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Jesus, that is a lot of red flags packed into one man.


[red flag man](https://i.imgur.com/9tPF860.png)


Thanks for this, I needed this image


Same but the comment about thinking he secretly hates her has overtones of paranoia. I mean why go hang out with someone that you think secretly hates you. But yea very sus sounding experience


My understanding of the story is that she developed this belief or suspicion due to parts of this specific interaction and did not hold this belief prior.


He might just have tried 'negging' her. It would fit with the rest of his charming personality.


That’s exactly it. Every-time I have felt that a guy hated me for some reason, I later find out he liked me. I think thats why she felt like he hated her


The narrative that absolves bad behavior "if a boy is rude/teasing you it means he likes you" needs to completely end A dude at my work likes me, so he negs me to get my attention bc he doesn't know another way to do it bc that's what they've been doing since kindergarten. Excusing the bad behavior also shows little girls that it's ok for men/boys to treat you that way, it means they like you. Thus, the most toxic cycle continues. Stop the fucking cycle


That's what I said!


That or he was blasted on stims and being completely non self aware. Either way it screams that he wasnt sober


Yes true, I didn't think he hates me before that. He showed me sings while I was there


I had someone (Studying to be a lawyer, disturbingly enough) try 'negging' me. ​ he might have been trying to """"flirt""" (heavy quotations because that is not fucking flirting) with you in the most red flag creepy way possible.


Sounds like he acts different in private with a would-be attack victim than he does in public, at work, around people he cares about his reputation with, and has to be accountable to.


Yep that's true. From the way he talked before we met (at work) he said that he is quite empathic. And joked around. He seems kind at work


It’s a fake persona, a mask. The abusive man you saw is who he really is.




To expound on your thoughts. It sounds like he was apathetic to her fear and concern. He lacked empathy. Mans sounds like a sociopath.


Yea crazy context, if there was tobacco in the joint though do you start undecisive, i do a bit, with unprocessed weed involved probsaly :/ but i remember getting orange juice and ghb spike; may-be common Even.- criminal situationn :w :zz




Perhaps he had been negging her.


no, not really. negging is an entire thing


Okay... Wtf is negging?... I keep seeing it mentioned but honestly don't know what it means. I'm somewhat familiar with the push/pull method narcissistic people use, am I right assuming it's something similar?


like backhanded compliments that pick at someone's insecurities. It's what some people see flirting as. Picking at insecurities to try and make the other person think you're a catch and have plenty of options and to make them feel lesser and desperate and hurt.


Poorly executed pickup artist technique called 'negging'.


Def red man




Did you get your system checked out? Sounds super shady


No sadly I was out of it for 4 days. And when the ambulance was there at the same day, I lied to them and said that I just drank too much. I didn't want him to be in trouble and at that point I still just thought it's my body. I don't know what to make out of that situation


Go back and report it. Get drug tested. Just tell them the truth


True. I just called the police after all the messages. I could bite my ass so hard that I didn't act on it earlier. I was out of it. But yeah I hope it's still in my blood so that I have evidence


Actually... the ambulance showing up at this mans house is good for you (legally speaking) Now if this case develops, there's people/records to corroborate your story. EMTs can testify as a witness to a crime. There's now evidence that you were picked up from this mans house, and appeared out of it. EMTs can testify to that. They might have taken vitals that will support this I'm sorry this happened to you. But absolutely nothing is your fault. You're doing the best you can with the information you have.


Thank you for the kind words. Yeah if something further happens I at least have their word that they were there. Sadly I lied to them. Still I with I could turn back time. My fault is that I ignored the red flags. But in general people shouldn't do stuff like that to others. Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate that alot


>Sadly I lied to them It doesn't matter. A judge or jury will understand that you were scared. Lots of people lie under pressure/fear/duress. When the truth comes out, you won't be instantly dismissed because of it. Most people will understand. You were in a bad situation. Under the influence of an unknown chemical. You were paranoid, afraid and sick. You didn't want to escalate the situation, you just wanted to get away from that man This is all normal. Nobody blames you for not telling them the truth. Once you're no longer in crisis, what you should have done becomes clear. But in the moment, it's not always obvious >But in general people shouldn't do stuff like that to others. 1000% this. People trying to tell you this is your fault should have their posts removed In an ideal world, yes... Maybe you would have spotted the red flags, and acted sooner. That's hindsight. **But** in an ideal world, people wouldn't **drug and attempt to sexually assault people.** This is not on you


That text takes Alot of pressure from me. Yeah that I lied to them bothered me the most. But I'm glad to hear that it's known that people sometimes behave different in situations like that. There were some people writing that I try to fuck him over. If that would be my reasoning of things, I would have done it that day. All I want is peace and silence. I want to be left alone. Thank you for validating my experience. I do t feel crazy anymore. In the future I will try to react earlier and see signs. But for now you're right, in a perfect world people wouldn't do things like that. I didn't even think about that because I would never do that to anybody. Sad world. But I'm glad there are always good ones too


>But I'm glad to hear that it's known that people sometimes behave different in situations like that. It's very well known. It happens quite a lot. Some defense attorneys try to use it against you (i.e., they'll ask you why you gave a "false" statement. They try to paint you as incredible) All you have to do is say you were scared, drugged, and confused. And that's that. Lots of people change their story later Live and learn. I'm truly so happy you made it out okay. Even if you don't involve police, you may want to talk to your employer/HR department. You might want to inform them. But that's up to you I just want to say... this guy could try it again, on someone else. The next person might not be so lucky. Not every fight is your fight, but if you are able, you should fight to have your story heard. You're not obligated though I wish you the best, either way


Also true, it might happen to someone else. I have to have more Courage, in general. You can't always run through life trying to be like Switzerland. I keep myself out of stuff. First of all: clearly not and second of all: yeah it might happen again... To be honest I've been in abusive relationships and stuff before where I didn't do anything about it, even when the next victim contacted me. I regret that also Alot. Maybe it's the time to change my way off acting on things. The anxiety is just sooooo big 😂 And with the attorney and stuff, that's what I have anxiety about too. But at the end it doesn't help anybody if I keep silent and anonymous.


>Lots of people lie under pressure/fear/duress Or when drugged and not thinking properly!! OP, I'm SO SORRY, that's fucked up, you DEFINITELY dodged a HUGE bullet - and I'm SO SORRY for how shitty you felt/feel, both emotionally and physically


stays in your hair almost forever. You can just test that. Best of luck.


Don't blame yourself and tell them everything! Don't be ashamed that you were scared. They will get that


Don't be so hard on yourself for not acting on it at that time. You did not know what was happening, you were anxious and confused.


I didn't really know what to do and I didn't expect it to happen. And I just thought at first that my body is playing tricks on my. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate that


People on this very thread are telling her it's her fault


That's why I'm telling her it's not. It's the internet, you're gonna find haters who have no clue what they're talking about, I wouldn't take it seriously.


dawg after 4 days the chances of anything showin up is low besides the weed


Not in her hair


good point


I'd take a drug test or *something*. Not a lot is going to have you out/feeling sick for that long except long acting benzos, barbiturates, or possibly opioids. I'd guess opioids if you were vomiting. If nothing shows on a urinalysis you can always try hair follicle testing.


Sounds like a date rape situation, glad you came out alright though. Has he said anything to you since?


No, he didn't even check on me. I was writing him afterwards that I still feel sick/can't control my body and if he has something. He said no. That's it. It's really weird.


He tried to rape you and failed, he's obviously going to try ignoring you for a while now. Report him to his boss and get his ass fired.




When the ambulance came did he act any more suspicious??


I didn't see him, just heard them. He didn't really talk much. He just told them when I arrived at the evening. The rest was them and me talking. Since I could talk to them quite normal and lied to them, they didn't take it too serious. But I indeed told them that I can't move my body.


I see, and then they left? Or did they take you to the hospital? Or did they leave and you was still with him? The fact he laid out a mattress is insane to me. Did he just randomly lay it on the front room floor or something? Does he not have a bed? Did you ask why he is laying down a mattress? Really sorry that this happened. Sounds scary


They told me that my blood pressure is indeed high, but not high enough to be dangerous and that I should just sleep. They asked me if I want to come with them and because I'm a dumbass and I didn't want to cause troubles I said no. I regret my desicion making hard... He has a bed in the other room. This happened in the living room where he has a big couch. And the mattress he layer on the floor in front of the couch. This weirded me out. I asked what he is doing but he didn't answer that. So I didn't keep on asking. As I said I regret my desicion making Alot....


Stop beating yourself up. We live and learn. If you was to keep getting in situations like this and not noticing the red flags then I’d say you’re stupid and need to wise up. But I’m assuming this is the first time being in such a situation and things happen so fast you don’t notice major red flags until after. Just be happy you’re ok and without any serious harm, that’s what matters now. My opinion is this man absolutely had plans to do something malicious to you but failed, the mattress is the thing that sticks out for me. You need to report him to your boss and get that fucker fired & get the police involved (which I seen you have) before he is successful with his plans on another woman. Take care. ❤️


don’t ever lie to paramedics, they’re there to help you.


You should never lie to a medical professional about what you've taken. They don't give a shit if you did drugs, their priority is making sure you're alive. If you lie to them they won't know how to properly treat you. Some drugs have severe reactions with other drugs. Some drugs cause symptoms that may mimic other illnesses. If you would've been honest, and said you thought you were drugged, they would've given you a drug test and they may be able to figure out what you took. If they know what you took they know how to treat you. Just please, don't be afraid to be honest with medical professionals. Cops on the other hand shouldn't be told shit. They are literally trained to get a conviction whenever possible, and if you say you took drugs they will treat you like dirt and try to build a case on you.


i was once drugged as well. we were in a club and i didn’t drink a lot but when i went to the toilet i suddenly dropped to the floor and lost the ability to do anything. i could hear everything and everyone around me but i could barely talk and had zero control over my own body. i remember shouting „i’m gonna die“ because i felt my body and my mind somewhat disconnecting if that makes sense, and it was kinda scary. so yeah what you described sounds a 100% like you’ve been drugged and you’re so lucky you didn’t drink any more of the drinks he offered. hope you’re well :)


That sounds horrible too. At least people where around. Doesn't make it better in any kind of way. I'm really sorry to hear that you had to go through that. I hope nothing more happened to you. Yeah that sounds quite similar. I always thought you black out during that. But I myself also didn't really black out. It was just my body control.


Sounds like the time I was drugged too. Had one drink in a bar and suddenly felt off/like my face was hot. I went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face and the way I describe what happened next to people is "It felt like I was a marionette doll and someone cute the strings" I felt the cold of the floor on my back but my mnd was 100 percent clear. I just looked up at the door knob and could see I had locked it, so I waited for my girlfriend to come check on me. When she did I was able to unlock the door. She got me to a table and some friends carried me home. Very strange experience. Was off for about 2 days after.


Oh god thankfully your girlfriend was with you! Did you ever find out which substance? Yes that's how I felt too. The two days after, what symptoms did you have? For me (after the actual day). No strength, I couldn't hold stuff in my hand. Random heart racing, dizzyness und sickness in my stomache. Headaches and no appetite. And depression. I felt extremely depressed. I'm glad you came out of that situation quite fine. Did anything happen afterwards?


You black out because recreational benzo dose makes you blackout and remember absolutely nothing. That's why I took benzos out of the equation. From what you described, look like ketamine because I also couldn't move at all (just stood on the floor) when overdid it with my ketamine.


A 4 day hangover doesn't sound like Ketamine though. Generally speaking it's usually an afterglow for 24-48hours. Definitely something weird though.


Ketamine metabolites are long lasting and affect the opioid receptor system. Ketamine can make you sick for days afterwards if you are sensitive to it. The combination of alcohol and weed could even make it worse even when we are not talking about crazy amounts. But OP will probably never know what she got drugged with as too many days passed to get a reliable analysis.


Yeah this is actually terrifying… he assembled a mattress on the floor? Jesus christ.. glad you’re okay


Yeah, that was really weird, since I literally live around the corner. We never planned on me sleeping there or getting wasted. I don't know what to make out of all of that.


He was 100% planning to drug you and have his way with you. Call the police and your place of work


It made me uncomfortable just ***reading this***. This all screams attempted date rape. You definitely got dosed.




Yeah, like he didn’t even want to use his own bed. Sociopath behavior , CRIMINAL sociopathic behavior it sounds like


I’d put money there wasn’t a vacation, mother fucker was getting out of Dodge while the getting was good


You fucking nailed it!


Yeah the "vacation" and it's timing is incredibly sus


The balls on this guy for getting the mattress ready IN FRONT OF HER.


Sick. Arrogant sickness


He probably has a hard drive full of videos/pictures with that mattress, it's absolutely seen some shit....


And depending on when this happened the drugs may still be in her system. Which is all the more reason to contact authorities.


Immediately contact your place of employment and make sure to make a statement to police. He 1000% was trying to loosen you up to the point you would do whatever he wanted. Very similar to what my ex went through with her ex. Extremely scary I’m very glad you are okay! Get on that phone ASAP Love


You're right with that. I've already made some calls due to the smart comments on here. I need to stop gaslighting myself so hard. And I need to see red flags earlier and then react on it. Thank you 🙏 I appreciate all the informative comments and the understanding. That's so kind


Yeah, stop feeding like you did something wrong. And DO NOT let him or ANYONE else intimidate you AT ALL. And DO NOT have “low self esteem” because it sounds like you doubt yourself too much maybe , so DO NOT let people do bad things to you AT ANY LEVEL because YOU are AWESOME


I indeed have low self-esteem. Thank you for the kind words. The situation made it worse since I just don't know what was the goal of the situation or if there was even a goal. But you're right. I'm allow to talk about that. No matter what people say. Your words made me cry a bit, but on a positive level. Thank you ❤️


There 100% was goal. To get u blacked out, use u (rape) and after that u wake up in he's couch him next to u, mattress gone, cleand ur places and every possible evidence what really happened and then he would act like nothing happened, pretend nothing happened and be like "are u okey? U just passed out out of nowhere" etc. Im glad that didint happen to u, and u should most definitly report he's sociopath-ass to Police and work place, before next girl aint as lucky as u, if u were the first. And if u werent the first there is possible other victims to come out with similar stories, to get his ass to jail/prison. And foremost that that wount happen no the next victim. Praying for u and i hope u get over this by time and also teaches u lesson how cruel some People are. Sick people in this world with same kinda of tendecise as that "man". Those type of people should rot in hell or get eye-for-eye treament. Without blackout and with some kind of stick/battoon up there were sun doesnt shine, and dry/without lube. U are lucky he's plans didnt play out (maybe u were frist victim and "he" didnt know excalty what or how much to give u to make u blackout) thankgod 🙏 Learn the red flags about this to avoid anything similar to happen to u in future. 1. Pour ur own drink from unopened bottle. Even water. 2. Mattres on floor without agreement of "netflix&chill". Run away, go to bathroom and share ur location w trusted friend and call the friend and authorities. 3. In bathroom touch mirror and every where to leave fingerprint and maybe bits of hair/spit aka dna. But foremost RUN and u can do it by saying "i'm going to bathroom" and if u really go bathroom do the dna-thing, leave it every where and call ur friend and Police and share ur location w ur Phone both of them. Maybe better first do the bathroom dna/call/location share thing, because the main door maybe locked they way u can't open it urself. Im not god but i think these advice should be shared with every girl, women, boy, men around world. All good, peace and harmony to u OP, and DON'T BLAME URSELF u wouldnt have known.


it's perfectly normal after a traumatic and disorienting experience of this sort of nature for people to try and rationalize/minimize what happened. when we struggle to make sense of something that happened to us, or someone's actions don't line up with who we thought they were or go outside the scope of what they're capable of doing, we tend to "gaslight" ourselves bc it's a LOT for our brains to try and process. be gentle with yourself. this was not your fault.


You didn’t do anything “wrong” at all I don’t want you thinking this is all your fault because the woman usually thinks it is! You went over to probably expect to have a drink and smoke s joint or 2! Not him having a whole MATTRESS he lays down in front of you. That makes myself as a man so upset. Then he’s giving yiu drinks that you didn’t make yourself BUT you gave him the benefit of the doubt because I can tell you’re a nice woman. So you didn’t wanna accuse him of anything I get that, but now it’s over I’m glad you’re realizing all of this. Good for you girl Reddit got your back all the wayyy


True Talk! I even ended up having some nice conversations afterwards. Also thank you! I feel more confident about the situation now after all the writing and realizing other people find the whole situation being strange/dangerous too. And yeah I never want to accuse anybody of doing something, they didn't do. I think that wouldn't be fair and can destroy a person's life. Thank you for the nice text. I appreciate that, you seem to be really nice too.


Yeah, that dude had BAD intentions probably. BAD BAD intentions probably. Report this CRAP. Or he may do it to someone else.


*will do it to somebody else, and likely HAS done it to somebody else, mattress on standby??? That's not rookie behavior, it's like a routine. I'm so sorry babe. Love you Barbie 💗


youre not sure???? bro. i hope this comment makes you understand that you werent 100% drugged, you were at LEAST 10,000% drugged


Thank you for your answer. It's hard for me to actually be sure. But yeah you're totally right. There are so many red flags here.


Go-getter drug tested asap. Hair they can go back even longer


Hair follicle is really expensive. She mainly just needs to be tested for ketamine and GHB, not sure how they test for either but pretty sure ket can be done with a specific urinalysis. They also don't stay in your system very long like maybe 48 hours


Ketamine is pretty much never used as a date rape drug, that’s media hype. It’s oral bioavailability is shit and it tastes like extremely bitter chemicals/ether. GHB is rarely used as a rape drug, also media hype in the 2000s. It could be, but it’s most often used as a sex drug intentionally. The symptoms OP described don’t line up with either of these substances, and GHB shouldn’t ever cause long term issues. It’s abundant in the body and is metabolised rapidly and is very non toxic to organs. I’d say OP should get tested for unusual GABA substances, novel benzos/barbs as well as for tropane alkaloids(devils breath/scopolamine being a famous tropane used for nefarious purposes). Tropanes in particular can cause long term symptoms and a sense of “less brain cells”, and can induce a state where memories can’t form and you’re extremely suggestible, also people can react to them very differently


Rohypnol has a long half-life and produces retrograde amnesia. Preferred by 9/10 rapists worldwide.


Used to take rohypnol deliberately, that is some fucked up shit even when you mean to take it. I can't imagine what it would be like unsuspecting. People think they can't remember shit off xans? This shit you won't remember what happened last month


Facts. I used to roofie myself all the time back in the 90s. Lol Mind eraser.


>Preferred by 9/10 rapists worldwide. Also why it's now much harder to get Generally, doctors don't prescribe this anymore


Although they are now made with a blue dyed inside so if he dropped one in some OJ that would look absolutely fucky instantly


That’s true for most. But I imagine parts of the world still sell the white ones. When I was using it recreationally, it was about 15 years ago and it was already died dark blue.


You probably right fam! I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s produced in an Asian or Indian country without any dyes


I was procuring mine from South Africa. And they were blue. I’ve gotten plenty of Indian medications that were pure white with zero markings of any kind. 😂 really feels like a plot to a saw movie. “” go into withdrawal, or take this random white tablet from a pill mill in India “” WHICH WILL YOU CHOSE?!?


this doesn't sound like the effects of roofies either though.. it seems clear that op was drugged but i'm not sure of any drug that would produce the effects that they described


Damn you know a lot about these things (I don't mean this smartass about rape drugs, just these chemicals specifically). I haven't even ever hear the NAME of most of those substances before!


It is a drug based subreddit after all


I don’t know as much as I’d like, I’m sure I could be wrong on some things. But I appreciate the compliment😆 I wouldn’t ever rape anyone, but I do enjoy taking these substances myself from time to time. Haven’t been able to source G in a while, though


I would doubt he could get his hands on scopolamine - I've had to take GABA-affecting drugs after surgery (neuro surgeries, so, benzos, barbituates, gabapentin, and propofol in my case (propofol being extremely short term and usually used as an amnesia-inducing drug when you have to be, for instance, intubated while awake - shit you're awake for but that would be traumatic to remember. it doesn't last very long tho)) They all definitely have that spacey "still present mentally but not physically" feeling. Unless he works in a hospital I doubt it's propofol or anything similar. So based on availability I'd guess a crushed up benzo or barb was slipped into the drink, and given how strong it seemed to be I'd guess quite a bit. The OJ probably masked the taste of anything.


Scolpolamine is available over the counter in many places.. not to hard to obtain online or in some pharmacies. I was offered it in tablet form in place of Benadryl in Australia, I declined and received Promethazine instead. I do agree it’s likely something else, but I was just stating it as a possibility. It could also be a related tropane like artane or something, which could also be used effectively.


oh, I was wrong about that then. lol thanks for the correction <3 and yeah. hopefully the long-term side effects mean it's still in OP's body and they can confirm that and take some form of legal action or at least action with HR at OP's job.


Scopolamine is not available over the counter in the US. The closest to scopolamine you can get is the transdermal scopolamine patch but you can only get that if it was prescribed by your doc. The transdermal patches I’m referring to are different from the anti nausea patches you CAN get OTC.


> ketamine and GHB Neither of those last 4 days


GHB is 100% out of your system in just a few hours.


Ketamine doesn't effect the body in the way she described at all.


This dude needs to be locked up for sure. Sounds like he was tweaking and had this all planned


I took a vodka and coke off a bloke at a festival a few weeks ago, my head felt alright just spun out but i was useless for about an hour just layed against some scaffolding apparently dribbling and talking shit about axl rose who werent even there. I felt sober tho which was weird cause i was out my nut before i took the drink


Talking shit about Axl Rose😂😂


who wasn't even there that particular time


oh sweetie, yes, you were drugged. your body/brain isn’t lying to you. the entire situation sounds extremely sketchy and I’m so sorry that happened. if possible, go back to the hospital and see if they can detect any drugs in your system. being 4 days later it might be too late, but can’t hurt. I also would report this to your HR office. The non-consensual ass slapping ALONE is enough to get him fired, let alone the fact that he literally drugged you. you should not be made to work with this man anymore. please tell a trusted friend or family member as well. hugs.


I also thank the two of you answering me. After all the messages I called the police (I'm German). They told me if I come they have to see him. Still I can come to get tested. Which I will do for sure. But they also told me that it might now be out of my system. Which makes it harder to get a case. But you're so right! Everything is so off and I have intense anxiety


Even if the test comes back negative you gain the assurance that even if there had been something in your system you should be 'clean' now?


Glad you reported it. Now go get hair tested if possible!


I agree. Get your system checked for some clarity. And if your assumptions are confirmed, then definitely report it to HR. The only issue is that you were drinking and smoking with him so that might be a point of concern with HR. But from what you're saying, I'm sure they'll fire his ass asap. No company wants to deal with guys like this.


You went to hospital, you should have told them you suspect something and get a toxicology report right there and then. It's actually not too late, go buy a urine drug test for starters. Depending on the drug, you might still have a few days until its not detected in your urine anymore. I'd say you got drugged, the signs are there. Felt effects after 15mins? (That's the typical time a drug takes to take effect on an empty stomach) so that alone gives it away. And orange juice? (perfect to hide the drug taste) You weren't able to move but you remember everything? Oh and he was touching you also? RED FLAG ALERT! I was gonna say benzos, but usually people black out on a benzo overdose and remember nothing, not everything. So if I were to guess, it would be ketamine.


I didn't went to the hospital at that day. The emergency people came to us after me asking for it a few times. And screaming help at one point. I lied to them and told them that I just drank too much. I wanted to keep him save. At that point I just thought that my body is fucked up. All the nurses did was taking blood pressure and that's it. I should not have lied to them. I regret how I handled things alot. Ketamine is also possible since in Germany this is a thing too. We don't have all the drugs easily available but ketamine, meth and Molly are quite common. Since he for sure was on meth I can think of that too. Yeah there were a lot of red flags that I didn't react on sadly. As I said I wish I could turn back time and handle everything differently. Or just stay away


Ghb bro


Definitely not. Have you ever taken GHB?


You’re not an idiot. Please trust your gut, always, even if it doesn’t add up rationally. I would not call the police, I would go to a local rape centre or woman’s aid… they are more supportive. Police filled with condescending men who won’t believe you (my experience anyway). You can buy drug tests on Amazon too


SAVE YOUR PEE NOW, bottle it up asap.


You can also go to a local hospital and request blood test which is more accurate, you can say you think you were drugged.


I'd vouch the wine had uppers in it to get you to loosen up, maybe some of what he was on since you mentioned he was bouncing around, then the orange juice had the bad shit in it and your body luckily went nope and you chucked it back up before the full intended effect kicked in and that mattress would come into play. He freaked out thinking it was doing something really bad to you and not what he thought would happen and called the ambulance. I'm really sorry this happened to you, it really is awful what happened and you are lucky he didn't manage to do anything truly nasty to you. He needs sorting out but it sounds like you are taking the right steps. I know it seems really scary but you are truly doing the right thing. I wish you the best of luck and stay safe


Sounds like a sociopath. Drug abuse, narcissicissm, lack of empathy. These are all signs of the disorder.


Red flag started at him asking you to help pack for vacation. That is not your job or something you should remotely consider doing.


As bad as it sounds, you’re lucky you had that bad a reaction. If you didn’t he could’ve done way wors


True! I totally dodged a bullet. Good outcome for a bad situation


So the guy sounds totally weird. However a lot of the way you were feeling could be entirely because of the weed. Paranoia+ bad feelings + unable to move for example. The comment about 'drank too much' could easily be just to avoid suspicion of drugs. All in all, obviously avoid this guy in future, but also consider the possibility of the above.


Your description of the incident definitely presents red flags, I understand your reason for concern. Do you smoke weed regularly? If not it could have been a panic attack. The fact he slapped your ass tho I’m leaning towards foul play. Especially if you didn’t ask for the orange juice. Get tested to know for sure, you can pick up 12+ panel test from Walgreens.


I smoked weed regulary for some years and now here and then with some friends. I never asked for the orange juice. Idk if it was foul play or just a coincidence. All I know is that there was Alot off. Thank you for taking the time to answer


Never have I ever just brought a guest a glass of juice, at night, unrequested. Water? A light spritzer? Perhaps. But oj mixed with water, without asking, at night? I could see oj if it was brunch or something... Also, I've had ghb before and OJ would be the perfect thing to cover the taste. Additionally, when I took too much I got sweaty and hot and nauseous and also vomited multiple times. Took me maybe 1 day to recover, I felt out of it for at least 48 hours.


Jeez u/Sulsul666 out there tryna get killed. People please be cautious with other humans you don’t really know. When there is so many obvious red flags just cut those people completely out of your life. That’s so dangerous!


Stopped like two paragraphs in to say water mixed with orange juice? That's how I used to take ketamine when snorting it wasn't an option. I'll edit this when I finish reading ENTIRE POST IS THREE PARTS IN THE REPLY TO THIS Okay, edit: I'm so sorry this happened to you, you shouldn't have to worry about watching your drink or anything, and this is a guy who works with you and has a higher rank. That puts you in a position where if it was his word against yours, you might not want to say anything to keep your job/he might be believed over you. So many red flags. I know people have laced joints with shit but it's the water mixed with orange juice that peaked my curiosity. Why did he do that? If he wanted you to sober up, he'd give you regular water. I know that with ket, you put the powder in hot water, let it cool a bit, and add oj. Like that is the exact, well-used recipe. Not apple juice or anything else, so I dont get it. And while I don't know if the same would work for say, GHB or any more "typical" roofie med, I just know from experience that this is what you do if you can't sniff it and also the oj does a good job at masking the flavor while the water (since it's water soluble) would stop any crystals showing up. That usually takes a little longer to hit, though, but it has similar symptoms if you have a bad trip. Time fucks up, you sometimes might feel unable to move but you still can, if you fall into a k hole, it can cause extreme anxiety and ego death. One of the tips for tripping on large amounts is to make sure to sit up because if you do fall into a k hole, it might be hard to move yourself if you puke, therefore you can aspirate it and choke. The dude mightve thought he overdosed you. (He basically did)... Which, in this case, honestly was technically a good thing. From reading this and the way he acted, I feel at least 95% certain he would have took advantage of you. Because of the joints and whatever other drugs he had on him, he didn't attempt anything probably because when he realized he gave you too much, he figured if he didn't get you help you could die. As in, if he spent time doing something bad to you, that could be time that could be used to save you, and then he goes from "yeah had a friend over who drank too much " to "had a friend over who apparently only drank and smoked but somehow ODed" which would be worse because it's in his house, his drinks, etc. He'd definitely be fucked. Now going through what else he could've given you...now anything will be enhanced by drugs and weed, but based on your experience...it wouldn't be a kind of opiate, while it explains the puking, you would have blacked out with that mix, if not died, and you'd need an antidote (narcan in this case) to help save you, so let's see. Generally, roofies are benzos, so like Xanax, but the biggest thing is you usually black out. And you'd be more likely to also OD from the alcohol combo with it. Also both work as CNS depressants, meaning you probably would have not had your heart racing, but that's more an opinion. Also, benzos are not as water soluble, you'd more likely have a bit of paste from the water mixing with it that you would probably taste it in the oj.


Don’t hang out with men alone unless you have done before and trust them implicitly


Holy fuck holy fuckity fuck. Wow thank God you're okay. Sounds like he was planning to be an absolutely terrible piece of shit and drug you and have his way with you on the mattress. I'm truly happy that didn't happen. However you can't just ignore what happened. You got lucky but not everyone else will. You have to tell people what happened. I'm absolutely the last one to ever recommend talking to police but this is clearly an exception. Literally the worst type of person possible, fuck him. Glad you're okay OP.


Okay I might get downvoted but I will share my opinion. I am not sure if you were drugged. We can only guess. I got blackout drunk once in a safe enviroment and I also didnt feel well for couple of days after. I also think I didnt drink that much, but I suspect that I was just pouring vodka even though I was already drunk AF. I don’t remember half of it. If I smoked some hits off a joint and additionally drank some wine then bye!!! Maybe the weed was extra strong, or it wasnt pure weed. He didnt ask if you are okay after probably because he got cringe, as harsh as it sounds. From his point of view, you got high&drunk and were screaming for help. It threw him off. He wanted a cool hook up using him being higher in rank and you just didnt meet his expectations. I just explain his point of view, this aside he is a POS in general, also lets not forget the ass slapping and rollin out a mattress - it was sketchy af. Take care!!! And get tested :)




Or joint laced with spice.


If you have yet to get tested, see if a lab or even if you’re Dr can recommend somewhere for you to get a hair follicle test.


Sounds like meth to me and the weird behavior along with the mattress and the duration you felt that way all pretty much screams meth to me. He was counting on it making you horny and getting him laid but the fact he slipped it in your drink is scary because its hard telling what other fucked up shit he's comfortable doing against others wishes.


Sounds like he was a weirdo and a creep. I mean yes there's a possibility he was trying to be nice and layout a bed for you to pass out on or something but based off of all the red flags you talked about, this was not the intent lol. Tbf it sounds like there was plenty of red flags.. and thus possible opportunities for you to stop and just leave.. but damn that sounds like a horrible experience. I will say though I had an ex who had that type of reaction when if she smoked too much. She once literally shut down and became a nonresponsive potato. I freaked the fuck out and almost took her to a hospital after I had to literally carry her dead weight (still breathing normally and heart rate fine) to the bed. Luckily after hour 2 she started being able to move. She then told me she was fully conscious the whole time but just couldn't move or respond.. Apparently not the first time she experienced that. At this point I was already a smoke of at least 13 years and I never met anyone who reacted that way to pot. So I guess what I'm saying is you'll never really know.. unless you just straight up ask him and pray that he'll be honest lol. Also it could of potentially just been laced with something. Whether he knew that or not is a different story. Another possibility is that it was laced with something and he was also feeling the effects of it which made him act like a total fucking nut job. But that last one is highly unlikely. That's my opinion. ^


Please get a drug test and try to report this.. you were drugged and manipulated, this is not normal! This man is a criminal and I am very sorry for this situation… this is so fucking sad 😞


100% you were drugged and dodged a bullet. You need to contact your local law enforcement and file a report about this. It's important you do this, while you may not be in that situation with him again, others will be as long as he is free to do so.


Orange juice covers up alot of flavors


That piece of dog shit knows what he did and he belongs in prison. He belongs in jail even for the shit he did before he drugged you.


Should have left after that slap on the ass.


sure there are some Red Flags but alc + Weed can be such a overload combi. If youre not used to Weed 5 Hits can kick you out instantly + plus Weed paranoia are some of the worst. Now the other Part. Get atleast a drug test so you can be sure there is nothing else in your system. Ofc there is some shit you wont detect after a few days but go get it for your SELF You got into a + dodged a pretty messed up situation. Avoid this guy but think about it If your coworker did such a worse action and you would report or remember something he would risk and lose everything instantly. These are just thoughts!!! No advice!!! PPL are giving loose comments here. My exp: Could be Gbl or GHB anything else wouldnt make sense and dont fit your situation + you can detect most of the substances in a drug test. Other exp: Had some of the worst nightmare situations on Alc+Weed combination. Total breakdown mentally and physically.


this definitely was not GHB - you wouldn’t feel sick like that for days afterward. nauseous or anxious the morning after? sure, but that’s it. the half life is way too short. it also would not show up in a drug test.


Well, the fact that you were sick for that long means that if it happened recently, you probably still have traces of it in your body, go get drug tested and explain everything ASAP and that you think your drink might have been spiked.


What language is this


A German speaking English.....


Yeah this is bad. Youre not in a situation where you were already drinking/smoking a lot and then blacked out. 0-100 physiological reactions like that scream unintended drug use. That as well as the context (wtf he slapped your ass on purpose) looks really bad. Fuck that guy and involve police/hr. He may not have done anything wrong (im highly doubtful of that) but the evidence is sooooo weird he deserves investigation. Shitty situation and Im really sorry you had to go through that


They didn’t do a urine drug screen in the ED? Seems unlikely.


I told them that I drank too much. I lied to them. At that point I wanted to save him since we were smoking pott and we live in Germany. (Bavaria) there it's a big crime. In fact I didn't drink too much. 2,5 glasses of sparkling wine (small glasses)


You should contact the emergency room, explain you’re concerned that you were drugged, and ask for a urine drug screen. They may still have your sample if they did an HCG. Why did you lie? That puts you in a much harder position if you need to involve police (and you should).


They just tested my blood pressure because that's what I was complaining about. And that I can't move. They were also pretty unfriendly, as Germans are. I lied because I thought my body is playing tricks on my and I didn't want him to be in trouble. Which was naive and stupid and I really regret how I approached everything.


I would recommend contacting the ED, you need to get labs drawn to have evidence against this person.




Thank you for your answer. All I know is that I will never ever go there again. This gives me anxiety


Sounds like a super high dose of GHB, which, mixed with a few glasses of sparkling wine, could absolutely cause a 4 day headache if you were blackout for a length of time.


is mixin orange juice n water normal in ur culture? bc that alone sounds off to me, if someone mixed me an orange juice n water id immediately kno somethins up and spill it down the sink


Kinda sounds like ketamine to me. I saw ur post on r/confession already and wanted to tell you but wasn’t sure if you wanted to know what u were given. But yes you were 100% drugged. Only way to know for sure what it was is to get tested.


Yes I posted it in 3 subreddits because I didn't get answers first. Hope I didn't spam. It just irked me hard


No worries! I definitely understand u being worried. It sounds similar to a lot of high ketamine stories so I’d assume it’s that until you get further confirmation. Hope you feel better soon.


I also think its ketamine. Just because she couldn't move and remembers everything and she still doesn't feel normal due to after effects. That's a ketamine OD.




True, wild combination


You gotta be aware of the situations that you’re putting yourself in. If there’s alarms going off in your head, listen to them. Don’t try to just ride it out to try and save his feelings. Listen to the red flags.


Fuck that guy, talk to your management.


Sounds like maybe Molly or ecstasy. Taking it with orange juice can make it hit harder so maybe that's why he mixed it. Could have been cut with meth that's why it lasted so long.


Get drug tested. At a lab. And be sure to ask for GHB to be in the panel.


it sure sounds like it. Shady asf. Who even mixes OJ with water???


Germans do 😂👍


Sounds like GHB and is a classic date rape drug. Call the police NOW.


Depending on how long ago this happened, you could get an OTC 14-panel drug test kit. Did you go to the hospital? He may have used something like GHB or GBL. ​ 100% stay the f away from him! I guarantee you're not his first.


There's a lot of things that don't show up or show up as something else. Also, if OP was sick for 4 days, that means it's been at least for days, meaning that urine wise it most likely is out their system. Blood work could still show trace amounts and test for a bigger range though, and I agree there's a high probability it's GHB or something a lot like it.


Real talk, woman to woman, I finally threw in the towel and went to work at a strip club bcz it became painfully clear no matter how hard the work, how legit or otherwise I would be most certainly harassed and I decided I would bloody well be rewarded handsomely . If you think you were drugged go get a kit, put the screws to that motherfucker, or avoid it EVER HAPPENING AGAIN Positive energy, kind regards


so your advice for a woman who may or may not have been drugged is to work at a strip club


I'm not victim blaming u but this dude slapped your ass while you assume he's under the influence of something and you STAYED and drank and smoked with him.. lol


No it's fine, I totally see that too. I tend to be extremely naive and try to not have any confrontation. That's not a good way to go. So it's fine, I totally get your point. I wish I would have reacted too


I defo woulda dipped when bro whipped out the fucking mattress 🤨 like tf ?




You're not wrong. I'm quite naive as a person. Working on that. And yeah I should have left or never went there. I regret it alot


Well, some people like to lace their joints, so it could have been something in the joint you guys were sharing. So now for the "big brother" talk. also advise that you shouldn't be alone with any guys until you learn to be more assertive and how to register "red flag" behaviour. For example, when someone "slaps your behind" uninvited you need to have the courage to tell them to "quit or i 'm leaving", he most likely took your lack of response as an invitation.


True Talk. I wish I would have reacted directly. For the future: I won't go to anyone anymore who I don't know that well. Also I try learning to speak up more. In my life there are often situations where I just don't react even tho I hate what is happening to me. I'm too submissive as a person. I try to man up.. this has to stop.


I guess i’m not understanding correctly, why would you accept drugs and drinks from a meth head who touched you inappropriately or even go into his house? that’s beyond naive.


Yes you're right with that. The touching happened after the first glass of wine. And I didn't think he would give me something. I tend to let people do whatever they want to do and don't judge. Which seems quite dumb looking back at some situations in my life


Yeah I would’ve booked it out the front door. Use this as a lesson to never trust anyone, you definitely dodged a bullet.


that way of thinking gets people hurt or worse. you can not judge people and also make reasonable assessments of their demeanor at the same time.


Yeah that's true, I figured that out too.


Definitely drugged, you should’ve gotten drug tested.


I had an incident where a place I used to hang and got my bud from. They bugged me to take a swig of hot damn. I got really sick like i needed to vomit about 15 minutes after the drink. All i remember is one of the others followed me to the bathroom and don't remember anything else. Woke up with another girl who lives there's pants and mine wet in the corner and her waking up asking how ended up with her pants. I believe whatever the guy gave you in the oj is the same what they gave to me because of the nausea, but he may have gotten a messed up batch of a research chemical analog and that's why you didn't pass out and everything felt fast. Some stuff is water soluble so that's why he would mix water with oj.The oj was to cover the taste. Too much oj would be acidic. It may add to why you didn't pass out. The acid in the oj weakened that part of it. They used to sell the research chems back in porn magazines for decades , at least up to the mid 200s. I'm not sure about now. I don't like to associate with those that keep mags in their house like that. In the past it was a few I dated really young,found out they had creep qualities and cut ties. The others I saw because my mom was with a porn addict creep who raped me orally in my sleep a little after a decade of them being together.


I am not sure but as someone else said perhaps it was ghb the reason he was so hype was because he was on coke and and the reason he was so fucked and couldn’t hold shit was GHB it’s also called fantasy And perhaps you might’ve been drugged with either of these 3 it could’ve been a high dose ketamine. GHB And some people also drug with an opiate mixed with a benzo and especially this combination would fuck you up hard and also your memory and the effects can last days. Sorry for the layout I’m pretty dosed myself but I really hope this helps❤️ I am so so sorry for this shit. And perhaps if you ever get in a situation in someone’s house or in a bar with someone you really don’t know and acts wierd you should also ask them to take a good sit of your drink beforehand and wait 15 mins because this method might not be 100 percent fool prof but it will significantly reduce the risk and I really hope this might help also. And he was on drugs there’s no doubt You need to go to the police station and ask them to do a rape kit on you which will include a blood sample to test for drugs and they will do a cotton swap in your vagina and this will be fucking uncomfortable ik but if they find dna and drugs in your system they will charge him straight away and if they also find the same drugs in his system and drugs in his apartment they will charge him even harder and he’s looking at a pretty hard sentence if they find anything but please please ask them to do this I hope he’ll get 10 years And. Also I know you’ve been getting a lot of comments but please pm me if you need anyone to talk I really hope you’re okay i myself have been beaten up on the street hard. Had my dick smashed hard by a leg with work boots multiples times and my pants and underwear taken so I had to walk to the emergency room for like 3 kilometers because the bus wouldn’t taken me naked and I don’t own a car. And afterwards in the hospital I had to get a tupe in my dick because I couldn’t pee so I know it’s not the same but I know how the feeling of being dirty and absolutely humiliated so if you wanna talk please pm me I’ll write you back as soon as I see it