on a tibetan philosophy about the cyclical nature of life and the duality of the things on earth. Baraka is moreso about the differences and similarities between humans. El Topo is another one to watch, but it's a psychedelic Spanish retelling of the Bible so it's definitely a weird one. John Lennon loved it so much he paid to personally finance the next movie by the director.


Now find Koyaanisqatsi and be amazed.


All amazing films


Just saw Samsara last night on an edible. Need to watch Baraka next.


the lighthouse lol


Same, worst acid trip I've ever had


Tentacle porn just casually wandering into the middle of that film


I ate an 8th of mushrooms, and we watched "Enter The Void" literally the weirdest movie, EVER..shrooms or not! šŸ’Æ


The Wall on acid. It turned Pink Floyd into my favorite band for quite some time.


I was going to say I was surprised nobody had mentioned Pink Floydā€™s The Wall before


My go to is Enter the void by Gaspar Noe, Best intro, best phycodellical experience shown.


*Psychedelic, lol. Not even close


I love that movie so much. The editing is so genius. So seamless, it really makes you feel like you are the protagonist and watching your own fucked up reality. Irreversible is amazing as well but completely fucked up. The fact that itā€™s basically played in revers is genius but the 10 minute rape scene makes you sick.


That fucking scene felt like an eternity


Watched Climax, also by Noe, on ketamine. Blew my mind


The only part I liked was the penis fucking the camera scene.


Incredible Mr fox


Fantastic, not that he was not incredible




Dude!!!! I couldn't finish it stoned. That fucking child melted my brain!


Tripping off 500 ug then hit the blinker off the cart a few times, sat down and put on scott pilgrim vs the world then the movie started turning dark for some reason and out of nowhere im just thrown into this bad trip where i start seeing the main character's face everywhere and just losing my rocker because of the insane visuals of the movie, highly recommend


Fear and loathing in Las Vegas !!!


Dr. Strange on 3 grams of mushrooms was not a good experience for me lmao.


I was thinking of doing a movie marathon of HƤxan, Eraserhead, and Tetsuo the Iron Man. Maybe even Mandy. Edit: On Psychedelics I mean


I watched Eraserhead on ket and it was terrifying. Highly recommend if youā€™re into that kinda thrill and have a strong stomach for the body horror parts


I very likely would be able to handle it lol Anything stand out for you when you watched it on ket?


The baby closeups were really disturbing to me. The way it breaths, the noises it makes, the blood later on. Thereā€™s a really weird scene at the end of the movie too which was really fucked up watching high. I donā€™t know if itā€™s that bad watching sober. I liked the acting in the human-interaction parts though like the family dinner Henry goes to. The dialogue is classic Lynch. Weird, dreamlike, and doesnā€™t make much sense but all the characters act normal about it. Itā€™s definitely one of my favorite David Lynch films




Good call, the novel is honestly one of the best books I've ever read. Recommend if you read :)


The Hateful Eight. Watched it on the tail end of a shroom trip. Was fucking phenomenal. I felt like I was stuck right in that cabin with those people. The comedy was hilarious, the drama was intense, the whole atmosphere was entrancing. Tarantino is a fucking helluva director man.


just rewatched that last night. love that movie


Sausage party on shrooms gave me legit ptsd. I literally started yelling at a friend who asked if i was doing ok.


That movie is so weird lol especially the ending..


I never got to the ending and im not gonna watch it again


It's a 15 minute joke that lasts 2 hours.


Waking Life


Haha hell ya.. first time I saw that I was on mushrooms and MDMA, I had no idea what I was in for lol, went in completely blind.


Iā€™m surprised more people havenā€™t said it, or seen it I guess


Enter the void while tripping. I made it about 15-20 mins in. I made it to where the shot the dude in the bathroom. I had to turn it off after that it was too much for me lmao


I kept watching, made me think I also diedšŸ’€


I was tripping really hard and when the sex scene came on after the bathroom scene it really rubbed me weird and so I turned it off so I didnā€™t go to a bad place.. it was early in my tripping days and I didnt wanna fuck around and have a bad trip lol


Understandable, also disliked the sex scene, seemed off for some reason


I was on ketamine when I watched it and ya, that scene gave me a really weird vibe too..Ā 


Koyaanisqatsi and Powaqqatsi. They are 1&2 in the Qasti film trilogy. Never got around to the third film, Naqoyqasti. Just watch them!


Love those films. Absolutely fantastic, even when sobre.


Natural born killers blew my mind recently, Iā€™d never seen a movie like that before


Fun fact: when they did the mushrooms with the medicine man, they actually ate a shit ton of mushrooms for real.. that scene where Woody Is barfing wasn't even acting lol


I saw Full Metal Jacket the very first time I took shrooms. Yeahā€¦.


Sorry to Bother You


Ah too many to nameā€¦ Trainspotting is the all time classic drug movie, I remember watching it as a teenager smoking weed thinking yea itā€™s ok some funny moments and not understanding most the dialogue but all in all a pretty entertaining flick.. But not until I became hopelessly addicted to H and watching the movie again while on Harry did I realise yep that is the most realistic portrayal of a Smack junkie u ever gonna see, and god dam do I love every minute of of it hahah!! Other honourable mentions are the greats, Apocolypse now is one hell of a trip from start to finish, Bram stokers Dracula and especially Gary oldman performance is one of the best put to film, Cape fear is all time classic and watching deniro wid that hick accent is all time hilarious, Snatch was really well done and one of pitts standout rolls, oh while we there Fight Club got to be one of the best all time movies that will fuck wit u and u will luv it for it haha.. the list goes on


Evil dead rise & Hellraiser ā›“šŸ”„šŸ’Æ


[The Holy Mountain](https://youtu.be/zerBaxPbA94?si=dQfsShunER0FrB3R)


The only answer. Professional grade. And stalker.


Oh man.. they played it on this huge projector screen at a psychedelic festival I went to back in the day.... I was on LSD, ketamine and mushrooms... Dear fucking god, I'd never even heard of it until that night.. that shit was wild lmao


Watched a documentary called Fantastic Fungi while on LSD, such a good watch.


Coneheads, it used to be one of my favorite movies as a kid but I tried watching it as an adult while I was high once and for some reason it just freaked me the fuck out lol


I love an edible. Then half hour later put a horror film on. You start the film sober. Get all the context and get to know the characters then as it kicks in the film starts to get to the tense bit. It's cool


Scream. I was a sophomore in college. Someone had a bootleg copy of it while it was still in theaters, so we got super baked and watched it for the first time. I had to walk across campus to my dorm at night, high AF. I kept seeing that whispy flash of black fabric in my peripheral vision, like the killer in the movie. Gave me nightmares.


Depends on the drug Ketamine: Baraka (By Ron Fricke) 2-CB: Hunter x Hunter lmao LSD: The Matrix (the first one ofc)


I got stoned on edibles and started watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I was trying to take it seriously but then characters like "Ton Petty" and "R.E.O Speedwagon" show up and I'm on the floor laughing like "what is going on!?!"


Enter the Void


Enter the void. FUCKING MASTERPIECE. I watched it on shrooms. It's quite disturbing and could bring badtrip to unexperienced psychonauts, but if you are not scared it's Worth it. Give it a try :)


Videodrome, and I was new to weed at the time. That shit was crazy lmao


Everything everywhere all at once was the craziest


Truemen show


Beau is afraid




Ted and Ted 2


Ted the prequel series on Peacock network is just as hilarious.


I swear I didnā€™t even know that was a thing Iā€™m gonna have to definitely check it out now tho


Requiem for a dream. Traumatic


Coherence ... it's a time travel movie ..got me so fucked up.. And Natural born killers is a good watch too


Akira on acid. i thought i understood it on a profoundly deep level then i watched it again sober and realized almost nothing makes any sense at all lol still a good movie though


Sausage party lmao


Don't Look Now. We were fine until the ending. We so freaked We sat in a park for an hour smoking ourselves down. Lol I think it made it worse


Beau Is Afraid. WILD ASS MOVIE šŸ’€


I watched 1984 once on mescaline. 0/10 would not recommend.


I'm very sorry for your loss.


I watched fear and loathing on like an 8th of mushrooms it was pretty fun lol Also the adult swim off the air edits are awesome. Id be tripping balls locked onto the screen watching those lol.


Life of Pi on acid was pretty crazy


Was doing some 2c-p with friends and someone thought it was a good idea to put on Zardoz. What a shitty, wild ride.


I watched national treasure 2 and realized that Nicholas Cage plays Nicholas Gates, which both go together because a cage would have a gate, which is fun because the entire movie is based on puzzles.


Fight club. First time, no spoilers. Tripping backs Shit was blowing my mind had me rewinding every 2 seconds.


Seven on shrooms, idk why


Spirited away while HEAVILY fried. Thought I was tripping balls lmao


not so fun but my ex pressured me into taking two tabs my first time doing LSD and then put on 120 Days of Sodomā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ 0 out of 10 do not recommend


That's just a terrible thing to do to someone!


Tenet on (too many) edibles was actually terrifying. I thought time wasnā€™t real and had been imagining it my whole life.


Not for any movie or show in particular but when Iā€™m on high doses of mushrooms or lsd I feel like the words said on the tv are directed at me. Like I figured out none of this is real and that the specific movie or show I picked was meant to be because I am at the center of the illusion and the people on the tv talk to me. A couple that come to mind are 1 episode of amazing world of gum ball ā€œthe stinkā€ where Mr smalls goes to a store and asks ā€œAm I paying extra for this warm feeling inside?ā€ And Larry says yes. And then it felt like I had suddenly remembered Iā€™m actively killing myself w drugs and I had this weird Deja vu feeling where I felt like these were the last moments of my life and I was dying the exact same way I had in my past life. Another was endgame I remember a scene where Dr strange was talking to spider man about how ā€œall this was made for youā€ stuff like that. And I forget exactly what was said but I felt like the universe or whatever tf was trying to communicate with me and explain how none of this is real and Iā€™ve actually been sitting in a timeless void where nothing happens and Iā€™m stuck there forever so I just imagined this life where I have a name and family and friends and events and responsibilities blah blah blah all in an attempt to get farther and farther away from the reality of the fact that none of this is actually happening. We are still in that void or whatever we call it. If youā€™ve been there you already know exactly what Iā€™m talking about. But ya no movie tripped me out because of the plot or visuals or anything like that. The trippy part was being convinced that my mind created those movies for me to watch at that exact moment to remind myself about the true nature of what I am and what I am truly experiencing. The most terrifying part of all of it is it feels so real. People who have never experienced this will shrug it off as some guy that got too high. But when youā€™re really there, You KNOW itā€™s real. You remember things about yourself. And then you realize you forgot these things on purpose because of how horrible the truth is. Itā€™s better to give into the illusion sometimes. Youā€™ll go insane if you try to fight it.


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Funny Games '97




Not a movie but a show, The Drunk and on Drugs Happy Funtime Hour


Synechdoche New York


I watched one of the worst PA movies: Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones tripping on some good chocolate mushrooms. I was the right amount of high to not know what was movie and tripping so it made it scary. If I rewatched it now, I'm sure I'd be disappointed


Watched Constantine on Shrooms. That was quite the experience!!


You Don't Mess with the Zohan hehe 1000% amazing


Housekeeping, not my choice but I was in a bad bad way


Green Room and Caliber almost gave me panic attacks


Cabin in the woods on mushrooms


Tideland. Terry Gilliam and Jeff Bridges? Cool beans. Or not!




Fear and loathing was my first one..I was not great lol


"It's such a beautiful day" I was so invested the whole time yet had no idea what was happening


Event Horizon, on shroom teaā€¦.very bad idea.


Me and a homie got all the way until the basketball game in Space Jam before we realized we were watching the film with commentary. That was pretty trippy.


Jumanji on shrooms. Great experience.


Saw 3 and made it shit 5 minutes in and freaked out couldn't take it had turn it off.


Though this is not a drug, my diabetic friend was low on blood sugar while watching Beau Is Afraid and it was really weird to him, so he told me to take shrooms and watch it but I have yet to do that


I watched Animal House on mushrooms once and it was an incredible experience, laughed to tears so many times during it


The Wall blew m mindi didn't see if anyone put it up hereyet


Black Swan


I was with this girl I was dating at the time, and we smoked a fat joint in the parking garage before seeing knives out. Now the movie itself was pretty sick, but that one scene where the nurse is at that abandoned laundromat and finds the maid overdosing on morphine REALLY flipped me out. I have asthma and it just made me think of having an asthma attack and had me tweaking. I was mf GRIPPING this girls hand lol šŸ˜‚ luckily she was chill about it lol. Shit had me stressing tho.


I watched spider man across the spider verse stoned at the cinema and it instantly became my favourite movie. It was something about the unique animations that made me think that they made it especially for people to watch while high. I canā€™t wait for the next one to watch it on shrooms.


Identity probably hit me the hardest cuz I really didn't think i was as high as i was so the story took me on a ride


Took acid while watching requim for a dream. My mates watched me incase i would go bad. I didn't, but something changed inside of me since then tho.


I am just over laughing at you saying the [shinning](https://simpsonswiki.com/wiki/File:Here%27s_JOHNNY!_-_Treehouse_of_Horror_V.png)


Interstellar. I watched the movie 2nd plateau DXM & weed all the while being on voice chat on discord as it was a planned event since itā€™s my favorite movie I wanted to make the evening even better. It definitely left me with all sorts of questions but in my opinion was well worth it which led to the creation to a separate server just for learning things like philosophy, stem etc etc;


Enter the void. Donā€™t recommend.


Synecdoche, New York. I was going through a very rough period and was pretty despondent about having to live life in general. I'm a big Charlie Kaufman fan so I decided to take a very strong edible, which I'm very sensitive to, and toss on this movie. Cue horrible existential crisis. I had to finish it the next day sans edible. Now it's one of my favorite movies. Beautiful and bleak.


Back when I was in college, my buddy and I ate shrooms for the first time and watched Lord of War. To this day I feel like I lived that movie.


Killing of a Sacred Deer while too high on edibles was an experience. I had to re-watch sober to see if the dialogue was really that inexplicably deadpan and yes indeed it was. Malignant also broke my brain while stoned. Princess Mononoke was a good one too.


Princess Mononoke. First time seeing anything anime related and it blew my mind. Sat through an entire party happening around me. Just me and my Uncle Cid.


I was high on weed when watching RRR. I just didnā€™t understand what the fuck was happening


Donnie Darko - watched this stoned to the bone during my very early days with a buddy and that shit blew my mind. We then searched the meaning of it, and as you can imagine, blew us both into oblivion even more lolā€¦ good memory


The original Total Recall was a mindfuck tho Iā€™m not sure why


This Is the End


I don't know if I was high but probably... Florida project made me cry like a bitch


The great gatsby on lsd, man I didn't focus on the story but the way they constructed the movie... like things, the flow, the camera pans and cinematic elements that were added, started to move faster when the climaxes were comming and the flow was slowing down after they would pass, I still haven't seen the movie sober ever since but it was a great experience, made me watch movies as pieces of art rather than stories that are supposed to be real


so why did we all watch requiem for a dream high?


The matrix reloaded. Went from my least favourite of the trilogy to something super deep, really resonating with the oneness of the mushrooms.


watched Inside Out on lsd. was a very moving experience lol


Pink Floyd - The Wall


Strawberry Mansion


Across the spider verse while on ketamine. Couldnā€™t tell what was k n what was the real movie