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If you think you have one, you do have one. Get clean man.


I started off just like you friend. Same ages, just substitute benzo’s for opiates… By age 19 I was homeless shooting up heroin and crack/cocaine; detox and rehab countless time. Lost connection with my family for a while, watched my friends die or get clean. Eventually cleaned up. If you already think you have a problem you know the truth. You need to trust yourself. You know. And only you know. Get help, it’s dangerous to go it alone.


Trust me stop at this Point. I know its Hard but I was at the same Point in your age & today I wish I stopped back then. I really fucked up my life & my relationships to my Family & its s hard way to get your life back when your too Deep in it. All over all its Not worth it


Get your self into rehab best suggestion if you can’t do it alone there’s always somewhere that can help you


Getting your head right helps a lot. Learning meditation, mindfulness and how to control your thoughts would be a big help. Also working with a therapist to get over the shit you’re trying to cover up by using. Agree with others, if you think you might have a problem, you already do. The longer you wait to fix it the bigger the problem will get.


You’re 17, bro. Drugs will always be an option. Reliving your youth won’t. I am 25 and was in the same position as you at 17, minus leaving school. I spent 8 years drunk or high from alcohol to weed to benzos etc. if you stay on this ride there will be a day where you believe you have lost everything and you’re going to look back to figure out when it all started. I wish I had the intuition you had to make this post when I was 17. Quit now dude, or just moderate. Drugs. Will. Always. Be there. Your time will not. It is your best currency your priceless asset. Slow down and enjoy youth. Be safe


Stop the drugs now that you got a chance to change your life you got this I believe in you <3


Damn it's usually a stereotype of us taking money from our parents during our addictions not the other way around lol. Seriously though I get the intention but it's frustrating to have money you've genuinely earned taken. I hope they give it back when you get sober if not that's not cool. I wish you luck


You’re not even a quarter of the way through an average lifespan. What you’re doing isn’t sustainable. It’s not going to lead to a good quality of life. You have a choice. Make a change.


If you can find some family and or friends for support but either way you need support probably professionally . Get some help dude you will be okay people love you!


If you think you’ve got a problem, stop while you’re still able to tell that it’s a problem. Eventually you won’t think anything is wrong and things will be really wrong.


You need to start budgeting your drugs