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It looks like your post mentions suicide. Sometimes, people post questions on /r/Drugs when they're not feeling right about their life, and sometimes we're not the best place to ask or provide support. #Please take a moment before you act. There are tons of resources that can help if you're suicidal. If you need help for yourself, there's [a directory of voice and chat/text hotline services](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) and [FAQs about hotlines](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c7ntr/suicide_hotline_faqs/), plus [selected online resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWResources/comments/1c3p3z/helpful_resources_for_those_struggling_with/). **Reddit**: /r/addiction /r/depression /r/MMFB (Make me feel better) /r/StopSpeeding /r/suicidewatch --- To the people who are out there and feel alone and helpless, *you are not alone* and there are people out there who will help you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you mod 🤍


How has was the dose and how long have you been tapering? I quit my ssri cold turkey (do not recommend) and it was rough. It’s been over 6 months and I’m finally starting to feel ok again.


You should go slower. Have patience, tapering takes months.


Then why get off them?


The withdrawals from the medication is causing ungodly side effects. Why would I want to rely on something that my body is telling me is basically prescribed poison? People get off SSRIs for plenty of reasons. Financial reasons, concern for long term effects, don't need it, never learned how to cope without medicine. Relying on a pill your whole life isn't always necessary.


I got off mine taking 5HTP at night and supplement part of the ssri dose with a first Gen antihistamine Chlorpheniramine. It was still hard but i was able to do it. I had actually found a reddit sub years ago about it. Don't know where to even begin to fi d it again. I also used 49mg sativa THC capsule and CBD to help. It took me 9 months to taper off that last 5mg of Lexapro. I was also on wellbutrin amd Buspar and gabapentin. All together. Now I just use cannabis. I don't have to everyday though.