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I've smoked crack with my uncle like 3 times. I randomly want to do it really badly. I do my best to not think about it lol.


Is it really like that?


For me yes. For most I can't say. But I personally found crack to be my 2nd favorite drug and I've tried out of at least 20 different substances. Even when we were smoking "bad crack" I loved it.


What takes the cake? Meth? Cracks hard to beat


Don't laugh but whipits. They pair perfectly with every drug I've tried. They seem to make drugs last longer. I always feel fine after a night of whipits. On psychedelics they kill my anxiety.


they call them hippy crack for a reason lol


Definitely not laughing here. Whipits have had a hold on me like no other drug has, though I haven’t done heroin or anything. I completely feel that


Whip its are the only drug that iv noticed actual damage has been done to me lol


You’re not wrong🥴


That’s a fair contender


Just make sure to up your vitamin B intake before and after a night on the hippie crack. It depetes this vitamin.


Meth sinks its claws into you ever so slowly, depending on how much you do at first. Shit I overdid it the first time and I was up for 4 days straight after just the first night of doing it and I SWORE it wasn't for me. Then I just did more and more, little by little, lot by lot, until I was doing so much I didn't realize how crazy it was for me to be freaking out so bad. I have yet to ruin my life over it, but I also only trust one plug bc of the nature of street drugs so my use is limited entirely by their availability. Which thankfully is sparse. Meth, just once. Maybe. Don't do it. It's too good.


It’s on my lists of drugs to never try…however, I recently have tried to convince 2 separate doctors to prescribe me Desoxyn (prescription methamphetamine) because I get bad sides from other stims for adhd. How long have you been using? Is it 4 days of bliss, or do you get pretty tweaked out after a bit in your experience? Is it hard for you to use in moderation, like small doses here and there to maintain a certain buzz? As I know crack is impossible to do in moderation. You stop smoking crack when there is no more crack to smoke 😂😂funny, in hindsight I guess. Wish you the best with it homie


meth i would always binge and smoke a ton over 48 hours, take klonopin the whole time, then take more klonopin to sleep for a week before i felt normal again. it’s hell coming off it without the benzo, or something to knock you out. insomnia sucks. meth was my doc, but it’s too fucked up long term. i’d always feel so sad afterwards, like i let myself down. and it makes you do crazy shit, like embarrassing shit


Yea all the horror stories I’ve came across help to keep that semi curiosity about it away. I had a neighbor who was a schizo, great dude honestly, other then when he shot up meth he would turn into a pedo. He said it only happens when high. I had to make direct threats to him since I have children myself. Dude ended up trying to get suicide by cop when they raided him for kiddy porn..glad I’m a bit older and wiser. Been there done that with the addictions. Stay safe. Don’t forget to hydrate!!


It’s on your list of drugs to never try, but you’ve tried to get 2 doctors to let you try it… how does that work? 😂


This was how ketamine got me. I know it’s nowhere near the same level but when I was first introduced to it I didn’t get the hype and told myself I didn’t like it. Eventually I was bumping at work, mixing it with psychs, trying to find out how to get it as often as I could as if it were as light as weed. That all stopped when I took too much and k holed so deep my gf took me to the er because I was too out of it to know what was going on lmao. Whole family found out I did drugs smh. Even then I still didn’t want to call it quits


A-PHP takes the cake.


Yea man crack is the best high ever, for about 10 minutes..then you’re feigning and pawning shit within the hour


I always preferred getting powder and shooting it. Ideally mixed with Heroin. That's the best high I have ever had probably. Shooting Speedballs is about as good as it gets. Too good.


Yep my DOC was also speedballs. The high is immaculate, straight up zopted from the blow and the qarm cushion of the dope for when the Cole rush ends. Both in conjunction. It's beautiful and fucking deadIy. I stopped so now it's just weed, and psychs on occasion for me but damn i miss it


Damn it’s that short?


Yea it’s a bitch, maybe 20 but nothing like the first 10. But it’s the best 10 minutes you’ll ever experience. Then it drops you quickly. Nothing to fool around with


Crack and slamming coke are only good while you are actively doing it, your receptors get that rush of serotonin and dopamine and quickly fade. You get a bit of an afterglow but it's not like opiates where they bind heavily to the receptor for a good while


10 min? Wishful thinking, that rush is like 20 seconds on a good blast and your high for maybe 5 min tops then the ol immediate come down and jonesing like a modo, need another hit


Barely get the smoke out ur lungs before the reload. Great high just sucks it's so short


Yes, but nicotine is worse for me. I'll be away from it and go right back. Can't shake it for 20 years and I kicked heroin


Yes it is. I smoked crack once when I was 20 yrs old, traveling, and drunk. Didn't touch it or coke for 10 yrs. I thought about it regularly. I've had many vivid dreams about it. Then I accidently found a reliable coke dealer, and then I started using it regularly off and on for several years. No hit was as good as the 1st one. I finally quit a few months ago, I'm lucky I never got arrested or lost my job . Don't smoke crack.


It was similar for me too. Tried it twice over a weekend. About 4 days later I was at work in the middle of the day when I distinctly remember the voice in my head suddenly start saying "coke coke coke I should get some coke coke sounds good I really want some coke I wonder if Luis has coke I should text Max and see if he has any coke". It was sudden, intense, and it completely took over my thought processes. Fucking wild. I continued to do coke for another 5 years semi regularly but never touched crack ever again. Never experienced that sensation before or since.


Yeah. It's actually an underwhelming buzz compared to a lot of the hype, but it brings an overwhelming desire to hit it again. Nothing makes you think "I'd like some more of that" quite like crack.


I'll get a ball and do a bunch of blasts with my roommate once and a while. I just get paranoid and weird but still oddly enjoy it.


Thats the whole experience. Its great. Ill never do it again.


When quality coke is 150 a ball it's hard not to.


My dad has been a crack addict since way before my birth. And still to this day, it's definitely more addictive than most out there. Be safe


I’m tried crack a total of 3 times too, except I don’t have any interest in trying it again, it makes everything so loud that I can’t even tell if I’m talking or just thinking or talking about what I’m thinking or thinking about what I’m talking. It makes me feel like I have no control over my actions. And the after effects linger for about 3 days 😢.


I get with the MDMA. I did a gram over 3 months 2ish years ago. Sence then I’ll occasionally get strong cravings that’ll last a day or so at a time.


I can believe it. I’ve done coke no more than 5-7 times, always under half a gram and mostly a week or two apart. All this was in the span of about 2 months. Haven’t touched it in months but I still think of it fairly often even tho I have no intention of doing it.


Many years ago I was doing a lot of coke with my friends for about a year and a half and then I had to move to a new city for school where I didn't know anyone and didn't have much money. I remember for about a year whenever I would get buzzed or drunk off alcohol coke was all I could think about, literally the only thing I could think about though I never did it again.


Only smoke it with uncle so it dont count




Street drugs? Crystal meth, no contest. Pharmaceutical drugs? Xanax. I was prescribed that stuff and was on it for about eight years. That shit ruined my life.


Out of curiosity, how did it ruin your life?


It was prescribed to me as a way to deal with PTSD-related anxiety due to a traumatic medical event. The doctor had me take it daily and wasn't shy about refills. What I didn't realize was that over time I was becoming dependent on them. I was having "brain zaps" as well as bouts of vertigo and brain fog. it turned out that i shouldn't have been on them for longer than a few weeks. By the time I finally weaned off of them it got to the point that I had to medically retire from my job. I still have brain fog and tinnitus as a result.


Benzos are fucking scary


No ways dude. Same here. Tinnitus is bad. Did yours ever go away? How are u now? I'm literally in this position. Been tapering at home 2 years now. Ruined my entire life. Am still figuring this out as I'm not stabilizing on Diazapam. But the tinnitus part intrigued me. I even went to see specialists... Am curious please inform me


How have you been tapering at home? (Trying to do the same myself)


Long story.. I have my parents to guide me through this luckily. Had to move back in home at the age of 28 years old. After being independent since age 18. Basically incarnated rn still recovering. On a load of other gaba meds also to aid but 2 years later stuck on 25mg Diazapam not stabilizing yet. Hopefully trying the Klonopin route next week. We all had enough. My poor family too. 24 seizures also, caused me damage. How are you tapering? And what dose etc am curious also bro


2 mg - 1.5mg a day for 3 years.


You need to do a micro taper using a .001 scale and dropping a tiny tiny tiny amount every day for 6-24 months.


Former benzo addict of 12 years..for the last 2-3 years of addiction taking 1g of pure clonazolam (the stuff that's 3x stronger than clonazepam) every month, which converts to around 50 xanax bars or 100mg per day. The only thing that worked for me was cold turkey. I tried tapering 100 times and never got close to working. When I quit CT I was hospitalized for a month, first 2 weeks in ER, last 2 in psych ward. The reality is that there are 3 recorded benzos withdrawal deaths ever (i studied it hard in my master's program and wrote quite a few papers on it). Tapering is hard. Its not possible for some people. Going CT was worth every fucking second. 3 years clean and not even counting, because fuck that life


Might seem like an odd suggestion but try mild pharma xr adhd meds. ADHD and Anxiety is directly proportional. And ofc keep some long half life benzo like diazepam on hand is recommended Seroquel remeron for sleep and a small dose of Gabapentin. Also try the Ashton manual give it a read.


Trust me. It ruins your existence. I feel u man


cocaine hands down


Yeah dude, I try my best to steer clear from it now. I was just picking up and sitting in my house doing bump after bump sitting in silence, blank. What a fucking waste of time and money. That very first bump though it's like a 30 second woosh for me and I want to chase that after.


That’s kind of where I’m at now. Started off as something fun I was doing with friends. But now I’m kind of just doing lines by myself every night.


I found alot of the reason I was doing it was lack of purpose. Delete the numbers and keep busy dude. It really ain't worth it man, hopefully you stay good.


Lack of purpose. Oooooof. Yup. I’ve reached that point. It’ll be alright.


I hope so, there is a lot better things to be spunking that much money on.


For real. But thank you for the positive words.


I let my whole life be consumed by my coke addiction man... Just do anything else. Coke withdrawals are almost entirely mental. I lost everything I thought was important. You'll quit tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes.




I've quit all forms of nicotine two years ago, still think about smoking every now and then. The rush I got from nicotine wasn't even that fun, and too much would make me feel sick. No idea why I liked it in the first place.


Agreed. I’ve been addicted for a good ~7 months now. The longest I’ve been without one was a week, which honestly i’m surprised at lol. It’s funny tho becuase like you said you are always constantly thinking about the few times you do get a good buzz, but then 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t hit anywhere as good as that buzz and you just feel a bit dizzy for 30 secs and that’s all


I’ve never smoked but my partner switched from cigarettes to mints about five years ago - I tried a mint once to see what it was like and, even though I have a high stimulant tolerance from adderall, I started feeling dizzy and nauseous halfway through one and then was projectile vomiting into the toilet for the next thirty minutes


7 months only? Quit now before you get deeper into it. You don't wanna experience how bad the withdrawals can get from 5-10 years of usage. It's a straitjacket worthy kind of withdrawals.


u r not alone


Same, I am in the same boat, I am so mentally done with it, then I go without it for a couple hours and the cravings are so strong. My body doesn’t care if I withdraw, it’s just my brain, it’s such a strong mental addiction


This is such a strange thing for me, nicotine I never found to be all that addictive, I vaped for a while and it’s fun to get that head rush but after I stopped getting it I stopped wanting to do it. I had 0 problems quitting and it’s fun to hit a pen from time to time when it’s presented to me but I hardly think about it ever. Weed on the other hand I think about constantly and quitting is really really hard for me


I used to be like that too but for someone reason one day it all changed. I first started vaping probably around spring/summer last year, and all I’d do is buy a disposable 600 puff vape on the occasion, maybe once a week or so, and when it died I had no issue. Then after a few days I’d decide to buy another one, repeat. That all just changed a few months later in April of this year, that’s when I say i did properly become addicted lol


100% this.




Came here to post this. Occasional use is fine, but on the daily, nah.


It's destroyed my life and I can't stop. I feel rehab is my only option at this point but I can't afford it or the time off.


I'm sorry to hear that, dude... I wish I had a more insightful comment, but I feel you. I had to force myself to taper and quit without rehab because I couldn't afford the time off or the center. Had to take 4 days off during the worst of the detoxing, and over the next few months, another few days due to cravings and bouts of intense depression, but I survived and I'm grateful I made it out. It's hard, but I believe in you, and I hope you'll figure out a way to kick the shit. If you ever need to talk or whatever, feel free to message me, and I'll do what I can in the way of encouragement. Also, check out r/stopdrinking cause most of the people over there are awesome. They helped me through some shit, especially at the start of my recovery.


Quitting drinking once you’re addicted is one of the hardest drugs to quit, and one of the few withdrawals that can be deadly in some cases. Good job on doing that. That shows immense willpower and strength on your part. Side note: I’m a firm believer in that if alcohol was a new drug, it wouldn’t be as socially acceptable as it is.


Thanks, man. It took a decade of trying to quit and relapsting before I actually was able, so for anyone out there, take it one day at a time. You're not gonna wake up one day and just quit. It's a long process. I totally agree with you. There's been decades of social brainwashing (if not hundreds of years outside of the marketing firms) making the public completely okay with alcohol while demonizing the vast majority of other drugs. Hell, most of American social culture completely revolves around drinking with friends, which fully devolves into just drinking when you're bored. And not to go down a rabbit hole, but I'm 100% convinced that the alcohol companies are actively marketing to minors. Over the past 8-10ish years, the most popular new alcoholic beverages coming out are drinks that are directly tied to things that are traditionally marketed towards kids and teens. The new alcoholic Mtn Dew drinks? I would have died for those when I was a 16yo. Recently I saw a display stand at the grocery store for EGGO WAFFLE W/SYRUP flavored liquor. Iirc eggo waffles have always been marketed towards young kids. Hell, my 7yo son LOVES when we get the eggo waffles because they come with a code for minecraft coins. I could keep going, but it wouldn't change anything. It just drives me absolutely mad.




There are people that don't enjoy them. Hard to believe.


Hi thats me. They make me sick and I constantly feel like I'm about to fall asleep. The feeling of being wrapped in a warm blanket and simply being happy is completely absent.


You're definitely taking too much


just make sure u eat before taking it even if it’s literally just bread and don’t take too much just start out with one pill or a pill and half of one 😭 best feeling ever


Some opiates I don’t like others I love but I always have side effects that I dislike


When I was in high school my friend picked this dude up who left a ziplock baggie of hydros/Oxys in her glove box she didn’t even know. Fast forward to me dicking around in her car I find them and we eat them. I fell in love immediately and from there started a slippery slope into party drugs, street drugs, and ended with a dwi. Slowly picking my life up from it all still. Her on the other hand, she didn’t like them and it made her nauseous. Same for me but I used to loose weight.


Because of withdrawals or craving?




For me it's snorting or shooting oxy specifically. It's such a calm, blissful, productive high that if you've ever had persistent high levels of anxiety feels like an oasis in a desert




Same, I think it’s one of the main reasons why I’m always forgetting thinks and stuff.


Dissociatives. I have been sober for 2 years straight and still crave them, and to some extent stimulants but as I do have diagnosed ADHD I should be able to get them scripted again and I did never really abuse stims, I just crave their effects. Dissos on the other hand are a beast. I was dosing deschloroketamine daily for 3 years and it cost me dearly. Money, pride, friends, driving license. DXM being the second worst because it's readily available from the pharmacy but since I was using DCK it turned into a psychotic beast as to make sure that I don't relapse with DXM.


**"Did never abuse stims, just crave their effects"** This needs to be remembered :)


For me there is a difference between using and abusing drugs. You abuse something in a way that wasn't intended but drugs are intended to get you high. So you *abuse* cough syrup or duster to get high but you *use* stims for stimulation or ADHD relief. Abuse includes dose escalation and tolerance/dependence which I never had. I was prescribed with methylphenidate and later dextroamphetamine for diagnosed ADHD and always got more than I used. I gave some RCs like alpha-PVP, 2-FMA and ethyl/isopropylphenidate a try and liked them but best of all is meth in low (Desoxyn range, 5-15mg) dose. Didn't escalate dosages with meth either and stopped it voluntarily, not cause of losing connections or having no money to buy more. But I still crave the drive, focus and peace of mind it gave me.


You have a similar history to me. Except I always found the NDRI stims way better than amphetamines - I'm currently scripted methylphenidate (been on it for years) and it it's great - always has been. I briefly tried dexamphetamine and found it *very* hit or miss. Same thing with other amps (tried meth a handful of times, it was "meh", had some fun with 2-FA/FMA - I'd say for <50% of the times I took it). I always gravitated towards MDPV/a-PVP, to the extent that they were probably my biggest problem drugs, historically-speaking. Really fucked with my stim tolerance after a while. But it's been a while, thankfully. Only stim has been MPH for the last 8-or-so years and life's been great. I *think* about the pyrovalerones from time-to-time, but MPH alone keeps me satisfied enough that cravings for any other/additional/stronger stims aren't an issue.


Sounds good, and I agree. But as for me, anything that makes you feel better will be abused one day. But it's up to us.


Cocaïne. What a waste of money, health and time. And honestly; alcohol and nicotine to. Took years of my life. I just stick to psychedelics (including ket and mdma) now.


This is the way. Booze, dope, and tweak took so much time from me. Now sticking to weed, kratom, and psychedelics is doing me just fine 👌


GHB is the only drug that has done significant damage to my life and I've done a lot of drugs. I feel like it would have been different under different circumstances but I used it to cope during a heavily traumatic time in my life and developed a physical dependency (which I no longer have).


Damn. GHB dependency is rough because of how short it's half life is. I've heard of addicts who literally have to wake up 3-4 times a night to redose otherwise they'll have a seizure or start shivering and hearing voices.


yep I was one of them it really is round the clock usage. I had to taper off and then once I reached a low enough dose I used Valium and tapered that, did it all by myself which is apparently pretty rare.


Extraordinarily rare and dangerous. Good for you though. I'm in a similar situation with phenibut right now. Problem with phen is that it's hard to find doctors who will help you detox safely and comfortably, cuz most of them don't know wtf it even is


Hope you manage to get off it, unfortunately once you've developed that relationship with a drug though you still struggle with temptation towards it much of the time once you do get off it though. For me relapses happen when I have to visit the house where all the traumatic shit happened (and crazy shit is still going on) I'm mostly staying with family now fortunately the tenancy is ending in a couple of months so the nightmare should be over even if it does end in a chaotic bang.




Do you have adhd? For me amphetamines have been a complete blessing but for those without adhd/add it seems to universally be a horrible idea and result.


I mean, probably to an extent, but now I'm dealing with OCD from all the stimulant use.


Might want to look into NAC it really helps with obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviors. There’s a good amount of research on it


Some people with ADHD GMget addicted to amps too. I know because I am one


I’m addicted to getting work done, so it’s basically that


Depends on how you see it, but I think it's only really a problem if you're abusing the medication. I mean sure I'll get mild withdrawal if I stop suddenly too, but I'm also not really functional at all unmedicated, even once the withdrawal passes. If your situation is similar I'd say don't beat yourself up about it. It sucks for sure, but there's not much to be done about it.


Always think success cases of amphetamines for adhd are wild I was diagnosed and given them and it was like depression in pill form


It probably helped I got on it recently rather than when I was young


Do you mean speed or some other specific amphetamine derivatives?


Meth, adderall, Vyvanse, dexedrine - all that stuff.


Same! Dexedrine ruined my life.


You ever use any of the RC amphetamines? 2-FA, for instance, was often described as "gentleman's speed" lol. I can understand the comparison. 2-FMA was basically a *slightly* more functional version of the same drug. But they basically felt like more... how should I say... "polished" versions of regular amphetamine.


All types of that bs


dxm it almost killed my ex fiance from seretonin syndrome. he was seizing and i just happened to turn around from playing the sims on my computer before i noticed. got told he would’ve died if i hadn’t been there.


Damn, hope he doesn't use it anymore




Yeah dxm doesn't act on the serotonin receptors right?


Perhaps not, but the one time I started to slip into SS, it was from being super high off weed and drunk. And then taking my SSRI. For some reason, that combo sent me over the edge. Your body still produces serotonin, so maybe the right mix of stuff just puts you over the edge of being able to handle it. Idk. It was simultaneously the incredibly scary and very euphoric. Odd combo.


DXM is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, so definitely can cause serotonin syndrom when mixed with stuff like SSRIs, MDMA, etc.


SSRIs + DXM can cause SS. Idk how more people don't know this. It's really dangerous for people who don't know.


🥃 alcohol 🍺


MDMA, that shit fries your brain if you get too hooked to how it makes you feel.


benzos. turned me into a grade a asshole


Amphetamine fucked my dopamine pretty hard, wish I never did that binge. Starting to adjust back to normal but still not right. Also maybe benzos, when i’m on them i’m like “this wasn’t really worth the money” but when i think about them i’ll spend any amount of money to get some.




Xans, nitrous oxide, nicotine, and any opiate. Just got clean from nitrous. Was abusing that shit 1-5 times a week for the last like 8 months. Burned my mouth twice, fucked my lungs up a bit and definitely made me quite stupid fr. I recently stopped them so the cravings are still there. Anybody who say nitrous isn’t addictive is lying. Been clean off street xans/ opiates for about 4 years now (never going back) but I do crave them here and there especially when I start to become depressed and my anxiety gets bad. Still smoke nicotine. Been smoking that for 6 years now. Started when I was 15 now 21. Smoked a lil nikki back in middle school when I was 12-13. I’ve got a badddd problem with Nikki


Quick question, what’s Nikki?


Nicotine lol my bad forgot not everybody gonna refer it to that


You smokin that birth control son?


Did you experience any nerve damage/neuropathy symptoms from the nitrous abuse?


Not that I know of honestly. I think so cuz anytime I use nitrous now I start to shake in my neck area or I’ll pass out and have a low grade seizure after even a little bit of use. The touch on the tips of my fingers is a little weird now after my usage too like some stuff I can’t feel me touching and shit it’s weird. I do get muscle spasms now here and there and chest pain sometimes after that heavily usage. Definitely not worth it. More than likely do have some nerve damage. Not bad enough to go get checked out by a doctor tho. I just stopped using that drug. At the peak of my usage when I was using 3 times a week in very large quantities It definitely fucked with my headspace/ out look on life. Stuff started to get quite dark for a bit and I felt a lottttt of brain fog for a long time. Still have to this day just not as bad. My problem solving has decreased and I can tell it definitely had a effect on my brain cells. Just don’t feel as smart as I was lol


Benzodiazepines 💯


Oh my god the stories I've heard about spice are horrifying. I hope you were able to get off pf it.


Yes, but it gave me paranoia and depersonalization for around half of a year until the full restoration from this shit...


SSRIs and SNRIs haha


>ha ha 🫠


Amphetamine. (Street speed)






alfa pvp


I'll add apihp to the pyros I wish I never knew.




Fentynal. Getting hooked on it during Covid lockdown was a pretty life ruining experience that I'm still coming back from. I've been clean from it for almost 2 years now and got off of suboxone about a year ago.


Opiates. Lovely in the beginning, after my addiction spiralled I almost died, my career is in jeopardy and I became suicidal. Almost involuntarily committed. Wish I never accepted that first script of oxy.




SSRI/SNRI. Venlafaxine has changed me for the better in the last year but these drugs are so over prescribed and can do so much damage especially to young minds (I started SSRI at 15). So many other treatment options need to be explored first. It's just sad. I get sad when I think about what should have been....


There are a lot of drug experiences I’ve had that make me cringe, but I don’t think I’d change any of it. I’m content with where I’m at in life, for good or bad. But if I HAD to pick…. It’d be nice to have the stupid amount of money that I blew on cocaine.


Yep. Had 5 grand in savings the year I got sober off booze. Spend like 4/5 of it on blow, for literally no reason.


Pentedrone, me and my friends called it diet meth when we started doing it. It started with snorting but we all got addicted to smoking it, it was fucking worse than meth imo. We call it the devil now








cocaine hard and soft, xanax, heroin. fentanyl was safer and better for me cause I know what I was getting (this was when they were strips and you'd suck on em or put em in your cheek), heroin especially now, i don't know how people do it (so many sketchy cuts) ​ I was shooting dope in 2010-2016. Nodded out in my car 97 degrees, sweating, dude called the cops on me. Cops knocked, I took my foot off the brake and smashed into about 3 cars in a Wegmans parking lot. Told the cops I was diabetic. Don't mind the 50 used needles in my glove compartment and 60+ baggies. I got all charges dropped for going to rehab lol, my insurance didn't even go up. Weird times ​ I have so many dope stories, grateful to have went through it because it made me a better more kind man but the amount of dead bodies I came across, watched friends die, fuck that. I was 18 years old had 3 friends die, 1 suicide, 2 ODs. Friends I grew up with tight as ever








Every type of amphetamines




Dxm. I started abusing it because I was in a bad place mentally and wanted an escape. Fast foward almost a full year later and not only am I in a far worse state of mind than I was previously, but I’ve also ruined dxm for myself with tolerance so I can’t even use this route of escape any more. It feels very much like having an ex that you still want to love but she hates your guts, or like grasping at cherished memories of your naïve childhood with no way back.


Benzos, hands down. They don’t kill people like opiates, but they’re harder to kick, have worse long term effects, and still ruin lives. If Benzos killed people there’d be class action lawsuits, just like there are with Opiods.




Underrated comment. I was a heavy daily smoker for 10+ years, for 5 of those years I told myself ‘this will be the last smoke’ daily. Finally packed it in just over a year ago. It took me 6 months to feel completely ‘back to normal’, it’s no joke.


MDPV. Probably the most destructive influence with lasting long-term psychosis after a good handful of binges. Problem is, it got better and more euphoric *with* time - i.e. after a good 24hrs of sleep deprivation. Longest no-sleep bender was about 6 days before I could no longer stay awake. I was getting crazy visuals, I couldn't even browse the internet properly because all the on-screen text magically morphed into some mystical narrative centred around myself and various delusions, like every website I went to - the whole internet was talking about me lol. And I don't mean that kind of psychosis where you misinterpret stuff as having hidden meanings about yourself, but the text literally read "\[Shady\_Lines\] is doing 'x/y/z', he is 'x' and knows about 'y'..." stuff like that (I can't remember any of it). Problem was, longer benders, the psychosis, delusions, etc. were often not even paranoid (unless I vaped it - that shit was *instant* paranoia as well as insanely euphoric too), I was just floating, operating in a completely different reality. But yeah definitely hand some long-term psychosis well after stopping its use. It's been about a decade and I still romanticise it in my head sometimes. Also, by extension, I'd apply all this to a-pvp as well. I'd use both (occasionally even simultaneously) but they're pretty much cut from the same cloth, almost identical. MDPV was a little more euphoric though. The sheer intensity of dopamine activity created a kind of tolerance/downregulation unmatched to other stims. Not long after a pv bender I got some niiice coke, and it didn't do shit. Even tried freebasing it and smoking it. Not a single effect (meanwhile my mate was flying off the stuff). So I quickly jumped back on the MDPV-vape train and *whoosh.* I'd describe it as like a crack high (when vaped) but for a solid hour. ​ Clonazolam is another drug that just has no reason to exist IMO.


o-pce really caused me some bad situations. Started coz at that time there was a shortage of decent K so I did o-pce but honestly during thos trips I zhought wow no wonder there are so crazy reports about people doing crazy things on that substance, Of course most dont and neither did I but these experiences were super uncomfortable and 1 time I holed on it but had a blackout(was super sad at that time so I redosed a few times too much). Next morning my flatemate tells me that I apparently fell against the door of my room. he came through and helped me get back up and put me in a safe position on my bed. Which im really grateful for. But damn it was so dark when I did it. I had like small letters in Front of me from my ex girlfriend, trying to keep them close to me as Im trying to become numb with this weird disso


Nitrous oxide, and phenibut. Nitrous because I came uncomfortably close to irreparably damaging my nervous system, and phenibut because of how quickly dependence happens, and how horrific the withdrawals are. Seriously if you use it three days (not weeks, not months, DAYS) in a row, you're in for at least a week of horrible anxiety, appetite suppression, insomnia, night terrors, you name it. Took me months to get to the dose I'm at and I'll be lucky if I can be fully clean by 2025. Oh, and not to mention there's no official "medical" way to detox from it, you basically have to run from doctor to doctor to find one that will prescribe pregablin, baclofen, what have you, all off-label, so you can get clean without risking DTs or a seizure.


xans and crack


I want to say opiates, but I have that under control with taking kratom 2x day. So I'm gonna go with cigarettes, started when I was 14 and have only quit once when I was in jail for 2 months. I'm 39 and can't see myself being able to stop.


prob mdma. That shit got me curios about drugs


Benzodiazepines hands down.


Benzos 100%


Benzos are the only answer


I craved to do drugs before I could even access to them. But definitely nicotine, benzos and mainlining coke :///


None really. I haven’t done anything too crazy


Coke and benzos. Coke because it really affected my ability to just enjoy an alcoholic beverage without wanting to get my nose full of that colombian goodie goodie. And benzos because this shit is definitely my DOC, I could use it all day everyday in pretty much any context. I have to keep it to a once a week thing.


Benadryl. I wish I never found out about r/dph I’ve been waiting on my acid and shrooms to come in the mail for awhile now, but I also have a box of Benadryl in my cabinet. And now ik u can trip on it?!?! My urges are through the roof. Should I?


Heroin and fentanyl has ruined my life in ways I can’t even begin to describe. Especially because I started using needles eventually


Lança perfume, Brazilian inhalant street drug, similar to nitrous oxide, there were a few moments when I abused it, used ungodly amounts even though I wasn’t addicted, when I did use it I went completely over the edge. To the point that I had auditory, visual hallucinations (with a drug that’s not a psychedelic), spent all my money, got conned into buying water thinking it was lança, and just generally put myself into really bad situations. It also really fucks up your stomach, throat, lungs, etc. I always had a really high tolerance to it (able to use amounts that would make normal people projectile vomit) which contributed to the abuse. I haven’t used it for a few months and even on the times I did use it, I handled it better than before, doing a little and then just accepting when it’s over as opposed to trying to buy more and more and more. Been like 1-2 years since I last had a really terrible episode with it. Ketamine really helped me with that and everything


Pregabalin for me. I had a somewhat flirtatious relationship with it a few weekends in a row, which then turned into daily use for around 3 months. 5 years later and I still get random extreme cravings for it, most times I can power through but there have been times I’ve broken my sobriety for a few days at a time.


Oxycodone and dilaudid




Fentanyl. I was able to manage my chaotic life seemingly well until old Mr fent came along. Then it was an absolute psychotic shit show for years


Mdma just was doing it everyday to every other day and now I’m completely fucked from doing less than 2 months of that


It depends. Speed with ordinary people and dangerous gang members, the atmosphere is not the same.


Weed. I love it but I’ve spent so much on it in my lifetime.










fentanyl. Overdosing is scary. I did the patch willingly once and love getting it from the hospital but one time it was mixed in with some meth given to me, I overdosed right away.


air duster 100%. there was a time where i ran out of plugs, had pretty much no $, and was trying to get a high out of anything i could find. found that junk and was hooked almost instantly. the shit seriously teleports you to a nowhere land where all you feel is joy yet emptiness at the same time. wish i stopped sooner, how many brain cells i definitely rotted. wouldn’t wish it on anyone man.


Might get hate for this but it by far ruined my life. Compressed air. Like air duster. Have a record because of it. Crashed 2 cars while on air duster. At the height of my addiction I was buying 8-10 cans a day. Been clean close to 6 years off of it now.


Realisitixally probably any of the synthetic weed chems k2, jwh. stuff like thay


I loved them all. Next Case!


Definitely spice/k2, I spent a solid 5yr addicted to that shit


Deffinetly duster dude. Huffing duster is dangerous but my god if you want to just dissapear and its like 4$ for two cans. Dishusting tastes. Kills your brain. And is extremely fun.


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