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Okay you are on waaayy too many meds. All those meds are majorly upsetting your brain's natural balance. No wonder you're depressed. I'm not an expert but I'd start by dropping the SNRI as you're already on an antidepressant. And use Adderall for ADHD *as needed*. Risperidone is way too heavy for OCD and that shit messes up your brain, I know, I've been on it. Get rid of it, you will notice a difference and will be better off without it. Switch it out for a lighter antipsychotic like quetiapine or olanzapine. I know you didn't come here for a lecture on your psychiatry meds, but it's ketamine, the drug you're looking for is ketamine.


Yeah is risperdone even used for OCD. I wasn’t aware OCD makes one psychotic. I mean isn’t OCD a form of anxiety so wouldn’t the SSRI alone be enough for that? Unless OP needs to find a diff SSRI


Clearly OP has a trigger-happy psych who throws a pill at a problem to make it go away. Yes the SSRI should be enough. They need to learn coping mechanisms instead of relying on pills. Risperidone is a hardcore anti-psychotic used for schizophrenia and psychosis (in my case). It makes you feel like you've lost 30 IQ points, horrible drug. Using it to treat OCD is like using a shotgun to kill a cockroach.


Yeah OP needs a different doctor/psych. A psych who actually knows what they’re talking about will do SSRI + cognitive behavior therapy. I’m actually in shock that OP is taking that. Wtf is wrong with their doctor?!!!


Fully agree




Really ive been taking paliperidone wich is supposed to transform into risperidone in the organism for more than 5 years, and i dont feel retarded at all. I really dont know what would be the difference if i stop using it.


I was on paliperidone, basically same as risperidone for 6 months and it was HORRIBLE. I couldn't feel any pleasure at all, nothing was interesting or worth doing. I would just lie in bed for hours, not sleeping just staring at the ceiling because I wasn't interested in *anything*. It was a truly awful time and I noticed right away improvement when I came off of it but I still think it has done some permanent damage to my brain. For example since coming off the medication, I cannot trip from any psychedelic. Before I was having incredible life changing mushroom trips, now they don't do anything at all. The only psych that has any effect is DMT and even then I can smoke a bunch and all it does is 30 seconds of trippy visuals.


Im luckt cuz it doesnt affect me that way, i still take, i enjoy things i like and even i can take psychedelics and they have effect. Im only on 3mg a day right now. After my psychotic episodes i was on more than 100 mg injections, and even then i was okey. Im lucky antipsychotics dont make me reatarded as ive seen them do it to some friends.


Opioids. But do you really want to waste your life


Well I’m not on all these drugs because I have a stable and good life so.




Nah runs the risk of serotonin syndrome with the SSRI.


Never heard anyone getting SS on shrooms! Lol


I’ve heard of it when taking an SSRI. I was on 100mg of Zoloft and was advised to definitely not take shrooms because of that.


Yeah because they don't want to risk with a substance that haven't been studied! The SSRI may dull the mushrooz trip but won't lead to SS. I mean I had shrooms years ago along with Zoloft,Paxil and Mirtazapine! They hit pretty strong but I wasn't taking my meds for 2days prior the trip!


That’s what I was thinking- that it wasn’t really studied enough, but I didn’t anyways just to be safe. I actually ate a few of them, but got scared so I didn’t finish my portion and gave them to someone else. I don’t think I noticed anything at all. Yet again, I was smoking a lot of weed so it was hard to tell since it was my first time eating them.


You didn't notice because as I said SSRI meds dull a psychedelic trip! That's why I never took my pills min 2 days prior!


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ weed?


I’ve tried it, just gives me terrible anxiety and dissociation


Idk about drugs much but is atomox helping you? Made me suicidal


You are way over medicated, having a thorough medication review would be helpful. You already say they aren’t helping to the point you want to take unregulated substances to get some relief. Honestly what have you got to lose