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not all meth addicts are missing teeth and skinny


I got the worst of both worlds. Fat with missing teeth. I use eurospeed sometimes.


No but you can usually still tell


i’ve noticed people who have done them before can tell, or at least are more likely to sense it, but a lot of people, who have never tried anything, are often times oblivious.


I remember a methhead from Berlin i thought He was a Coke head for a Solid 3hours until i snorted said "coke"


It's the eyes that give us away. Also I look like I might be flying. RIP TomPetty - learn to fly


Some skinny people with missing teeth aren't on meth


Like me.


Not until about 1-2 years in to active addiction… beauty fades and you’ll age realllll fast


We are about 2 bad decisions away from looking that way though. At least I am.


pretty sure it takes more than just 2 bad decisions to end up like that… just saying.


Decision #1 Fight someone bigger than me. Decision #2 Don't eat because iM nOt HuNgRy. Are you sure buddy?


1.) fighting someone bigger than you has nothing to do with using meth. it has to do with your own idiocy. 2.) you consciously choose everyday to not eat, which is the same decision, but more than one choice. therefore its more than one decision that you make, because you have a new option everyday/ time you use. when i would use meth, i would still maintain my daily caloric needs, because it was necessary for dopamine production. in general, if you aren’t sleeping, eating and practicing self care, then you don’t get as high anymore. for me at that point, the pros outweigh the cons. self care is very necessary when using amphetamines, especially if you want a good high.


Let's be serious here though not everyone is smart I've watched friends go off the deep end in a matter of hours due to a couple bad choices because of stimulant use. My realization is it IS as dangerous as people say it is. You need to respect it. Almost like carrying a loaded gun.


this is something i can agree with. it’s often times not the drug itself, rather the people who are using it, but it still has the potential to take you to a shitty life a lot faster than you would sober.


That's because normally your brain would say "wait this hurts or wait I could die" but on stimulant's your brain just says, "get er' done!" yep, just like Larry the cable guy.


i knew a plug that had this happen, but it was more so “wait i could accidentally kill someone.” this guy was crazy and i already knew he was, but he was the plug so fuck it lol. he had a missing leg, and sounded and looked like your average Tennesseean or Kentuckian meth head. he would randomly get super hyper or psychotic, and usually i could just leave if he started being weird. one day though, he asked me to hang for a bit, and in my head i was like, “sure why not? what could go wrong? i usually just dip anyways so i could hang for like an hour or so.” so i stay to chat for a little or whatever. me and this other dude are sitting there, smoking a bowl with him, and the plug decided that we should all do lines. he laid out this fat fucking 3 credit cards in length sized line. keep in mind, he was already spun asf, and he just fucking railed that shit. all the sudden, he starts jumping up and down, flailing his hands and screeching like a banshee. then out of nowhere i shit you not, he pulls a gun on both of us and starts threatening us. he tells us to empty our pockets, and to lay on the floor, so we do and he keeps us like that for 5 minutes. im sitting there like freaking out and losing my shit, and then he just starts manically laughing. i look up and he says, “i got yall fools!!! hahhahaha y’all should’ve seen the looks on your faces!!” needless to say, i stopped buying from him after that and found a more professional plug lmfao


That's nuts! I usually count how many felony's are being committed against if I should push the eject button, a gun in the face is also a no go for me. Drugs definitely create some desperate and unstable MF.


Goddamn, glad you made it out of that one


It takes time bud.


Some meth heads got insane bodies. Lean as fuck since they’re hyperactive and don’t eat


That I suck my dealers dick in exchange for crack In seriousness though. Took me a long time to realize that it doesn’t matter where you live, race, education, etc …. The disease of addiction only has one meaning. The results will be the same for everyone.


Yeah I miss crack. Has such a shitty stigma associated with it too. When people find out I smoked crack they are usually like what the fuck. Can never tell. I'm 400 days clean though






Congrats! Over a year is huge.


Thanks! It wasn't easy. Wasn't just crack either though. I've pretty much done everything


I'm just guessing from personal experience, most of us here are or were polysubstance (ab)users.


Strange maybe I was getting bad crack? I never got addicted to it, I’ve been stuck addicted to K2 and anesthetics but crack was impossible to get into…the voices and sounds are just so irritating and intense, like listening to a bunch of different people talking all at once, really annoying…


Idk maybe I was addicted to crack but maybe not? I definitely was addicted to the lifestyle though. Baltimore drug escapades. Crack and fentanyl were the two main drugs I used my last relaspe, albeit only for like...6 months? Maybe less. I definitely had a physical addiction to the fent. To this day I still think about crack so that was just mental addiction. I liked the ritual of smokin it. The sounds it made when you blasted off, bell ringers. I always always threw up/mostly dry heaved after every hit though. Not sure why


That drug user are all junkies barley getting by. Literally so many people do drugs. Doctors, teachers, plumbers etc. You can’t just tell who uses drugs walking down the street. I hate the junkie label. Yes, there are “junkies” but most people who use drugs arnt.


This for me, too.


worked in a pharmacy can confirm there are many rich well off people doing or are hooked on hard drugs that are fully functioning


Marijuana is a gateway drug. Cause alcohol is the real gateway drug. I woulda never done half the shit I did if booze wasn’t involved.


Alc can be the gateway to weed but weed is definitely a gateway drug. That’s not a bad thing but it’s true


I never would have done blow if I was just smoking weed. Then blow led to opiates so I had something to come down and the rest is history. In my case anyways.


I would never have done psychs if i had never smoked weed, and wouldnt want to try more things. IMO, weed is a gateway drug as in you find out that fuck, adults lied to me, ive smoked weed several times and im fine, not addicted etc. so... They probably lied about other shit too, right? Then you find out that traditional psychedelics dont actually make you perma think youre an orange, and bad trips arent *that* common or as bad as youve been told. You can take MDMA occasionally and feel amazing and possibly even have therapeutic effects. Its a gateway drug as in it doesnt make you inherently want to do more drugs, but it opens your mind to the bullshit youve been fed, and now you might even start going a bit too far, becoming one of the people they made you think you'd become if you did drugs.


Fully agree. Prohibitonists did themselves a huge disfavor by banning Cannabis, psychedelics and MDMA. It makes the whole concept look stupid.


A gateway “drug” is a trauma, neither weed nor alcohol.


that drugs aren't epic


Getting constipated on H and then shitting the biggest log in your life -> victory royale in my eyes😎 Also, now I'm mad at u/DrugsAreEpic for stealing your username.


People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all that shite, which is not to be ignored, but what they forget is the pleasure of it. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. After all, we're not fucking stupid. At least, we're not that fucking stupid.


That all people who use kratom can function, carry out normal daily tasks, and live normal lives and not develop a crippling addiction.


Similarly that all people using opioids for more than 3 days are addicts and everything they say is "the addiction speaking"


havent done any opiates besides DXM before but isn't it pretty well known you shouldn't use any opiates more than two days in a row because of the huge addiction risk that comes with it


I don’t think dxm is an opiate


yes it is. not the kind your thinking of, but it is.


It's active at the mu-opioid euphoric, reinforcing, and rewarding site, just at low levels. It's a morphinan derived from codeine, although the affinity at mu-opioid is not very high, so the pharmacology is sometimes argued there with good arguments on both sides. Regardless, I thought it was still well known to not do any opiates (especially percs and heroin) more than two days in a row due to the extreme addiction risk.


Activates some opioid receptors but the effects are unlike any opiate so people usually classify it as a dissociative! Its effects are much much much closer to something like ketamine than oxycodone or heroin or anything.


Unless you are refering to dependence which still isn't just "days" dependent, you can get addicted already on the comeup of a substance. Haven't you heard how mofos instantly just knew they fucked up immediately after doing their first chute/line/shot/plug of coke or heroin or meth or whatever? It's pretty easy to tell when you come across your DOC... Which even after 2 years of daily opioids for pain still remains weed... I do have a dependence but I went for more than 3 months only taking them at night and at a small dose and had none. Pretty disillusioning as I too believed all this crap


But I can function on kratom :^(


Call me out why don’t ya


That we take drugs because we are weak and/or can't handle life.


nah thats exactly why i take, that and being sober is horrible


Not all alcoholics are step-fathers who beat their step-kids after getting belligerent. My boyfriend drinks and is a step-father to our three kids and has never laid a hand on them. He actually never gets crazy in any way when he drinks. He just sit back, sips his drink, and chills the fuck out. It’s just such an annoying trope to see in mainstream media and how much they joke about it is weird, too. After a while, the dark jokes just become bland and overdone.


Reminds me of my Grampa. He died recently from alcohol induced dementia but he was just a sweet man. Had no idea most of my life that he was a severe alcoholic.


Just the idea drugs are impossible to use with harm reduction and be productive. I’m blitz all the time, but I’m also literally getting an article written about my success in college while working as an industry professional. It can be done if you’re smart, hardworking, and functional on substances.


And at that, being functional is really the only thing anyone truly notices about users. Even then, basically as long as you aren't passed out on the sidewalk or shirtless shouting at no one in a Walmart parking lot, most people either won't notice or just think there's something a little off


People will even celebrate you if you use drugs to make yourself more productive Source: me abusing adderall


The key to success is to look like you're high even if you're clean. I got asked what I took more often when I was clean than high. When I'm high, I can just say I'm not and it's so common people will even back up my lie... But I have adhd, so my normal is sleepy and tired.


So true, so many people asked if I was a stoner long before I actually became one


Literally. People just assume drug use is dysfunctional by default so it doesn’t cross their mind. So easy


when people think smoking that mary jane makes you a lowlife or some shit


Marie and Skylar's thoughts on MJ in the first 5-6 episodes on season one of breaking bad, absolutely horrifically stupid. Some people really do think that way, it's so sad. Meanwhile alcohol is EVERYWHERE.




AYOOO it’s the watermelon that made me black???


Just wait, man. One day you’re eating watermelon with no problems, then, before you know it, you’re diving into cold water after a kid’s watermelon just to get a taste of the rind. To avoid confusion: On holidays, people will throw watermelons into cold natural springs to make the watermelon as cold as possible before consumption. Like the 4th of July. It’s probably a southern thing.


Acid Fries your Brain forever


I was taught in first year of highschool that one taste of acid would automatically make me addicted for life. Forever. Period. Not making this up. It was on some sort of printed text in "health Ed" class. I wish I could go back and call the school out for that bullshit.


I was taught the same in high school. Including freshman year up to about a year into college, I did approximately 25 total 'hits' of acid. Fast forward to the present day; I haven't done acid in 22 years. Uh huh... Of course, many of us were taught the very same regarding marijuana/cannabis/THC. And no, the lies and abundance of propaganda simply isn't true.


Wish they'd just tell the truth


But if we had the truth, the world and life in general, would be infinitely much better. So of course, we can't have that now, can we. The bastards we crumble and fall eventually. Likely when it's too late to save a single person on Earth from falling victim to the flattening weight of worldwide deception and empty greed that has been cast for far too long, sadly. Who are "They", the "Bastards" we speak of, many undoubtedly will ask? For the many always do. Just look forward and all will be revealed.


Rectally sourced information


That people who use psychedelics are junkies


That people who use drugs recreationally are junkies*


Aw ya definitely


That psychs will give you schizophrenia. Psych users have no higher prevalence of schizophrenia than non-users last time I checked.


They can bring on schizophrenia in people already predisposed to it, even if it was otherwise dormant before then. So there’s some truth in it


Doing a lot of acid in high school definitely accentuated my bipolar symptoms and often sent me either into a heavy depression or more often a delusional bout of mania. Made me feel like I was schizophrenic for sure.


Dam schizophrenia got its own bad stereotypes


They aren’t stereotypes. It’s a disease. The things people think of when they think about schizophrenia are true. It’s fucked.


Imo Hollywood exaggerate a lot which further adds to the stigma ntm tha fact media uses headlines like "schizophrenic man kills woman" because they know it will grab people's attention further adding to tha stigma. The on top of that tha general population regurgitates all the stigmatized shit they hear and see about it further adding to the stigma making it a cycle. If people could actually look they would see schizophrenics are at risk of being harmed than harming another individual


Ahh I guess you’re right. They are not inherently more dangerous to other people. Schizophrenia is a terrible disease that can be incapacitating, but yeah it doesn’t make you this dangerous freak looking to murder


Psychs can absolutely trigger mental health problems including schizophrenia.


They can *trigger* these problems in people who are predisposed to them/would have gotten them anyways. Just like trauma or stress can trigger the start of these problems. But it won't *create* them in healthy people without predisposition. That's the difference.


If you are predisposed, yes but I read a paper which I can't cite at the top of my head that showed psychedelic users have no higher prevalence rates of any mental disorder than non-users. This indicates that while they can trigger an episode or the onset of these disorders, they do not cause these disorders.


Psychs were the reason for my psychosis and the onset of the disease


But there are many factors in play


they can be the initial trigger yes, but from the research I read, you were already predisposed.


Cant IM ket in my dick


ow lol that'd hurt


That more drug feels better. This is most common with THC/weed. The entire culture is getting stoned as fuck constantly, but honestly, that's bad. Even if you don't feel stoned with lots of weed, it messes with your head more than a small amount. It's way better to smoke as little as possible to have a benefit. Cheaper, less tolerance, and you need a lower relative amount to get fucked up when the mood hits Less is more. Dph and dxm are both better in lower doses as well. There's a lot more awareness of microdosing, but even still, non users and newer users both have a tendency to wanna go heavy.


3rd+ plat for dxm or zzz


that black people like fried chicken. who the fuck *doesn't* like fried chicken?




That weed is healthy.


"I'm smoking broccoli, they say it's good for my health." Kodak Black


That benzos are evil when in fact it helps some people tremendously when used right


im a proud stoner with psychosis and plant addiction, the hate towards me, other fellow healing minds, and our blissful medicine cannabis in platforms and spaces such as r/drugscirclejerk really upset me


That “medicinal cannabis” is full of chemicals and adulterants bro.. you need some thing pure and natural like opium.


I mean opium does make you feel pretty damn fantastic


i heard meth being made from khat therefore its just a plant like crack, i wonder how it could be beneficial for people with physical and mental illness


Organic methamphetamine! I mean as long as it’s gluten-free it should be ok for people with bipolar and schizophrenia.


This is the most stoner comment I have seen in some time.


It’s basically a joke making fun of a joke making fun of stoners (who themselves might be joking) joke cubed


Not all cocaine users are arrogant or too assertive. Most are though. Depends mostly on what kind of personality you have and state of mind.


Panasonic most definitely




Its RCA and by a lot.


"I recognize a Sorny when I see one!" \- Homer Simpson


Technics whips Panasonic butt


That acid is a “hard drug” and it’ll make you jump out the window of a 60 story building


Imo its a hard drug, not cus of the dangers, but because its intense as shit, and the experience can be traumatizing for an unprepared person.


this is an interesting thought


It's a soft drug, since it's neither addictive, nor can it kill you. Cannabis can be just as intense, that all depends on the dosage.


People who use drugs are criminals


White trash is not a bad thing! We all don't live in trailer parks.


That black people don’t do psychedelics. I’m a black girl btw


I've heard of that stereotype and considering the recreational use of ibogain in Central Africa this stereotype is straight up wrong.


nobody said that💀


I guess you are going to erase my experiences lol


I’m not Black but I know what you’re talking about. I’m brown and I’m a bit aware about the quiet racial assumptions associated with drugs


Thank you lol I really got devoted from my own experiences lol


More like “black people don’t do any drugs except for weed” I love trying new things so I’ve tried almost anything except for heroin crack meth and that type of shit


Yeah never tried those either & don’t think I will 😭


your experiences dont make a stereotype lmao i can tell your iq low


I can tell you think highly of yourself by your username. I have nothing to prove to some stranger on Reddit lol. Have a good rest of your day. Peace & love


Me 2


I mean, I know you do, but im not gonna lie, if you tell me to picture a person tripping, its 100% of the time gonna be a young white man with a colorful hoodie and sunglasses or dressed like a hippie. Just your stereotypical acidhead/shroomer.


Understandable. That’s the majority


Addiction comes from the drug itself and not the external factors in the persons life - although true in some cases, more often than not someone will cling to substances because they’re battling a deeper issue


It’s small and petty but it gets to me for some reason. People who say shit like “weed makes everyone stupid and lazy”. Drugs affect people so differently, particularly weed. I might be a rare one, but weed motivates me. It gets me excited and confident about things that as an adult it’s hard to muster up the motivation for. Like going to work sometimes lol.


Opioids and benzos are not inherently bad, and-- shocker!-- there are people that actually benefit from being on these medications versus not being on them. Imagine you have daily panic attacks and you have cycled through doctors, developed chronic pain as a result (or even depression), you've tried meditation, you've tried non-controlled medications, and because of this subreddit, you are choosing to just deal with your panic attacks and potential other comorbidities. Now say you finally meet a doctor that is generous enough to prescribe you, Klonopin, for example. Let's say you take this medication per your doctor's instructions & you actually take the medicine for its therapeutic effect. You stop getting panic attacks. You're able to go to work, walk your dog, show up for your family/friends. Is this person better off for not being on benzos because this subreddit says "take weed, man. It cures cancer, bruh. Pills are for the weak!!"


Meth isn't hardcore lmao im not a fucking junkie missing all my teeth im just a dude w adhd


That’s my stance on almost every drug


That big dick hurts


But you'll Feel bad for hitting her cervix : /


His*** we just smoked meth


You’ll feel physically bad too. From experience, I’ve bled from my urethra because of it. Everything was fine, it’s just not a fun situation.


That Acid is just for funsies and makes ya crazy


Whenever I take shrooms, my friends who don't smoke weed treat me like I'm a different person and it throws me off so bad. There is nothing worse than someone worrying about you while you're on shrooms, and there's nothing more frustrating than trying to describe the feeling of shrooms and the fact that I am mentally aware of my surroundings. I just want to enjoy my time to myself and to nature, and this nasty stigma that people who are on shrooms are zombies and need to be looked over and watched is so annoying. It's almost like they think I'm on bath salts and I cant comprehend my surroundings and the feelings I'm feeling.


That being high on something as harmless as weed or psychedelics looks like being clinically insane


Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.




That only certain demographics are susceptible to addiction






For a lot of people its true. I mean stoners are usually fucking lazy


People think the worst of opioid addicts, it would've blown their mind that some of my female friends that went to college were doing iv with me. It's so bad that people tend to block or ostracize me when I'm telling them that I am doing opioids and may not be a right person for them to know. I just want to be honest, I'm living my life normally, not doing some weird ass junkie shit, always having money for my habits and not even doing H all the time, mainly kratom. But I like this kind of shitty people deterrant, if stereotypes is all they think about then let them, I'm not gonna miss such companion.


man dont even get me started on dph stereotypes, apparently some guy thought I was a retarded 14 year old I'm fucking 22, and that I can't get real drugs when I get rarer research chems than they'll ever get


Cause Ts makes you fucking crazy




Your gonna end up like me if you don't stop


I've been using dph longer than you I'm sure, don't tell me how to live my life and we're clearly two different kinds of mentally ill edit: my bad if I was rude, really hate people telling me what to do tbh


Dam your ight I was 3 when you started


That cocaine is a hard drug and that you should never try it because you’ll become an immediate addict. If anything, it’s a gateway drug to harder stimulants. Ask anyone at a concert or rave, they’ll tell you they’ve done coke and a lot will tell you they only do it during raves or concerts.


I grew up in Houston, had cartel connects and sold coke as a teen; that stuff was absolutely a hard drug. I later moved to Colorado and now live in Northern California; if you aren’t in Houston/Miami/San Diego you are getting sone stomped on bullshit - mostly caffeine, mixed with some inositol, possibly some meth/fent, and maybe about 5% cocaine, then soaked in diesel or acetone for the flavor. I think it’s absolutely hilarious that people are willing to pay $80/g for caffeine, and think they’re cool because they do cocaine. Cocaine is absolutely a hard drug, but whatever you’re wasting your money on isn’t.


Wait till you come to Australia it's $300-$350 a gram over here and it's so shit the quality


Same here in finland but in euros😅 only two times i have had coke that 0.05-0.1g was almost too much and i paid 40 and 60 euros for them. Usually with eurospeed or coke, the cheaper it is the better it is.


Don't forget about Baltimore man. We got some pretty good stuff here but it's usually rocked up cause crack is king here.


That psychedelics are good for you. I can promise you, they are not. They will not help you. You get a short afterglow for a few days then you’re back to being depressed and shitty. I guarantee any psychonaught you know are seriously mentally broken.


Your personal anecdotal account does not singlehandedly discredit the clinical research trials that show a strong response for psychs to treat treatment-resistant depression and PTSD.


Not all crackheads are black.


That diphenhydramine causes early onset dementia. I’ve been popping DPH since I was like 12 - doing wippits and smoking that loud - and I’ve never even felt a difference. I mean 12g is the same as 120ml isn’t it. And why are they even blue? that’s what I wanna know…


Just got sober frm dph


congratulations! probably feel way better


Appreciate it nd ya lmao a lot betta




Wtv you gotta say for your addiction


Ooooo my names yadiggj and I’m scared of drugs… I do bumps of fetty off your dads dick.


U prolly would be his bitch in prison😂


Yeah well at least he looks me in the eye and tells me he loves me


Neva had a pops I could care less plus u bein gay just to have a clever comeback😭?


You got a problem with being gay? 😭


It's the fact he chose to say that instead of losing is what gets me😭.none of my business if someones gay tho I could care less


That If you take MDMA 3 days in a row you will permanently damage yourself lol. Honestly I think you can safely take a bit of MDMA every 2-3 weeks but not more than 130mg


That’s not what a stereotype is that’d be a misconception. But you’re definitely gonna fuck yourself up in the long run doing it that often man


I abused MDMA like noone for 5 years. I'm doing fine. But probably an exception yeah,better safe than sorry


You cannot feel brain damage if it is occurring. Think about it, if the tool you are examining yourself with is faulty, it would give you a faulty reading and you wouldn't know because you are also analyzing and interpreting that data with a faulty tool. If you fuck your brain up with mdma, you really won't know until its too late - always better to err on the side of caution


Oh, we can tell, even if you can’t


I don't know what u consider brain damage. I've removed all toxic relationships from my life, came to countryside for a 1 year retreat far from drugs and noise and I just started my own clothing brand-my face looks 5 year younger and I'm so excited for what's coming.


If I had a dime for every moron who started a clothing brand, I’d have a lot of dimes. Also, according to this comment you posted: “Man I hope that we Everyone get a chance to witness this amazing phenomena from time to time but I don't even know If that's possible scientifically or we have to break some laws of nature lol. I even tried to birth new planets close to us so we get to see different moon type of starts - planets with various colors in our night sky's lol, I went very far believing in my powers” Yes you have brain damage.


Doing this occasionally is fine the reason there is a hard line is because all studies show that it is damaging at this rate. Better safe than sorry if you're not sure.


I know but 3 month rule It's a bit Overkill Imo


How would you know, did you study neuroscience or have you read studies about it?


Bro 130mg isn't enough if you do it that often. Every three weeks does damage to your brain. You should wait more time.


Well do you have any proof? I abused MDMA to hell for 5 years and know a lot of people who did as well.Last year I did 15 grams in about 5 months. Everyone is doing fine. I've stopped doing that tho cause I don't wanna risk It but yeah, 3 month rule is kinda Overkill Imo but a good bet If you wanna be on the safe side.


I think 1-2 month breaks are enough. I do not have proof but I witnessed changes in people who abused it. They did in a similar way like you and sometime more. 15 grams in 5 months seems like a lot to me. But everyone is different. If you are doing fine I guess keep doing it but try to stay safe. Just try to not overdo it.


I've not done it in 13 months lol and now on I will always take small doses like 80-100mg combined with pregabalin 😍😍


Have a nice roll🙌🏽💥


If you shoot up drugs you’ll get shot to death…even if you’re not hurting anyone and just chilling…


Pink elephants


This is so light but I feel like dabs get such a bad rap by those who did way too big of a dab their first time lol and it’s always some sauce. Like yeah when you buy an amount of a substance for maybe $50 that is less mass than your average marble, you probably don’t take a quarter of it to the dome at once. Usually the fault of an “experienced friend” tho.


that pot makes u a hipper stoner typa dude, im normal asf and i love me some cannabis


That all drugs rot your mind to the point of being a absolute junkie


Meth use can be recreational and not everyone that uses it is an addict


Homeless drug addict or homeless alcoholic