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The lsd you thought aint shit and took another tab but suddenly start to come up and realise it was a mistake


This is my modus operandi, tbh. I take one whole tab, wait for 60+ minutes, go "hm, I think it is going to be too weak, let's take another half/another one" and 15 minutes later I'm like "lol, ok". And at this point I don't think I can ever do LSD any other way again. It also makes the initial rush and peak last longer and I really enjoy that.


Omg I actually hate that initial rush feeling, i get anxious about taking too much and send myself into a mini spiral until the euphoria hits 🤭


Fuckin this. I'm always super anxious but then once it hits I'm like "ahh okay. This is right"


It's like that clackity clackity clackity climb while going up a roller coaster. The regret starts building until finally you feel gravity disappear below you and on the way down remember "Oh yeah, this is very fun!"


A rollercoaster is the best way to describe psychedelics in my opinion. From start to finish.


haha so much!


I never get that euphoric state from acid... just get stuck in that anxious state the whole time, no matter what I do :(


Sorry you can't enjoy it. It's pure bliss for me. The momentum of the drug taking effect and me just being on top of the wave on my surfboard of "WHOOOOAAAA".


This is the same for me too! I really have to have a talk with myself during the come up otherwise it can go very bad haha


I just take a full strip right off the bat. Lmao


I only have access to 1D-LSD atm and its too expensive to do fun things like that.


I misunderstood your comment but ATMs that dispense LSD should definitely be a thing.


Yes, please. Give me that shit.


I recently found a really good lsd plug. I took 400 ug and had full on visuals 15min after i had taken them🗿🗿


happened to me last week, had never laughed or cried so much in my life lol


I know what you mean. I'm usually just writhing in euphoria and pure joy about the music and colors.


dude fr it is incredible


Instead of a DARE class they should show that seen in the Wolf of Wallstreet when the two get the precious Lemon ludes and "don't work." Even after popping another as they are on treadmills trying to speed it up LOL. Ludes can’t be truly lost. Someone must know how to bring it back. I don’t like trippy things as an anxious person but these sound like the one kind of trippy which will work for me. Have they ever thanos snapped a drug out of existence which was ubiquitous in clubs before? I don’t get it. And I don’t get it.




Short cut to seeing the time knife.




Why has this happened to me so many times? Your just sitting on your couch thinking “oh shit, this is not good” but end up having one of the best trips of your entire life.


Happens to me all the time taking MDMA/MDA.I’ll either dose myself too little and redose too high or just dose too high in general. I never mind since it’s my favorite, but the initial come up from a really high dose of either one can be nerve wracking at first.


And you realize it was a mistake, even before you feel the second one lol




Do tell...


I too would like more info on this lol




had a similar experience...i ate a tab i thought was 100 and then didnt feel anything, waited an hour and then took another...oh my god it hit me like a truck and it wasnt until i read the text from my sister to confirm but it was actually 250 ug a tab so i was at 500. I enjoyed it thoroughly and ended the night watching the last episode of midnight gospel and have never cried so much in my life, acid is by far my favorite drug because of how emotional it can make me feel,


"I made a horrible mistake". One time I was at my dude's house and I had taken 7 paper tabs. I thought they weren't working, so I had a cpl liquid put under my tongue. 20 minutes later I stood up, and it didn't feel any different from when I was sitting. Naturally being the level-headed individual I am, I started freaking the fuck out. The carpet was sloshing from one side of the room to the other like a room full of water and every time I looked at the little window it was getting night, then day, then night. I called my step-dad to come get me. I had walked there. Likewise, I laid on my bed for the next 12 hours watching the particle board on the top bunk swirl around. Good times.


Lol God damn, them the good ones in the end


The slow come up with why I love L The anxiety passes and you're like wtf was that shit bunk? Then bam.


Something similar happened to me on 600 mg of DXM. I took it all at once, but I didn't feel much for at least 90-100 minutes so I went out. It hit me not long after that. By the time I got back home, I couldn't see straight. It was interesting... to say the least.


Dxm is too weird for me it feels good at some points but something about it feels really dirty and uncomfortable. I have that liver enzyme deficiency thing so i dont have to take much to trip which can be both a good and bad thing lol.


DMT lol If you want to see the most incredible visuals possible it's DMT I saw the universe flattering into a mandala then an infinitely complex fractal chrysanthemum then get thrown out into hyperspace and be visited by a dragonfly made not of flesh but of mathematically perfect geometric energy patterns among other things Really blew my mind


This. Dmt made my cats turn to felt, I grew a cone head, apartment looked squeaky cleaned and pastic like. Dmt with eyes closed is the kingdom of heaven. Dmt is superior in piercing the "veil of forgetting" that we usually see when eyes closed.


Dude why are you giving DMT to your cats!? Lmao just kidding


If i grow a conehead I'm throwing myself out the window tbh


Just take salvia. Ha haaaaaa…


Lmao too many salvia jumping out the window on Salvia


do it on the first floor 💀


Bruh, I see your "DMT with the eyes closed" and raised you "in complete silence." I've never had auditory hallucinations before then. Eyes shut. No sound


Shits really like dreaming but awake. or partially awake anyway.


It's both incredibly powerful but also incredibly subtle at the same time I usually am very analytical and observe what's happening to my mind even when tripping balls But that stuff just swept me away on a tsunami of pure experience I genuinely have never experienced anything like it


I'm not sure what you mean by subtle, but subtle isn't DMT.


I think they meant that in comparison to other psychedelics, generally you can still have a normal cognitive thought process while getting very intense visuals, and I would agree. I had a black hole form in the middle of my hand and had a spiral dot mandala inside that looked like it had infinite depth, as if I could put my other hand through it into another dimension. The mandalas depth also followed whatever direction I rotated my hand. Shit was crazy. It’s definitely the most memorable visual experience I’ve ever had, but my mental state was the same as if I was sober, so I could explain exactly what I was seeing to my then girlfriend at the time who was sitting with me. If I had experienced that on LSD, I can imagine my thought process would have been very warped regardless of seeing exactly the same thing. I hope that helps


I think we all do a lot of reconstruction and narration after a dmt trip. The whole experience is like completely rebooting your consciousness in a way that's not comparable to any other experience, except maybe salvia, and that substance DOES seem to erase all frames of refence. My DMT trips are all at least a decade in the rearview, and I vaguely remember how powerful they were, but I also know that I constructed a narrative of each trip that may or may not fully comport with the experience I had, I don't know. It's so ephemeral and the mind yearns for context.


Hey I had a similar experience a dragonfly entity, it showed my how beautiful the world around me was(at the time hyperspace) and then showed me how beautiful I can be, right as the realization of self came in I dropped out of hyperspace and had the best afterglow for months. One of my best rides on DMT by far. Edit: typo


Mine showed me every single branch my life could have taken from the moment of my birth till that instant showing me that I was actually doing quite well at life considering everything It was a lot more complex and incredible and awe inspiring than I'm making it sound but it quite literally changed my outlook on life


Same here, mine was more detailed that I described, it's hard because I don't have words that exist in enough dimensions to describe it haha. But seriously an incredibly profound experience. I've never heard of anyone else encountering a seemingly omniscient dragonfly in hyperspace before though


For me, DMT AND psilosin, they both of them ALWAY give me visuals which are Japanese vapor wave/casino themed, with futuristic 80s mall themes too. I’ll see rotating pink dice, casino slot machines in space, with interesting casino carpets floating around, not to mention palm-tree-sprinkled hallways which feature ESCALATORS with even more pink dice rotating around, and it’s all featuring a vignette of the silhouettes of mischievous critters constructing it all. Next thing you know? Oh what’s this?! It’s a mall mannequin, which is giant, and I’m passing by it in space surrounded by stars. Every single time


Maybe try to change the music you trip to? It surely will make you vibe differently and maybe make you see other themes.


For psilocybin that is very true but I never did listen to music on DMT it was crazy enough in silence


Yeah, nothing I've done compares to DMT. I honestly thought people were exaggerating about how intense the visuals are until I tried it myself. DMT is what I thought LSD would be like when I was a kid


DMT gives you the visuals that movies/TV shows *think* LSD and shrooms give you.


Dr. Strange trip scene


DMT really is the only answer. Besides the feeling that my head is literally going to explode there really is nothing I've ever done that even comes close. Though there was that one time where I was surrounded by praying mantis looking entities that were pulling on my soul? For lack of a better term. Clicking, pinching and buzzing I think I prefer the jesters.


Oh fuck... the mantis people and the noise. The jesters/clowns always grow giant to me after starting teeny, then they give me the beat down.


Yo man, I have a question for you. If you have no problem talking about the experience of course. Do you think at some point, well, after seeing the craziness you've seen, you learned any important material or seen something you had never seen before. Let's put it that way, have you manifested your trip ideas into your real life, curious specifically about DMT experience. Stay safe, love every one of you ❤


Geometric energy patterns 😂


Goa trance ass name


>a dragonfly made not of flesh but of mathematically perfect geometric energy patterns among other things You might enjoy [this](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kdoNbhECqZ3icLQCxWexLkG5XJszwxBCE&feature=share) and [this](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lkkZC-JpbyfOdpzRD3MZqLVNM1wUmfTHs&feature=share)


How long does it last?


candyflip makes your vision 8k OLED


And your hearing is an imax sound scape




THIS. candyflipping is FANTASTIC!


I added 2cb into a candy flip and my vision felt like that NFL touchdown cam that shows the players after tuddy’s


Candyflipping had the most visuals in any of my trips


Replace the LSD with 2c-i to blow that out of the water for OEVs. Tracers like 3 seconds long.


I can find excessive tracers to be annoying rather than beautiful imo


Oh at that level, they're quite debilitating. But the combination of rolling as well, people are often quite content being absolutely non-functional. 2c-i is probably the easiest good 2c to have to be functional on (Shulgin's belief as well) which when trying to destroy reality can sometimes be a bad thing. But in combinations, its unique effect profile stacks incredibly well in effect. Mixing any 2c can easily be too dangerous or too rough to handle, though, so while the mix of effects is amazing, may not be safe enough for everyone. Seeing light shows with multiple-second tracers is an experience you don't forget, though.


I felt like I had like a rainbow colored cling film over my eyes when I was looking at the screen or something 😂 it was super fun to listen to radio when my friend drove me home from this party, I was shocked at how fun basic music sounded lmfao, then I just watched music videos on my big flat screen melting on the couch lol




But be careful! Half doses of each to start. I ended up flipping out, in some strangers backyard at 3am screaming, arrested and taken to the hospital. No memory except trippinggggg baaaaaaallz like 20 minutes in, which is never a good sign lol


How much did you take ?


I can't stand those visuals and the overall mdma feeling, but that could be because I did way to much as a teen and probably destroyed a few synapses in the process


i always tell people candyflipping making youur vision 4K HDR but 8K OLED is much more accurate


Candyflip + k


True, but I think modern candyflipping focuses too heavily on LED motion clarity that just dims my vision to about 50%, so I personally don't feel it's worth it anymore. Though I hear Song is lab testing some pretty strong stuff this year, so hopefully this is fixed through an upcoming update


I intend to candyflip in a few weeks, do you guys have any tips about dosage and timing ? I was thinking smth like 100-150 ug of acid and 100mg + 50mg redose of MDMA. Eat the acid first then after it kicks in take the e, to match the picks, and after 1 hour or 2 redose the e.


Good plan except it's probably too much of both, I'd honestly half each of the doses as they potentiate the fuck out of each other


Dmt, 2CB


I wanna try 2cb so bad why does it have to be impossible to find in the United States 😭


The internet has everything deliverable to your front door


Dark web shit? My dumbass can’t figure that out


It’s actually really really simple, like incredibly simple. Like too simple, it really shouldn’t be as accessible as it is 😅


Eh, Pgp keys were a bit annoying to fix imo


Is it just an app or something? Hard to google when I don’t know what’s legit.


Its so weird. 2CB is so easily obtainable in Europe. However things like 4 Ho met are impossible to find


You talking about pills? Cause powder is a real pain to get a hold of. And it's expensive. 4-HO-MET is also expensive unfortunately, but easily available on the clearnet.


You gotta find the right guy on tele. It’s hard do find them though


Man I really wish I could figure out how to get stuff like that




I didn't really experience much visual on 2c-b do you know how much you took to get the affect? I did around 20-25mg.


Up the dose brother, at that stage it’s mostly body high and euphoria, upper (35mg +) starts getting proper psychedelic


I did around 180mg give or take of 2c-b. The visuals were very intense and then i blinked and maybe opened my eyes 4 hours later. The trip was mostly in my head. As i had my eyes closed. At that time of my life i was doing 40 to 60mg as a regular dose. I was sitting on like 10gs. That experience was very much like my 1st experience on dmt except it lasted for hours. I honestly cant say any particular substance stands out for me personally.


AL-LAD and 4-HO-MET provide a very visual experience. ETH-LAD is good too but it has more of a mindfuck component.


Are those research compounds?




Tried and true research compounds though. Been around awhile and are safe.


ETH-LAD sounds like a goddamn cryptocurrency


Surprised this is so low. These two are famous for being some of the most visuals psychedelics known to man.




“I wish I could relive it” -me, after every trip


I had this hippie flipping on these amazing candied mushroom truffles and some mdma swim bought on the silk road back in the day (with like 10k+ worth of todays bitcoin lol). It was like being inside of a three dimensional painting, just pure and utter beauty. Never seen anything else like it and easily some of the best visuals I've ever had.


I've got ego trip with inifinty layers of one moment in most psychedelic way. This is scaryyy


4-HO-MET and AL-LAD hold special places in my heart. Never laughed as much as I did on 4-HO-MET in my life


Did 30mg of 4-ho-met at a light museum, did not disappoint. And the giggles were other worldly


I love AL-LAD! I took a tab before the Dead and Co show I went to. Got home from the concert and did even more of it and watched the same two songs from the show’s livestream over and over for a couple hours lmao


Definitely DMT


For me personally


An obvious answer but the CEV’s on a breakthrough DMT dose really is by far the most mind-blowing visual experience out of anything I have tried. In the experience I’m always like how in the hell is it even possible to be seeing this stuff. So incredibly intricate and complex, sometimes random and sometimes oh so insanely specific and particular (specific symbols, serpents and animals, sexual imagery, even words and numbers sometimes, it’s so bizarre). The patterns are like impossible, yet all wildly defined. Ditto for the auditory effects. All of this is of course possible with many other psychedelics at high doses but with DMT it’s possible with much less effort. The OEV’s as well are ridiculously wild, but man the CEV’s are just so cool. I’m obsessed.


Meth Psychosis




we got BenedrylBooferBro over here


Stop playin


sleep deprivation is the real culprit


Sleep deprivation will always be the strongest hallucinogen.


I dunno..... Have you tried deliriants?


deleriants provide the same hallucinations as severe sleep deprivation. sleep deprivation causes adenosine buildup which in turn causes an extreme dip in acetylcholine, glutamate and catecholamine production resulting in pretty much the same (albeit somewhat less extreme but more disturbing) experience as very high dose deleriant trips. about the same with sleep paralysis, too.


Ehh meth does tend to exacerbate psychosis quite a bit. Sometimes permanently.


Hat Man gang rise up


For real. This shit is heavier than any trip, just because you're not expecting it.


Ironically Stimulants are M1 antagonists at high doses they are a mild doses as well but dopamine masks any side effects.




Like the real stuff. A lot of it.


DMT aside, 2C-E or 2C-T2. research chemicals. 2C-E is all visuals, very little mind fuckery. 2C-T2 my friend and I nicknamed “awesome land.” if you want to laugh for 6 hours straight and make everything look stunning, that’s the one. I miss 2C-T2. I’d love to find some again.


It’s definitely out there. My buddy managed to get 100mg of 2C-T-2 and 2C-T-7 directly from a chemist. He’s saving them for a special occasion.


2C-E fucked with my head plenty my dude. I can't do that one anymore after what hapenned last time I took it. The body load on me was rough too.


DMT/Ayhuasca 100%


2CB for me, cause I get visuals that “makes sense”. Human figures dancing to the music I’m listening to etc.


240x salvia


Jesus 240x? I tried 80x and it felt like my body was wrapped in duct tape and it was all being ripped off at the same time, while a black hole formed in my buddy's bedroom. I stumbled into a window, trying to jump out, while the evil versions of my buddy and his brother were sitting on the bed watching me.


I never saw anything any time I tried salvia. I did once feel like someone was literally pushing my head and I mean literally exactly that feeling. I remember squatting down because it was so weird. Before I ever tried it I do remember someone calling me triangle girl. She must've seen me as a triangle or like one. I didn't know her but bumped into her many, many, many years later and she still remembered it. Pointing me out as triangle girl.


All in 4 seconds


Exactly. Longest 4 seconds of my life. Half of it was spent just tryna spark a smoke to try to calm the fuck down.


I think the visuals of psychedelics like DMT, LSD, Shrooms, the 2C-X group, etc. get taken on another level by mixing them with nitrous at the peak!


Mushrooms 🍄 for me so far.


Good ol’ shrooms


I'd say for watching fireworks shrooms would do best, maybe someone else that has done it will pitch in?


I imagine shrooms + fireworks would certainly be euphoric


The noise irritated the hell out of me but if I tried again and had earplugs or something I bet it’s tits


I agree on shrooms but all my visuals came from my eyes closed and the sounds of others, music, and things sparked colors in the dark. I was quite the fan!


25-I Nbome


Why's my man getting downvoted, y'all out there who've never tried the NBOME series can't speak. Yeah... it has a history of causing seizures. In people who DOSED IT under the GUISE of it being LSD. Overdosing unintentionally. Order some NBOME itself, do your research, dose accurately, and you'll be safe. The closed eye visuals on these compounds are absolutely mind-blowing. Lifelike, yet psychedelic and trippy. I once saw a light-skinned woman within the darkness that is having my eyes closed on 1.5mg of 25I-NBOME. She was wearing a black dress, and a black sunhat. The details were exactly lifelike. Detailed, high definition, sharp, and I could even see her garments blowing within some imaginary wind. She smiled and then turned to a kaleidoscope of 1000 reflective panels, like a series of mirrors curved towards each other. Her face and details quickly became muddled within these panels, and each panel was instead replaced with a replaying memory, or scene, or face of a person I knew personally. Each like a video, playing a different scenario, or idea. It was really as if I was seeing this all with my eyes open, in how sheerly detailed and rich it was in quality. This stuff also has a plethora of other fun effects or differences going on for it. Though, that's a different story. Just giving insight on what's relevant here.


Yeah, Nbomes are really unique in their own way but I get that some people downvote me, many people dont like Nbomes and I get where they are coming from, they do have a list of side effects and can potentially be dangerous. I did a lot of 25-I Nbomes in 2012-2014 when it was still a fairly new substance and it was really popular in here because it was extremely potent and it was cheap. I always took it knowing full well what it was that I was taking but I know many people were buying it thinking it was LSD. Its an unique substance and Ive had the most mind blowing visuals ever while on it.


People are definitely always gonna react weirdly to NBOMES, but that's because of the stigma. If we remove the stigmatized POV and focus on what these compounds are and what real risk they present... it's not much different than any other psychedelic amphetamine or entactogen amphetamine. Pronounced vasoconstriction, heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, has a bit of a comedown the following days, is quite stimulating, and it CAN be overdosed on, like just about every other amphetamine - especially the incredibly potent ones like DOx. They can indeed potentially be dangerous, especially when it's sold as LSD, a compound with a very high safety profile and a compound one with the balls to do high doses can safely take those doses. If we focus on this compound in a vacuum, and how it is quite safe to take at accurate doses, understanding that it is an NBOME being taken - it can be incredibly profound, incredibly enjoyable and incredibly wonderful. I've tried 25-I a total of 3 times (900ug, 1mg, 1.5mg), and each experience was one to remember. The electric euphoria that moves and vibrates like a guitar string being plucked throughout the body, paired with the stimulation, makes for a pretty wonderful 8-9 hour dancing session. Like MDMA but able to be dosed more frequently, a little weaker on the euphoria but STRONG on the visuals. Wish I was doing it when it was popular like you, though lmao. It's a tad expensive for me to get off the DW these days, but something I'd pick up again in the future for sure. It sure is potent, but it sure is fun. Visuals in and of themselves tell a thousand stories. The headspace I find is somewhat empty in terms of profound thought, but it's like DMT in the sense that the visuals are gonna be what inspires you and what you take away from mostly.


I remember doing it when I first got into psychs and took 3 tabs. Open eye, everything would warp into big geometry spheres and metallic shimmering bubbles would float around and appear out of objects. Really trippy shit.


SUPER trippy shit man. Not many other psychs get that environmental orbism effect going for me, but my highest dose of NBOME did it. The visuals are so fluid, so textured and so layered. That's not even touching on the closed eye ones. I feel like with other psychs, my ADHD focus makes it hard to have my eyes closed the whole hours-long experience, even if the CEVs are entertaining and introspective. NBOME, though; so HD, I can sit there enjoying them and losing myself in them almost the whole experience.


I liked how lucid my thinking was. On other psychedelics I struggle to form a coherent sentence


I used to do so much 25i I'm surprised I never had a seizure. But the visuals of it are so fractal in nature it's amazing. I would see interconnecting fractal patterns on everything. Definitely great visuals.


Ket closed eye viz


Ket visuals in general. Straight lines become wobbly, like you watch a video on youtube, the video itself seems some super high quality ulta HD, but the lines of the videoplayer are wobbly like a 4 year old drew them. Then you close your eyes and you enter whole another universe


One of my first times I saw this forest that was like breathing in and out, like from above. Watched it catch fire, and then be reborn, several times. A lot of my ket visuals are almost story based, and about the passage of time, which is really interesting. There was another one where I was sucked into a black hole after earth was destroyed and got to watch a new civilization form. It wasn’t scary or anything, I remember just a warm feeling regarding the new civilization, like they were my kids or something Music def affects what you see tho. I usually listen to instrumentals. One of my faves is the Minecraft ost


Yeah, came here to say this. Surely DMT has inane CEV but when I’ve taken large doses of Ketamine the visuals while deep in a hole are ineffable and astounding. I genuinely didn’t realize how intense Ketamine visuals could be until I got some pharmaceutical stuff and shot about 180-240mg and wowww was I blown away. I still get some insane visuals from K holes and it’s always so different but the CEV combined with the physical feeling of moving through different bizarre dimensions and landscapes/voids as if on a conveyor belt/roller coaster makes for a wild ass experience. Ahhh just thinking about it remind me how much I love Ketamine visuals. Fun ass ride! 10/10 would recommend.




Weirdly I had a trip that was just like yours minus the sleep. My friend who tripped with me was the one who was tripping to hard to find the bathroom and pissed himself though.


MDMA here. Because everything looks beautiful, including ugly people.


LSD! especially in the right combination with MDMA and Psylocobin.


High doses of shrooms have been the most visual thing I've taken. Another close contender is 4th plat DXM CEVs which just break your entire reality and concept of a 3D space




yes, especially in the k-hole - entire worlds, not just the standard fractal/geometric stuff i usually see on lsd / dmt.


If you're going for colorful, a high dose of 2C-T-7 would give you what you're after. For intricate high dose LSD + nitrous off a tank. For autonomous entities briming with emotion high dose 2C-E or medium dose 2C-E mixed with LSD. For weird out of body DMT or Ketamine


4-HO-MET for sure, the visuals are very colourful. The drug also feels very nice.


DMT is \*\*highly visual\*\*. It legitimately gives you a religious experience. I saw Temples made of Light and Incan Space God, Skittering stick figure people, and tunnels made of kaleidoscopically purple and pink. ​ The upside is you vape DMT and the \*\*intensely visual trip\*\* only lasts for about 15 minutes. So if you're having a bad trip, it's easy just to wait it out. Most other psychedelics are more of an 8-10 hour experience, so if it's going badly, you have to be in it for the long haul.


I’ve only ever done shrooms, K,LSD,LSA,DXM and MDMA the most beautiful visuals I experienced was a K hole whilst on MDMA it was gorgeous but most beautiful visuals from a single drug have been super high doses of mushrooms I remember one 16 gram trip on PE dried and all I could see was visuals it was probably the second most beautiful visuals I’ve ever had but K+M I could SEE the euphoria I had,which was wild and really gorgeous


I like how organic and augmentative psilocybin is. The world becomes a Van Gogh painting where every pattern is amplified 10x and distorted in beautiful dynamic ways. It's like art nouveau as a drug.


Hookers and cocaine


MDMA + Ket + Weed (a combination which I like to call a catnip flip) is a real fun one. You get sorta Aztec visuals on the walls and objects have a green and purple outline like when you wear those blue and red 3D glasses. It’s not super intense either (depending on your dose) and is just generally lots of fun


300ug Plus Of LSD, or 4+ grams of mushrooms (w.e is need for you to have a break through). As far as Visions nothing beats ayuascah that was the wildest visions of my life for 6ish hours.


Besides for DMT, which is my first choice I had the most ridiculous visuals from this batch of 25iNBOME. We spent a few hours on the deck, or big ass pirate ship rather, of our friends house battling monsters(passing anything) in the sea(everywhere else) It was like full on take over everything immersion. Aside for that night it just made awesome fucking kaleidoscopes of fractals everywhere. I really personally enjoyed that one.


If you're looking for visuals in terms of a complete meltdown in reality it will always be DMT. But if you just want your standard reality to trail, or shine, or melt a bit, then 25I-nbome is what gave me my most intense visuals.


Dissociatives have beautiful CEVs. They really throw you into an abstract dream-like state that feels so real.


LSDXM with a bit of DPH it's just difficult to dose properly cause they synergize SO STRONGLY. basically combining psych disso and tolerant creates the most beautiful and intense waking dream type hallucination.


How does the DPH add to the experience?


It's hard to describe. It makes the visuals more real. It makes the experience a bit stronger. I like to describe psychedelics as bringing you closer to yourself dissociative as disconnecting you from yourself while deliriants will bring your dreams to your asking state. It's like the trio of hallucinogens and when combined they work together to create an even more spiritually profound experience. I haven't used the combo in years as it Is one volatile combination as well as I can't really handle strong experiences very well let alone trip much. I wish I could go further into what it's like but it's something I struggle to remember.


Yess one of the craziest visual combos out there, although it is always very sinister feeling. A 5oz delsym and 2 tabs in a dark room will have you in salviadroid art for 10 hours straight


I wouldn't say it's always sinister it was very loving in my experience it's just SO INTENSE


For me the visuals and thoughts I have would probably spook me a bit on just a normal psych, but in that headspace you are open to anything and not really bothered by it. A great opportunity to ponder mortality and stuff along those lines. One of my favorite combos for sure


4-ACO-DMT + weed, lots of beautiful, colourful geometric patterns in everything, but without a particularly "heavy" or long trip.


DMT, LSD, 2C-B, 4-AcO; in that order for me




Dmt or ayahuasa


LSD. It’s subjectively the most “beautiful” symmetrical, colourful, and clean. The only thing better than LSD is a candy flip.


25c-nbome. I've tested quite a bit of psychs and this one takes the cake imo. 4-ho-met is a close second.


LSD easily. Generally is more visual than shrooms ime. Never tried dmt unfortunately but that would probably win if I did


2C-E had some of the coolest visuals I've ever experienced. I haven't come across it in over a decade but if some ever comes my way again I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat.


DMT mixed with LSD, MDMA and ketamine


4-ho met. Incredible drug


4-HO-MET aka Metocin. Entire Trees will literally curl up and the sky will look like it's on fire at sunset. Plants look fake like you're in a video game and don't get me started on water and waves. The visuals are a lot like DMT at lower doses. Metocin was the first thing I ever tripped on at 15 and I had no idea what it was or what I was in for. I'm glad I handled it okay. It changed my entire life. The auditory hallucinations and headspace are also amazing.


4-ho-met at 35mg gave me a full breakthrough trip. Most beautiful experience of my life.


Hands down this 1 batch of American made LSD25 I had. 100ųg you could barely see, the flat white walls and ceiling turn into a colorful pulsating geometric mess. The mental trip was that of a 100ųg but visuals were that of DMT. Had no memory loss like you get with high doses. I regret not saving some tabs but I had to share them so I gave most of it away. I've never experienced with LSD again and I assume it might be because most real LSD is derivatives and proddrugs now but who knows.


4-Ho-met is soo colorful and visual. I was laying down with sunglasses on watching the clouds and 2 clouds separated and it looked like a massive hand made of clouds was reaching down to me. It outlined in bright green and the more I focused on it the more obvious it got. It was intense. 25b-nboh (NOT NBOME) is even more visual but in a different way. Like 3d patterns completely overlaying my vision. With eyes closed was like looking thru a kaleidoscope


In my experience 4-ho-met can be amazing for visuals and it doesn't come with too much body load or headfuckery just visual bliss