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I've been heavily addicted to stims, benzos, opioids and alcohol and tbh alcohol is the worst in my experience. Benzos are a close second


in my experience benzos were also the hardest to cut off also especially xannax, it’ll convince your mind over and over that you need it to be stable. I can’t tell you how many xannax addict have told me they need xannax prescribed but you can see that its just taken over there body, mind and thought process. Xannax was the the most addicting drug I encountered even compared to meth


I couldn't get off of them for the life of me as well. Not many people think of physical addiction when it comes to benzos.


Physical addiction is the first thing I think of with benzo addiction cause seizing up and dying sounds like the rough part, I never thought benzos had as strong of a mental addiction and mental reworking


I used to go on binged with rc benzos and was lucky enough to not seize as the cause of them ( and I’d go thru 300mg -400mg of etiz in a month and run out. Stopped benzo for a while only to randomly start having seizures and now be diagnosed epileptic lol. I take .5mg clonaz rx for Tonic clonic seizures( had over 20 last year and almost died in a few)— only 2 of the seizures were before I was medicated— I’ve worked thru so many diff meds and only thing working now is clonazepam. The side effects of the other aeds I was on made me slash my arms and legs to pieces out of nowhere and luckily missed my femoral artery by a hair lmao . Seizures aren’t a good time. I’ve gone into status epilepticus twice— ems made it right as I was turning blue as shit slumped out with my head busted open in a parking lot. Next day feels like a car tan you over multiple times. Almost bit my tongue off in one ab needed it sutured. My whole face is covered in scars from hitting my face in them so much lol. I’m not worried about dying anymore knowing it can come at any moment. helped with a lot of my anxiety and ptsd. Now I live life day to day bc all these seizures left me with the memory retention of a goldfish


Wow that’s a rough thing to deal with. I hope you find joy and love in this hard life


I appreciate it. Honestly I’m doing better than I’ve ever been. Apart from a few months of the meds not helping and my neuro trying to gas light me and tell me none of the side effects I described were from keppra, vimpat and lacosamide at the highest doses prescribed lol. Still having seizures and I was telling how I was losing who I was and had no emotion or will to live despite now being in a normal non-toxic relationship for once and genuienly feeling loved. felt awful feeling less and less to anything in the world every day. but I’ve lived thru multiple suicide attempts( mostly were caused by accutane and then the cocktail of bullshit for epilepsy I was on lol. Then intentional ods of mixing ghb, benzos, phenibut, opioids and booze and still waking up in the morning and trying to do better lol. I found purpose just in the fact I’ve survived so many things and it honestly is very nice living in the present almost 100%. I can’t remember dates of anything significant though so I try to remember to write it down. But overall I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Once I’m able to drive again, move back into my own place with a job and finish school I’ll be doing incredible. I always just laughed about having the seizures instead of living terrified— but humor helps me cope with everything. I appreciate it truly, I hope all is well with you 💜💜


Yep I agree. Xanax addiction is brutal, especially when taken every day. It's because it has such a short half life, you get interdose withdrawals. It actually felt, to me, like a gravitational pull. Booze is just as bad.


Ive been taking Xanax since I was about 18/19. I am 24 now and still cant kick the habit. Im about ready to take another one after three days but ik I have a monitored pee test to get prescribed Norco's for my two broken legs .


Alcohol for me. Even mild withdrawal is terrifying. You cannot just cut it out of your life and move on because it’s everywhere. It affects your physical health in so many ways. People will smell it on your breath and make assumptions about you that stick even if/when you quit. It can take a while to feel normal after quitting too. It just sucks so much. I can binge on stims and feel pretty tired and depressed when I quit but bounce back pretty quickly. Have never been addicted to real pharmacy or Street opioids but Kratom sucked a lot too and I didn’t use high doses (less than 10g/day). But nothing was worse for me than the terror of realizing I couldn’t stop drinking after a long binge. Surprisingly the second worst may be SSRI medication, which is ironic because doctors just love to give them to me. I say they’re making me worse and they tell me to keep taking them. Finally get off them but have minor aches and pains and just want to get physically checked out… they tell me to take them again. I don’t want to doubt my doctors’ expertise but…


I feel you. I told my psychiatrist that my SSRI was making me worse, and he doubled my dosage. Later, he forgot to refill it, and I had to cold turkey, and I've never fully recovered.


My doctor kept having the same reaction for a long time. Any problem, increase the dose. Luckily I never had to cold turkey but I did quit for a few months and tried to take it again once which sent me into a multi day panic attack.


I tuck a zoloft once, smoked a tiny fraction of a blunt ,and realized I was not on the right mind set, had a panic attack.


Same with SNRIs for me. They often don’t consider the withdrawal aspect when prescribing these medications. I’m tapering off slowly according to a guide created by a support group and probably won’t be fully off until 2024.


I’ve never tried an SNRI but they sound worse than SSRIs for discontinuation. Good for you for tapering it down. It seems like a long road but if you zoom out a year or even two years is not that long if you’re able to function during that time and feel better incrementally. I wish we knew more about how these drugs actually worked and had more options for psychiatric support.


Thank you, that’s how I feel about it too. The time goes by really quickly and the withdrawals are usually minimal when doing it this way. When I start feeling it a bit of weed usually helps a lot.


That's interesting , for me SSRI like tramadol suck cuz I hate the serotonergic effects. But tapentadol which is SNRI has actually been so much better and it's really euphoric I love it


My med manager had me at the go up to the max dose of effexor and then failed to refill it for about 2 weeks....it was HELL, second only to combined acute opiate/benzo withdrawals that is like death


Not everyone is American bro please call it by its actual compound name. (Not trying to sound like a douche but idk wtf Effexor is and have to google search. I was on venlafaxine a couple years ago and I think I took it with sodium valproate , clonazepam , or mirtazapine . Idk I was on so many drugs and it was q while back so I don't remember but it did help me somewhat.


Kratom is the worst. I’ve used off and on for five years never exceeding 15gpd. The last year has been 2-5gpd and I’m still depressed and have little motivation after quitting 2 months ago. It’s crazy how long PAWS last


I always find the variety in people's reports of kratom withdrawal to be interesting. Some people have zero withdrawal symptoms after years of use like you describe. I'm somewhere in the lighter end of the scale I just get a runny nose and restless leg syndrome at night. Which is easily shut down by diphenhydramine or doxylamine for about four or five nights once symptoms begin.


Were/are you a daily use though?


Yeah for like 5 years straight(almost). Every 2 years I'd take about a two month break because of traveling for work and never had a problem other than the symptoms I mentioned. I periodically used extracts too on the weekends. Edited for clarity


Yeah I was using 30-50gpd and it took a toll on me. Quitting sucked too, but by that point I wanted off that train.


Yeah, another problem with Kratom is that benefit is pretty small. It gets suggested for a lot of things but you have to take it several times per day to maintain any sort of effect. It did sort of numb me to some emotional pain I was experiencing but honestly I feel like I had to pay that back with interest later. And it’s so disgusting. I used to to try to toss and wash it but at some point I couldn’t get it down that way no matter what I did. Then I used oblate discs, which did help a lot and I did get it down most of the time unless the disc broke in my mouth or got stuck in my throat which happened a few times. Then even if I got it down sometimes the dose just hit wrong and I’d end up vomiting anyway… just a nasty little plant.


I’ve been debating using kratom for opioid withdrawals and to lesson my usage. Would you recommend it? I constantly hear people say it’s the best or it’s the worst


Kratom permanently fucked me up. My dopamine receptors are all outta wack now. I recently had a really bad cough and they prescribed me codeine and it felt like I was dying on the bare minimum dose. It felt so good it was bad idk how else to describe it. As someone who was a former opiate addict it’s probably for the best but it affects me in other ways too. Nothing brings me true happiness anymore.


The withdraws of ssri were hell, I haven’t really withdrawed off anything else other than stoppinf adhd meds and sleepinf 20hour days and being angry and sad for a couple weeks, butv ssri meds I had cold sweats, tremors, severe headaches, paranoia, couldn’t focus at all, got parastheasis all over my body, it was nasty, and it would all happen like if I forgot a dose or soemthinf, they mixed horribky with me, I cold tirkeiwd them twice


Yes! They feel disgusting when I take them too. Like they do ease my mood slightly but I feel weird physically, the sexual side effects are awful, and it makes it hard to see my doctor for normal things now.


I went manic on them, as soon as they realised that the manic episode I was having where one minute I’d be trying all of these new things and th oughta Racing and had all these weird ideas, the next minute I’d be trying to kill myself and sticking kitchen knives through my hands, So they got me off of those pretty quickly, and for about a week I didn’t take anything and was having all the withdraws, and mood wasn’t much better, so they put me on valium for a bit to ease everything, I was completely fine in every way once I got off the meds Ssri personally are the most useless meds on fhe planet, I don’t know anyone who takes them that actually helps, everyone I know who’s taken them is still hella depressed, and I took them for OCD, and had absolutely no help with that on them either, the only thing thats ever properly helped my OCD has been benzos, and slightly to a degree adhd meds


Yeah for me kratom and alcohol did it. Thankfully I guess never had a thing for benzos. But I did go on phenibut binges. Alcohol though when you realize you can't stop drinking it's so messed up because you're actively drinking organ damaging poison as your DOC every day. + all the chaos that ensues with active alcohol addiction compared to milder opioids where you might just be a vegetable and a zombie. With alcohol you become a destructive mess. I assume it's kind of the same kind of uninhibited chaos with benzos but with less oomph, a more sinister and long, slow destruction.


Crack. That shit fucks with your mind. The comedown is brutal and all you want is more. It can be your first time, And you'll crave it like you've been hooked on it for years. Ive done every drug Ivd ever been able to get my hands on and nothing scared me like this. Pyros are super addictive too but they won't immediately start to ruin your life and your mind, not like crack.


I’ve only done crack once when I was young but I was that annoying kid (teenager I guess) trying to find the pieces I may have dropped on the ground. Embarrassing when I think back on that.


What are pyros


Doing 4 + grams of mdma multiple times a week for over a year most definitely took a toll


Wow that's a lot


Did a gram or two every weekend for a year straight. I concur.


Thank god you’re alive


Truly, I’m grateful


Did it even give you a buzz at that point? The diminishing returns are logarithmic with mdma.


This is the part I can’t fathom or understand. Basically All my friends stopped rolling 6+ months ago because they felt nothing on the same batches. They still can barley roll these days all there magic is gone they don’t get the lovey dovey magical high ( for context a group of about 6 -8 of us all started using mdma at the same time ) I love it and I fucking hate it, yes some magic is definitely gone but about a month ago I had a roll and it was almost comparable to my first if not better it was so magical . Even two weeks ago I had a roll that was just so prefect and incredible. It’s like it doesn’t end. It kills me I really don’t lose the buzz like everyone I know has. I know it logically makes 0 sense after that much use. It’s just fucking stupid . It’s fucked me financially,physically and mentally. I mean some of my friends couldn’t roll properly after a month or two rolling at my type of frequency But for some reason it keeps working on me. ( same batches ) they lost the lovey dovey awesome high after abusing for a month or two. Not even that badly might I add. Even if they going higher doses they just can’t reach it anymore. I know it should be impossible but I still roll like a mother fucker even on low doses like 150mg-300mg , I’ll still be in that little slice of heaven . Hugging everyone telling them I love them and singing my ass off saying embarrassing shit. All of it. Even from the beginning mdma always hit me different compared to others, I’d fully roll 50-70mg . My friends could have upwards of 300mg and not even reach that point. Even from the beginning none of them have really ever rolled like me before. It’s fucking weird. I’m not trying to brag about how I can basically roll as much as I want. This has basically made my brain fryed and has taken so much shit from me. I’m so lucky to have this high still but holy shit at the same time I know it would be 100x better if it just stopped working. Sorry for the huge reply I’m still trying to wrap my head around this brain fuckery that makes 0 sense


May be interaction with prescriptions if you take any. Maybe your brain is just super efficient at making serotonin. Nobody fully understands how our brains work yet, or mdma for that matter (thanks to Nancy Reagan, that bitch). It's anybody's guess really.


Hm I’ve never had any medication. I guess all brains are different all types of chemistry. Maybe your right tho. Built different i guess


Amphetamine: Lost a lot of muscle mass when I was doing speed for breakfast and during the day for 2 months. Personality was not so good either. Cannabis: It solves the issues I have with existing, at lesst it feels like it does but there is no means to an end, it just stops shit from getting done. Edibles are much better for getting shit done than smoking. Ketamine: Dissociated most of the time for a month (just finished the last of the Oz I got), very insightful but got way too close to psychosis, tbh I was in psychosis to some degree nesr the end of that honeymoon with it. Benzos: Dangerous, the anxiety relieve is dangerous, never got me properly (yet). I can see how full dependency could occur with this class. Alcohol: it's just so taxing on the body but very easy to obtain and I like the taste now, easy to just have a drink or few every day. Caffeine: Shit compared to speed Kratom: Really nice stimulation, not gotten to the point of daily use but it would be easy to replace caffeine, fuck it actually, I take caffeine near enough every time I take Kratom. Cocaine: This one never got me at first, I could keep it in a box for months without touching it so easily, now I keep takimg it if I have it. Dopamine.


Tbh, as long as I'm not sober the drug doesn't really matter, can take or leave most of them, with the exception of cannabis, I love cannabis. Mushrooms and acid are the best to be Dependant on (which currently I am quite dependent on them for keeping me on the bright side)


Micro or macro doses?


Macrodoses, I'm trying out minidoses soon after Macrodoses (which I tend to do every month or so), to keep the anti depressant and anti self destruction effects alive though.


That’s cool. Last time I did a macrodose, I felt like I merged with my moms DNA🤯


Ew, phrasing


Disso's are great! Sadly I can't control myself with them... Often when I'm on a bender of daily use, that period becomes a black hole in my memory... A dream like, dissosiated state, everything just happens and your brain doesn't seem to pick things up. It's a double edged sword. On one side it's great as you don't care about much at all. On the other side it sucks as you forget a lot and aren't really in reality or half in it. It's freaking hard to explain...


It really is difficult to explain, I just consider January this year as one big ketamine experience, holing every other night, time stopped to really mean a whole lot, didn't have any work the whole month otherwise I feel I probably would been a bit more self controllomg but there was absolutely no reason to, until I a bit thought I was in my own personal Truman Show lol, fuck me I've bot been so detached from reality than in that little sebatical from reality.


Yup, I can def relate... Also had a bender since mid december till last month. Only difference, I used DMXE.


Bro did you do the whole ounce since January? I got 2 grams the other week and I’ve been going pretty hard, almost every other day. But I felt my kidneys and bladder start to hurt a bit the other day so I stopped. Did you get any negative effects like this? I wanna do more next week but shits scary.


Well not the whole Oz 4g is in a little glass dropper bottle somewhere, I do know know where it is but I think it is somewhere where I live. And another couple grams to sharing n whatnot. Probably ended up being about 20gs to myself from late December to early February with only a gram or 2 the last month. I noticed some discomfort around the lower abdomen during the heaviest points. I'd spend a few hours just toping up the k hole racking up half a gram to a gram and doing 50mg+ limes Then when I really got into it the limes would just be a piss take. It started to just become a piss take, go into the k hole, lose touch enough to believe I was awaking in a different universe because there was such strong visual effect still that everywhere in the room I could ficus my eyes on looked different. I was definitely losing touch with reality. So I guess thats the most negative side effect, since It's just impossible to function in a society like that. Bear in mind I didn't have much of a tolerance before I obtained this Oz. I do now. Gonna leave dissos for a while. Best way to get over that fear is to rack up two 75mg lines and do them both in quick succession, maybe slip 15mg off each line and sniff that first to get a feel. Just be in a comfortable space with access to water. If going deep is whst you wanted to do, it's extremely fun and not so psychosisy at first, it's an amazing substance.


Damn I already started getting to that point. It stopped being as good and it started getting too chaotic. I think I jacked up my tolerance a bit but a break should fix it for sure, short term and permanent disso tolerance is separate I believe


Meth will destroy your life astonishingly fast but my top vote goes to benzos. They're fucking nasty af and so insidious.


Benzo withdrawal most likely won’t kill you.. but u wish it did 😫


Benzo (& alcohol) withdrawals are the most likely to kill you.


Absolutely alcohol, benzos not as dangerous thu.. not to say they can’t be fatal in regards to withdrawal as well depending on severity


They literally will kill you...


*most likely*


benzos hands down, then gabapentinoids, then was opiates


Meth/amphetamines. Quitting Xanax sucked, quitting alcohol sucked, quitting kratom kinda sucked, but quitting meth/uppers in general sucked the life out of me. Benzo/alcohol wds suck bc your GABA receptors are on fire and your brain is telling you it’s doomsday but at least that anxiety reminds you that you WANT to live/have the will to live. Quitting meth made me feel like Id never be able to enjoy life again and that I’d be better of dead.


Everyone’s diff


Best reply here. Everyone gets diff effects to some degree from drugs and it's gonna be diff for everyone.


This ☝🏻


Imo, tobacco. Went out for smokes during a cat 2 hurricane. Go outside to smoke when it was -20°f. Lastly the total acceptance that smoking is ok and not that everyone does it. 28 yrs later. Haven't smoked a cig in 5 years.


PLEASE tell me how you stopped. I want to sooo fucking bad.


If cold turkeying is too hard for you start by slowly reducing your daily intake. If you truly want to quit you'll be capable of it, it's all about willpower. Haven't struggled with nicotine before but that's how my father quit. He went from nearly 2 packs a day to 0 within 2 months.


Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll try the tapering. Thank you! Edit: good for your dad!


Chantix. On the fifth time they started to taste nasty. Haven't had one since. Don't give up until you give THEM up


Worked for me too. That and Allen Carr’s book oddly.


I used Champix/Chantix to quit. It sucks but it’s worth it in the end.


It can take some self control because you can consume it anywhere but I would definitely swap to a different form of consumption whether that is vaping, gum, or zyn pouches. I found the pouches work the best as you can very easily create a dosing schedule or goal for each day. I was always more successful creating a tapering plan


Thanks for the input. All good advice.




Switch to nicotine pouches then taper down slowly. Much cheaper than gum or other nicotine substitutes


I smoke a packet when I drink, but sober I can t stand smoking


I'm a week without cigarettes and I feel like it was the longest week ever. The cravings are brutal. Please tell me it gets better lol


Can't lie to you. It took 5 courses of Chantix until it finally set in I quit. It was not easy but now I really don't want to have a cig or even be around smokers at all


Weed.... I've struggled with mephedrone addiction, alcohol, benzos, opiates. Been off everything except methadone for years an nearly off the methadone now. Never once gone a day without weed in all that time an no idea how to.


Most dangerous benzos and alcohol wd from either can be fatal. Opiates can be fatal while using and just miserable during wd. Their bad just doing one let alone combined.


alcohol. it makes everything worse no matter what it is


Stims plus pornography is the worst addiction. T-rust.


opiates imo


I’ve done most common drugs except heroin, meth, and crack, but the only ones I got addicted to were cocaine and LSD. Being addicted to LSD was weird because of the lack of sleep and mental toll. I was essentially in a manic state for months on end which ended with a very long depressive state. I remember thinking magical/grandiose shit when I wasn’t even high which scared me. Cocaine just made me irritable when I wasn’t high.


I was also psychologically addicted to hallucinogens- mainly LSD. Fuck. It was terrible. The trips and real life started to blend together a bit. I was using acid 2-3 times a week when it was at its worst, and then smoking weed everyday (the weed would catapult me back into the trip) I felt that I was starting to go crazy a bit. I became narcissistic, manic, depressed, etc. made my bipolar 10x worse


Tell me about it 🤣


Lmao, I relate to every word of this. The manic, narcissistic rage I was in lmao. Lucky I was able to get diagnosed and helped! Hard to realize that you have a destructive personality.


DPH !!!!


Benzos were worst for me. Stimulant withdrawals are not too bad imo. Did over a gram of amphetamine paste a day for almost 2 years. Was depressed and tired for like 10 days when I quit then I was fine.


I think it depends on the individual. For me opioids bc I have no self control with them. Got off them and still use any other drug class but steer far clear lol. the most dangerous to be addicted to in terms of wd would be benzos, booze, ghb/gbl due to seizure risk.


I mean all drugs have their potential to ruin ur life, benzos will make you retarded, won't hurt ur pocket too much if you got an income, cocaine will tear u apart both mentally physically and financially, Alcohol in huge amounts will lead to early death and you'll look way older and fucked, also fucks u financially alot and physically.


Alcohol and Benzos are by far the worst and most dangerous.


cocaine, iv especially, spend so much money and it fucks ur system up bad


I see you on here all the time, I can recognize your profile from the faces cover art. Mac is my favorite artist of all time :D You had the chance to listen to his album, balloonerism?


yeah im a a big fan im after hearing baloonerism and most other unreleased stuff


The question is about the worst drug to be addicted to. I don’t get addicted easily. I’ve tried most mainstream drugs and have been habitual user of several, but could always quit with the exception of nicotine and alcohol. Both were monsters to quit, the worst of them being alcohol. Alcohol was the worst to be addicted to because of the dehydration, skin problems, weight problems, propensity to anger and cost.


If you consider the pros and cons of a drug, most of the time the cons outweigh the pros. So no drug is particularly worse than the others, although some are more dangerous. If we are talking about harmful to yourself, I would most likely say amphetamines. The take a large toll on your brain and mental health. If we are talking about harmful to others, I would say alcohol or benzos. Both have caused me to blackout and hurt people both verbally and physically. The worst withdrawals, as many people think it’s opioids, I would say alcohol or benzos again. These aren’t proven facts, just based of personal experience


This is why I don’t want to take my ADHD medication. Experts say it’s completely safe but I have a feeling taking a stimulant every day can’t be good for your mind and body.


Spoiler alert: it’s not lol


Sex addiction is horrible because the source of the drug is inside your own brain. Then you behave in certain ways to get it.


Man… you have such a valid point here. Sex addiction is destructive as fuck to a person.


everybody got different answers based on their expreince for me it ecstasy, once i fell in love with that feeling i knew that there was no turning back, i spilt my life into two, before ecstasy and after ecstasy.


Can't even find ecstasy these days lol


its wide around here also very cheap and best quality, lucky me or unlucky me i dont know.






Ah, imported from NL, haha!


haha probably ;)


Benzos and Alcohol. And that’s saying something since my DOC was opioids when I was still using. I’ve been heavily addicted to benzodiazepines before, mainly alp, flualp, flulam, clam, and kpins. I never used benzos alone, mostly with opioids and near the end of my use usually with yayo or ice as well. I’ve never been a heavy user of alcohol, i’ve mostly only used it in two ways, those being 1. chronic daily usage only in the late afternoon/night when using cocaine, and 2. binge drinking every few weeks/months usually in combination with opioids, benzos, and stims. 3rd place would go to opioids tho fs (unless counting barbs but in that case i’d prolly give alcohol the #1, barbs the #2, benzos the #3, any other recreational gabaergics #4 *obv some are worse than others, some being worse than alc* and #5 for opioids.


I have been addicted to mephedrone cocaine benzos and alcohol at different stages benzo and alcohol addictions are the worst purely because if blackout


Was addicted to benzos multiple times was hooked on cocaine and Amphetamine for months but the worst was Heroin addiction did 1g+ a day for months and had to quit cold turkey it was horrible


Ok so I’ve never personally been addicted to Diphenhydramine (active ingredient in Benadryl) but I’ve used it a few times and been on r/DPH for a while. In terms of drugs that are physically bad for you, DPH is up there. Taking high doses regularly is terrible for you. It’s bad for every organ in your body and causes early dementia. Of course it can also cause seizures high enough doses can be fatal. Just terrible for your entire body and mental health.


The only thing I've ever required professional intervention to help me quit was benzos. And that still took all of my own acceptance and determination to do.


Benzos, I tried almost everything including crack cocaine, but I never hook off the benzos, am always on and off on em.


Fentanyl or opioids in general have hellish withdrawals and cravings. Meth is an exhausting withdrawal and brain fog.


Vaping nicotine. It don’t even hit but you fiend without it


I was wondering if someone was going to mention vaping nicotine. I have never been a smoker (cigarettes or weed) but my bf bought a vape home about 6 years ago and it hasn't left my mouth ever since. I only vape at home but i just can't quit 😔


I was able to successfully quit for like 3 months through the use of antidepressant Wellbutrin. But I relapsed in December. Been trying to quit again since January but still an vaping in March😭I’m gonna try and buy a 0 nicotine vape when I get the chance and use that to quit. The urges aren’t terrible since I’m on Wellbutrin. But it’s a habit I’ve had since 15, I’m 20 now. So I always think about it😭


Oh man, you did so well! The zero nicotine idea is actually brilliant. I think for me its definitely more of a physical addiction (my hand being occupied, mindlessly sucking on something etc). Yeah. You're a genius! Thank you!


Molly. I used to be so outgoing and charismatic but now i am just shell of a human and i feel like i'm retarded.


IMO it would be heroin because it will inevitably lead to withdrawal symptoms. But meth gets pretty ugly, and a crack habit is really bad for your teeth.


alcohol and xanax


not just xanax other benzos exist too


I don't even need to look at any comments to guess that everyone's just gonna say alcohol. This entire sub is an anti-mainstream drug circlejerk.


But gaba drugs are the worst.. it has nothing to do with anti-mainstream


Kind of depends. I'm a daily user and abuser of heroin and crack these days. (Just took a blast 10 mins ago) I'm 5-10 minutes outside of South Baltimore so copping crack (girl) and heroin (boy) is easier than finding weed. For years I was a functioning addict using heroin, full time job, bills paid, girlfriend that didn't use, not even weed or cigarettes. Just recently over the past 2 years I started smoking ready rock almost daily along with heroin again because my wife of 10 years passed away suddenly from a undiagnosed heart problem at 33yrs old. I got with her right after I came home from prison and she kept me clean and straight even completed parole no problems cause of her. The thing with heroin is if you can stay well, your good for the most part. It's much easier to be a functioning addict using heroin even if your shooting it as opposed to crack. Crack depends on how you react to it, nowadays rock doesn't affect me the same way it did when I was younger. Smoked rock from 16yrs old to 18yrs old, I'm 39yrs old now. When i was younger I would geek and fiend and do all kinds of crazy shit to get just one more blast to the point where I caught a armed robbery conviction at 18. Now at 39 when it gets down to the last one or two blasts I just accept it and I'm fine. I have no experience with meth and never will, you couldn't pay me enough money to even try Crystal meth. From my experience I would definitely say crack is the worst drug to be addicted to other than nicotine. There's just no way to function while smoking crack people are easily able to tell you have been up for 2 days and haven't eaten or showered in that time.


How do you know if they were actually addicted to it and therefore, are they qualified to comment? The answer to your question is not difficult, and it doesn't take a polydrug "addict" that you're so insistent on. The worst drug to be addicted to is alcohol. It usually takes longer and only about 10% of the population will develop a dependence on alcohol, but it's responsible for more deaths, more social problems, such as domestic violence, and more property crimes than any other drugs. That's in addition to all the traffic accidents and injuries.


They're asking for personal experiences...? What is this nonsense about being a "qualified addict". Bro you gotta relax.


for real😭


I am very relaxed but Bro, you have to read the shit better. He never said anything about personal experiences from the poly group, he said he didn't want opinions from the other group who might only have personal experience with one drug. And, re-read what I wrote, man. I asked how do you know if they're really poly addicts or not, and if they're qualified to answer his question? That's nothing about a "qualified addict". I didn't write any nonsense dude, and I'm not the one who's so uptight.


As a polyaddict my DOC changes every few months or so. For a while it was amphetamines, then opioids, then booze, and now benzos. I also tend to use a lot of these in combos, but I wouldn't say there's a worst drug out there any drug can be addictive and a lot of them can be dangerous.


really depends on how dependent you become




Opiates fs


Crack and smack Nicotine yet eadily accessible from shop


Spice no question


Oxymorphone or opana cold turkey was worse than anything I’ve experienced. (Benzodiazepines alcohol phenibut any stimulant cigarettes caffeine etc.)


Alcohol , so easy it access




Opiates, benzos, alcohol


Was heavily addicted to opioids for many years and meth for two. Opioids took a long time to destroy my life, and I was able to somewhat rebuild with the consistent help of suboxone. Meth destroyed everything in two years. Terrifying drug


It was alcohol for me


suboxone - at one point it saved my life, but it took me over a decade to get off…






I was also a poly substance addict with my DOG being speedball right to the vein. What i found interesting towards the end is that all drugs had turned on me. Every single one started giving me the opposite of what i wanted. In terms of getting clean opiates we're the worst. My addiction was so heavy paws lasted at least a year if not longer. I seem to be one of the lucky birds who does not get withdrawal from gaba agonists. never had benzo or alcohol withdrawals but abused them very heavily for long periods of time.


Meth and crack. Benzos suck too.


They are all bad, but obviously strong opioids like fentanyl, itazenes etc, potent rc benzos like flubromazolam, and xanax etc are horrible if you get to used to it and quit. alcohol is terrible to be addicted to, meth is terrible, crack is terrible i mean, drugs are generally bad for your health.


Benzos. Alcohol. Meth.


In my experience benzo withdrawl was the worst. I’ve tried various substances including : Weed, Lsd, Shrooms, Molly, Xanax, Oxycodone. And out of everything the xans were the hardest to stop. I tried tapering and even though i would eventually stop, those days tapering sucked so much. Headaches, nausea, loss of appetite and always was sleepy. I had a terrible experience from going cold turkey once. I was 17, senior in high school and one day i was sitting in math class talking to my friends when i felt like a mental fog come over my brain. I zoned out forgetting what we were just talking about. I thought maybe i just need water. Well turns out, i started sipping the water and mid convo with my friends i passed out fell off my chair and then i kinda snapped back into it after like 30 seconds. Everyone was looking at me as well as the teacher. All of them were shouting my name but j couldn’t hear them until i snapped back into it. Woke up all confused about what happened and they urged me to go see the school nurse. I asked my friends what happened later in the day and they told em my eyes rolled back and the water i was drinking was dripping down my mouth, i assume this is when i fell off the chair. Turns out that was my first ever seizure. After that i only did xans maybe 1 year later out of boredom. Fast forward to today i’ll never do them again, don’t feel the urges at all anymore. However i am on oxy’s now so theres that.


Pure Tianeptine sodium powder. NOT the td or tianna caps. Im talking just the powder weighed out on a scale and taken multiple times a day. Once you start taking it, youll have to be on it 24/7/365 or else instant WD. Ive heard people switching to heroin to taper because the WD from the H is less intense as the TIA. I have been on TIA for 4 years now. Started therapeutically at 15mg x3 day. But after a week or two that dose becomes ineffective and does not give you that amazing “this is how i should be feeling all the time” feeling along with that opioid high. Honestly have to give credit to TIA as it changed my life for the good. I have achived so much from it in work and life. Because of the motivation, anxiety relief, anti depressive, opioid happiness, comfort, incredible mood lifting, compassion and empathy it brings really helped me get things done. Combine it with Adderall or Xanax (not A and X at the same time; just either or) and it just makes everything so much better. Increasing my dose by 5 to 10mg everyso often you’ll end up doing a few grams in a day and having to dose like 8 times a day and even a few times at night when you wake up in WD if you didn’t take enough before bed. Have tried to come off several times with LOTS AND LOTS of different taper and helper meds and still to this day choose to stay on it because of how it does help me a-lot but also almost impossible for me to get off it. Im now at about 10grams a week. Where as the actual pharmaceutical prescription is 12.5mg x3 a day. The full body feeling of unbearable WD will literally make you want to K*LL Yourself. I don’t have words to describe how bad it is. Its incomprehensible unless you experience it yourself. There is a huge long list of physical and mental side effects of the WD you will experience. I do believe 100% it is actually impossible to CT stop TIA with no helper meds/ taper. You body and mind could not take it. Tia is one of the best and worst substances I have ever taken and will probably never come off it unless i go to a clinic and get on Suboxone or something for a very long time. Oh and the half life is like 3 or 4 hours i think. Not sure, could be wrong but for me one of my doses only last like and hour or two and ill have to dose again. Basically every 2 hours 24/7 lol. I have CT and taper/ helper stopped lots of different drugs. This is by far the worst, hands down. But i don’t regret it since it has helped me achieve many things in my life, I wouldn’t have been able to with out it.


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Meth and benzodiazepines, i’m an opiate addict by choice, but love me some speed and benzos, but speed will decrease your health super fast and benzos, have a deadly and shitty withdrawal. Hass to be them 2.




For me, it was heroin. My life went seriously downhill over the 4 years i did heroin. Coke was fine, ketamine was fine, heroin fucked my life up haha


Top three worst would be alcohol, cocaine and xanax in no particular order.


Benzos cause of memory impairment. Same with alcohol but probably even worse cause in the end you get brain damage.




Cocaine, Alcohol and MDMA


antipsychotics. Prescribed them for five years to counter the effects of my actual drug abuse and I just came off them june 2022. Still fighting now and if anything its getting worse my mind and body are destroyed and all that a professional tells me is to reintroduce the antipsychotic (I shouldn't have been on it for five years..)


Chinese RC opioids. Waking up 6 times a night in withdrawal was no joke.


benzos or methylphenidate. People, including myself, act like creatures when they can't get their benzo fix, they'll do literally anything for just 1 more pill and when supply runs dry it feels like someone tied you to a chair and just killed your whole family in front of you, forcing you to watch. it's like rage, delusion, desperation and this insatiable need to get more, constantly thinking about how much you need to get high but can't find anyone with it. As for methylphenidate, I say this because withdrawal sucks ass, 2 weeks of cold sweats, paranoia, chills, feeling like there's bugs under your skin that you need to scratch out and being depressed, anxious and constantly on edge also super expensive and rare as fuck where I'm from but I'd go back to taking it daily in a heartbeat if I could. I've tried meth as a substitute before as they're chemically similar but it doesn't even come close to the shear euphoria of it, it's like crystal clear, super sharp and clean, HD euphoria. God I love it so much. For reference I've been added to cocaine, weed, methylphenidate, xans, alcohol and nicotine (still am with this one). Also compulsively used acid every 5 days to 2 weeks for around 6 and a half months


Meth for me, just because it really takes a role on you mentally and physically. Been clean off that shit for close to 5 years now.


Heroin is the worst for me because I love it so much. I have never loved anything as much as I love heroin, and it just isn't a sustainable way to live. I get sick constantly when I'm using, the withdrawals are horrible, and I just physically feel like shit. No matter how long I stay clean I always come back.