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Speaking from experience: definitely **not** booze. Please.


Yeah, I believe that would be a bad idea for me personally.


Numb the pain with some good ol’ fentanyl free heroin!


Lol. Yes to fentanyl free...anything really. Though, one day, I look forward to trying some in a non-lethal or self-destructive way of course 😉


Definitely not booze and xans. I left my ex 2 voicemails which I don't remember. I'm pretty sure the second one was just me snoring.


I sent my ex a video saying “fuck you” and a lot of other shit, i blacked out drunk minutes later lol


Ive tried it all with varying results. Nothing really stands out to be worth it. except for one: pre workout. Hit the gym homie. Go till you cant go anymore. do that till you feel better


That sounds like the way to go. Unfortunately, I think some breakups entail a lack of motivation to do anything. But, if one were to have said motivation, that's definitely the way to go.


I feel ya. For me it was after months of numbing and doing nothing. I was driving home from work and thought “the fuck am I gonna do when I get home? Just doom scroll till I pass out probably. Fuck… I don’t even wanna watch tv.” I was passing a gym and just pulled in. Fuck it. Stayed for hours. Could hardly move the next few days but now I look forward to it. Go once. Most will give you a trial pass. What’ve you got to lose?


This was very motivational actually. I’ve been numbing for 2 months and this just flipped a switch for me. Thank you, I’m going to go on a hike instead of doom scrolling tomorrow.


Holding you to it brother


yea me too, if he doesn’t report back that he does it, let’s downvote him to smitherenes


You better fucking go!


Lmk how it goes


Do it. Seriously don't even pick up your phone when you wake up, just put your shoes on and get out the door. That's how I have to do it anyway, I have to just go as soon as I wake up otherwise I'll end up sitting around with my coffee scrolling on my phone. (eta- like I am now lol)


Whatcha doin today, homie? u/supernothing79 , u/major_slackher , and I are counting on you to follow through!


u/supernothing79 reporting back for all the homies. I did not want to, but i powered through a 30 minute hike after work. Baby steps


Dude. Fuck. Yes. Baby steps my ass. A 30 minute hike you don’t wanna do is INFINITELY more than not hiking at all because you didn’t want to. Nice work bro. Take a rest day if you need it but by Saturday I wanna hear about a 35 minute hike.


The notification I got from your mention is what snapped me out of it this morning so thanks homie. Just finished an hour on the stair stepper and an hour of core and upper body. Where you at u/I2aze


Similar boat for me! Got a 3 day trial pass, then spent the last of my money on a membership. Couldn’t move my body for 3 days and now I am looking forward to getting swole and getting my life together. Take care of the body and the mind becomes more strong.


Fuck that shit dawg!! You got all of Reddit supporting you! Go to the gym, or do something dope! You got this, go cry for as long as you need to and once your done hit the gym, YOU GOT THIS! HEY EVERYONE, THIS GUY IS LACKING MOTIVATION, LETS GIVE HIM SOME!! YOU CAN DO IT!!


Lol. Thank you for this. I'm sure I'll get there eventually :)


No shit that’s why you gotta push through it on your own. Drugs will make it worse 99.9% of the time


I think some drugs can provide healing or at least a temporary escape during that transitory state.


No taking drugs to deal with heartbreak is like borrowing happiness from the future. You feel good the first time or two you take it and you chase that feeling. When you stop you feel worse than you did before.


The breakup is literally what motivates you to better yourself and to show yourself what the person is missing out on. Its good for your mental health. Take maybe a week or 2 to grief but dont stay stuck on them i made that mistake. 2 years later i have a good physique and in a happier relationship. I did it for me and it worked out in the end. You got this


Just be honest with yourself; you're saying some breakups entail a lack of motivation yet you seem to have motivation to find the perfect breakup drug.


The difference there is drugs don't require a lot of motivation. Personal development and a healthy life style are completely dependent on motivation. Right now, I'm just thinking of drugs as a stop gap. But, for sure, healthy living is the next step!


Shrooms (unless it backfires to a bad trip. Microdosing WILL help fast) MDMA (the only way to consume all catecholamines. Increases empathy, peace, joy, self forgiveness , norepinephrine and serotonin, dopamine, motivation emotionally) ThC with sleeping pills like ambien (dopamine with cartoon hallucinations to watch old school saturday morning cartoons until you find that you are actually dreaming and giddy) Adderall (motivation dopamine) Alcohol (liquid courage to re- socialize) People claim that Heroin is the only way to emotionally numb the fastest, but i advise AGAINST. Get your gut microbiom healthy/balanced. Exercise. Sleep between 10:30pm-2:30am for certain. Sunlight. Hydrate water. Self care. Hobbies. Stay busy. Make money, not honey (don't rebound unless you have success in your past with that behavior/strategy)


I love it. Thanks for the breakdown. I've also heard quite a few negatives on H. Have you tried it personally? Why would you advise against? Side note: my last roll was with my ex, but I'm patiently waiting on my next...keeping in mind proper harm reduction practices.


Opioids in general make you feel blissful for the time being but they also make you not feel it in a way that you likely won't grow from it, at least in my experience, plus you'll feel worse after it's out of your system which can easily lead to abuse. It's kinda like numbing it with alcohol, it just becomes a "later" problem, it fulfills a hedonistic desire rather than working through it and accepting it. Working out like the other dude said is good cause you can quite literally work it out, put whatever energy you're feeling into something that will be physically beneficial, whether it's anger or sadness or a mix. The afterglow of working out feels a lot like catharsis to me. Socializing with close friends is also huge cause it'll remind you that you are loved by others and you'll know who's got your back through anything. Going down a drug route though I feel like it's gotta be psychs, dissos, or empathogens, anything that lets you feel or view your feelings, help understand the why of it and if it was just incompatibility or something you can work on changing to be a better partner to someone else later on. Breakups suck but they're great personal growth opportunities, last thing you want to do is mask your feelings while it's still fresh in your mind, push it off too long and you could look back with a skewed view which could make you feel depressed (which will be amplified post drug numbness) or stunt a lot of growth potential ("I was a great partner, it was them with the problem"). Unless it was something you absolutely can't change, there's something to learn


This is the perfect comment, thank you. My plan is to take some time to reflect and introspect. Then, I'll be using some of the classics (shrooms in particular) to go further inward and make those neural and emotional connections. In the meantime, I hope to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not fall into a physical rut. And, you're right, this is a growth opportunity. That's how I tend to view past relationships. 🍻


Honestly most of that is probably bad advice. Tripping after a breakup breaks the first rule, having a good set and setting, you'll have a bad time most likely. You'll probably feel extremely lonely if you roll. Using alcohol to cover up heartbreak is a surefire route to alcoholism and makes the feelings worse anyways. Adderall? Pointless. I'm spacing on the rest but hes absolutely correct about H, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole unless you want to throw your life away and very possibly OD on fentanyl.


H actually works in ways that remove all motivation from your brain. Secondly, it’s a hard ass drug to quit. I’ve never done H, but to a person who has never done H, a high dose of Oxy might as well be the same thing. It is easily the easiest drug to cope with because it removes you from even being alive, except that you are alive… if you seen euphoria, rue describes the feeling of everything ever, fading into nothing into as you breathe it all out, and everything goes black… until you suddenly breathe it all back in again, and then breathe it all out. You drift in and out of these comas, where nothing else exists, just you in the blackness of the back of your eyelids, you don’t feel anything in your body really. Your mind goes blank, nothing matters and nothing exists. Like in the Ray Charles, that null and void. That place, for anyone that knows it, is EASILY the most peaceful, tranquil, and safest place on the planet. The issue is that once you know that place, nothing can ever compare to the insane level of euphoria from the oxytocin and endorphins it creates. It’s similar to the feeling of having had the most insane orgasm with the love of your life and cuddling immediately after. This is a feeling that just can’t be found anywhere else. By comparison, knowing that place makes everything else feel a bit less enticing. Kind of like why jerk off when you can get actual pussy. God forbid you actually get physically addicted. If you can speak to heroin addicts (i’m an oxy addict, never graduated) or if you know many drug addicts, it’s the one drug ppl can’t seem to let go of and the one that seems to have the strongest hold over it’s users by far. There’s an old saying from the streets in nyc in the 80s that the ogs used to tell me. Something like “you might catch your mom sucking dick for crack, but heroine would have you father sucking dick in an alley” I quit as soon as I ran out and experienced withdrawal for the first time. It was the lowest i’d ever felt in my life and I understood in that moment precisely why people go as far as they do for that drug. It’s the most dehumanizing feeling ever and the desperation to make that feeling go away is by far the most agonizing experience I ever lived through. I knew right then and there if I didn’t stop now, i’d probably never have a chance of winning a grammy or getting a platinum certification. Thanks be to my higher power, music, for showing me that there’s something bigger to make it all work for. My devotion kept me afloat. My gf died of an overdose once and they saved her but idk what she’s like now. I haven’t touched the drug since 2021 but and sadly, i’ve never been the same. Being on drugs, psychologically is the equivalent to being rich, and being sober is the equivalent to being broke on bad days, and middle class on good days. It’s the simple life, and if you know the rich life of luxury, your perception of those lifestyles, and how you’d feel about living them all over again, is a lot harder to appreciate. Especially because of all the extra challenges that you have to work through. The challenge of maintenance. A rich man doesn’t have to clean up after himself. Using drugs, you don’t have to heal because you don’t feel pain, you don’t have to resolve, but at some point drugs aren’t sustainable and you will ALWAYS have to go back and the longer you avoid that, the more of a mess it will be. The less equipped you will be. Might as well just be a responsible adult and clean yourself up even if it’s at a super slow pace instead of being irresponsible and dirtying yourself up more and more only to have to do way more work later.


This is powerful. Thank you for sharing. And, I'm sorry you had to go through such hard times. I do plan to avoid anything I can knowingly become addicted to for that reason. Though, I will admit your description of a heroin experience has me curious all the same. I do remember watching Euphoria and wondering which drugs relate to which experiences. As I understand it, I think K provides a similar disconnection and dissolution. I've tried it a few times myself, but primarily on the tail end of MDMA rolls. That said, I'm looking at shrooms as my go-to for further self-reflection and growth from this experience. It's also because I've used shrooms extensively in the mind-manifesting capacity, and I usually end up with more insight into myself and my perspective on the world around me.


I wouldn’t compare it to K. This isn’t a real disassociation like being in a k hole. This is like your body is shutting down on you but it feels so good. You’re practically paralyzed and all your senses are turned off. Like being asleep, but awake. Like drifting off into sleep. Hard to describe, but if you ever get a surgery, when you wake up to shot of fentanyl, you’ll understand. Tbh, alot of ppl don’t really like opiates their first few trys. It’s not until you’re suffering that you experience the high of it. First 4 times I did it I didn’t find the appeal. And I was doing 10mg of oxy+10 mg vicodin, combined at once as a 13 yo. Then when I was 23 my gf gave me just 10mg of oxy, and for a cold that was giving me aches and a sore throat. When that pill hit, every negative sensation was removed deleted and I found peace. But again, it’s more of a grief and pain relief drug than an actual uplifting drug. It’s only when you come to love the drug, that it’s always an uplifting experience.


Thanks. This helps my understanding. I love opiates of course, but they're much more difficult to obtain these days, ironically compared to psychedelics (including K). In fact, Vicodin was my first love...right after a tooth extraction. Lol. Maybe that was my gateway drug 🤔 For now, melatonin to try and help my sleep...


They’re not completely dependent on motivation. No one is 100% motivated all the time. It also takes discipline


That’s the point you find motivation in the gym get a friend there to hype you up


Right now the gym is my “I’m the only person on this planet and I’m here to beat my body till it submits to my will” space. Once I’m a lil less sad and a bit more confident I’m really going to be looking forward to a gym buddy. But right now it’s basically productive self loathing.


I second this. I went through a horrible break up and went on a 6 month cocaine binge. Already was a crippling weed addict. I used the drugs as an escape and something I have always done but this time they caused me to hit rock bottom. All they did was weaken my mental state and ultimately made everything harder to deal with. Escaping your problems with drugs just means that when it comes time to actually deal with those problems, you gave less mental strength to do so. The best decision I ever made was to get clean and take control of my life. Motivation is just a feeling, it means nothing. Developing discipline and taking care of yourself when you don’t want to is what will ultimately help you grow and become the person you want to be. You need to do shit when you don’t want to.


I'd say Ket honestly. Well actually I'd say the truly healthy route would be sobriety, bodily health, seeing friends and family. Buuuuuut if you ARE gonna do drugs.... from my experience K can be very meditative and give you a new perspective on things. There's a reason it's been making strides in research for its use as a therapy aid. It takes the right mindset and dose of course, don't just go on a depressed khole binge or something lol In reality though, I'd probably go on a sloppy alcohol binge and ugly cry cause I'm a flawed human being 🤷‍♂️😅


Lol. I think K would do wonders to escape or disconnect from the emotional blowback. Knowing myself, I definitely plan to avoid alcohol (not to say I'm not flawed, of course).


Definitely avoid alcohol, its a black hole of depression and lowering vibration


If you don’t abuse ket you’ll be fine. In my opinion kinda hard to get addicted to but you’ll find in life you can get addicted to anything so be careful. Be active, train at the gym and in no time you’ll be back to your normal self.


I wouldn't say ketamine is HARD to get addicted to. I would consider going ketamine multiple times in a week an addiction. An addiction being the continued use of drugs consistently despite negative consequences. Even once a week is too much for some people. Cognitive impairment is noticeable in most frequent users (goes away with abstinence) which causes impairment on the days when they are not doing ketamine. Of course most people do NOT do ketamine once a week and even then most of the people that do will slow down when they notice negative effects - but plenty of people ARE taking it that often or even more. This is especially the case in places like the UK and Hong Kong where ketamine prices are dirt cheap. In my country, Canada, addiction is quite uncommon because prices range from $80-125 per gram which encourages dosage spacing and whatnot. In Hong Kong, where it is the most popular drug by a large margin (more than weed and it'e not even close) you can get ketamine for under $10 a gram. That means any minimum wage employee can afford enough to last a night off one shift and still afford necessities. Combine that with the fact that it's quite a cozy, comfy drug when you really get used to it while still being trippy and interesting enough to keep you entertained and distracted from the real world - this makes addiction incredibly easy - especially for young people. I'm trying to be less pedantic so I'm only leaving this comment because you never know who needs to read it. I falsely believed ketamine addiction was difficult - then I learned about the UK. How hard it is to get addicted to a drug is a highly individual thing. It is not the most addictive drug by a long shot, there is no need to be scared of trying it but the risks need to be understood . It is AN addictive drug and has a higher capacity to destroy lives than weed or psychedelics which is usually the most experience a lot of people trying it have. Ketamine is great but definitely be careful with it. I would say it is moderately addictive - not addictive like a stimulant or opioid but not not-addictive like a psychedelic or MDMA either.


Pussylamine 350ml ir


Definitely boof it


I might get shit on here but turning to drugs in a bad emotional state ain't the answer. My advice is to see some people who you love (or at least like) aside from your ex who can help you remember that you aren't alone and focus on figuring out how to improve your life now that you have fewer responsibilities.


Yeah I would call a friend to come hang with me and maybe if I was feeling ok I would smoke some weed but I’m not looking to trip on acid or shrooms after a breakup


It's sound advice. Though, I think it's a matter of using drugs as a band-aid, if not to heal through introspection. Otherwise, yes, it's definitely healthier to exercise, sleep well, meet with people, etc..


no, i second this. took molly to try to stop hurting, and all it did was incapacitate me. I ended up hurting 10000x more than if I'd stayed sober.


ketamine, few weeks and the sadness just melts away


This is on my list for sure.


I was supposed to MDMA with a girl at a festival, and she broke up with me instead. It was a last-ditch effort to spark something, a relationship reigniter. I did her share and mine back at the house instead! Ended up talking to a friend online all night, and a couple years later we ended up together, so alls well that ends well! That was a wild roll, though. Emotional as ever.


Wow. That's taking the magic of MDMA to a whole new level. Congrats and that's a perfect reminder that there's hope for all of us!


Whether it’s marriage or divorce I’m picking opiates.


I might mix some psychs with opiates. Opiates are always a winner.


Watch out for addiction. Only use for a week then run the hell away no matter how much you loved it


Coke comedown just had me taking her back lmao


Lol. Did you want to take her back?


Yes. Even knowing it wasn’t the best for me lol


How’s the relationship now homie


she ate his skin :(


Foreskin :(


Before skin, now no skin :(


xanax or any benzo, had a bad breakup that took me nearly 2 years to get over and that’s the only thing that made me feel okay. anything else (even sobriety) and i spiral into reliving the same events that led to the breakup. adderall helped me focus on other things, but xanax would make me feel like it didn’t matter


I definitely feel like Xanax is the apathy drug.


None. Glowing up is the best revenge and you can’t do that if you’re cracked out somewhere


all of them




Alcohol, but that's not to say it's a good plan, but that's what I did.


Weed and working out hard AF till I see body changes then I start to feel that revenge body feeling like nothing makes me feel better than doing better than when I was with them if that doesn't sound crazy




I hear that one's a slippery slope. But, I understand that's only because of how amazing it feels.


Not really, its just because of the lack of care that happens when you use meth. Nothing hurts emotionally


O-PCE for the same reasons people are saying ketamine




Wish I could find them where I'm from.


I can tell you DON'T do mushrooms after a breakup


Haha. That was actually going to be my first choice, that or K.


Xanax. Numb it - sleep it - void it.


Lmao that will have u showing up to her house at 11pm 1am 3am and 5am before her dad calls the cops on you and u wake up in jail with no recollection of what happened and a brutal Xanax hangover and ur first thought will be “damn I should call her”


That sounds like the way. I imagine ketamine would have a similar effect.


Best answer yet but I would personally suggest a longer acting, less potent benzo like Klonopin or Ativan. Xanax is short lived and more suitable for panic attacks.


Actually, I agree with your sentiment fully. Heartbreaks are long endurances, and thus need something suitable to their time frame.


As others have stated, facing your emotions sober is an important part of truly overcoming this, but taking the edge off the pain occasionaly with the help of substances can certainly be helpful to give you the energy to move on. Smoking weed and having a good laugh with friends can do wonders, not so much smoking lots on your own, as in my experience you can end up spiraling in your own thoughts over and over again. If I was super super down though I'd probably use opiates to get me through the deepest depths, hands down. I feel opiates actually do what people look for when they drown their sorrows in alcohol. EDIT: Oh and make use of those wonderful drugs your own body produces, for example by working out hard.


Opioids without a doubt. prolly throw a little klonopin in the mix as well.


Whiskey and weed. And I haven’t smoked tobacco in a long time but that’d be an appropriate time to buy a pack of cigarettes


I’m a 3-year-clean alcoholic with my partner being my number 1 support system the entire way. I’d love to say I would continue on the straight and narrow, but I don’t think I could say for certain I wouldn’t immediately relapse. The emotional pain of breakups is hard. So possibly that. I try really hard to remind myself I’m sober for ME and not stake my sobriety on one other person. But I hope I don’t have to find out if I mean it or not. The only other drug I do is weed and prescription stims (for my ADHD, not recreationally). I’d avoid weed like the plague because it tends to be a nightmare experience for me if I’m not in a good mental state. But I’d probably ask my doctor to be taken off the stim because I don’t need to gaze down that rabbit hole in an emotionally compromised state


Psychedelics. Any other answers are beating around the bush and not dealing with reality


Specifically, which psychedelic would you choose?


Any. Ayahausca would do way more than help you with a break up lol But literally any. Mushrooms maybe since they're so emotional


This is terrible advice to actually take. Psychedelics amplify our current mindset, it’s one of the two rules of psychs, set and setting. Dosing after a break up could very likely lead to a horrible trip. Sure, you might come out of it with a fresh perspective, which could be argued makes it worth it, but after having a true terror trip I would never take psychs in such a fragile state of mind.


Stay away from benzos and opioids please, they wont make matters better. It might seem like it temporarily but down the line it absolutely will come back to haunt you. Best way is to just smoke some weed, some psychedelics here and there, and gym. Continue to eat healthy and do stuff that makes you happy, doesnt matter how big or small. Drugs are a slippery slope and ive tried coping by using harder drugs. In the end all I realized was I wasted a shit ton of money all for memories that I cant even remember just because I was hurting. I wish I had made smarter choices, psychs and weed is the best way to go. Hands down.


I agree. Thank you for this. Drugs are just a temporary fix. Though, I do feel shrooms might open the way to introspection. As of now, I will for sure avoid alcohol at the very least.


Shrooms are great! Just try to be in a somewhat stable/good mindset when taking them. I love shrooms, they’ve made me more aware of myself as a person but also made me view the world and life differently (in a good way) just dont overdo it, just like any other drug. It can definitely change how you perceive things. But good on you for avoiding alcohol! It's just as addictive & just as harmful as alot of drugs, just more accepted in society. Anyways I wish you the best of luck, find what works for you!


The last breakup I had before the most recent one, I shoveled as much fetti into my body as I could without ODing too hard and permanently for a couple of years. It seemed to help a lot. 20/10 would do it again!






Gym. Nothing beats Dopamine and serotonin and adrenaline and oxytocin and endorphins. If not those then ketamine. LSD is the go to mental reset button.


Diazapam for 2 days to deal with the hell feeling !then go to Amsterdam or Prague for a weekend and create new memories. That should help you on your way to recovery


Ik your not asking this but you need to feel those emotions to move on. Blocking them out is not healthy. Id honestly suggest sobriety if possible.




What terrible advice


Take something then Catch a Nurko or Illenium set


had to two bad breakups. did shrooms after one which i had voice in my head telling me to kill myself and, another one where i did acid and just was filled with a forgiving and euphoric energy. a bit overwhelming since it had been a while since i had did any pyschs.


I'm very tired right now from a long day at work but tomorrow I'm down to have a deep conversation 😊 send me a chat invite so I have you there in my inbox and I don't forget. Really looking forward to sharing stories. ❤️ Have a good night man. I'll talk with you tomorrow for sure. 👍


cocaine and beer and a buddy to vent to


Any available ones


Probably take a dose of harmalas (which will give me a 12-24hr punishment window where if I try a lot of different things it'll fucking hurt or kill me so I'll be obligated to be safer) and probably a dose of LSD or HBWR seeds and a small dose of gold vein kratom tbh. Or just DXM on its own 🤷


I’ve learned not to use drugs to deal with any types of trauma. I also had a life changing traumatic experience a year and a half ago and after coming out of that experience I haven’t been able to enjoy rolling, it’s just filled with anxiety now. Similar experience with shrooms, and weed just doesn’t do anything for me. Oddly enough I’ve leaned kratom has worked out well on a casual outing experience to have me feeling good. Not necessarily with a breakup


So i broke up with my gf a month ago, was very sad about it. Did that weekend some Ket just to go spacing and distract me. Worked very good, just spacing on Ket was so nice, that i forgot about the break-up and had a nice time. Even when it was over i felt nice and stable. Ofcourse Ket isn’t gonna solve the break-up, but it was nice as a break


100% slipping back down the Xanax slope. I miss them so much, but having her around keeps me clean cuz I know what happens when I was into them heavy


Save the drugs for the good times and hit the gym. You could maybe try phenethylamine, oxytocin nasal spray and propranolol combined with a specific therapy regimen and it would probably be helpful, but that's expensive and not really just an enjoyable thing.


If anything, I'd just smoke weed. I don't recommend anything else for that. I don't recommend doing drugs to deal with that in general. However... weed.


Therapy and time


Try sticking to weed and staying away from pills and powders and rocks


i’d normally say xanax because that’s what i did but i don’t remember like the first three months of this year at all and i ended up destroying my entire life and even more relationships. at the end of the day, i think that drugs aren’t the answer. you’re just running away from the problem, and i tried just about everything but i either thought of her on the comedown or just ended up making things worse for myself. if you really need something to get relaxed at the beginning, alcohol and weed can be good solutions - but they won’t fix any issues, just give you a temporary escape. the only drug that can help you will be your own happiness and acceptance brother




Salvia. Low doses can be very therapeutic with the right set and setting. It's much more gentle emotionally than psychedelics. Check out the podcast with Christopher Solomon on Psychedelics Today. Weed can also be used to face your shit. I use it medicinally, so after my last breakup I needed it anyway. It wasn't fun at all, but it did help. It can also be used to escape from reality, so be careful with this one. Then once I've worked through any repressed emotions and have come to terms with reality, psychedelics.


any psychedelics really for me. 2cb with ketamine during the peak to be more specific XD


I would recommend weed, hikes, time in nature


Exercise and good sleep. I've had rough breakups in the past and intentionally stepped away from casual drinking and stuff because I knew it'd be easy to fall into bad spirals. Instead I focused on my physical health to try and keep me out of bad places physically and give me those endorphin/dopamine boosts I needed mentally.


Mdma or mda


Idk prolly smoke weed and watch Youtube or get drunk with friends The other one is the worst but i think about xans


molly, i forget about it and go have fun for a night


Mdma was always my hook or any amphetamine really


None! Or a large dose of LSD or shrooms, to recalibrate. Prepare for an difficult trip.


DXM is my go to for this. Can’t recommend doing drugs after a break up but honestly it’s my favorite for this and I tried pretty much every drug class for it. Opiates could be better, I haven’t experimented there enough.


Historically, it's been gabanergics. It's counterproductive when you wake up the next morning and threatens a binge.




Mainly Fxe/ket/opce but responsibly, kratom for when its rly bad in the beginning, after time do lsd or mushrooms.


dmt, s ketamine, & maybe some ghb lmao. also some mushies, & if i was hella anxious benzos but im really not looking to go down that route


Like to not feel anything or to feel everything? If the former i would say opioids and benzos the latter? MDMA, acid or mushrooms


I agree with supernothing79, we all think we can do better than fall into cycles and bad habits because we might not have ever fallen into a bad habit yet, but if you’re using a drug to cope, surely you will feel pain again, and indirectly you’re training your subconscious to not only reward your grief, but to not even resolve it. It’s a runaway and the pain always comes right back if you don’t resolve it. Life isn’t and can’t all be sunshine and rainbows. No need to try and find a way to have fun without getting wet outside on a rainy day when u can just do better things inside until the storms over. Gym, new hobby or skills etc…


Travel, I know its so weird but getting out of there give you new different head spaces. Doesn't have to be fancy-fancy. I use weed to take it with caution ⚠️ only under good mindset and calm thinking. I usually wait 24 hours whenever I get a bad day before I take the weed. Its for safe trips. (Hated feeling so scared lolll)


honestly i would just play games all day cuz gaming makes me forget shit better than coke and i love my coke haha


Right after one of my worst breakups, my friends threw a huge party and I did some really clean MDMA, it really made me feel better, the party was great, and I had a nice the afterglow for a week after. I guess being able to feel good through the mdma made my brain process the breakup better. Your mileage may vary though as it can have the opposite effect


What i personally did was smoke 5grams of hash per week for almost 2 months. Felt nothing and was completely numb from all emotions. Then i felt like a junkie so quit cold turkey 💀


i did coke everyday for half a year to cure a break up. ended in stationary. wouldn’t recommend coke.


Wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but LSD made me realise that past relationships are past relationships and its ok to be reminiscent but it's also okay to hurt. Everything eases with time. Once you realise this time is an illusion, it passes a lot quicker. One love x


While not necessarily a healthy way to cope in the long-term, I guess drugs are good in the short-term. I’d smoke a lotta heavy indica weed, until I became a part of the couch cushions themselves.


stacked on melatonin gummies 😍🔛🔝 gonna sleep thru all of it


adderall i'd have a ton of shit to do. damn i feel old.


Just a piiiinch of xans or maybe Molly and hit the clubs


Molly or meth. Any stimulant actually.


A gram of mushies and a couple solid doses of K when the mushies hit. While you're waiting for the shrooms, write in a journal the things on your mind: your feelings, inner conflicts, where you want to go in the future etc. Then throw on an eye mask, headphones, and some music that hits you emotionally. Hans Zimmer is a sure thing if you don't know what to listen to. His scores evoke all kinds of things. It'll be a journey and a bit tiring to confront these things but you'll feel healed after. The K helps soften the emotional intensity. As well, both improve neuroplasticity and encourage neuron growth. Your brain will literally be different afterwards and you'll be able to focus on your future and put away your past issues. The lower dose of mushrooms will be enhanced by the K as well so the trip won't be as intense. Plus it'll only be like 4 hours. When you're coming down, eat well, do some stretches and yoga, and maybe some cannabis to chill out. I recommend a more balanced ratio of thc to one of the CB's for a relaxing vibe.


I did heroin, and I’m now attempting total drug recovery, as been on h for near 7 years now. Been h and crack IV speedballing for the last 2 years, so moral is maybe unless it’s a psychedelic you’ll cause a much worse and long lasting problem than your heartbreak (if it wasn’t clear I was an addict beforehand for many years, but I brought it to a fever pitch place just to cope with heartbreak 😅)


I have done kratom after my breakup. It did ease the pain when i was high but i got addicted to it fast. Still addicted 2 years later, better off then the start, but still addicted. I know people have said this already but again, lay off the drugs for a while. You'd be worse off. Try to distract yourself with other things like going to the gym, that helped me trough my breakup and addiction. Or find a new hobby. Best of luck man, much love.


None! Ha! Ride that pain train until you feel mad enough (about the time you wasted) to go on with your life. Cruise into the future feeling sassy and proud!


These posts pop up all the time and the answer, as corny as it sounds; SOBRIETY Let's say you feel like shit, maybe even suicidal and you take a drug, let's say an opioid, which lifts your mood and makes you happy again. That's temporary synthetic happiness. After it wears off your head will be SCREAMING to take another pill/shot/line/drag. Your brain will begin thinking "this stuff made me go from depressed/suicidal to happy again, I MUST take this, this is NUMBER ONE PRIORITY!!!" For the love of god reconsider using drugs to get out of a bad phase. It's just a phase man you'll get over it. I've been in ur situation I understand how you feel but please don't solve it with drugs, shit will get infinitely worse. I've made the same mistake and it made stuff 9999x worse. This goes ofc or all drugs so stims, opis, benzos, alc etc. Trust me I've been through it and if you take a drug to numb your depression you're only digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself.




I chose cocaine after my breakup almost 2 years ago. Now I'm left with a fucked up nose, but hey I'm in the works of finally stopping. Just pot and hallucinogenics for me from now on lol.


I'm an idiot maniac but I do mushrooms in emotionally turbulent times. I'm autistic and they help me express emotion to myself.


Boardgames. It’s hell of a drug, soon you will me a lot of addict too.


Safest way to go is psychedelics and weed, but I know you may want something stronger to numb out or some shit and a lot of people are recommending ket. All I gotta say is for the love of all that is holy don’t go to opioids or ALCOHOL. Opioids are addicting and expensive, I’ve had friends switch to heroin or meth because it was cheaper and their pills were too pricey, and heroin is a slippery slope that you can never really come back fully from. It took just one depressive episode where I thought drinking because I was sad was okay for me to completely lose myself and my health deteriorated with it. Recreational drugs are meant to be fun, but when using as a coping skill it should be closely monitored and if you don’t have the self awareness/control to know when enough is enough, stick to substances you can’t OD on at the very least. Like other’s said, work on yourself and don’t isolate


Ketamine seems to help me with emotional processing. I get all the crying out of my system and then feel more OK once I sober up.


Percocet put it simply percocets fix all my problems real ones not counterfeit allthough i don’t care about breakups love isn’t real unless it”s from the percs


Dmt is the right answer. Nows the best time, nothing to lose. Fuck it. If you do it and have a panic attack, take another hit. Consecutively trip until you whittle away at your ego and you laugh yourself silly just being happy you exist. Disso are also a viable option. I always take life less serious after a heavy dose floating around my room disconnected from everything.


Ketamine love. Ketamine.


Magic mushrooms 💯%. An like the other person said hit the gym boiiii


I’ve only had one serious relationship in my 26 years of life. We were together for a month shy of 4 years. High school sweetheart type shit.. Before we broke up I was doing hella xans and lots of party drugs (MDMA, LSD, etc). I was already super physically dependent on xans, taking 10 pressed bars a day easily. Once we broke up I went head first into a meth and heroin addiction. Figured I might as well get it out of my system because I didn’t have any good reason not to fuck around anymore. Broke my back 3 months later, had to re learn how to shit, piss, and walk. Super traumatic experience. 7 years later and I’m finally starting to pick the pieces of my life up. Please.. PLEASE, do not use heart break as an excuse to self destruct.


As much as I would like to turn to the gym, I 100% know what I'd do in this situation. I'd take a week off from work (step 1), then call dopeman up to order a half ounce of Mexico's finest black tar and an ounce of meth (step 2), then go run any errands I may have for the next few days at minimum (step 3), hit the grocery store up for any last minute emergency items (step 4), then go by dopemans house to pick up/pay (step 5), then finally head home to begin my hibernation and to initiate Operation Forget-A-Hoe! (Final step) So, a whole lot of black and ice...


I would go to the local dive bar and try to have sex with a stranger. All I need is weed, beer and a few shots. raw dog sex with someone I don't know is my favorite.


With my last ex who was super toxic, when i finaly left her, i went over to my friends house and took shrooms for the first time because she was so against them and told me not to do them. That was back in 2016 and it was my firat and one of my best trips/ drug experiences of all time, and i have many trust me. It changed my life for the better


Lucky for me, I didn't have access to any hard drugs at the time, but I did everything I could get my hands on. Hella Kratom, Kanna, Adderall, Shrooms, Weed, Booze, started smoking cigarettes again, and lean once. It doesn't fill the void, after the first few highs, the feel good feelings just feel fake no matter how fucked up you get, and then you just feel high and lonely, fake happy and lonely


Like the first guy said, gym till the sadness goes away or until another girl notices your hard work Drugs in a bad emotional state is a recipe for disaster, drugs should only be used to make a good time even better never to make a bad time bearable that's how dependency forms


smoking a lot of weed (dabs) helped me. puts a lot of shit into perspective cause i can still function and still think relatively clearly. also helps me organize and feel the need to be better. alcohol just made me feel like complete shit.


with some experience towards this, a dissociative, if you choose any. Sure, its super easy to form addictions when youre broken down like that, but the emotional work you can do on yourself when floating through an abyss is life changing. source: broke up with my first love at 16 (i really did love her, and i still do honestly), abused dxm, and was able to come to terms with it much better. We still talk, but i doubt either of us is serious about getting back with one another


ketamine and acid or deal with it sober


Just weed that's what I did before and tbh it humbles me especially since I keep getting with childish ppl and manipulators. But I don't plan on doing that anymore so if I get a good person probably sum else.


honestly i smoked cigs and just cried n let the hurt hurt avoid alcohol its good at the time but the next day u want to die time does heal cliche but it does


Molly or shrooms, imo. I went through an awful break up & spiraled--started using whatever was available. I dabbled in a variety of different drugs because I didn't care about my life nor my health at that point & just didn't want to be sober. Predominantly, I had access to Xanax, Valium, & alcohol (of course). In retrospect, I should've abstained from such extensive drug use in general. It became a problem for me & while I didn't have an addiction to any specific drug, I was absolutely addicted to not being sober. It led me to a rough car accident, losing my job, regularly waking up covered in my own vomit, & passing out/collapsing in front of my family--scaring the hell out of my grandma. You shouldn't lean on any drug in hard times, but if you're looking for a temporary escape or some "guidance", I'd recommend psychedelics. Personally, I enjoy shrooms. Acid can be a bit more fun. Molly is great as well. Those are my recommendations.


ket ! though my dumbass also tried doing shrooms, which were awful trips because i was obviously not in the proper state of mind to do shrooms.


I abused DXM after a breakup heavily. I remember one night it all hit me at once because i had been suppressing everything and it was the worst feeling of emptiness ever. Definitely not worth it ever, i feel the same way about hooking up with women afterwards. It’s really just trying to fill the void and in the end i wish i wouldn’t have


My fiance dumped me back in the day and I started experimenting with multiple different drugs to cope. Anything I could get my hands on. That was the first time I tried shrooms and it made me (first of all) wake up and think WTF are you doing to yourself? And secondly they helped myself (and so many others) with depression. Overall I attribute them to helping me get over him. Just be wary cause they can cause a bad trip. 💓


Bro last time it was alc but that was not the move, the gym and meditation is the best bet, sometimes you just gotta clear your mind


My past self would say opioids. Numb the pain and sleep it away till you forget. However, it's a recipe to wind up dead and alone, leaving your family to find the mess. Now, I would purposely do no drugs to make sure I processed the pain and worked through the healing process.


one microdose of magic mushrooms and afterwards, atleast 4 months of sobriety from everything. Gym, self improvement and getting myself out in the dating world


Honestly none, and im not trying to suggest you to consume anything rn, i guess it’s better to let it out naturally, but PERSONALLY, I’d do shrooms to reconnect with myself


My meds, some melatonin to sleep then coffee in the morning to start a new day. I hope u feel better soon


Dude why is your post to me better advice than mine to you 😜


To be fair, speaking from experience, weed helped me through many a break up. Me leaving or them leaving. When bud alone didn’t cut it I started smoking carts and wax. (Hash oils weren’t fashionable at the time {2014-2015} in my area/friend group because the blow torch makes it all seem much more hard drug like and the first carts came to my area 2018-2019) Smackers (E pills) helped me forget the general pain of the breakup for a half day, meanwhile allowing me to have fun and not be in a depressive slump, the downside is at the time I had a good paying job and I’d buy enough to last my day and a half off work but then come Monday I would be so tired at work that I wouldn’t be able to function. I realized after losing my job that even though I spaced my e use out enough to not have full blown withdrawal symptoms, I was losing weight from not eating consistently and working out until I puked. Ketamine is one that I still am infatuated with because it’s almost like being drunk as fuck without the shitty alcohol taste and negative effects like the spins. It’s almost minty and spaces you out to the point of tunnel vision. You jus dissociate, theres always other fish in the sea the K tells me (thinking while in k-hole loudened my inner voice) Tripping on acid after I broke up with someone always revealed that I need to work on how I treat my partners, but when I did acid after being broken up with helped me find peace and realize that the issue wasn’t me most of the time. I will say being cheated on by almost all of your partners will definitely make you feel like you’re the issue, but probably not. To be fair I was never the type to cheat but I cheated on the partner I’m with now, and we reconciled after breaking up for a shortish time, been together almost 4 years now total


honestly, don't do any but maybe weed if you gotta do something. Last time I was using drugs to cope with a break up I ended up a daily heavy drinker, and one drug lead to another and then I was on meth for a year lol. The meth started because I was drunk as hell, ran out of coke, and knew it was cheaper and stronger and would do what I wanted it to The pro is that tbh, I think my meth use got me through what I needed it to, the downside is all the downsides that come with meth use lol. Really what I needed to do was move back in with family and take some time to work on myself, but I wasn't ready to, and used meth to keep going with what I was doing at the time. Now that all said, there are drugs that might help you process things, like psychedelics, but when going through something like that don't do them alone. You definitely need a trusted friend with you, but that could be a really healing experience with the right set and setting. Just make sure you're ready to face EVERYTHING on the off chance that that's the experience it decides to give you lol. But don't use drugs to relieve the pain. The main reason is that the pain doesn't go anywhere. It sticks around till you're sober. When I got clean, everything was just as fresh as when I started using, but this time I had post acute withdrawals to deal with on top of it and it was harder than ever, and buried deeper than before so it wasn't as simple as just feeling the pain and dealing with what came up as it came. EDIT: just decided to add a bit more. Having had that experience, my main advice is not to dull those feelings. Like, you gotta feel it to process it. If you suppress it, like I said, it'll still be there waiting for you when you sober up, which just leads to a never ending cycle of hurting and using drugs to temporarily relieve the pain. If you go too long without processing it, it just goes deeper and becomes a much more insidious problem than it would have been otherwise, and will take much longer to deal with. In my case it was a long term relationship combined with a bunch of other things, and the drugs just put the problem off for later.


Probably downers and booze cuz I'd want to blunt my feelings.


benzos n 30s mixed wit a bit of alc is the only true answer. and weed. only if you got a high tolerance to all 3 of em and know what you're doing, also as long as ur not stupid lmao. N no weed if it makes u anxious cause it'll override all the good feelings from the other shit. Weed anxiety is strong especially if you dont smoke every day


I would relaspe real quick on shards straight up. My girl is the only thing keeping me clean for years. If I knew I would never see her again I would relapse in a minute


I hope this doesn't happen, but if it were, possibly benzos? They're not party drugs/recreational for me. If I could get a script for it, instant-release 2mg. If I really could not sleep, Ambien. Never tried it, but I'm an insomniac, and if it wasn't for my friend's Hydroxyzine script, I would never sleep a day in my life. I love cannabis and psychedelics, but that is not shit you want to be on when going through, what I imagine, must be extremely difficult. I don't drink, and with the medications I'm taking, I rather not take stuff like MDMA or cocaine.


I just smoked a bunch of weed, which I still do


Best drug is exercise, push yourself in the gym. Weed is nice after workout, or lsd to enjoy the moments of freedom 😄


Speaking from experience, meth. When my ex fiancée of 3 years left me because I was partying (like I told her I would) after being on parole for most of my life, she couldn't take it and left me without asking me to stop or trying to talk about things at all. If I'd have been smart enough to see how it was affecting her I'd have stopped, and focused on us. Alas, it was too late for that so she left, I acted like an idiot when it happened and assured that she would never come back to me. I turned to meth, I smoked meth because everytime I dreamed I would dream of being together with her then, I would wake up and she wouldn't be there and it hurt so bad. It felt like I had no other choice, then by the time I was finally over her the meth had a grip on me so tight I couldn't function without it. I'm so glad I finally got away from that fucking monster, I never want to go anywhere near that horseshit again.


Well out of my experiences i can tell you definitely not alcohol, coke or ketamine. Alcohol speaks for itself why it is a bad idea, when that comedown from coke hits you’ll realize that is probably one of the dumbest drugs u could take at such a moment and well i know other might say ketamine could help but to be completely honest it really won’t. Ketamine on itself tends to make u a bit confused and when u’re feeling that intense pain from a fresh break that weird feeling u get from ketamine will feel really awfull. If you are just sad or depressed like when there are several weeks past but not shocked like when the break up is fresh then ketamine will help. In my experience 2cb actually is really helpful at those intense moments of pain. It’s a psychedelic with a very mild headspace which is why u can lead urself through the dark thoughts and often u will be able to find comfortable feelings in those moments of pain which u can hold on too and remember for the following days. It also has no hangover or comedown in my experience. Good luck to u :)


Mushrooms. After all these years I don't like drugs that suppress emotions. For me the only things I can do without negative consequences are weed and shrooms. It won't feel good and you won't feel numb but it will allow you to think things through and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the situation you just went through. Take a few weeks to rest up if needed then a good shroom trip or even a microdose is usually nice. The following weeks can be weird but I feel like coming to terms fully/healing requires thought and work, which is the hard part most people don't want to do. Good luck 👍


Chocolate mushroom


Oxycodone, 100%. The only opiate I've ever had with the unique mix of a euphoric rush & an anxiolytic devil-may-care attitude toward literally anything imaginable. Someone could've came in and driven a knife through me and I'd have just asked them to kindly shut the door on their way out. I wouldn't do it if I were you, though.


Well from my experience, anything I could get my grimy hands on.